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Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension of Grade 11 Students

AMA Computer College Pampanga 3rd Floor, OYG Building, B Mendoza St. City of San Fernando Pampanga Senior High School Factors affecting the Reading Comprehension Grade 11 students: Reading Comprehension Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject Practical Research 1


Group 4- PH112 Cabasa, Joy Kylene Bengco, Chrisanto Pangilinan, Ciari Mae Colasito, Roberto Evangelista, Christel

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Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension of Grade 11 Students

Garma, Mary Ann Gozum, Andrei Titco, Patricia Andrei Tangle, Jessica Mendoza, Andrea Pring, Paula Nicole


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Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension of Grade 11 Students In partial fulfillment of the requirements in Research I that entitled “Factors Affecting the Reading

Comprehension of Grade 11 Students of AMA ”prepared and submitted by Cabasa, Joy Kylene, Bengo, Chrisanto, Colasito, Robert, Evangelista, Christel, Garma, Mary Ann, Gozum, Andrei, Mendoza, Andrea, Pangilinan, Ciari Mae, Pring, Paula Nicole, Tagle, Jessa, Titco, Patricia. Grade 11 HUMMS of AMA is hereby recommended for final examination.

Jorren P. Manalo Adviser Approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements in Research I by the Examination Committee.

Rosielyn P. bautista Principal

March 2019

Table of Contents

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Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension of Grade 11 Students Chapter 1: Introduction Background of the study Conceptual Framework Theoretical Framework Statement of the Problem Objectives of the Study Hypothesis Scope Delimitation Significance of the study Definition of Terms Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature and Studies Foreign Studies Local Studies Foreign Literature Local Literature Theoretical Framework Relevant theory Conceptual Framework Definition of Variable Chapter III

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Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension of Grade 11 Students Methods and Techniques of the study Process Instrument Questioners Chapter IV: analysis interpretation Chapter V: Finding summary conclusions recommendations

Chapter I

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Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension of Grade 11 Students Introduction Putting letters and words together to form words, phrases and sentences is what Reading is all about, but one must comprehend what is learned to fully understand a text one has to interact with the text and add meaning to it. Astrid Roe (2014) state that ” Reading Comprehension is to make meaning of what we read’ Reading Comprehension is also simply known as the kind of thinking process which requires the readers to make interferences from the text. Without using thinking processes, the readers may not attain any or all the information and may not fully understand the text (Fitriani 2015), In this sense reading comprehension involves process of extracting information from the text and constructing comprehension through the interaction between the text and the readers background knowledge. Reading comprehension involves various factors such as Background knowledge, Vocabulary and Fluency, Active reading skills and Critical thinking that must work together. However, Reading plays a very crucial role in one’s a life as the benefits of the reading are plenty. It helps an individual to grow. It widens our mind and imagination. It improves our knowledge and also our selves. It discovers new things in help building good communication skills.

Background of the study

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Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension of Grade 11 Students Reading comprehension plays an important role in our lives. It opens up new knowledge for individual and it also gives many benefits to us. Reading is the window of our world. It does not only happen in educational field but also in our daily life. Comprehension is reading with understanding it is the ability to read text and process its meaning. Although reading comprehension is very important, but there still most of the people who are able to read but they do not what they are reading about. Reading process requires continuous practices, development and refinement. Without the solid foundation of reading skills the researcher feels the students will struggle hard throughout their schooling and adult life. Conceptual Framework Process



Demographic of the Respondents: -age -gender Factors of Reading Comprehension to

Data gathering procedure

Mini Seminar

through interview

students in terms of: Figure 1.1: The Input-Process- Output will be used in this study: -Mother’s educational According to Eusebio (2014) it is viewed as series of boxes connected by input and attainment and Students output. It will provide the general structure and guide for the direction of the study. AMA Computer College Senior HighPage 7

Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension of Grade 11 Students The arrows represent the direct connection between the frames. The left frame, which is the input show the profile of respondents like age, gender. It also covers factors affecting the reading comprehension of students in terms of mother’s educational attainment and students attitude toward reading. The middle frame represent the gathering data through the use of survey questionnaires. While the right frame which is the output displays the factors affecting the reading comprehension . Statement of the Problem The main problem of this study is to determine the Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension of Grade 11 students of AMA Computer College San Fernando Pampanga. Specially, to answer the following questions: The researchers will search for the possible factors of the reading comprehension of Grade 11 students in AMA and then will eventually create some recommendations to help the school to determined what are the factors affects the reading comprehension of students. 1. How can students improve their reading comprehension? 2. What are the factors affecting the reading comprehension of students?

