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  • Pages: 31
IÇINDEKILER YDS 2003 .........................................................................................................................1 YDS 2003 .........................................................................................................................1 YDS 2004 .........................................................................................................................2 YDS 2004 .........................................................................................................................2 YDS 2005 .........................................................................................................................3 YDS 2005 .........................................................................................................................3 YDS 2006 .........................................................................................................................4 YDS 2006 .........................................................................................................................4 KPSS 2004 ........................................................................................................................5 KPSS 2005 ........................................................................................................................5 KPSS 2006 ........................................................................................................................6 KPDS 2003 MAYIS..............................................................................................................7 KPDS 2003 MAYIS..............................................................................................................7 KPDS 2003 KASIM..............................................................................................................8 KPDS 2003 KASIM..............................................................................................................8 KPDS 2004 MAYIS..............................................................................................................9 KPDS 2004 MAYIS..............................................................................................................9 KPDS 2004 KASIM............................................................................................................ 10 KPDS 2004 KASIM............................................................................................................ 10 KPDS 2005 MAYIS............................................................................................................ 11 KPDS 2005 MAYIS............................................................................................................ 11 KPDS 2005 KASIM............................................................................................................ 12 KPDS 2005 KASIM............................................................................................................ 12 KPDS 2006 MAYIS............................................................................................................ 13 KPDS 2006 MAYIS............................................................................................................ 13 ÜDS SAĞLIK 2002 ARALIK................................................................................................. 15 ÜDS SAĞLIK 2003 MART ................................................................................................... 15 ÜDS SAĞLIK 2003 ARALIK................................................................................................. 16 ÜDS SAĞLIK 2004 MART ................................................................................................... 16 ÜDS SAĞLIK 2005 MART ................................................................................................... 17 ÜDS SAĞLIK 2005 ARALIK................................................................................................. 17 ÜDS SAĞLIK 2006 MART ................................................................................................... 18 ÜDS SAĞLIK 2006 EKIM.................................................................................................... 18 ÜDS SOSYAL 2002 ARALIK ................................................................................................ 19 UDS SOSYAL 2003 MART................................................................................................... 19 UDS SOSYAL ARALIK 2003 ................................................................................................ 20 UDS SOSYAL MART 2004................................................................................................... 20 UDS SOSYAL MART 2005................................................................................................... 21 UDS SOSYAL ARALIK 2005 ................................................................................................ 21 UDS SOSYAL MART 2006................................................................................................... 22 UDS SOSYAL EKIM 2006 ................................................................................................... 22 UDS FEN 2002 ARALIK...................................................................................................... 23 UDS FEN MART 2003 ........................................................................................................ 23 UDS FEN ARALIK 2003...................................................................................................... 24 UDS FEN MART 2004 ........................................................................................................ 24 UDS FEN ARALIK 2004...................................................................................................... 25 UDS FEN MART 2005 ........................................................................................................ 25 UDS FEN ARALIK 2005...................................................................................................... 26 UDS FEN MART 2006 ........................................................................................................ 26 UDS FEN EKIM 2006 ......................................................................................................... 27




YDS 2003

YDS 2003

1. - 5. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

6. - 10. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

In 1912, a German called Wegener declared that all the continents of the world had once been joined together and were now drifting around like giant rafts. His (1) ---- attracted very little interest. In 1915, he published a book on continental drift. No one took it (2) ----. But (3) ---- the early 1960s, geologists (4) ---- to realize that molten rock was seeping up from under the oceans and pushing the continents further away from (5) ---- at around two and a half centimetres a year.

The Romantic Age in England was part of a movement that affected all the countries of the Western World. The forms of romanticism were (6) ---- many and varied that it is difficult to speak of the movement as a whole. It tended to align (7) --- with the humanitarian spirit of the democratic revolutionaries. (8) ----, romantics were not always democrats and democrats were not always revolutionaries. Perhaps the (9) ---- thing to say is that romanticism represented an attempt (10) ---the wonder of the world.

1. A) ability

B) invention

C) comprehension

D) concern


E) claim

A) so

B) as

C) both

D) neither

E) thus

A) others

B) them

D) itself

E) themselves


2. A) deliberately

B) sensibly

C) fairly

D) regrettably

C) each

E) seriously 8. 3. A) under

B) by

C) over

D) at

E) from

A) Even so

B) Since

C) Accordingly

D) In case

E) On the contrary


4. A) are beginning

B) have begun

C) were beginning

D) begin

A) safe

B) safest

D) safely

E) safer

C) safety

E) would begin 10. A) having rediscovered

5. A) another

B) each other

C) the others

D) one other

B) rediscovering C) to rediscover D) to have rediscovered

E) any other

E) on rediscovering


By Mehmet Mamger




YDS 2004 11. - 15. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

16. - 20. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. The etymology of the word "chocolate" may remain (16) — and open to debate even today; but there can be no real doubt that the ancient Aztec civilization lies at the origin of chocolate. The god Quetzalcoatl, gardener of paradise, was respected (17) — guardian of the cacao tree, purveyor of both strength and wealth. The seeds, or beans, were used as a form of currency, valid (18) — for the purchase of everyday items and for the payment of tribute money to the king. It was the spectacle of monkeys sucking the refreshing juices around the beans that first (19) — men the idea of tasting them. From there, it was a short step to consuming the beans (20) —.

Japan has a large number of great artists. Of all the artists of Japan, the one Westerners probably like and (11) — best is Hokusai. He was a (12) —, unpredictable man who lived in as many as a hundred different houses and changed his name (13) -— 30 times. Hokusai never painted in one period or style (14) — very long at a time; he never seemed to stop (15) — after something new.

11. A) disturb

B) discover

D) suspect

C) allow

E) understand

16. A) regular

B) indifferent D) uncertain

12. A) determined

B) restless

D) consistent

E) suitable

C) reliable

E) sensible

17. A) just

B) even D) for

13. A) greatest

B) the least

D) mostly

E) at least

E) as

18. B) either

D) as if

14. B) at

D) with

C) like

C) at best

A) not only

A) through

C) faithful

C) both E) more

C) for E) over


15. A) to have been chased

B) chasing

C) having chased

D) to chase

A) having given

B) gave

C) had given

D) to have given E) has given

E) being chased

20. A) themselves

B) as theirs

C) itself

D) by them E) for them


By Mehmet Mamger




YDS 2005

YDS 2005

21. - 25. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

26. - 30. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

Two years ago China joined the World Trade Organization and tariffs began to drop and the country began to grow richer. (21) ---- Beijing hosts the 2008 Olympic Games, the people of the world (22) ---- a city and a country that has been transformed. China is now (23) ---- the largest economies in the world and it is becoming a (24) ---- trading partner (25) ---- the US.

