Aliyahz Stori.

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  • October 2019
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  • Words: 2,330
  • Pages: 4
It was Sunday today and i had skool 2moz. So i switched on my laptop and while it was loading i started slickin my hair. I was mix race half english and half jamaican. I had greeny gray eyes. I wasnt short but i was da smallest out of al ma bredrinz. So i went bk to ma computa and loged on msn, wen it signed on nuff ppl started tlkin so i closed sum convos. Tynishas convo poped up, “ Wag11 Shawty =D” she sed. . “ Shut Up Giant. xD “ i sed bk. After about 30 mins i got bored so i loged off msn. I startin ringin tynisha “ Oii u cumin owt tudai? “ I said. “ Yeah gimi like 20 minz doe ye “ she sed and hanged up. I put ma grey nike bottoms on as it was Sunday i didnt wana look ova da top. I put da rest of ma make up on and put a grey top on. Went to ma bathroom to look in da mirror. I walked down stairs past ma sisters room. “ Err alow u goin out lyk dat “ she sed. “ Fuk off man ur a tramp “ i sed to her. And den ma brother started laufin. Dey wer all oldah dan me ma sister was called Sasha She was 16 and ma brother was called Jake he was 17. I went into da kitchen to get sumfin to eat der wasnt anyfin good in da fringe so i went ova to mum. “ can i hav 3 pound plz for chips an chiken. “ i sed .. “ yehyeh its on da table “ mum sed pointin to the table. “ thanks mum “ i sed walkin out. I saw tynisha waiting for me on ma wall, “ cum on giant”, i sed laughing “ wer we goin? “ .. “ to get sum chips “ i sed. “ oh ok “ she sed. We got to da chip shop. “ can i av sum chicken and chips plz “ i sed to da man. “ yes he said and went off “ .. “ Aww kool jayden” i sed . jayden was a peng lite boi from caribean , he had hazel eyes and hes ear pierced. “ wag 1 sexy “ he joked. Da man came bk with ma food so me and tynisha left. “ bye jay , “ i shouted. And walked off. “ oii tynisha i really like jayden u kno “ i sed embaresed. “ Awwww das kooott. “ she sed laufin. “ anyway forget dat, i wanna get ma belly pierced 2moro ite and ur cumin wif me afta skl. “ i sed. “ Ok mann “ she sed. Tynisha hated piercinz i dno y, i had bere and she wudnt even get her nose pierced lykk rahh. We got bk to ma yard and i let tynisha come in. We walked up da stairs to ma room and i sat dwn on ma chair. Tynishas fone started ringing , she had dat bait nokia tune. “ Yh wat now mum.. “ tynisha sed. “ Ok man “ den she hanged up. “ Oii shawty i gotta go, il see u 2moz at skl yh. Byby” she sed hugin me. And den walked off. I sat up on ma bed thinkin off stuff. Den sudenly jayden texted ma fone. “ WAG1 OI WEN U CUMIN OUT NEXT ? “ i read. I falt i wud text bk .. “ Urmm i duno , im getin ma belly pierced 2moz wif tynisha , if u anit doin nefing ur welcum to cum haha. “ i sed pressin send. Den i went to sleep. Wen i woke up i red ma text “ Yeh k fanks b. “ it sed. Da nex day i went to hav a quick bath, den i got redi. i looked sketty but i didnt care i wanted to link jayden. So i had 2 luuk ma best. Den i made ma way dwn stairs and got sum milk and drank it. Sasha just left da house and ma mum alredi went work, so it was jus me and jake in da house. Jake came dwnstairs. “ Oi i beg u go change, i kno wer bless but i dnt want ma sister goin skl lyk dat. Otherwise ber man gna start cumin to me sayin ur sisters a slag an den i gota bak u up

