Alienate's Inferno

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 54,190
  • Pages: 121
.DA 1 Jan 2009

Alienate’s Inferno Alienate/Orginate #reddit IRC

1. Canto I < Alienate> that only happened in "Where The Red Fern Grows" < Alienate> ennui, everyones in a bad state after a hard breakup < Alienate> that guy needs to grow up fast < Alienate> hes in college and acting like this? < Alienate> jesus christ thats pathetic < Alienate> I dont feel sorry for people that do this kind of shit to themselves < Alienate> because he did do it to himself < Alienate> how did he think that proposing was an appropriate thing to do? < Alienate> he probably thought he was being romantic or something... ugh it makes my brain hurt just thinking about it < Alienate> but im a jaded old fool < Alienate> donbueno, epic storytime * Alienate has no interest in going through that entire f-ing story again < donbueno> did alienate say it was his baby or something? < Alienate> donbueno, ennuis friend proposed to his ex gf while he was drunk and she said no < Alienate> donbueno, he and the same friend also got in to a fight when they got in to trouble about downloading ilegal torrents from their dorm room < Alienate> FUCKING DONE < Alienate> TWO SENTENCES < donbueno> woot i love u alienate < Alienate> the other half is details that dont matter < Alienate> dude... stop < Alienate> NO < Alienate> DONT FUCKING START AGAIN < Alienate> PLEASE < Alienate> IM BEGGING < Alienate> his dormmate is a fucking mental midget < Alienate> thats what the entire story boiled down to < Alienate> that isnt romantic < Alienate> its desperate < Alienate> and clingy < Alienate> i can read, ennui < Alienate> I know its what you said < Alienate> its called reiterating < Alienate> youre wlcm < Alienate> dude... ennui pics or it didnt happen < Alienate> ennui, you have to think im a massive asshole < Alienate> which I am... < Alienate> but... < Alienate> wait... I dont have anything to put after that < Alienate> wtf < Alienate> hes 26 acting like that?


< Alienate> I have no sympathy for people that put themselves in situations like that because they dont think things through < Alienate> or they make some life changing decision while drunk < Alienate> one inch? pfft < Alienate> we got over 6 last night < Alienate> and this concludes this half hours "why im better than you" episode, starring Alienate < Alienate> those three items are not mutually exclusive < Alienate> he just lost one basket that had all of his eggs in it < Alienate> there should be classes that they teach in school < Alienate> about how to deal with people < Alienate> in primary school < Alienate> so that people like your poor schmuck of a dormmate dont get so taken advantage of < Alienate> and maybe have a little harder time sleeping at night when they lie about shit like he did with you < Alienate> acrylicist, stop watching that damn movie < Alienate> ennui, well she slapped him for a reason < Alienate> well he will learn and live from this < Alienate> unless hes a complete fucktard or if he kills himself < Alienate> well if he wont learn from it he better get used to being used < Alienate> and if he kills himself its one less of his kind around < Alienate> and you get straight A’s < Alienate> so ennui whats your name? < donbueno> hey alienate been meaning to ask you < Alienate> it was fucking tasty < Alienate> donbueno, hell yes it was < Alienate> I dont even buy bacon < Alienate> it was so much less fatty < Alienate> didnt shrink all weird like regular bacon < Alienate> you could smell the smokiness from inside a plastic bag < Alienate> through the packaging and the plastic zip lock < Alienate> charlie... whats your major? < Alienate> why the hell did you pick that? < Alienate> what year are you in? < Alienate> because this is a bad fucking time to be in that field of work < Alienate> whats your roommates name? < Alienate> so... why go search for an asshole roommate < Alienate> when hes already in the channel? * Alienate ponders < Alienate> donbueno, shouldnt be taking donations when he skips out from work < Alienate> :P < Alienate> rofl... oh man < Alienate> some people < Alienate> in "the trees"? < Alienate> like... the place in twin peaks? < Alienate> l000Hurts, you going to out him? < Alienate> haha < Alienate> nice < Alienate> they certainly are :) < Alienate> laff < Alienate> the same IP... < Alienate> I originally thought "well they are in the same dorm" < Alienate> but he did say "im going to loook for my roommate" < Alienate> while his roommate was in here < Alienate> and connected from the same fucking ip


< Alienate> and < Alienate> * copiersbroken_ ([email protected]) has joined #reddit < Alienate> <ennui> oh shit < Alienate> <ennui> im out < Alienate> hey kids < Alienate> <ennui> later, im going to go on a search for my ashole roomate < Alienate> * ennui has quit (Remote closed the connection) < Alienate> * copiersbroken_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) < Alienate> not logical at all < Alienate> rofl < Alienate> oh man... I laffed < Alienate> now THAT looks surprised < Alienate> i has boobies, so whatever it is... I’m game! < Alienate> *it has < Alienate> wtf... woot sells womens accessories now? < Alienate> I bet this takes forever unless they only have one or two < Alienate> ugh < Alienate> at $130 I bet it lasts for a long long time < Alienate> ugh... * Alienate disappears in a cloud of cigg smoke -!- Netsplit <-> quits: maqr, Drevor, Olduvai_Joe_, j-rock, +Peter, slen, masta, l000Hurts, Alienate, beinghuman, (+6 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them) -!- Alternate is now known as Alienate < Alienate> suicide is the only answer for lulzing? < Alienate> hey acrylicist when a win machine is doing a dskchk should it respond to pings? * Alienate wouldnt think so < Alienate> time money? < Alienate> wtf is time money? < Alienate> is that like monopoly money? < Alienate> well whatever it is ill take it < Alienate> wtf do you want with excel? < Alienate> tell me wtf you want done < Alienate> :P < Alienate> another split? < Alienate> jezus < acrylicist> Alienate: he’s good for it and if you join you’ll have about &=2.07h plus whatever he’s paying you for available credit/debit * Alienate melts down from none of this making any sense < Alienate> you gotta stop making up terms and then not providing a definition < Alienate> :P < Alienate> donbueno is the king of made up words < Alienate> case in point < Alienate> not the other day when you were passing out on xannies < Alienate> that was fucking absurd < Alienate> over 9/10 of what you typed made NO sense what-so-ever < Alienate> rofl < Alienate> I wish I could :( < acrylicist> Alienate: is the discussion site for the concept < Alienate> I would be so addicted to painkillers if I had a steady stream < Alienate> <3 < Alienate> donbueno, if your issue gets resolved < Alienate> I still need time money < Alienate> although I still dont understand wtf it does for me


< Alienate> awe < Alienate> l000Hurts, thats not nice < l000Hurts> Alienate: you didn’t do it, did you? < Alienate> hell no < Alienate> hell yea < Alienate> i want linx < Alienate> but only if knuckles is in it < Alienate> wtf is up with that band? < koryk> Alienate: gotta admit that song is catchy < Alienate> it sounds like a mix between the cure and bloc party < acrylicist> donbueno: did you pay Alienate anything? < Alienate> acrylicist, I havent done anything < Alienate> rofl < Alienate> thats bullshit < Alienate> more difficult by existing < Alienate> maybe if he could explain his problem in a method that wouldn’t make him sound drunk < Alienate> then I could help him :P < Alienate> uuuuuuuuuuuuuugh < Alienate> dude... this is infuriating but pretty funny < donbueno> sup alienate? < Alienate> there is a machine that is out of compliance that I’ve been working on all day < Alienate> I know what branch it’s at... its labeled properly and IP address proves its in that building < Alienate> but neither my boss or I have any fucking idea where it physically is located < Alienate> and none of the people at the branch can find it < Alienate> but I can remote in to it < acrylicist> Alienate: probably walled up like the machine in North Carolina < Alienate> acrylicist, I just told them that story < Alienate> thats funny < Alienate> I eventually told them to forget it < Alienate> as long as the machine is in compliance my job is done < Alienate> and that computer isnt my responsibility anymore... I dont need to help them physically locate it < acrylicist> Alienate: probably under someone’s desk covered in carpet fiber < Alienate> acrylicist, no joke... I just randomly came across this machine because it started failing updates.... therefore it fell out of compliance... fuck knows how long the machine has just been sitting wherever it is powered on < Alienate> like... it didnt even get POWERED OFF for fucks sake < Alienate> its probably been on for at least months... maybe years < Alienate> just chugging away by itself... doing nothing < Alienate> Family Ties was better < Alienate> :P < Alienate> l000Hurts, I had mcdonalds tell me they wouldnt give me shit < Alienate> that was the last time I went there < Alienate> 5 years agoish < Alienate> hey donbueno how much did you say youd pay to get the excel thing taken care of? < Alienate> so... < Alienate> just a word of advice to everyone < Alienate> if you end up buying pizza someplace not too expensive < Alienate> take a look at the box it came in < Alienate> does it say "REAL (brand) CHEESE"? < Alienate> I’ve been noticing this more and more the past couple of year < Alienate> s


< Alienate> l000Hurts, thats the point < Alienate> they are putting this big logo that says "REAL" on their box < Alienate> but it isnt REAL CHEESE < Alienate> its REAL (brand) CHEESE < Alienate> zateam < Alienate> change your un :P < Alienate> make REAL (brand) OYSTERS < Alienate> that are really just loogies or something < Alienate> I doubt that highly < Alienate> if someone is signing your check the work is already outsourced < Alienate> tuguy is on the bandwagon < Alienate> l000Hurts has offended the board of directors < Alienate> so he is removed from the minutes and is banned from the company meetings < Alienate> as well as the company playground < Alienate> because we will definitely have one of those < Alienate> with a huge slide < Alienate> and those tic tac toe things on the side < Alienate> and ill make it look like a giant turtle < Alienate> tuguy, stop giving away trade secrets < Alienate> they are REAL (brand) OYSTERS < Alienate> good thing tuguy is just on the production floor < Alienate> okay... now I need a publicist < Alienate> someone that can keep tuguy under control < Alienate> while he works on productin the product < Alienate> l000Hurts, REAL (brand) OYSTERS would like to invite you back to the company under the capacity of Publicist < Alienate> You’re also in charge of hiring and managing the employees for a raise that will be determined at a later date < Alienate> l000Hurts, sure... put that on your business card < Alienate> I like it... < Alienate> the board approves < Alienate> tuguy, start smoking and drinking milk at the same time < Alienate> I’m paying for your health insurance < Alienate> and we say start smoking < Alienate> hey look everybody < Alienate> its our good ol pal CopiersBroken < Alienate> whatsup, magn < Alienate> in deep dish pizza < Alienate> CopiersBroken, just stop now < Alienate> I mean just stop now < Alienate> I really don’t see whats so hard to conprehend < Alienate> I said... STOP NOW < Alienate> pretty straightforward < Alienate> Chris_P called it < Alienate> he knows wtf is up < Alienate> CopiersBroken, STOP < Alienate> CopiersBroken, we dont all have the patience to hear this story again < Alienate> yeah.... what story? < Alienate> the story youre about to tell us < Alienate> oh no < Alienate> look at what you did CopiersBroken < Alienate> LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID < Alienate> HES BEL AIRING US NOW < Alienate> and its all your damn fault


< Alienate> wb donbueno < Alienate> our friend CopiersBroken is back from earlier today < Alienate> hes a doppleganger! < Alienate> I knew it! < Alienate> BUSTED < Alienate> I think we need a kick/ban here < Alienate> CopiersBroken, I was just talking about when you actually were here earlier today < Alienate> under the name CopiersBroken_ < Alienate> but its nice that you outed yourself < Alienate> tuguy, DID I SAY YOU COULD TAKE A 15 MINUTE BREAK? < Alienate> GET BACK TO WORK * Alienate whips < Alienate> tuguy, its in your contract that you have to give 4 weeks notice < Alienate> you can leave now CopiersBroken < Alienate> your time spent amusing us has passed < Alienate> rofl < Alienate> oh man I really am laughing... you guys are awesome < l000Hurts> Alienate: BESTOF this shit, this gold doesn’t come around twice < Alienate> tuguy, its too late... the population is already addicted < Alienate> You see, tuguy < Alienate> *evil music starts playing* < Alienate> I already control the pentagon < Alienate> and just so you know.... it was earth all along < Alienate> !!! < Alienate> donbueno, thats what you get when you disappear for no reason! < Alienate> so donbueno give me all of your time and ill fix your problem < Alienate> this is exortion < Alienate> I hope youre ready for it < acrylicist> donbueno: get your bother to join TAM, pay you all his credit and then give that to Alienate < Alienate> awe donbueno you arent CopiersBroken < Alienate> you can tell us about your probs < Alienate> then... dont < Alienate> doesnt amount to a hill of beans in my life < Alienate> ugh... < Alienate> ill bbl... this accountant that they put in charge of IT is acting like a whiney little child < Alienate> I have to go document a bunch more stuff that was someone elses job to keep him off our backs * Alienate afk < Alienate> ugh < Alienate> why the hell did they have to put an accountant in charge of the IT department < Alienate> this is muddying the waters so hardcore < Alienate> are you kidding? < Alienate> we did just fine before him < Alienate> fawkesmulder, only if it made our jobs easier < Alienate> we dont need toys around here < Alienate> we just need shit to get our jobs done < Alienate> and done quickly < Alienate> so we can go back to surfing the intarwebz < Alienate> l000Hurts, whats even better than aesthetically pleasing computers are computers you CANT EVEN SEE! < Alienate> like... a mac < Alienate> or... putting the tower under the desk < Alienate> oh man... is l000Hurts drunk?


< Alienate> heaven is a place where nothing evar happens < Alienate> uuuuugh < Alienate> I bet he SUCKS at wii games < Alienate> have you ever played house of dead on wii? < Alienate> that game is almost as hard as the arcade < Alienate> um... catalyst? < Alienate> doesnt the catalyst driver/software suite for ATI cards do that shit? < chromakode> what’s the difference between Alienate and Originate? < Alienate> chromakode, one is me at home and one is me at work < Alienate> and if I get kicked off and come back my nick will be Alternate < Alienate> :) < Alienate> especially considering my name is nate < Alienate> I used to have a slew of them < Alienate> Stagnate, Ruminate < Alienate> my friends liked my idea so they help me come up with usernames < Alienate> haha < Alienate> a few of my friends got drunk one night, pulled up a text dictionary and started searching < Alienate> came up with a big list < Alienate> at a point they started making up words < Alienate> handgrenate < Alienate> impregnate < Alienate> haha < Alienate> its a pretty cool naming convention, huh? < Alienate> wow... big spender :) < Alienate> its all lies, just like when tom cruise cries < Alienate> donbueno, I think youre missing the rules of the exercise < Alienate> haha < Alienate> I like that the three main "Nate" words I use also have a meaning for how they are used < Alienate> originate = home... alienate = work.... alternate = my secondary names on all machines < tuguy> i think alienate should get the &= for having the name nate < Alienate>*nate&loc=scworef&scwo=1&sswo=1&ls=a < Alienate> l000Hurts, you were close < Alienate> you forgot the "n" < tuguy> i gave the &= to originate < Alienate> woo hoo < Alienate> im 50 seconds richer than I was 50 seconds ago! < Alienate> does that mean im not as old as I am? < Alienate> tell her I did it < Alienate> I’ll back you up < Alienate> tell me where she lives and all that < Alienate> urinate < Alienate> ! < Alienate> whoa < Alienate> quadrigeminate < Alienate> his dictionary obviously includes medical and biologial terms < Alienate> ooooooooooo < Alienate> indoctrinate < Alienate> <3 < Alienate> my friend tony got all jealous < Alienate> because there really arent many words with "tony" in it < Alienate> haha < chromakode> Alienate: basically, monotony and gluttony < Alienate> all right, who wants to go get a beer after work?


< Alienate> jeezus... how does NO ONE live in Colorado? < Alienate> alpaca, I think youre wrong < Alienate> because the beer is laced with hemmerhoid cream < Alienate> so... I may as well tell you now < Alienate> there is a lady at my work that is OBSESSED with alpacas < Alienate> she raises them < Alienate> and she talks about them all day, its pretty annoying < Alienate> shes been raising alpacas for longer than youve had the handle < Alienate> so youre required to change it < Alienate> sorry... i dont make the rules < Alienate> yeah... sweatervests are warm < Alienate> naw... I wear them when I feel extra geeky < Alienate> chromakode, I have an argyle sweatervest < Alienate> haha < Alienate> I’ve always loved argyle < Alienate> its such a great pattern < Alienate> better than plaid * Alienate gags < Alienate> its always words like this < Alienate> and different arguments < Alienate> but someones always talking < Alienate> when im trying to make some sense < Alienate> < Alienate> < Alienate> oh jesus christ < Alienate> thanks for all of that < Alienate> it was really interesting < Chris_p> no problem Alienate i thought i should narrate < Alienate> at least talk about something interesting < Alienate> fuck < Alienate> i mean come on < Alienate> of dawn where she fawns over piece of toast with grey poupon looking out over the frosted lawn she demands some coffee beans or else its just obscene < Alienate> that doesnt even make senwse < Alienate> its just a bunch of random words that rhyme stuck together with conjunctions and verbs < Chris_p> Alienate welcome to rap if you cant keep up then in the morning do a few laps < Alienate> did it read "chris_p is spam"? < Alienate> oh yeh < Alienate> sweatervest, take it to PM < Alienate> It shouldnt be my responsibility to ignore someone thats flooding the cham < Alienate> *chan < Alienate> because thats exactly whats happening < Alienate> rofl < Chris_p> lets rap about Alienate -!- Alienate [[email protected]] has quit ["Leaving"] < Originate> hmmmm < Originate> ping < Originate> ping! < Originate> !ping < Originate> :( < l000Hurts> Originate, insufflate and masturbate and asphyxiate...asphyxiate... < Originate> you cant just make it end with *ate


< Originate> what dont you understand about that? < Originate> it has to end in *nate < Originate> haha < Originate> it isnt about rhyming < Originate> its about having my name in it < Originate> wouldnt my word have names in it? < Originate> er my name have words in it < Originate> whats going on donbueno < Originate> what would you do? < Originate> watch tv? < Originate> play video games? < Originate> go hiking? < Originate> go for a nice sunday drive? < Originate> work more? < Originate> collect cat figurines? < Originate> make a nice glass menagerie? -!- Originate_ [[email protected]] has joined #Reddit -!- Originate [[email protected]] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] < Originate_> vegas is nice < Originate_> very memory intensive < Originate_> but nice -!- Alienate [[email protected]] has joined #reddit < Alienate> well today started off with a bang < Alienate> nearly got a ticket AND a bird took a massive crap on my windshield and my wiper fluid is frozen < Alienate> haha < Alienate> gotta love reboot day < acrylicist> Alienate: fucking mutotherfookin microsoft < Alienate> tuesday is auto update install/reboot night for the servers < Alienate> this one server is ALWAYS in limbo after updates < Alienate> it just sits there and says "system is shutting down" < Alienate> never goes down and the users can still access everything on it * Alienate thinks its time to rebuild that machine < Alienate> another wootoff! < Alienate> acrylicist, they dont all suck < Alienate> but yesterday and today has been the worst wootoff ive seen < Alienate> at least I have my Americano to start off my day < Alienate> hey man < Alienate> I use wine woot for a lot of my gift giving needs < Alienate> I can get four bottles of wine that cost $50 each at the LQ for $50 total < Alienate> and ive gotten compliments on some of my purchases that i gave as gifts < Alienate> redundant fail! < Alienate> actually... that would technically be a redunant WIN! < Alienate> donbueno, woot < Alienate> man... they sure have been cycling through the same products over and over lately too < Alienate> they must have found a good steady deal on some of these products < Alienate> donbueno, < Alienate> sheesh < Alienate> "hello, state? I think we should see other organizations" < Alienate> ? < Alienate> most of their shirts have sucked the past few months too < Alienate> ick... i need to remember to enable numlock on boot when I get home < Alienate> it sounds silly, but its annoying to try to fill out a form and type a long string of numbers


and have it do NOTHING except move the cursor around the screen < Alienate> and those are the hugest/ugliest webcams evar < donbueno> so alienate u see my vegas creation its quite horrible < Alienate> I mean.. if they can built a decent webcam into the 1/4 inch space in the frame of my laptop monitor... what the hell are they doing with those things that look like freaking desklamps < Alienate> no donbueno < Alienate> but im dying to scoff at it < Alienate> give me a few... im in the middle of bringing all of these damn servers back up < Alienate> well... you know donbueno < Alienate> I cant believe that sodomy is still a crime in Texas < Alienate> and I’m sorry you got in trouble for that outdated law :P < Alienate> that would have been a better burn if it wasnt so damn wordy * Alienate note to self... keep burns to one line < donbueno> so alienate like my new visual experience of glory? < Alienate> donbueno, still busy < Alienate> just tons of problems today... when i started driving in i knew it would be like this < Alienate> I’m not supersticious, but when multiple bad things happen on my 20 minute drive to work < Alienate> it’s a pretty good indication of the day that I have to look forward to < Alienate> make a romantic comedy about a job counselor that doesnt know what to do with her life < Alienate> until she falls in love with a hot zombie < Alienate> that wants to eat her brains, but can’t because he thinks shes too hot < Alienate> and their love can never be, because he will live forever... or till someone shoots him in the head < Alienate> and shes a mere mortal < Alienate> it will be a big hit amongst the tweenager crowd < Alienate> donbueno, your video is almost good enough to be a wannabe film student < Alienate> donbueno, or you could substitute the zombie for um.... an angel < Alienate> or.... how about a student that is really a young powerman < Alienate> aka luke cage < Alienate> it would break down race barriers < Alienate> a forbidden love < Alienate> between an old white woman and a young black man with super powers < Alienate> its super edgy! < Alienate> thats it... I’ve made you an idea worth it’s weight in gold, donbueno < Alienate> go for it < Alienate> it will totally blow "Jesus Christ Vampire Slayer" out of the water < Alienate> So... I wonder if you could live off of superfood < Alienate> if you got all three kinds and ate a little meat and seafood every once and a while < Alienate> since they have a veggie one and two fruit ones < Alienate> man < Alienate> i get tired of messing with WSUS < Alienate> the new version is nice, but they could easily streamline it better < Alienate> odwalla? < Alienate> odwalla is better than naked < Alienate> hands down < Alienate> ? < Alienate> wtf.. that has to be the dumbest acronym ive ever seen, if it is in fact an acronym < Alienate> naked sells more of the individual serving bottles < Alienate> odwalla sells more of the half gallon ones < Alienate> I usually buy one of the berry blast half gallons < Alienate> it tastes good and it gets me all th e fruit i need in my day immediately after i wake up < Alienate> less time than making a real breakfast


< Alienate> talking about 2001? < Alienate> kubrick is still one of the most fucking amazing photographers ever < Alienate> have you seen killers kiss? < Alienate> that is one of my fav simply because of his photography < Alienate> the mirror tricks in that movie are so out of this world < Alienate> it blew my mind < Alienate> he has two mirror/camera tricks I will NEVER forget them < Alienate> yeah... I watched 2001 when I was younger < Alienate> I need to rewatch it < Alienate> I just remember all of the silence was really unsettling < Alienate> and I had a hard time understanding it, because I was too young to understand symbolism or even what kubrick was trying to do < Alienate> I think that was the first kubrick movie I ever saw < Alienate> so it took me aback < Alienate> the only kubrick movie I never saw was eyes wide shut < Alienate> oh and there was one other one < Alienate> ? < Alienate> wtf < Alienate> youre such a hippie conspiracy theorist < Alienate> the dude was old as dirt < Alienate> I’ve made my decision < Alienate> and that decision is to reboot this computer < Alienate> bbs < acrylicist> Alienate: what did tuguy give you a half minute for? :) -!- Alienate [[email protected]] has quit ["Leaving"] -!- Alienate [[email protected]] has joined #reddit < Alienate> glad i made the right decision < Alienate> donbueno, you thought that cardboard had chocolate in it? < Alienate> wtf? < Alienate> Pogs were cardboard < Alienate> slammers were plastic < Alienate> where was the confusion? < Alienate> and you thought that pogs were chocolate < Alienate> now who really fails? < acrylicist> Alienate: what did you do to earn &=0.5m? < Alienate> yay < Alienate> acrylicist, my name was the awesomeness < Alienate> tuguy stated that anyone that came up with the best word ending in *nate would receive 00.50 < Alienate> he decided that alienate was the best < Alienate> so I won < Alienate> haha < Alienate> YAY < Alienate> my favorite email header < Alienate> [Trend Micro Security Server]Excessive viruses detected < Alienate> [Trend Micro Security Server]Unsuccessful action on virus < Alienate> uuuuugh * Alienate spends the rest of his day trying to clear an infection off this chicks computer < Alienate> someone give her some work to do < [mbm]> Alienate: if it weren’t for idiots buying new computers every time their old computer got slowed down by malware the economy would fail < Alienate> [mbm], technically we should rebuild it from scratch < Alienate> but I don’t want to drive an hour out there and an hour back to replace the machine < Alienate> so ill do my best to clear it off


< Alienate> heh < Alienate> we’ve been very successful so far < Alienate> trend micro is very on-point with this stuff < Alienate> [mbm], but what if its an e-mail with some really intense OpenGL stuff in it? < [mbm]> Alienate: as long as she doesn’t try to open the recycle bin we’re fine < Alienate> [mbm], what if the email requires a physics processor to open? You just never know these days! < Alienate> trailer park boys? < Alienate> ewwwwwww < Alienate> p2p < Alienate> the only good p2p i still use is slsk < Alienate> blubloblu, bittorrent isnt p2p < Alienate> its distributed < Alienate> its a different take on downloading all together < Alienate> nice double negative, donbueno < Alienate> how not what to look like < Alienate> how not what to look like < Alienate> THATS NUMBER WANG! * Alienate sips his espresso < Alienate> mmm if ever there was proof of god < Alienate> an Americano would have to be it < Alienate> coffee + ciggs = WIN < Alienate> donbueno, your stomach must be pansied from all of your years as a dirty hippie < Alienate> um... < Alienate> I think kyou mean after he listened to some johnny cash, donbueno < Alienate> :P < Alienate> no webcam? < Alienate> how do you chat up the honies with no webcam!? < Alienate> that they do < Alienate> I would only really want osx on a laptop < Alienate> its very nice for mobile computing < Alienate> but on a desktop... it doesnt do what I mostly use desktops for < Alienate> GAMING < Alienate> I have a powerhouse desktop, a storage desktop, a utility/gaming laptop and a travel laptop < Alienate> because i got that macbook air < Alienate> and I cant do too much with it, but I take it to coffee shops and bars < Alienate> i love how light and portable it is < Alienate> the other laptop has eth so I use that for network diag and gaming during flights and such < Alienate> that laptop is so tricked out... I <3 that one, but don’t use it very much < Alienate> I just built my new gaming desktop on sat < Alienate> its got an AMD 8950 black on an MSI k9a2 platinum with an ATI 4850 < Alienate> all AMD, born for overclocking < koryk> alienate: what kind of laptop? < Alienate> Alienate, the macbook air and a customized dell < Alienate> I still dont like the idea of building a laptop < Alienate> the dell is really nice... its all HD, I got a custom case on it < Alienate> so it looks pretty < Alienate> haha < Alienate> its nice to have a job where I can idle in here < Alienate> It is the business of the future to be dangerous... < livejamie> Alienate: what job is that < Alienate> livejamie, I support a state bank < Alienate> [mbm], about a dozen branches and 200 users


