All Work And No Play

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 3,084
  • Pages: 14
Renji sighed as he turned over yet another piece of paper. He'd agreed that he would do some work this morning on the premise that he could do whatever he liked for the rest of today and have some of tomorrow morning off to recover. Despite readily agreeing to this, he still hated doing paperwork on his birthday. "Couldn't taichou find somethin' else fer me ta do this morning? I wanna -"

"Talking to yourself, Renji?" Ichigo asked with a smirk, leaning on the door frame to the 6th Division office.

"Ichigo 'm busy. Don't distract me."

Renji gasped; Ichigo was suddenly on his desk, his lips capturing his lover's in a kiss. He pulled away. "Ichigo, we'll get caught. Kuchiki-taichou could be back any minute."

"You wanted to live dangerously according to one of your fantasies, remember?"

"Not this dangerously. I don't damn well fancy being sliced ta bits by Senbonzakura on my birthday." Renji glared at him, but his hands moved to undo Ichigo's shinigami robes anyway.

"I won't let him harm my fianc�," Ichigo replied, grinning as Renji blushed slightly, both remembering Ichigo's birthday, "and I have to make this day better than my birthday. I'll never live it down otherwise."

"Yeah I'd like ta see ya manage that!" Renji retorted, moving on top of Ichigo on the desk; the unfinished paperwork now scattered all around the office. Renji no longer cared.

Ichigo smiled softly as Renji moved onto him, his eyes twinkling at the challenge. Ever since they had been together, it had become a competition to see who could have the better birthday. Inevitably it usually ended up with Renji whining that Ichigo had an advantage, as he always had the knowledge of what had happened on his birthday first so Ichigo could plan his and top it.

This year however, Renji believed he had him. It was about time Ichigo had to be the one to go shopping with Rukia, and bear looking at all the chappy merchandise for hours.

"Ichigo, anyone... could walk in on this," Renji muttered between kisses, finally pushing Ichigo's shinigami robes off.

"Don't care." Ichigo replied, pulling Renji's hair-band out. "I told you to be ready for a surprising day didn't I? You shoulda left your hair down."

Renji rolled his eyes as Ichigo succeeded in undressing him, and smiled as Ichigo pushed him off the top and got there instead. "Hell Ichigo, this desk is hard, be careful. An' my hair gets in the way of doin' the paperwork."

"Serves Byakuya right for making you do paperwork on your birthday."

"Ichigo, why'd ya change us round?" Renji asked as he put his legs around his lover.

Kissing Renji's cheek softly, Ichigo whispered into his ear. "Because I haven't forgotten the teasing you caused on my birthday."

Ichigo grinned as he heard Renji whimper softly, and reached for the lubricant. He knew Renji thought he had already won this year, but this was just the first of many surprises he had planned for today.

"Oh god, Ichi..." Renji moaned as Ichigo gently inserted two lubed-up fingers into him. Reaching up, Renji ran his hand through Ichigo's hair, his other hand having a firm grip on the desk so that they didn't fall off.

"Here, Ren... try this," Ichigo smiled, offering Renji his other hand that also had lubricant on the fingers now.

Renji grinned, wondering what Ichigo was up to. They had used flavoured lubricant before, but they usually stuck with a few regular ones. This one smelt different, almost of... Renji shook his head, it couldn't be that. Licking Ichigo's fingers as Ichigo continued to loosen his lover with his other fingers; Renji moaned and licked his lips. He gazed lovingly at Ichigo.

Ichigo smiled as Renji gazed at him, and gently took his fingers out of Renji before engaging him in a kiss.

"Ichigo... that lube..."

"Taiyaki flavour, yeah." Ichigo smirked at his lover's confusion, and ran a hand through Renji's hair. "Don't you dare ask Urahara what he made me do to persuade him to make some, alright?"

"You... the hell? Ichigo ya asked... from Urahara? You're barmy." Renji burst out laughing, even he wouldn't have dared asking Urahara for that kind of favour; that shopkeeper was succeeding in humiliating him more than enough already.

Blushing slightly, Ichigo playfully hit Renji's shoulder. "If that's the way you're gonna� be, I'll tie you to the desk and leave you here like this. That should be interesting to explain to Byakuya."

