Ammendedthe Mother Nature Of All Documents

  • July 2020
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THE TRUTH .JPG (scroll down to see related jpg) As you recall, LAST WEEK (lower portion of picture) we disscused on (utube (ritazaboski)) how the word LAY is used as in getting LAID as in LAYS Pot Ate Oh Chips You were probably wondering why i had the word "Slaying" hilite. So a week later you read the article regarding "The Wost Child Porn Bust in History". Take a close look at the play on names and words, and i shall start with the "reinforcing subliminal words surrounding the article" Rite Centered is the phrase "REMEMBERING DAD" because fathers day was just last week and still fresh in everyones subconciouse (note the picture of daughters in anguish) Far Rite: John Baird is used to reinforce the word "BEARD" because they want you to think of a "BEARD when you think of child porn. Lower Rite is Jack (as in you were jacked since the article is about our lovely highly dependent government (lol) LAYton is to re in FORCE the LEFT ARTICLE into your subconciouse LEFT art tickle HOW WORD KUNCE, Sargent Howard Cunts arrested LAYland SLAYER, Leyland Sayer Kunts said (spelled with a K because k is more subliminal to KIDS) and of course the guy had to make sure his beard was nice and long so that the FBI would have a nice mugshot. just like OJ simpson and Polish Taser Victum Dizzy Dance Ski who was killed by the RCMP and War on Jeffs no, i misspelt it Warren Jeffs and Warren Buffet yea richer than Bill Gates... San Diego reminds you of? San Fransico, Gay Capital and former Aids Capital of North America THE TRUTH IS THAT GOOD LOVING SEX HAS NEVER HURT ANYONE REGARDLESS! AN ORGASM WILL NOT, I SAY AGAIN, WILL NOT DAMAGE A CHILD OTHERWISE WE WOULD HAVE "MASTERBATION PHYCIATRIC HOSPITALS FOR HUMANS ON EVERY STREET CORNER! THINK ABOUT IT FATHERS EVERWHERE (on esnips, shhhh!) YOU WANT YOUR DAUGHTER TO BE SOCALLY AND SEXUALLY BARRED, SHACKLED AND IMPRISONED IN SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION AND IN THE MEANTIME YOU SMOKED YOUR POT AND TRIED FUCKING EVERYHING THAT MOVED! EWW! IS ZAT WHY MY HAND SHAKES SOMETIMES FROM MY IRRESPONSIBLE PAST CONSUMPTION? AND THIS IS WHAT THE ILLUMINATE AND GOD WANT TO CORRECT FOR THE NEW WORLD ORDER LEST YOU RETUN TO DUST BECAUSE IF A CHILD KNEW WHAT THEY WERE MISSING OUT ON THIS SACRED "GOD GIVEN RITE TO BE LOVED", (hey, what song is that from?) THEY WOULDNT HAVE A TOP ACTIVITY THAT WOULD RATE UP THER ALONG WITH BURPING FARTING AND SHITTING ESPECIALLY WHEN NATURE AND TEENS AND CHILDREN PROVIDE THEM WITH THE LOVLIEST BODIES BEFORE THEY GET FAT AND UGLY AND NEVER PLAY PRIVATE GAMES!

SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST< AND NOW SURVIVAL OF THE SMARTEST FOOLS!, PEOPLES! BEAUSE "THE ORGASM IS THE GREATEST GIFT THAT NATURE PROVIDED FOR US"! French is subliminal for Romance so that is why our lovely late goofy Canadian Prez is pictured with the 11. Greek is subliminal for ANAL sex and is know in the history books as a homosexual male country. tieland bang cock is the capital of Pedofillia is it not? amsterdam is know for its open sex and pot is it not? Germany is known .... 4 killing all them jews are they not? The Arctic is known as: 1)nooo...A Loveley Cat 2)Ice thatr freezes your nose yes yes yes #)An Awake Magazine from Brooklynne NY (nah, that boring jehova w stuff) 3)Peanutbutter cookies for little guys! no umm, post it notes?...would you believe...a kareoke machine? umm, umm, no wait a minute ehh Myley Cyrus! 4)speedbumps 5)chloend eeeasy dna stuff 666) danielle my bossette...? Oh you mean my friends mite have a easier faster way than wading thru all this es garbagoe and diablow passwords? ba...your full of sheet herpes! its going to be the new gonnoreah...gone or real? huhh? i hate the radio ...and God is hanging the fountain of youth, a shot of talent, and a bag of cash infront of your big brown ...and mabe a trip to the cheezy moon down in hollywood in april rocking with all them hundreds of the hungry unique_humerouse BESTEST? hey ambe her moms goin too!! im gonna trace your call and sue u forpatting me on the behind, now thats prettee dep stuff...hahha you mean the s_a_hara dessert? no,no, a city in austrailia melborne? no, umm sidney? no, no id better be clairfull about piercin my ears ...yea yea bree cheese spears and miley herself and taylor swift on a golf cart with koi ponds and everything!!!somewheres down by the us border? your such an angel not if you dont know how to keep a secret, but how do i find the celestialmoon? idduno, your smrt,i mean smart, qu..quick, ill think of something!...gimme a

little time! yea otherwise youll make people go all bankrupt and everything upset so be clairefull about sets of shiney nicole collections in my latest collection or wallnut candy from tiawan or cashew that jumpout and suprise you..... yea yea dad, your such a romantic guy...:0 u know it. and i never lie, unless im protecting you.... thats because ilu silly billy now whos that Guarding the nexopia gates? MARS? i needa condo...a rabbit the island... so...purolator flies for canada post...wheat food shortages from mushroom fungus,...Air Romeo crash,...meteors and UFO, area 51. hmm, wonder what thats all about? Oh Bam huh? Ferry Ferry Funny dad, go to the olympics...yess dear.... dad, your crazy and you suck. plus i think your pretty dumb too...yes dear...your rite, even when your wrong...,... do you kinda get it? or do you want me to explain it to you all over again? "ssm mode" means secret society mode and you reply by saying "huh? what the helll u talkin about?" you dont need to operate like that with who you know for sure to be your "freeranger" like immidiate family and there is "sssmode" reserved for distant friends and family and that is operating in normal life ie: "oh him? i thought he was crazy last i heard..." but i can tell, just by the way they talk to me, write, blog... vague winks and diablo...! Rite Mr. George Bush?

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