[an Analysis Of The Financial Crisis In The United States] 08 – An Analysis Of The Financial Crisis

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Prophetic Brief Insight and Analysis for the 21st Century An Analysis of the Financial Crisis in the United States - Part 8


All prophetic analysis and a correct worldview must begin with God. Our worldview begins with a gaze into another dimension and with receiving and accepting core elements of the nature of God Himself as it relates to making sense of the nature of life here in the mortal realm of Man.


Global warming, food shortage, financial meltdown, war and genocide…Crisis is occurring on every continent, and the nations are troubled and perplexed. It is a time for the Church to receive insight from God and to perceive the reality behind the crises. We must correctly perceive what is occurring in the nations as this age rushes towards the point of culmination and climax.

Yesterday Barack Obama took the oath of office and became the 44th President of the United States, a historic day on several levels. Using the same Bible that Abraham Lincoln used for his oath of office provided gripping symbolism of America’s journey from the dark days of slavery to Emancipation, followed by decades of Jim Crow law and the fight for civil rights and now to Obama’s election. The inauguration was also another peaceful transfer of power in a long line of transitions going back to the 1770s; the American political system allows an outgoing president to willingly cede power to another and all the organs of government to follow suit is remarkably healthy and consistent. In these two ways the American republic is very healthy indeed. Obama inherits a nation and a wider world in transition and crisis, and we know from the Word of God that increasing crises and an intensified environment of terror are part of our movement to the End. Looking forward, it would not be difficult to imagine a scenario in which a “perfect storm” of individual crises occur one upon the other or even simultaneously, stressing the nations of the earth to the breaking point. Imagine for a moment one week in time in 2017, or 2027, when a bird flu epidemic races across Asia, killing 100,000 and shutting down travel in major portions of the world while throwing the health care system into crisis. At the same time, a Category 5 hurricane makes landfall in New York and puts Wall Street under water, radically affecting not only the New York Stock Exchange but also Europe & Asia, and setting off global panic and a run on the banks. When it can’t seem to get any worse, another terrorist attack in Mumbai brings India and Pakistan to the brink of nuclear standoff, and in the chaos and disorder caused by the global panic one of those nations launches a limited nuclear strike against the other. A hypothetical future, but you can see we are almost there now! Not a pretty scenario, but in the face of the reality that crisis will increase and become a consistent feature of the end times, we must

be able to see through the difficulties coming upon the earth from the perspective of the Kingdom of God. Our attention must be drawn back to the definitions of true power, and we must recover the reality of the Kingdom which empowers us to act as a catalyst and conduit to the spiritual power that impacts systems in the earth.

Jeremiah, Zedekiah & Nebuchadnezzar Jeremiah 37:16 Jeremiah was put into a vaulted cell in a dungeon, where he remained a long time. Then King Zedekiah sent for him and had him brought to the palace, where he asked him privately, "Is there any word from the LORD?” "Yes,” Jeremiah replied, "you will be handed over to the king of Babylon.” (NIV) There are three key players in this narrative: a) Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, who represents great power and natural control in the economic, military and geo-political realm; b) Zedekiah king of Judah represents those affected by the exercise of such power, in this case a colony subject to an empire which would impose their political will via occupation and captivity; c) Jeremiah, a prophet who was placed in prison by political officials who had rejected his prophetic insights about the



Isaiah 60:2-3 (NIV) See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you. 3 Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn. impending captivity. Zedekiah’s illusion of power faded as the crisis in the nation intensified, while Jeremiah brought governance and understanding to the events as they unfolded in the nations just as he had predicted. We must ask at this point: who was the real king in this series of events: mighty Nebuchadnezzar, terrified Zedekiah, or the prophet Jeremiah? Although both Judah and Babylon participated in the unfolding drama, neither nation dictated the course of international events—each was unwittingly moved towards the purposes of God by the spiritual power of the Kingdom of God expressed through the prophet Jeremiah. Dominion can be correctly described as the ability to act as a catalyst and conduit to the spiritual power that impacts systems in the earth (This definition is from Dr. Noel Woodroffe’s teaching on “Rulership and Representation”, circa 2007). Jeremiah prophesied captivity, and the armies of Babylon swept into Israel and carried the Jews into slavery. Seventy years later, Daniel declared that it was the time for restoration,

