Alliance Major

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COMPANY BRIEF Search for Partner Project ul. Telmana. 35. office 1. Rostov-on-Don. RU 344010. RUSSIA phone: ++7-863-231-5464. ++7-863-231-5474. fax: ++7-863-234-5640 e-mail: [email protected]. web: http: //


WHY COOPERATE WITH ALLIANCE MAJOR.………………………………………………. COMPANY PROFILE…………………………………………………………………………………. ABOUT ALLIANCE MAJOR…………………………………………………………………………. CEOs ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… KEY RESEARCH PERSONNEL (brief bios)……………………………………………………. PUBLICATIONS…………………………………………………………………………………………

3 5 6 10 11 18


WHY COOPERATE with ALLIANCE MAJOR? 15 YEARS of EXPERIENCE in market research and marketing communications

HIGH QUALIFICATION in data collection, statistical treatment, interpretation & insights

AFFILIATES AND PARTNERS all over Russia thus providing all-country coverage if required

CREATIVITY in solution development

LOWER PRICES in comparison to Moscow companies with same quality and qualification offered














Market Research Marketing Communications Business Advisory Design Social and Political Forecast Studies


ul. Telmana, 35, office 1 Rostov-on-Don RU 344010, RUSSIA


++7-863-231-5464 ++7-863-231-5474




[email protected]



ABOUT ALLIANCE MAJOR Research and advisory company Alliance Major located in Rostov-on-Don is operating on the market of management and business development advisory, business intelligence, consumer market research, PR, BTL&ATL since 1994. Geography of AM business contacts covers practically every large city of Russia and of course the territory of South Federal District Alliance Major cooperates with representatives of different industries and social institutions: food processing, agriculture, finance, construction, fuel industry (production and distribution), pharmaceutics, chemical industry, production and distribution of furniture, FMCG and garment, heavy and high-technology industries; as well as education, mass media and telecommunication, governmental bodies and authorities. List of Alliance Major long-term accounts includes such top regional manufacturers as: •Trade House “Tavr (Taurus)” LLC (sausage and processed meat products; leader of local sausage market and top-20 member on federal market), •“Shakhtinskaya Plitka (Ceramic Tiles of Shakhty)” OJSC (ceramic tiles; top-5 member both on local and federal markets), •“Donskoj Tabak (Don Tobacco)” OJSC (cigarettes; member of top-7 on federal tobacco market), •“Stavropolskij Broiler (Broiler of Stavropol)” CJSC (broiler chicken production and first stage processing; leader of local market and top-15 member on federal market).


ABOUT ALLIANCE MAJOR Alliance Major also was fulfilling projects for Russian branches/representatives of such companies as: • • • • • • • • • • • • •



ABOUT ALLIANCE MAJOR Special Projects Since 2003 Alliance Major cooperates with Regional Department of Federal Financial Markets Service (FFMS) in South Federal District, providing technical support of information disclosure of regional companies - more than 200 emitters site their financial reports on AM web page. Some of the fruit this project brings: business contacts both with emittents and large operators of regional financial market and regular research projects executed for FFMS and Regional Branch of Federal Tax Authority (8 projects fulfilled in 2007-2008, including consumer polls, expert interviews and desk studies). 2005: Alliance Major demonstrated its research and data interpretation skills in the project of Rostov region Administration and FFMS regional branch “Actual Practices of Corporate Governance in the Companies of Rostov Region”. 2004: Alliance Major was organizer and speaker on practices of corporate security in Rostov companies in the frames of Corporate Security Section on Investment Forum of South of Russia.


ABOUT ALLIANCE MAJOR We target on TAILOR-MADE BUSINESS SOLUTIONS for each of our clients. For this purpose we INTEGRATE in one project various research methods, marcom techniques and even knowledge spheres - if it gives the best solution. SOME OF PRACTICED RESEARCH METHODS


•consumer polls •hall tests •focus groups •expert interviews •in-depth interviews •retail-audit •monitoring •ethnographic research •desk study •etc.

•BTL/ATL •mainstream advertising •upstream advertising •design •branding and naming •merchandising •social media communications •guerilla marketing •viral marketing •WOMM •mobile marketing •etc.



