An Alokik Life Story Of Dada Chandrahas

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Book availableat: Literature Department, PandavBhawan"Mount Abu-307 501.


: 5,000(March,2002)

Publisher& Printer: Lit erature D epar tment, Om ShantiPress,Gyanamrit Bhawan, Abu Road - 307 501 Shantivan, Phone:(02974)-28721,28125, 28126

Copy right: VishwaVidyalaya' BrahmaKumarisIshwariya Prajapita 307 501 Abu Mounl Bhawan, Pandav Raiasthan,India

FOREWORD The BrahmaKumaris I shwariya V i shwaV idyalaya" a world-wide institute,is giving the teachingsof spiritual knowledgeandRajaYoga in orderto bring purity, peace andhappinessto humankind. of spiritualitycomingto the organisation Searchers have greatcuriosity for discovering present time at the how this huge tree startedin the form of a tiny sapling and how it grew to such proportions. A couple of publicationsof the history of the early days basedon the descriptionsof the original jewels are already available.But even then, there can never be enough literature on the thrilling history of the mouthborn children of PrajapitaBrahma. Tlrereforeat the request of many,this brief history of the spiritualinstitutionhas an eyewitness,in beenpresentedby DadaChandrahas, the form of his experiences. Within this text, uniqtteexperiencesof living with Brahma Baba, the entertainingconversationsof the Fatherand the children.aswell asthe specialefforts of Brahma Baba to attain the karmateetstagehave been recordedin simplelanguage. This booklet is the essenceof the experiencesof ChandrahasDada. It is written in such an interesting and knowledgeablestyle that onceyou begin to read it

An Alokik Life Story you will wantto continuetill thevery end. I discovered rnanyanecdotesfor the first tirne. we aregratefulto Dadachandrahasfor describing in this booklethis personalerperiencesas well as for giving us his understanding of thehistoryof the yagya.


BK Brij Mohan New Delhi

MY CHILDHOOI) I hadthe supremegood fortune of being born in Ilyderabad, Sindh, where Shiv Baba's lucky chariot, BrahmaBabawasborn. My family had very close connections with the families of BrahmaBaba,Jagadamba Saraswati,Didi Manmohini andDadi Prakashmani.This is u'hy, in my childhoodI usedto visit them resularlv andplay with them. In l{ydrabad tl'rerewere tr,vocommunities of Sindhis. One was called Arnil and the other was the Bhaibandhcommunity. The Bhaibandhcommunity lived in the city centreand the Amil community lived just outsidethe city in a place called lleerabad. The peopleof this community tendedto be well educated and took jobs in the governmentas collectorsor as lawyersand doctors. In contrast,thosefrom the Bhaibandhcommunity did not havesuchan interestin education.They would studya little andthentook to business.They would go abroadto placeslike Hong Kong, Japan,Singapore, China,Africa, TrinidadandTobagofor 2 -3 yearsand


An Alokik Life Story

returnto Sindhfor 6 monthsaftereaminga lot ofmoney and go back againto thoseplaces. I took birth in a wealthy Bhaibandhfamily in the centreof Hyderabad;Sindh in a streetcalled 'Mukti Street'. My lokik father had his businessin JapanKobe andYokohama. After threeyearshe would return bringing with him a lot of money as well as many Japanese toys for us children. I had two elder sisters andone brother. I was the youngestin the family. My uncleandhis family alsolived with us. My uncle,his son,daughter-in-lawandtheir childrenlived there. My uncle was religious-mindedand thereforedid some smalljobs in the city. My father'sincomeeasilyran the entirehousehold. We also receivedthe rent of two housesand3-4 shopslocatedin the marketplace. Suddenly,however,the dramatook a turn. There wasa disastrous earthquake in Kobe in which my lokik fatherlosthis life. The entirebusinessand shopswere all destroyed.At that time I was aboutsix monthsold. As a resultof this we hadto experiencea lot of financial difficulties and were forced to sell our shops, etc. Becauseof such sorrowful times, my lokik mother passedawayby the time I was six yearsold. E,venmore sorrow followed, as without our mothertherewas no one to look afterus. Fortunately, my mother'ssisterwho wasmaffied into a very wealthy family adoptedme andmy brother(my two eldersisters

Mv Childhood werealreadymanied). My mother'ssisterwas married to Bhai Hasaram,the owner of a large firm called J T Chanrai. He had a very big housein which his three sonsandtheir families lived. His eldestsondied in an accident. His two sons and two daughters(Didi Manmohini and Dacli Sheel Indra) lived with their 'Ihe seconds6n, Mulchald mother (QueenMother). lived with his family (Lilavati andHardevi Brij shanta). The third sonBhojraj alsolived therewith his family. All of us children would play togetherand go to schooltogether.Inthis way 3-4yearspassedin laughter and happiness.Therewas then anotherjolt of sorrow. My mother's sisterpassedaway and we two brothers had to leaveher house,aSnow therewas no one else there who could look after us. We moved to our grandmother'shouse,which rvas in a street called Khatubad,lanewherethe enitr"eKripalanifamilieslived. My grandmotherand rlother's brother also belonged to the Kripalanifamily. Ilcidentally. Baba'shousewas in the samelocalitv.


Thebeginningof Om Mandli

......... l0


I becamefreefrom bondage

......... I 6




Om Mandly'snamechangedto BKIVV ......25


The knowledgeof heavenwas revealed





Theestablishment of pakistan.



Going to differentcities in India for divineservice


How Babataughtme engineering


Entertainingdialoguesbetween BabaandMe

....46 .........5 1


10. Theimageof humility- BelovedBaba ........ 60 I I . BababecameKarmateet...


12. Therevelationof belovedBaba



The beginning of Om Mandli

THE BEGINNING OF OM MANDALI I am writing this to illustratehow as a result of the sorrow I experiencedin my early childhood; I remainedfree from the company of friends and bad habitsand thus was able to engagemy intellect in my studiesaswell asin devotionto God. If a holy gathering was ever held by a sageor saint,I would be there. I alsousedto be at the top of theclassin school. I would playchessif I felt like playing. I hadbecomevery adept at this. As I wasquitecleverin my studies,I received a doublepromotion twice or thrice and at the age of T2,rreachedthe matriculationlevel (normallvreached at 15 years). Becauseof thesesanskars,when Baba returned from calcuttaandstartedsatsangin a smallold building, andmy grandmotheradvisedme that Dadaji gavevery goodsatsangs andthoselisteninghad a vision of God, I very happily went there along with her. When we arrivedthere.I foundthat Babawould reada coupleof versesof the Gita and then explain their significance basedon knowledge. The chantingof 'Om' followed this. As soonasthe chantof 'Om' would begin,many motherswould go into trance. Somewould hold Baba's hand and dance and others would shout, 'Friends, Krishnahascome!' and so on. On seeinsall this I was


amazedat how it was possiblefor anyoneto recelvea vision of Sri Krishnawithout an intensedevotion. This news spreadthroughoutthe city and somepeople said that Dadahad learntmagic fiom Calcutta. They would say that on the strength of that magic, Dada sent innocent simple mothersinto trance. As I did not really understandwhat washappening, I stoppedgoing for a few days. But the satsangbegan to grow and after sometimeBaba moved it to his own 'JashodaNiwas'. It was therethat togetherwith house the knowledge, Baba began to explain about pure lifestyle, pure food and drink and divine virtues. There was somuch of powerandmagneticattractionin Baba's voice that those who heard it would instantly put into practicewhat he said. Actually those of the Sindhi community had learnt from foreign lands many dirtl' habits,suchaseatingimpurefood,consumingcigarettes and alcohol etc. Therefore,seeingsuchtransformation in these Samepeople, the onlookers were amazed. Seeingall this,I too begantogo daily. All my relatives also beganto go and therewas greattransformationin their lives. I beganto experiencethe bliss of such a pure cleanlife. Many in the city were influencedin a very good way. My mother'ssister,my grandmother, QueenMother, Brij shalta andtheir families alsobegan to come. My uncle,Hasaramwas a very well known figure in the city. His firm JT Chanraiwasvery famous anddueto this too a very goodimpressionwas created.