and the people were liberated and sent back to re-build. These prophets served as ‘book ends’ which governed over Babylon’s usefulness as an agent of judgment against disobedient Israel, and their function exposed the political power and military strength of the Babylonian empire for what it really was—a malleable tool in the hand of a sovereign God, regulated by those on the earth who exercised partnership with the divine mind. So what does a crisis do? • It reveals the true Church in the earth as the “greatest king”. The Babylonian invasion of Israel revealed that the person driving the process was not Nebuchadnezzar nor Zedekiah, but Jeremiah an ambassador of the Lord. When God called him He declared that He had set him over kingdoms and nations in order to destroy and uproot, to build and to plant (Jeremiah 1:10). Jeremiah was the one overseeing the process as He partnered with the Lord in superintending the nations of the earth. Joseph was just another guy in prison until there was a crisis in the

Nations will stumble in the gloom and darkness of unsolvable problems , increasing crisis and the inability to deal with conditions prevalent at the time of the End. At that time there must be light rising during the season of deep darkness, a light that attracts nations towards the brightness and ascendancy of a correct Church.


Pharaohnic power structure of the empire. A time of crisis is a time when the Church rises to its full power and functionality. • It reveals that God has a purpose for the nations, and He is actively moving in the affairs of men. God has always been acting redemptively towards man and the nations, and the ultimate purpose is that all the families of the nations of the earth will bow down before Him (Psalm 22:27). Without Jeremiah’s insights history would have recorded that a strong empire, Babylon, gained an additional colony, Israel. But because he saw into the divine mind he declared the purpose of this geopolitical event from God’s mind so the people could have knowledge and act wisely. • It reveals the illusion of power in the natural realm as false. In the natural realm the illusion is held both by those who have the ability to influence natural outcomes (Babylon choosing to invade, occupy and enslave Israel based on its military superiority); as well as those who are at the mercy of those with carnal power (Israel shaking in fear and trying to ward off invasion). Power in the Kingdom is defined as obedience, so we see Jeremiah being obedient to the Lord even though he was imprisoned for it. The crises which will hit the nations with increasing frequency will reveal the power of the nations to be nothing in the face of meltdown and devastation, and God will show Himself to an earth which is terrorized in fear. • It validates the suffering of the righteous. Jeremiah ate bread and water in the cistern for a time, and he was also beaten and sentenced to house arrest in the house of Jonathan, a secretary whose home they had made into a prison. Jesus said that a hallmark of the prophets and apostles he would send to the earth was persecution and death, and James urged us to take the prophets as an example of suffering. There is a community of martyrs that is crying out before the throne of God, asking how long it


will be before God avenges their blood, and His answer to them is that they must wait until their numbers are made complete by the present suffering taking place (Revelation 6:9-11). There must be a corporate Jeremiah on the earth in these days. Kings who suffer with blindness and fear as God’s judgment is meted out and empires rise and fall must be told “there is a man in your kingdom” who can interpret the mysteries. This Church must not be the pitiful, corrupt entity which parades across our televisions and boasts in their jets and their fine suits, a people whose character and lifestyle is deeply Babylonian and who present no discernible difference between themselves and those living in darkness.

The Architecture of the New Prophetic Dimension A revolutionary new look at prophetic reality as it exists in the 21st century church. get this book>

Isaiah 60:2 See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you. 3 Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn. (NIV) Nations will stumble in the gloom and darkness of unsolvable problems, increasing crisis and the inability to deal with conditions prevalent at the time of the End. At that time there must be light rising during the season of deep darkness, a light that attracts nations towards the brightness and ascendancy of a correct Church. Leaders must lift up their voices and point people towards migration towards the present purposes of God, and cynical and shallow believers must return to the Lord with their whole heart and be built up into strong Christ-like representatives.

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We must build a Powerful Church that thrives in a time of Crisis!

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Releasing The New Prophetic Dimension • Activating The Capacity To Build • Obeying The Command To Finish

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