< Alienate> so it is hectic sometimes < Alienate> [mbm], yeah... not monetarily or anything < Alienate> it is quite literal < Alienate> if myself and my boss werent here this place would fall apart in less than a week < Alienate> [mbm], I dont support the building I support the business < Alienate> although I *do* support some of the building... they arent critical to the stability of the physical building < Alienate> they arent load bearing structures or anything, haha < Alienate> but you sure are a smart-alec, [mbm] < Alienate> i like it :D < acrylicist> Alienate: enough to give him &=0.5m? < Alienate> why would I give me time away? < Alienate> I’m not silly like tuguy < Alienate> then the notation should obviously be 00:00:00:00:00:00:00 < acrylicist> Thanks to Alienate we have &=19.77h money supply < Alienate> so that you can give away nanoseconds and such < acrylicist> Alienate: the IPv6 of currency < [mbm]> Alienate: you don’t have to be crazy to hang out here, it just helps < Alienate> wow... were spending time faster than were making it < Alienate> this is bad < Alienate> Ive already used like.... >4 hours since I woke up! < Alienate> you should notate the amounts in hex < Alienate> that would be sweet < Alienate> nobody would know wtf is going on < Alienate> require that everything is notated in seconds < Alienate> &=2,629,743.83 < Alienate> that is one month < Alienate> &=172,800 < Alienate> that is two days < Alienate> so im assuming that there are still 60 seconds per minute? < Alienate> signpost_, with catnip, yes < Alienate> signpost_, its my understanding that catnip actually causes a feline to hallucinate < livejamie> do you plan on doing the help desk stuff for the rest of your life Alienate? < Alienate> livejamie, what a depressing question.... < livejamie> Alienate: why? if you like it.. < Alienate> livejamie, no I do not < Alienate> I do like it, but it doesnt pay that well compared to what I need to say... buy a house or appliances or a better car < Alienate> a network admin or security admin < Alienate> you work hard when shit breaks < Alienate> but otherwise its slowish < Alienate> livejamie, difference between what? < Alienate> livejamie, a security admins job is to make sure that everything is secure :P < Alienate> livejamie, a network admin is part help desk, part programmer part network specialist < Alienate> a network admin makes sure everything has the uptime and speed that it should < Alienate> writes a lot of scripts < Alienate> to do menial tasks < Alienate> it is, but after youve been in help desk long enough it shouldnt be hard < Alienate> im not using that little symbol < Alienate> just FYI < Alienate> I will continue to use & < Alienate> wait... xchat shows that symbol strangely < Alienate> makes it look like some weird ascii symbol < Alienate> nvmd


< Alienate> yay for free lunch! < Alienate> an eon? < Alienate> that isnt that much money in existence yet < Alienate> wtf < Alienate> how long is a period? < Alienate> two or three days < Alienate> ? < Alienate> maybe if its really spotty? * Alienate laffs * Alienate hangs a "shipping/receiving" sign outside his office since he signs for every package and is for some reason expected to deliver every package * Alienate doesnt remember that in his job description < Alienate> damn you Fed < Alienate> somehow this is their fault too < Alienate> if by "Read" you mean see a box with four lines in it < Alienate> then yes < Alienate> quick donbueno think up something funny! < Alienate> ... loading ... < Alienate> FAIL < Alienate> I think donbueno fell asleep at the keyboard again < Alienate> wtf < Alienate> how can you pretend to be a respectable tv personality < Alienate> and appear on maxim topless < Alienate> donbueno, you arent married :P < Alienate> Im 26 and I dont have a lawyer < Alienate> haha nice livejamie * Alienate chomps some peppers < livejamie> i believe the term is ’noms,’ Alienate < Alienate> im sorry < Alienate> I didnt realize your nickname was "grammar nazi < Alienate> whoa... that pepper was more seeds than anything else < donbueno> damn alienate coming from you the head of the grammar stazi < acrylicist> Alienate: you didn’t close your quotation marks < Alienate> donbueno, most of what you say isnt even fucking human readable < Alienate> you need to build a computer just to decipher 9/10 of what you say < Alienate> :P < Alienate> oh jeez... thats the first time ive seen acrylicist take a jab at someone < Alienate> and it was me * Alienate is a little honored < Alienate> :’( < Alienate> everyone needs a bad guy, right? < Alienate> Another Quaalude, she gonna love me again < Alienate> You all a bunch of fuckin’ assholes. You know why? You don’t have the guts to be what you wanna be. You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your fuckin’ fingers and say, "That the bad guy." < Alienate> they sure make my life a living hell < Alienate> did you properly wash your hands after going to the bathroom? < Alienate> either way, document it < Alienate> and then write a procedure about how you wash your hands < Alienate> or why you do not require the washing of hands < Alienate> and then create a ticket on what did or did not occur while you were in the bathroom < Alienate> but acrylicist I was quoting scarface... in case youve been under a rock for the past decade and a half :P < Alienate> or Tony Montana, to be more specific


< Alienate> livejamie, that thing looks boring < Alienate> at least for what I demand for entertainment < Alienate> you stick your finger in it to play games < Alienate> I bet theres also one called "make her show her "O" face" < Alienate> haha < Alienate> you mean from 2007 to 2003? < Alienate> * donbueno is trying now to confuse alienate with his esoteric double meaning use of every word and non word < Alienate> < Alienate> here... that will be 10 cents, please < Alienate> each google search will cost you 10 cents < Alienate> ten seconds < Alienate> do I need to start providing reciepts for this stuff? < acrylicist> Alienate: there is a transaction’s thread at Groups to post transactions in < Alienate> well I got my email last night < Alienate> ill go out and buy some thermal paper tonight < Alienate> im not paying anybody anything < Alienate> I demand we start a collection agency < Alienate> because donbueno is going to welch out on his debts < Alienate> its already obvious < Alienate> what... am I on a 24.4 baud modem? < donbueno> lol keep calling alienate i aint answering < Alienate> calling? < Alienate> I’m not calling you, dude < Alienate> oh... < Alienate> INSIDE THE CUBICLE! < Alienate> well... the one search I did returned 340,000,000 pages < Alienate> so... lets say %50 are valid < Alienate> I’ll be fair and charge you on that amount < Alienate> 170,000,000 < Alienate> which breaks down to .... < Alienate> more monies than you got < Alienate> just give me 5 seconds and we’ll call it even < Alienate> :D * Alienate starts stockpiling time for when the recession happens < Alienate> I mean the time recession < Alienate> after the singularity < Alienate> when time is worthless < Alienate> ill be the kind of the paupers! < acrylicist> Alienate: when you die < Alienate> *king of < acrylicist> Alienate: your time has no value to you when you die, so you’d better gift it at the right time < Alienate> gift it? < Alienate> dude... im going to be a miser < Alienate> someone better give me a 360 if they want to be in my will < Alienate> sounds like that sade song < Alienate> < Alienate> who wants some lays chips? < Alienate> ill sell them for 15 seconds < Alienate> they dont expire till jan 27th’ < Alienate> thats a long time!


< Alienate> just think about all of the time youll be saving < Alienate> by buying these chips! < Alienate> :D < Alienate> acrylicist, but you can buy chips in &=! < acrylicist> Alienate: I don’t like Lays, I only eat "All That And A" brand < Alienate> donbueno, Sure... < Alienate> I work right next to a carls jr < Alienate> because I dont think they will ship katsup in a zip lock < Alienate> Carls Jr = Hardees < Alienate> same thing < Alienate> I miss jack in the box < Alienate> its chipotle mcdonalds? < Alienate> or is that qdoba? < Alienate> yeah... chipotle is mcdonalds < Alienate> quiznos is all right < Alienate> they are damned over priced < Alienate> but they make a decent sandwich * Alienate <3’s peppers < Alienate> I stopped going to subway when they stopped carrying the fake seafood < Alienate> the straw that broke the camels back... < Alienate> I usaly take the day AFTER my birthday off from work < Alienate> I got a meatball sub, because it was on special that day < Alienate> and something in it was super hard and crunchy < Alienate> to the point I thought I had broken a tooth < Alienate> the creepiest, most disgusting thing I remember eating < Alienate> some mystery crunch < Alienate> in something that should contain no crunch < Alienate> and they had f-ed up my sandwich, so I had to go back < Alienate> and it was on my bday < Alienate> :’( < Alienate> acrylicist, the gold is worth the same < Alienate> your dollar is worth less < Alienate> the price of gold rarely fluxuates after taking inflation in to account < Alienate> <3’s < Alienate> has anyone ever played one of those "shock the loser" games < Alienate> like what theyre selling on woot right now? < Alienate> man... I pwn so hard at those reflex games < Alienate> my friends stopped playing against me because it gets boring being shocked like 30 times in a row < Alienate> so... donbueno you want these chips? < Alienate> they dont expire till jan 27th < Alienate> so you would end up getting more time than you would end up spending! < Alienate> crunch the numbers, its totally worth it < acrylicist> Alienate: you’re undercharging for them... the next person joining will add &=6m32s to everyone’s credit so you really need to charge more < acrylicist> Alienate: So maybe &=15m < acrylicist> Alienate: but remember that as more people join the amount of added credit decreases < acrylicist> Alienate: when there’s 999 people, the next person ( for 1000 people) adds &=3.6s < Alienate> facebook? < Alienate> koryk, < Alienate> of course it does < Alienate> its FACEBOOK < Alienate> the 80s are back acrylicist < Alienate> with pedjudice < Alienate> *prejudice


< Alienate> SOLDERING ISNT FUNNY! < Alienate> take its back! < Alienate> Soldering is serious business! < Alienate> livejamie, I did that a few days after the election was over < Alienate> $$$$$$$$$$$$ < Alienate> TROLL < Alienate> and... we have a winner! < Alienate> < Alienate> where is the troll...? the troll is right under your nose and you don’t even know < Alienate> skeet skeet skeet < Alienate> on your face on your face < Alienate> ugh.... gotta quit smoking * Alienate stabs self in lungs to get some fresh air in there < Alienate> Tobsn, thats gonna run you at least 10 minutes < Alienate> :P < Alienate> why the hell would you spend $300 on a projection screen? < Alienate> obviously people do... but why? < Alienate> can the screen make that much difference over a cheap one? < Alienate> koryk, yeah < Alienate> I dont see how it "absorbs ambient light" without absorbing direct light < Alienate> it just doesnt make sense to me < Alienate> and thats worth $300? * Alienate wants to be in iceland < Alienate> < Alienate> I can feel the universe < Alienate> donbueno, give him a weird haircut < Alienate> donbueno, why is it sad? < Alienate> I like my sonys < Alienate> they are comfortable < Alienate> they fold up < Alienate> great sound quality < Alienate> um... like three yearsish? < Alienate> they work great plugged in to my ipod, my pc or my mixer < Alienate> or my amp < Alienate> I also have some headphones that are "around the back of the head" phones < Alienate> they are all right, but you cant wear a skull cap while youre using them < Alienate> which is a little annoyin < donbueno> alienate my brother is drinking himself to death < Alienate> thats the one I use for gaming because it also has a mic < Alienate> donbueno, wtf why>? < donbueno> alienate well i love to drink dont get me wrong < donbueno> alienate doesnt count < Alienate> wtf < Alienate> did someone just call me stupid? :( < Alienate> oh < Alienate> he was talking about my window < Alienate> rofl * Alienate 1 reboot for encryption -!- Alienate [[email protected]] has quit ["Leaving"] -!- Alienate [[email protected]] has joined #reddit < Alienate> with firegestures that doesnt matter < Alienate> heh < Alienate> yeah... < Alienate> firegestures


< Alienate> lets you commit commands to mouse gestures < Alienate> in firefox < Alienate> ... < Alienate> it isnt that good for laptops < Alienate> but for desktops.. < Alienate> yeah < Alienate> or a laptop with a mouse < Alienate> because using firegestures with a laptop touch pad would require 2 hands < Alienate> which is a fail < Alienate> I would volunteer < Alienate> but I’m at work < Alienate> as long as its straight stuff < Alienate> or stuff with animals < Alienate> haha < Alienate> ick... i remember that stuff didnt bother me in HS... not that it excited me... just didnt bother me at all < Alienate> hell... ive watched the mr hands documentary < Alienate> you have a kid? < Alienate> no the fuck they arent < Alienate> babies are a blight on the world < Alienate> i say dont just legalize abortion... make it compulsory < Jalathan> Alienate: how would we continue to propagate without offspring? < Alienate> Jalathan, thats not my problem < Alienate> Its always the dumbest people that have ass shit tons of kids anyways < Alienate> I think we would be doing the world a favor... except for the final generation < Alienate> they would be screwed < Alienate> but that doesnt bother me < Alienate> yeah... maybe create babbys in a lab and keep them in some locked cage till they are old enough to work < Alienate> because those things are wild, uncivilized animals < Alienate> they must be taught to obey < Alienate> donbueno, the public school system is a joke < Alienate> oh man do I have some stories < Alienate> yeah... just keep them out of stores < Alienate> and out of earshot < Alienate> donbueno, I went to a private church of christ school as well as a freaking insanely ghetto highschool < Alienate> while you got one view on the subject I got 3, since thats how many highschools I went to * Alienate is gone -!- Alienate [[email protected]] has quit ["Leaving"] < Originate_> whats the other picture? < Originate_> the one with color? < Originate_> i recognize the destroyed shit from fallout 3 < Originate_> zefrank? < Originate_> are you a 17 year old girl? < Originate_> :D < Originate_> you know I <3 you tuguy < Originate_> im just giving you a hard time < Originate_> thats... positive? -!- Originate_ [[email protected]] has quit [] -!- Originate [[email protected]] has joined #Reddit -!- Originate [[email protected]] has quit [Client Quit] -!- Originate [[email protected]] has joined #Reddit < Originate> zomg


< Originate> slow ass hookah house freenet -!- Originate [[email protected]] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] -!- Originate [[email protected]] has joined #Reddit -!- Originate [[email protected]] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] -!- Alienate [[email protected]] has joined #reddit < donbueno> sup alienate < Alienate> proobably not < Alienate> :D < Alienate> he wants to listen to more happy hardcore < Alienate> have any recommendations? < Alienate> gabber is for people that cant handle grime < Alienate> hey donbueno I can make some recommendations... I listen to a little music < Alienate> Youve heard of the beatles, right? < Alienate> you should check them out < Alienate> donbueno is just jealous that my life is drama free < Alienate> < Alienate> I dont think they can hear you from here, donbueno < Alienate> < Alienate> blerg < Alienate> ugh < Alienate> I love how i tell people "if you keep having _____ problem reboot your computer and call me back" < Alienate> and then they call me back < Alienate> and I run a quick report < Alienate> and they havent rebooted in over a fucking month * Alienate stabs < Alienate> ew < Alienate> tradition is soaked in religion no matter the culture < Alienate> and no matter how removed from religion the nuclear family is < Alienate> ugh < Alienate> more encrytion < Alienate> brb -!- Alienate [[email protected]] has quit ["Leaving"] -!- Alienate [[email protected]] has joined #reddit < Alienate> Nuggest? < Alienate> we have the nuggiest nuggets! < Alienate> lps41proachsoad, dont worry... l000Hurts got sand in his va jay jay < l000Hurts> Alienate: Hey I like it in that context... < Alienate> and little fishies < Alienate> the snakehead fish kind * Alienate doesnt click < donbueno> alienate save it for later this shit is your style < Alienate> my style? < Alienate> does it involve some serious humilation and a few corpses? < Alienate> donbueno, dude... bang bus was around 10 years ago < donbueno> alienate yeah iknow bang bus but this is diff < Alienate> what the shit has been going on with reddit the past week... or are my posts just all the same < Alienate> they dont get nearly any upvotes or downvotes < Alienate> the one i posted this morning... no ups or downs at all


< l000Hurts> Alienate: Well... post your shit on here, and it’ll get upvotes < Alienate> < Alienate> l000Hurts, ive put the link in there three times already this morning < Alienate> heh < Alienate> *in here < Alienate> youre never here < Alienate> except when you are < l000Hurts> Alienate: WOAH SO META < Alienate> meta? < l000Hurts> Alienate: I’m keeping you around whenever I do shrrooms < Alienate> rofl < Alienate> yeah im an adventure around that stuff < Alienate> I can’t go in to too much detail simply based on what computer I am currently connected from < Alienate> but... yeah < Alienate> where do you live again l000Hurts? < Alienate> Uganda? < Alienate> I wasn’t aware that Baghdad has power again after we blew it up < Alienate> :P < Alienate> lps41proachsoad, ill start roasting it immediately < Alienate> l000Hurts, did you even watch the video before you upvoted? :P < Alienate> lps41proachsoad, how many pages? < l000Hurts> Alienate: I’m at work. But it’s Simpsons, so I’ll upvote it anywa < Alienate> lps41proachsoad, thats going to run you at least &=100h < Alienate> and thats without citing any sources < Alienate> oh... so you also need it written as if you continued to write it? < Alienate> thats at least &=250h < Alienate> whats the specific subject? < Alienate> zomfgwtfbbq < Alienate> can you say boring? < Alienate> jesus < Alienate> catbot! < Alienate> thecatbot! < Alienate> :( < Alienate> new dr who < Alienate>>1=61503 < Alienate> the black guy from peep show & that mitchell and webb look < Alienate> koryk, i thought you were in class < Alienate> jals, why shitting you? < Alienate> and then you shut up < Alienate> :P < Alienate> < Alienate> flash gordon or the flash? < Alienate> haha < Alienate> so hows things in your war torn country, l000Hurts ? < Alienate> good story btw, koryk < Alienate> koryk, yeah that one < Alienate> l000Hurts, im talking about baghdad < Alienate> from a drug dealer < Alienate> < Alienate> you must live in BFE < Alienate> the BFE of the Portland metro area?


< Alienate> rofl < Alienate> whoa < Alienate> anyways... < Alienate> you wanna talk about trustafarians? < Alienate> thats where I live * Alienate knows donbueno’s full name and phone number < Alienate> :D < Alienate> who wants it? cause I want monies < Alienate> dont laugh koryk sont I have your full name and address? < Alienate> :D < Alienate> *dont < Alienate> rofl < Alienate> I wont do anything with it except what I said I would... no worried < Alienate> l000Hurts, thats for me and those people to know < Alienate> :P < Alienate> Whomever coined the phrase "no free luches" obviously didnt understand social engineering < Alienate> its debatable that the food was purchased with money that would have been in your paycheck < Alienate> so you are actually paying for it even though it isnt out of pocket < l000Hurts> Alienate: Well when it comes down to company meeting meals, they’re on the company’s bill < Alienate> and the company’s bill still comes out of the same coffers as your paycheck < Alienate> you are probably getting hit every single check without knowing it < Alienate> because they could afford to pay you all more if they didnt buy you all food < l000Hurts> Alienate: Actually it’s not, I’ve discussed this with the finances woman. < Alienate> yeah... because shes going to say that you can get a raise if they stop buying you sandwiches < Alienate> and thats profit that could be in your pocket! < Alienate> its still not a free lunch :P < Alienate> YOUR CAPS ARE STUPID < Alienate> AND SO ARE YOU < Alienate> YOUR HUGE EARS < Alienate> its not pimply < Alienate> its hairy! < Alienate> :D < Alienate> but your ears really are huge < Alienate> thats not what everyone is saying about you behind your back < Alienate> i just thought I’d be the one to let you know < Alienate> since were tight and all < Alienate> wtf is sharebee? < Alienate> file hosting < Alienate> dropbox < Alienate> ? < Alienate> in portland? < Alienate> wow < Alienate> tell it again!@ < Alienate> man this chan is dead today < Alienate> wtf is up with all of these stupid ass twitter users? * donbueno looks to alienate to splain its usefulness < Alienate> now you can share the most boring parts of your life < livejamie> Alienate: i like to use it to post funny things < Alienate> livejamie, only 20 minutes later, huh? :P < livejamie> Alienate: hm? < livejamie> Alienate: look what you started


grammar/ < Alienate> which old witch? < Alienate> if today went any damn slower < Alienate> too bad < Alienate> he had so little to live for < Alienate> aperson knows whats up < Alienate> should change its name to supidcatbot * Alienate breaks both of his legs to he can go to the hospital instead of staying at work for the next hour < Alienate> I don’t want to no dead end job < Alienate> I don’t wanna be no number < Alienate> -to < Alienate> good job, l000Hurts < l000Hurts> Alienate: Here upvote this for me, < Alienate> you said to downvote it, right? < Alienate> cause thats what I just did < Alienate> :D < tuguy> Alienate < Alienate> fine < Alienate> up < Alienate> it didnt look like it changed anything < Alienate> stupid voting system < Alienate> well < Alienate> it was posted 3 f-ing days ago < Alienate> tuguy, I saw that < Alienate> thats brutal < Alienate> I keep changing it < Alienate> but none of it changes your karma < Alienate> oh man < Alienate> so fucking hardcore < Alienate> you can tell he didnt even know that it happened after he fell < Alienate> I love how the announcer just starts screaming "STOP THE FIGHT STOP THE FIGHT STOP THE FIGHT" < Alienate> you know its fucked up when the announcer is freaked out < Alienate> haha < Alienate> I mean... its UFC for fucks sake... people get pwnd all the time < Alienate> l000Hurts, wtf are you doing quoting zardoz anyway> < l000Hurts> Alienate: I had to < Alienate> tuguy, well < Alienate> the guy that won was on one hell of a losing streak < Alienate> and he won by default < Alienate> no joke < Alienate> I know a kid that was in UFC < Alienate> I’ve only known like... three or four fights he was in < Alienate> till someone broke his arm in half just below the shoulder < Alienate> no more UFC for him < Alienate> he was a small guy too < Alienate> I like talking shit to tough guys < Alienate> he threatened to fight me so many times < Alienate> I aint never skeerd < Alienate> l000Hurts, user for 2 months? < Alienate> wtf is up with that? :P


< Alienate> you more of a newb than I am? < Alienate> < Alienate> dude wtf < Alienate> Santa Claus Conquers the Martians was fucking awesome < Alienate> good job < Alienate> reddit loves you < Alienate> what the fuck < Alienate> < Alienate> where do you find this bullshit? < Alienate> rofl < Alienate> sex with a giraffe? < Alienate> what a non sequitur < Alienate> when will people learn that just being irrelevant doesnt make things funny < Alienate> awesome < Alienate> just submit every link you get through stumbleupon that hasnt been submitted yet < Alienate> "A strip that remained half-written for a year before current events provided the missing punch line." < Alienate> nice... < Alienate> he admits that the comedic value is purely topical and will have no meaning or not be humorous again in a few months * Alienate sets on fire < Alienate> more non sequiturs < Alienate> nothing is wrong with them, but those have no joke < Alienate> they are just blatant < Alienate> I didnt even chuckle < Alienate> awe < Alienate> lameness < Alienate> uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurgh < Alienate> fucking MS CRM < Alienate> GETMESSAGESFROMSERVER < Alienate> fucking cock ass whore bitch < Alienate> :( < tuguy> you need to take a chill pill Alienate < Alienate> I say it and you tell me to chill < Alienate> donbueno or l000hurts says it and its lulz < ChrisP> its because you’re not as good as them Alienate < Alienate> do me a favor and just stop talking to me if i bother you that much < Alienate> oh totally * Alienate has stuff to deal with < ChrisP> woe is Alienate! < Alienate> Paradox, tuguy ChrisP you can take your judgments elsewhere < Alienate> kthx < ChrisP> directed at Alienate’s obvious feeling of.. Alienation < Alienate> tuguy, I wasnt angry before you were patronizing < Alienate> ok tuguy well ive been dealing with a supremely frustrating problem today, which is the explanation of my outburst so lets just drop it and move on < Alienate> cool? < ChrisP> lol what Alienate < Alienate> nothing :) < Alienate> ChrisP, didnt ask for input < Alienate> but again... thanks < Alienate> and i refuse it < Alienate> so thanks :D < Alienate> too late


< Alienate> its done! < Alienate> I know... its sad :’( -!- Alienate [[email protected]] has quit ["Leaving"] < donbueno> what u guys do to alienate < donbueno> alienate -!- Originate [[email protected]] has joined #Reddit < Originate> gotta get better sleep tonight < Originate> I think I slept like... 2 hours last night :-/ * Originate hears wedding bells < chromakode> Originate: are you oregonian too? < Originate> no < Originate> SNARF -!- Alienate [[email protected]] has joined #reddit < Alienate> and nate < Alienate> when the hell is it going to stop? < acrylicist> Alienate: After everything deleverages and we go Weimar < Alienate> were just hemorrhaging money < Alienate> I always love it when people get a wicked infection on their computer < Alienate> then they try to argue with me when I tell them that I need to use their computer for a few hours and they are out of comission < Alienate> *commission < Alienate> they are like "but I have work to do!" < Alienate> were you working where you installed xp antivirus 2008, you freak of nature? < acrylicist> Alienate: haha < Alienate> or VIRUSHEAT? < Alienate> or ZWINKY? < Alienate> yeah... get zwinky... get zwinky HUH < acrylicist> Alienate: "Would you like to take a long coffee break or would you like me to email a list of every website you’ve visited in the last year to the company directory?" < Alienate> haha acrylicist < Alienate> this chick < Alienate> it would just show everyone that she loves to shop at target and is very self concious about her weight < Alienate> we did catch one guy looking at very inappropriate stuff < Alienate> but hes a very important and "high ranking" employee < Alienate> so he just gets multiple warnings < Alienate> where if I was doing that they would kick my ass to the curb < acrylicist> Alienate: number of warnings = round(ln(salary))? < Alienate> seems to be < acrylicist> Alienate: actually that’s not as disparate < Alienate> I mean... for the past several years the CEO hasn’t had to change or put in his password < Alienate> because he refuses to remember it < Alienate> even though the fed has a pretty strict policy on passwords < Alienate> and he throws a massive fit if we try to make him remember or change his password < caesararum> Alienate: just make sure he doesn’t have access to anything secret < Alienate> caesararum, I don’t control what he does and doesnt have access to < acrylicist> Alienate: wow, this guy is a chump < Alienate> but I know the CFO has the most access of anyone < Alienate> besides myself and my boss < Alienate> because we obviously have access to whatever we want if we log in as admins < Alienate> were basically both sys/netadmins, even though neither of our official titles reflect that < Alienate> acrylicist, we are paid around %60 of market value < Alienate> but the benefits are really sweet < Alienate> and plus banks are really hurting right now in general


< Alienate> ours included < Alienate> donbueno, they set our policies these days < Alienate> well a lot of them < Alienate> donbueno, I work IT at a state bank < Alienate> I should just make a script that responds to that damn question < Alienate> rofl oh man < Alienate> I mentioned Zwinky < Alienate> and that is one of the items I just found on this chicks computer < Alienate> I havent seen a Zwinky infection in over 6 months < Alienate> good job, dedicated employee < Alienate> acrylicist, yeah < Alienate> donbueno, zwinky is like the online version of "Bratz" < Alienate> where you can customize your avatar and chat with people < Alienate> but its also spyware < Alienate> pretty noticably spyware < Alienate> like... standing behind you? < Alienate> donbueno, you saw pix of that guy that made a glowing throne kind of chair out of those disks? < donbueno> Alienate: naw but I seen dorm rooms and college houses wall to wall with em < Alienate> what about hpv? < Alienate> :P < Alienate> 1/3 teenage girls in america now have some form of HPV < donbueno> alienate hpv kills like 2k ppl a year < Alienate> donbueno, and all of those people are women < Alienate> :( < Alienate> HPV increases the odds of cervical cancer < Alienate> those are fucking expensive man < Alienate> when I checked with my ex gf a few years ago < Alienate> the complete round would be nearly 1k < Alienate> donbueno, me? < Alienate> donbueno, I wasnt saying anything about death < Alienate> donbueno, I’m very concerned with how I’m going to die, heh < Alienate> I do believe that we all die alone < Alienate> mmmmmmmmmm * Alienate plans on listening to the entire Joy Division discography again today < Alienate> every once and a while I just plow through complete discographies... its phun! < Alienate> Modeselektor is a really great group to plow through discog too < Alienate> Bola < Alienate> donbueno, I listened to a lot of death metal in highschool < Alienate> :D < Alienate> I watched the Wesley Willis documentary last night < Alienate> I realized I was totally wrong in my assumptions about that guy’ < Alienate> He wasnt a crackhead at all < Alienate> I’m assuming at least a few people in here remember Wesley Willis? < acrylicist> Alienate: not familiar with Wesley < Alienate> The Dadd Of Rock And Roll! < Alienate> < Alienate> man... I havent laughed that hard in a long time < Alienate> I used to download all kinds of wes willis off napster back in the 90s < Alienate> I came across him accidentally < Alienate> donbueno is a radio wave hero! < Alienate> I need to see Wesley Willis’s Joy Rides < Alienate> ? < Alienate> mr magoos? < Alienate> wtf are you talking about?