The beginning o/'Om Muntlli However,the dramatoclk a suddenturn. when DadiPrakashmani's sisterSati'shusbandretumed1lom abroad,the conflict on purity began. From there the uproarstartedthat the husbandswould be denied sex by their wives going to om Mandali. Having learnt bad habits such as cousumptio' of alcohol and meat etc.from abroad,it wasvery difficult for themto remain pure. when Dadiji's secondandthird sister'shusbands returnedfrom abroad,they all beganto teamup. Their wives had informed them that if they were unable to remainpurethenthey courdmarry again,but the wives, on their part, were determinedto remain pure. On hearingthis, the mukhis and chaudharisu,ereshocked. No marriedwoman woulclever leaveher husbandin sucha way. wrat typeof knowledgewasDadateachi'g them that they were readyto renouncetheir husbands and insist on purity? Even thoughthe husbandsbeat them and threatenedto make them leave home, they remainedfirm in their resolve. Suchnewsbeganto be publishedin the of the articles was entitled'Sindh'scelibatewives'. In this way theuproar gainedmomentum. Many youths,too,joined this uproar. Oneevening whenBaba'ssatsangwas going ofl, 100- r 50 youths gatheredoutsideom Mandali and beganto createan uproar. Two to threebrothersfiom the satsangcalled thepolice,,who cameanddispersedthe youth allowing thebrothersand sistersto retum to their homes. They


eventried to set Om Mandali on fire. Baba gives us the example of Lakha Bhawan (story from the tried to put fire to the Mahabharatawherethe Kar"rravs building where the Pandavswere staying). The fire was put out very quickly. Thesearethe scenesthat I I w-aspresentat the satsang. Despite all the uproar. both Baba and all the brothersand sisterswere able to maintain a peaceful, stablestageas they had the companv of Shiv Baba. Seeingsuchuproar,Babadecidedto shift Om Mandali from the centreof the city to its outskirts. The large 'Om Niwas' was where Baba double-storeybuilding establisheda boardingschool for:the children whose parentsattendedOrn Mandali. The childrenweretaught knowledge,purelifestyleandschooleducationsubjects. Baba entrustedfive Dadis to look after and educate the children(Dadiii, ChandrarnaniDadi, Dadi N{itthu, Dadi Kala andDadi Shantamani).Ivlamausedto guide them. Baba now continuedthe satsangat Om Niwas. Thoseof us who lived at homewould colneon time. I too would go to the satsangby bicycle on my rvay to school. At that time, I was studying in the seventh grade at the Academy High School. The anti-Om Mandali party were determinedto sonrehowban the satsang.They first beganto rnisleadthe elderssuchas mv uncle Hasaramand Mukhi Mangharamthat by


An Alokik Life Story

attendingDada's satsang,homes were broken up. Becauseof beingdeniedsex by their wives, husbands would marry again or turn to prostitutes. children would wanderoff etc. Hasaramw-asinfluencedby their words and stoppedhis family from attending the satsang.Didi, SheelBhen, QueenMother and Dadi Brijshantawere all stopped. Sometimes,Didi and I would slip away to Om Niwas to meet Baba. In my holidaysI usedto go and stay with them. But when Hasaramfound out, he sentme to stay with my elder sister" The anti-Om Mandali party was fuelled by Hasaram'shostility andthey plannedto picket outside Om Niwas. Babawarnedus, the Shakti army,that the picketingwasgoingon outside.The childrenwho lived in om Niwas aswell asthe mothers,who lived in their homes,all arrived. The scenewas very amusing. On one side were the headssuch as Hasaramand other eldersand on the other side - rnothers,young girls, and children. Didi, SheelBhen and myself were also present.On seeinguS,Hasaram'sblood boiled. After all, for how long could one watch one's own children go hungryandthirsty? They hadto finally acceptdefeat. This 'holy war' continuedfor a coupleof daysuntil the collector intervened. on seeingthis agitationin the entirecity, Baba decidedto shift the children of Om Niwas to Karachi

t7 .I BECAME FREE FROM BONDAGE, on seeingDidi in trrepicketing,Hasaramflew into such a ragethat he askedher to get out of the house. when sheleft, SheelBhen and eueen Mother also left and came to om Niwas. Baba renteda flat opposite Om Niwas and the threeof them stayedthere. when om Niwas rnovedto Karachi,the famiries which werefirm in knor.dedgealsoshifted. Baba rented two to threebungalowswheretrreystayed.There were B - 10 families which moved, such as Ishu Dadi,s grandparents,parents,sbrotherand sisters; Hardevi Bhandari's family, chandramani Dadi,s father Ratanchandand his family. Those of us who were in gyanalonewere left in Hyderabad.Ncw the question was how to meet Baba.we could not live without the nectarof knowledge. Somegirls anclmothersin small groupsbeganto go secretlyto Karachi. In this w&y, one day I too reachedKarachi. Baba would always senda telegramto the farnily of whoeverwould arrive in Karachi,that his or her chitclhad arrivedthere" Baba followed the law in this way so that they would not haveto search. Similarly,I too arrivedand surrendered myself to theyagyaandbeganquenchingmy thirst of manv davs.

On the otherside.the anti-OmMandaliparly were at a loss as to what to clo. They beganto put pressure on the relativessaying that they should approachthe governmentandget their chilclrenback,otherwisetheir entire family would be made outcast from the community. They forcedthe fanriliesto go to the Chief Minister in Karachi on tire plea that their chiidrenhad beenlured away by Om Mandali and that they should be retr.rrned.The result rvasthat 3 - 4 warrantswere issueddaily and those children were sent to their relatives. A warrantr,vasalsc-l issuedagainstme. On the sameday, a warrantwas also sentfor GulzarDadi andthe Chief Ministercamepersonallyandtook us in his carto our reiatives.I{asaramwasalsopresentthere andwasthe onegiving instructions.Thatvery/day,my brother-in-iawtook me backto F{yderabad.Onceagain, I foundmyself in bondage. However.I remembered Baba'sadvicethatthose vicious people rvould try to feed us impure food, therefbrewe shouldnot eatwhatthey servedasit would adverselyinfluenceus. I was determinedin this, and thereforerefusedall food. They tried to forceme but I was firm. After not eating for 7 - 8 days, my body beganto becomerveak. They becameworried about what peopiewould sayif the child left the body. They alsohad attachmentfbr me.So they gaveme pennission to preparemy own food. However,I did not want to


An Alokik Life Story

usetheir impure wealth andtold them that I would work and from that money buy grain. They had to accept this. I had learnedsometailoring from Didiji and so I would earn6 - 8 annas(112rupee).From this I would eat chappatisand take milk. I did not even know how to cook anything else. They thought that I was just being stubborn and would get tired afrer a few days. But in this way, threemonthspassedby. Occasionally,theAnti-Om Mandalipeoplewould visit and on seeingme would tell my relativesthat my behaviourwas the result of Dada's magic. Little by little it would wear off as long asthey didn't allow me to meetanyonefrom Om Mandali. However,I yearned to meet Baba and thought about how to meet the brothersand sistersof the yagya. At last when I'd get a chanceI would secretlygo to Om Niwas (Hyderabad)" I'd listen to the murli and news, meet the sistersand returnin the evening. My brother-in-lawbecamevery angry and would thrashme. One night, I saw Baba in a dream,and crying, I embracedhim. Baba said,'Child, do they beatyou? Ok I wiil tell you sucha methodthat they will not be able to touch you and your bondageswill also be broken.' So,the next morning I secretlywrote a ietter and placedit betweenmy clothesin such a way that otherswould easily seeit. They found the letter the next day. In the letterI had written to the Collector, 'f

t9 am beatendaily and if I leaverny body, it will be your responsibility.'On readingthis, m1'relativesbecame afraid. Ifthe collectorhadreceivedthis letter,the police would have arrestedthem. That's it! After that they did not touch me and I would go daily to Om Niwas and meetthe sisters. One day.,I seizedan opportunity and went to Karachi. They then did not put any obstaclesbeforeme andallowedme to remainwhereI washappy. With Baba'ssubtlehelp,I becamefreefrom bondageand cameinto Shiv Baba's lap, the Oceanof Knowledge,forever.

ANTI-OM MANI}ALI PEOPLE'S AGITATION When at last I came into Baba's lap' trbeganto develop a deep interest in the esotericversions of knowledgeand beganto recordthem. In thoseclays, Bhen usedto write the RatanMohini Dadi and Jasr,vant shorthandfrom them I learned versionsin shorthand. andthusremainedbusy in writing the versionsandfair. Baba had rented a very large bungalow - also calledOm Niwas nearClifton Bridge on the outskirts of Karachi. A11the farnilies,brothersand sisterswho had surrenderedlived there. Nearby,Babahad rented anotherbungalowwhereDidiii and othermothersand daughterswho were still in bondagestayed. Didiji looked afterthem and gavethem seu'ingclasses. Becauseof our moving to Karachi. many welleducatedpeoplebegancorningto Baba. The brothers and sisterswouid explain the knowledge to them individually. Someof them decidedevento surrender. Oneof them was a Muslim brotherfrom Madras. Baba namedhim Rishi. He used to translateinto English and alsotaughtus this language.Another brotherwho came was Atm aram Advani - who also taught us English. Two to threeothereducatedbrotherssuchas DadaVishwa Ratanalsocame.They alsousedto type in English. BabacalledDadaVishwa KishoreandDada AnandKishorefrom Calcutta.The ashrambecamevery large consistingof the farniliesof Dada Ratanchand, Rijhumal l)ada, Ishu l)adi's grandparents,parents,


An Alokik Lifn Story

brotherand sister,Janki Dadi's mother andfatherand so on. Seeingthis the anti-Orn Mandali party beganto burn with jealousy. They beganto makeplans on how to spoil the atmospherein Karachi and decidedto take out a processionagainstOm Mandali. They rvantedto make a well-known persontheir leader. For this, they persuadedSadhuVaswani, a well-known holy person all over Sindh,to come onto their side. He was a firm devoteeof Krishna, a renunciateand yogi. He was told many misleadingthings and persuadedto leadthe procession. sadhu vaswani agreedon the condition that the processionwas peacefulandnon-violent. That there should be no uproar, throwing of stonesor any violence. But when the processionapproachedOm Nivas, the uproar and stonethrowing began. Because ofthis, one or two guardsaswell asbrothersand sisters standingat the gate were injured. The police were alreadypresentbecauseof the processionand thereforethey arrestedthe leadersas well as some of the people in the procession.Sadhu vaswani was also arrested.Although he was released the following duy,the whole incident greatly hurt him. He experienceda lot of sorrow and left siding r,viththe anti-Om Mandali party. The public also began to sympathisewith Om Mandali. In this w€ly,their first plan failed. They thenbegan to devisea secondplan. At that time, the provinceof