Objectives of the study This study aims to determine the Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension of Grade 11 students of AMA Computer College San Fernando Pampanga. The following objectives were used in this study; students attitudes towards reading: mothers, educational attainment .

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Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension of Grade 11 Students .All the factors that mentioned can all be contributing factor that would affect the learner’s reading comprehension. Hypothesis The research hypothesis for this study is that student who has reading difficulties can affect their performance task in school. And also can have a problem with their daily interaction and building a good communication skills Scope Out of grade 11 students of AMA Computer College San Fernando Pampanga, 15 students were use as a sample in Conducting the survey. This study limits its coverage on the Grade11 students only. And to identify the Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension and also to find the possible solution regarding this problem. Delimitation The study will conduct at AMA Computer College San Fernando Pampanga Researcher randomly selected the 15 Respondents were in the Researchers will give the survey questionnaires for them to gather data to this study.

Significance of the Study The findings of this study will redound to the benefits of the Students, Teachers School and also to the Future Researcher, considering that Reading plays an important role in our lives.

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Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension of Grade 11 Students Students The findings of this study can help the students to know the importance of proper reading and will develop students and learning that can help to empower the school to promote intelligence. Practicing and learning good reading is not only used in school but also in their daily living and everyday interaction. Teachers The findings of this study will help the teachers on how they can teach and guide their students in terms of Proper Reading. This study can support nor supply the teachers a lot of ideas and strategies based on the gathered information that this study have. Future Researchers The results of this study may help the future researchers to have a reference in their research which can be related to this study.

Chapter II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter represent related literature and studies that were the basic foundation of this research. Foreign Literature

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Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension of Grade 11 Students In the educational domain, Reading is one of the most common and often compulsory activities that students have to do all the time, all around the world. They are required to read many kinds of text for various types of purpose dealing with their assignment and other academic demands. Yukselir (2014) consider that reading is one the most beneficial, fundamental and central skills for students to master in order to learn new information, to gain access to alternative explanation and interpretation and to start synthesis of critical evaluation skills. Hung and Ngan (2015) have also said that reading is basic skill that cam improve student’s Vocabulary. Fluency, Speaking & Writing and finally can help to master their target language. Therefore, it is a no-brainer to state that having good skills is essential for successful students Local Literature According to Salehi, Lari and Razaneja (2014)the most important reader variable that affect reading comprehension is gender. Males and Females have different perspective about reading. This difference, is also evident in reading comprehension. The males are more analytic compare to females (Salehi: et. Al, 2014) Males are much engaged in many extra curricularactivities that lessen their time to practice reading. On the other hand, females are less active and have ample time to read and make it as a habit. Although both males and females use the same strategies, but females apply them more qualitatively. In addition, gender difference can affect reading motivation. Males and Females can have different outlook towards reading. The more the person is persistent that have end goal, the more he or she is likely to be successful in reading. A person

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Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension of Grade 11 Students who has positive view towards reading will find reading enjoyable and can see progress in this reading performance (Salehiet, Al. 2014) Foreign Studies Many EFL students still struggling to overcome their reading comprehension problem .Davoudi andYousefi (2015) have listed a number of EFL learner’s reading difficulties and problem such as deficits in vocabulary knowledge and background knowledge, problems with grammatical knowledge and also poor reading strategies which is in fact very important to reduce the difficulties (Sammad, Sannah, Fitriani, 2017) Reading comprehension problems have been popular issue in EFL teaching-learning setting for a long time. Numerous studies have shown that most EFL students often have difficulties in Comprehending English text. Chen and Chen (2015) has said about 52% of adults with L2 reading comprehension had difficulties in learning foreign language. In this sense, there are number of reading problems which may be encounter by EFL students. First, they have to work hard to comprehend it. Second, studies mentioned several common problems in the EFL classroom such as insufficient vocabulary, poor reading skills, problem understanding linguistic complexity including lexical and syntactic knowledge (Fitriani 2014).

Local Studies Comprehension is the prime goal reading and comprehension failures can lead to school failures. Despite the Philippines supposedlyhigh literacy rate 88.6%, many Filipinos can barely read and write (Juan Miguel Cruz, Selangan 2015). He noted;

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Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension of Grade 11 Students This is true especially of those living areas as well as the slum areas of country. Someone once remarked that, We are not a nation of readers; We are a nation of storytellers. Our is a culture of oral history passed on by word of mouth not through the written word. According to the result 2015, Function Literacy, Education and Mass Media survey (FLMMS) Almost all Filipino 10 years old and above were basically literate it means they can barely read and write and out of 10 Filipinos 10-64 years of age were functionally literate. While in the 2003 result about one of the population 10-64 years old cannot read and write basically illiterate. With lowlevel literacy comes poor reading.