< Alienate> I had a chick argue with me that portishead was influenced by radiohead < Alienate> based on their namem < Alienate> like... wtf are you talking about, lady? < Alienate> that statement is incorrect :P < Alienate> you can’t capitalize vocalized words :P < Alienate> that always makes for a good day < Alienate> penny arcade is funny 1/5 of the time < Alienate> oh jesus < Alienate> I mean... I guess you had to be there for it to be funny < Alienate> I mean... they could have used anything and it would have been just as amusing < Alienate> anything remotely phallic < Alienate> so use a pen, put some fake balls on it and spray ink all over someone < Alienate> are we done with the pastry erotic links now? < Alienate> I was just starting to get in to them < Alienate> :P < acrylicist> Alienate: * Alienate doesnt click < Alienate> the last thing I need is for my co-wokers to think I have some wierd pastry fetish < Alienate> especially since I promised to bring banana bread to the pot luck on friday < Alienate> heh < Alienate> like... "where has this bread been and what horrors has it witnessed?" < acrylicist> Alienate: what is this translucent white filling? < Alienate> acrylicist, it wouldnt be the first time someone told me it tasted good :P < Alienate> still sounds better than "The Gate" < Alienate> so.... a friend asked what the mom popular toy was for xmas this year < Alienate> My guess was "Bail Me Out Elmo" < Alienate> ribbons_, cause yourself ample amounts of physical pain < Alienate> not so much you pass out < Alienate> but enough that you are too aware of your pain to be comfortable < Alienate> wherever you are sitting.... make it too cold < Alienate> fill the bathtub with water < Alienate> and attempt drowning yourself < Alienate> or... get your hands on some amphetamines < Alienate> those always help < Alienate> I know they helped me < Alienate> ribbons_, effort is required to stay awake < Alienate> bottom line :P < Alienate> amphetamines arent difficult to find < Alienate> jesus... what... do you live in singapore? < Alienate> yeah, dude... < Alienate> hardcore druggies out there < Alienate> ive seen pics of the raves < Alienate> red rocks? < Alienate> like... here in colo? < Alienate> haha < Alienate> have you evar been to the mish? < Alienate> its out there by red rocks... < Alienate> haha that place is weird < Alienate> ewwwwwwwwwwwww < Alienate> everyone out here loves STS9 < Alienate> they drive me nuts < Alienate> freaking hippie bands


< Alienate> donbueno, you forget who you are talking to < Alienate> I already am that person < Alienate> < Alienate> the mishawaka is up in the mountains right on a little stream < Alienate> it looks like an old west outpost < Alienate> but outdoor theater < Alienate> donbueno, ribbons HATES music < Alienate> just like every other aussie < donbueno> have you seen pics of the gorge alienate? < Alienate> nope... never heard of the gourge < Alienate> already at the wiki though < Alienate> donbueno, at least I’ve seen David Byrne live :P < Alienate> that makes me real and you a poser! < donbueno> no alienate that makes you think i care about you < Alienate> that made even less sense than what i said < Alienate> obviously you care enough to call in the middle of the night and leave me weird little voice messages about how much you love me < Alienate> I shouldnt have deleted that < Alienate> wtf * Alienate stops talking to ribbons_ < Alienate> I was not aware that there was actually a George, Washington < Alienate> ribbons_, they have surgeries to take care of that :P < Alienate> widespread panic < Alienate> man... you ARE a hippie < Alienate> pretty obvious ifn ya ask me < Alienate> acrylicist, I think it would love that more than power off = nonexistance < Alienate> I SAID < Alienate> I"M NOT DONE TYPING IN CAPS YET! < Alienate> string cheese * Alienate dies a little inside < Alienate> ribbons_, you what about talking are? < Alienate> ribbons_, its a band called the string cheese incident < Alienate> which is funny to me... because i did have a string cheese incident when I was in elementary school] < Alienate> they did? < donbueno> alienate watch that video at about 25secs in < Alienate> oh yeah... hippies have always known all of their friends their whole lives < Alienate> because if they moved away from their friends to a real place with few hippies they would realize what smelly losers they are < Alienate> :P < Alienate> ugh fine... but im listening to Bola < Alienate> hippies love laser shows < Alienate> whats new? < Alienate> lasers are okay < Alienate> life changing amounts of acid? < donbueno> basically hornings hideout is the most epic place on the planet and it hates you alienate < Alienate> you mean about the same number of hits my friend took when he bashed his head open on the kitchen counter simply because a beck song came on the radio and he hated beck? < Alienate> sup l000Hurts < Alienate> donbueno, I fucking watched it to 30 seconds < Alienate> then I put my music back on < Alienate> because its so much better than SCI * Alienate doesnt get down with the jam band fanbois < Alienate> acrylicist, no... SCI is


< Alienate> donbueno, no... it isnt the most epic shit evar < Alienate> no video of a concert could be epic unless someone died or was seriously injured < Alienate> a bunch of people standing around, listening to music, tripping balls, yelling at lasers is not "epic" < Alienate> because my friends and i have spun fire poi tons of times < Alienate> ive seen crazier fire stunts in person < Alienate> like the last time I went to apogaea < Alienate> donbueno, before they limit her... < Alienate> download a certain amount of internet... haha I love how that sounds < Alienate> exactamundo < Alienate> they send them internets on dual layer dvd < Alienate> heh < Alienate> l000Hurts, you got that way wrong < Alienate> l000Hurts, its spelled matisyahu < donbueno> lol alienate < Alienate> * Alienate gets to play around with a blackberry storm < Alienate> put it on my balls? < Alienate> omg < Alienate> the blackberry storm = terrible < Alienate> it feels clunky < Alienate> and you literally have to press the screen like a button < Alienate> like... the screen pushes down and has tactile feedback like a real button < Alienate> but its sluggish as hell < Alienate> l000Hurts, they probably are... they are obviously way over paid < Alienate> there are millions of geeks that would take their jobs without pay < Alienate> italiacs wouldnt show on our end, hun :P < Alienate> formatting goes bye bye with IRC < Alienate> ribbons_, buy Left 4 Dead < Alienate> I’ll eat your brains! < Alienate> poor? they gave it away for free a few months ago < Alienate> damn those time zones < Alienate> I can give it to you < Alienate> heh < Alienate> pay the fuck attention, son < Alienate> in the future??? < Alienate> its only 1:30 here! < Alienate> DHL is the worlds premier international delivery company < Alienate> they will get your package nearly anywhere in the world in 24 hours if you pay them enough’ < Alienate> so... is acrylicist a hippie too? < Alienate> go team stfu! < Alienate> ribbons_, stay awake... youve got at least 14 more hours tll you can sleep! < Alienate> think about the number of zombies you could trample with that truck < Alienate> why would i upvote something that stupid? :P < ribbons_> out of love alienate < Alienate> no love lost < Alienate> no love to give < donbueno> alienate dude u just said u could run over tons of zombies < Alienate> but it needs a picture of a zombie in front of it < Alienate> :P < donbueno> alienate ill do that when i get home < Alienate> donbueno, then ill upvote it then!


< Alienate> :D < donbueno> so acrylicist alienate was asking are a hippy < Alienate> oh jesus donbueno < Alienate> take an evening class in english, man < Alienate> haha < Alienate> later donbueno < Alienate> haha < Alienate> that one gets my upvote < Alienate> thecatbot, shut up < Alienate> thecatbot, shut up < Alienate> thecatbot, shut up < Alienate> :( < Alienate> thecatbot doesnt listen < Alienate> haha < Alienate> stupid cats < Alienate> okay... we have to stop talking about cats now < Alienate> it was cataclysmic < Alienate> but I really want to go play catch with some friends later < Alienate> I might make some Chicken Catchatori tonight for dinner < Alienate> but I may just built a catapult instead < Alienate> rofl < Alienate> was it in catmandu? < Alienate> awe < Alienate> you left the word wrong out of your sentence talking about katmandu, but i forgive you < Alienate> cat < Alienate> ribbons_, you should watch nightmare on elm st for some good ideas < Alienate> on how to stay awake < Alienate> kittens < Alienate> kit < Alienate> kitt < Alienate> like the car from knight rider was called kitt < Alienate> pussy? < Alienate> whoa < Alienate> all righty then < Alienate> tabby < Alienate> rrrup < Alienate> anyone see that old arfield comic? < Alienate> *garfield < Alienate> meow < Alienate> haha < Alienate> meow < Alienate> wut? < Alienate> kitler < Alienate> < Alienate> sheesh < Alienate> just gave the president of a branch a blackberry crash course < Alienate> hes so fucking dazzled < Alienate> hes going to forget everything i showed him tomorrow morning < Alienate> criminy, he isnt a "manager" hes a "president" < Alienate> criminy, yeah... we have a lot of managers around here < Alienate> jesus christ thecatbot is going insane today < criminy> Alienate: lulz try working in gov’t < Alienate> criminy, I work at a bank... weve pretty much been taken over by the govt < criminy> Alienate: x.x my bad.


< criminy> Alienate: what do you do? < donbueno> lol alienate -!- Alienate [[email protected]] has quit ["Leaving"] < Originate> booyah < Originate> made it through another work week < Originate> always a plus < Originate> fuck yeh < Originate> the president of the branch i was talking about made some smartassed comment that I almost went off on him about < Originate> maybe I missed part of the conversation < Originate> but I was showing him how to use his new blackberry storm (ghey, btw) and someone walked by making a comment about how long i had been showing him this shit < Originate> and his response was "well... we know were in trouble when nate is doing the training... hahahahahahahahaha < Originate> and I just looked at him like.... what the fuck did you just say to me, man? < Originate> lk;sadjfl;kasjdflkjsadlfkjsal;dkafrield < Originate> aksjhfgouwflkd;jsal;sdl;kfs;lkdjfafrield < Originate> ugh god damnit i cant type < Originate> klsa;hdglwipmm849u32-wchmarfield < Originate> omfg * Originate uses catbot as a silencer < donbueno> originate i hear that man i made it too * donbueno high fives originate < Originate> ribbons_: ive also found that a good drug cocktail helps < ribbons_> originate, i don’t want to kill myself now do i? < Originate> I cant even consider camping < Originate> weould freeze to death < donbueno> nix0nn alienate/originate is also my twin < Originate> except that they are the most homo thing ive evar seen < donbueno> originate I WILLFUCK UR FACE < Originate> um < Originate> that was pretty homo too donbueno < Originate> you coming out? * Originate fuckin hurls * Originate wonders what it would take to spent most of a day in a sensory deprivation tank -!- Originate [[email protected]] has quit [] -!- Originate [[email protected]] has joined #Reddit < Originate> time for some late night l4d! < Originate> yakity yak < Originate> dont talk back < Originate> woof < Originate> *self destruct* < Originate> boooooo < Originate> oh jeez < Originate> the theme song for the quantum solstice is lame < Originate> lame lame lame lame lame < Originate> ugh < Originate> im finally done stuffing envelopes < Originate> thats a lot of characters for "very good" < Originate> so koryk I finished stuffing those envelopes today < Originate> actually... just now < Originate> so ill probably mail them on monday < Originate> koryk: then i get to move on to the tshirts < Originate> heh


< Originate> koryk: raise a reddit < koryk> Originate: I like your reddit, have been reading it a lot ever since I saw it. < Originate> thanks < Originate> im pretty proud of it < Originate> tuguy: whoever pays for shipping < Originate> let me call my personal usps representative < Originate> ... < Originate> :P < Originate> I will probably get a bunch of little pouches for shipping them when I mail these envelopes < Originate> and then put an XL in one and have them give me a quote for shipping to the us, canada, austrailia and england < Originate> because i have to ship shirts to all of those places < Originate> i think theres even one guy in germany < Originate> I doubt it < Originate> I still need to take inventory < Originate> very few people were willing to paypal me money for shipping < Originate> but i cant eat the cost of shipping ALL of this shit out < Originate> heh < Originate> god damnit koryk < Originate> I just stuffed your envelope < Originate> koryk: ill send you one... just email it to me and ill attach it to your other email < Originate> attach your email to your other email < Originate> sheesh < Originate> i wish i was :( < Originate> i didnt realize that you were female :P < Originate> they are american apparal < tuguy> i should be asking Originate < Originate> welp < Originate> i just beat fallout < Originate> that wasnt nearly as difficult as i thought it would be < Originate> it isnt nearly as long or difficult as the old ones < Originate> seriously < Originate> ? < Originate> I can run it on "ultra high settings" < Originate> thats actually what it recommended < livejamie> well good for you originate, thanks for rubbing salt in that wound < Originate> time to play it back through as an evil person < Originate> you just have to go to tenpenny tower < Originate> youre alone anyways < Originate> heh < Originate> I dont envy your life if thats what its like livejamie * Originate requests that you speak english < Originate> yeah < Originate> that is the lamest song evar < Originate> what... did he spend an afternoon on the song and a week on the animation? < Originate> jezus * Originate downloads all of mst3k < Originate> bark < Originate> GOLDEN SHOWERS < Originate> DVDA < Originate> fallout 3! < Originate> man... the max level is 20... I beat that game at level 12 < Originate> but now im going to go explore everything...


< Originate> just me and my combat shotgun! < Originate> haha < Originate> we got craptons of snow last night < Originate> you guys are boring on the weekends :P < Originate> oh man < Originate> its fucking 3 degrees outside * Originate dies trying to smoke a cigg < Originate> dude... computer equipment does NOT generate enough heat to warm a condo when its 3 degrees outsiode < Originate> think about what its going to be when its nighttime < Originate> thats what clothes are for < Originate> :P -!- Alienate [[email protected]] has joined #reddit < Alienate> jeezus < Alienate> 18 below this morning :) < Alienate> You think I’d get used to it, but I never do < acrylicist> Alienate: you got wind oto? < Alienate> acrylicist, not today... yesterday there was and it was f-ing miserable < Alienate> before I remembered to break in to my spare closet and grab my winter coats < Alienate> were supposed to get another 3 inches of snow today < Alienate> I wiped nearly a foot off of my car this morning < Alienate> heh * Alienate wonders how many people will call in sick < Alienate> I started watching "shameless" last night < Alienate> although its stupidly romantic... it REALLY makes me want to go to the UK < Alienate> at least the first ep was < Alienate> < Alienate> dramadey < Alienate> I want to slum it up in the UK < Alienate> donbueno, I lived in Lubbock till I was 9 < Alienate> :DF < Alienate> its a good place for wind power < Alienate> lots of steady wind < Alienate> its as close to the asshole of the US as you can get < Alienate> denver 8? < Alienate> yeah... I guess thats about right < Alienate> it was about 10 hours to get from fort collins < Alienate> which is an hour north of denver < Alienate> but I’ve made the drive in 8 hours < Alienate> you really have to haul some ass though < Alienate> donbueno, not in this weather < Alienate> well... they did rebuild raton a few years back < Alienate> if you went through there in this weather before they fixed it up youd be dead as shit < Alienate> because the northbound traffic is on a cliff directly above the southbound and the southbound is on a cliff above a small community < Alienate> so... if anyone fucked up they were going to kill several people < Alienate> now they have some super heavy duty guard rails up and they eased up the grade up the roads < Alienate> = much less people flying off the edge in bad weather < Alienate> raton pass is probably the scariest fucking place ive ever been in my car during a snow storm < Alienate> those graded hills, man < Alienate> if you dont keep your foot on the break youll end up going over 100, easy < Alienate> truckers always lose their breaks on those hills


< Alienate> thats why at the bottom of all of the large grades they have those runway ramps < Alienate> yeah < Alienate> shit... youve gotta have a lot of luck just to make it to one of those ramps without killing yourself or someone else if your brakes go out < Alienate> donbueno, ill be in lubbock next week < Alienate> :) < Alienate> thats what i was hoping for < Alienate> I dont have a "home" < Alienate> im basically a transient < Alienate> heh < Alienate> I live places for the extent of my 1 year lease < Alienate> and move on < Alienate> at least I dont have to worry about you being there to muck up my holiday :P < Alienate> since I just LOVE spending time with my extended fam * Alienate readies pistol for one headshot to put himself out of his misery next week < Alienate> oh my gawd that sounds awful < Alienate> anybody in here live in or been to London? < Alienate> donbueno, how much $ would it take to go for a week or two? < Alienate> and live in squalor? :D < Alienate> im not that broke < Alienate> I want to go and meet cool people... I dont want to go sightseeing, although a little of that along the way wouldnt hurt < donbueno> yeah alienate my mom is the worst fucking tourist ever < Alienate> I don’t really want to slum it up that hardcore < Alienate> I want my own room < Alienate> and my own bathroom < Alienate> ive never been out of the country < Alienate> tired < Alienate> because ive never been anywhere outside of the US < Alienate> damn, dude... < Alienate> denver to london in april on travelocity for under 1k < Alienate> i bet a travel agent could do better < Alienate> $1700 with flights and 13 days in a hotel < donbueno> alienate ever checked out "couch surfing" < Alienate> oh yeah... < Alienate> my friend in amsterdam was telling me about that < Alienate> she said that she meets people off of there all of the time < Alienate> damn dude < Alienate> I didnt realize there were so many people on < donbueno> alienate it could be the plot basis of a really bad horror movie u know < Alienate> donbueno, thats why they should make it easier for me to travel outside of the country whilst still concealed carrying my makarov < Alienate> then I wouldn’t have to worry about too much < Alienate> kill me with your hands right now < Alienate> PHAIL! < Alienate> come to lubbock and kill me with words next week < Alienate> PHAIL! < Alienate> afterpaty for what? < Alienate> hippie shit! < Alienate> fuck yeah < Alienate> this was the good paycheck week < Alienate> every 3 months i get paid for three weeks instead of two < Alienate> just because of how the pay periods end < Alienate> fyrestarter, its the HR lady


< Alienate> and she probably is < Alienate> she is married, but has pics of her four cats on her desk < Alienate> no pics of her husband < Alienate> sounds pretty egomaniacal < e0x> Alienate: If your ego applies to span accomplishments of the human race, that’s a pretty big ego. < Alienate> e0x, if you think that the "accomplishments of the human race" are barely worth mentioning in contrast to the grandness of the universe then it sure as hell is < Alienate> we barely understand anything about the universe around us < Alienate> and claiming that we are the center of knowledge in the universe borders on perverse < Alienate> hmmmmmm * Alienate starts working on his finances for the remainder of the month < e0x> Alienate: I dont think they’re barely worth mentioning, thats why I’m saying the article was interesting/awesome... and then I’m confused how you go on to say "we barely understand anything" < Alienate> e0x, only those that know nothing claim that they know something < Alienate> that isnt fact < Alienate> wow... get your panties in a wad < Alienate> im not debating this with you while youre going to sit there and cry < Alienate> you arent half as important as you think you are < Alienate> none of us are < Alienate> yeah.... lol < Alienate> you dont have to agree with me, but obviously you have a serious problem with people that disagree with you < Alienate> but thats probably your egomaniacal attitude shining through again < Alienate> and youre accusing me of having no relevance < Alienate> so seems like were in the same boat if thats the case < Alienate> obviously not < Alienate> because you have to refuse to meet in the middle < Alienate> or you would feel like youve lost < Alienate> youre obviously threatened that I disagree with your assinine assumption that humanity is the most important entity in the universe < Alienate> then move along < Alienate> talk about blabbing < Alienate> still doing it < Alienate> take your own advice < Alienate> laff < Alienate> you say something in a public chan and then get all butt hurt when someone responds? < Alienate> oh mai gawd you are obnoxious < Alienate> if you dont want to argue the subject, stop bringing it up... its that simple < Alienate> you keep telling me to stfu then you keep bringing it up again < Alienate> make up your mind, please < Alienate> so... lets MOVE ON < Alienate> you can call me an idiot all day, but it doesnt change the fact that you’re STILL WHINING * Alienate done < donbueno> hey acrylicist or alienate gotta any ideas on how to get thumbnails for my .avi’s i get no pics just the VLC logo < Alienate> donbueno, you’re talking about in your folder structure? < Alienate> or on a website? < Alienate> if youre using windows you can just switch to thumbnail view, heh < donbueno> alienate yeah i did that u wanker < Alienate> < Alienate> < Alienate> ?


< Alienate> the dude just thought that bush needed new shoes < Alienate> are you kidding < Alienate> ? < Alienate> bush’s shoes have to cost more than that egyptian reporter makes in a month < Alienate> e0x, thats who I was responding to, but I neglected to append his name to the beginning of the statement < Alienate> I’ve been waiting for someone to do this < Alienate> we made a drinking game for it, it happens so frequently < Alienate> when someone says "fuck", "socksucker", refers to drugs (dope) or demeans a woman < Alienate> *cocksucker < Alienate> theres no way to keep up with that game < Alienate> youll give yourself alcohol poisoning before the end of an ep < Alienate> the drug one doesnt happen often < Alienate> well... compared to the otherse < Alienate> sup koryk < Alienate> nice... id rather be there than work, but work pays the bills... so here I am :) < Alienate> especially with how nasty it is outside... max temp of 15 today... heh * Alienate has stopped drinking and other things < Alienate> now i just need to quit cigs < Alienate> it does a lot < Alienate> most of it isnt positive < Alienate> donbueno is a little shutterbug now < Alienate> acrylicist, you forgot the person you have to pay to stand off camera and release the tumble weed < acrylicist> Alienate: that’s the grip < Alienate> ... < Alienate> I missed that part somehow < Alienate> i knew what you meant when i finally read it < Alienate> haha < Alienate> and a soundboard engineer to get environmental sound temp < Alienate> :P < Alienate> and a transportation manager to drive you and the other employees out to the location of the tumbleweed < Alienate> and a producer to pay for the scounting out of the "perfect" tumbleweed that displays the emptiness you’re trying to show by using a tubleweed < Alienate> *scouting < Alienate> damn I cant type when it gets this cold < Alienate> donbueno, they will just get caught on something < Alienate> and it would be a waste of $5000 < donbueno> alienate right but its for science! < Alienate> haha < Alienate> I just lost a little more faith in humanity < Alienate> thanks donbueno < Alienate> thats hilarious < Alienate> watch out < Alienate> that squirrel will cut you! < Alienate> wtf... theres a musician named "Duran Duran Duran" < Alienate> thats dumb dumb dumb < Alienate> e0x, probably depends on your definition of civilization < Alienate> whoa thats awful < Alienate> further south < Alienate> around egypt < Alienate> stop posting that donbueno ! haha < Alienate> fyrestarter, mesopotamia is debatably the start of civilization


< fyrestarter> Alienate, werd thats eastern turkey < Alienate> fyrestarter, yeah... or the area of "Iraq" < Alienate> hammurabis code was probably the first indication of a true "civilization" < Alienate> since laws are the basic cobblestones of civilizations < Alienate> donbueno, like I said previously... it all depends on your definition of "civilization" < Alienate> were all talking about the same god damned place here < Alienate> were just arguing about WHEN that became a civ < Alienate> I mean.... textbooks in schools will say were all correct on this one < Alienate> if there was a test and we all put down the answers that weve said we would all be correct < Alienate> heh < Alienate> acrylicist, its called communism < Alienate> haha < Alienate> lolraq < Alienate> you obviously havent spent much time on reddit < Alienate> and also... no one is keeping your ass here < Alienate> ill tell you like martin lawrence used to say... < Alienate> get to steppin * Alienate isnt friendly < Alienate> donbueno, thats what we all told him < e0x> today i asked a question about finding an article and then alienate started debating the merits of the article and drawing conclusions about me just from asking, not a good first impression < Alienate> oh gawd < Alienate> fucking wah < Alienate> my name is alienate < Alienate> you think i go out of the way to make people feel at home? < Alienate> im not in the business of making you feel butterflies in your stomach < Alienate> ribbons_, no joke < Alienate> acrylicist, we dont have a backup plan for this! < Alienate> who will balance out my assholishness now? < Alienate> I’m already alienating the newest newbies! < Alienate> ribbons_, you get to be tuguys backup till we find someone more qualified < Alienate> you are instated immediately < Alienate> rofl oh man < Alienate> i havent heard anyone use that word outside of a ren fair < Alienate> ribbons_, you are also required to provide a little known fact < Alienate> :P < Alienate> wow... thats a good fact < Alienate> ribbons_, the proper format is similar to: "little known fact about ________... He ___________________" < Alienate> ribbons_, when we hired you in to the position we assumed you had a little experience, but it’s okay as long as you’re a fast learner < Alienate> you use their nickname... haha < Alienate> link their names? < Alienate> little known fact about ribbons_ ... she eats an entire bulb of garlic in each glass of water < ribbons_> little known fact about alienate... he has a passion for all things latex < Alienate> wow... on the button < Alienate> haha < Alienate> ribbons_, your IRC client probably has an autocomplete for the nicks < Alienate> so you can start typing the nicknames and press [tab] < Alienate> it will probably autocomplete it for you < Alienate> :) < Alienate> I’m not always an asshole >:E < Alienate> just the vast majority of the time


< Alienate> even the grinch had his moments of glee < Alienate> HOW DID YOU KNOW ABOUT MY SKIDMARKS ON MY THONGS? < Alienate> ribbons_, I’m much too hairy to wear laytex :P < Alienate> -y < Alienate> the removal process would < Alienate> everybodies happy nowadays < Alienate> as the buzzcocks say < Alienate> its my job to stop this disturbing trend < Alienate> wb, fool < donbueno> aye i loved that last line before I disconnect alienate "my name is alienate you think i go outta my way to make people feel at home?" < Alienate> ribbons_, who doesnt? < Alienate> she has a nack for this shit < Alienate> *knack < Alienate> paid in boredom < Alienate> when you see it < Alienate> you will shit bricks < Alienate> donbueno is a byproduct of the things he sees on reddit! < Alienate> heh < Alienate> I hate where theres asshittons of snow... my socks were soaked by the time i made it to my car and they will remain soaked and cold for the rest of my work day :( < Alienate> wow acrylicist is very generous < Alienate> ribbons_, its the currency of the future! < Alienate> ribbons_, I don’t celebrate christmas... and -18 fahrenheit isn’t something to be happy about no matter the time of year < Alienate> -28 degrees celcius or whatever < Alienate> I think my math was a little off there < Alienate> well... i wasnt too far off then < Alienate> (-18) degrees Fahrenheit = -27.7777778 degrees Celsius < Alienate> nice < Alienate> I was on the button < Alienate> and I just did it in my head, heh thats good for me < Alienate> wow... what a day... its nearly lunchtime and absolutely no one has bothered me * Alienate knocks on wood < Alienate> ooooooooo < Alienate> sounds like blackmail to me < donbueno> nice alienate i want ur job < Alienate> donbueno, some days are dead slow and some days make me want to rip my hair out by the roots < Alienate> donbueno, the busy days i have stuck up people who think they are deadly important breathing down my neck and flipping out < Alienate> oh yeah... you know me < Alienate> I LOVE helping people < Alienate> actually... I love helping people that need help < Alienate> not people that are lazy or choose to be ignorant < Alienate> but I always do it, because I’m paid to solve problems < Alienate> as far as ive seen she stays up all night all of the time and then wonders why she cant sleep the next night after passing out in the middle of the day :P < Alienate> I assume she is a female < Alienate> damn... she already has more time than i do < Alienate> how lame < Alienate> fried bologna * Alienate thinks he will just walk next door to the crapples jr < Alienate> livejamie, dont get too bend out of shape... I thought you were a chick too


< Alienate> :P < Alienate> haha < Alienate> oh man... it smells like someone reheated leftover thanksgiving < Alienate> and it smells a little rotten * Alienate pukes a little < Alienate> kirun, ill add you < Alienate> so I can make fun of you in the comments on your page < Alienate> :P < Alienate> I demand that this nonsense is stopped immediately < Alienate> or I will pray to my God that he smite you where you sit < ribbons_> i’m going to sleep! i nominate alienate as the reddit greeter < Alienate> fuck that noise < acrylicist> now Alienate gets &=3m/greet < Alienate> oh god damnit < Alienate> acrylicist, are you the FED? < Alienate> how do you have so much time money? < Alienate> welcome to #reddit acrylicist < Alienate> little known fact about acrylicist ... he pees in the shower < Alienate> welcome to #reddit livejamie < Alienate> little known fact about livejamie ... he likes it when people think hes a girl < donbueno> alienate already scripted it < Alienate> I DEMAND MY &=3m < Alienate> make that &=6m < Alienate> it is < Alienate> it means 3 time minute monies < Alienate> wtf < Alienate> stealing my fucking thunder < Alienate> a bot has made me redundant < acrylicist> Alienate: < Alienate> haha < Alienate> too bad I cant pick the art for my walls < Alienate> stupid rules < livejamie> rofl alienate * acrylicist knows if Alienate is worth his salt he’ll lag out thecatbot to collect his &=3m bounties < Alienate> livejamie, no, they arent < Alienate> I was just pressing the up arrow and filling in the blanks < Alienate> I just want to do enough greetings in one day that acrylicists coffers are all dried up < Alienate> and all his time monies are gone < Alienate> meh < Alienate> limited what? < Alienate> the number of people that can join the chan < Alienate> too late < Alienate> acrylicist, we had an agreement < Alienate> the logs prove it < Alienate> you said for the rest of the day < Alienate> &=3m per greeting < Alienate> all your time are belong to us < Alienate> MAKE YOUR TIME < Alienate> wow... that makes sense now < Alienate> acrylicist, damn you and your changing the rules to make sure you dont go broke < Alienate> you didnt change any rules for me < Alienate> or baby jesus < Alienate> and now baby jesus is crying < Alienate> AND ITS YOUR FAULT


