Amino Acid

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,153
  • Pages: 5
United Chemicals


: Yellow Powder : soluble in water :

L – Threonine L – Aspartic L – Serine L – Gutamic Acid L – Proline L - Glysine L – Alanine L – Crystine L – Valine L – Methionone L – Isoleucine L – Leucine L – Tyrosine L – Phenylalanine L – Lysine L – Histidine L – Arginine Loss on Drying NH4 CL Ash Total Amino Acid

3.56% 3.45% 4.49% 9.12% 3.5% 2.43% 2.20% 2.45% 3.1% 0.23% 1.7% 2.8% 1.02% 1.78% 2.3% 0.9% 5.2% 5% Max 48% Max 2% Max 45% Min

USAGES 1. Photosynthesis Process is enhanced & leads to better synthesis of chlorophyll & helps to improve yield. 2. Reduces flowers & fruit drops. 3. Improves rate of absorption of fertilizers. 4. Helps to withstand stress conditions like drought, frost & attack of insect by improving immunity. 5. Improves yield and keeping quality of fruits, vegetables & other perenial crops.


United Chemicals

6. Amino acid increases the pollen germination and the length of the pollinic tube. 7. Amino acid have a chelating effect on micronutrients. When applied together with micronutrients, the absorption and transportation of micronutrients inside the plant is easier. 8. Amino acids are precursors or activators of phytohormones and growth substances.


52.3% 17.1% 1.10% 19.8% 0.98% 300ppm min 600ppm min 100% 9.0% 96.59%

The origin of product: Naturally grown seaweed extract obtained from carefully selected seaweed (Sorgassum, Ascophyllum nodosum, Laminaria) with especially designed physical and biochemical process.

USAGES 1. It’s a non-polluting source of natural organic mineral.

2. Seaweed extract has been found to enhance plant hardiness and resistance to adverse environmental conditions. Spraying sensitive crop such as citrus and tomatoes with seaweed extract reduced damage from early frost. Field and vegetable crops were better able to withstand the extreme heat and lack of moisture in drought situations. 3. Turf growers and nurseries have also grained through the promotion of chlorophyll production by seaweed extract. 4. Seaweed extract on a regular basis have reported higher yields in crops such as alfalfa, corn, soybeans, cauliflower, cucumbers,


United Chemicals

tomatoes, potatoes, and strawberries. Citrus, apple, apricot and cheery trees as well as vines, berries and tomatoes have been sprayed with seaweed extract have been found to have increased fruits sets. Grapes and tomatoes sprayed with seaweed extract yielded higher contents of valuable solids. 5. Foliar feeding of seaweed extract improves plant potential by increasing its assimilation and utilization of valuable nutrients and by providing natural essential growth promoting substances. 6. Delayed crop degradation and prolonged shelf life of harvests have been helped through applications of seaweed extract foliar spray to crops such as peaches, oranges, limes, apples, cucumbers and tomatoes. 7. Foliar feeding seaweed extract has been found to accelerate and improve the development of healthy root system contributing to more vigorous growth and increased productivity. 8. When used as a seed inoculant, seaweed extract has been shown to increase and accelerate germination on a board range of seeds. 9. As a transplant dip for fruit, vegetable and nursery plants, seaweed extract enhances the rapid development of healthy root systems. 10.The readily available micronutrients in seaweed extract promote cell development in corporation with growth promoting substances enhancing root uptake of nutrients from the soil. 11.The natural growth promoting substances in seaweed extract have been shown to promote chlorophyll production. 12. Nurseries following a program of regular seaweed extract application have reported greener and hardier ornamentals, and longer – lasting, better-colored flowering plants.


United Chemicals

HUMIC ACID Humic Acid is made up of three different components, organic matter, humus, and humic substances. Organic matter is the plant animal residue in the soil at various stages of decomposition. Humus is the end product of microbial degradation. Humic substances are naturally occurring organic material with high molecular weights that are not easily degraded. Some of the major constituents of organic compound found in humic acids are amino acids, Pyramadines, Uronic acids, Purines, Methyl Sugars, Amino Sugars, Pentose and Hexose Sugars, Sugar Alcohol, and Aliphatic Acids. POTASSIUM HUMATE: IN 25Kgs NET PLASTIC WOVEN BAGS WITH LINING INSIDE. WATER SOLUBLE (DRY BASIS): HUMIC ACID (DRY BASIS): POTASSIUM (AS K2O DRY BASIS): MOISTURE: Ph VAUE Pb: As: Hg: Cr: Cd:

83.92% 71.46% 8.83% 13.29% 9.7% 7.7ppm Max 0.65ppm Max 0.42ppm Max 2.35ppm Max 0.61ppm Max

USAGE In agriculture Used as humic acid fertilizer, soil ameliorator, plant – growth stimulant, fertilizer efficiency promoter, as well as the materials for nitro humic acid and humic salt series products. It can combine with nitrogen, phosphorous and the like element to form multifunctional high-efficiency compound fertilizer which could be used as soil regulator, pant growth stimulator and fertilizer efficiency synergist. 1. Humic acid contributes to plant growth and development by affecting the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil. 2. When added to the soil, humic acid can act as a buffer by preventing rapid Changes in acidity or alkalinity. 3. Humus serves as a source of nutrients. 4. Humic acid helps chelate micronutrients, increasing the pant uptake.


United Chemicals

5. Humic acid increases ion exchange capacity in the soil, which leads to better retention and utilization of minerals and soil nitrogen. 6. Humic acid helps to increase activities of microflora and microfaunal organisms. 7. Plant cellular growth and divisions can be accelerated due to the presence of auxin type reactions with humic acid.

Humic Acid and Today’s Farming Industry Modern day soils have been over-cropped, abused, and depleted of organic matter and certain essential elements. Modern day agricultural practices greatly increase the rate of the utilization and destruction of humic material. Soil humus is not a stable material. Any changes in natural conditions will result in changes in humus content of the soil. Some of these charges are irrigation, drainage, deforestation, annual removal of crops, and normal cultivation of crops. All these changes lead to a rapid and marked change of the humus balance of the affected soil. The fertilizer industry now recognizes the importance of maintaining the humic content of soils as an aid to increased good productivity. Within recent years many soil management programs have been designed to increase, or at least maintain, the humic materials. The far –sighted grower is also beginning to change is attitude toward the soil. He is faced with many ecological considerations as he encounters today’s problem of pollution, presence of harmful chemicals in treated grains and forage, and depletion of soil organic matter. Modern cultivation practices greatly accelerate the destruction of humic material, which must be replaced in some matter if the productivity of the soil is to be maintained.


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