Anti-OmMandli PeoPle'sagitation


Sindh had been newly formed, separatefrom that of Mumbai. Ithad a Muslim ministry but had the support of six Hindu MLA's. The Chief Minister at the time was Allah Baksh. He had a lot of love and respectfor public uS. our lawyer, ParmanandPrimalani was the prosecutoraswell asa goodfriend ofthe Chief Minister' was a relative of our JawaharBhen through Pur11urrund whom he was introduced to Baba. The anti-om Mandali party demandedthat the chief Minister should imposesection 144 onom Mandali. This would enforce gaua and the brothers to live separatelyfrom the mothersand sisters.The Chief Ministertried very hard to explain that the male and femalemembersof a single famiiy could not be separated.But they were stubborn to in their threat,that unlessthe Chief Minister agreed do as they asked,they would withdraw support from the ministry, which would resttlt in its collapse. Therefore,to save his ministry, the chief Minister in imposedsection 144,but he also cautionedBaba to advanceand told him of what he was being forced do. DadaVishwa Kishorethenrentedthe neighbouring bungalow and Mamma and the sisters shifted there' Babawould give a classon gyanandyogato us brothers andthe sisterswould listen over the loudspeaker.Then BabaandMammawould standon the balcony and meet a all of us. It was a very beautiful scene. There was door betweenthe bungalows and we would come and go.

The Name of Om Mandli changesto

PRAJAP IrA sHwARIYA iffifi^XlfrlXif'il Babathenmovedto Clifton seabeach.We 'Gopes' (brothers)beganto live in a houseadjacentto Baba's house.The sisterstoo. had to shift twice. But even tl-renthe Anti Om Mandli people were not satisf-red. They approachedthe Chief Minister with their resignationlettersandthreatenedhim that he must put will resign.ThenChief a ban on 'Om Mandli' or tl-re.v Minister,I\{r. Allah Bakshcarle to meetBrahmaBaba andrequestedhim to changethe gathering'snamefrom 'Om Mandli', in orderto savehis Ministry.babareplied that it was the public who had coinedthe narne'Om Mandli' as daughterswould go in to tranceas soonas c6OM"was chantedbut in fact it was a godly study.So, "Ishwariya as per the rules, Baba would now name it "Godiy Vishwa Vidyalaya"or lJniversity".The C.M. retumedhappily andput a banon 'Om Mandli' to please the members of Anti Om Mandli party and Baba renamedit, 'Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya' (Godly lJniversity). (By then the secretswererevealedthroughmurlsthathorv Shiv Baba is establishingthe new Deity World through Brahma Baba). As soon as Baba chansedthe name all the con-


An Alokik Lifn Story

flicts endedand our meditationBhatti beganpeacefulry. Mateshwari(Mamma)livedin a big bunglowwith thewhole shaktiArmy andBabalived in clifton withthe Gopes,the brothers.The Anti om Mandli memberstried to put pressureto evenban 'Brahma Kumaris', but chief Minister outrightly refusedto do so.Inthis way the episodeofthis conflict cameto an end. Dearbrothersandsisters,ifyou look closelyat this entire drama,youwill realisehow Shiv Baba,the Lord of Life, throughvariousmethodsis establishingthe new deity world. No matterhow many obstaclesc€une,they proved to bea blessingin disguise.For example,therewasconflict about the vice of lust at the very start. Mothers were subjectedto cruelty. The outcomeof this was that the mothers who had attachmentfor their husbands and consideredthem to be gods, were able to break this attachment.They realisedthat their husbandsgavethem love andornamentsonly for the gratificationoftheir sexlust. Becausetheirsensualpieasures werenot beingfulfilled, they not only beatthem, but alsothrew them out oftheir homes.They evenfiled court casesto claim the omaments, which areconsideredto be the wealth of a woman. The sistersusedto sing a song,'mother,you area cagedbird on accountof your ornamentsandfar.y clothes. Seeingthis, the mothersconqueredattachmentand becameShaktislike lionessesandwereableto facetheir vicioushusbandsandbreaktheir bondages.Furtherrnore,

27 warrantswereissuedagainstchildrenandthosein bondage werebeaten.Therewas alsobenefitin this. As a resultof this we childrenconqueredour attachmentfor ourparents, friendseurdrelativesandwith onestrengthandonesupport were ableto surrenderourselvesin the lap of Bapdada, the tn"remotherand father. Thus we were ableto remove the intellectualattachmentfrom all directionsandengageit in Godly studyandyogapractice. There was also a very deep significanceof Om Mandali being banned. Shiv Baba had to establisha very big Godly World lJniversity andOm Mandali was just a small group. Also, Father Brahma was to be revealed. Therefore,the part of Om N{andalibeing banned and the inspiration fcrr the name Prajapita BrahmaKumarisIshwariyaVishwa Vidyalaya. All of us alsobecameBrahmaKumars and BrahmaKumaris, spiritualbrothersand sisters. All other relationships ended.Suchwere the wonderfulways Shiv Babaused to establishthe Godly University. We childrenbecame the conquerorsof attachment. Although we had to toleratea iittle, this becameinstrumentalin bringing muchbenefit.



THE KNOWLEDGE OF HEAVEN WAS REVEALED THROUGH VISIONS This is the storyof the year 1940.After that,,began the part of intenseyoga ancldeepknowledgeaswell as visions. Five or six trancemessengersistersbegan to seethe perfect form of Brahma in trance and carried messagesfiom him. Amongst them were Gulzar Dadi, sandeshiBhen,JamunaBhen's youngersister-Leela, sangtri Dadi and Kamar sundari Maia. They wourd go in trance and bring yoga programmes. Together with Mamma andBaba,groupswould sit for the entire night in a bhatthi. Through visions, the rrance messengerswould seer,vhatheavenwas like and how destructionwould take place. Shiv Baba also showedthem how atom bombs andmissileswerebeinginventedby science;how civil war andriots betweenHindus and Muslims would take place; how there would flow rivers of blood and all soulswould return like a swarm of mosquitoes;how punishmentrvould be given in Dharamiajpuri. The trance messengerswould show us these scenes practically- how the messengers of Deathwould come, drop them from a cliff etc. Arongsidethis, were the scenesof how the court of the deitiesof heavenwas held,how therewere 36 varietiesof food andhow they

Theknotyledgeof heavenwasreve(tlr:d throughvisions 33

wereembellished.For a few daysthe soulsof Lakshmi andNarayan,RadheandKrishnawould enterthe trance messengers and practicallyact out the part of how life was there;what the languageand royal behaviouretc was like. This was the atmosphereof the yagyaat that time. It was as if we had ollr own uniqueworld. We had forgottenwhat was happeningoutsidein the city. We had forgottenour l'riendsar-rdrelatives. So much sothatthe sistersdid not know rvhattype of coinswere in circulation. Only a few of us brotherswould go to buy vegetablesandgrainsand sowe would know about the city. Thosedayswere very lovely when therewas nothingotherthanservingthe yagyaanddoing tapasya. Babawould takethe childrento the shoreof the ocean andwe would sit in solitude. At that time, therewere threebuses,and six carsto transportus around. For the brotherstherewere also25 - 30 bicycles. YOGA BHATTIS Baba said," destructionis not far away,so practiseintenseyoga and the stageof being bodiless.It is this that will be usefulto you at the end. Otherwisethere will be great sorrow experiencedat theend. Whencivil war beginsviciouspeoplewill chase you. If you arein yoga,theywill havea visionof light and fall at your feet. If the power of yoga is iacking then they will catch hold of you. At the time of destructionthere will be nothins to eat. With the


An Alokik Ltfe Story

throughvisions 35 v'a,rrcvctried o.fheatten Theknov,ledge

practiceofbeingbodiless,you willnot experience hunger andthirst.Babawill puil your stringsandgive you nectar in thesubtleregion."

their lectures.I would tnakean appointmentwith themBabawould sendme thereequippedwith knowledge- I 'When did Sri Krishnarelatethe Gita? If would askthem, it wasthe CopperAge, thenwas it thatthe Iron Age was by Him?' I alsolearnedto do suchservice. established

on listeningto suchthingswe becameanxious t' becomeyogis. Everyonewould sit for yoga when the programmesfor yoga bhattisarrived from the subtle regions.on the othersideBabawould inspire us to do world service.The messagewereprintedon good paper andsentto greatpersonalitiesancrorganisatLr* across theworld. within the message wasthe communication of the forthcoming destructionas weil as of the establishment of theNew world ofheaven.tsabawould get us to write about the imperishablesacrificial fire (yagya)ofknowledgein rvhichthe horsewas sacrificed to attainthe kingdom- that is rememberedin history. Babaexplainedthe meaningof this as the sacrifice of body consciousness in orderto attainserf-so.zereignty. From this sacrificialfire of knowledge,the tlames of destructionwould emerge. In this *y, Baba wourd print thesemeaningrurwordsandsendih.r" jewels of knowledge as gifts to the big univerriii.s and governmentofficialsin EnglandandAme rica. Babawould say that this Godry knowledge was like goldenversions.Theywereprintedin gold ink on artpaperand sentin this way. whenever any saints or sageswould cometo Karachi.they too would receive suchliterature.sornetimesI would be sentto listen to