The authors of Goodbye are two sisters and they are Korean Americans. The book tells the story of a young Korean girl who (26) ---- to say “goodbye” to the neighbourhood (27) ---- she has grown up. The family has decided to move to the US in search of (28) ---- life. But the girl feels (29) ---- to leave and has almost no desire to start a new life. It’s a perfect cross-cultural story for an (30) ---globalized world.

21. A) Until

B) When

D) As if

E) Once


C) Unless

A) would struggle

B) was struggling

C) had struggled

D) struggled

E) is struggling

22. A) would find

B) has found

D) is finding

E) finds

C) will find

27. A) that

B) in which

D) from which

E) there

A) best

B) as good a

D) a better

E) a best

A) peaceful

B) eager

D) liable

E) decisive

C) how

23. A) one of

B) almost

D) either

E) even

C) any of

28. C) better

24. A) particular

B) significant

C) narrow-minded

D) persuasive


E) self-conscious

C) reluctant

25. A) to

B) by

D) from

E) against


C) of


A) increasingly

B) indifferently

D) improbably

E) unlikely

C) enduringly

By Mehmet Mamger




YDS 2006

YDS 2006

31. - 35. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

36. - 40. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

Rome’s great amphitheatre, the Colosseum, was commissioned by the Emperor Vespasian in 72 A.D. It was used for deadly gladiatorial combats and wild animal fights. (31) ---- were staged, free of charge, by the emperor and wealthy citizens. It was built with a very practical design (32) ---- 80 entrances allowing easy access for 55 thousand (33) ----. Excavations in the 19th century (34) ---- a network of rooms under the arena, from which animals (35) ----.

Over the last five years or so, the science of climate change has been firmly established. There is a general (36) ---- among leading scientists that we are now (37) ---- a major global warming problem. Over the last hundred years or so temperatures (38) ---- by about 0.8°C, and we can attribute (39) ---- of this to increased emissions of carbon dioxide (40) ---- this has all happened after we started to burn fossil fuels. 36.

31. A) Others

B) Any

D) The rest

E) Of which

C) These

A) condition

B) permission

D) refusal

E) intention

A) forced to

B) faced with

D) turned up

E) found out

C) agreement

37. 32. A) with

B) for

D) out of

E) to

C) from

C) pulled up

38. 33. A) crowds

B) inhabitants

D) spectators

E) population

A) supported

B) disturbed

D) claimed

E) exposed

C) invaders

A) have risen

B) had risen

C) are rising

D) would have risen

E) will be rising


39. C) compared


A) more

B) much

D) the most

E) any

A) as if

B) though

D) unless

E) when

C) many

40. A) to have been released B) to be released

C) because

C) will have been released D) could be released E) must be released


By Mehmet Mamger




KPSS 2004 1. - 5. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

6. - 10. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

What is the fate of the universe? Cosmologists tell us that it all began (1) ---- a big bang. But what will happen (2) ----? Until recently it was thought that there were only two possible answers, (3) ---- the net weight of the galaxies in the universe. If the mass exceeded a certain amount, gravity (4) ---the galaxies back together. If there was not quite (5) ---- mass for gravity to act on, then expansion would go on for ever.

Shanghai is a city with a split personality. In little more than a decade, dozens of shiny glass-andsteel skyscrapers have appeared in its financial (6) ----, and many of these are quite (7) ----. However, (8) ---- the Huangu River in old Shanghai, the 19th century colonial buildings have a gloomy, (9) ---- appearance and many of them (10) ---- down soon.

6. 1. A) across

B) from

D) with

E) to

A) second

B) next

D) again

E) following

C) over

A) policy

B) district

C) arrangement

D) department

E) matters

2. 7.

C) since

A) spectacular

B) competent

C) confidentD) insignificant E) generous 3. A) pointing out

B) relying on

C) consisting of

D) taking up


E) depending on

A) against

B) with

C) off

D) between

E) across

A) lively

B) pleasing

4. A) will pull

B) had pulled

C) would have pulled

D) would pull

9. C) attractiveD) depressing

E) is pulling

E) reasonable

5. A) some

B) such

D) any

E) the


C) enough

A) have been pulled B) had been pulled C) will be pulled D) were being pulled E) would be pulled


By Mehmet Mamger




KPSS 2006 11. – 16. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. Scientists have been researching viable alternatives to petroleum ever since the “energy crisis” of the 1970s. As a result, in recent years, the world market for wind turbines (11) ---- by an average of 40 per cent annually. Last year alone, wind-power production worldwide (12) ---- by almost a third. (13) ---- wind plants you build, the cheaper and more powerful you can make them. Turbine makers now (14) ---- giant machines that once existed only in theory. Today one standard turbine can (15) ---- at least 1 megawatt of power, more than double the amount produced 20 years ago. This is enough power for as many as 800 modern households. 11. A) would have grown

B) will grow

C) will have grown

D) has grown

E) would grow

12. A) decided

B) remained

D) produced

E) increased

A) The more

B) As much

D) As few

E) The little

C) fluctuated

13. C) How much

14. A) had produced B) are producing C) would produce D) having produced E) would have to produce

15. A) subtract

B) allow

D) repeat

E) respect

C) provide


By Mehmet Mamger




KPDS 2003 MAYIS 1. - 5. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış, yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

6. - 10. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış, yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

Anyone looking for a way to do something for the environment needs look no further than their own home. In its struggle to (1) ---- with the Kyoto Protocol of 1997 and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to (2) ---- 1990 levels, the EU (3) ---- to reduce energy consumption in the home. This is (4) ---- surprising since the EU's 160 million buildings are (5) ---- responsible for a staggering 40% of all energy consumed by its 15 states.

The United States will officially take 70,000 refugees in 2003. (6) ---- the number will be much lower as many thousands will be caught up in lengthy (7) ---- necessitated by post-September 11 security procedures. In 2002, for example, America (8) ---- only 30,000 refugees, the lowest number in 25 years. This is a remarkable (9) ---- of America's traditional generosity (10) ---- the world's displaced.


6. A) coincide

B) agree

C) augment

D) compete

A) In place of

E) comply

B) In return

D) In case


C) In practice

E) In excess of

7. A) forward

B) above D) below

C) behind E) back

A) distinctions

B) competitions

C) departures

D) delays

E) resources 3. 8.

