Reflection of interview session:The interview presents the idea that every person is distinctive in their own way over which theykeep
exploring over time to reach their set goals. The purpose of this report is to analyze myexisting skills to interact with clients and to
reinforce them for my professional development.This report helps me highlight core areas of my existing skills which need to be rectified so that
Imay get proper grip of my existing competencies. This report will also formulate paths throughwhich I can cross all the barriers through
practical experimentation in the career counselingcourse.I n this interview I interacted with a student of mass communication
who is enrolled in the 6 th
semester of bachelor s program in a university. The duration of this interview is !"
minutes !#seconds which is being divided into four stage model. The time taken in stage ! of repo buildingis $%:$&' than in stage % which is
exploration was done for ($":$)*' after which new perspectiveswere discussed for about $&:#+. In the final stage' future action plan took
around ($#:%#*.I was ,uite confident while introducing myself to the camera which seems to be proper and wasconfident. I greeted my client with respect
and response from client was appreciable. lientseemed to be ,uite comfortable with the in camera session which made it easy to build a
strongunderstandi ng in between. lient had idea of career counseling which he explained himself onasking ($$:!" $$:#$*. It was his first session of
discussion on careers. /ut he was addingconfidently in conversation.The relationship developed was ,uite effective with
proper usage of gestures' postures and facialexpressions which enabled me to carry forward session in a glibber way. In start' I felt
littleshaky but active participation made me to build a firm conversational format.I structured my ,uestions in a way so that client could answer
them properly through which Imay gather information which is re,uired for my understanding. I was not expecting client to bethat much extrovert but
providing a proper consent and introduction made it possible for client toshare his ideas and experiences willingly.I tried to build a proper
contract with client but in start of stage !' I felt little unstable whichcould be observed from fre,uent usage of notes that I had in front of me. 0t
times this can cossetall the responsiveness built from start and can lead to the lack of interest' trust and uncomfortingfor client.I start
exploring client from ($%:!$* which plays a crucial role to understand the issue of theclient. If this stage is worked properly this can the level
of interest and motivation to get involvedwith the client. -lient seemed to have a proper understanding of the problem because he
hadenough exposure of related field which helped him to stick on the right track and empowered meto let client decide what he want to do and how it will
be possible for him ($%:%! $%:&$*. 0t($+:!!* I grabbed the point over which client was stuck with' from where I started putting
,uestions over which he was not focusing ($+:&1*. 0lthough he knew about them' opened up bygiving proper attention' maintaining eye
contact and appreciating him over his achievements($6: %+*.I tried to formulate ,uestions related to the work of different theorists
in a simplified way. Itmade easy for my understanding that how and in what ways different theorists analyze personabilities accordingly. I
have been able to take help of person centered approach ($!:$&* where Iasked client over what he want to discuss in the session which I carry forwarded
accordingly bymaking client more motivated discussing his interest. -lient chose to discuss marketing for hisfuture career over which I had
enough information at my back end but kept on probing clientsconcepts rather providing too much information at start ($6:%$ $":!$*. I
actively listened to theclient2s views to make sure I am understanding and was adding to make him speak more for clarifications ($1:&$*. I used
another theory of 3social 4earning5 at ($&:%+* by asking ,uestion related to motivation and inspiration.The level of respect was maintained
properly from both ends with proper allocation of space tothink and express views with the genuine information from both ends ($:!! !":$$*.
ew perspectives in stage + were ex plored properly wh ich were due to co vering stage % pro perly($%:$& !$:$$*. Ideas were thrown for client to brainstorm
(!%:%)* which enabled me to reachthe expectation level of client. 7tage # was not covered according to my expectations where I feltclient
was not properly sure that in what ways he will successfully make a proper plan (!#:$)*. Iexplained the purpose of future action plan and how it would
be beneficial for him (!&:&$*. 0fter that I summarized all the session in a simplified way to give glimpse of the activity.I kept my session simple
by putting different ,uestions to balance the role of counselor andclient. I had in mind from start to make it possible in a way where client must speak
more tomake my 8ob easy for 2career idea exploration2 to benefit client more. -lient answered my,uestions in detail through
which he was able to understand his existing skills and abilities. I feltclient was self9motivated from all the experience and exposure he
attained. The positive thing Ifelt about client that he was a balanced personality who kept his personal views and emotions ina limited way. or
further sessions' I need to get more confident while asking ,uestions because positiveexpression always leads to better repo building which
again helps counselors to explore more incoming stages. I felt in this interview that I should take less help from notes which
createsuncomfort able environment for client who can at certain point loose interest by observing andfeeling a non9serious attitude towards
his problem from counselor. I also felt that remolding of few ,uestions to make understand the context can be more beneficial. I need to work over tomake more
structured' meaningful and open9ended ,uestions.The whole concept of counseling seems to be easy 8ob when viewed on generalized term
butactually it re,u ires way too muc h involvement wi th the theoretical perspectives in w hich counselors must have a proper grip
over different models and theory. -ounselors should enhanceskills to keep track of the conversation while probing and should develop mind set to
understandthe nature of client at start. -lients always show up with lot of expectations to get solutions of their problems' for which
counselors must take a firm grip to satisfy client at least with providingfew paths with mutual consensus of client. To be a good career
counselor' one must learn this artwith keen interest because once a client is not satisfied he will never show up again for anysession.