American Dream

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Pazos 1 Amaris Pazos Ms.Smith English 11 -Period .6 25 February 2019 A Dream To Reach The American dream is something that people have always struggled to reach. We as people are meant to discover new and extraordinary inventions, but lately, it has been hard to reach a goal like this. For the American dream to be reachable we must become more successful because time is changing quickly. The American dream to most people can be easy to reach and can be very successful, but as for others, it is not that simple. The American dream has not always been easy for most people because of fewer opportunities, income inequality, education, and less medical care. The American Dream is something that many people can not reach because of the fewer opportunities given to them. There are fewer opportunities because of many people being unemployed and not getting a chance. The American dream is not having an opportunity but you having the knowledge to do something different. As in the article why most people will never achieve the American dream discuss about opportunities and why many people do not have the chance at it. As this article tells us “today the real opportunities are hidden” ( Liopis 2) would agree with this because most of the time people in a high class do not want to give other people an opportunity to prove them wrong. An opportunity is something everyone should have to be able to reach a goal. With this same article “opportunity is the mother of success and for too many years access to it has been made to easy and thus abused by greed and distrust” (Liopis 2)

Pazos 2 people need to earn an opportunity, by this you have to succeed to reach the American dream that someday it was before. With the American dream, income inequality has been a big issue for lower class people because of how prices are arranged. For many people, the American dream is not achievable because of how income is. America has been developing throughout many centuries and has been evolving towards a more modern century. With the article “seven facts that show the American dream” shows how “ if the American dream means a reasonable rate of income growth for working people, most people can't expect to achieve it” ( Eskow 1). It shows us how a dream could be possible if you are more wealthy than a average person. As others give up right away for how high something can be. Wages is the most important for how they are “as their salary fails to keep up with their expenses” ( Eskow 2) this make a good point because many people can not pay everything they have for how their salary is. Not being able to pay everything can be a challenge for many. Education is a basic need that a person should have to achieve that American dream. A dream is very hard to reach because without education you can not do much and can not have the same experience as others. Having an education can be expensive for most people depending on the level of education they're in or what college they go to. As for a student they have a difficult time with their education because they are not that wealthy. Students paying a lot of debt can cause problems because of not having the money “ But at that point, college costs had risen 500 percent since 1985” ( Eskow 2). An American dream today is more focused on the education students get and not on how they will pay it. Reaching an American dream is hard for the student because of how expensive it can be and many people think they only way of going to college is if you are rich. In the 7 facts of America article, we have seen that “but even as college costs rise

Pazos 3 the availability of those programs is falling leaving middle- class and lower-income students further in debt as out-of-pocket costs rise” (Eskow 2). For this class, most of the education has to be paid to get the American dream someone has and for lower class people it’s hard to reach this kind of dream. People today in America cannot get proper medical care because some people can’t pay for medicine or can't afford it. Many people think that medical care is only for wealthy people but there could be many different kinds of options to receive medical attention for ourselves. As this medical care will not be the same as people that are wealthy. Within the article of the seven reason why America is dead is that “The average costs of medical care, including the household’s share of insurance premiums and out-of-pocket” (Eskow 2). People will pay out-ofpocket because they do not get the proper care for their health. As the American Dream medical care is the proper way to take care of someone. Richard states that “The number of Americans who report going without needed healthcare in the past year because of cost was higher than 10 comparable countries” (Eskow 3). Throughout all these facts we can tell that not all people could be taken care of for not having proper medical care. The American dream is dead because of how people treat other people. This happens because of the inequality that we have today with everything we do. A dream is for you to achieve and be proud of. An American dream can be possible if people work hard and complete what they start. We as humans are meant for something much bigger in life and the American dream is part of that. People are meant to bring out new ideas and get new inventions for something extraordinary in life and be proud of what you have done. This American dream is for us to have new and bigger opportunities, be wealthier, and to have the freedom. “ For many in both the working class and the middle-class upward mobility has served as the heart and soul of

Pazos 4 the American dream” (American Dream 2) the American dream can be very successful if you work hard and achieve it. Working hard and putting in all the work can lead you to a goal that you have been achieving. The American dream is full of new opportunities for many that will help people do what they want to do. Jessica states that “ More Americans also credit determination and hard work as the most important success factors in their financial well being” ( Dicker 1). Within this explanation, we have seen that more people could achieve their dream even if it takes them a long time. The American dream that most don't reach for what they have going on or can't afford it. A dream for people has not always been easy because of not many opportunities, income inequality, education, and good medical care. All these reasons is what stops a person to get the dream they want. Many people see the american dream as impossible to reach and they would just give up and not have the opportunity as others.

Works Cited “American Dream.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 2 Jan. 2019, Accessed on February 13, 2019

Pazos 5 Dickler, Jessica. “The American Dream Is Not Dead: Poll.” CNBC, CNBC, 4 Feb. 2016, Accessed on February 13,2019 Eskow, Richard. “7 Facts That Show the American Dream Is Dead.” Alternet,, 24 Oct. 2014, Accessed on February 13,2019 Llopis, Glenn. “Why Most People Will Never Achieve The American Dream.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 5 Sept. 2012, Accessed on February 13, 2019

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