THE DEEP SIG]VIFICA]VCE OF THE KNOWLEDGE _ (THE NAME CHANDRAHAS) At the sametime, manydeepaspectsof knowledge cameto light. Once,Babashoweda vision of the Tree to the trancemessenger.From this tree were hanging the facesof human beings. Balpaexplainedthrough murlis that this humau world is like a Tree. At first there is the deity religion, then after the CopperAge, diftbrentreligionsemerge.In the West,the first is Islam 'fhen in the West is and in the E,ast,Buddhism. Christianity and so on. DadaVishwa Rattanwas given the task of drarn'inga picture of such a tree. Ile was gcod at designingand was thereforeableto draw this finalisedit andthenasked picture. Babaconectedit ar-rd 'lt is very clear,but thereis 'Is I replied, this Ok?' me, onething missing- it doesn'texplainthe significance of repetition'. Baba then askedhow this could be depicted. So, I drafteda picture of the cycle. Seeing this, Babafelt very happythat I was usingmy inteliect well. He saidthat I would attaina good status. It was 'Chandrahas'. in the then that Baba named me is shorvnasbeing scriptures,the characterChandrahas


An Alokik Life Story

very fortunate.TheFather(BrighuRishi)of Chandrahas is alsoshownasbeingveryhuppyon seeingthefortuneof hischild. In this way, the Tree,CycleandTrimurti pictures were at first hand painted and then Dada Vishwa Kishoregot them printedand thesewere the pictures "All those we broughtto India. Once, Baba said young girls who were freed from bondagefive to six yearsago,shouldnow go and servetheir lokik parents andrelatives."Babapreparedsevenyoung sistersand me to go asriversof knowledgeto our lokik homesin Hyderabadfor a'week and give them the nectar of knowledgeto drink. So,myselfandsevensisters,some of whom were Manohar Dadi. GangaDadi, Jamuna Bhen,went to Hyderabadafter so many years. Their mothersweresurprisedto seethem appearso suddenly. They greetedthemwith great.ioY. During the 14 yearsof tapasya,Baba gaveus all with a lot of love. Sometimesin a typesof sustenance gatheringof deities,we would have 36 varietiesof foods. And at other times. we would have just buttermilkand driecl chapotis.This was so that our shouldnot becomeinconstant.No matterwhat senses we received,our interestshouldbe the same. B a b a m a d e u s p r a c t i s eb e i n g b o d i l e s s a n d the sisterswould be pulled into trancewhilst sometimes sifiingin theclass.Theywor-rldhavevariouskindsofvisions

y,a,s throughvisions 37 reve.uled o:f'heaven Theknowledge of heaven:the customsandsystetns,language.clothes" behaviourof the Golden Age as well as visions of DharamrajPuri andthe subtleregion.They demonstrated 'fhis enabledthosewho did not all this in a practicalway. In this manner' go in tranceto haveanideaof tirosescenes. know what not did Babapreparedus for everythin-{.We wasto happenin the future.We weresimply committedto the ideaof becomingkarmateetandreturningwith the Fatherto our sweethomeandthencomingbackto heaven. During the daysof the bhatti,Babapreparedus day and night with the depthof knowledge:the practiceof revealedin visions"Once,a yogaandmanydeepaspects (Gulzar Dadi)u'etltintotranceandbegan trancemessenger to write ar,yakt(angelic)namesfbr thebrothersandsisters "When sanyasis living in the yagya. Baba explained renouncethe world, they alsochangetheir names.You childrenarettue RajyogiRenunciates.Now thatyou have renouncedtheOld World,Aqrakt Babahaschangedyour names." The 14yearsof thebhattiwerelike beingin heaven. the childrenlike princesandprincesses. Babasustained So much so that Babawantedto feed the childrenthe that delicioussweetslike Rasgulla,RasmalaiandSandesh werepreparedin Calcutta.DadaVishwa Kishorewassent to Calcuttato find a sweetmeatmakerto teachthemothers of the yagyahowto makeall thosesweets.Therewasno shortaqeofmilk aswe had8 - 1t)cows.Whenthemothers


An Alokik Life Story

learnedhow to makethesweets,theywould occasionall,v makeoneor anothersweetandBabawould feedeveryone. Suchwasmy belovedBaba,ancrsuchwas his love fo. u, children.I felt asifit weremy owr mother, flather,brothers andfriendswho werethere.The parental rovethat I had missedin my childhoodwasrow beingfulfilled. Babaalso hadspeciallove for me asout of th*rothers, I wasthe only onewho hadhadto facegreatoppression andbreak bondages in orderto surendeiintoBaba,siap. wth Baba'spermission I wourdcycledailyandlisten to murli in clifton a'd trrenrerurnto Kunj Bhawanand relateit inthesisters'class.So'retimesBabaw.ould corle to theclass,sometimes, helvotilcrrryritethemurriandMama wouldconducttheclass.Sometimes Babawouid sencl me to Hyderabadto buy puregrree.Sometimes to the wealthySindhibusinessmen with literature.In this w,.y, Babataughtmemanytypesof service.

THE E,STABLISHMEN'I OF PAKISTAN When the SecondWorld War broke out, Baba explainedin murlis how the Europeanswereinventing with their intellectsuchbombsaswouid destroytheir entireclan. On the other side"riversof blood would flow due to the civil rvar betweenthe Hindus and the Iv{usiims" A short while after this, Hindustan and Pakistanwere created. We beganto receivenews of the riots betu,eenHinclusand Muslims. However. it was as if we were in our own world, protectedby Shiv Baba'sfortress.The Muslim governmentlookedafter usvery rvell. Thepolicewould calryout securit,v checks aroundour bungalou's.The Hindusin the areabegan to flee. Some of thcm rvho were our acqllaintances left their furniture with us. as they could not carry it with them. Someevenbroughttheircowsto Lrsthinking that they would be saved{r'ornbeing slaughteredby the Muslims. Theyjoinedour owlrherdof 8 - 10cows. Very peacefuily,oblivious to the world outside.we remainedlost in the spiritualintoxicationand supreme protectionin our divine rvorlcl. Thoseof our relativesrvho had fled Pakistanand gone to India beganto worry aboutus. The;, worried abouthow the sistersand motherswould remain saf'e in a Muslim country.Many in the yagyabeganto receive lettersfrom them savinsthev would sendticketsif we


An AlokikLife Sloy

lJncle ChachaMulchand werepreparedto come'Didi's no worry about money" as was very forceful' He had very prosperoals'He wrote his businessJT Chenraiwas requestingthe entire om to Didi urrd.u.n telephoned H; promised.t: pay all Mandali to shift to lndia' Babadecidedthat as expenses.After a lot of pressure' theMuslimswouldnotlistentothisknowledge,-it was betterto move to India' 3 - 4 other sistersto Initially Baba sentDicli and to find out where such a Mumbai, to Dada Mulchand When Didi and the big yagyu .o.tlJ be established' DadaMulchand's guru othersistersu,'*tO in Mumbai' advised Sanyasiwas pres"tt. - He Gangeshwaranand peaceand solitude' asthey them that they would need weretheimagesofintenserneditation.Inalargecity likeMumUui,ttttywereunlikelytofindsuchaplace' visit his bungalowin Mount He advis.a tnt 'i'tt" to could move there' Didi Abu and if they liked it they phone and requestedDada reportedthis to Baba on and seeit' So' Baba sent Vishwa Kishore also come DadaVishwa Kishore' they sawthe peaceful' When they arrivedin Abu' hills' waterfalls and pure .nti.o"*ent, beautiful village that seemedquiet greenery,,rt"fiift"Atttt small bungalowwas andpure.However,Gangeshwaranand's newsto Baba over the very small. ft'"y gaveatt.ttris phone.Babatoldthemtolookforotherbungalowsin

The establishment of Pakisltrn


the area.If any largebungalowwasavailablethey could makeaffangementsfor it. DadaVishwa Kishoretoured 'fhere was one largebungalowwith a the entireAbu. big compoundthatwasj ust outsidethe to\A'n,which he liked. Didi and the sistersalso liked it. Baba was informed that this belongedto the king of Bharatpur. Baba advisedthem to go to Bharatpurand take the bungalowon rentfiom theking. In this woy, according tc the drama plan, Dada Vishr,vaKishore rented BharatpurKothi" He beganto tnakeplansfor theroute, which the yagya was to take to cotnefrom Karachi to Abu. Plansweremadeto go by steamerfrom Karachi to Okha Port. From Okha by train to Mehsanaand changetrains for Abu Road. From Abu Road, a bus would take everyoneto Mt Abu. Arrangementswere made for the seatsin the steamerand tr,vocarriages werereservedin the trainsandticketsfor the bus were bookedtoo. In Karachi, we brothersand sistersbegan to preparefor the journey. There was a lot of furniture and goodsetc. Babatold us that w'er,vouldnot needso much furniture and cupboards,so we polishedthem and made them new and Dada Vishwa Kishore sold them to the furniture dealers.It took us a further fifteen days to pack the remaininghalf of the furniture and bedding.We sold all the bicycles.carsandbuseswith the exceptionof onecarandonebus.which we brought


An Alokik Lilb Storv

with usto India.Thesetoo rvesoldorranival. As soonas we arrived,we enteredthe beggarypart" A lot of money wasspenron moving the yagyato Abu. DadaMuichand had promisedto pay all the expenses.But when we arrived,many Sindhisbeganto put pressureon Dada Mulchanclsayingthatifhe gavetlremoney,theyagyawould continueasit was. If he did not give the moneythenthe yagyacouldnot continueandtheir mothersand sisters would returnto them"Thereforehe refusedto pay any His owll desirclbr thc mothersandststersto expenses. comeawayfrom the Mr,rslimcountryl'radbeenfulfilled. They now beganto wait and seewhen the money of tl're yagyawould run out andall would retumto theirhomes. But the dramawas madein a differentway. Baba "As beganto uttermurlis wherehe askedthe children, kings of heaven- over whom will you rule? You childrenhaven'tyet createdyour subjects.Sucha time has come when you mLlstgo to different parts of the country and abroad and giye them the nectar of imperishableknowledgeto other souls.You have to give everyoneGod's is rememberedthat thehorsesleft the yagyato be victoriousoverthe kings" to reach You childrenalsohaveto enableGod'smessage thousand hundred nine everyone.You have to create subjectsof the goldenage.Without subjectswill you rule overthebirdsandanimals?How innocentyou are,, O children!"