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Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension of Grade 11 Students CHAPTER III This chapter contains the methods and techniques, process, and instrument. This chapter will provide on what to do in this research. Method and techniques: This study utilized the qualitative descriptive method of research. It is descriptive since it is concerned in determining the different factors that affects the low percentage of STEM Enrollees. Qualitative descriptive method involves a straight forward descriptive summary of the data content, that requires being organized and logical. Process: The researchers created a questionnaire that consists of the different questions that will help the researchers to identify the different factors that affects the reading comprehension of Grade 11 students of AMA. Questionnaire will be validated by the research adviser and by the school ’s Principal of AMA Computer College Pampanga. The questionnaires will be released answered by the chosen respondents (using random sampling) of the researchers. Instrument

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Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension of Grade 11 Students Researcher-developed survey-questionnaires that have the content been validated by the research adviser in Senior High School. Content validation is a method of validating the test instrument with the help of critiques, who have authorities in their own discipline. The Instrument was divided into two parts. Part I or the first part was consist of the Personal Profile of the respondents.The second Part was modified to address and identify the different factors that affects the reading comprehension of Grade 11 Students in AMA. The target population for this research includes some Grade 11 students, since they were the one who is capable to answer the given questionnaires. In this study, the accessible population is comprised of selected students from the 7 sections from Grade 11 in AMA Computer College Pampanga. Questionnaire: Direction: Answer the following question honestly.

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Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension of Grade 11 Students We, the Grade 11 HUMMS students of AMA Computer College Pampanga, are currently conducting our research which is a requirement for our Practical Research 1 subject. Our study entitled “Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension of Grade 11 students”.

Your assistance in completing the following questions is greatly appreciated.

Name: _____________________________________ Age: _____________

Grade & Section: ________________

Gender: ____________________

1. Mother’s Educational Attainment ______________________________________________________________________ 2. What do you think about the necessity of reading to your everyday life? ______________________________________________________________________ 3. How much do you like reading? ______________________________________________________________________ 4. What are the things that disturb you from understanding what you read? ______________________________________________________________________ 5. What are the things that disturb you from understanding what you read?

CHAPTER IV This chapter will provide the results, findings , and analyzing so that it will answer the main problem of this study. In this study the research want to determined what are the factors affecting the reading comprehension of Grade 11 students in AMA. Base on the results and finding that the reseacher gather from the given questioners this are the following results:

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Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension of Grade 11 Students

Mother Educational Attainment ( if their mother have a problem about their educational attainment it would be difficult to teach their child in proper reading, learning and understanding) 8 out of 15 students answered that their mother education attainment are graduated in high school. 5 out of 15 answered that their mother education attainment are finished college degree and lastly 2 out of 15 answered that their mother education attainment are under graduate in high school. Base on there answered it is very important for a student that they have the guidance of their parents to enhance their reading comprehension so that they can also reach out with their classmates in reading. What do you think about the necessity of Reading to your everyday life? (to know how essential reading to them and how can it help in their daily living) Reading is very essential and continues process to gain knowledge. Base on there answered some of them said that reading is important through communication we learned alot. Some of them said through reading it can improve our speaking skill specially in English or other languages that we are using in our daily lives. And others said that reading helps them alot to understand what going on in our surrounding. Base on there answered the necessity of reading in everyday lives is very important inorder to gain new knowledge and enhance our reading comprehension. How much do you like reading? (having interests in reading can help students to learn more and can improve their understanding)

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Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension of Grade 11 Students 6 out of 15 student's answered that they like reading specially in English and Tagalog language because of the learning that they aquired through reading. 5 out of 15 said that they slightly like reading because they preferred watching instead of reading. And others 4 out of 15 said that they don't like reading. Base on there answered we should always give importance in reading because through reading we can communicate with others and we can also exchange thoughts and ideas. What are the things that disturb you from understanding what you read? (things that can disturb them is also one of the reason why they can’t understand what they reading about) 13 out of 15 said that the things that disturb them to understand what they are reading is the different noisy barrier that they encountered when they are reading. And 2 out of 15 students said that because of the online games that are very popular nowadays are the reason that disturb them in reading and the some statement that they cant understand specially the jargon words. Base on there answered one one the main causes that can disturb the students in reading are the different kind of noisy barrier that they can encountered when they are reading. And it can also contribute the popular online games nowadays.

