Allahu The Most Loving And The Irresistable

  • April 2020
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Allahu The Most Loving and The Irresistable

Bismillah I write, The Irresistable Allahu Ta’ala means that He owns the Extravagance and Glory, which only He who owns it. We Muslim like Allahu Ta’ala who has these characters. Jabbar is a character where He shows His character to His creatures who underestimated Him, while He’s going show His authority to His creatures. In all aspect, all creatures bend and will always bend to His will and His will encompasses all things. In another point, He is The Most Loving, He does not pleaseth that anybody will perish, He willeth that they will perish, and decided to, but He loveth and pleaseth that they would understand Himself and to accept His compassion and love, this is the blessing which is His goal in creating the creatures and their actions. This is the language which being used to talk with humans. Allahu Tabaraka Ta’ala does not want any Angels of light to perish, He only allowed the Iblis (at that time was an Angel. He is from Jin) to act in arrogance and to deny the command of Allahu Subhaanahu wa Ta’ala. Allahu Jalla Jalaaluhu does not pleaseth that any Angel made from light (not fire, as Iblis) to perish. No Angels will perish. So intense Allahu Jalla Jalaaluhu in His being pleaseth and in His love to His creatures, so that He has created Heaven and prepare it for the people who accept Islam as their way of life.

And losses gain by who reject Him. Verily that Allahu ‘Azza wa Jalla had been The Most Compassionate to them when they (Kafirun) are in His world. And in the Day of Judgement, they hath passed the time and place, when and where already being appointed to them what Allahu Subhaanahu wa Ta’ala love. He won’t see your appearance, wealth and descendants, but to your deeds and faith. So don’t be as the people who reject the Syari’at of Allahu ‘Azza wa Jalla. Behold, that thou should be Rabbani. Allahu Subhaanahu wa Ta’ala is the Rabb (The Cherisher, Master): The Creator, Controller, Planner, Cherisher and Sustainer of His creation. Be ye the people of Rabbani, who love Allah and His Messengers more than anything. Which unto them, the Heaven will be descend and they will be invite to enter it. Being close to Dzat who is The Most Loving, in there they see Him and will be talking to Him, in love together. Do not be the people who ascociate partner with Him and loving the enemies of Allah in Syirik (ascociating partner with Allah) and Fasiq (wicked person). Be ye people who apply Syari’at Islam in your life as Citizens. Be ye humans who accept the commandments of Allah and to stay away from what He forbade and acting well to Him then to the people who are being treated better from the side of accepting Allah’s Revelation, the people of Messengers, Prophets and the Scholars. Belong to Him all that are in the skies and in the world, and whatever ascend to the skies and descend from the skies, which enter the earth and which come out from it and be unto Him all the praises in the skies and the earth, and be unto Him all the praises in Heaven, verily He is Most Forbearing and Most Merciful.

So what they do in their life as Citizens and in their deeds in applying to the Law ascend to Allahu Subhaanahu wa Ta’ala as good deeds which gonna be accepted by Allahu ‘Azza wa Jalla. Does Allahu ‘Azza wa Jalla need the good deeds done by Muslim? Yes. If not, then what will He grow in His hand, and after those deeds of Muslim getting bigger then He will giveth it to them, He will giveth what they own the rights to. If Allahu Tabaraka Ta’ala want something that won’t be Sinners, then He already created them, who are Angels. If Allahu ‘Azza wa Jalla want something that would never be satisfied by any creation, then He already created that things, who are human beings. Verily, that the delight of live is given to Rasulullah in Shalat. To the worshippers of Allahu Jalla who do righteous deeds because of Allahu Jalla and wish for His reward. Even in this world, Allahu Ta’ala will bless them from the skies and the earth.

Assalamu manit taba’al huda (May peace, development and safe from guile be upon who follow the guidance). Assalamu’alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh (May peace, development and safe from guile, and Allah’s love and His blessings be upon thee).

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