Goingto di./ferent citiesin Inc{ic,.t'b, ,livinesertice GOING TO DIFFERENT CITIES IN INDIA F'OR DIVINE SERVICE On seeingthe yagyagothroughthe beggarypart,we childrenfelt that we shouldgo anddo Godiy serviceto helptheyagya. Mayabeganto attractsomeofthe younger brothersand sisterswho wantedto go out and do some businessastheyonly got plainrice andlentilsto eatin the yagya. They alsotried to persuademe to go, sayingthat theyagyaneededmoneyandI shouldhelpby goingout to earnmoney. once I wasmassagingBabaandin an innocentway I askedFIim, 'with your pen,ission,canI go to eamand Irelp the yagya?' Bababecameseriousall of a sudden andsaid,'child, whatbusiness hasBabataughtyou? How canyou think ofdoing thebusinessofshellsthroughwhich you will becomeblack? I havetaughtyou children the businessofthe jewelsof knowledge.Do you not have enthusiasm for thisbusiness?'I said,'Baba'I am sorry., Inthis way, someofthe youngerbrothers andsisters beganto separatethemselvesfrom theyagyaand leave. on the otherside,Bababeganto irrspireenthusiasmfor Godly service.ljltimately, ManoharDacliandsomeother sisterswent to Delhi for service.Theybeganserviceon thebanksofthe river Jamuna.My relativesalsobegan to i'vite me. Babasaid,'Go ancrdo serviceand,"i ,p u


centre.'My lokik sisterwho lived in Mumbaihadinvited me. Babaaskedme to get literatureprintedandwith this in mind I wentto Murnbai.sornesistershadalreadygone to Mumbai andwerestay'ingrvith theirrelatives.I gotthe literatureprinted andwe usedto meettogetherto make plansfor service.Didi's sister-in-law,Kamla,wasvery co-operative.I too stayedrviththemaswe wererelated throughmy uncle.Eventhoughwe weredoing service there,our intellects\l,erein Madhubanthinking that it rvasthe beggarypart and how we shouldhelp. The beggary par.twas also like a blessingin disguise.otherwise,if you thinli aboutit, no onewould want to leavesucha lovely famiiy. havingtakenyears of sustenancefrom Mamma and Baba - obliviousto the viciousworld - andgo amongstpeoplewith vicious vision and attitudes.Truly speaking,this beggaryparl was a phaseof the dramafor the serviceof countiess humansouls.For this reason.rvecrrildrenwith heavy heartsleft our iovely f-amil' and our most belovec Mamma and Baba flor se^,ice.Otherwise,was it not possiblefor Almighty Authority,Shiv Babato sustain the yagya he had created'/ But this was Bapdada's method that was instrumentalin gatheringall His childrenwho were scatteredall over the world. one night u{ren I wasin Mu'rbai, I harja drearnthat therewasacuteshortageofmoney in Madhuban.It was sunda-,v andI metu,iththesistersandcollectedfive to six


An Alokik Life Story

hundredrupeesandsentthemby speedpostto Madhuban. They arrivedexactlythe next day- Monday. We heard afterwardsthat in thosedaysfood for 15dayswasbought at a time and it hadjust beenusedup by that Sunday. Therewas no more money with the yagya to buy more rations.Bhuri Dadi askedBabawhat wasto be doneand Babareplied,'Child, havepatience,Babais sittingthereHe will makesomearrangements.'At the accuratetime, the moneyarrivedon Monday andrationswerebought. In this w?y, Shiv Babatouchedus subtlyandsustainedthe yagya.And FatherRrahmaremainedunshakeable in his faith and completelyfree from worry asif therewas no problemat all. Shiv Babais sittingthere- theseareHis children. He was the one who hascreatedthe children andsoHe will sustainthem. Whilst passingthesetestslittle by little - a centrewas openedin Delhi in the Ghantaghararea.Didi, QueenMother andKamal Sundri Mata were someof the sisterswho stayedthere. I also usedto go and help in letting literatureprinted and in distributingit. Fromthere,my lokik brotherinvitedme to cometo Calcuttaand so I went theretoo. Threeto four sistersalsowent thereto theirrelatives.Theretoo we did servicetogether.In themeantime,theKumbh Mela started in Allahabad and eight sistersand two brotherswent includingDidi, Dadi Prakashmani, Dadi R.attanMohini, DadaAnand Kishoreandmyself. From therewe were invited to Kanpur.wherea centrewas established.In Lucknow a centreopenedin Dadaram'shouse. In this

Goingto dffirent citiesin Indiaf'ordivineservice


way centrescontinuedto open. The yagyashiftedfrom Brij Kothi to Kota House.Now,Babawould not let the sistersstaytbr long in Madhuban.He would sendthem for service.When the_v-had stayedfor 4 - 5 days and refreshedthemselves,Baba rryouldask them to go on service. very few brothersand sistersusedto stayin Madhuban.Therewasevena time whenIshuDadi,who lookedafterthe postand cashwas askedto go to Derhi andDadi Prakashmani,who wasin Madhubanat thetime took overthoseduties.I]aba'stlrst concernwasGodly seruiceandafterthatw,asMadhuban.Babawould say,.I am sittinghere,whatever)'agyasen iceneedsto be done, I canlook after.Rut first thereshouldbe Godly service.' I alsousedto help Dadi Prakaslrmani with thepostasthe postincreaseddayby day. t lltimateiyDadi prakashmani wasalsocalledawayandBabaasliedme to look afterthe post. I usedto look after Ilaba as well as overseethe postandcash. O'ce I wasi'Delhi *'hen i receiveda letterfrom my brother.I wasinformedthattheIndianGovernrnentwas giving compensation to thosesindhiswho hadleft their propertiesin Pakistan.My brothertold me thatI too could receivesomethingand that I shouldapply fbr it. So, I went to calcutta,met the ministerandcompletedall the paperwork.The Governmentgavesomecompensation for a buildingthatbelongedto my lokili fatherin Hyderabad. I hadthe desireto havetr,vonecklacesmadeof euineas


An Alokik Life Story

andput them roundMama's andBaba'snecks.Seeing this love of the child, Baba was greatly overcomeby emotionandtook me in His lap andgaveme a lot of love. We will not receivesuchlove evenin Heaven.Babakept thesenecklacesand when Dadi Prakashmaniand Dadi RatanmohiniretumedtoMadhubanafterdoing servicein Japan;Babagarlandedthem with thesenecklaces.Such wasmy Baba'slove. During this time, sometestsalso cameto me andthey shouldcomebecauseit is possibleto know one's faith andlove only throughthem. But after tolerating a lot of oppressionand having found such belovedBaba,how could I leaveHis company?Godly principlesalso act as a shield. With the help of this shield,like Sita,I passedthroughthe test of fire.

