Allergies, Eczema, Chronic Dermatitis, Sinusitis, Stroke...

  • November 2019
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Press reviews, from Germany: "Visionen" magazine, dated No. 3 June/July 2006

"Is there an invisible energy that can heal?" Spiritual healing checked and verified by doctors: on the 100th birthday of Bruno Groening, May 31, 2006 "After my stroke in 1986", reports Nikolai G., "I was paralyzed on my right side. When I would put weight on my right leg it would buckle and I couldn’t use my right hand. But that wasn’t all. The stroke had also taken away my speech. I could only mumble and couldn’t speak properly any more. I had to be fed, couldn’t eat by myself. I often swallowed the wrong way when eating. So I only weighed 128 lbs. (previously it was always 165 lbs). Then, when the second stroke occurred four years later I fell into deep despair. I pleaded to God for help. Then I read in a newspaper about spiritual healing and Bruno Groening. At first it didn’t mean anything to me and I couldn’t believe that I would be able to become well in this way. But when I felt the strong tingling in my body - a feeling of energy that I had never before experienced - I knew that this was something special. After that I regularly absorbed the Heilstrom* and six months later I was well. The paralysis has simply disappeared after all those years, and I can speak again. I have become an active person again, full of the joy in life. During the follow - up examination my doctor couldn’t believe that I was well. Now she, too, is interested in spiritual healing." Nicolai G., 66, experienced something that is impossible from the medical point of view - an energy that doesn’t (any longer) exist today, at least according to the official school of thought. In lectures on the history of medicine, medical students still hear about the "vis vitialis" or "life energy" that was still a part of medical knowledge at the end of the nineteenth century. People studying acupuncture learn from the Chinese physicians of pre - Christian times about "chi", the mysterious life - energy which flows along an invisible network of channels (meridians). If the flow of this energy is hindered it can lead to physical ailments. The early Indian tradition speaks of "prana" and in Christianity it is called the "divine force". It makes no difference to Nicolai G. whether science believes in this energy or not - he is well. The follow up examination by his doctor has confirmed it. Bruno Groening - an unusual person All religions and cultures know of a higher energy, and there have always been people who obviously possess a special connection to this force. Others experienced wonderful healings through its application, which cannot be explained by today’s theories of suggestion. In more recent times Bruno Groening (1906-1959) has been considered one of the most prominent personalities in the field of spiritual healing: Born in Gdansk in 1906, he came to public attention in 1949 in Herford, Germany. The parents of a boy bedridden from muscular dystrophy asked him for help. Bruno Groening went and Dieter was able to walk again. The parents immediately reported this miracle to the newspaper and a short time later around 5,000 people were waiting for Bruno Groening before their house. Groening didn’t treat illnesses or lay on hands; he only spoke to the seekers of healing. He always alluded to the existence of a higher healing force that he called the "divine pose", "life force" or "Heilstrom*". Anyone should be able to absorb this higher natural power into himself. The healing of Grete Häusler Grete Häusler (83), of Hennef/Sieg, Germany says, "In August, 1950 I attended a lecture by Bruno Groening in Munich. I attended the lecture with a blind friend of mine. Mr. Groening spoke of a healing power that anyone can perceive in his body. God is the giver of this energy. I felt a very pleasant streaming in my body, and pain appeared in the very parts of my body where the illnesses were. I then had a feeling as if something very heavy had been taken off of me. Since then I’ve been well."