< acrylicist> Alienate: rule changes are always global < Alienate> well that doesnt make any feel special at all < acrylicist> Alienate: if you have a lot of savings you get credit bonuses < acrylicist> Alienate: e.g. if you’re able to earn/save time your credit limit is increased < acrylicist> Alienate: current formula gives everyone &=28s about every 2 days < Alienate> welcome to #reddit signpost < donbueno> ohh shit i didnt notice ur name was signpost ithought alienate was being funny < Alienate> little known fact about signpost ... he drinks his beer through a straw < Alienate> Houston is a shithole < Alienate> I lived there from 9 - 14 < Alienate> signpost, dont argue with her < Alienate> let the bitch float away < Alienate> be like teddy pendergrast, man < Alienate> tell her "lets just kiss and say goodbye" < Alienate> teddy pendergrast = the man to end all fucking men < Alienate> welcome to #reddit goner < Alienate> little known fact about goner ... he gets a little turned on when his woman cries < Alienate> donbueno, youre finally listening to what ive been telling you < Alienate> Read wtf you type BEFORE you press enter < Alienate> or just do what a normal person does and proofread it as you type < donbueno> alienate you will never break me < Alienate> stop it < Alienate> im going to think youre a troll < Alienate> like that one kid < Alienate> YOU < Alienate> you are fucking confused < Alienate> welcome to #reddit bushwakko < Alienate> little known fact about bushwakko ... he really does wakko bushes < Alienate> donbueno, I already told you < Alienate> YOURE FUCKING CONFUSED < Alienate> im still laughing about... < Alienate> wait... I dont actually ever laugh < Alienate> welcome to #reddit yar < signpost> your existence is devoid of then, alienate < Alienate> little known fact about yar ... he has a peg leg, an eye patch and booty < Alienate> signpost, your pathetic attempt at humor bounces off of me as though I were rubber and you were glue < Alienate> horrifyingly awesome < Alienate> so acrylicist you owe me nearly &=20m by now < Alienate> I hope you keep your life savings in some account where I can’t find it < Alienate> because I’m going to have all of your accounts fozen till I’m paid < Alienate> dont think im playing around... because I never play around < Alienate> except when I do < Alienate> donbueno no speaka de english < Alienate> you should seriously consider punctuation some day soon < Alienate> it would drastically help your incoherant ramblings < Alienate> yeah, dude < Alienate> I totally called it < Alienate> livejamie is really a chick < Alienate> :D < Alienate> livejamie, man... there are giraffes and shit... with pastel colors < Alienate> how is it NOT a girly theme? < Alienate> thats blue < Alienate> not grey


< livejamie> Alienate: it changes depending on the weather :| < Alienate> oh < Alienate> well why the hell is there a giraffe on mine? < Alienate> it is snowing giraffes? < Alienate> I can’t "just look outside" < Alienate> I work in a fucking basement < Alienate> welcome to #reddit koryk < Alienate> little known fact about koryk ... I know his full name and address < Alienate> ooooooooo burn < Alienate> I dont know his middle name! < Alienate> now I might have a slightly harder time opening a line of credit under his name! < Alienate> pfft < Alienate> um... * Alienate keeps his mouth shut on adderol < Alienate> yeah.... < Alienate> fucking methhead < Alienate> I LIED < Alienate> Don’t quote me at me < Alienate> ass-hat < Alienate> I know wtf I said :P < Alienate> koryk, youve been mislead < Alienate> adderol is methamphetamine in pill form < Alienate> dont bullshit me... i took it in highschool < Alienate> donbueno, go fucking figure < Alienate> people that do drugs usually hang out with people that do drugs < Alienate> supposed to be snowing here < Alienate> but I cant confirm that as I work in a basement < Alienate> koryk, I hate you < livejamie> Alienate: city? < Alienate> were going to have a high of 15 today < Alienate> livejamie, look up denver < Alienate> livejamie, and by the way its raining in LA < livejamie> yay thanks alienate < Alienate> or hot springs arkansas < Alienate> its ice/sleeting there < Alienate> thats one for the vaults < Alienate> oh jesus < Alienate> cant see anything < Alienate> so loud < Alienate> FAIL < Alienate> naw < Alienate> im not clicking it again < Alienate> I have no sympathy < Alienate> he did it to himself < Alienate> < Alienate> thecatbot, you are wrong < Alienate> what the hell is going on in this chan < Alienate> ITS CHAOS < Alienate> COMPLETE CHAOS < Alienate> There are bots arguing with other bots! < Alienate> this is unacceptable < Alienate> stop acting cute thecatbot < Alienate> you do not impress me < Alienate> your skills are subpar


< Alienate> those better not be my italian leather wing tips < Alienate> or i swear to god ill have you put to sleep thecatbot < Alienate> fucking chaos * Alienate lunch < Alienate> well i created sentient life with a batch file < Alienate> the government tried to kill me for it < Alienate> but I killed him first < Alienate> no mulligans in the game of life, homie * Alienate stabs catbot < Alienate> phail < Alienate> oooooooooo < Alienate> donbueno got pwnd by a bot < Alienate> textual smackdown < Alienate> !!! < Alienate> donbueno, stfu man < Alienate> you almost made me laugh < Alienate> unacceptable < Alienate> roflcopterkitten? < Alienate> how do you drive an engine? < Alienate> doesnt it require some sort of multiple wheel setup < Alienate> ? < Alienate> kirun, thats why you throw them AWAY from yourself regardless of your surroundings < Alienate> even if youre in the middle of a crowd... throw AWAY from yourself < Alienate> someome might get fucked up, but it wont be you < Alienate> and that... that has made all of the difference < Alienate> and if you caught the robert frost reference ill give you one gold star < Alienate> :P < Alienate> null__, between how many people? < Alienate> and what brand of vodka? < Alienate> yeah... youre stupid < Alienate> dont listen to donbueno < Alienate> he never knows what hes talking about < Alienate> just watch how he types sentences for the next 15 minutes < Alienate> and thats all the proof youll need < Alienate> rofl * Alienate facepal < Alienate> m < Alienate> white rhino? < Alienate> your moms bunk * Alienate facepalms again < Alienate> awe look at how cure that was < Alienate> donbueno made himself lulz < Alienate> *cute < Alienate> the band bush had a song with lyrics that said "the darker the rhino the sweeter the juice"? < Alienate> wow... I was not aware of that < Alienate> bullshit < Alienate> fuck that noise < Alienate> and by noise I mean your face, as well as the band "Bush" whose lead singer is the oh so dreamy gavin < Alienate> acrylicist, I demand &=27m < acrylicist> Alienate: you’ve done 9 greets? < Alienate> acrylicist, if you dont believe me I can make it 20 < Alienate> logs lie, man


< Alienate> you cant trust those < Alienate> maybe you missed two or three of them while you were doing something else < Alienate> and your logs decided it wasnt important enough to log < Alienate> I cant be held responsible by your logs < acrylicist> grep "Alienate" < Alienate> I was a bit off... < Alienate> 1879 greetings < Alienate> thats what she said < Alienate> they are remaking the crow? < Alienate> come the shit on... that movie wasnt even made barely over a decade ago < Alienate> not even 15 years ago < Alienate> jesus hollywood is getting lazier and lazier < Alienate> stop making sense < Alienate> rofkl < Alienate> oh man < Alienate> i just called an "IMPORTANT" call about extending the warranty on my car < Alienate> so i decided to follow it through and see wtf this was about < Alienate> I asked the guy what car the call was in reference to < Alienate> and he starts saying "I dont have any of your personal information in front of me... but this has to do with a vehicle that was purchased between 1997 and 2008... do you have a car that fits this group?" < Alienate> I said... "That would be just about everyone, pal" < Alienate> his response.. "so that would be a yes?" < Alienate> idiot < Alienate> I can smell a scam when I hear one < Alienate> I then explained to him that this was a business line, not a personal line. He immediately responded that there must have been some sort of error and he would have the number removed immediately * Alienate expects another call in the next few months < Alienate> you cant get a "warranty" on a 20 year old car < Alienate> sorry, fella < Alienate> even insurance would be like... "yeah... your car is worth $500" < donbueno> niec alienate that was def worth reading up for < Alienate> donbueno, are you mocking me? < Alienate> < Alienate> the orb was only good in the late 90s < Alienate> booyah < Alienate> whats that one dudes name from orb < Alienate> feldman? < Alienate> the old bald guy? < Alienate> looks a little like ghandi? < Alienate> he did some solo work that was absolutely amazing < Alienate> Thomas Fehlmann < Alienate> thats it < Alienate> < Alienate> final fantasy 1? < Alienate> crazy < Alienate> and what the shit is a "rainbow girl" < Alienate> wait < Alienate> a dating sim? < Alienate> Eastern Youth is more awesome than whoever wrote that song < Alienate> I’m right there with ya, pal < Alienate> except I was more partial to "I’m Every Woman" < Alienate> what the hell


* Alienate gets the same damn call again < Alienate> about the car warranty < Alienate> it didnt take a few months < Alienate> it took a matter of fucking minutes < Alienate> I cant believe that < criminy[bus]> Alienate: took a matter of minutes from when? The last time you got one of those calls? < Alienate> criminy[bus], yes < Alienate> mayhaps you were not in the chan the last time i spoke of this subject < Alienate> wtf does this mean? < Alienate> ã < Alienate> I guess it’s "Straightener" < Alienate>ã < Alienate> mine doesnt < Alienate> pidgin is all right < Alienate> I always uninstall my language packs < Alienate> by uninstalling the language packs on my macair I cleared off 3.6 gigs < Alienate> that is fucking substantial < Alienate> not just substantial < Alienate> FUCKING substantial < Alienate> criminy[bus], I think you are mistaking him for me < Alienate> kawaii that band you linked to is a japanese emo band? < Alienate>ã < Alienate> my name isnt kawaii < Alienate> mmmhmmm < Alienate> I decided to listen to "similar to eastern youth" on < Alienate> and those guys came up < Alienate> and they dont suck * Alienate has a brain aneurysm from the dumbness of that picture < Alienate> criminy[bus], the song i heard was in english < Alienate> its called "sea world" < Alienate> get it right :P < Alienate> what does world of warcraft have to do with anything? -!- Alienate [[email protected]] has quit ["Leaving"] -!- Alienate [[email protected]] has joined #reddit < Alienate> FUCK YOU CATBOT < Alienate> stop /msging me < Alienate> I dont wannit < Alienate> :( < Alienate> thecatbot makes me hate people even more than I did before * Alienate cuts off kirun’s fingers so he cant type stupidness anymore :P < Alienate> same difference < Alienate> are you all gaijin or something? < Alienate> appropriate response at least < livejamie> Alienate: does it /msg you? < Alienate> -thecatbot- meow, welcome to #reddit! :3 < Alienate> oh jeez < Alienate> technicality much? < Alienate> it sent me a message < Alienate> that is a message < Alienate> catbot isnt my buddy I dont want it ctcping me < Alienate> but ill live with it < Alienate> shut yer ugly mug, thecatbot < Alienate> livejamie, naw its all right... ill try to ignore it


< Alienate> just like I do when my roommate munches on sunflower seeds with his mouth open all fucking day < Alienate> drives me INSANE < Alienate> but I live with it anyway :) < Alienate> love? < livejamie> Hey catbot, do you want love from Alienate? < Alienate> love involves sharp objects being inserted and removed rapidly and frequently from orifices, right? < zuff> thecatbot: Alienate is awful isn’t he < Alienate> dont judge me just because my definition of love is different from yours < Alienate> havent you ever seen the movie "Secretary"? < Alienate> is that you livejamie? < Alienate> youre upset that they didnt call you a "serial offender"? < Alienate> :D -!- Originate [[email protected]] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)] < Alienate> turkey bacon! < Alienate> pandora is the dust bowl of the internet < Alienate> dude... everything is phallic < Alienate> they are inside out phalus’ < Alienate> donbueno is just pipe dreaming < Alienate> I once talked to a girl while listening to girl talk < Alienate> and thats so much more epic < Alienate> I liked the one of the dude shining that green laser in a riot policemans eyes < Alienate> green lasers are always very bright < Alienate> and are visible in mid-air < Alienate> but the smoke probably helped < Alienate> green lasers run at a frequency that is visible in midair < Alienate> unlike most red lasers < Alienate> im tired of all of these mother fucking CRISIS’ < Alienate> either the world needs to fucking END < Alienate> or I don’t fucking CARE < Alienate> Status: 500 Internal Server Error Content-Type: text/html < Alienate> 500 Internal Server Error < Alienate> ? < Alienate> I dont think that has to do with photoshop, pal < livejamie> Status: 500 Internal Server Error Content-Type: text/html -!- Alienate [[email protected]] has quit ["Leaving"] -!- Originate [[email protected]] has joined #Reddit -!- Alienate [[email protected]] has joined #reddit < Alienate> god moooooooooooooooorning redditnam! < acrylicist> &=5m me love you long time... but not you Alienate... you’re too bookuu... Alienate too bookuu < Alienate> see? the prostitutes are even using time money in redditnam now < Alienate> acrylicist, that depends where you wanna stick it < Alienate> jeez... havent you EVER been to a hooker before??>!.11 * Alienate prints out all kinds of stupid paperwork for the ITSC < Alienate> youd think if I automated a report we could forego actually printing it on paper < Alienate> but... these people that are in charge of the steering commitee are complete luddites < Alienate> Thats whats silly < Alienate> only ONE person out of the 8 on the IT Steering Committee knows anything about computers < Alienate> acrylicist, I guess you’re right < Alienate> but why have me document how to print the reports


< Alienate> and how to create reports < Alienate> if they are just going to have me do it all anyway? < Alienate> my thoughts exactly < Alienate> well... in all fairness < Alienate> if they lost either one of us in the IT dept they would be up a shit creek without a paddle < Alienate> because theres only two of us for this ridiculous ass network < Alienate> acrylicist, good thing you left off the profit < Alienate> since banks arent doing any of that right now < Alienate> rofl < Alienate> dude < Alienate> weve got nearly a hundred lenders < Alienate> sitting on their fucking thumbs < Alienate> which makes WAY more work for us < Alienate> because they are always dicking around < Alienate> and installing zwinky and shit < acrylicist> Alienate: they should be working collections < Alienate> drives me insane < Alienate> acrylicist, colorado really hasnt been hit THAT hard by all of this < Alienate> we dont really get many nonpays at all at all < Alienate> we are a local bank and know most of the people we deal with personally < Alienate> except for the couple that we have in downtown denver < Alienate> those get a lot of foot traffic < Alienate> :) < Alienate> I hope we dont get more snow < Alienate> like theyre talking about < Alienate> wtf < Alienate> they must have the worlds dumbest or the worlds smartest meteorologist * Alienate sings the "printin reports" song < Alienate> its very close to the "searchin for clues" song < Alienate> I don’ < Alienate> urgh < Alienate> I don’t remember who started that joke < Alienate> like... in detective movies when the PI is searching around < Alienate> theres always a "searching for clues" song < Alienate> whew... done printin’ reports < Alienate> hard work that was < Alienate> donbueno, I never say youre full of nonsensical ramblings per se < Alienate> I say that what you type is rarely human readable < Alienate> there is a difference < Alienate> if youd like a vin diagram I can throw one together < Alienate> while im at all this paperwork anyway :) < acrylicist> Alienate: does your vin diagram feature Vin Diesel? < Alienate> acrylicist, I can throw him in one of the circles for you if youd like < Alienate> depicting what conversations are nonsensical ramblings vs which are not human readable vs which ones contain references to Vin Desil * Alienate laffs as he puts the reports in an envelope and has them "interofficed" two floors up < Alienate> I’m not walking my happy ass up there * Alienate <3’s watching his 401k break in half and sink like the titanic < Alienate> donbueno, you arent going to tell me? < Alienate> and I thought we were partners in crime < Alienate> well dont ever ask me to help in one of your "get me out of work early" schemes again < Alienate> :P < Alienate> on my love meats? < Alienate> what are you referencing?


< Alienate> I dont really like people talking about my love meats like that < Alienate> well... its a cured meat < Alienate> so... you could pretty much eat it without cooking it < Alienate> *gag* < Alienate> but whatever floats your boat, man < Alienate> I eat turkey bacon these days < Alienate> I’m a heretic < Alienate> ? < Alienate> donbueno, they are neglecting strength < Alienate> or a better term to use is potency < Alienate> as well as the persons mental state < Alienate> ok... confession moment < Alienate> when I was younger I dealt in that shit < Alienate> heavily < Alienate> This girl I knew came over to do some with us one night... and she brought two of her "ex mormon" friends < Alienate> one of the kids lost his fucking mind < Alienate> he started screaming, punching things, crying, peeing on things < Alienate> he thought his brother was jesus < Alienate> the kid came back to reality 7 hours later < Alienate> said it was the best night of his life < Alienate> and he would definitely do it again * Alienate hates acid < Alienate> even though I dealt it for a long time I hate it with a passion < Alienate> now... mushrooms... < Alienate> <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 < Alienate> I havent done anything in years by this point < Alienate> but that was definitely more my speed < Alienate> < livejamie> Alienate: christmas is coming soon < Alienate> you dont have enough vagina for me to buy you things < Alienate> even your "girlfriend" < Alienate> ? < Alienate> ... < Alienate> good story? < Alienate> omfg < Alienate> thanks google < Alienate> Orprah’s Flat Belly Rule - - Lose more than 10lbs every week by just obeying Orprah’s 1 rule. < Alienate> that isnt healthy at all < Alienate> losing more than 5lbs a week is a death sentence * Alienate /kick? < Alienate> oh my god < Alienate> if the ops arent ever going to be in here < Alienate> they should honor others with ops so that people like that can get booted < Alienate> THESE CRAYONS TASTE LIKE BURNING < Alienate> holy shit < Alienate> the atheism subreddit has been going insane today < Alienate> 1/2 of my front page is that reddit < Alienate> I still go to if I’m having a bad day < Alienate> it makes me laff :) < Alienate> it makes me laff :) < Alienate> donbueno knows whats up


< Alienate> hes a wise man when he makes sense < Alienate> wow jonafan < Alienate> you are even more annoying than a rick roll < Alienate> no < Alienate> its annoying for you to type the same damn thing over and over < Alienate> and post it in here < Alienate> in all caps < Alienate> no... its very different < Alienate> im suggesting that you, in the past several minutes, have exceeded any annoyance that could possibly be created from a semi-frequently abused meme < Alienate> I did from the first time you said it < Alienate> I disagree < Alienate> you fail at failing memes < Alienate> He must be drunk < donbueno> just trying to get alienate to alienate < Alienate> donbueno, are you upset that I am being logical instead of inflammatory? < Alienate> haha < Alienate> yeah jonafan eat a dick... YOU fail < Alienate> FAIL MEMES ARE FUNNY < Alienate> YOU ARE NOT < Alienate> there... was that alienating enough? :) < Alienate> at least you can recognize when you are up against a superior mind, jonafan < Alienate> you are correct < Alienate> you are up against a superior mind < Alienate> which does not equal "shit" < Alienate> I’m glad you understood my sentence < Alienate> next time we will learn how to not end your sentences with prepositions < Alienate> oh man... someone give jonafan some fucking ADHD drugs or something < Alienate> hes fucking lost it < Alienate> oh man... fucktards abound < Alienate> oh jesus christ < Alienate> someone fucking kick him < zuff> Alienate++ < Alienate> its just flooding the chan at this point < Alienate> yeah, ditto zuff < Alienate> nice < zuff> it’s all alienate’s fault < Alienate> its always my fault < Alienate> and I accept the blame reddily < zuff> it died due to Alienate hating it < Alienate> well... if someone checks and its getting DDosed < Alienate> thats totally me < Alienate> I failed the catbot < Alienate> :D < Alienate> haha < Alienate> god is dead livejamie < Alienate> or hadnt you heard? < Alienate> acrylicist, your presense is obviously the glue of the chan < acrylicist> Alienate: that’s not glue, but that’s nice for you to think of it as that < Alienate> Im scared to ask what it is then < Alienate> the same thing that was the adhesive between the porn mags when i was a tweenager? < Alienate> nevermind < Alienate> dont answer that * Alienate pulls out his ouijii board to find out what the hell a Quod Libet is


<@livejamie> Alienate: *nix audio player < Alienate> ah < Alienate> its the latin term for falsetto < Alienate> wait im wrong < Alienate> nvmd < Alienate> < Alienate> FAIL < Alienate> okay... im done < Alienate> hahaha < Alienate> oh jesus, man < Alienate> those are visuals I really didnt want while thinking about what I wanted to eat for lunch < Alienate> dill pickles rape bread and butter pickles < Alienate> bread and butter pickles??? what... were you in world war 2? < Alienate> what the hell kind of person eats bread a butter pickles? < Alienate> haha weird < Alienate> that just reminded me of a song I havent listened to since highschool < Alienate> Coal Chamber - Big Truck < Alienate> I listened to a lot of metal in highschool < Alienate> a LOT of metal < Alienate> I wore the twelve inch jincos < Alienate> spikes < Alienate> chains < Alienate> the whole shebang < Alienate> I listened to Cradle of Filth < Alienate> Fear Factory < Alienate> Fear Factory was awesome < Alienate> I can still listen to them < Alienate> and I dont really listen to metal anymore at all < Alienate> Ministry < Alienate> oh man... < Alienate> psalm 69 < Alienate> one of the most amazing industial metal albums ever made < Alienate> I would rather not < Alienate> donbueno, it was more entertaining than that stupid laser video you tried to make me watch < Alienate> he has a job scratching his nuts < donbueno> and thats why I will always win alienate. < Alienate> donbueno, if by "win" you mean "lose" then I agree with you < donbueno> alienate: I am eternally sorry you will never understand music. < Alienate> donbueno, lasers... you mean lasers < Alienate> you werent talking about the music in that video < Alienate> you were talking about how "fucking amazing the laser light show" was < Alienate> im not at the show to see the lasers and im not on acid < Alienate> they were not impressive < Alienate> and you dont impress me either < Alienate> ill fight you... < Alienate> and ill win... < Alienate> im glad you realize that you are no match < Alienate> we can save you the embarassment < Alienate> and pain < Alienate> I know its difficult to understand that you cant win... but weve made great strides today < donbueno> okay alienate u win u better at everything < Alienate> not everything... just THIS conversation < Alienate> now go back to work


< Alienate> :D < Alienate> donbueno = pwnd < Alienate> :) < Alienate> :’( < Alienate> ill leave you alone then < Alienate> I thought we were cool and ish < Alienate> o wellz * Alienate lives up to his name again * donbueno just realized he actually fipped the tables and alienated the alienator < Alienate> i hate you donbueno < Alienate> i hope you get a distended anus <+donbueno> alienate I hope you live a long full and happy life in which you are surround by people and family that love you. < Alienate> too late for that, pal < Alienate> donbueno, youre cooler when youre drunk <+donbueno> Alienate: yeah i know. <+donbueno> Alienate: i dont smoke anymore either. < Alienate> were no longer partners in crime < Alienate> because youve stopped comitting crime < Alienate> nu uh... youre paying your fines < donbueno> alienate: you fucker I know u downvoted that < Alienate> Downvoted what? < Alienate> I do? :D < Alienate> what if i promised that it wasnt? < Alienate> I can downvote it if youd like proof :P < Alienate> it is a pretty shitty quality video < Alienate> donbueno, I’m convinced the site does downvote certain posts upon creation < Alienate> im also convinced it loses votes < Alienate> ive done posts.. had them immediately downvoted < Alienate> had a few friends upvote < Alienate> and it stays at 1 down 0 up for hours and hours < Alienate> FAILS? < Alienate> ribbons_, I always thought you were like... a tweenager < Alienate> donbueno, i refuse to upvote any more of your videos unless they make me lulz < Alienate> *lulzy < acrylicist> Money originates at the bottom (when you decide to use it from your credit) and leaves the system when you purchase equity with it (shares of a business). < acrylicist> This is why I freaked out yesterday about the credit stuff to Alienate < Alienate> you freaked out? < Alienate> STOP FREAKING OUT acrylicist < Alienate> !!! < acrylicist> I have to total up what Alienate did the other day < acrylicist> Alienate: i’m not freaking out, I owe you time < Alienate> well we saw nearly 2k, right? < acrylicist> grep "Alienate" < Alienate> STOP FREAKING OUT ACRYLICIST! < Alienate> youre all blaming other people for your problems < Alienate> more like this < Alienate> < Alienate> donbueno, youre wrong < donbueno> alienate < Alienate> this is one of the best song s evar < Alienate> <@livejamie> donbueno, youre wrong < Alienate> man donbueno youre no fun today


< Alienate> youre all shitty about my shittiness < Alienate> acrylicist was alive during ww2 i guess < Alienate> its the only way to explain his love of bread and butter pickles < Alienate> this is donbuenos fav song < Alienate> < Alienate> that dudes stage name is the gay pimp < Alienate> did you look at the other one i linked? < Alienate> < Alienate> yeah < Alienate> i pull it out of the closet every few months < Alienate> makes me laff < Alienate> wtf < Alienate> someone chimpmunked it < Alienate> < Alienate> shit... its supposed to start snowing again in an hour < Alienate> donbueno likes it when jesus touches him down in side < Alienate> *inside < criminy[bus]> sup Alienate, donbueno < Alienate> hows it going criminy < Alienate> donbueno, a "forgetmenow" works well too < donbueno> Alienate: whats that? < Alienate> donbueno, watch more arrested development < Alienate> you can buy all three seasons for less than $30 right now < Alienate> one of the most awesomest shows evar < Alienate> think about how hard it would be to be the announcer guy < Alienate> "YEAH!! Get pumped up!!! Hers another comedian with a dumbass schtick that wont stick! GET HYPE!" < Alienate> short but tasteless < Alienate> like the shirts for this restaurant out here < Alienate> "tacky yet unrefined" < Alienate> I didn’t think he was funny < Alienate> but I take zombies VERY seriously < Alienate> and I know that speaker219 does too < Alienate> you make that sound so derragotory, caryw < Alienate> ugh fuck < Alienate> you make that sound so derragotory, caesararum_ < Alienate> it is the ultimate of world domination < Alienate> if zombies became real... stay away from any land mass even remotely connected to china < Alienate> < Alienate> I love it when people walk in to my office looking all confused < Alienate> I immediately say "The answer is 42... " < Alienate> and they look even more confused < Alienate> I find it amusing, but sad that they have no idea what I am referencing < Alienate> < Alienate> that website is hilarious < donbueno> ive been meaning to ip ban alienate < Alienate> youll have to ban so many IP addys your fucking eye would bleed, son < Alienate> the one eye that works, that is < Alienate> not your gimped out one < Alienate> livejamie, its very similar to third eye blind... except it makes better music < Alienate> donbueno you can’t IP ban me... cause I’ll IP ban you first! * donbueno reminds everyone to just to reinforce alienate with positivity and it will get him through this autism faster


< Alienate> say that again and ill sue... < Alienate> yup < Alienate> ive got a lawyer on retainer < Alienate> ive gotta use him by the end of the year < Alienate> or he keeps the retainer < Alienate> youre forgetting about that lady that was sued for murder because she pretended to be a 12 year old boy < Alienate> and convinced the 12 year old girl down the street to kill herself < Alienate> APPLY FACE DIRECTLY TO PALM < Alienate> sociallyinept, not if i kill myself < Alienate> youre going to jail! < Alienate> youre going to jail! * sociallyinept steals all of Alienate’s weapons < Alienate> sociallyinept, I only have one physical weapon... my makarov... but I do have one weapon that is even stronger < Alienate> and you cant take that one away from me < Alienate> and no... im not going to say my penis < Alienate> sociallyinept, it worked in chucky < ribbons_> don’t jump alienate < Alienate> ribbons_, I don’t need to jump... I own a gun < Alienate> sheesh < Alienate> its like no one understands the noun "makarov" around here < Alienate> my greatest weapon is my ability to make you feel like complete shit < Alienate> and thats why no one here likes you sociallyinept < Alienate> maybe you should go back to your mothers basement and cry some more < Alienate> play some more WoW < Alienate> I’m sure everything will be just fine when the economy picks back up < Alienate> sociallyinept, then her attic < Alienate> or the tent you made out of sheets in her back yard < Alienate> that is if the box she lives in has a yard < Alienate> oh nice < Alienate> so its a cardboard duplex then < Alienate> and he never actually got rid of the smell < Alienate> sociallyinept, it depends on the duck < Alienate> different ducks/geese have different diets < Alienate> donbueno, I think I saw you in that one < donbueno> thats good alienate < Alienate> donbueno, be specific dood... what the fuck is good? < Alienate> oh the link < Alienate> yeah i thought all of those links were pretty dam funny < Alienate> um < Alienate> ... * Alienate doesnt read all of that shit < Alienate> donbueno, why dont you go drink some more cheap liquor :P < Alienate> he wont save you < Alienate> and neither will quitting drinking and smoking < Alienate> donbueno, you did post video all over the damn place < Alienate> donbueno, upvote < Alienate> donbueno, upvote < Alienate> donbueno, upvote < Alienate> donbueno, did you upvote the other two?