HOW BABA TAUGHT ME ENGINEERING When we had stayedin Kota Housefor threeyears, the Rajasthan Goverriment asked us to vacate the building. In the year195B,we cameto PokhranHouse. Although the old building was very small, therewas a lot of land around. Babaand someof the sistersstayed in the puccahouseand the rest of us brothersstayedin tin sheds.Graduallywe built more buildings.First of BabacalledRavidatt all, Babaneededa hall for classes. Bhai, who worked as a contractorin Uttar Pradesh.I was askedto help hirn too. After sometime Ravidatt Bhai had to return to his own work and Babamademe responsiblefor looking afterthis task. Although I did not know anything about engineering,Baba usedto come and give me instructions. I corltinuedto learn throughexperienceand the building work began.The History l{all and two adjoining rooms were initially constructed. I had these constructedwith joint bathroomswith the aim that Baba would stay in one room and Mama in the one opposite. But when they were ready,Babarefusedto staythereand saidthat He 'When Shiv would stay in the old building. He said, BabaHimself comesin an old body, how canBrahma Babastayin a new building?' Suchwas our Baba,the completerenunciate.In the old building, the bathroom was next to the room. but the latrine was in a tin hut undera nearbytree. Babausedthis latrine.In this way


An Alokik Life Story

I hadthe opportunityto leamsomuchby stayingin Baba's company.Babausedto teil me to stayin the new rooms for a few daysto makesurethat the childrenwho camein the partieswere so comfortablethat they would forget their own homes.In this woy, Babapracticallytaughtme engineering. I will relateanincidentofhowwhilst doingeverything Babaremainedaloofandenabledall of ustc remainaloof the labourershadtakenleavefor lunch too. Oneaftemoon,, restingafterlunch. Babawastaking a rvalk andI too .,rras afterlunch andpassedby my window. Seeingme resting, 'Child, areyou resting?'I satup Babalaughedand said, 'Baba,how canthe onewho hasconcernson and said, 'Child, concerns his headsleep?'Babasmiledandsaid, 'Baba, ' Raba'ssignalandsaid, on yourhead! I understood I am sorry.' Concernsareon Baba;we areinstruments. Babais answerable.When we fbrgot Karankaravanhar Babaand cameinto the feelingsof self ego,then Baba gaveteachingsthroughhints. I sayit frorn my personalexperiencethat evenafter BelovedBabahadbecomeAr,yakt,I usedto consulthim in a subtleway beforeundertakingany constructionwork in Madhuban.I soughtHis inspirationto tell me how a particularbuilding wasbuilt in thepreviouskalpa.Even whenthe Tower of Peacewas built, Babawasreqllested to guidesothatthemonumentraisedin His memorymight providevisionsof BelovedBapDadato the innumerable

Hotu Baba taught nte Ertgirtaering


peoplewho would visit this holy place.In fact,Babahas beengiving us directionsasvividly assakarBabausedto girrebeforeIfe becameAvaykt. You arewitnessto the scenarioof how thenunber of Brahminchildrenhasbeen increasingsinceBelovedBababecameAvayakt.Even duringthe time of SakarBaba.wheuthe History Hall was built, the residentialaccomrlodationfor childrenhad becomesoshortthattheyhadto tlseit lor sleepat night.It wasthenthat Babagot built the secondstoreyabovethe MeditationF{all, Trainingrooms.As thedemandincreased, Light House,,Vishal Bhawan, Vigyan Bhawan, Ycg Bhawan,andthe spaciousOm ShantiBhawancameinto being- orleafterthe other.How our BelovedN4adhuban has expancledunder the care of Beloved BapDada,is beforeyour eyes.Suchis our BelovedKarankarawanhar BapDadathat gettingeverythingdoneby the children- to give them the whole credit - Himself remainsin the background.

55 EntertainingdialoguesbetweenBaba and Me ' Babawhat it was that He did. I said, You built gold ENTERTAINING DIALOGUES BETWEEN templeswhere non--living irnagesof Shiva made of BABA AND ME diamondswere kept and urnsof rnilk werepouredover them. But here,Shiv BabaHimself is sittingin the living After this Baba gaveme variousresponsibilities.I form togetherwith the greatgreatgrandfather.And I am didthe constructionworkaswell astheelectrician's.When the tapemachinearrived,I alsousedto recordbeloved pouring bucketsof rn'armwater overboth theseworship'Do you seeShivBaba?' worthy souls!' Babawould ask. Bapdada'smurlis andmakecopiesfor thecentres.When 'Yes, Shiv Babais sitting in the centreof the I replied, Bapdadawould go to Delhi or Mumbai, thenI would take foreheadofthis chariot.'ThenBabawould laugh.Baba's the tapemachineand go with Him. Then I alsohad the foreheadalsolookedlike the fbrm of Shiv Baba. Such fortuneofmassagingbelovedBaba'sinvaluablebody. At was my fortune.SometimesBabawould saythat it was the time of massaging,Babaand I would havea lot of the one who had beento the latrine who had to bathe. chitchat.By stayingsocloseto Baba,I sawhorvday by 'Baba.Shiv duy, Baba was becoming more and more detached, ShivBabawasbeyondsuchthings! I replied. Babais constantlywith yolr. This is why we sayBapdada. inculcatingthe angelicstageand coming closerto the Whenyou go to the latrine,Shiv Babais alsotherewith karmateetstage. At the time of massage,tr would you" So He would haveto bathewith you too.' Baba sometimesfeelthatBabawasnot in His body. Suddenly 'Child, Babawould retumandsay, you arestill massaging? would laughon hearingthis witty reply. Be quick,I haveto write lettersto thechildren.' I would thosedays,would one'seyes Oh! On remembering 'Baba you remainbodiless.Youhavegiven laughandsay, not becomemoist with tearso1'love? I saw Baba's your bodyto Shiv Baba. Ilow fortunateis this chariotthat form of the friend, I receivedthe love ofthe Fatherand two Supremecharioteers rideit. Howevermuchthechariot alsoexperiencedteachingsfiom Flim asthe Teacher.I is massaged, it is neverenough.'Babawould alsoiaugh will give you an exampleof Baba'steachingfilled with sayingthatthechild wasgiving knowledgeto theFather. love andalsoscolding. Within this wasmergedextreme love and feeiing of belonging. lt was the time when I Inthis manner,there weresomanyconversations-I oversawthe constructionwork as well as taped and wonder what to mention and what not to mention. copied Baba's murlis and sent theseparcelsto the Sometimes,whilst bathing Baba, I would ask F{im, 'Who is the greatest centres.The entireday wasspentin runningaround.One devotee in the Drama?' Baba day Babauttereda very good murli. That day Nirmal would reply, 'I am. It wasI who startedbhakti.' I asked


An Alokik Lifu Story

shantaDadi wasretumingto hercentre.Shesaidto Baba, 'Baba ask chandrahasBhai to makea copy of today,s murli.' Babacalledme andsaid,'child, makea tapeof today'smurli andgive it to this child.' I replied,'Today,I havea lot of work, I will post it aftertwo days.' Baba becameseriousandsaid,'child, you arevery lazy. you sleep'you have the time to eat,but you don't have the time to copythemurli.' My heartfilled up. I said,'Baba, I run aroundthe whole day and yet you call melazy and, scoldme. othersjust do a little serviceand you praise them.' I do not know how I saidthat underthe influence of childishness.Babaembracedme with a lot of love and said,'child, this is no scolding,it is love. BecauseI feel you belongto me, I havea right overmy own children. I haveto praiseothersto enthusethem. IfI scolcledthem theywould loseall hope. But I havea right overmy own children.Ifyou feelbad,thenI won't scoldyou in future. I will praiseyou.' SeeingBaba'slove, I was overcome with emotion.I said,'No Baba,pleasedo scoldme, your love is mergedin that.' Babareplied,'yes child, Baba doesnot want to seeanyweaknessin His children. This is why throughlove andscolding,Babawantsto makeyou sixteencelestialdegreescomplete.' Suchwasour beloved Babawho had rights over His own childrenfilled with feelingsofbenefit. I sawmany differe't forms of GyaneshwarBaba. Sucha big personality,the great greatgrandfather andyet sohumble. He would chitchatwith childrenasa child. In

Entertaining dialogues betweenBaba and Me


the form of a Father,He would give teachingsancllove. Not just to us children,but Babawould call the labourers andrvorkers'child, child' andgive love. An exampleof this is asfollows. It wasduringthefestivalofRakhi. The constructionwork washaltedat thetime. It wasafternoon andI wasmassagingBabain the sun. Thena labourer.a mothercameand stoodat a distance.Babasaid,'Ask thechild what shewants.' Wh"n I got up andwentto her, shesaid that shewanted to tie a Rakhi on Baba. I told BabaandimmediatelyBabagot up andsaid,'yes, come child andtie the Rakhi.' I hesitateda bit but Babasaid, 'Child, can'tyou seethe love of thechild for theFather? Let the child come.' I calledherandwith a lot ofjoy, she tied a Rakhi on Baba. Babaaskedrneto give the child somepocketmoneyandtoli. WhenI haddonethis,Baba askedme how much I had given. i told Babathat I had giventwo rupees- which was quitea lot in thosedays. Babasaid.'O child, you havegiven only two rupeesto this onewho hastied a rakhi with somuchlove on suchan elevatedFather.'I wasembanassed andafterapologising I went andgaveher twenty rupees.My Babainteracted with so much love with the servantsthat they too were overcomewith emotion.They still rememberthatlove.