A) to have sought

B) would seek

C) having sought

D) would be seeking

E) is seeking

A) had accepted

B) has accepted

C) would accept

D) is accepting

E) accepted 4. A) hardly

B) nevertheless D) indeed


C) more


A) reversal

B) exchange

D) expression

C) comparison

E) appreciation

5. A) nearly D) likely

B) apparently


C) therefore

E) permanently

A) against

B) through D) towards


C) over E) beyond

By Mehmet Mamger




KPDS 2003 KASIM 11.-15. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

16. - 20. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış, yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

In the pharmaceutical industry, vaccines have long been poor stepsisters to big, glamorous drugs. Immunization campaign; have worked wonders. (11) ---- scourges such as polio. (12) ---- annual global sales of vaccines have fallen off during (13) ---- years and the number of major companies (14) ---- them has shrunk from 20 in the 1980s to just 4. This is a sure sign that it (15) ---- an economic business to be in.

In Britain, firemen have been on partial strike for months, demanding a huge pay increase (16) ---bitterly resisting changes to their working conditions. Tony Blair's labor government has watched with (17) ---- alarm as a series of elections has put militant leaders (18) ---- the top jobs at some of the biggest unions. In April, Kevin Curran (19) ---- the more moderate John Edmonds as leader of the GMB, Britain's fourth-largest union; and in May a left-winger defeated the (20) ---- favored by the Labor Party for the leadership of the powerful T&G union.

11. A) committing

B) pulling down

D) interfering with

C) wiping out 16.

E) exposing

A) when

B) while D) as

C) for E) whether

12. A) Yet

B) Consequently

C) Apparently 17.

D) As far as E) Regarding

A) some

B) any

C) such

D) an

E) as

13. A) present

B) contemporary D) recent

C) latter 18.

E) final

A) over

B) up

C) past

D) into

E) by

14. A) to sell

B) having sold

D) to have sold

C) to be selling 19.

E) selling

A) succeeding

B) has succeeded

C) would succeed

D) having succeeded

E) succeeded 15. A) didn't have to be

B) hasn't been

C) wouldn't be

D) didn't use to be 20.

E) shouldn't be

A) candidate

B) applicant

D) client


C) nominee

E) participant

By Mehmet Mamger






21- 25. sorularda aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük yada ifadeyi bulunuz.

26- 30. sorularda aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük yada ifadeyi bulunuz.

Satellite-servicing technology is being used to upgrade the Hubble Space Telescope to perform beyond its initial design requirements. Twice astronauts have replaced the telescope's solar panels (21) ---- higher-performance ones. The most impressive improvement, however, has come with the (22) ---- of a new camera to record the images seen by the Hubble. Its increased sensitivity makes it ten (23) ---- as powerful as its predecessor, and it (24) ---- dramatically sharper images, some of them of stars and galaxies that were (25) ---- to the old Hubble.

Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803- 1882) was a sage, not a scientist, but he was more keenly interested in the scientific advances of his day than is commonly realized. One of his early aspirations was to be "a naturalist", and he started his career (26) ---- a lecturer- essayist by giving talks on natural science, (27) ---- one focused on the chemical composition of water. (28) ---- Emerson went on to make his mark primarily in the areas of literature, religion, philosophy, and social reform; he remained an eager lifelong student of both traditional and contemporary natural and social science. To date, however, this side of Emerson's thought and life (29) ---- only a handful of significant scholarly discussions. Emerson's Life In Science is the best of books (30) ---- this aspect of Emerson that have marked the bicentennial of his birth, and it is one that will endure.

21. A) from

B) with

D) against

E) over

C) to 26.

A) more

B) so D) as

22. A) distribution

B) application

D) duplication

E) reaction

C) such E) only

C) installation 27. A) describing

B) including

D) intending

C) considering

E) defining

23. A) times

B) figures

D) periods

E) points


C) degrees

A) although

B) therefore

D) but

C) so that

E) since


24. A) will produce

B) had produced

A) should attract

B) is attracting

C) has produced

D) may produce

C) will attract

D) has attracted

E) had attracted

E) would produce

30. A) to

25. A) incapable

B) inappropriate

C) inadequate

D) indestructible

B) for D) with

C) on E) at

E) invisible


By Mehmet Mamger




KPDS 2004 KASIM 31. – 35. sorularda, asağıdaki parçada numaralanmıs yerlere uygun düsen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

36. – 40. sorularda, asağıdaki parçada numaralanmıs yerlere uygun düsen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

When the rage for orchids hit Europe in the nineteenth century collectors immediately reallzed that greenhouses were needed to provide (31) ---growing conditions. (32) ---- greenhouses were a luxury (33) ---- the very wealthy. But before long, greenhouses (34) ---- mass produced, (35) ---made them more affordable for orchid lovers of modest means.

Until the middle of the nineteenth century, most Americans were indifferent to paint. Wood was plentiful and cheap especially on the frontier; (36) ---- most settlers had to chop down trees to dear their land. (37) ---- eager to start farming, they used their wood to build their cabins as cheaply and quickly as possible. If they had painted their buildings, this (38) ---- their durability, (39) ---painting was an expensive and time-consuming job. There were (40) ---- more urgent calls upon their time and their money.

31. A) better

B) best

D) the most

E) more

C) as good 36.


A) on the contrary

B) as if

C) similarly

D) in case

E) in fact A) At times

B) At present

C) Eventually

D) Hardly


E) At first

A) Having been

B) To be

C) To have been

D) Being

E) Having to be 33.

38. A) for

B) off

D) over

E) from

C) about

A) had extended B) might have extended C) vas extending D) would be extending


E) might extend A) have been

B) were being

C) had been

D) would have been


E) will be

A) but

B) whether

D) that

E) if


B) any

D) other

E) so

C) unless


35. A) what

B) thus

D) but

E) so

C) which


C) anywhere

By Mehmet Mamger




KPDS 2005 MAYIS 41. – 45. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düsen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

46. – 50. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düsen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

I was at Manchester's Bridgewater Hall last week to hear an all-Byrd programme performed to a packed hall. This would have been unimaginable (41) — 20 years ago. Not surprisingly, a good (42) — of the audience applauded in the wrong places. I regard this as good news (43) — bad news. This was a new audience (44) — to a concert hall by CD recordings and I (45) — the experience of being a part of it.