< Alienate> cool < Alienate> thanks :D < Alienate> you would like all of those links < Alienate> if you havent already seen them < Alienate> home time! -!- Alienate [[email protected]] has quit ["Leaving"] < donbueno> fucking alienate < Originate> donbueno KILLED LUBBOCK, TX < Originate> and I can prove it! < Originate> I WAS WAITING FOR A PIZZA < Originate> oops sorry caps < Originate> time to get some doj < Originate> bbl -!- Alienate [[email protected]] has joined #reddit < Alienate> no ctcp from catbot? < Alienate> :P < Alienate> < Alienate> donbueno, I dont think you can go out and "get" one of those < Alienate> you have to build it < Alienate> well they probably built that one too < Alienate> I bet money they didnt run out and buy that rc-copter < Alienate> they bought custom parts and built it < Alienate> I mean... people do that with RC cars for christ sake < Alienate> and rc helicopters are so much more complex < Alienate> uh huh < Alienate> got the apartment to myself for the rest of the week < Alienate> time to have some womens over! < Alienate> CALM DOWN, HOSS!!!1! < Alienate> sounds like a porn i saw once < Alienate> no such thing as hypnosis? I guess I need to read it to see why on earth someone would claim that < Alienate> donbueno, real douglas coupland < Alienate> I <3 his fiction < Alienate> *read < Alienate> donbueno, you missed a deal on a crappy flip < Alienate> < Alienate> < Alienate> Candyland for less than $5!!! < Alienate> I can already tell todays going to be a slowish day and I havent even been here an hour :( < Alienate> wtf... NORAD tracks "santa" every year < Alienate> thats a great use of our trillion dollar national defense system < donbueno> im pretty sure alienate they just put up a flash and some tracker crap < Alienate> donbueno, but... if NORAD is doing that then taxpayers money is spent on it <@livejamie> Alienate: they’ve been doing that for a long long time < Alienate> CALM DOWN ACRYLICIST < Alienate> livejamie, they should stop <@livejamie> Alienate: it’s cute :D < Alienate> NORAD should be feared around the world, not "cute" < Alienate> seriously < Alienate> why would the worlds most advanced and devestating missle targeting and tracking system need to be "cute"? < Alienate> If it’s associated with children AT ALL it should be associated with KILLING them


< Alienate> NOT making them SMILE <@livejamie> Alienate: it hasn’t really done anyhting for years < Alienate> livejamie, so lets just dismantle is and rebuild it as a new disney world < Alienate> we can make the nuclear warhead mountain < Alienate> and a pirates of the nuclear bunker ride <@livejamie> Alienate: it’s canada and the usa < Alienate> we could even let kids play in the waters that cool the nuclear reactors < Alienate> it would be great < Alienate> livejamie, whatever the hell we tell them < Alienate> yeah man... I’m a few hours from all that < Alienate> PULL THE BUILDING < Alienate> PULL THE BUILDING < Alienate> WAKE UP SHEEPLE < Alienate> goooooooooooooooooooooogle < Alienate> because that requires time money < donbueno> not every one went to devry like you alienate < Alienate> I don’t need a technical college to teach me how to google < donbueno> DAMN coffee was the problem yesterday alienate < Alienate> yeah... dont drink coffee anymore < Alienate> you were pissy yesterday < Alienate> donbueno, we need to meet and greet opec with combat ready marines < Alienate> opec is greedy and they are just fucking around now < Alienate> they didnt have any problems when gasoline was near $150 a barrel < Alienate> now that its down around $45 they want to get it back up to $90 < Alienate> they can eat shit and die for all I care < Alienate> except the girls that used to be fat, but lots a lot of weight and are good looking but still have self esteem issues < Alienate> and people that make video games < Alienate> those people are all right in my book < Alienate> if I had a book < Alienate> donbueno, ex-fat bitches < Alienate> donbueno, always the philosopher * Alienate wonders if he can convince someone to buy him lunch today < Alienate> since my boss is out of town and im the only IT guy here while hes gone one of the higher ups offered to buy me lunch if I get too busy and cant break away from the office for lunch < Alienate> so... I might just be able to tell her im SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO swamped < Alienate> and she should buy me a sashimi boat from the place down the street for lunch < Alienate> that would be sweet < Alienate> haha < Alienate> probably not, since they dont deliver < Alienate> this is the same lady that was complaining to me this morning that her printer wouldnt power on < Alienate> well she was the one that blew the circuit yesterday from running a space heater under her desk... so she had unplugged her printer < Alienate> duh < Alienate> livejamie, some smart person down here in the basement with me decided to go out and buy everyone that requested on space heaters for their desks < Alienate> in protest of the temp levels they keep in this building < Alienate> so there were at least 7 space heaters running down here < Alienate> livejamie, yeah weve got like... a dozen people down here < Alienate> its where my office is < Alienate> its pretty much auditors and us two in the IT dept < Alienate> "My Outlook systray icon doesnt show the little envelope when I get a new msg... OH NOEZ!" - User Paraphrased


< Alienate> livejamie, he looks like hes about to hurt her -!- mode/#reddit [+v Alienate] by livejamie <+Alienate> like... grab her by her head and flip her over his shoulder <+Alienate> I wasnt aware you had +o <+Alienate> I wigged out over a cigg once <+Alienate> because it felt like it was the size of a toothpick <+Alienate> I cant click on that here <+Alienate> it has unseemly words in the title bar * Alienate doesnt want that in his browsing history * donbueno looks at alienate <+Alienate> I fucking upvoetd <+Alienate> now leave me alone :P <+Alienate> fucking karma whore < donbueno> alienate ur the one telling linking me like 3 submits yesterday its time for paybacks <+Alienate> donbueno, you do that like 5 times a day <+Alienate> with the shittiest videos known to man <+Alienate> I wouldnt upvote %90 of the stuff you post normally < donbueno> lol alienate thanks man <+Alienate> wtf is DMB? <+Alienate> yeah... I would too <+Alienate> hey donbueno my post on Kant’s Ethics: The Short Version did decently yesterday <+Alienate> got 80 unchallenged upvotes <+Alienate> yeah that guy is awesome <+Alienate> I wish he would teach my philo classes <+Alienate> I guess he also uses a LOT of sci fi references/analogies to explain complex philo theories <+Alienate> which is pretty awesome to me <+Alienate> the guy that runs that site teaches philo in NY, btw <+Alienate> I loved my poly sci class <+Alienate> it was taught by a menonite preacher <+Alienate> but he was a really awesome guy <+Alienate> he would let people go off on each other, as long as it didnt get out of hand <+Alienate> I like profs that dont restrict speech <+Alienate> I would go off calling senators "stupid bitches that should be tossed out of office with prejudice" <+Alienate> and he wouldnt comment, unless I was off topic <+Alienate> He actually opened the Ten Thousand Villages store in Fort Collins <+Alienate> which makes him a fucking awesome guy in my book <+Alienate> < donbueno> wow alienate i would fucking hate u in my class <+Alienate> donbueno, you would unless you are a bleeding heart liberal <+Alienate> donbueno, youre a hippie that isnt a liberal? <+Alienate> I’ve been a bleeding heart liberal since I was a baby <+Alienate> I’ve always rooted for the underdog and felt that everyone deserved a fair chance... and possibly even a greater chance if they are impovrished <+Alienate> donbueno, I think youre terribly confused <+Alienate> <+Alienate> acrylicist, the problem is that physical assault is not an "insult" <+Alienate> its assault <+Alienate> if I went to a speech at a local college and threw my shoes at the presenter I would probably be detained and arrested for assault <+Alienate> I wouldnt get 7 fucking years, but this is america <+Alienate> acrylicist, we arent doing the sentencing here < donbueno> wow thanks alienate taht wiki article backups what i just said


<+Alienate> you cant gauge this by american standards <+Alienate> donbueno, that isnt what you said <+Alienate> your logs lie <+Alienate> its big its heavy its wood <+Alienate> its log <+Alienate> its log <+Alienate> its better than bad <+Alienate> its good! <+Alienate> donbueno, you do understand the meaning of the word "epic", right? <+Alienate> I think youve been over and mis-using it lately <+Alienate> :P <+Alienate> acrylicist, they want our money... dont they? <+Alienate> they have sure been taking it in spades lately <+Alienate> so they cant possibly stand for assault on the leader of the country thats given them over 100 billion dollars <+Alienate> SOCIALISM FTW <+Alienate> acrylicist, it happens every day... <+Alienate> isnt that what this bailout is? <+Alienate> elevation of a leader (of industry) to special status <+Alienate> you use the word "epic" in an epic manner <+Alienate> :D * Alienate sips his Americano <+Alienate> wtf is an "interceoptionist"? <+Alienate> like... the title for each member in a team of receptionists? <+Alienate> I didn’t... this is an persons actual title <+Alienate> donbueno, stop posting the same god damned link <+Alienate> jeez * Alienate stabs < donbueno> alienate brah dont worry * Alienate worries <+Alienate> self employed scratching his nuts < donbueno> hey alienate you see this? <+Alienate> stop <+Alienate> fucking <+Alienate> stop * Alienate cries < donbueno> i wasnt sure if alienate saw this <+Alienate> feudian slip < donbueno> alienate is plus! < koryk> seen originate < thecatbot> I last saw Originate speaking on IRC, 16 Hours, 52 Minutes ago, saying " bbl"... <+Alienate> livejamie is already letting his ops go to his head <+Alienate> whois livejamie <+Alienate> no YOU do it <+Alienate> koryk, stop looking for me <+Alienate> I’m right here, damnit <+Alienate> livejamie, scripts are for tweenagers and lamers <+Alienate> real men do it themselves <+Alienate> donbueno, you have to stay sober <+Alienate> koryk, I use my belkin fm transmitter for my ipod <+Alienate> it works all right, except when its really cold outside


<+Alienate> then it just transmits static < donbueno> Alienate: why do i have to stay sobra <@livejamie> Alienate: but it makes it look perty < switters> alienate <+Alienate> what can i alienate for you switters ? <+Alienate> um... my "daddy" isnt in lubbock <+Alienate> rofl <+Alienate> pompua has it right <+Alienate> switters = phail <+Alienate> since his friend is don < pompua> Alienate WATMM shut down my post <+Alienate> you could have at least TRIED to make it look like you werent donbueno <+Alienate> pompua, ? <+Alienate> pompua, I guess they didnt like the link <+Alienate> pompua, I’ll upvote it, but thats all I can do :) <+Alienate> pompua, we were just talking about this the other day <+Alienate> it seems like reddit will auto downmod random things <+Alienate> it probably wasnt WATMM <+Alienate> it was probably reddit-at-large <+Alienate> pompua, who is "dood"? <+Alienate> pompua, I upvoted it, but thats the best I can do for you <+Alienate> thanks for being in the community though :) <+Alienate> koryk, im mailing those envelopes today <+Alienate> so ill just have to mail shit to you twice <+Alienate> yeah... shipping is $30 <+Alienate> just paypal it to me :) <+Alienate> I’m gone next week... so ill find out what shipping is on a shirt and email everyone <+Alienate> I might just be able to take the shirts with me and mail them from texas <+Alienate> because my family is definitely NOT going to keep me entertained for an entire week <+Alienate> yeah <+Alienate> I’m going to be in the lubbock/amarillo area <+Alienate> well thats where the vast majority of my family shacks up <+Alienate> and they keep having babies like its in fucking style <+Alienate> out there <+Alienate> I need to go to that town and meet a nice girl <+Alienate> sounds like an exciting place <+Alienate> well stop it caesararum <+Alienate> <+Alienate> donbueno, fuck you <+Alienate> and koryk you too <+Alienate> I’m driving... I could meet you guys in the middle someplace <+Alienate> I only offer to do that because I always pack heat when I travel <+Alienate> and it will be my best chance to kill two birds (see: redditors) with one stone <+Alienate> fine... I see how it is <+Alienate> I’m just a few hours drive away <+Alienate> and you fucks wont chill <+Alienate> 5 hours <+Alienate> not if you drive like a normal fucking human <+Alienate> instead of driving like some kid with a learners permit <+Alienate> well i can meet somewheres in the middle <+Alienate> but im not driving my ass to dallas <+Alienate> i think koryk is too much of a pansy <+Alienate> thats a law, man <+Alienate> :P


<+Alienate> the boxes are labeled "WINE" all over them <+Alienate> I ordered some for my parents birthdays <+Alienate> because their birthdays are 4 days apart <+Alienate> so I ordered a three pack and had it shipped to their home in Wisconsin <+Alienate> ???????? <+Alienate> are you asking about the wine? <+Alienate> if so... read my previous statement once more <+Alienate> and paty attention this time <+Alienate> -t <+Alienate> a pack of three <+Alienate> the number of bottles is variable <+Alienate> my parents dont drink much <+Alienate> but it happened to be a good cali wine that they couldnt get in wi <+Alienate> and it just happened to be one that they had tried while visiting one of my fathers friends in cali <+Alienate> and they wanted bottles of it anyway <+Alienate> so it worked out well <+Alienate> donbueno, you can order mushroom imprints the same way <+Alienate> "FOR RESEARCH PURPOSES ONLY" < donbueno> check that alienate <+Alienate> what about it? <+Alienate> I always hate deciding what to do for lunch <+Alienate> donbueno, pick a genre of food <+Alienate> I could get the nastiness <+Alienate> there is a cheap chinese place down the street <+Alienate> most of the restaurants in this town are completely nasty <+Alienate> thats why it was important to me that... even though I work in this shitty little town... I must LIVE in the next town over <+Alienate> longmont is not known for its attractions <+Alienate> d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-de-e-e-layed re-re-re-re-res-response * Alienate goes to get his own chinese food <+Alienate> smega? <+Alienate> whoa <+Alienate> fucking nsfw <+Alienate> haha <+Alienate> cheese <+Alienate> yarn <+Alienate> scratch <+Alienate> hmmm <+Alienate> nom noms some garlic chicken nastiness <+Alienate> wow donbueno that sucks * Alienate hasnt ever had a chick fuck one of his friends <+Alienate> enemies, maybe <+Alienate> an emo hippie? <+Alienate> donbueno, you gotta squash that shit <+Alienate> I do it from time to time... like "i wonder where they are now" <+Alienate> then I remind myself that theres a reason we arent still together and arent still friends <+Alienate> and move the hell on <+Alienate> why am i an asshole? :( <+Alienate> better question <+Alienate> why did you just call me an asshole? donbueno :P <+Alienate> donbueno, the man with his fingers on the pulse of lame < koryk> I don’t think Alienate saw it < donbueno> yo u want alienate or originate


<+Alienate> ? <+Alienate> Originate <+Alienate> you used to be a lot of things <+Alienate> and none of those things equal cool <+Alienate> haha < donbueno> i wont link it alienate <+Alienate> tuguy likes everything <+Alienate> including when you fellate him <+Alienate> that was a lazy burn <+Alienate> I love how if I dont answer my phone while im on lunch <+Alienate> people will hang up <+Alienate> and then call back immediately <+Alienate> then hang up <+Alienate> and call back immediate <+Alienate> there are a lot of fucking stalkers around here, man <+Alienate> um <+Alienate> by "a wooden leg with a kickstand" you mean a second leg? <+Alienate> man talk about fail <+Alienate> koryk, of course it does :P <+Alienate> what... are you a 1337 h4x0r? <+Alienate> ill name mine "Ex-Zombies" and the slogan will be "You don’t have to shoot us in the head" <+Alienate> it will be the next fortune 500 company <+Alienate> or you could name it "phishing for compliments" <+Alienate> or "ping you long time" <+Alienate> DDos attacks R Us <+Alienate> "we IRC all day so you dont have to!" <+Alienate> I helped my friend come up with "Vertical Horizons Programming" <+Alienate> I like it <+Alienate> omnicorp <+Alienate> CLASSIC <+Alienate> you remember Omnicorp, right? <+Alienate> <+Alienate> OMNICORP <+Alienate> 6000 SUX <+Alienate> An American Tradition <+Alienate> I’d buy that for a dollar! <+Alienate> <+Alienate> OMICORP <+Alienate> watch till the end <+Alienate> my favorite one <+Alienate> awe they missed one though <+Alienate> fucking cockmuncher <+Alienate> caesararum, that reminded me more of the UCB joke than xkcd <+Alienate> <+Alienate> what kind of creepy shit is that <+Alienate> chromakode, tell your gf shes a freak of nature <+Alienate> and tell her I said so < chromakode> Alienate: you just wish your girlfriend could do that. <+Alienate> dude <+Alienate> I alienate everyone <+Alienate> I dont have a gf <+Alienate> wtf are you thinking <+Alienate> I spend all of my time pwning people on steam


<+Alienate> no time for womens <+Alienate> and making snarky responses <+Alienate> and telling people how much they suck at TF2 and L4D <+Alienate> that takes up most of my time <+Alienate> someone has to show these kids that they suck at the game their parents bought them <+Alienate> and I’m obviously the right man for the job < donbueno> omg alienate ur a tf2 player i will fucking pwn u <+Alienate> donbueno, no you wont <+Alienate> the last time I played I was a medic and had 7 of their players DOMINATED <+Alienate> thats pretty fucking intense for a medic <+Alienate> chromakode, fuck yeah <+Alienate> we played that all of the time at the LAN parties we threw <+Alienate> that is sooooooo addictive <+Alienate> im not that great at that game though <+Alienate> chromakode, im at werk < koryk> Alienate: neeerrrddd alert < chromakode> alright Alienate <+Alienate> koryk, fuck you gajin <+Alienate> I’m mostly a medic <+Alienate> medic, engi or demo <+Alienate> those are my supreme classes <+Alienate> in 2fort i will embarass people with how good I am at spy <+Alienate> but I only spy with 2fort * koryk was steam friends with Originate before I came to #reddit <+Alienate> long time no see zateam_ <+Alienate> seen donbuenospenis <+Alienate> Matt <+Alienate> youre lame <+Alienate> matt knows who he is <+Alienate> if he doesnt respond soon i may add his last name <+Alienate> so that he knows I mean business <+Alienate> livejamie, I like that you asked how long before what subject <+Alienate> to me the subject matters more <+Alienate> I can bullshit forever if its a subject I like <+Alienate> koryk, what subject? <+Alienate> can you be a little more vauge, please? <+Alienate> the same paper? <+Alienate> jesus christ <+Alienate> just write it already <+Alienate> that is one boring ass subjects <+Alienate> but ill write the paper for you for $25 <+Alienate> I only have one qualification <+Alienate> that google is my only citation <+Alienate> :D <+Alienate> then take your stupid paper elsewhere <+Alienate> cause we aint interested * Alienate appoints himself official chat spokesman <+Alienate> it was a coup <+Alienate> no vote was requested or required <+Alienate> who wants a cigg before they go in front of the firing squad? <+Alienate> too bad <+Alienate> im a tyrant <+Alienate> i dont give options <+Alienate> i give bullets in chests


<+Alienate> maybe if you have some interest in getting to decide your rights <+Alienate> but you were using yours anyway... right? <+Alienate> its already been done <+Alienate> youve been reading what I want you to read for several months now <+Alienate> oh man... there is this lady that works upstairs... she uses excel forms to calculate totals for money <+Alienate> three times in the past year ive had to fix her excel forms because she makes circular equations <+Alienate> she factors the total back in to the equation <+Alienate> its ALL SHE DOES <+Alienate> and I have to fix her fucking math <+Alienate> im basically doing her job for her <+Alienate> its so stupid <+Alienate> they should get rid of her and pay me both of our wages <+Alienate> a good gift if the person youre buying gifts for doesnt understand how to use the internet <+Alienate> otherwise 8gb does nothing <+Alienate> I couldnt possibly do anything with an 8gb flash drive <+Alienate> unless I want to give someone 1/50th of my music collection or something * Alienate is too cool for school <+Alienate> thats what file servers are for <+Alienate> we have a DC at every location <+Alienate> and one massive storage server’ <+Alienate> we dont use any wireless at all here <+Alienate> its a security risk <+Alienate> if someone wants to get on the inside of our network they pretty much have to be in one of the buildings, physically plugged in <+Alienate> otherwise they have to break through about 5 different security measures <+Alienate> to get in from the outside <+Alienate> well 5 different physical solutions is a better way to say that <+Alienate> or.... just comprimise a machine on the inside and sidestep all of the work weve done * Alienate mumbles "stupid users <+Alienate> chromakode, its a bank < koryk> Alienate: you there now? <+Alienate> maybe, maybe not <+Alienate> :) <+Alienate> let? <+Alienate> who is letting me do what now? <+Alienate> yeah, but we created it <+Alienate> we do what we want <+Alienate> and strike down upon our users with an iron fist <+Alienate> actually we spoil them pretty well <+Alienate> all the machines around here are theoretically disposable anyway <+Alienate> if anything gets comprimised I just wipe it and reinstall it <+Alienate> or unplug it and toss it <+Alienate> oh man... if i see that or a variant thereof again in the next 24 hours <+Alienate> im going to cry <+Alienate> I <3 when people have hard candy in their mouths while they are on the phone with me <+Alienate> its such a great sound <+Alienate> especially when they cant just keep it on one side of their mouths <+Alienate> and its all "clicky clack click click clackity clackity cilck click" <+Alienate> koryk, i was being sarcastic < koryk> Alienate, oh I was being fasecious. <+Alienate> same


<+Alienate> damn <+Alienate> thing <+Alienate> STOP IT DONBUENO <+Alienate> i bet you bought shitty whiskey too, didnt you? <+Alienate> <+Alienate> and another fav of mine <+Alienate> a coworker who thinks its funny to come in to my office, talk to me about something mundane <+Alienate> then fart one or three time <+Alienate> and then walk out <+Alienate> so fucking hilarious * Alienate facepalm <+Alienate> I suppose <+Alienate> I did that <+Alienate> took HOURS <+Alienate> blerg <+Alienate> I have a few multiple tb external drives <+Alienate> koryk, wtf is wrong with her? < caesararum> Alienate: the worst part, this is all because of a bad partition on my part <+Alienate> caesararum, lame <+Alienate> koryk, get her to make you a hat <+Alienate> then dummp her <+Alienate> maybe some socks <+Alienate> awe well isnt your life just chock full of problems? <+Alienate> rofl <+Alienate> oh wow caesararum <+Alienate> your life sounds just as difficult as koryk <+Alienate> and you guys call ME an asshole <+Alienate> I’ve never cheated <+Alienate> and I don’t typically lie at all <+Alienate> This is whats fucked up < caesararum> Alienate: I have a habit of getting together with girls who back me into corners <+Alienate> you call me an asshole and I’m more trustworthy than both of you put together <+Alienate> rofl <+Alienate> I have the seinfeld complex <+Alienate> I get an awesome chick... date her for a while <+Alienate> then start picking her apart <+Alienate> and im like... I can do better < donbueno> alienate: yep me too <+Alienate> her nose is too big <+Alienate> I dont like the way she drinks her water <+Alienate> she has that one crooked tooth <+Alienate> she takes too long to tie her shoes <+Alienate> stupid shit like that <+Alienate> shower theory? <+Alienate> man <+Alienate> I wouldnt date a chick if she wouldnt eventually do all the nasty stuff I wanted <+Alienate> naw <+Alienate> I dont even consider two girls at once <+Alienate> if my gf wants another chick in the mix she better be ready for disappointment <+Alienate> thats all im sayin <+Alienate> I’ve been there... done that too many times <+Alienate> hot... albino chick? <+Alienate> donbueno, im the same fucking way


* Alienate is hardcore damaged goods <+Alienate> mine was a 1st generation american/mexican <+Alienate> from mcallen texas < donbueno> alienate: it sucks cause a year or maybe less youre like "WTF WHY DIDNT I JUST STAY WITH THAT CHICK" <+Alienate> donbueno, and I broke up with her < donbueno> Alienate: ohhhh damn <+Alienate> but she was a little too much like clay <+Alienate> she ended up trying to be like the people around her <+Alienate> like... her friends were wiccan so she decided to be wiccan <+Alienate> then her new boyfriend got her into crystals <+Alienate> it wouldnt have worked, because she wasnt strong enough for me < donbueno> alienate sometimes people go through phases to figure out what they are interested in <+Alienate> donbueno, but they always accused me of making fun of them <+Alienate> because I didnt believe the same things they did <+Alienate> they would always go off about how they were going to burn sage and rub it on the fucking walls <+Alienate> to "purify" their house of evil spirits < donbueno> lol alienate i burn sage everytime i get home <+Alienate> and I would chose to be elsewhere <+Alienate> yeah... but do you think your hosue is haunted < caesararum> Alienate: ... <+Alienate> and that you need to get rid of the evil spirits by burning sage? < donbueno> alienate yeah they could be jesus candles <+Alienate> because if you do youre just as big of a fucking retard as they were <+Alienate> donbueno, I could handle that more than wiccans <+Alienate> caesararum, WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU EVEN TALKING TO? <+Alienate> most girls wont even consider dating me around these parts <+Alienate> back on the east coast i was a player player <+Alienate> out here its so much harder <+Alienate> because all these chicks are rich cali transplants <+Alienate> that dont smoke or do drugs <+Alienate> and have the more ignorantarded spiritual views <+Alienate> "well im a catholic, but I also believe in mormonism and scientology" <+Alienate> I wish I could take one of my female friends brains and put it in someone elses body < donbueno> wow alienate < caesararum> Alienate: homely girl? <+Alienate> caesararum, they are all awesome, but I couldnt possibly get it up for them <+Alienate> its not like im trying to be mean or shallow <+Alienate> but... how can i possibly have a serious relationship with someone that I dont want to stick my dick in? <+Alienate> i mean... come on < donbueno> fucking alienate still has + < caesararum> Alienate: point <+Alienate> ive done it before and then theyre like "why do we not have all kinds of sex like normal people?" <+Alienate> "well... it’s because I think youre awesome, but physically repulsive" < caesararum> Alienate: do you say that for real? Because if so, you’re my new hero <+Alienate> caesararum, I will tell girls that I’m not attracted to them <+Alienate> but I certainly wouldnt tell them that they are repulsive < caesararum> no, Alienate said something about telling a girl that he doesn’t fuck her because he finds her physically repulsive <+Alienate> Ive tried to mess with girls I dont really find hot <+Alienate> and its like... oh... sorry chica... this doesnt usually happen


<+Alienate> then they think im some impotent loser < donbueno> ohh yeah alienate that is the red rocks lot <+Alienate> what the fuck are you talking about? <+Alienate> what is the red rocks lot? <+Alienate> jesus fucking christ <+Alienate> this conversation is impossible to follow < caesararum> Alienate: how do you think I feel? My client is coloring both you and donbueno the same color <+Alienate> don looks like a tard <+Alienate> you look like one of my ex roommates that i almost killed < donbueno> wow alienate i hope u die of aids <+Alienate> donbueno, I dont plan on fucking your mother any time soon <+Alienate> so I think I’m okay < caesararum> Alienate: why not fuck his mother? < donbueno> its only ppl like alienate that move to colorado and then bitch about it that have the shame <+Alienate> donbueno, you hurt my feelings <+Alienate> I do have those, you know <+Alienate> found my feelers? <+Alienate> yeah... because previously i was not human <+Alienate> till you opened my eyes, donbueno <+Alienate> YOU OPENED MY EYES TO A WHOLE NEW WORLD, DONBUENO! < donbueno> Alienate: i do that alienate welcome praise bob <+Alienate> just like that song in Aladdin <+Alienate> a whole new wooooooooooooooorld <+Alienate> a place thats magic and so new <+Alienate> I’m so done talking about ex girlfriends <+Alienate> its fucking depressing <+Alienate> imma go home and tie one on <+Alienate> oh man <+Alienate> I love it when people tell me that their T1 router is beeping <+Alienate> I try to convince them its the UPS <+Alienate> and they try to argue with me <+Alienate> why wont people let me do my god damned job <+Alienate> the T1 routers DONT FUCKING HAVE SPEAKERS IN THEM < caesararum> Alienate: tell them to shut off the breaker, that will fix the beeping < distinctPixel> Alienate: dude. my router has 5.1 <+Alienate> hah <+Alienate> distinctPixel, you obviously didnt purchase from the same company that we did <+Alienate> :P <+Alienate> gg allen? < donbueno> dont listen to alienate <+Alienate> SCI is not "all good" <+Alienate> and neither is the grateful dead <+Alienate> and neither is phish <+Alienate> IM AT WORK YOU FUCKTARD <+Alienate> Ive got a network down <+Alienate> and I still find time to argue with your bitchass <+Alienate> donbueno has problems < donbueno> alienate ur just pissed cause im all at home comfy and ur at work with routers that have speakers <+Alienate> yeah, dude <+Alienate> I cant believe people argue with me <+Alienate> I have NEVER heard of a T1 with audio