"Ya wouldn't dare!" Renji glared at him, but his eyes showed slight worry at that.

"Of course I wouldn't stupid," Ichigo laughed, kissing Renji's neck. "I love you too much. Besides the only other person I could think to ask about specially made lubricant was Mayuri, and I'm not going anywhere near him if I can help it."

"Ichigo... stop putting strange images in my mind... an' damn well take me!"

Ichigo laughed, kissing down on Renji's chest and causing a few hickeys. "You're always impatient when you're underneath me."

"Right back at ya." Renji grinned, pushing Ichigo away from him slightly and

then pulling him back down into a deep kiss, the flavour of the Taiyaki lube still lingering in his own mouth. He smiled, glad Ichigo hadn't eaten anything spicy before coming here. Ichigo moaned softly, he liked teasing Renji but knew he couldn't keep this up for long. He tossed the lubricant to Renji with a smile.

Renji grinned as Ichigo moved back slightly. Sitting up, he lubed Ichigo's cock up, smirking at the shudder he got. His hands were trembling slightly now; despite his reservations about doing this here earlier, he now really, really wanted it.

"Ahh... Ren..." Ichigo murmured, Renji's way of using his hands was something Ichigo still didn't quite understand, how did his lover make him melt at such a delicate touch?

Dropping the lubricant, Renji hooked his legs back round Ichigo as he moved back into position.

"You want this Renji?" Ichigo whispered softly, his lips as close as possible to Renji's without actually touching.

"Ichi... please..." Renji groaned. ""

Ichigo really wanted to tease Renji some more, but his own mind was yelling at him to make love to the form beneath him before someone found them. Smiling, he gently eased himself into Renji with a shudder.

Renji moaned, his left arm tightening around the desk. He flinched slightly at the hard surface behind his back but ignored it, instead pulling his lover into a kiss, helping Ichigo to get inside him even deeper.

"Ahh, Ren... missed you... missed this..."

Renji chuckled softly, his body shuddering slightly with pleasure. "Me too. Keep... going."

Ichigo upped his movements as he heard Renji practically plead for more. All logical thought had left his mind by this stage; the hardness of the desk on his knees the only thing reminding him that they were in the 6th division office. His breath hitched as he heard a whimper from below him. Glancing at Renji and getting a sparkling look back to say that he was okay, Ichigo once more pressed his lips to his lover's, pushing his tongue in as Renji opened his mouth in invitation for more.


Later, Ichigo was still leaning on Renji on the desk, too exhausted to move. They were gazing at each other, a look of loving satisfaction clear in both their eyes. The desk itself was a mess of unfinished paperwork and their fluids, but at that moment neither man cared.

"Gonna... haveta... move." Renji gasped, sitting up and pulling Ichigo to him so that he was sitting on his lap.

Ichigo smiled and reached his hands up to Renji's hair before kissing him briefly. "Happy... birthday."

"Ichi we should -" Renji trailed off as he heard a knock at the door.

"Hey Renji, I thought we were going for a few drinks? Don't let Kuchiki overwork you on your birthday!"

Renji went bright red, and hurriedly helped both himself and Ichigo to stand, cursing that he'd not realised how late the time had got. "I'll be right with ya Ikkaku, just hang on a sec!"

"I know what your seconds are like, should I come in?"

"NO!" Both Renji and Ichigo shouted, as they quickly got dressed.

Renji looked round the office. "Kuchiki-taichou's gonna be pissed."

"We'll come back and tidy up later. Let's go before Ikkaku gets impatient." Ichigo replied, wanting to get out of the office before Byakuya came back from the meeting that would probably have finished by now.

Ikkaku grinned as they came out of the office. "I take back what I said about overworking, it's clearly your lucky day."

Ichigo blushed and Renji glared at Ikkaku, then chuckled. "What was I supposed ta do? He forced himself on me."

"RENJI!" Ichigo protested, though he was smiling.

Renji laughed, this was already a great day and it was only lunch time. He wasn't going to let Ichigo win their competition again though, no way. His mind had doubts about that as he saw Ichigo smiling, remembering that before their relationship it was very rare for Ichigo to wear a true smile. Seeing Ichigo smile like that so genuinely, especially while other people were around, was a better present to him then anyone would ever know.