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Ms. Alexandra Romashova, Founder/President, Director of Consulting LinkedIn page Ms. Natalya Gavrilenko, Vice-President, Director of Research Ms. Nina Krympenko, Sr. Market Research Analyst LinkedIn page Ms. Tatiana Pavlova, Director of TTL Ms. Inna Bezzubova, Head of Fieldwork Dept Ms. Natalya Titova, Director of Finance


KEY RESEARCH PERSONNEL Alexandra Romashova, Founder/President, Director of Consulting Education:

Rostov-on-Don State University, 1989-1994 MA


In 1994 established the company Alliance Major being its President since then.


Market research (design, data interpretation, insights) Data analysis (quantitative and qualitative, data mining) Business process re-engineering ATL/BTL Package design, book design Focus group moderating Business intelligence and business security Business and political consulting Customers relationship management Business mapping Trend-watching


KEY RESEARCH PERSONNEL Alexandra Romashova (continued) SOME OF KEY ENGAGEMENTS As Political Advisor, Researcher and Analyst organized and managed many political and PR campaigns since 1993. Most large-scale projects: campaign of the former vice-speaker of State Duma of Russian Federation Vladimir Averchenko, and PR campaign for the project of “Azovprodukt” CJSC, a special purpose company, created by DECAL (a member of Triboldi Group) and their Russian partners “Federal Contract Corporation “Roskhleboprodukt” to build and operate a liquid chemicals terminal at Azov). She keeps long-term business contact with Administration of Rostov Region, Regional Department of FFMS in South Federal District, Administration of President of Russian Federation and Regional Branch of Federal Tax Authority; over recent years organized and coordinated a number of meaningful research projects initiated by the said authorities covering the questions of inter-regional cooperation, corporate governance in Rostov region, attitude of Rostov region taxpayers to existing tax policy, etc. As Market Research Analyst and Advisor in Marketing Strategies worked on all key accounts of the company - “Donskoj Tabak”, “Stavropolskij Broiler”, “Shakhtinskaya Plitka”, Trade House “Tavr” – and also on one-time projects like survey on Rostov region elites ordered by Rating Agency “Expert”, and some others. As Advisor in Business Strategies and BPR worked with “Rostovskij Port (Rostov-on-Don Harbor)” OJSC (2008), “Almaz (Diamond)” FGUP (munitions industry, project initiated by Rostov Region Administration).


KEY RESEARCH PERSONNEL Alexandra Romashova (continued) As a Lecturer reads lectures on Historical psychology and Social psychology for students of 3d and 4th year of study at Rostov-on-Don State University, Psychology Board. Also reads lectures on Introductory Courses at Don State Engineering University for the first year students. Author and trainer of the following seminars: 1. CRM, Ad design and testing, media planning, etc. for Marketers of Rostov-on-Don companies. 2. Apparel Marketing. For Sr. Staff of jeans clothes chain "Mustang". 3. Market Research: Planning and Coordination. For Marketers and Brand Managers of Donskoj Tabak. 4. Corporate Security and Defense Against Hostile Takeovers. For Investment Forum of South of Russia. 5. Business Mapping. For Russian Institute of Directors (RID). 6. Seminars for the project DARTS (Dynamic Adaptive Recruiting &Training System) in cooperation with HR Training Company "Human Factors - Rostov" Other activities include design projects (package, promo booklets, etc.), Internet projects (FOPOZ – nonprofit fund for aid to confined people; website of organization “Russkoe Pole (Russian Field)”; website of FFMS in South Federal District; technical support of information disclosure of regional companies, etc.). Ms. Romashova is frequently asked for expert comments by such printed media as “RBC daily Yug (South)”, “Vedomosti”, “Gorod (Town) N”, “Kommersant-Yug (Merchant. South)”, “Expert Yug (South)”, "Vash Kapital (Your Capital)“, "Realniy Biznes (Real Business)" and others. Listed in Who Is Who since 2007.