<+Alienate> pretty much everyone is older than I am <+Alienate> by a long shot <+Alienate> I’m an old man <+Alienate> that movie rocked so hard < donbueno> you seen phantasm alienate? <+Alienate> donbueno, of course <+Alienate> im a horror movie freak <+Alienate> freak thickness < donbueno> its not right that alienate my mortal enemy hold rank above * Alienate is gone -!- Alienate [[email protected]] has quit ["Leaving"] < Originate> NO, PLZ TELL MEH MOAR ABOUTIT < Originate> wb dontardo < Originate> ugh jeez < Originate> finally got that damned case put back together < Originate> im never taking that thing apart again < Originate> my old dual xeon workstation case < Originate> no < Originate> my OLD < Originate> yeah < Originate> because wall doesnt conduct electricity < Originate> and the air flow has GOT to be awesome, right? :D < Originate> NEVAR gets dusty! < Originate> wtf < Originate> uyoure going to huff compressed air? < Originate> rofl < Originate> you cant do whippits with compressed air < Originate> omfg dude < Originate> pay attention to what you say < Originate> [7:21pm] spytfyre: i also used that same can0o-air as a wart removal system < Originate> [7:22pm] donbueno: and as whippits < Originate> koryk: those envelopes got shipped < Originate> let me know when you get the stickers < Originate> please < Originate> koryk: i put four or five in every envelope < Originate> as well as two buttons < koryk> thanks Originate! < Originate> np koryk < Originate> ill deal with the shirts soon < Originate> like... near new years or something < Originate> probably after xmas < Originate> but I think it will cost like... $6 per shirt for shipping? < Originate> from what the guy at the post office told me today < Originate> stop singing sublime < Originate> ick < Originate> STOP USING THE WORD EPIC < Originate> fucking christ < Originate> your fat ass is epic < Originate> donbueno: not if im at the party < Originate> i would bitch about it < Originate> but whats new, right? < Originate> that never bothered me < Originate> ive always been my own man < Originate> even if it pissed off other people


< Originate> and im god damned proud of that < Originate> fucking sheep < Originate> every last one of you < Originate> :P < Originate> I’m going to tell her that... < Originate> that some person named pooopins on an internet chat room called her a fucking sheep < donbueno> and fucking cry alienate < Originate> im sure itll break her heart < Originate> donbueno: you missed an "o" < Originate> use autocomplete, fool < Originate> fry me up some eggs and eat em < Originate> i said eat itttttt < Originate> eat itttttttt < donbueno> EPIC [see originate] < Originate> ILL STAB YOU < Originate> < Originate> that guy is fucking nuts < Originate> if he really is doing that whistling < Originate> because he plays the fiddle/violin, whistles (insanely), sings and plays electric guitar < Originate> all in the same damn song < Originate> im arguing with the person that told me to look this guy up < Originate> i cant tell if its recorded or live < Originate> but she swears its live < Originate> were you mocking me jvboom or do you hear what I hear? < livejamie> Originate: andrew bird is fantastic < livejamie> Originate: < Originate> livejamie: I was ridiculously impressed with that video < Originate> use away < jvboom> Originate: I was not mocking you < Originate> ok... just thought id check < Originate> you never know online < Originate> :P < Originate> wow < Originate> the touchpad on this macbook is fucking sweet < Originate> it has the multitouch pad < Originate> ill play the new starcraft < Originate> RTS is fun < Originate> THe first one i remember was Myth < Originate> < Originate> youre thinking of myst < Originate> i guess i played the first warcraft before that < Originate> that was a little before baldurs gate came out too < Originate> whoa < Originate> there are litarlly three lines on my screen that arent you < Originate> haha < Originate> pwnd < Originate> :P < Originate> and mr lahey from trailer park boys up in here too < caesararum> Originate: except for the pathfinding, myth was great < Originate> TROW? < Originate> what did trow ever do to you? < Originate> caesararum: it was definitely a little clunky on the interface < Originate> my love for you is ticking clock BERZERKER < Originate> if thats something in myth... I havent played that since highschool


< caesararum> Originate: the map bagrada, that was in the myth demo < Originate> my favorite redditor? < Originate> a dead redditor :P < Originate> awe PBF < Originate> they arent ever going to come out with that duke nukem are they? < Originate> forever, or whatever < chromakode> I dunno Originate, Chinese Democracy came out this year, didn’t it? < Originate> boogers on your mouse arent chill < Originate> uh oh < Originate> thats how i found this chan < Originate> so were in trouble < chromakode> Originate: it’s time for you to meet your antimatter broter. < donbueno> originate: lol me too < Originate> WELCOME TO #REDDIT < Originate> we have been waiting for you all... * Originate maniacal laugh < Originate> jeez < Originate> the "regulars" are being bigger douches than the newbs < Originate> :P < caesararum> Originate: and this surprises you why... ? < Originate> Boondock: you have no idea < Originate> CHAOS < Originate> ANARCHY < Originate> HERPIES < Originate> PENIS HAT < chromakode> Originate: now you’re talking. < Originate> SKURVY BUTT < Originate> I’m going to videotape myself mutilating my sexual organs so that I can post it to Reddit when its back up < Originate> you guys keep an eye out for it and be sure to upvote!!11! < caesararum> Originate: bah that boring sshit < Originate> caesararum: will it help if i shove a bottle up my backside and videotape it breaking? < grubulous> Originate 1 guy 1 huh? < caesararum> Originate: probably not < Originate> HERPES < Originate> are we done yet? < Originate> amansman: are you seriously using mIRC? < amansman> Originate: Yes. < drebola> Originate: what’s wrong with mIRC? < Originate> MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS DREBOLA < Originate> so amansman as we were saying < Originate> awe come on guys < Originate> dont you see whats happening here? < Originate> they saw what you did there! < Originate> oh my gawd < Originate> this fucking tv show is TERRIBLE < Originate> puking awful < Originate> Surface... I think its called < Originate> this show is dumb dumb dumb < Originate> Attack of the killer water! < Originate> Look out... its right behind you! < Originate> We traced the phonecall... its coming from INSIDE your coffee mug! < Originate> Greenery: do you always ask stuypid questions? < Originate> minus the y


< Originate> just not always? < Originate> aweeeeeeeeeeee < Originate> barracuda < Originate> Paradox: god damnit you didnt give me time to change into my reddit super rangers costume < Originate> donbueno: are you talking about your choad again? < donbueno> Originate: OF COURSE1 < donbueno> Originate: WHO ISNT! < Originate> well havent you heard about the word? < Originate> choad choad choad < donbueno> Originate: MR ABBAZABBA YOU MY ONLY FRIEND < Originate> choad is the word < Originate> chuck e cheese is the most dangerous pizza shop in america < Originate> BEWARE THE ROBOTS < Originate> AND THE BALL PIT < donbueno> Originate: THE BROBOTS < Originate> oh jesus christ < Originate> fucking tardfest < Originate> they really come out of the woodworks < Originate> I cant even keep it up that long < Originate> why would a whole house of people laugh at watching you type lyrics to a song as they are sung? * Originate calls bullshit < Originate> i dont need help with my alienating of a person on IRC, but thanks drebola < Originate> :P < Originate> fuck this... * Originate sleep < donbueno> seriously u need to leave cause originate says u got hep c < donbueno> wow u and alienate would get along < donbueno> alienate is the troll < Originate> you were acting retarded because you were drunk < Originate> you cant fool me < donbueno> lol originate i was outta control drunk < Originate> well tell me about it when I get to work < Originate> cause im outtie < donbueno> its a happy channel until alienate gets here -!- Alienate [[email protected]] has joined #reddit < Alienate> donbueno, didnt anyone ever tell you that IRC means never having to say youre sorry? < Alienate> its big its heavy its wood? < Alienate> ugh < Alienate> I have to make banana bread tonight < Alienate> damned office parties < Alienate> donbueno, I had to make something and I make a wicked banana bread < Alienate> AlrightTiming, who are you? < Alienate> a newb? * Alienate contends with disbelief < Alienate> well I guess I’ll just puff a hookah and make some banana bread tonight < Alienate> donbueno, I don’t eat pork :P < Alienate> I did when I got all of that free bacon from Reddit < Alienate> but its just a personal choice < Alienate> ALCOHOLIC < Alienate> LOSER < Alienate> wow... < Alienate> I win again! :D


< donbueno> wtf alienate i drink because of how sad you are < Alienate> youre doing my drinking for me < Alienate> I don’t really drink either < Alienate> how cool is that < Alienate> ? < Alienate> wicked awesome cool < Alienate> thats how cool < Alienate> fawkesfyre knows whats up < Alienate> yay! its expense report day * Alienate waits for his check < Alienate> that is t he best order to do it in < Alienate> afk < donbueno> so who wants alienates phone number to mass txt it < Alienate> oh man < Alienate> "FIX THIS PROBLEM!.... But I don’t have time for you to fix it this week... I’m MUCH too busy" * Alienate facepalm * donbueno pokes alienate with a hot iron rod < Alienate> "THIS PROBLEM IS LOWERING MY PRODUCTIVITY... but I dont have time for you to fix it this month" * Alienate facepalm < acrylicist> Alienate: I knew someone who got sick of that shit from someone in the Windows 3.1 days... he set all the icons to animated California Raisens on the desktop and then attrib +r the file that stored the configuration. < Alienate> acrylicist, that is freaking hilarious < Alienate> I’m sure he calls you by your christian name < Alienate> donbueno, because you do have a strong christian name :P < Alienate> yay for corrupted files < Alienate> man... im glad I know what the fuck I’m doing < Alienate> they would figure me out so god damned fast with all of the creepy/stupid problems they get around here < Alienate> if some newb walked in here they would be so fucking lost < Alienate> yeah... files are so fucking worthless < Alienate> oh man... been at work an hour and just took the first sip of my coffee < Alienate> thats why I buy my americanos iced < Alienate> because it takes me three hours to drink a damn cup of espresso and water < Alienate> AlrightTiming, theres work to be done and no time to sip < acrylicist> Alienate: < AlrightTiming> Alienate: you need a nice bendy straw < Alienate> acrylicist, I prefer cold drinks to hot drinks anyway < Alienate> uses more calories :D < Alienate> haha < Alienate> Alienate, I could buy one of those "build your own" bendy straws < Alienate> so that I could drink my coffee from the other room < donbueno> damn alienate thats genius "uses more calories" < Alienate> donbueno, so i burn off the calories in the coffee just by drinking it < Alienate> haha < Alienate> an americano has approx 8 - 20 calories < Alienate> donbueno, youre probably drinking coffee with lots of sugar < Alienate> like mochas or some gay ass shit < Alienate> AlrightTiming, my god says I cant drink hot liquids < Alienate> and there is a nice chunk of mormon stupidity for your day < Alienate> AlrightTiming, I don’t do religion < Alienate> And I don’t respect anyone’s religion


< donbueno> WHOA alienate you grew up mormon? < Alienate> donbueno, fuck no... I grew up in the bible belt < Alienate> donbueno, they are just as crazy though < Alienate> snake handlers and shit < Alienate> speaking in tounges < Alienate> dancing is a sin < Alienate> the highschool I went to they wouldnt have dances < Alienate> because they believed it was a sin against god < Alienate> donbueno, if it lead to you then it has to be a sin < Alienate> donbueno, you can dance like a hippie < Alienate> donbueno, you have a misunderstanding here < Alienate> you think that shuffling your feet around means dancing < Alienate> i would come up to you and say "PUT LEATHER UNDER HIS TOUNGE!! HES HAVING A SEIZURE!" < Alienate> WERE GONNA NEED A MONTAGE < Alienate> donbueno, this church I used to go to had an area where everyone would go, purchase and eat lunch after service < Alienate> well one day this homeless dude showed up < Alienate> and everyone wanted to kick him out < Alienate> and thats when I realized that church was complete bullshit < Alienate> and that all of these people around me were fucking awful people < Alienate> and I didn’t want to be friends with them or even talk to them < Alienate> someone bought the guy lunch, so he sat at a table by himself and ate < Alienate> and people STILL wanted to kick him out < Alienate> I’m like... is this a fucking church or a country club? < Alienate> what the fuck is wrong with these people? < koryk> you tell em, Alienate < acrylicist> Alienate: Now is that the end of your church days or religion days? < Alienate> acrylicist, thats when I realized that people cant be trusted no matter their religious views < Alienate> I decided I didn’t believe in most of religion crap when I was 13ish < Alienate> but I went going because I still wanted to believe and to keep my parents happy < acrylicist> Alienate: < Alienate> so that was one of the straws that broke the camels back < Alienate> I saw all of the moral corruption around me and it drove me insane < Alienate> I wanted to run up to the pulpit and tell all of those people what massive fucking hypocrites they were < Alienate> but I decided to just distance myself from people like that forever < Alienate> and here I am... a heathen < donbueno> alienate yeah i used to imagine me nailing bitches on the altar infront of everyone "FUCK YOU" < Alienate> a little bit of the ultraviolence < Alienate> donbueno, ive been telling you that for weeks < Alienate> whoa holy shit < Alienate> my roommates sister was in the hospital with a 106 degree temp < Alienate> they had her in quarantine and everything < Alienate> they couldnt figure out what was wrong for nearly a week < Alienate> they think theyve discovered it is a rare strain of strep < nix0n> Alienate’s roommates sister was hot. < Alienate> she almost fucking died because of strep < donbueno> alienate i think u already heard and destroyed it < Alienate> acrylicist, damn... they have a guy from church of christ on there < Alienate> those guys are hardcore < Alienate> they are the ones that say dancing is a sin against god


< acrylicist> Alienate: FTP is pretty hardcore < Alienate> I dealt with them a lot in the south, went to a private church of christ school < Alienate> no donbueno heaven is a place where nothing ever happens < Alienate> acrylicist, ftp? < Alienate> oh free thought pedia < donbueno> alienate: widespread panic covers those both very well < Alienate> donbueno, im not interested in what things WSP does or does not do well < Alienate> thanks < donbueno> Alienate: i know thats why i told u < donbueno> Alienate: fucker < donbueno> what bout taht alienate? < Alienate> that donbueno is a tardface < Alienate> oh... whatsup donbueno ... didnt see you there < Alienate> using someone elses script is like signing a check over to cash < Alienate> donbueno, dont you have a job? < Alienate> why the hell are you writing an IRC script at work? < Alienate> AlrightTiming, I know what his job is < Alienate> and its more boring than writing IRC scripts < Alienate> and I will continue to do so till you learn your place < donbueno> alienate today i just scan through 400 stocks charts < Alienate> AlrightTiming is now the hall monitor for the chan < Alienate> thanks AlrightTiming < Alienate> livejamie, you think that AlrightTiming is multiple people? < Alienate> you said "theyre" which is they are < Alienate> that suggests multiple persons < Alienate> I could win a fight against an angry ostrich < Alienate> I’m confident of that < Alienate> I won a fight against an angry rooster < Alienate> so I’m halfway there < donbueno> alienate: u seen that? < Alienate> donbueno, youre NEVER clear < Alienate> is that what you sound like when you talk? < Alienate> always whining? :P < Alienate> PULL THE BUILDING < Alienate> PULL THE BUILDING < Alienate> WAKE UP SHEEPLE! < Alienate> why the hell does that "memory machine" have so many faders? < Alienate> if its on the persons back they couldnt possibly manipulate the faders or the knobs < livejamie> Alienate: who says they’re faders :D < Alienate> DUMB < Alienate> livejamie, they are obviously faders < Alienate> havent you ever seen a mixer? < donbueno> alienate you fucking crack me up mang * Alienate facepalm < Alienate> I created WatMM so I could DESTROY ALL MUSIC < Alienate> but there is supposed to be some magazine or something that is also WatMM < Alienate> acrylicist, I operate the WeAreTheMusicMakers reddit < Alienate> but I guess theres some magazine with the same name < Alienate> that also uses that abbreviation < Alienate> yes... I did < Alienate> and shirts, stickers, buttons and $1200 to apple < Alienate> and about half of that money has been used < Alienate> but I just lost my ipod


< Alienate> well... I havent seen it in two weeks < Alienate> so I may need to go buy a new one < Alienate> I havent EVER lost something like that before < Alienate> An object worth more than a little bit of money < Alienate> of course I got that Ipod for free too < Alienate> from cisco < Alienate> donbueno, none of it is really free < Alienate> I had to sit through a conference for cisco < Alienate> and I have to pay taxes on all the stuff that I won from Reddit < Alienate> dude < Alienate> im not clicking any more of your links < Alienate> thats what I get for not reading the URL before clicking < Alienate> if I get fired because of one of your links I’m showing up at your fucking apartment < Alienate> and living there < Alienate> donbueno was trying to convince me last night that we were temporarily not digital enemies, but were in fact required to work together to keep newbs out of the chan < Alienate> I want some sauce < Alienate> oh my god < Alienate> the AA-12 is so sick < Alienate> koryk, dont tell him < Alienate> jeez < Alienate> now hes going to like... come to your house and rape you < Alienate> whoa < Alienate> whats up l000Hurts < l000Hurts> Alienate: hey hey < Alienate> where the hell you been < l000Hurts> Alienate: scroll up for the story, it involves portals and nazis, and eyepatches < Alienate> i dont have time for scrolling up < Alienate> ill just assume you were in a county jail being assraped < Alienate> so... that is how I will proceed with my shit talking < donbueno> lol naw were gettin smashed and then prank calling alienate all nite < Alienate> prank calls dont really work with cell phones < Alienate> ill just turn my phone off < Alienate> and donbueno forgets that I have his phone number < Alienate> and koryk forgets i have his address < Alienate> so... fuck with me and get fucked < Alienate> CALM THE FUCK DOWN ACRYLICIST < Alienate> oh mah gawd < Alienate> signpost, there is so much radiation in the soil around here < Alienate> colorado has some of the highest rates for birth defects in america < signpost> Alienate, that’s pretty terrible < donbueno> by god you mean alienate right? < Alienate> stop saying my name donbueno < Alienate> never use my name again unless youre speaking directly to me < Alienate> keep my name out of your mouth < Alienate> I shall < Alienate> donbueno, he was telling me to put my penis in your mouth < Alienate> l000Hurts, if it doesnt matter who, then ill just put mine in your mouth :P < Alienate> I love when people print screenshots, scan them, attach them to an email as a pdf and then send it to me < Alienate> it makes so much sense < donbueno> alienate are fucking kidding me someone did that? < Alienate> donbueno, they do it all of the time < Alienate> donbueno, we have a program that automatically prints screenshots


< Alienate> to make it easy for employees < Alienate> so they never understand that they can put the screenshot directly into the email without printing it < Alienate> so they print it, scan it to pdf, attach it to an email and send it to me < Alienate> its dumb as hell < Alienate> donbueno, they arent smart enough to be doing it to spite me < donbueno> hey alienate < Alienate> i own an old discordia book < Alienate> i didnt know they were still around < Alienate> thats awesome < Alienate> we got ONE copy in back when I worked at borders < Alienate> I was like... this sounds interesting < Alienate> back in highschool < Alienate> it cost like... a dollar < Alienate> so I went ahead and bought it < Alienate> reboot time -!- Alienate [[email protected]] has quit ["Leaving"] -!- Alienate [[email protected]] has joined #reddit < Alienate> miss me? < livejamie> oh got it’s alienate < Alienate> naturals not in it < Alienate> as gang of four said < Alienate> livejamie just wishes he was as big of a japan freak as questionable content < Alienate> sure... if its name was FAIL < Alienate> l000Hurts, I used to be a juggalo < Alienate> CONFESSION < Alienate> in highschool I was taken in by that cult < Alienate> then I realized it was a cult < Alienate> and I grew the fuck up < Alienate> it is < Alienate> dude < Alienate> its a cult < Alienate> I was in it < Alienate> I know wtf I’m talking about < Alienate> koryk, go back to your japan worship < Alienate> I dont need any more peanut gallery members < Alienate> thanks < Alienate> :P < Alienate> I’ll let you know when I’m accepting applications again < Alienate> hmmm * Alienate considers buying an ipod touch < Alienate> I have a strong disliking for the new nanos < Alienate> the 3rd gen nanos were my fav < Alienate> but I seem to have misplaced mine < Alienate> and I’m lost in this world without my ipod < Alienate> Ive been through nearly every generation of ipod < Alienate> except the most recent < Alienate> the 3rd gen nanos were my fav by far and away < Alienate> I wish I knew where it was... it has to be in my apartment somewhere < Alienate> l000Hurts, it was small... had a great screen, mediocre storage < Alienate> I dont like the body on the new ones < Alienate> I wouldnt mind getting an ipod with more storage < Alienate> but they dont even make them big enough to fit 1/4 of my collection < Alienate> so... its a little pointless anyway


< Alienate> they still sell ipod classics? < Alienate> nice < Alienate> I should just buy one of those < Alienate> so i can get max storage < Alienate> l000Hurts, tell me about it < Alienate> especially the macbook airs < Alienate> those things so proprietary it hurts < Alienate> l000Hurts, I love my air for travel < Alienate> its perfect for taking to bars and shops < Alienate> and friends houses < Alienate> I still have my windows laptop for important shit < Alienate> man... this is hilarious < Alienate> I had all kinds of problems with the air when I got it < Alienate> so I had to call apple support a few times < Alienate> and FOUR TIMES... FOUR TIMES their techs told me to plug it to an eth cable < Alienate> FOUR FUCKING TIMES < Alienate> I’m like... dude.... there isnt an ethernet port on a macbook air < Alienate> no kidding < Alienate> I guess they dont deal with too many airs < Alienate> probably a lot more macbook pros < Alienate> l000Hurts, have you checked out good old games? < l000Hurts> Alienate: sure did, bought Fallout 2 there < Alienate> l000Hurts, earthworm jim is still a lot of fun < Alienate> oh oh oh < Alienate> the BEST low powered laptop game ever < Alienate> CIV < Alienate> I can easily run CIV IV on my winblows laptop < Alienate> of course my windows laptop is tricked the hell out < Alienate> I could probably play fallout 3 on it < Alienate> it would suck ass, but I could get it to run < Alienate> why would you WANT to play a game like fallout 3 on a laptop? < Alienate> its almost sacreligious < Alienate> of course... ive always been a hardcore fallout fan < Alienate> millinao, what framerate you get on that? like... 16 fps? < Alienate> heh < Alienate> with an fps anything under 35 is nearly inplayable < Alienate> *un < Alienate> rofl < Alienate> my desktop can blow that game out of the water, but I wouldnt even want to play it on my laptop < Alienate> real time games on a laptop just arent my bag < Alienate> turn based games are much more a laptops style < Alienate> wtf < Alienate> leave this chan right now < Alienate> and never come back < Alienate> thank god hes gone < Alienate> GET TO STEPPIN’ < Alienate> hey NOT_1000Hurts we just kicked this tardface out of here earlier with a similar nickname < Alienate> that guy was a jerk < Alienate> he was! < Alienate> but youre obviously much cooler < Alienate> I mean... the Capslock and everything < Alienate> WTF


< Alienate> YOU WERE l000Hurts ALL THAT TIME? * Alienate feels betrayed < l000Hurts> Alienate: I KNOW, AMAZING HUH? < Alienate> l000Hurts, I was about to ask for your hand in marriage... I thought you were a pretty girl that liked capslock < Alienate> Amourder, it was for me too till I played L4D < Alienate> Now that I’ve beaten the maps on expert I need more content < Alienate> I’m getting bored with it < Alienate> l000Hurts, youre wrong < Alienate> l000Hurts, did you play any of the vs modes? < Alienate> Kobert, rofl oh man < Alienate> I used to play that game so much < Alienate> l000Hurts, the vs maps are what make it fun < Alienate> I only play vs maps and campaigns on expert < l000Hurts> Alienate: I don’t think the VS mode was on the demo :( < Alienate> expert is sooooooooooo ridiculous < Alienate> the demo was cake... < Alienate> their expert mode isnt 1/2 as hard as the full mode < Alienate> mike patton is the most overrated piece of shit < l000Hurts> Alienate: ok, now this is where you’re wrong < Alienate> everything he touches turns to fanboi crap < donbueno> I told you guys alienate doesnt like music < Alienate> hey man... I tried to give mike patton a chance < Alienate> he just isnt nearly as revolutionary as people make him out to be < l000Hurts> Alienate: Listen to Fantomas... < Alienate> l000Hurts, I did < Alienate> and I hated it < Alienate> I dont know < Alienate> one of my ex roomies was totally obsessed and made me listen to all kinds of it < Alienate> and i dont like ANY of his projects < Alienate> at all < Alienate> I’ve listened to a LOT of them < Alienate> and I dont like his style < Alienate> I think he ruins good projects < donbueno> alienate you like the butthole surfers? < Alienate> donbueno, I thought they were mediocre < Alienate> donbueno, fuck your mother < donbueno> alienate seriously < Alienate> Sublime is just played out < Alienate> I used to be a fan < Alienate> but ive heard it all trillions of times < Alienate> its like the beatles < Alienate> I just cant listen to it anymore < Alienate> Ive heard every song a fuckillion times < Alienate> angryostrich, there isnt a point at which I havent heard them in a while < Alienate> there is always some fucknut that thinks they are awesome while they are shoving it down my throat < Alienate> you ARENT original < Alienate> you ARENT showing me that you have an ecclectic taste in music < Alienate> you ARE showing me that you like the same watered down crap as every other person one generation above or below me < Alienate> talk about belitting an important subject < Alienate> you can be just as mindless with your music choices as youd like < Alienate> I know quality when I hear it


< Alienate> and I can admit when I dont like something based on preference and when the artist deserves praise based on skill < l000Hurts> Alienate: ABBA’s pretty cool < Alienate> l000Hurts, only if you like rock operas about chess < l000Hurts> Alienate: You know who else is pretty awesome? Tito Jackson < Alienate> you know who else is awesome? < Alienate> not you :P < l000Hurts> Alienate: Of course I’m not awesome.... I’m INCREDIBLE < Alienate> incredible is lesser than awesome < l000Hurts> Alienate: I’m working on it < Alienate> well work harder < Alienate> I havent seen any forward progress toward that goal since I starting trolling in here < Alienate> the bee gees were important < Alienate> do you like Pere Ubu? < Alienate> exactly * Alienate downvotes donbuenos stupid comment * Alienate doesnt click < Alienate> anything that has to do with goatse < Alienate> seriously? < Alienate> did someone seriously just ask me what goatse is? < Alienate> someone link this guy, please < Alienate> maybe youd also like a little lemonparty < donbueno> lol alienate u got trolled < Alienate> or some tubgirl < Alienate> donbueno, I dont think someone being sarcastic counts as a troll < Alienate> man... your understanding of language fails so terribly < donbueno> alienate * Alienate doesnt want to hear it, donbueno < donbueno> this seems likea good time to randomly just say alienate < Alienate> good job < Alienate> defeat? < Alienate> I think we have another donbueno language fail on our hands here < Alienate> dude... take a course or something < Alienate> I know theres a community college near you < Alienate> anyway * Alienate afk < Alienate> l000Hurts, have you seen the movie? < Alienate> they dont make him a hero < l000Hurts> Alienate: No, and why would I need to? < Alienate> they are just showing hes a normal person < Alienate> i saw it < Alienate> I still have a copy of it on my 2tb hdd < Alienate> dude... he was an engineer < Alienate> working on missles for the govt < Alienate> he was normal enough to get a security clearance < Alienate> old-american, "normal" isnt a quantifiable term anyway < Alienate> I firmly believe that every person has something that they get sexual enjoyment from that someone else would think is disgusting or something that makes them a deviant < old-american> Alienate, that’s just justifying your own fetish < Alienate> calling someone else disgusting for getting sexual pleasure from something that does not harm anyone except for themselves is foolish < Alienate> old-american, and a lot of people would say youre a deviant for that < Alienate> theres always going to be someone further down the totem pole that thinks what youre in to is disgusting