BelovedBaba, the imageo/ humilitY

THE IMAGE OF HUMILITY -- BELOVED BABA The labourersand constructionworkers used to addressme as Babuji (sir) and Baba also began to addressme assuch. This embarrassed me. Sucha big personality,my elderlyBaba,addressingme asbabuji with so muchhumility! Whenevertherewas occasion for servicesuch as filling sand or operating the road roller,Babawould call'thechildrenr.vhohad arrivedin thepartiesandHe Himself would alsotakeup the tagari. SeeingBaba so elderly, all the children would be astounded.How can I describethe qualities of the Fatherwho is completewith all qualities? OnceBaba saidin the murli, 'You children must rememberShiv Baba,the Ocean of Knowledge. You receive the inheritancefrom Him. My (Brahma's) pockets are empty. Brahma has surrenderedeverything to Shiv Babaand so on.' When I sat for massagingBaba, I saidwith a smile,'Baba,you cheatus childrena lot.' Babasaidin surprise,'How do I cheatyou?' I laughed and said, 'Baba you say that your pocketsare empty andthat we don't receiveanythingfrom you. But we haveto follow you in accumulatingsucha largeincome and in practicallybecorningsixteencelestialdegrees complete,completewith all virtues. We haveto take thisinheritancefrom you. It is only by following your footstepsthat rne can become karmateet. Only then


canwe alsofollow yoll in the GoldenAge in attainingthe crown and the throne. You areour Guide (Rehenuma) 'You duringeverycycle.' And Babawould laughandsay, areabhagat.'But this devotiol is alsovery lovely,isn't rC:' When we came to Pokhran Flouse (Pandav Bhawan),Babaneededfreshmilk. The milkman used to bring milk from Oriya Ground. But it rvould not arrive till 9am. DaclaVishwa Kishore thoughtthat if we kept a cow, Baba could get fiesh milk early in the moming. For this DadaVishwaKishorewent to Sirohi andbought a gooclcow. When they were leaving,the cow refuseclto climb otrtothe truck. It beganto create tlisturbanceas it haclbeenbroughtup sincechildhood with its master. Dada askedthe tnasterto accompany him to Abu apdreturn after lear,'ingthe cow there. The cow came with the corvherd. But when the master left, the cow beganto createclisturbanceagain. At night the cow broke its rope and ran away. When rve went to milk the corv the next tnorning, shewas gone. We searchedaroundfor one or two days. However,in thosedaysthere was a lot of jungle aroundwith wild animalsandwe thoughtthat a Cheetahrnighthavekilled her. After three days.the masterof the cow cameto PandavBhawan w-iththe cow and tolcl us how it had run away and found its way back to him. The next day' 'Seechildren,this cow is Babaexplainedin the tnurli. more sensiblethan you are. It ueverforgetsits rnaster


An Alokik Life StorY

andits home. It wasableto find its masterin Sirohi, which is sofar from here. Babagivesyou love and sustenance filled with knowledge,remindsyou of yogr homeandyet you childrenforgettheFather.' Ry makingsuchcomplaints Babawould entertainuSa greatdeal. 'Bab4 Baba I laughinglysaid, WhileI wasmassaging you complainto us,but you hardly allow us to remain at iro-r (soul world). As soon as we arrive home, Baba immediatelysendsuson to heaven.Thenthe entirekalpa is spentin playing our roleson this world stage away from Babaandsweethome.Sohow is it possiblefor usto rememberthe Fatherandthe home?' ThenBabareplied thatthedramawasmadethatway. Evenifthe Fatherwants 'You to keepthe childrenwith Him, IIe cannotdo so. childrenhaveto comehereto experiencethe fortune of your efforts.But you childrendon't comealone.I too play my part alongsideyou throughoutthe kalpa. While such an old Father,looking after sucha huge yagya,with so manychildren,andmaking efforts for remembrancecan claimthefirst nurnber,you childrenhaveno responsibilities' Thereforeyou youth can go evenaheadof me.' I said, ,Baba,you haveShiv Baba'shelp.He is sitting next to you,sohow couldyou forgethim?' Babasaidwith a very ,Buddhu,He may be sittingbesideme, but sweetsmile, He is sittingin front of you children.Throughtheseeyes He is seeingyou children.Throughthis mouth,He is giving youchildrensomanyjewels.It is to youchildrenthatBaba uttersthemurli. I listento it asa go-between.You children

BelovedBaba, the imageof humilitY


canmeet Shiv Babathroughthis body,Youcanembrace for Him, I cannotcloeventhis. Babadoespay somerent usingthis chariot.Otherwise,you childrenaremultimillion to times more fortunatethan I am asBabacontinues in this watchover eachandeverychild whereeverhe is, countryor abroad.JustasI constantlyrememberthatBaba is besideme,you childrenshouldalsoconstantlyremember andis thatBabais in front ofyou. He is giving you drishti somuch constantlywith you. Thenyou will experience happinessandintoxication.This is the samesupersensuou the gopesand gopis' A lokik 3oytftut is rememberecl.of "ain.r alsoplacesthe childrenhe loveson his shoulders higher andhead.This seniormotherenablesyou to rise such thanHim.' Tell me, is thereanyonewho cangive love as the seniormother?

Baba became Karmateet

BABABECAME KARMATEET How can I describeeach characteristicof such belovedBaba . . . ? I saw that day by day, Baba was becomingdetachedfrorn physica.lthings. From t967 onward Baba's murlis were focussedon inculcating divinevirtuesandon thepracticeof the bodiless,avyakt stage.There would also be the practical experience sometimesasif Babawasnot in the body. Eventhough He would takea round of the yagya,listento the letters receivedfrom the centres,dictatereplies,whilst doing everything,He would remaindetached.We would also reachthe soulworld aswe saw Baba'spracticeof that stageandheardsuchmurlis. We movedaboutasif we w-erein the subtleregion with avyakt Bapdadabeyond the corporealworld. Once,whenBaba'camefor the night classand sat on the gaddi,he saidto Dadiji, who was sittingin front 'Child, Kumarka,takeyour shoesoff outside of FIim, theroom.' Dadiji lookedsurprised.No oneeverwore 'Innocent shoesin theclassroom!Babasmiledandsaid, child (mutthi), not the shoesof the feet, but leave the shoesofthe souloutsideandsit hereasthe soul.' Baba speaksto the souls. And truly we felt, we soulswere sitting in the soul world in front of Bapdada. The from our vision. Suchwas the classroomdisappeared


effecton uschildrenofthe yogapowergeneratedby Baba becomingkannateet. whilst continuingto experiencethe stageof being karmateet,suddenlythat greatday alsocamewhen Baba practically attainedthe karmateetstageand suddenly renouncedhis old body. It happenedso suddenlythat we were all left wonder-struck. A few days before this, Baba had said onceor twice in the murli that the bestway to leavethe body was throughheartfailure. The body is left in a secondwithout any sufferingof karma. The soul having becomekarmateetdoesnot haveany sufferingof k armaremainingand is therefore able to leave the old body and fly away. The sense organs,the heart,etc automaticallystop working. In this way, without any sufferingofk arma,holdinglovely Dadiji's hand and giving us childrendrishti, Babaleft the body and the karmateetsoul flew away. Ali this happenedso suddenlythat we could not believeour eyes. when the doctor cameand checked thebody,he confirmedthatthe so'l wasno longerthere. Then, Dadiji, who was filled with courage,beganto phoneall the centresto tell them ofthe inevitabilityof thehappeningin the wonderful dramaand invited them to Madhuban. Ar that time Didiji was in Allahabad. Shetoo was informedof the newson telephone.Many simply did not believethat it was possiblefor Babato leaveus childrenandgo like trrat. However,evenGod cannotprevent what has to happenin the drama. The


An Alokik Life StorY

next duy,manybrothersandsistersbeganto arrivefrom all directions. For three days, brothersand sisters arrived fiom far-ar,vayplaces. Vleanwhile. beloved Baba'schariotwasbedeckedandplacedin the History Hall, wherecontinuousyogawastaking place. On the third day,2l't January,Baba's invaluablebodywastaken around the At 6pm that evening, within Madhuban, the land of tapasyaitself, the body was cremated. We then began to think about what monumentto raisein memoryof belovedBaba. Such a monument,which would be seenby many childrento comewho couldtakeinspirationfrom Baba'sinvaluable life. However,therewasno questionof making a statue of Baba. In the world, people rnakeimagesof their gurus. But here,our belovedBaba was practicallyin front of us like a pillar givilg us the sanle lovely teachings.Thosevariousgreatversionswere written on marble and placedaroundthe pillar that was like the belovedchariotandabovethe pillar wasplacedthe rnemorialof Shiv Baba. A roof was erectedover the pillar so that from all ciirectionsthe tower of-peace.the tower of purity, the tower of might and the tower of knowledge were visible. This greatestmonument continuesto give inspirationsof power, knowledge, purity andpeace.Many new children come and return having adornedthemselveswith the necklaceof these virtues.

Baba becante Karmateel


You noticein a practicalr,r'ayhow belovedBapdada, in the avyakt fbrm is day by da.vattractingthe children who arescatteredall overthe wclrldandis giving thema newpurebfuthin thedivine family. In thisway theBrahmin family continuesto expand.All thisis BapDada'spower. BapDadais bringingcreditto thechildrenwhilst Himself remainingincognito.Now thetaskbefbreuschildrenis to 'How revealBapdadasothatthe rvholeworld cansing, beautifulmust bethe Creatorof a creationsobeautiful!' He is themineof all qualities,powerandpeace.Tell me, whenwill that day come- or is it almostuponus?