"Come on let's meet the others, Matsumoto's waiting."

"As long as she's not the one who cooked!" Renji retorted back to Ikkaku with a laugh, remembering how many weird recipes she had bought back with her last time thanks to Inoue.

"Don't worry Renji, she hasn't." Ichigo promised, joining hands with him. "I ate at Inoue's yesterday, there's no way I can stomach that kind of food two days in a row."

As they headed off towards 10th division where the others would be, Renji frowned. If Matsumoto didn't make the food then who did?


Renji's eyes widened with delight as he saw the food, no feast he decided. "Wha... but..."

"You like?"

"Of course I do. Hell Ichigo what -"

"Yuzu." Ichigo simply replied, with a smile. "You know how she loves cooking, so when I mentioned I wanted some help with this she leapt at the chance."

Renji was about to reply when he saw a load of Taiyaki piled up to form a cake shape. He chuckled. "That was your idea wasn't it?"

"Yeah well... guess it is a bit cheesy..." Ichigo muttered, running a hand through his hair.

Renji just smiled and pulled Ichigo into a kiss. "Don't care," He whispered, "I like it."

"Oh my, Renji-kun, save your desert for later."

Renji pulled sharply away from Ichigo as he heard Matsumoto. Her voice was already slightly slurred.

"I think he's already had his dessert." Ichigo smirked, causing Renji to glare harshly at him.

"Not in Kuchiki-tachiou's..."

"Yep." Both Renji and Ichigo grinned, their faces slightly red.

"See Taichou, at least I only just don't do anything in your office."

"Matsumoto..." Hitsugaya growled from his desk in the office, "please let me finish this in peace."

"You've still not finished your paperwork?"

"MATSUMOTO!" Hitsugaya shouted with annoyance.


"This is your paperwork!"

Ichigo and Renji laughed at the exchange. "Excuse me a minute Renji, I need to go do something."

Renji nodded, watching with a frown as Ichigo left. He had to give Ichigo one thing, he was certainly trying to make today better than his birthday, and though Renji wouldn't admit it, Ichigo had already succeeded in his eyes.

"Hey Toshiro."

"That's Hitsugaya-taichou!" Hitsugaya sighed putting his pen down. "What do you want?"

"I just wanted to make sure everything was ready."

Hitsugaya nodded. "I must say Kurosaki Ichigo, you have planned today out meticulously. How did you get Kuchiki-tachiou to agree to this?"

Ichigo smirked. "I left that to Rukia. I think I'm going to find myself doing favours for people for a while, but I don't mind. This is for Renji."

"Just try to keep the noise down, please."

"Thanks, Toshiro." Ichigo replied, leaving the office, before Hitsugaya had a chance to tell him to stop calling him that.


Renji was drinking sake by the time Ichigo rejoined the group, and Rukia and Kira had joined them during his absence.

"There you are Ichigo! Don't tell me you've only just got over here?"

Ichigo glared at Rukia as he grabbed some food and sat down beside Renji. "Renji didn't say I was already here? Guess he didn't want you telling your brother what we did in the 6th division office."

Renji nearly choked on his sake.


Later, everyone but Ichigo was slightly tipsy, and most of the Taiyaki cake had now also been eaten. Ichigo kept glancing at his watch.

"Need ta be somewhere Ichigo?"

"Hmm? No Ren, just turn your attention to the sky for a few minutes."

"Huh?" Renji frowned, but did so anyway. What he saw next had his eyes widening with wonder.

In the sky were the banaki forms of Senbonzakura and Hyorinmaru, creating the shape of a heart with an arrow through it.

"Ichigo..." He breathed, lost for words. He reached his arm round his lover, still watching the display with admiration.

"Give in?"

Renji nodded, only half aware of what Ichigo was saying. "Ichigo I..."

"Sssh don't say anything." Ichigo smiled as Renji turned to face him, the display fading.

As Ichigo wouldn't let him say anything, Renji settled for embracing Ichigo and snogging him instead.

Standing up, Ichigo offered Renji a hand. "Come on, I've still got to give you your gift."

"After all this? Alright Ichigo ya win. Again." Renji chuckled.