KEY RESEARCH PERSONNEL Natalya Gavrilenko, Vice-President, Director of Research • • • •

Education: Rostov-on-Don State University, Board of Economics, 1991-1996, MA, Marketing Russian Institute of Directors (RID), 2003, Corporate Secretary IIM LINK, 2006-2007, BZR640 Professional Certificate in Management Training Center of Rostov-on-Don State University (RGU), 2007, Training Program on Factorial Analysis (SPSS, Statistica) by Candidate of Mathematics Surkov F.A. Occupation: In 1995 was hired for research fieldwork coordination by Alliance Major. Since then grew to the positions of Vice President and Director of Research.

• • • • •

Competences: Market research projects - project development and budgeting Marketing communication campaigns – development and coordination Research data statistical treatment and visualization Research staff recruitment and training Development and coordination of BTL events and PR campaigns


KEY RESEARCH PERSONNEL Natalya Gavrilenko (continued) • • • • • • • • • •

Most large-scale engagements: Blood Donation (research project for development of social advertising of blood donation), 2008, 2600 interviews Investigation of Social and Political Tone of Rostov Region Population, regular project, 2005-2008, 12000 interviews Appraisal of Gas Grades Rebranding Project, 2008, 4 focus groups Retail Audit of Poultry Sales in South FD, 2007, 12 cities of South Federal District Investigation of Consumer Attitude to Cadastral Survey Procedure in South FD, 2006, 2000 interviews Glossy Magazine Market Survey, 2006, 600 interviews Hall Test of New Cigarette Blend, 2006, 3000 interviews Retail Audit of Ceramic Tile Sales, 2005, 19 cities all over Russia Survey of Rostov-on-Don Sausage and Meat Products Market, 2005, 1000 interviews Survey of Rostov-on-Don Mobile Communication Market, 2005, 1500 interviews


KEY RESEARCH PERSONNEL Nina Krympenko, Sr. Market Research Analyst • •

Education: Rostov-on-Don State Pedagogical University, 1989-1994, MA, English Philology and Pedagogic Training Center of Rostov-on-Don State University (RGU), 2007, Training Program on Factorial Analysis (SPSS, Statistica) by Candidate of Mathematics Surkov F.A.

Occupation: Past: 1994-2004, Sr. Executive of Import in construction company “Alina” CJSC. Basic competences were: coordination of import supplies of construction materials from foreign countries (Sweden, Germany, USA, Great Britain, China, etc.) to Russia; paperwork, communication, logistics, partner search. After 2004 tsunami presented new construction technologies for recovery projects in Pacific Asia (Thailand, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka) to governmental officials and largest local construction companies; coordinated negotiations on reconstruction projects in Phuket (Thailand). Present: came to Alliance Major in 2004. Showed excellent analytical and self-education skills. By 2006 reached the position of Sr. Market Research Analyst.

• • • • •

Current competences: market research projects (quantitative and qualitative), desk studies – data interpretation and insights market and consumer insights (regional and country), data mining research data arrangement and visualization writing free reports and articles for publications interviews with industry experts and company advisors


KEY RESEARCH PERSONNEL Nina Krympenko (continued) •

• • •

Most significant engagements: Data Interpretation on Regular Market surveys and Hall Tests for “Donskoj Tabak” in 2006-2008, covering package redesign, brand restyling, development of new promo concepts, new blends hall tests; samples 150 to 3000 respondents) Data Interpretation on Desk Study “Cephalosporins, Carbapenemes, Aminoglycosides, and Glucocorticosteroids on Russian Pharmaceutics Market” (2008; comprised interpretation of expert interviews and heuristic search results) Data Interpretation on Retail Audit of Packed Food Markets Poultry Market of South FD + Russian Poultry Market Desk Study (2007) Rostov-on-Don Sausage and Meat Products Market (2005) Rostov-on-Don Vegetable/Seed Oil Market (2005-2007) Rostov-on-Don Mineral/Drinking Water Market (2004-2007) Rostov-on-Don Beer Market (2005) Data Interpretation on Glossy Magazine Market Survey (2006) Data Interpretation on Retail Audit of Ceramic Tile Sales in Russia (2005) Data Interpretation for BPR Projects “Rostovskij Port (Rostov-on-Don Harbor)” OJSC (2008) “Almaz (Diamond)” OJSC (munitions industry, project initiated by Rostov Region Administration)