The revelation & .footstepso.f'belovecl Baba THE REVELATION & FOOTSTEPS OF BELOVED BABA Eachone of Bapdada'sspiritualchildrenhas the desireto revealBelovedBapdada.For only then will the voice echoin the world 'O God, wonderfularethy ways!" But this will be only whenwe childrenbecome like a mirror - clean ahd clear, similar to the Father. Only then can we give a vision of our Bapdadato the world. Just as our Baba is called the Great Great Grandfatherof the world, so we as His children are also grandfathers. If we want to give a vision of the Father through our thoughts, words and actions then we too haveto put our stepsin eachfootstepof beloved Baba and follow Him. Like Him, we haveto become t h e e m b o d i m e n t o f k n o w l e d g e , p e a c e ,p o w e r , renunciation and tapasya and thereby become an examplefor the many soulsthat areto come.So,let us now seewhat werethe main aspectsof belovedBaba's efforts - which we too have to follow and reach the karmateetstagelike the Father. THE FOOTSTEPS OF BRAHMA, THE FATHER OF THE MANKIND l. Firm Faith - You must haveexperiencedbeloved Baba's firm faith from the very start. In the beginning as soon as Shiv Baba showed the elevatedFather Pitashri the vision of the destructionof this vicious world; and He sawmany scenesof the new deity world


of heaven,Babahad the firm faith that now in the near future,this vicious world was to facedestruction,and the SupremeSoul was to establishthe new world of heaventhroughHim. In the intoxicationof this faith, Babaimmediatelyhandedover businessof millionsto his partnerand in sheerdisinterestsenta telegramto his family saying, 'Dada got God-realisationand the partnergot temporaryroyalty of worldly wealth. Dada (Alaph) receivedthe telegramand boardedthe train leaving behind Him the false kingship and sat in the original spiritualhome.' Having sudclenlyrenounced all the luxuriesofthe world, Babareturnedto His home city andbecameoccupiedin thetaskof awakeningmany souls. He had suchfirm faith that He wasableto remain unshakeablelike a rock in the faceof oppositionof the entireSindhi community,throughalr the agitation. Once the Collector invited Baba and said, .Tell these mothers to gratify their husbands'sex-lust.' Baba'sreplywasclear,'collector saheb,I simplyrelate the knowledgeof the Gita to them. In it is written 'Lust is the greatestenemy' - to foilow this or not is up to them. How canI forceanyoneto do this?' Seeing belovedBabaremainso stablein His faith,we children also got the courageto face all the agitation. In this way many othertestscamebeforebelovedBaba. Many newspapers levelledfalseallegationsagainstBaba. one paperin particularwrote many falsethings" Babasent them a letter saying,'I thank you very much that you

The revelation& fbotstepso.fbeloyedBaba havegivenussomuchpubliciqvfreeofcost thaton reading thearticles,manypeoplehavestartedto cometo us.' That newspaperneverpublishedanythingfalseaboutBaba again. Suchwasour Babaw-hoturnedsomebody,sfault into our advantage. Baba's youngerbrother,who had otherwisea lot of regard for Baba, once came u.rd b"gan to throw verbalabuseat Baba. Babagavehim very sr,veet drishti and continuedto smile. ultirnately, he fert ashamed and knelt at Baba'sfeet. This is virhysometimesBaba would jokingly say that rhe Brahmin (BrahmaBaba) was going his way and was caught unawares. shiv BabaenteredHim and He had to listento abuse.Baba sawall the agitationas a gameand continuedto smile. 2 . E m b o d i m e n t o f R e n u n c i a t i o n- H o w c a n I describethe renunciationof Baba,the embodimentof Renunciation.In one go he renouncedsucha rich life and surrenderedeverything to the mothers. I saw practicallyhorv Baba constituteda committeeof five unique mothers,the head of whom was Om Radhe (JagadambaMa). All the movable ancl immovable property was willed in their name. Baba's children signedan agreementthat they would not haveany rights over it. Then Baba,the embodimentof renunciateate andwore whateverwe childrendid. So much so that if the kurtawastorn,he insistedthat it shouldbe patched. He used to say, "At this time we are renunciates, tapaswis.BabaHimself takeson all old costumein the


form ofthe body. Sincethis costumeneedsto bepatched then why canI not wear clothesthat havebeenpatched u p ? " S u c h w a s o u r B a b a . t h e e m b o d i m e n to f renunciation.He neverevenstayedin a new building. 3. Humilify - BelovedBabawasi.deedthepractical ,I exampleof humility. I-Iewould alwaysSZry, am the serverfor you children. I am an effbrt-makerlike you. when such an elderly father can make the effort to becomenumberone,then you young childrencan go evenfurther aheado1'me. It is Shiv Baba'sgracethat this chariothasbeenchosen.Shiv Babais your Father, Teacherand SatgurLl.' In those days, I also had the responsibilityof photography.wheneverpartiescame from the centres,the brothersand sistersaskedme to takeaphotoof themrvithBaba. They would say.,.We reallywant this." WhenI u,entto askBaba,he would say,'Buddhu, whatpllrposer,villrny photoserve?I am not a guru whosepicture you would hang up in your home.' I said,'seeingyollr photo.theywill remember Shiv Baba,the one presentin this charict. Theyreally want this and you are the one rvho fuifiis rJ\/€:rysns, heart'sdesire,aren'tyou?' Babasaid,'you arealsoa bhagat. ok, call the children.' Suchwas our egoless Baba,who alwaysput shiv Rabain front andhid himserf away. FrombelovedBaba'spersonality, you mighthave seenhow he interactedr,vithchiidren as a child and playedr,vithus. And in a practicalway would play the


An Alokik Life Story

partofbeing a child whilst walking in thehills. whenever therewas anyphysicalserviceto be done,Babawould be the first to pick up the necessarytools. Seeingsuchan elderlyfatherdo all typesofphysical work, the brothers andsisterswho catnewould bewonder-struckandwould alsobecomeengagedin service. Whilst doing all this activity,Babawould alsoremindus aboutShiv Baba. If he gaveteaching,it would be with so much love that it touchedourhearts. It wasnot only with us childrenthat Babawould interactwith somuch love like the ocean of Love, but He also gaveinstructionsto the construction workerscallingthem 'child,child'. He would neverorder them. He would evenconsultthem. Suchwasour imase ofhumility, inage oflorre,Baba. 4. The Brahmaputra (River) of Knowledge - Even though the Ocean of Knowledge is one Shiv Baba, BrahmaBaba showedus practicallyhow to becomea Brahmaputra(river) of knowledge. Whenever there was a gatheringor conferenceof holy people and an invitationwould come,Babawould beginto churnthe knowledge. He would wake up at L or 2am and write a speechfor the children. He used to say 'Children, theseare the points to explain in this way. Ask these questionsand explainthe pictr"rres in this way.' Baba would thenexplainthis in the classtoo. He would give instructionsto irnmediatelypost out thoselettersand murlis to the children. Babawould say.'The children

The revelation & -footstepsof beloyed Babct



havegoneto fight the holy war. so theymust i'sta'tly receivethe arrowsandballsof knowledge., I rememberthetime whenDadi prakashrnani, Dadi RatanmohiniandDadaAnand Kishorewereinvitedto thereligiousconference in.Iapan.theyhaddoneservice in Hong Kong and Singaporeandreturnedafier ayear. At that time, therewas a conferenceof holy peoplein chitrakoot and we receiveclan invitation from there. Babasenta letterto Dadifi in calcuttathat sheshoulcl first go to chitrakoot ancl give a speechin the conferenceand then come to Madhuban. Then Baba wrote a speechof 50 pages for the children. After class,Babacalledme andsaid.'The childrenhavegone for the religiousconferencein chitrakoot,you alsoget ready and take thesejewels of knowledgeto child Kumarkain chitrakoot.' I said out of childishness. 'Baba, your letterwill reachquickerif I sendit by speed post.' BelovedBababecameseriousandsaid,'child, you havenot yet k'own the value of thesejewels of knowledge.Ifthesewerephysicaljewelsanddiamonds, would you sendthem by post? Theseimperishable jewels of knowledge are m'ch more valuable than physicaljewels. Throughthemmany livescanbecome asvaluableasa diamond.' I said.'Baba,I am sorry. I r'villget readyimmediatelya'd go.' In half an hour I wasreadyandleft. SuchwasBrahmaBaba.the ieweller of thejewels of-knowledse.


An Alokik Li/c Story

5. The Torver of the Power of Yoga - If we look at belovedBaba'spracticallife. theneventoday,beloved Babais constantlystandingin fiont of us asthetowerof yogapower,giving usthis powerin orderto showusthe pathto becotnekartnateet.We simply haveto observe htlw our Babawasableto do all tasks,whilstconstatttly remainingu,ithshiv Babaandlike ShivBaba,to become this. [t bodilessandenablettscl'rildrcnto alsoexperience Bapdada.r'vhichis is in factthe yogapowcl o1'['reloved pulling closethe chilcirenfronrthis landandabroad.the onesof thepreviouskalpa.Thisis theyogapowerthatis being filled in us children so that at the end times of whenwe fly behindBapdada,all the soulsof destruction" the world are also pulled. This is why from now, we JustasBrahma childrenmustalsohavesuchexperiences. hirnselfto beconstantlywith Shiv Babawouldexperience (rehenr-tma) forus chilclrenand guides Baba.Both arethe areshowingus the path to becotrrekatmateet.The final stageof the resultofthe studydependsotrthe karnrateet thebodr,. Whenrvehavepractisedbeitrg soulasit lear,'es bodilessovera longtime"lve too r,villhavethis stageat the time of leaving the body. At that time we will not experienceany sufferingof kama, solrowor discomforl. Automatically.asa snakeshedsits skin,we w-illfly to the subtleregionsjust asour beiovcdBabadid practically.[n this way, belovedBabahasshorvlllrany stepsfor us to follow wlrich vou mu.;t lutr,'eseelt,l'reardof ernd Om Sltanti. experiencecl.

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