James Joyce was born in Dublin of a middle-class Catholic family. (46) — his mother was a devout Catholic, his father was a man who was opposed to the Church and fiercely objected to the interference (47) — the Catholic clergy in Irish politics. Joyce attended Clongowes Wood College for several years, but (48) — to leave when his family fell upon increasing economic hardship. Then, he attended a Christian Brothers school, Belvedere College and later University College Dublin, where he (49) — modern European languages. He left Ireland for Paris but returned to Dublin for a short while (50) — learning that his mother was dying.

41. A) for

B) hardly

D) yet

E) even

C) still


42. A) impression

B) supply

A) Besides

B) Since

C) example

D) proportion

D) Though

E) Even

A) for

B) of

D) in

E) to

C) As if

E) quality 47. 43. A) apart from

B) so long as

D) in addition to


C) rather than

C) about

48. A) was forced

44. A) attracted

B) is forced

B) having been attracted

C) has been forced

C) having attracted

D) would have forced

D) to attract

E) would be forced

E) attracting 49. 45. A) seemed

A) assumed

B) studied

C) involved

D) established

E) affirmed

A) whenever

B) until

D) while

E) as

B) abandoned C) preferred


D) sensed E) valued


C) after

By Mehmet Mamger






51. - 55. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

56.-60. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

In the later part of the Middle Ages, cities created asylums to cope with the mentally ill. These asylums were simply prisons; the inmates were kept on chains in dark, filthy cells and were treated more as animals (51) ---- as human beings. It (52) ---- until 1792, when Philippe Pinel was placed in charge of an asylum in Paris, that some improvements were made. As an experiment, Pinel removed the chains that (53) ---- the inmates. Much (54) ---- the amazement of skeptics, who thought Pinel was mad to unchain such "animals", the experiment was a success. When placed in clean, sunny rooms, and treated kindly, many people who for years (55) ---hopelessly insane improved enough to leave the asylum.

Intellectualization is an attempt to gain detachment from a stressful situation by confronting it in abstract, intellectual terms. This kind of defence is frequently a necessity for people who must (56) ---- life-and-death matters in their daily jobs. The doctor who is continually confronted with human suffering cannot afford to become emotionally involved with (57) ---- patient. In fact, a certain amount of detachment may be essential (58) ---- the doctor to function competently. This kind of intellectualization is a problem only when it (59) ---- such a pervasive life-style (50) ---- individuals cut themselves off from all emotional experiences. 56.

51. A) than

B) like

D) so

E) much

C) such

A) come apart

B) use up

D) turn down

E) deal with

C) show off


52. A) has not been

B) had not been

A) another

B) some

C) was not

D) would not be


E) more

A) in

B) with



C) each

E) would not have been


53. A) compelled

B) restrained

D) withdrew

E) sustained

A) to

B) of

D) for

E) at

C) overloaded

C) to

54. 59.

C) with

A) would become

B) becomes

C) became

D) will become

E) used to become 55. A) will be considered B) have been considered 60.

C) were being considered D) had been considered

A) when


E) are considered

D) unless

E) that


C) whether

By Mehmet Mamger






61. – 65. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

66. – 70. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

The term “emotional intelligence” was probably first used in an unpublished dissertation in 1986. In 1990 it (61) ---- into the field of scientific psychology, defined as “the ability to monitor (62) ---- and others’ feelings, to (63) ---- among them and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and action.” The concept developed (64) ---- a growing emphasis on research into the (65) ---- of emotion and thought.

Should a vote in Los Angeles count more than a vote in Montana? That’s one question raised (66) ---- an analysis of Census Bureau data conducted by researchers at the Centre for Immigration Studies (67) ---- found that nine congressional seats (68) ---- to different states in 2000, if noncitizens, (69) ---- illegal aliens, had been excluded from the counts Congress uses to (70) ---- seats.


66. A) was being introduced

A) by

B) to

C) at

D) onto

E) off

B) had been introduced C) would be introduced 67.

D) has been introduced E) was introduced

A) whose

B) which

D) thus

E) whether

C) what

62. A) one’s own

B) one another’s

D) the self

E) each other’s


C) oneself

A) would be allotted B) have been allotted C) will have been allotted


D) would have been allotted A) identify

B) distribute

D) discredit

E) discriminate

C) justify

E) were being allotted

69. 64.

A) regardless of B) concerning C) pertaining to A) off

B) against

D) out of

E) under

C) without

D) excelling

E) including

A) select

B) exchange

D) circulate

E) classify

70. 65. A) alternation

B) participation

D) obstruction

E) complication

C) interaction


C) allocate

By Mehmet Mamger




71. – 75. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

21. – 25. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

All hay fever sufferers will be aware of the pollen “rain” that (71) ---- them in the spring and summer. Pollen grains – the tiny male reproductive bodies of flowering plants – have an almost (72) ---- outer shell (exine) that can survive in certain sediments for tens of thousands of years. In pollen analysis the exines are extracted from the soil, studied under a microscope, and identified (73) ---- the distinctive exine shape and surface ornamentation of different families and genera of plants. (74) ---quantified, these identifications are then plotted as curves on a pollen diagram. Fluctuations in the curve (75) ---- each plant category may then be studied for signs of climatic fluctuation, or forest clearance and cropplanting by humans.

Underwater archaeology is beginning to yield a detailed picture of whaling undertaken by Basque fishermen at Red Bay, Labrador, in the 16th century. The Basques were at this time the largest suppliers to Europe of whale oil – an important (76) ---- used for lighting and in products such as soap. In 1977, prompted by the discovery in Spanish archives that Red Bay (77) ---- a prominent whaling centre, Canadian archaeologist James A. Tuck began an excavation on the island at the mouth of Red Bay Harbour. Here he found remains of structures for turning blubber (78) ---whale oil. (79) ----, in 1978, the nautical archaeologist Robert Grenier led a Parks Canada team in search of the Basque galleon San Juan, (80) ---- the archives said had sunk in the harbour in 1565.

71. A) should afflict

B) can afflict

C) had afflicted

D) would afflict

76. A) commodity

E) afflicted

B) refinement

D) hardship


C) artifact

E) settlement

77. A) intense

B) approachable

A) would have been

B) is

C) indestructible

D) abundant

C) was going to be

D) had been

E) unsteady

E) will be


78. A) according to

B) ahead of

C) with a view to

D) on behalf of

A) by

B) about D) upon

C) next to E) into

E) in place of

79. 74. A) Before

B) Whenever D) Until

C) While

A) On the contrary

B) Frequently

C) Otherwise

D) Subsequently

E) Once

E) Conclusively


80. A) across

B) on D) about

C) for

A) whose

E) at

B) when D) who


C) whom E) which

By Mehmet Mamger






There are many little-known diseases in the world. One of them is XP, a (19) ---- genetic disorder which affects one in a million children. It is caused (20) ---- an enzyme deficiency which makes the skin overly (21) ---- to sunlight. Eventually, fatal skin cancers and brain tumours (22) ---- and to date there is no effective way of treating them. Indeed, few patients with this disorder manage to (23) ---- their teens.