agen lyk last time. “ .. “ argh jam jake its not lyk im gna do anyfin dis time. Jake jus walked past me and sat on da sofa. I knew wat jake was on about doe, last time i was goin out with sum boi tyrone for ages and i got pregnant, now im carrying hes baby im only 2 months gone so i dont have a bump and i havnt told anywun expect jake. I upset and couldnt cope das y i dumped tyrone. An also dat was y jake was worried.. But den i shut da door and went to meet tynisha. I knocked at her door. “ heyy tyntyn u cumin skl “ i sed cuz she was in her bed clothes. “ umm yeh but im gna cum in late. So go walk skl with jayden plzz and il see u at break. “ and i sed ok and she shut da door. I started wlkin to skl den i saw jayden. “ ello “ he sed, “ hii u kl “ i sed lookin at him. “ yeh u “ he sed. “ yupp “i replied. “ so u styl getin ur belly piercd den “ he sed . “ yeah :D im ber happyy u jus reminded me off it. “ i sed smilin. He smiled to. Wen we got to skl we started chatin for ages den he droped me off in da hall. Bye =] he sed hugin me. And i huged him bk. By this time now i really really really liked him. He was peng and he was really nice. Sumfin u hardli eva found in a guy round these days. I went in to ma lesson and chloe was there she started chatin shit like always. “OHHH look at dat sket wlkin in finkin shes IT. “ she sed. Ber hedz started laufin. I walked over to her and punched her hed on da wall. “ DONT YOU FUKIN DARE CALL ME A SKET. THE FINGS UV DONE. SO WHAT I GOT FUKIN PREGNANT BUT ATLEAST I DONT GIVE HED AND I GOT PREGNANT BY MY EX BOYFRIEND. I DIDNT GO OUT AND GET FUKD BI BER HEDS SO I DIDNT KNO HU DA BABYS DAD WAS , So next time u wanna call me a sket fink of ur self.” I sed pullin her face of the wall. And i sat down. She looked shocked. Miss pinal came ova to me.. “ Alliyah Johnson, you fully understand that behavior like that is not tolurated in this school. She sed loudly. “ argh wateva man i didnt kno dat behavior lyk calin sumwun else a SKET was allowed either. IN THIS SKL. “ i finished. “ go outside” she sed pointing at the door. So i alredi felt pissed so i just went outside. Jayden was outside hes class aswel. “Bad lesson” ? he sed. I nodded ma hed at him. We started tlkin more and we got to the girls toilets. We went inside. Jayden was ber sweet. “ u kno.. ur really beautiful, look at ur eyes. “ he sed shyly. i couldnt control ma body anymore i loved jayden. And went over to him huged him, looked into hes eyes and started lipsin him. “ Jayden im so sori yh but i reali lyk u alot. “ i sed wlkin away. he tyed to follow me but den he jus went bk. I looked for tynisha but couldnt find her. So i walked over to reception and booked ma self out. I walked home. Ma fone started vibrating. It was tyrone. I answerd. “ Fuk off tyrone i alredi told u to leave me alone. “ i sed and hanged up. It rang agen. And i answerd but before i cud speak sum boi started shoutin. “ OI U LICKLE GRIMEY SLAG , DONT GET RUDE TO MA BOI LYK DAT YH FUK U WATCH UR BAK. And den he hanged up. Dat was jaydens friend louis, an i knew now dat tyrone wuda told him and now louis was gna tell jayden. Wen i got home i jus sat on da sofa and watched telly. A months pasted an i was 5 months gone ma belly was really big and i was hiding unda baggy tops. I was turning 16 on Thursday. Me and jayden

kept in contact all this time. He told me he knew i was pregnant with tyrones baby , but he said he didnt care and he would help me raise it. I knew i loved him. I rote a note to mum explainin everifin and telin her i was pregnant. Den i walked over to the housing office and aplied for a council flat. They sed they wud let me know in a week or 2 if i got the flat or not. I needed a flat cuz i needed stuf for the baby and jayden was gonna move in. I rememberd about my belly piercing. And fort gosh dats gna hav to wait now. I rang jayden but he didnt answer so i left him a voice mail. “ umm jayden its me. Aliyah. Anyway i was gna say dat i went ova to da council and der gna tell us if we got da flat or not. And den i locked off. I went out to the shops and i saw tynisha. “ Aww hows ma shawty doin? “ she sed. “ oh well im good jus goin to get sum baby fings init.” I sed smiling. “ Urm yeh aliyah im goin out with tyrone now. And he wants to see da baby on a regular basis. So yh “ she screwed me and walked off. What da fuk. He hadnt bothard all though ma pregnancy and now he wants to see ma baby. Hell no. A week pasted and me and jayden got the flat as i was 16 now. I went over and started decoratin with da money jayden and ma mum had given me. Now when i was done i went ova to ma skl to see if i had pasted ma GSCE. I waited in the waitin room for tym. And ppl jus kept starin at me. Den a woman came over. “ you have passed 5 GSCEs “ she sed and walked off. I then walked over to jaydens house. Tyrone was there. And as i walked over i could see jayden was tied up on a rope. “ OH MY GOD STOP TYRONE WAT U TRYNA DO. “ i sed tryin to undo the rope. But then i fell ryt on ma face and woked up in hospital. Pains where shooting though ma belly. And ma eye hurt. As if sum wun had kicked it. Then i sudenly rememberd tyrone and jayden. I wanted to ask about jayden but i could hardly talk. Some lady jus kept telin me to push so i tryed to push hard so i cud find out about jayden as soon as possible. Finally i gave birth to a little girl hu i named emma. She was perfect. I gave her a kiss on the head and i walked over to a nurse at reception. “ can u tell me if jayden evans is booked in here? “ i asked her. She started lookin though her p.c “ yes, but im afraid hes in intensive care”she continued.. “Ok?” I said walking over to my bed and mum and jake was there playing with the baby. I started to cry. “ MUM I THINK JAYDENS DEAD AND I FINK TYRONE KILLED HIM. “ i burst out. And mum looked shocked but told me to carm down. So i went to sleep. When i woke up a doctor was lookin up at me. So i sat up. “ im really sorry but your boyfriend jayden is dead. “ he said. I didnt even cry. I wanted to kill tyrone for what he had done. A few tears fell from my eye. All i did was sleep my time away. “ miss smith you can go home now” i voice sed. Ma mum was waitin outside redi to drive us home. I started cryin finkin it was jayden hu was ment to be pickin us up in a cab. And playing with emma’s lil fingers. But i just packed my things and emma’s and went downstairs. I got redi to put emma in the car. But then someone catched my eye. Tyrone. Umm mum u go ahed il catch up on a bus take emma back to your tonight. I sed and mum sed ok and drove off. I

went over to tyrone crying ma heart out “ Why did u do dis to me why tyrone. “ i sed softly. He looked upset to. “ im so so so so so sorry aliyah i didnt mean to kill him i honestly didnt mean to. “ he sed tears filing up in hes eyes. I just looked at him. And then i turned around and walked off. I got in a cab and told the cabby to take me to my place. And he did. Wen i got out i went over to me and jaydens bed room. Hes socks were laying in a box. Which he shud of un packed by now. I started banging my hed on the wall and cryed.

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