PUBLICATIONS Alexandra Romashova available in Russian 1. Almost No Sight of Bird Flue. Review of Broiler Poultry Market in South Federal District. February-March 2008, Russian Food and Drinks Market Magazine (co-author Krympenko Nina) 2. Regional Market of Vegetable/Seed Oil. June 2006, Russian Food and Drinks Market Magazine. (coauthor Manatskova E.V.) 3. Diversification vs Concentration. December 2004, magazine "Realniy Biznes (Real Business)" (co-author Manatskova E.V.) 4. Provincial Media Planning, October 2004, “Sphera (Sphere)", magazine 5. Rostov-on-Don Advisory Service Market. July-August 2004, magazine "Vash Kapital (Your Capital)" (coauthor Manatskova E.V.) 6. Time for Hobby. August 2004, magazine "Realniy Biznes (Real Business)" (co-author Manatskova E.V.) 7. On Personnel Training. August 2004, magazine "Realniy Biznes (Real Business)" (co-author Manatskova E.V.) 8. Personnel Loyalty. July 2004, magazine "Realniy Biznes (Real Business)" (co-author Manatskova E.V.) 9. Fortune Sellers. June 2004, magazine "Realniy Biznes (Real Business)" (co-author Manatskova E.V.) 10. Corporate Security of Rostov-on-Don Companies. June 2004, newspaper “Kommersant-Yug (Merchant. South)” (co-author Manatskova E.V.) 11. Don’t Hide Your Money. April 2004, magazine "Realniy Biznes (Real Business)" (co-author Manatskova E.V.)


PUBLICATIONS Alexandra Romashova (continued) 12. Market Research vs Marketing Survey. April 2004, magazine "Realniy Biznes (Real Business)" (co-author Manatskova E.V.) 13. Analysis of Rostov-on-Don Vegetable/Seed Oil Market. Magazine “Sphera (Sphere)" 15 ‘2003 (co-author Manatskova E.V.) 14. Rating of Rostov-on-Don Gas Stations. June 2003, Magazine “Vash Kapitak (Your Capital)“ (co-author Manatskova E.V.) 15. On Efficiency of Market Research. May 2003, Magazine “Vash Kapitak (Your Capital)“ (co-author Manatskova E.V.) 16. Review of Rostov-on-Don Market of Processed Meat Products. Magazine “Sphera (Sphere)" 14 ‘2003 (co-author Manatskova E.V.) 17. Elections: As Is. Past and Future of Russian Province Mentality. Reports of the II International Conference on Historical Psychology of Russian Mentality. Samara, 1997, pp 66-84. (co-author Manatskova E.V.) 18. School Essays as a Source of School Writing History. Past and Future of Russian Province Mentality. Samara, 1994.


PUBLICATIONS Nina Krympenko available in English, published in "Russian Food & Drinks Market" magazine 1. Review of Rostov-on-Don Bottled Water Market, November 2008 2. Almost No Sight of Bird Flue. Review of Broiler Poultry Market in South Federal District. February-March 2008, Russian Food and Drinks Market Magazine (co-author Alexandra Romashova) 3. Rostov-on-Don Vegetable Oil Market, July 2008 4. Rostov-on-Don Market of Meat and Sausage Products, May 2006 5. Review of Rostov-on-Don Beer Market, February 2005

available in Russian market reviews 1. Review of Rostov-on-Don Bottled Water Market, October 2007, "Industriya Napitkov (Beverage Industry)", magazine 2. Review of Rostov-on-Don Bottled Water Market, November 2004, "Russian Food & Drinks Market", magazine 3. Review of Russian Grain Market, September 2004, "Vash Kapital (Your Capital)", magazine 4. Brief Review of Rostov-on-Don Real Estate Market, June 2004, "Gorod N (Town N)", newspaper general marcom topics 1. About Media Planning, September 2004, "Vash Kapital (Your Capital)", magazine


PUBLICATIONS Very recent project is Web 2.0 Publications which implies some of our free reports would be available in document/ppt sharing communities. Currently available free reports: Slideshow “Russian Cigarette Market 2007” Article on Broiler Poultry Market in South Federal District Article on Rostov-on-Don Bottled Water Market


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