One should never forget that adverse drug reactions are common. Every drug has the (19) ---to cause harm as well as do good. Whenever doctors consider prescribing a drug, they must weigh the possible risks (20) ---- the expected benefits. The use of a drug isn't justified (21) ---the expected benefits outweigh the possible risks. Doctors must also consider the likely outcome of (22) ---- a drug. Likely benefits and risks can seldom be determined with mathematical (23) ----

19. A) rare

B) harmless

D) common

E) desperate


C) considerable

A) condition

B) experience

D) description

E) preference

C) potential

20. A) with

B) from

D) through

E) out of


C) by

A) over

B) towards

C) through

D) to

E) against

A) even

B) whether

D) since

E) so

A) treating

B) withdrawing

D) relieving

E) withholding

A) implication

B) decision

D) precision

E) determination

21. A) sensation

B) sensitive

D) sensitively

E) sensibility


C) sensible

C) unless

22. 22.

A) have developed B) are developed C) to develop

C) releasing

D) develop E)

were developing


23. A) continue

B) exceed

D) deprive

E) complete

C) explanation

C) replace


By Mehmet Mamger




ÜDS SAĞLIK 2003 ARALIK New techniques are constantly being pioneered to improve the accuracy of doctors performing surgery. During operations (19) ---- is absolutely vital and technology is increasingly involved in a surgeon's work. One example is a new operating microscope which (20) ---- for use in brain surgery. This microscope can be used to project an image of the deeper areas of the brain (21) ---- the surface that the surgeon is working on; it (22) ---gives him a detailed and accurate map of (23) ---incisions must be made.

Scientists have long suspected that the vibrant colours and flashy features of male birds show their prospective mates that they are fit and healthy. Now research has (19) ---- the theory, by connecting the brightness of the beak colour in zebra finches (20) ---- the health of their immune systems. The secret (21) ---- chemicals called carotenoids. (22) ---- are the red and yellow pigments found in the beaks of (23) ---- species, including male zebra finches and black birds. 19.


A) determined B) disproved A) liability

B) distinction

D) retention

E) precision

C) apprehension

C) reduced

D) exhausted E) confirmed

20. 20. A) has been developed

A) into

B) with

D) over

E) through

A) refers to

B) belongs to

D) lies in

E) links with

A) Some

B) Such

D) What

E) These

A) which

B) both

D) the

E) a

C) for

B) would be developed C) will have been developed D) had been developed


E) was being developed

C) leaves out

21. A) by

B) at

D) with

E) onto

C) from

22. C) Any

22. A) so

B) thus

D) so far

E) in accord

C) only

23. C) certain

23. A) where

B) which

D) whether

E) why

C) whose


By Mehmet Mamger




ÜDS SAĞLIK 2005 MART HIV is rarely seen as one of science's success stories. Nearly 20 years after the virus (19) ----, an estimated 42 million people are infected worldwide. (20) ---- there is still no vaccine and no cure. HIV is one of the most (21) and deadly viruses humans have (22) ---- encountered. There are, however, some (23) ---- for cautious optimism as real progress is being made in some key areas.

Small bowel obstruction (SBO) is a common problem. Most patients develop SBO (19) ---- a prior operation, usually (20) ---- a result of intraperitoneal adhesions. Other causes of SBO include malignancy and external hernias, which predominate among patients who (21) ---- a previous operation. One of the (22) ----in the management of this disease is to determine which patients will need an operation and which can be managed successfully with (23) ---- measures.

19. A) was discovered


B) will be discovered

A) unless

B) until

C) was being discovered

D) during

E) before

A) by

B) with

D) for

E) as

C) after

D) is discovered E) would be discovered 20. 20. A) Even

B) Moreover

D) So

E) Hence

C) since

C) Consequently

21. A) had not had 21.

B) have not had A) residual

B) desperate

D) degenerate

E) devious

C) predictable

C) may not have D) are not having E) won't be having

22. A) even

B) still

D) just

E) hardly

C) ever

22. A) challenges

B) advantages

D) explanations

E) precautions

A) compulsive

B) invasive

D) considerate

E) conservative

C) designs

23. A) traces

B) aims

D) grounds

E) efforts

C) components



C) invalid

By Mehmet Mamger






For the purpose of diagnosis, analysis and experimentation, academic physicians tend to focus on disease at a particular point in time. But disease needs (19) ---- as a process that evolves over time through the (20) ---- of genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors. This view puts a premium (21) ---- understanding the complex history of a patient, and it (22) ---- that most disease cannot be tied to a (23) ---- cause.

Light exercise helps to keep brains healthy, at least in rats. University of Florida scientists (19) ---active and sedentary rats, then examined samples (20) ---- their brain tissue. The active animals had less of the oxidative damage that had been thought to result from aging and to cause (21) ---- types of mental illness. Mild exercise was enough; the healthier rats had access to a spinning wheel, which they used (22) ---- every day, although they were not forced to do so. The sedentary rats (23) --- no source of exercise.

19. A) to have been treated

B) to have treated

C) to treat

D) being treated


E) to be treated

A) tracking

B) tracked

C) will be tracking

D) will have tracked

E) track

20. A) availability

B) discovery

D) compatibility

E) reliability

C) interaction

20. A) of

B) to

D) through

E) by

C) for

21. A) against

B) to

D) towards

E) on

C) over

21. A) applicable

B) supplementary

D) reasonable

E) various

A) hardly

B) occasionally

C) healthy

22. A) conducts

B) rejects

D) acknowledges

E) denies

C) dispute


D) abominably

C) completely

E) enviously

23. A) single

B) multiple

D) subsequent

E) persistent

C) reliable

23. A) having D) have had


B) have

C) had

E) will have had

By Mehmet Mamger





The population of the world continues to increase at an alarming rate. (19) ---- the rise of high-tech agriculture, food supplies remain inadequate. According to a recent report, there are now 800 million people who regularly do not get (20) ---- to eat. (21) ----, this is often due to a lack of money. But by the year 2050 there (22) ---- 9 billion mouths to feed, (23) ---- is 3 billion more than today.