Saying their farewells to their friends, they headed back to Renji's quarters.


"So what've ya got me?" Renji asked as they lay down on his bed. Right now though all he really wanted to do was thank Ichigo for the rest of the day by fucking his lover senseless.

"Wait and see. Got a few gifts from other people to give you first."

Renji smiled sadly, remembering how upset Inoue had been when she had explained to him that she would be busy with college work and unable to come over. "Inoue knows I understand right?"

"Of course she does, but I'm sure she would have rather given you this herself." Ichigo smiled, handing Renji the parcel.

Opening it warily, Renji chuckled. "Hey Ichigo, want a piece of this cake? Looks like chocolate and... red bean paste I think."

"Ugh. No thanks. I had enough of her food yesterday when I picked that up."

Renji frowned as Ichigo handed him another parcel. "This your one?"

"No. Ishida's." Ichigo shrugged in response to Renji's questioning gaze, not entirely sure why the Quincy would give a gift either.

Renji opened it, then glared at the embroidery. "I'll kill 'im."

"Why what does it - oh." Ichigo laughed, taking the embroidered towel from Renji. A heart with both their names adorning the middle, Zabimaru's bankai form swirling around Zangetsu's bankai form just above it. Yet underneath, in very small stitches, were the words 'Quincys are still better than Shinigami'.

"So what have ya got me?" Renji asked again with a chuckle, as Ichigo joined him on the bed.

"Aren't I enough?" Ichigo smirked.

"Of course but you said -"

"I'm joking Ren, of course I got you something." Ichigo smiled, reaching his arm around Renji and handing him a small package.

Opening it, Renji's eyes widened with surprise. "You... got... one of these? But they..." He stammered, unable to believe that he was holding the metal disc with both their zanpakuto etched with the 6th division logo on the back.

"No excuses for us not to see each other more regularly now. It took a lot for me to get that permission."

"How did you get it?" Renji asked, looking at the disc that gave him permission to go to the living world whenever, and Ichigo vice versa.

"Because..." Ichigo hesitated; this was the one thing he wasn't sure Renji would like about today. "Because I have something else to tell you."

Renji cocked an eyebrow, pulling Ichigo closer. "Ya can tell me anythin', ya know that."

"Well you know that I've been over here a few times to see Unohana?"

Nodding, Renji's eyes started to show worry. "Yer not ill are you? Ichigo nothin's happened to you in either ya living form or Shinigami form has it?"

"Relax, Renji. No not exactly."

"Not exactly? Then wha?" Renji asked, his right hand wrapping around Ichigo's, his other arm still round Ichigo's waist.

"Well I've been talking about Unohana about how strong reiatsu Shinigami, no matter what their gender, are somehow able to..."

"Ichigo yer not?"


Ichigo nodded, glancing away from Renji's gaze. "I've ruined today now haven't

"Dumbass. 'Course ya haven't. Yanno we talked about the possibility for when you finally move over here. 'm not gonna say it hasn't come as a surprise, but I did warn ya it was possible your reiatsu was the kind that would allow children."

Ichigo relaxed, and huddled closer to Renji.

"How'd you find out you were pregnant?"

"The day I woke up and thought 'I want one of Inoue's curries'." Ichigo smirked at the now aghast expression on Renji's face.

"Yer okay though right? What 'bout ya livin' body?"

"Not affected according to Unohana. We must have been in our Shinigami forms. You sure you're alright with this?"

"A family of my own? Ichi 'm overjoyed."

Ichigo smiled, letting Renji climb on top of him and engage him in a kiss. They weren't going to stop now.


"Ah there you are, Renji. If you were yesterday then I would have asked you not then finish the work you were supposed to record time." Kuchiki-tachiou told Renji,

intending to make even more work to come in. As it is you may tidy up and do yesterday. Make sure you do it in not looking up from his paperwork.

Renji flinched and walked slowly over to his desk. He and Ichigo had never got around to coming back to the office as they had intended. As he started to get his desk into some sort of order, however, Renji chuckled softly at the memory. Even if his taichou would work him to death for the rest of the week, it had been worth

it. He wouldn't change any of yesterday, as it had been one of the most memorable days of his Shinigami life.

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