Alliance Partnership Development

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 880
  • Pages: 14
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K L Fish K J Management Consultants Ltd 07836 529731


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Start at 1.30 pm What is a partnership and alliance? How to make partnerships work The key elements Breakout session - exercise one Developing a Plan Breakout session - exercise two Developing a Plan Breakout session - exercise three Feedback from Group Sessions and sharing ideas 2

Business Def ini ti on – Partner ship Alliances 

“An agreem ent between two or mor e or ganisati ons to cooperate in a speci fic busi ness acti vi ty, so that each benef its from the strengths of the ot her, and gai ns competi tive advantage . Strategi c al liances invol ve the shari ng of know ledge and experti se between par tners as well as the reducti on of risk and cos ts in areas such as relat ionshi ps wit h suppl iers and the devel opment of new product s and


e g a a nt

v d a e v i t i eac t e p hb com s ene t s o c f fi o n ts o i t c redu tw oo Are there others? rm ore s h ar or ing o f kn ga r ed ow le n is u ct dg e ati ion on of s risk rs e n t r a p n e e w t e b e s i t r e p ex 4


What is a Partnership?

A legal contract entered into by two or more persons in which each agrees to furnish a part of the capital and labour for a business enterprise, and by which each shares a fixed proportion of profits and losses. A relationship between individuals or groups that is characterised by mutual cooperation and responsibility, as for the achievement of a specified goal: Neighbourhood groups formed a partnership to fight crime. 6

What is an Alliance?

A close association of businesses, groups etc formed to advance common interests or causes. A formal agreement establishing such an association (letter of understanding). A connection based on common interest; a bond or tie. Close similarity in nature or type; an affinity. The act of becoming allied or the condition of being allied: the church, acting in alliance with community groups etc. 7

How to make development partnerships work. “Public-private partnerships have been criticised for underperforming on promises in recent years. But for development, wellmanaged alliances not only work, they can boost aid effectiveness too”. Dan Runde Director of the Office of Global Development Alliances, United States Agency for International Development (USAID)


Very few bus inesses provide a com plet e sol uti on for thei r prospecti ve custom ers.   Alliance partnerships are formed to make it possible for business operations to survive in a competitive market, provide a complete package for customers and often reduce costs.  For the small to medium sized operations alliance partnerships make sense.  They increase your buying power, make you more interesting to prospects and provide critical mass strengthening your position in your chosen markets.  9

To be successful alliance partnerships need to work both ways.  Your partner needs to gain from the arrangements and it is in both parties interests to ensure a win win situation is achieved and maintained.

In summa ry :

Co mp le te pa cka ge Inc rea sed buyin g p ow er Re duc ed c ost s Co mp etitiv e e dg e Mo re int erest ing to pr ospec ts a nd clie nt s Cr it ica l ma ss 10

Summarise your organisation:

1. What do you deliver, your services or produce or sell? 2. What do you do well – list 5 things ranked 1 to 5 3. What would you like to improve – list up to 5 4. Are there any organisations you know could help you? 5. Are there any organisations who could benefit from your organisation?


Identify why you need/want to form an alliance partnership  Do a SWOTS analysis on advantages and disadvantages of such an alliance – for both parties – Exe rcis e 2  Develop a statement outlining your results  Meet with the other organisation and discuss your ideas – emphasising benefits for both!  Structure a deal and go away and think about it again! Take your time........ 


Both parties draw up a business strategy (outline only at this stage) for discussion.  Review the costs associated with the arrangement and understand any risks associated with the alliance. “take off your rose coloured spectacles”.  Negotiate around the deal making sure the conclusion works for both parties.  Formalise a contract and reach agreement. 


Exerci se 3 – worki ng in groups

• Identify why you need/want to form an alliance partnership • Identify a possible alliance partner • List advantages and disadvantages for each party/organisation • Complete a SWOTS • Structure a draft deal for an alliance partnership – who does what? • Prepare to present on the flip chart 14

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