Criminal activities occur all over the world. (1) ---in different communities the (2) ---- of crime may be different. Indeed, (3) ---- that may be regarded as a criminal offence in one country may be regarded as perfectly acceptable behavior (4) ----. Similarly when it comes to punishment, there are many (5) ---- in the degree of severity. 1. A) Wherever

B) However

D) While

C) Which


E) If ever




In spite of

C) Owing to D) In accordance with E)

2. A) adjustment

Contrary to

B) opinion

D) condition

C) assessment


E) cooperation

A) enough

B) satisfactory

C) adequately

D) so much E) more

3. A) whatever

B) something

C) whether

D) such


E) as

A) Sometimes

B) Admittedly

C) Rightly

D) Hardly E) Likely

4. A) to others C) by the others

B) each other


D) for one another E) in another


would be


have been

C) will be D) could have been 5.

E) A) disturbances

B) exceptions

C) complaints

D) discrepancies

would have been

E) deceptions 10. A) which

B) what D) it


C) there E) whose

By Mehmet Mamger





UDS SOSYAL MART 2004 No one was surprised when Eric Shipton was chosen by the Himalayan Committee to toad England's 1953 attempt to conquer Everest. But (19) ----immediately the committee members had second thoughts. Shipton had certainty shown flair, but his inattention to detail was (20) ----; on one occasion he had (21) ----forgotten his backpack. And now the committee had a new worry, foreign competition. (22) ----the British fall this time, the French or the Germans (23) ----there first.

Charles Fort, though he died in 1932, still attracts considerable attention. (19) ---- a journalist and writer, he was fascinated by all manner of unexplained stories. He was a (20) ---- writer of both fiction and non-fiction, but it is believed that he (21) ---- many of his manuscripts before they ever came to publication. One of his friends (22) ---- the Fortean Society which published Fort's articles before and after his death; and the Fortean Society Magazine which (23) ---- became the Fortean times is still being published. 11.

16A) For

B) As D) Like

C) Even

A) thus

E) Just

B) quite D) almost

C) as E) while


12. A) various

B) confidential

C) loyal

D) vague

A) traditional

B) notorious

D) sensitive

C) random

E) abundant

E) prolific 18. A) rather

13. A) would destroy

B) was destroyed

C) destroys

D) destroyed

B) once

D) just

E) would have destroyed

C) still E) even

19. A) Could

B) Had D) Should

C) Will E) Were

14. A) set up

B) fixed up

C) put on

D) brought on


E) made up

A) have got

B) would have got

C) might get

D) used to get E) must have got

15. A)generally

B) eventually

C) completely

D) frequently E) exceptionally


By Mehmet Mamger






Morocco boasts attractions for almost every category of tourist, from long sandy beaches and sunny weather to historical sites and (19) ---mountain and desert scenery. The country's natural beauty could help (20) ----the financial benefits of tourism beyond the cities and around the country (21) ---- some of its poorer areas. The potential of desert safaris (22) ---- of climbing in the Atlas Mountains, for example, has (23) ---- begun to be exploited.

According to a recent report, public libraries in Britain will be redundant by 2020 if current trends continue. It is apparently the falling price of books that (19) ---- libraries into a decline. The libraries themselves have fought valiantly to reverse the (20) ----. They now offer DVDs and computers with internet (21) ----. But these, too, are increasingly affordable and (22) ---- available at home. (23) ---- libraries, it may indeed be the final chapter. 25.

21. A) spectacular

B) excessive

C) rigid

D) impulsive E)

A) had sent

B) would send

C) has sent

D) sent E) was sending

redundant 26.

22. A) having spread

B) to spread

C) spreading

D) being spread E)

A) occasion

B) effort

C) experience

D) situation E) delivery

to have spread 27.

23. A) including

B) according to

C) despite

D) as to E)

C) except for

D) additionally E)

C) access

D) admission


22. B) otherwise

B) entrance

E) exposure

in case of

A) as for

A) exit

A) however

B) therefore

C) nevertheless

D) yet E) while


as well as

A) Against

B) At

C) To

D) With E) For

24. A) as yet

B) since

C) scarcely ever

D) only just




By Mehmet Mamger




UDS SOSYAL MART 2006 The poet Robert Browning was lucky in his parents. His father, who (19) ---- in a bank, was a man (20) ---- genuine intelligence, who owned a library of six thousand volumes and seems (21) --- them all. His mother, (22) ---- was a devoutly religious woman, gave Browning a tenderness and optimism he would need (23) ---- in life.

The European Parliament is comprised of 626 members. It (19) ---- significantly stronger since its inception. (20) ----, the Parliament was simply an advisory body, but its responsibilities were widened (21) ---- the Single European Act and Treaty of the European Union of 1993. Three major responsibilities of the Parliament are legislative power, control over the budget and supervision of executive (22) ----. The European Commission (23) ---- community legislation to the Parliament. The Parliament must approve the legislation before submitting it to the Council for adoption.

30. A) having been employed

B) has been employed

C) has employed

D) was employed

E) will be employed 34. 31. A) from

B) about

C) for

D) in

A) became

B) had become

C) has become

D) would become E) becomes

E) of 35. 21. A) reading

B) to read

C) to have read

D) to be reading

A) Further

B) Consequently

C) Occasionally

D) Initially E) Accordingly

E) have read 36. 32. A) which

B) who

C) whose

D) that

A) on

B) at

C) over

D) in E) through

E) whom 37. 33. A) never

B) hardly

C) scarcely

D) frequently

A) decisions

B) reasons

C) obstacles

D) results E) commodities

E) fairly 38. A) determines

B) requires

C) presents

D) recognizes E) approves


By Mehmet Mamger




UDS FEN 2002 ARALIK Computers are now part of our everyday lives and there seems to be nothing out of the ordinary about them. However, the computers of the (19) ---- are a different proposition. They are already beginning to sound (20) ---- science fiction. Supercomputers, many (21) ---- more powerful than today’s fastest machines, could be contained in a tiny drop of liquid. (22) ---- would not be built of silicon, (23) ---- DNA, the stuff of life itself.

The more technologically enhanced we become, the more we are going to (19) — from people in the developing world who have never (20) — made a phone call. As scientists we must think of imaginative ways (21) — the developing world can leap forward from the 19th century into the 21st century. (22) — the gap never will be bridged and we (23) — ourselves in a world that really is unsustainable.