Mrs. Häusler had suffered for over 15 years from a chronic inflammation of the frontal sinuses, and she had severe liver damage resulting from a chronic inflammation of the liver. She had to follow a strict diet all her life. Frequent hypoglycemia had led to severe attacks of dizziness. After the encounter with Bruno Groening the three chronic ailments came to an end. Her blind friend, too, experienced healing. Grete Häusler says, "I’ll never forget the moment when we were walking back to our boarding house through the nocturnal streets of Munich. My friend suddenly poked me and was able to perceive the colors of the neon signs. That same evening I ate a big pork sausage. That hadn’t been possible for years. But I didn’t get any more attacks of colic. Even the attacks of dizziness and continual headaches had simply disappeared." The Bruno Groening Circle of Friends After Groening’s death, Grete Häusler founded the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends. There the knowledge handed down by Bruno Groening is passed on without charge or obligation - at present in all the countries of Europe and on all continents. Anyone interested can receive an introduction to the teachings of Bruno Groening and learn to use for himself the higher energy, the Heilstrom* or Healing Stream. One can do this at any time. In local meetings (Community Hours) one has the opportunity to exchange experiences and absorb this power together with others. The many healings from all over the world are verified in physicians’ groups. All such activities are without cost, since the Circle of Friends covers all expenses through voluntary donations. There are no obligations of any kind. No helpers, not even the participating doctors, take money for their work. For this reason the sponsor organization of the Circle of Friends is recognized as "non - profit" in Germany. Grete Häusler says, "Anyone today who, like me, has experienced healing of themselves and of many other people would like to inform others and make them aware of this simple, natural way of help and healing through the teaching of Bruno Groening." Doctors participate in the Medical Science Group Dr. Franz Gringinger, general practitioner, says, "Because of my supplementary training in holistic medicine it was easier for me to recognize the wonderful feeling that I felt in my body when absorbing the healing force for what it is - the "life energy" that we doctors have forgotten about. I think it is especially important to integrate the knowledge of the wonderful possibilities of this energy into our health system." Franz Gringinger is Director of a physicians’ community within the Medical Scientific Group (MWF) of the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends. More than 6,000 doctors and representatives of other health care professions in 60 countries have joined this group. Founded in 1992, it is a part of the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends. Up until now around 100,000 people have attended the public lectures of the MWF doctors and health care practitioners. Invitations are even received from universities such as the University of Arizona Medical School in Tucson, Arizona, USA, which has already organized three physicians’ lectures on the subject of spiritual healing through the teaching of Bruno Groening. In work circles and physicians’ communities led by doctors, healing reports that have been prepared by trained lay people are verified. They are translated into 24 languages and made available to seekers of healing worldwide. Last year over a million people showed interest in the more than 200 healings indexed on the Internet according to medical criteria. ( The examples of healing give back to many seekers of healing their belief and trust in their own recovery. Thus, more and more people all over the world are looking into this simple, natural way of spiritual help and healing through the teaching of Bruno Groening. And their successes encourage others, as well. Healing by the Heilstrom* is no miracle Dr. Gringinger says, "For me as a doctor the verification of these reports constitutes a special enrichment of and supplement to my professional life. Medically verifiable healings, even from the most severe organic diseases, bear witness to the greatness of the energy that Bruno Groening called the "Heilstrom*". Following Groening’s advice, I, too, regularly absorb the Heilstrom*. Although I’m not ill, I acquire in this way a great deal of strength for my work and everyday life." Nicolai G. and Ruth F. (see box below) also became well through absorption of the Heilstrom*. They heard a lecture on the teachings of Bruno Groening and learned to open themselves up to the Heilstrom*. Bruno Groening always emphasized in his lectures that healing through absorption of the Heilstrom* is no miracle. He refused to mystify the effect of this energy or represent it as supernatural. Bruno Groening said: "My healings are based on an energy existing within the divine order and not on a breaking of natural laws. Consequently, one cannot call them ‘miracles’ just because one cannot, or only with difficulty, explain them in current scientific terms." Medical Scientific Group of the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends

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Healed from severe allergies - another healing among many Ruth F. 28, had lost all her hair. She had no hair on her head and no eyelashes - all of her body hair was gone. Even cortisone stopped helping. It was "alopecia totalis," according to the medical diagnosis - an auto - immune disease. But the hair loss was only the last blow on her decades - long path of suffering. Chronic neuro - dermatitis since in early childhood wouldn’t heal. Year after year there was this unbearable itching from eczema all over her body and many allergies, even

against beloved animals - especially horses - made life almost unbearable. In addition there were asthma attacks. Cortisone crème, Theophyllin and cortisone tablets helped, but only briefly. Diets brought some relief, but her life was still sheer agony. Ruth says, "There was simply nothing that helped. I was almost suicidal. I scratched myself bloody, but it simply wouldn’t stop." Nor did holistic alternatives bring the desired help - until in her early twenties she attended a lecture on spiritual healing at a health fair. Something special happened there. Ruth says, "During the lecture I perceived a feeling in my body that I had never known before and which can best be described as profound warmth in the center of my body, along with a very strange flowing feeling. Suddenly, to my total surprise, I felt a joy that couldn’t be attributed to any exterior influence (I was still the same person that had sat there five minutes before absorbing the energy, and nothing outside me had changed), along with an indescribable feeling of well - being. These feelings were so strong that I began to cry behind closed eyes without even noticing it. But it wasn’t that pain - filled, convulsive kind of sobbing I had always been familiar with; instead, it was simply an infinitely relief - giving, silent flowing of water from my eyes that freed me second by second and caused in me an indescribable feeling of happiness. I was inwardly so surprised and moved that I only sat there and simply let happen what was obviously happening to me." Since then Ruth has been free from the suffering that had lasted 20 years All of the allergies she had fought in vain for years had completely disappeared. She could go into the horse stall again without having an asthma or allergy attack. The food allergies had disappeared. Months later her skin had also healed up. After a further year she had beautiful long blond hair again. She was then able to fulfill her dream: she studied veterinary medicine and now works in her own practice with all the animals she previously had to avoid.

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