What language of materials are you fond of reading? (language barrier can also be a factor that would affect learner’s understanding 7 out of 15 said that the laguage that they used in reading are English and Tagalog, because they want to enhance their reading comprehension and to learn new things such as vocabulary words, proper grammar, and pronoucing of words. And 8 out of 15 they preferred to used only

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Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension of Grade 11 Students the Tagalog language instead of English because they believe that they can easily understand what they read in Tagalog. Base on there answered English and Tagalog are essential language that can use of a student in reading so that they can easily understand what they need to understands for.

Chapter V

This chapter contains the summary, findings, conclusion, and recommendation about the dfferent Factor Affecting the Reading Comprehension of Grade 11 Students of AMA. Findings: The findings of this study showed that mother should motivate their children to read different materials, recognize their learners’ comprehension difficulties, and have positive opinions about their reading activities to easily understand the different texts. Mother should provide information about the weaknesses of their learners to develop a good reading comprehension skill.And also the choice of language that they used in reading inorder to improve their reading comprehension skill. Summary

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Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension of Grade 11 Students The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relative importance of reading comprehension and reading strategies of the Grease 11 students of AMA. And help the students to know how importance the reading is. And what learning materials that they need to use to develop their reading comprehension and in this study it can also help to empower the school to promote intelligence. Practicing and learning good reading is not only used in school but also in their daily living and everyday interaction. With the help of the given questioners that are answered properly and the data that the research gather inorder to solve the given problems of what the studets facing about reading comprehension. Conclusion:

There are factors that can influence them to get a deep understanding about what they read. These learners should be involved in the reading process through the use of various strategies. All of the factors that indicate in the given questioners and strategies work together to make the meaning processes easily and effectively. Eventually, it is recommended that commended that effective teaching strategies and other activities may be devised by the parents specially Mother and Teacher to improve the level of reading comprehension of a students. Recommendation: This are the recommendation that can help the students to improve their reading comprehension.

*Students tend to read more often when they are encouraged by parents or siblings and when they see their close friends in school read. *To encourage students to read on the course topics in advance, they can be asked to read different kinds of reading material like novels, short stories, newspaper and etc. son that it can help the students to enhance their reading skill. * Students can also use technology like social media in the improvement of their reading comprehension. *Teachers can also help the students to improve their reading skill they should teach their learners on how to use reading comprehension strategies appropriately and effectively. They have the responsibility of teaching reading comprehension strategies to their learners either separately or in combination. They should teach their learners to recognize and apply the text’s organizational structures to understand, learn, and remember content. They can guide their learners by high-quality discussion on the meaning of texts. They can choose appropriate texts to support comprehension development in learners. They should teach reading comprehension skill with many types of texts. In addition, they can choose texts with word recognition and comprehension difficulty that are suitable for the learners’ reading ability and the educational tasks, and finally they can help their learners find the goals and advantages of reading comprehension. AMA Computer College Senior HighPage 20

Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension of Grade 11 Students

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Researchers would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude and appreciation to our family who supported and encouraged us, as we embarked on this phase of our education. All of the challenges we encountered this period of the research were alleviated by their support in helping us to pursue and finish all of these. A special thanks to Jeslie Lapuz who helped and spent numerous of time in guiding us throughout the research.

Thank you to our mentor Sir. Jorren P. Manalo for his patience in checking our papers, for his effort in supporting all our decisions and for his guidance as we create this research. We appreciate all of the efforts you gave to us.

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Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension of Grade 11 Students We would also like to express our gratitude to the school administrators, teachers, classmates, and friends who contributed their time and assistance in so many ways and to our dearest adviser Mrs. Marielle Basilio for supporting and helping us in everything we need to finish this research.Lastly we want to thank god for the guidance, for helping us in our everyday problem and for pushing us to work harder and to not give up until the end of this research.

DEDICATION Our parents were the one who want us to finish our studies for us to have a good life that’s why they ensured that we can able to finish our studies. They supported and encouraged us in our different performance and projects through their actions and sacrifices. We dedicate this efforts and the accomplishment to our parents who supported and gave us unconditional love and unending understanding for all the late nights they spent waiting for us to go home and for all the money they gave us every day.

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Factors Affecting the Reading Comprehension of Grade 11 Students

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