6. A) future

B) current D) recent

C) present E) next

A) exceed

B) distinguish

C) distract

D) diverge

E) proceed


2. A) according to

B) along with

D) close by

C) like

E) up to

A) even

B) but

C) still


E) enough

8. 3. A) conditions

B) ways

D) degrees

C) times E) tests

A) whether

B) in which

C) as if

D) surely

E) since

9. 4. A) Theirs

B) These D) The latter

C) Any of them

A) Similarly

B) Whatever

C) Accordingly

D) Therefore

E) Otherwise

E) Which 10.

A) would find 5.

B) have found

C) are going to find D) were finding A) but of

B) rather than D) though

C) instead of

E) had to find

E) except


By Mehmet Mamger




UDS FEN ARALIK 2003 The design and construction of foundations are largely controlled by the contours or falls of the site and the type of subsoil. Site falls (19) ---- 1 in 20 usually require special methods of foundation construction. Gravel or chalk are good subsoils (20) ---- they do not hold moisture, and (21) ---heavy loads. They are, (22) ----, economical and do not vary in bulk with the vagaries of the weather and temperature. Most rocks are eminently (23) ---- but usually expensive to work.

Nuclear energy is now making a serious comeback. The design (19) — of the new nuclear reactors have taken a huge step forward. (20) — being safer and less (21) — to terrorism than current nuclear plants, the new reactor (22) — double duty; it has to generate electricity and produce hydrogen which is the probable automobile fuel (23) — the future.



A) delays

B) complexities

A) replacing

B) completing

C) facilities

D) requirements

C) exceeding

D) reducing

E) replacements

E) surviving 17. 12. A) just

B) or

C) unless

D) since

E) besides

A) Even so

B) On the other hand

C) As regards

D) In contrast

E) Besides


18. A) can support

A) vulnerable

B) impulsive

B) have supported

C) conducive

D) compulsive

C) would support

E) disruptive

D) supported E) could support


14. A) on the other hand

B) moreover

C) in contrast

D) occasionally

A) had to do

B) must have done

C) must be done

D) must do

E) would have to do

E) regrettably


15. A) incapable

B) comparable

D) disruptive

E) conditional

A) at

B) to

D) over

E) of

C) with

C) suitable


By Mehmet Mamger






Towards the end of the 19th century the typewriter was already becoming popular, and new models rapidly followed (19) —. In particular, designers (20) — ways of making them smaller and lighter. Aluminum came to their aid. Up to that time aluminum had been (21) — expensive for use in anything except luxury items. But, following the discovery in 1886 of an electrolytic refining method the (22) — had increased and the price had accordingly (23) —.

In the past a significant amount of the acid in rainfall was neutralized by alkaline materials, notably the calcium-rich minerals in windblown dusts. But recently there has been a slow (19) ---in levels of alkaline materials in the air; this is partly because there are fewer unpaved roads which were an important (20) ---- of dust in the past. Recently, ammonia emissions (21) ---- on the increase in many parts of the world. One might presume that this is a good thing because ammonia is alkaline. Unfortunately, however, it (22) ---- with SO2 to produce ammonium sulphate, which is converted (23) ---- nitric acid in soil.

21. A) one another

B) each one

D) another

C) the next 26.

E) the other one

A) replacement

B) discrepancy

D) decline

C) prevention

E) relief

22. A) are seeking

B) would seek

C) have sought

D) sought


E) would be seeking

A) delivery

B) improvement

D) action

23. A) such

B) too

E) expression


C) more

D) as

C) source

E) so

A) would be

B) have been

C) would have been

D) had been

E) are being

24. A) supply

B) excess D) amount

C) cost E) process

29. A) impairs

B) accumulates D) exchanges

25. A) risen D) ceased

B) fallen

C) relates

E) reacts


C) exchanged

A) through

E) delayed

B) from D) to


C) of E) out of

By Mehmet Mamger






Bozono, chief engineer of the Phoenix Bridge Company, was confident that he could build a bridge to span the Kinzua gorge; and he did (19) ---- in just 94 days. When it (20) ---- in 1882, the Kinzua Viaduct was the tallest bridge in the world. For more than 100 years, it carried trains across the Kinzua gorge, but in 2003 its service came to an (21) ---- end when it took a direct hit (22) ---- a tornado and 23 of its 41 spans (23) ---in spectacular fashion in just 30 seconds.

Natural disturbances, including hurricanes and earthquakes, have affected coral reefs for millions of years. They are typically acute but have shortlived (19) ----. Reef areas (20) ---- human influences often recover within a few years (21) ---- water and substratum quality remain high. Indeed, acute natural disturbances can actually help (22) ---- diversity on coral reefs by knocking back dominant species and allowing (23) ---competitive species to re-establish themselves.


35. A) as well

B) so

A) products

B) conditions

C) too

D) only

C) concerns

D) effects

E) both

E) explanations

36. 31. A) had been finished

B) has been finished

C) was finished

D) was to be finished

A) down to

B) up to

C) up against

D) out of E) away from

E) finished

37. 32. A) insufficient

B) occasional

C) eager

D) abrupt

A) so that

B) unless

C) though

D) if E) whether

E) insecure 38.

33. A) from

B) at

A) to have maintained

B) maintaining

C) with

D) over

C) having maintained

D) to be maintained

E) for

E) to maintain


39. A) violated

B) reduced

A) much

B) little

C) reversed

D) repaired

C) as

D) less

E) collapsed

E) least


By Mehmet Mamger




UDS FEN EKIM 2006 We can certainly hear external sounds while we are dreaming. Otherwise, a dreamer couldn’t be (19) ---- by shouting. Around 40 to 50 per cent (20) ---- dreams also contain sounds, while touch, smell, taste and pain are present in a (21) ---smaller percentage of dreams. Sounds occurring near a sleeper (22) ---- is already dreaming can be incorporated into the dream. However, the sounds (23) ---- will not cause the sleeper to dream. 40. A) ensured

B) awakened

C) heard

D) embarrassed E) calmed

41. A) by

B) to D) of

C) for E) in

42. A) too

B) more

C) much

D) very E) most

43. A) who

B) what

C) where

D) when E) how

44. A) which

B) themselves

C) of whom

D) whatever E) itself


By Mehmet Mamger




CEVAPLAR YDS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

2003 E E B C B 2003 A D A B C 2004 E B E C B 2004 D E C B A

21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.