< Alienate> and mormons, if they subscribe to it or not, are firmly planted in polygamy < Alienate> which most people think makes them deviants < old-american> Alienate, i don’t know what we’re arguing < Alienate> you sound pretty dilluted old-american < Alienate> its a pretty basic level hypocracy < Alienate> you are saying that your deviance is acceptable < Alienate> but anything that deviates from what you find acceptable is unacceptable < Alienate> if it doesnt hurt anyone except for themselves then who cares < old-american> Alienate, what are you talking about? < Alienate> old-american, if you find that unacceptable i can break it down to the point youll have no choice but to agree < Alienate> there are people that find what you state as the acceptable act of "giving a cute girl anal" morally reprehensible < Alienate> yet you claim its still acceptable < Alienate> to many others it isnt < old-american> Alienate, you’re suggesting you can break down beastiality to a point where I’ll agree that it’s totally cool and not weird to let a horse fuck you? < old-american> I get that Alienate. < Alienate> old-american, no... but your moral ambiguities are a major hypocitic flaw < old-american> No, Alienate. < Alienate> where you draw the line between acceptable and unacceptable is a hypocracy < Alienate> yes, old-american < Alienate> and just because you think what someone else does in privacy is disgusting doesnt mean it is < Alienate> either you admit what you like is wrong or you admit that what he did is not wrong < Alienate> your choice < old-american> I know that Alienate. < Alienate> im leaving it up to you < Alienate> old-american, the horse fucked him < Alienate> I dont think consent is an issue < Alienate> if a girl uses a dildo, does it consent? < old-american> Alienate, you obviously like beastiality. < Alienate> the question isnt "is the object alive" the question is "can the object give consent" < Alienate> the horse fucked him < Alienate> if I sleep with a girl, do I need to give her my consent if I’m the one on top? < Alienate> nope... im the one initiating it < Alienate> old-american, im the only one with an argument < Alienate> yours is slighted < old-american> What’s your argument, Alienate? < Alienate> youre attempting to manuver to make yourself sound like you arent a massive hypocrite < Alienate> but you sure as fuck are < Alienate> i thought i laid it out just as clearly as a fucking thesis < Alienate> but obviously youre a mental midget that needs it explained multiple times before you can comprehend < Alienate> im rambling trying to keep up with your inane line of questioning < Alienate> you are arguing that what he does isnt normal < Alienate> and im arguing that what you are doing isnt normal either < Alienate> so where do you draw the line for what you find morally reprehensible vs what is acceptable < Alienate> old-american, im using your wording < Alienate> so maybe you should consider using the words you mean < Alienate> instead of complaining that what you said isnt what you meant to say < Alienate> so "more common" means "normal" < donbueno> alienate i just so fucking pwned u


< Alienate> since youre arguing the definition of normal... lets make one up to suit your argument < Alienate> because thats exactly what youre doing < Alienate> and what you do it weird to more people than not < fawkesfyre> < Alienate> rights are rights < Alienate> I will fight for NAMBLAs right to assemble < Alienate> but the second they touch an underage child in an inappropriate manner they should go to jail < Alienate> that man did not abuse the horse < Alienate> the only reason that a person being with an animal is reprehensible, other than the greatly widened chance for disease, is religion < Alienate> most religious texts have specific sex "laws" < Alienate> and those are adopted in to governmental law < old-american> ./ignore Alienate < Alienate> you lose < Alienate> fucking ignotard < Alienate> you werent even in this chan yesterday < Alienate> GET TO STEPPIN’ < Alienate> fucking newb < Alienate> rofl < old-american> I know what subreddit’s Alienate subscribes to now. < Alienate> thats the classic bullshit argument < Alienate> because im defending something... I must be a member of the group I am defending < Alienate> classic grasping at straws < old-american> Alienate, you do realize everything that happened was semantics, right? < Alienate> l000Hurts, i was the only one debating... old-american is obviously much too whiny to even discuss something he disagrees with < Alienate> old-american, im pretty sure I just saw you say you ignored me < Alienate> so ignore me and fuck yourself < Alienate> how about those apples < l000Hurts> Alienate: Both of you, just shut up... and play with your legos < Alienate> yeah... i laffed < Alienate> just because something is unpopular doesnt mean that it doesnt deserve to be defended < old-american> Alienate = /nick won’t_stop_talking_about_bestiality < Alienate> old-american = /nick is just as closed minded and hypocritical as anyone that dislikes him but he refuses to admit it because its easier than actually examining his moral ambiguities < Alienate> eat a dick and die < Alienate> go back to whatever hole you crawled out of before you came here < Alienate> RIGHTS ARE RIGHTS < Alienate> once again... classic ignorance < Alienate> lumping me in with a group of people i am defending < old-american> Alienate, how’s this. < Alienate> you accused me of performing acts of beastiality < Alienate> rofl < Alienate> whatever < Alienate> lets argue over the definition of "the" next < Alienate> since that seems to be what youre all about < Alienate> signpost, did you not understand what we were discussing? < Alienate> haha < Alienate> I refuse to answer that question whilst I am responding from this computer < Alienate> if we precent people from doing things that we dont like simply because we dont like them then we may as well start attending westborogh baptist church < Alienate> *prevent < signpost> Alienate, nobody cares man


< Alienate> signpost, thats the FUCKING PROBLEM < Alienate> that attitude is what will destroy this fucking country, hands down < Alienate> signpost, they are... thanks but try again < Alienate> that farm where that happened was raided... the farm was siezed by the government < Alienate> and all of those people went to jail < Alienate> and are perminantly on a sex offenders list < Alienate> signpost, you cant force someone in to that unless its managed punishment from a documented crime < Alienate> old-american, I agree with you them < Alienate> *then < Alienate> signpost, if they hurt no one but themselves then there is no crime < Alienate> old-american, I think its just as disgusting as you do < Alienate> but that doesnt mean that I’m too afraid to take the unpopular view and state that they have every right to do it < Alienate> its never settled < old-american> lol, between us alienate < Alienate> nothing is ever settled... everything is chaos < Alienate> youre always fucked up < Alienate> and you make just about as little sense fucked up as you do sober < Alienate> at least we could understand the sentences that the other person wrote < Alienate> you desperately need some english lessons, hoss < Alienate> at least start understanding how to use syntax < Alienate> too late < Alienate> i got it from fucking horses < signpost> Alienate, Crusader of IRC and Horse Fucking < Alienate> signpost, ive been knighted < Alienate> so you should put a "sir" at the beginning < Alienate> old-american, and here you are with us < Alienate> so does that make you one of us "childish fags"? < Alienate> or are you simply here in protest? < Alienate> is that the title your dungeon master gave you? * Alienate got it < Alienate> the guy in charge of the D&D game < ninjatacopants> its funny but now that i think about it, im pretty sure alienate turned this once great channel into a shit hole. < Alienate> wtf < Alienate> fuck you matt wissert < Alienate> *weissert < Alienate> how about them apples? < Alienate> ninjatacopants phone number is 2149380305 < Alienate> and his full name is matt weissert < Alienate> for anyone who wants it < Alienate> old-american, i didnt realize you were the chan spokesman now < Alienate> good to know < ninjatacopants> guys dont gang up on alienate i was fucking around with him its the modus of our digital friendship < Alienate> I guess I picked the wrong week to stop taking amphetamines < Alienate> I just found a soul mate < Alienate> < ninjatacopants> alienate: wow im jealous < Alienate> well its in the city i live in < Alienate> so it would be strange if you knew them unless youre from around here < old-american> alienate would know < Alienate> I would know what


< Alienate> I know nothing < Alienate> mmm those were csome good chicken tacos < Alienate> ill have to go there again sometime < Alienate> no < Alienate> i rarely buy fast food < Alienate> taco don julios < Alienate> er < Alienate> don jose < Alienate> :) < Alienate> Tacos Don Jose’s < Alienate> koryk, he cant hear you < Alienate> he isnt in the chan < Alienate> :P < Alienate> damnit... Kobert should leave < Alienate> i try to nick complete your nick koryk but "ko" doesnt work anymore < Alienate> because hes here < Alienate> then i have to type kor < Alienate> but thats more than halfway through the nick already < Alienate> throwin’ off my mojo < Alienate> koryk, it does... but I have to keep hitting tab < Alienate> and that defeats the point! < Alienate> more button presses < Alienate> if i type ko, tab, tab then im already to kory < Alienate> in keystrokes * Alienate is lazy < Alienate> im just trying to contribute less to entropy here... you cant blame me for that < Alienate> you mean you dont enjoy watching your money fly away into what feels like a waste? < Alienate> Ive got 2.5 hours :-/ < Alienate> but im going to end up with 4 hours of overtime after tomorrow... so whatever < Alienate> poor hal :( < Alienate> he just wants friends :( < Alienate> I wish I could respond the way I want to respond when people tell me "merry christmas" < Alienate> signpost, pretty much < Alienate> it offends me, because their statement assumes that I am christian < Alienate> or that I am even someone that celebrates the holiday < Alienate> assuming that someone likes music is not the same thing as assuming that they are a musician < Alienate> what? < Alienate> donbueno, download ccleaner, auslogics disk defrag and auslogics registry defrag < Alienate> youll increase the response time of the machine substantially < Alienate> vista? on a crappy laptop? < Alienate> wtf? < Alienate> just put XP on it and be like "I did you a favor, bitch" < Alienate> i think he means tiberium sun < Alienate> command and conquor < Alienate> oh there was a tiberium wars < Alienate> < Alienate> let me google that for you < Alienate> :P < Alienate> hey... at least I didnt actually go to < Alienate> wow


< Alienate> that isnt a very high body count < Alienate> three lives for one < Alienate> if I was going to go down I would take way more than three people with me < donbueno> and im downloading that shit u said alienate on both lol < Alienate> its raining flavorless dip n dots! < Alienate> spybot? < Alienate> I would use Aˆ1 < Alienate> er < Alienate> Aˆ2 < Alienate> Spybot is gimpy < Alienate> A combo of Aˆ2 and AVG will take care of nearly anymore < Alienate> ugh < Alienate> *anything < Alienate> they are both free < Alienate> but I dislike that AVG added a system monitor < Alienate> I really dont like AV suites with system monitors < Alienate> it isnt often that you get an infection and its even rarer when a system monitor would catch it BEFORE youre infected anyway < Alienate> my roommate sweats by avast! < Alienate> theres a malicious software remover that is hosted all over bleeping computer that rocks pretty hard < Alienate> zateam_, talk about it... try mcaffee < Alienate> trend micro is probably my favorite < Alienate> but that one isnt free < Alienate> even if it has no idea wtf the infection is or how to remove it... it can tell you theres an infection < Alienate> back in the day I would use Panda < donbueno> damn thanks for the suggest alienate his lappy is pimping already < Alienate> because it positioned itself between POST and BOOT < Alienate> donbueno, you could also clear out the prefetch files for his window install < Alienate> that will help out a lot < Alienate> its easy < Alienate> its c:56930 < Alienate> just delete everything in that folder < Alienate> yeah vista needs a lot of hand holding < Alienate> does xp do anything like what? < Alienate> it does < Alienate> and it drops them in the same place < Alienate> you may have to change your view settings to see protected OS files < Alienate> but its there < Alienate> context? < Alienate> if youre deleting those prefetch files you should make sure all of the apps are closed < Alienate> FYI < Alienate> awe man... crap cleaner is awesome < Alienate> I love that they changed the name of the product to CCleaner so that they could sell it < Alienate> no kidding < Alienate> on some of the machines around this office that have been in use for years and years < Alienate> Ive cleared >12gig off this one chicks machine < Alienate> I was like... wtf is going on here < Alienate> keeping a computer speedy takes more maintanance than a car, but its much cheaper < Alienate> more FREQUENT maintanance... to be specific < Alienate> yeah... < zateam_> dude Alienate - did you know that as a hunter in l4d you get extra initial damage from jumping from a really high ledge and landing on someone?


< Alienate> C&C music factory! < Alienate> zateam_, I was not aware < Alienate> damn... ill have to remember that < Alienate> damn dude < Alienate> straight from green to yellow < Alienate> even on expert mode one hit from a zombie only takes off 20 points < Alienate> thats nuts < Alienate> well im obviously playing some L4D when I get home and trying that one out < Alienate> thats totally gaming the system < Alienate> but there are so many ways to cheat that game < Alienate> ghey < Alienate> how do peoples mics break so much? < Alienate> I paid $40 for mine < Alienate> i wish they would make ones that you could wear a hat at the same time < Alienate> because it gets cold in my office < Alienate> and id like to wear a cap while i game < donbueno> alienate thats a pretty good idea < Alienate> the hard part is defying gravity < Alienate> or making it so it doesnt hurt peoples ears < Alienate> I guess it would just work like a bluetooth headset < Alienate> but they dont have the dual ear bluetooth headsets without a head strap thing < Alienate> no graphics card? < Alienate> sheesh < Alienate> my mobo doesnt have onboard graphics < Alienate> no choice except to have a card < Alienate> its a nice keystroke, but right click on mycomputer > properties does the same thing < Alienate> saves you a good second and a half if you know about window d < Alienate> video < Alienate> yeah < Alienate> it will probably list a monitor and a video chipset < Alienate> i guess monitors are in a diff area < Alienate> thats onboard for sure < Alienate> haha < Alienate> you can buy one of those atoms for $350 < Alienate> I wouldnt mind one of those if I didnt already have too many computers < Alienate> < Alienate> super tiny and power efficient laptop < Alienate> lenovos are fucking sweet business laptops < donbueno> meh fucking alienate wins the reddit laptop "i would like one but i already have too many computers".... < Alienate> donbueno, it was stupid < Alienate> I never owned a laptop < Alienate> I bought a laptop < Alienate> then I won that laptop two months later < Alienate> so I went from no laptops to two awesome laptops in less than three months < Alienate> Ouistiti, my roommate has one and we use it with the prjector < Alienate> *projector < Alienate> they have awesome features to use as a media streamer < Alienate> donbueno, lenovos done usually look snazzy, but they are well worth the money < Alienate> *dont < Alienate> haha < Alienate> they usually arent very small < Alienate> but they are well engineered


< Alienate> donbueno, one of those dell minis with the atom processor would be perfect for on the road programming or something < Alienate> very similar < Alienate> Ouistiti, a lenovo? < Alienate> yeah they are pretty sturdy < Alienate> it sounds silly < Alienate> but a sign of a well engineered laptop is usually when you can open it with one hand < Alienate> like.. the hinge is just perfect < Alienate> because if they put that much effort in to the fucking hinge then the rest of it usually got even more attention < Alienate> like my macbook < Alienate> it weighs NOTHING < Alienate> but I can still flip the hinge open with one hand but its still sturdy enough to keep itself where i set it < Alienate> my tricked out dell cant do that < Alienate> I have to use two hands to open it < Alienate> yeah because survival training and rock climbing would include a laptop for some strange reason < Alienate> donbueno, it was an EXAMPLE < Alienate> lenovo laptops have similarly engineered hinges < Alienate> theres no reason to hate macs < Alienate> I certainly dont need a mac desktop < Alienate> but the laptop is fucking sweet < Alienate> the multitouch pad is so sweet < Alienate> fawkesfyre, you are < Alienate> ugh man < Alienate> everyone is jumping ship < Alienate> leaving for the day because it started snowing dip n dots < Alienate> I cant leave because that lady complained < Alienate> hahaha oh man < Alienate> that never gets old < Alienate> I tell someone to screenshot an error message for me < Alienate> and just sit back and wait < Alienate> because im going to get a pdf version of a printed and scanned screenshot in my email before too long < Alienate> people like that help keep me in business < Alienate> I dont complain too much < Alienate> I’m more worried about the people that go to the restroom, dont wash their hands and then want me to sit at they keyboard to work on their machine < Alienate> im like.... "uh... ill just remote in, thanks" < Alienate> Ouistiti, just watch your ass... my dads college friend has been out of work for over a year now < Alienate> Ouistiti, oh man... watch out for sarkozy < Alienate> ive been hearing some creepy shit about that guy lately < Alienate> one hour < Alienate> sheesh this week is slooooooooooow < Alienate> I thought it was Friday when I woke up < Alienate> I realized I was wrong and cried a little < caesararum> Alienate: amen < Alienate> fjord? * Alienate wonders if hes going to finish his sentence < Alienate> im a scotch guy, myself < Alienate> single malt < Alienate> om nom nom nom


< Alienate> I hate gin with a passion < Alienate> oh god < Alienate> that is probably the worst "yo dawg" ive read < Alienate> donbueno, I drink lots of scotch... I’m at the point I refuse to buy a bottle of scotch under $75 < Alienate> well except for a few of them < donbueno> alienate yeah i hear u < Alienate> old-american, yes < Alienate> maybe not in the way you mean it < Alienate> but some of them will make you much sicker much more quickly < Alienate> I dont think that drinking tequilla would make you an angry drunk while vodka would make you a happy one < Alienate> that is complete crap < Alienate> its just an excuse people use to explain their mood swings on alcohol < Alienate> Ouistiti, that is all semantic < Alienate> it may make you feel slightly different physically < Alienate> but it probably has WAY more to do with environment than contents of the drink < Alienate> Ouistiti, that has to do with filtration < Alienate> that was the first point i brought up < Alienate> drinking a higher shelf vodka will give less nausea and hangover than a bottom shelf < Alienate> but that doesnt equate to attitude whilst drinking < Alienate> Ouistiti, if youre talking about beer then the yeast does make a bit of difference < Alienate> but I say it all has to do with physical wellness as well as environment < Alienate> because if i drink something and i feel like shit ill probably be meaner than if i felt fine < Alienate> but if i drink high end vodka vs a comparable tequilla I’m not going to act differently simply based on the drink < Alienate> thats a total load of hogwash < Alienate> Ouistiti, german beer requires VERY specific types of yeast < Alienate> the yeast used is debatibly the most important ingredient to coin the style of beer < Alienate> donbueno, youre copping yourself out < Alienate> no... scientifically < Alienate> :P < Alienate> STOP USING THAT WORD < Alienate> for fucks sake, dude < Alienate> like... 20 times in a day < Alienate> :P < Alienate> you have < donbueno> alienate just chill man < Alienate> im not acrylicist < Alienate> jesus youre a hater today < Alienate> mmm stella is my fav cheaper beer < Alienate> Ouistiti, its better than a lot of "domestic" beers out here < Alienate> I mostly drink micros < Alienate> l000Hurts, dead guy... fuck yeah < l000Hurts> Alienate: YES! It’s the only beer I can find that comes in a fuckin’ JUG < Alienate> I still say that Dog Fish Head beer is my fav brewery < Alienate> that place is so fantastic < Alienate> l000Hurts, you talking about a growler? < l000Hurts> Alienate: Is that what it’s called? < Alienate> < Alienate> like that < Alienate> yeah... growler < Alienate> a jug makes it sound like moonshine < Alienate> haha


< Alienate> I live right down the way from New Belgium, Left Hand, Fort Collins Brewery, Avery, Twisted Pine and Odell < Alienate> You guys ever had avery or new belgium? < Alienate> donbueno, they are, but they give free beer < Alienate> if you go to their brewery they will give you free beer < Alienate> Ouistiti, this is an american microbrewery that is totally employee owned and powered by wind < Alienate> they also suppliment their power by using excess runoff fumes from the beer fermenting < nix0n> Alienate: what was your name again? < Alienate> they are probably the most green brewery there is < Alienate> I also live down the street from the worlds largest liquor store < Alienate> literally < Alienate> the worlds largest liquor store < Alienate> < Alienate> donbueno, are you talking about casa bonita? < Alienate> hahaha < Alienate> dave co liquors is SO FUCKING INTENSE < Alienate> the LARGEST liquor store in the WORLD, man < Alienate> no wonder I dont like that fucker < Alienate> or you * Alienate gets his stabbin * Alienate gets his stabbin’ knife ready < Alienate> -!- Alienate [[email protected]] has quit ["Leaving"] < Originate> mooooooo < donbueno> call alienate < donbueno> lol alienate though < Originate> 2 < Originate> duh < Originate> FlyRyan: youre forgetting about his THIRD eye < Originate> all living things have a third eye! < Originate> well you cant SEE the third < Originate> I misread the question < Originate> that commercial break was longer than the ones on hulu < Originate> what kind of monkey balls was that? < Originate> what the shit are you talking about? < Originate> its called a PROJECTOR < Originate> and it rapes your LCD < Originate> FlyRyan: anything on hulu can be downloaded in 1080p < Originate> if its available in 1080p < Originate> you got ripped off < Originate> what show? < Originate> blisk: no < Originate> than a 5th grader? < Originate> dude... jeff foxworthy needs to fall off a cliff < FlyRyan> and originate.... hulu is compressed HD < Originate> why is this being dredged into the fucking chan? < Originate> cant you guys just watch the show at the same time from your own houses < Originate> who ARE you? < Originate> no joke < Originate> I’m the guy who alienates people < Originate> did I say what people I alienate?


< Originate> your assumption has failed you < Originate> or has it? < Originate> hmmmm * Originate contemplates < Originate> youre just too darn smart for a good old fashioned hackneyed meme < Originate> like that one dude that came in here typing "FAIL" over and over again < Originate> he REALLY didnt like that meme < Originate> tmg1|kirchhoff: isnt it also possible that those people have witnessed so much death that it doesnt seem so "sacred" anymore? < Originate> sup aperson < Originate> nix0nn: he sent me a msg like... 20 min ago < Originate> and he vanished in to smoke and mirrors < Originate> i bet hes passed out < Originate> on your side? < Originate> is that the dark side? * Originate doesnt have time < Originate> for long stories < tmg1|kirchhoff> Originate: good point < Originate> tmg1|kirchhoff: I say the answer to your question is "hell fucking no" < nix0nn> originate: PM < Originate> THE DOG DIES < tmg1|kirchhoff> Originate: the interesting part is the relationship between that question and the ’is there a god’ question < chromakode> Originate: the dog dies! < Originate> tmg1|kirchhoff: well the word "sacred" typically carries a religious weight < Originate> so there definitely is an implication < Originate> but people who dont believe in god could still hold things sacred < Originate> [mbm]: youre right on that one < Originate> the big foot tribe < Originate> and donbueno isnt even sober < Originate> WOOOOO HOOO < Originate> :P < Originate> that sounds like a negative to me < Originate> undeleted: im fluent in cat < Originate> it means no < undeleted> Catbot, is originate fluent in cat? < Originate> I did my doctorate in cat < Originate> catbot should we listen to anything undeleted says? < Originate> booyah < Originate> denied < Originate> yarn < Originate> arfield < Originate> bark < Originate> woof < Originate> scatagories < Originate> fucking christ, man < undeleted> My linux skills are like that of Law and Order (or wherever that "Compile a GUI interface in visual basic meme originated from) -!- Alienate [[email protected]] has joined #reddit < Alienate> woo hoo < Alienate> isnt this crystlers 2nd bailout? < Alienate> yay for free food all day < Alienate> yeah < Alienate> On September 7, 1979, The Chrysler Corporation petitioned the United States


government for US$1.5 billion in loan guarantees to avoid bankruptcy < Alienate> fuck chrystler < Alienate> acrylicist, we need to start a business < Alienate> or a religion < Alienate> a religion is easier < Alienate> just look at l ron hubbard < Alienate> acrylicist, well the difference ISNT faith... ill tell you that much < Alienate> because with these bailouts were taking a MASSIVE leap of faith < Alienate> this was always the biggest problem with capitalism < Alienate> assuming that businesses will do whats best for society or even for the people that they are serving < Alienate> which is rarely the case < Alienate> obviously < Alienate> no business is promised to succeed < Alienate> It blew my mind when I learned that businesses are privvy to the bill of rights < Alienate> just like a human < Alienate> and that a corporate entity has the right to protect itself < Alienate> at least chrystler paid off their loans in less than a year < Alienate> back in 1980 < Alienate> but.... that isnt even a fucking requirement these days < Alienate> This all makes me so furious < Alienate> I understand the need for it, but why just hand money out < Alienate> oh jeez < Alienate> I had a 92 chrystler eagle premier... my first car < Alienate> that thing was AWFUL < Alienate> the worst car ive ever owned in my damn life < Alienate> the power steering column fell out of the bottom in the middle of traffic < Alienate> no fucking joke < Alienate> FELL OUT IN TO TRAFFIC < Alienate> I miss my Honda < Alienate> Not too happy with my current Mazda, but it isnt nearly as terrible as my Chrystler < Alienate> wtf is monkey bread? * Alienate googles < Alienate> ... youre right... I keep forgetting I live in Colorado < Alienate> the Land of Subaru < Alienate> fwd is nearly manditory out here < Alienate> er 4wd < Alienate> my car is fwd and I get by < Alienate> but life would be easier with 4wd < Alienate> acrylicist, this is colorado, man < Alienate> it doesnt matter if theres 4 feet of snow on the ground < Alienate> they will get the roads cleared and everyone is back about their business < Alienate> and a 4wd car couldnt possibly perform more poorly on ice than my fwd < Alienate> acrylicist, that isnt different from any other car < Alienate> any other compact < Alienate> im not discussing some insane lifted SUV with specialty tires < Alienate> dude... i know it cause I live it < Alienate> you see so many douchebags from texas or cali out here in their escalades or other similar vehicle < Alienate> they will plow the fuck by me on the highway < Alienate> and you can watch them careen off in to the median < Alienate> donbueno, ive lived here 6 years < acrylicist> Alienate: ahaha, I’ve seen so many flipped SUV’s its amazing < Alienate> and my first winter here I drove better in the snow than most people that have lived here


their entire lives < Alienate> im a great driver < Alienate> Ive never been in an accident that was my fault < Alienate> never < Alienate> acrylicist, you have to look as far ahead as you can and plan for the worst < Alienate> like... assume there is the worlds largest stretch of the worlds most slippery ice between you and the car in front of you < donbueno> the kinda planning ahead like alienate was talking about < Alienate> and just hope that theres enough friction to get you stopped < Alienate> I mean... how do I get to work in the morning after we get a few feet of snow < Alienate> VERY slowly < Alienate> its normally a 15 minute drive in good weather < Alienate> I’ve had it take over an hour to get home, easy < Alienate> its just the price you pay < Alienate> acrylicist, in bad weather if someone starts tailing me real bad ill just slow down to a real serious crawl and put on my hazard lights < Alienate> they will usually zip around me < Alienate> police WILL give tickets for going the speed limit in bad weather < Alienate> they can still get you for reckless endangerment < Alienate> even if youre 5 under the speed limit < Alienate> hell... they did that in charlotte, nc < Alienate> i remember several years they instituted an "emergency speed limit" < donbueno> heh alienate remember when it rains really bad in lubbock lol < Alienate> yeah... all that oil on the roads < Alienate> you get super rain slicks < Alienate> it got bad in memphis sometimes too < Alienate> hell... I found a body in a flooded gutter once in memphis < acrylicist> Alienate: did you poke it with a stick? < Alienate> acrylicist, no... we saved her life < acrylicist> Alienate: you said a body, not a person < Alienate> she wasnt really dead... but she literally was drowning in the gutter < Alienate> acrylicist, ive never seen a body that bloated and blue be alive < Alienate> but she was < Alienate> it was some homeless lady that had been taking pnumonia pulls < Alienate> *pills < Alienate> and drinking < Alienate> she passed out face first in the gutter < Alienate> and drowned < Alienate> literally her heart had stopped < Alienate> but my mom was an ER nurse < Alienate> I ran in the donut shop right next to us and called 911 < Alienate> and got someone else to come out and help < Alienate> they gave the lady CPR and she came back < Alienate> then the firemen showed up and took her to the hospital < Alienate> its just crazy... you can go your entire life never using that knowledge < Alienate> but if you ever do come to an instance where you need to use it... it made learning it worthwhile < Alienate> even if you only use it the one time in your entire life < Alienate> good job < Alienate> I was like.... 14 or 15 when we found the lady in the gutter < Alienate> I was scared shitless < Alienate> I wanted to leave... I said "shes probably already dead anyway" < Alienate> but my mom, being an ER nurse was having none of that < Alienate> I felt so terrible that I didnt want to help her, but I just write it off to being young and


scared < Alienate> I wouldnt do that today < Alienate> if someone passes out or something like that... I’m the first person to jump in to action these days < Alienate> Dude... I just wanted to go play laser tag < Alienate> I used to spend so much money on lasertag when I was a kid < Alienate> we even convinced one guy to play the sycamore trees trees song from twin peaks < Alienate> during one of our lasertag rounds < Alienate> acrylicist, if by weird you mean awesome then I agree < Alienate> dude... I would go play paintball again < Alienate> its just... a little expensive < Alienate> donbueno, i never played those < Alienate> donbueno, well they never had them in houston < Alienate> or memphis < Alienate> at least none of the arcades I went to < Alienate> of course those started when I was barely even 10 < Alienate> so... maybe I was just too young < Alienate> it was strange being 15 and playing laser tag against people that were in their 30s < Alienate> dude < Alienate> its in the wiki < Alienate> you dont need to copy/paste it in here < Alienate> sheesh < Alienate> stop doing thigs accidentally < Alienate> THEY MADE THE MOVIE ABOUT YOU DONBUENO < Alienate> thats just how good you were at the game! < Alienate> It was based on your life < Alienate> laff < Alienate> < Alienate> donbueno, PM, fool < Alienate> the dumbest zombie shirt evar < Alienate> < Alienate> beinghuman, did you see the craigslist link i posed the other day < Alienate> of a chick in the town i live in < Alienate> < Alienate> Amourder, left 4 dead < Alienate> fallout 3 < Alienate> Amourder, those are all good choices < Alienate> i would skip bioshock, but thats me < Alienate> I didnt really like bioshock < Alienate> Amourder, well fallout 3 and l4d will have downloadable content < Alienate> so they are probably the best bang for your buck < Alienate> i beat fallout 3 fairly quickly < Alienate> but im a hardcore fallout gamer < Alienate> well... i hate to say it < Alienate> but it is very similar to oblivion < Alienate> ff7? < Alienate> wow... thats a big jump < Alienate> Amourder, I would suggest either fallout 3 or l4d < Alienate> l4d is fun if you have lots of people to play it with < Alienate> because otherwise youll end up playing with people who dont know wtf they are doing < Alienate> Amourder, very much so < Alienate> teamwork is not encouraged < Alienate> it is required < Alienate> or you will lose VERY quickly