2005 B C A B C 2005 E B D C A 2006 C A D E D 2006 C B A B C

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

2006 D E A B C



1. E 2. D 3. E 4. A 5. B 03 MAYIS

21. B 22. C 23. A 24. C 25. E 04 MAYIS

41. E 42. D 43. C 44. A 45. E 05 MAYIS

61. E 62. A 63. E 64. D 65. C 06 MAYIS

6. C 7. D 8. E 9. A 10. D 03 KASIM

26. D 27. B 28. A 29. D 30. C 04 KASIM

46. D 47. B 48. A 49. B 50. C 05 KASIM

66. A 67. B 68. D 69. E 70. C 06 KASIM

11. 12. 13. 14.

31. 32. 33. 34.

51. 52. 53. 54.

71. 72. 73. 74.





15. B 03 KASIM

35. C 04 KASIM

55. D 05 KASIM

75. C 06 KASIM

16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

56. 57. 58. 59. 60.

76. 77. 78. 79. 80.


KPSS 2004 1. D 2. B 3. E 4. D 5. C 2005 6. B 7. A 8. E 9. D 10. C




2002 ARA 19. A 20. C 21. B 22. D 23. E

ÜDS SAĞLIK 2004 ARA 2006 EKİM 19. 19. B 20. 20. A 21. 21. E 22. 22. B 23. 23. C

2003 MART 19. C 20. E 21. C 22. E 23. D

2005 MART 19. A 20. B 21. E 22. C 23. D

2003 ARA 19. E 20. A 21. E 22. B 23. A

2005 ARA 19. C 20. E 21. B 22. A 23. E

2004 MART 19. E 20. B 21. D 22. E 23. C

2006 MART 19. E 20. C 21. E 22. D 23. A


By Mehmet Mamger


2002 ARA 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. E 5. D


ÜDS SOSYAL 2004 ARA 2006 EKİM 36. C 37. D 38. E 39. A 40. C


2002 ARA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

ÜDS FEN 2004 ARA 2006 EKİM 21. 41. 22. 42. 23. 43. 24. 44. 25. 45.

2003 MART 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. A

2005 MART 21. A 22. B 23. A 24. E 25. D

2003 MART 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

2005 MART 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

2003 ARA 11. B 12. E 13. D 14. A 15. B

2005 ARA 26. C 27. D 28. C 29. B 30. E

2003 ARA 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

2005 ARA 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

2004 MART 16. D 17. B 18. E 19. D 20. C

2006 MART 31. D 32. E 33. C 34. B 35. D

2004 MART 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

2006 MART 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.


By Mehmet Mamger









Soruda boşluğa gelmesi gereken isim türünden sözcüğü seçenekler içinden bulmamız istenmektedir. Bu soruda doğru yanıtı bulmamıza yardımcı olacak yapısal bir ipucu olmadığından, anlamdan sonuca gitmeye çalışacağız. Soruda verilen cümlenin anlamı "Aynı şekilde, cezaya gelince, sertliğin derecesinde birçok tutarsızlık vardır" olur. Cümleyi anlamlı bir şekilde tamamlamak üzere boşluğa D seçeneğindeki "discrepancy" (tutarsızlık, farklılık) gelmelidir.

Yapısal olarak birbirinden ayrı iki cümle arasındaki anlam ilişkisini kurabilmek ve böylelikle akıcılığı sağlayabilmek için kullandığımız yapılara "transitional words /transitors /connectors" adını veririz. Bu soruda "transitional words /transitors /connectors" bilgisi ölçülmektedir. Bu tür soruları yanıtlarken boşluktan önceki ve sonraki cümlelerin anlamları ve bu iki cümlenin anlam ilişkisi düşünülmelidir. Bu soruda boşluktan önce kullanılan cümlenin anlamı "Suç içeren eylemler dünyanın her yerinde meydana gelir" ve boşluktan sonraki cümlenin anlamı "..., değişik toplumlarda suçun değerlendirilmesi farklı olabilir" şeklinde çevrilebilir. Seçenekler incelendiğinde bu iki ifadeyi birbirine bağlayacak geçiş kelimesinin (transitional words / transitors /connectors) "bununla birlikte" anlamına gelen "however" olduğunu görülecektir. Seçenekler içerisinde "transitional words /transitors /connectors" olarak kullanılan "however" dışında başka sözcük olmadığından doğru yanıt işlevsel olarak incelendiğinde kolaylıkça tespit edilebilir. Diğer seçenekler birer "adverbial clause" bağlacıdır ve iki cümleyi yapısal olarak bağlayarak tek bir bileşik cümle (compound sentence) oluşturmak için kullanılır. Bu nedenle iki ayrı basit cümle arasındaki anlam ilişkisini kurmak için kullanılamazlar. Doğru yanıt B seçeneğidir. 2.


disturbance : (the act of disturbing, perturbation) rahatsızlık exception : (exclusion, the act of excepting) istisna complaint : (an expression of pain, disturbance, dissatisfaction) şikayetler discrepancy : (difference) tutarsızlık, farklılık deception : (a trick, betrayal) aldatma, yanıltma

C Soruda boşluğa gelmesi gereken isim türünden sözcüğü seçenekler içinden bulmamız istenmektedir. Bu soruda doğru yanıtı bulmamıza yardımcı olacak yapısal bir ipucu olmadığından, anlamdan sonuca gitmeye çalışacağız. Soruda verilen cümlenin anlamı "Bununla birlikte, değişik toplumlarda suçun değerlendirilmesi farklı olabilir" olur. Cümleyi anlamlı bir şekilde tamamlamak üzere boşluğa C seçeneğindeki "assessment" (değerlendirme) gelmelidir. Diğer seçenekler: adjustment : (making or becoming suitable) ayarlama opinion : (idea) fikir, düşünce assessment : (evaluation) değerlendirme condition : (the state of being) durum, şart cooperation : (joint operation or action ) işbirliği




Soru kökünde yer alan "that may be regarded as a criminal offence in one country" sıfat cümleciği seçenekler içinde yalnızca isim yerine kullanılabilen bir "indefinite pronoun" olan "something" sözcüğünden sonra kullanılabilir. Diğer seçeneklerden sonra bir "adjective clause" gelemez. Bu nedenlerle doğru yanıt B seçeneğidir. 4.


in another

Soruda verilen cümlenin anlamı "Bir ülkede suç olarak algdanan bir şey bir diğerinde tamamen kabul edilebilir bir davranış olarak algılanabilir" olur. Cümleyi anlamlı bir şekilde tamamlamak üzere boşluğa E seçeneğindeki "in another" (bir diğeri) gelmelidir.


By Mehmet Mamger

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