< Alienate> fallout 3 is a massive world with more to explore than I’ve been able to do < Alienate> I did beat the game pretty quickly, but I ran straight through the storyline < Alienate> the VATS system is totally awesome < Alienate> just like in the old games < Alienate> it takes a certain number of "action points" to use your targeting system < Alienate> Amourder, I’ve never paid for a gta game < Alienate> and playing them on PC is a little strange sometimes < Alienate> more than a little < Alienate> and the vehicle gravity is totally fucked up < Alienate> yeah i did < Alienate> i really hated the vehicle controls < Alienate> your car just slides around all over the place < Alienate> i havent played the new on one PC < Alienate> only on console < Alienate> and the physics is beyond terrible < Alienate> < Alienate> Amourder, well fallout 3 will be modable just like oblivion < Alienate> so... once they release the official mod packs you can change the graphics :) < Alienate> they have already announced an "expansion" that will let you go to Alaska and free it from China’s clutches < Alienate> donbueno, ive played all five of the fallout games < Alienate> I own all five, actually < Alienate> dude... DONT buy fallout 3 for PS3 < Alienate> DONT DO IT < Alienate> donbueno, yeah < Alienate> fallout, fallout 2, fallout tactics, fallout brotherhood of steel, fallout 3 < Alienate> in order of release < Alienate> well the fallout 3 version for ps3 is buggy as hell from all reports < Alienate> AND they arent going to release any downloadable content < Alienate> they will release DLC for the 360 and PC versions < Alienate> but not PS3 < Alienate> and thats a serious dealbreaker right there < Alienate> oh man < Alienate> LBP is awesome < Alienate> donbueno, just because I dont own consoles doesnt mean I dont play them < Alienate> LBP is sooooooooooo much fun < Alienate> some of the levels really remind me of sonic or something < Alienate> its a lot more fun than i thought it was going to be < Alienate> yeah, i wish there was some sort of multiplayer aspect to fallout 3 < Alienate> but it would be difficult < Alienate> brb < Alienate> sex crimes! < Alienate> kuraikaze, the joke hasnt been funny since I actually read a tag and realized that everyone was misreading it < Alienate> acrylicist, that was my take on it... more of a "were watching you" joke < Alienate> and anything remotely perverted is treated as a crime < donbueno> alienate i removed my sophmoric comment and mad better < Alienate> youre a terrible troll, man < Alienate> you should practice up a little < Alienate> so... were having a holiday pot luck today and Ive been in the middle of software encrypting all of our laptops... so it came time for me to encrypt one of the chiefs upstairs... he said he was MUCH too busy for me to do it < Alienate> So he asked me to do it during the pot luck < Alienate> what an asshole thing to do


< Alienate> yeah... while everyone else in the building is having fun on their lunch and attending the potluck I get to work on this guys computer < acrylicist> Alienate: Can of tuna. Small hole. Duct tape. Under desk. < Alienate> for fucking shame, man... for shame < Alienate> donbueno, they REALLY dont like your comments < Alienate> haha < Alienate> I swear I’m not downmodding them < Alienate> unless you count the downvotes on the previous comment < Alienate> that you deleted < Alienate> :P < Alienate> rofl, dude < Alienate> donbueno, < Alienate> that "chick" you were telling is awesome < Alienate> is a dude < Alienate> oh man < Alienate> fucking classic < Alienate> look at his comments’ < Alienate> its a DUDE < Alienate> so... at the moment I have just as many guys saying that they would fuck me as chicks < Alienate> this is weird < Alienate> Context: < Alienate> I shouldnt have told you donbueno < Alienate> now youre in there changing your comments so you dont sound gay < Alienate> :P < Alienate> kuraikaze, it is... < Alienate> thats why my nicknames are "Originate, Alienate, Alternate" < Alienate> donbueno, youre an asshole < Alienate> coming from me that really means something < Alienate> whoa dude < Alienate> donbueno, "I’m drowning my sorrows and I need some cock..." -saigo < Alienate> donbueno, it is < Alienate> but he is drunk < Alienate> donbueno, just think of it like you want a chick when youre drunk < Alienate> he probably doesnt really want "cock" he wants to feel close to someone < Alienate> and his someone of choice is another man < Alienate> but hes obviously a confused guy < Alienate> seems to torture himself pretty well < Alienate> donbueno, you cant simply ignore that some people really do have chemical imbalances < Alienate> donbueno, are you a medical doctor? < donbueno> alienate Ill agree with u I mean yeah some people are bi polar < Alienate> because if you are not then im going to listen to what hundreds of actual doctors have told me < Alienate> I agree with you < Alienate> the vast majority of people on meds for depression arent told that meds wont cure their depression unless its a bonafide chemical problem < Alienate> they use it as a cure < Alienate> and dont think that they should just use it as a crutch to solve the problems they have and move on < Alienate> ugh my head hurts < Alienate> wtf < Alienate> has anyone here ever heard of monkey bread? < acrylicist> Alienate: yes. < Alienate> I never heard of it till today


< Alienate> god damnit < acrylicist> Alienate: pull-apart cinnamon/pecan rolls < Alienate> NO ONE IS EATING MY BANANA BREAD * Alienate stabs self < Alienate> stupid pot lucks < Alienate> I went to all of that trouble to make fucking banana bread < Alienate> and no one is touching it * Alienate feels like crap now < Alienate> my baking skills arent THAT bad :’( < acrylicist> Alienate: make fruitcake < acrylicist> Alienate: involves rum. that’s all you need to know. < Alienate> < Alienate> Tiabin, of course < Alienate> Tiabin, i rock at lockpicking < Tiabin> Alienate: Yeah? You been doing it for a while? Got the practice locks and all that? < Alienate> Tiabin, yup < Alienate> Tiabin, i have never found lockpicking useful except to freak people out < Alienate> usually if a lock needs to be unlocked there is an easier method than picking it < Alienate> acrylicist, ive had a visa check card help me open more doors than a lockpicking set < Alienate> fawkesfyre, theres a big difference in opening a door quietly and bashing it down < Alienate> one attracts far more attention < Alienate> its more than a LITTLE more subtle < Alienate> l000Hurts, grad students dont gamble an awful lot < Alienate> not nearly as much vs senior citizens < donbueno> thanks to alienate for that < Alienate> for what? < Alienate> oh yeah < Alienate> well < Alienate> dont be a dick < Alienate> :P < donbueno> alienate u get pics on ur phone (im assuming yes after reading ur (im so cute spiel)) < Alienate> I’m so cute? < Alienate> It’s who I am < Alienate> I cant help it if anyone thinks its "cute" < Alienate> donbueno, if you send me a picture of your dumb im blocking your number from my phone and i will probably file a police report too < Alienate> dude < Alienate> you totally can < livejamie> Alienate: i’ll represent you in court < livejamie> i’m loyal to alienate, sorry < Alienate> I’m pretty sure that I could construe a text message of your shit as some kind of a threat < donbueno> alienate the most threatning thing was "retardo" or "i killed lubbock" < Alienate> donbueno, I have text messages all over the place of you calling me all kinds of names < Alienate> it REALLY wouldnt be hard to convince someone that youve been stalking/threatening me < Alienate> :P < Alienate> I didnt say I would sue you < Alienate> but I could probably at least get a restraining order < livejamie> Alienate: it’s in your best interest not to speak on this manner anymore < Alienate> yeah donbueno < Alienate> direct any questions you have to livejamie < Alienate> he is my spokesman in this matter < Alienate> l000Hurts, you obviously havent had many convos with the guy < Alienate> :)


< l000Hurts> Alienate: Nope... And for good reason too, the guy smells like turds. < livejamie> Alienate’s smile is no way acknowledging to what donbueno is talking about < Alienate> wtf < Alienate> how many times have i ended up being quoted in the redditirc without being told? < Alienate> THIS IS BULLSHIT < Alienate> NOW I REALLY AM GOING TO SUE < donbueno> alienate wow that was cool < Alienate> donbueno, stop trying to bug me < Alienate> I swear to god < Alienate> youll be hearing from the BCPD < Alienate> if you send me one more nasty mms < Alienate> That picture does NOT equal joke < Alienate> it EQUALS PUKE < Alienate> you lie < Alienate> you have some fucking weird obsession with me < Alienate> and im not talking about the scent from calvin kline < Alienate> thats a whole lot of bad ass in just one picture < Alienate> NOW people are eating my banana bread < Alienate> and they all seem to like it < Alienate> yippie < Alienate> caesararum, then take off your glasses if you dont like it < Alienate> :P < donbueno> fucking alienate is pissed at me < Alienate> dont tell me shit < Alienate> unless youre telling me that donbueno is dead or in jail < livejamie> Alienate: correct i didn’t think you guys were being serious < Alienate> I will rip out his heart with my teeth < Alienate> livejamie, but you already took on my case... < Alienate> :P < Alienate> old computers r the lame < Alienate> god damn xchat and its autocorrect < Alienate> the < Alienate> teh < Alienate> oh man... < Alienate> that was stupid < Alienate> 5 steps to type "teh" < Alienate> drug-narc, you suck < Alienate> old-american, thats not something I can do from work < Alienate> thanks though < Alienate> caesararum, ive been talking to her for most of today < Alienate> shes really nice < Alienate> tmg1|kirchhoff, check out instructables < Alienate> then dont < Alienate> stop bitching about shit that barely makes sense < Alienate> :P < caesararum> Alienate: jailbait? She seems nice’ < Alienate> caesararum, she is very nice < Alienate> I smell a L4D marathon coming on for tonight < Alienate> gotta try out that hunter jump < Alienate> now that Ive seen people use it < Alienate> so lulzy < Alienate> hmmmm < Alienate> if I wasnt going out of town I would grip it < Alienate> I got pretty bored with the old PoPs pretty fast.


< Alienate> sparks? < Alienate> like... the energy drinks? < Alienate> ugh yeah... sorry < Alienate> i forgot i was talking to a fucking retard < Alienate> you know... just being my friendly self and responding < Alienate> forgot who I was talking to < Alienate> :P < Alienate> so anyway.... < Alienate> having sex with animals isnt a bad thing < Alienate> PERFORATED COLON < Alienate> it means he got holes in his colon/intesine < Alienate> some sort of infection in the colon < Alienate> yeah, I do < Alienate> I was there, man < Alienate> fappin < Alienate> thats what I was just looking at < Alienate> makes me want to do a colon clense < Alienate> if that shits in my behind i wannit out! < Alienate> haha < Alienate> donbueno, you can get it from drinking too much I think < Alienate> yeah well < Alienate> that makes two of us * Alienate gets his stabbin’ knife ready < Alienate> wtf are you talking about? < Alienate> I havent met ONE chick I would sleep with off of that thing < Alienate> people I would chill with < Alienate> but not anyone I would put my pen0r in < Alienate> dude < Alienate> "lowering my standards" isnt going to make me get it up for ugly chicks < Alienate> thats just a fact of life < Alienate> koryk, just had his first erection < Alienate> "WHAT IS IT??? CUT IT OFF! CUT IT OFF!!!!" < Alienate> she is cute < Alienate> haha < Alienate> wow i wouldnt buy that < Alienate> SUX 6000 < Alienate> BIGGER IS BETTER < Alienate> I want to get a magnavolt system for my car < Alienate> that would be swizeet < Alienate> SLURM -!- Alienate [[email protected]] has quit ["Leaving"] < Originate> FREAKS < Originate> and that was only meant to be directed at donbueno < Originate> anyone wanna play some tf2? < Originate> work? < Originate> ew < Originate> urp < Originate> what was that show < Originate> they take a rich family < Originate> and make them go live out in the middle of nowhere with some tribe < Originate> *made < Originate> well there was one where they had this fam go live with some latino tribe that used urine for shampoo. but the dad did some coca leaves because all of the other tribesmen did it to get through the work day


< Originate> and the dudes some was all pissed at him... i thought it was amusing < Originate> some = son < Originate> man i suck at typing tonight < Originate> hearing you talk about survivor man is still cooler than listening to those dudes play "are you smarter than a 5th grader" in sync with the tv show in here < Originate> im a fam guy hater < Originate> you think family guy is amazing? < Originate> thats the first time ive ever heard the word "amazing" being used to describe that show < Originate> :P < Originate> i bet you do < Originate> meg and lois and loretta < Originate> THE DOG DIES < Originate> Okami < Originate> sounds decent < Originate> not a terrible vodka either < Originate> you lookin to get some fatty poonanie? < tmg1|kirchhoff> i hear kijiji is good for that, Originate < Originate> tmg1|kirchhoff: for the fattys? < Originate> donbueno: pm < Originate> jesus <+donbueno> who wants alienates cell number he likes the late nite booty calls < Originate> you know im right here :P < Originate> ill give it < Originate> 9704203191 < Originate> now its a matter of fucking public record < Originate> I beat you to it :P * Originate doesnt deal with terrorists < Originate> lots of it < Originate> usually a rump area < Originate> like upper thigh < Originate> i thought you just meant pork < Originate> i was like... well thats ribs < Originate> and bacon is back < Originate> then ears for dogs < Originate> and snouts for dogs < acrylicist> What is this Freaky Friday switch null and Alienate day? < Originate> ew < Originate> damn man i feel like i drank all night < Originate> but i didnt and i slept 11 hours < Originate> i probably just overslept * Originate doesnt usually sleep that much < Originate> your face ie meh < donbueno> i been fucking scouring the net trying to figure out if this camera i have can charge on all tiny usb chargers or its broke and only works with the one it came with any ideas originate < Originate> I’m going to be stupid and take both of my laptops with me to texas < Originate> donbueno: does it have a dongle? < Originate> < Originate> LET ME GOOGLE THAT FOR YOU < Originate> KTHX BAI < Originate> donbueno: did you check the MANUAL instead of the site? < donbueno> originate it has a usb connector to a comp but i left it at my apt < Originate> kirun: its easier to let google explain < Originate> donbueno: i use the same cable for all of my external drives, my camera and my blackberry


< Originate> just FYI < Originate> if theres a dongle then its a proprietary cable < Originate> if there isnt then any usb cable with a proper plug should work < Originate> typically if the plug is right you can use it < Originate> its usually weird stuff that uses dongles < Originate> like... the most recent things ive seen are all still pretty old and specialized < Originate> like... these guys had a dongle usb key for software at this dentist office < Originate> no... beinghuman ... were taking about the kitchen sink < Originate> awe what a dumb joke, sorry < Originate> kirun: thats no joke < Originate> dongles on hardware are just so they can sell you another cable if you lose it or the dongle breaks < Originate> dongles on software just make me think internet activation is a good idea < Originate> donbueno: whats the freaking make and model? < Originate> donbueno: dont give me a link < Originate> give me make/model < Originate> like i asked for < Originate> :P < Originate> 5mp? < Originate> the link says 50 < donbueno> originate if u can solve this I will give u time money < Originate> so there isnt a model number? < Originate> hell yes it is < Originate> :P < Originate> well donbueno did it come with a wall charger? < Originate> it doesnt look like it did < Originate> the ac to what? < Originate> ac to usb? < Originate> then it charges from your computer < Originate> theres no other option < Originate> usb power is usb power < Originate> donbendo what os? < Originate> donbueno: thats the stuff you should cook with :) < Originate> donbueno: so it doesnt even say "new hardware"? < Originate> even if you plug it in and power it on? < donbueno> originate i havent plugged it in yet to the lappy cause i cant find the usb cable i need although i know its here < Originate> donbueno: look at page 13 of your manual’ < Originate> man < Originate> you REALLY should read this manual < Originate> take care of all of your terrible lighting problems < Originate> BEFORE You upload all that shit to reddit and youtube < Originate> haha < Originate> your camcorder has loads of features < Originate> do you want the video to be watchable? < Originate> obviously not < Originate> youd rather make video that looks like licking monkeys balls < Originate> than have it look like something worthy of what you paid for < Originate> :P < Originate> I mean... you could be adding a snowman border around all of your videos < Originate> youre totally missing out on loads of awesome features < Originate> :) < Originate> my camera wont charge with usb < donbueno> wow thanks originate for the spec of hope


< Originate> but in the other adapter is an ac adapter made specifically for the battery < Originate> i put the battery in a cradle < Originate> it probably wont recognize the device on your pc < Originate> till you follow the steps in the manual < Originate> like... pressing the "play" button or whatever < Originate> well if it usually recognizes the device when you plug it in < Originate> and it doesnt now < Originate> then it probably wont work < Originate> use logic, man :P < Originate> then no doubt the fucking laptop cant recognize it < donbueno> originate i havent plugged it in yet to the lappy cause i cant find the usb cable i need although i know its here < Originate> donbueno: i just did a prelimanary scan no see it < Originate> I thought you were talking about the hardware wizard or something < Originate> i think i need one of those today too < Originate> I do have some scotch < Originate> that sounds pretty good right now < Originate> with a cigg < Originate> standing out in the 25 degree weather < Originate> in shorts and a shirt < Originate> hmm... i think ill do it < koryk> hey Originate < donbueno> originate: i love getting stoned out in the cold like that < Originate> donbueno: yeah.. its better if youre bundled up thought < Originate> *though < Originate> it is pretty fucking cold < Originate> im not going bakc out till i have pants and a hoodie < Originate> koryk: sure, whats up? < Originate> at least its not getting back down to that -18 that was harsh < Originate> koryk: amp it for sure < Originate> i mean... the receiver would act as the amp < Originate> i mean... right now ive got a 5.1 hooked up to my phillips receiver to the optical out on my pc < Originate> koryk: you would definitely need an amp for studio monitors, but you can get something at a pawn shop on the cheap < Originate> I would say $150 - $200 should get you a really nice setup < Originate> that you could build a real decent home studio with < Originate> my favorite setup for a home studio with pretty decent flexibility would be a mid ranged mixer, you can skip on the fun effects, with lots of ins and outs, a receiver with optical in and a pc with optical out < Originate> well... not just a pc, but a computer < Originate> koryk: if youre talking about live recording a band youll need a mixer that can handle that many channels < Originate> first off < Originate> or some sort of a professional line in < Originate> nice < Originate> then youre more than halfway there < Originate> not too shabby < Originate> I dont do much live recording from more than two physical line ins < Originate> donbueno: my ex roommate has one of the old nueros < Originate> that thing was SWEET for live recording < Originate> it was basically just a little hdd with stereo that you plugged right in the middle of the line out < Originate> and it recorded anything it heard in raw format


< Originate> korg is always fun, no matter what it is < Originate> its KORG! < Originate> I wish they would make those nueros again except with optical < Originate> i need to upgrade my system a little... < Originate> move this 5.1 into my bedroom and get a new one < Originate> its all about the wobble these days, man < Originate> dude < Originate> wobble factor < donbueno> u like him originate? < Originate> he plays out here all the damn time < Originate> doesnt he live out here or something? < Originate> hes out here playing at parties like every week < Originate> man... hes out here SOOOOO much < Originate> I see his name on flyers all the time < Originate> and ganja < Originate> man... im probably going to be here till i cant be here anymore < Originate> haha < Originate> yeah... ive known a few of those < Originate> i know a lot of people in fort collins with their medicals too < Originate> i guess there are a few drs that if you bring in proper documentation they will totally give you your medical license < Originate> thats cool < Originate> i dont think ive ever actually been to breckenridge < Originate> its EXPENSIVE < Originate> I just live here < Originate> im not a vacationer < Originate> haha < Originate> sounds decadent :) < donbueno> lol originate if I could only begin to explain how (i know i over use it but this time its the real deal) EPIC the gooch is < Originate> whats the wrong way? < Originate> I would feel too weird about taking someones money < Originate> with the dude with the bag? < Originate> < Originate> < Originate> bensbargains.?com? < Originate> those are the ones i frequent < Originate> like every day im at those sites < Originate> but those are mostly electronics < Originate> slickdeals has a good amount of randomness < Originate> I was sad I missed that 2 pack of roobas the other day < Originate> i want roombas :( < Originate> donbueno: it was two roombas for $150 < Originate> thats FUCKING CHEAP < Originate> haha < Originate> sticker guy < Originate> thats a cool site < Originate> I like his "splash screen" < Originate> out damn spot < Originate> not obnoxious at all < Originate> donbueno: my suggestion is somewhere good < Originate> assassins creed is fun on pc < Originate> you can skip a lot of the most pointless shit < Originate> the new moves dont really improve that much, which sucks


< Originate> extremely repetitive < Originate> I wouldnt say it sucked though < donbueno> originate i connected that camera to my comp through usb and its not charging wtf < Originate> donbueno: fuck your stupid camera < Originate> why did you figure out how to charge it before you ran off to play chutes and ladders < Originate> *didnt < donbueno> originate when i plug it in it sees it < Originate> well set it on fire < Originate> maybe that will work < Originate> good ide < Originate> a < Originate> i just bought an ipod classic * Originate feels dirty for giving even MORE money to apple < Originate> even though it was already theirs < Originate> i dunno im playing l4d < Originate> ill unbox it and use it on my trip < Originate> koryk: i lost my 3rd gen <3 rip < Originate> i want you to call me daddy warbucks < Originate> then ill consider it < donbueno> so what u gonna put on it originate? lol < donbueno> originate mine should say "fuck yo couch" < Originate> you say what you want < Originate> its a free country, homes < Originate> GHEY < Originate> i didnt like it at all < Originate> wtf < Originate> my neighbors made "special" carrotcake < Originate> carrot cake though < Originate> weirdness < Originate> i decided not to drive today < donbueno> why not originate/ < Originate> TF2 anyone? < Originate> im an awesome medic < Originate> ive been teamswitched to a team taht was getting their asses reamed and caused them to win < Originate> a good medic can make a good team :D < donbueno> originate def specially if the team wasnt using it before < Originate> it didnt get out of control this morning? < Originate> NO WAY < Originate> A GIRL"? < Originate> cockney rhyming slang was the stupidest slang ever <@Paradox> Originate, dont be sad because your a ptitsa who cant understand it < Originate> ghey < Originate> youre hurting my uncle fred < Originate> should i install Gears of War on my desktop? < Originate> i never played either of them < Originate> i wish there were better copies of MST3K floating around < Originate> seems like all of them are digital archive project < Originate> or i could install crysis < Originate> is GoW2 on PC? < Originate> there it is < Originate> did they have zombie car washes in the 70s? < Originate> !Echo Off < Originate> whats that fps game where youre going around a chernobyl like area


< Originate> with radiation < Originate> its way too cold to be nice here < Originate> its 11 degrees < Originate> :P < Originate> donbueno: you mean you miss having a porch? < Originate> oh my god... something is strange... GoW is STILL decompressing? < Originate> the progress bar is moving, but very slowly < zateam_> Originate, that’s the STALKER series < Originate> zateam_: thanks < Originate> wtf < Originate> im playing GoW < Originate> it just keeps telling me"the doors too thick to cut" < Originate> har har < Originate> i just restarted and and saw.. "shoot two breakers to open door" < Originate> more like the FAT bot < Originate> lulz < Originate> fuuuuuuuck < acrylicist> Originate: that kind of "fuuuuuuck" statement can only mean one thing: condom broke? < Originate> acrylicist: very close * Originate starts the drive to texas < Originate> let me phone charge real quick, grab a smoke, pack up my laptops and get on the fucking road < Originate> "oops the condom broke" = texas < piratenachoshirt> Originate: why texas? < piratenachoshirt> Originate: meaning you have to cross into its border? < Originate> piratenachoshirt: thats where most of my extended fam lives < piratenachoshirt> Originate: so donbueno’s your BROTHER!? < Originate> piratenachoshirt: it was a joke saying that most people in texas are hillbillies that were unwanted pregnancies < Originate> geez... way to take the thunder out of a joke :P < Originate> well i did some growing up there < Originate> not a big fan < Originate> at least it will be 60 degrees there all week < Originate> as opposed to the teens here < Originate> heh < Originate> thats ALMOST like a vacation, right? < Originate> anyways... its probably time for me to finish packing up and head out < Originate> see you cats on the other side, if my grandparents have discovered theres internet faster than dialup < piratenachoshirt> Originate: War Driving. < Originate> piratenachoshirt: thats harder than it sounds in a town like "floydada" < Originate> floydada = pumpkin capital of the USA < Originate> they grow gourds at big as trucks < Originate> it really is quite insane < Originate> lakes? in floydada? < Originate> yeah mean overgrown stagnant puddles created by overusing flood irrigation < Originate> its northern texas, dude < Originate> they are in a drought 24/7 < Originate> weird... ive spent a large portion of my life out there < Originate> never see that many bodies of water at all < Originate> I think most of that is seriously just little bodies of water, if my memory is correct < Originate> they are like... a foot deep < Originate> not "lakes" per se


< Originate> well its just about sea level, i guess < Originate> population of less than 4k < Originate> haha < Originate> dry county < Originate>,_Texas < piratenachoshirt> Originate: Pack. GTFO. LOLZ. < Originate> < Originate> thats the sign i see every time on my way in to town < Originate> that and its right next to "happy, tx" which makes me laugh < Originate> hey... im still trying to make sure my cell gets properly charged < Originate> i mean... i guess i could write down the directions instead of relying on my phone < Originate> but why the hell would i pay for data on my phone if I cant even use google maps for a road trip :) < piratenachoshirt> Originate: Do that. < Originate> do what? < Originate> well i have a blackberry, so its just easier to use the usb < Originate> piratenachoshirt: but it doesnt matter if i have no signal, as long as the map is still there < Originate> as long as my phone still has a charge < piratenachoshirt> Originate: when the revolution starts the HERF guns are going to take out the major switching towers. < Originate> I think you mean NERF guns < Originate> sounds awesome < Originate> I want one < Originate> anyways * Originate gone -!- Originate [[email protected]] has left #Reddit [] -!- Originate [[email protected]] has joined #Reddit < Originate> fucking donbueno and acrylicist are following me on twitter now? * Originate feels like hes being stalked < Originate> haha < criminy> you are Originate on twitter, Originate ? < Originate> donbueno: im in amarillo now < Originate> at my cousins house < Originate> amarillo != phun < Originate> nix0n: youre a psychopath < Originate> ill talk to you fools when my fam isnt starting over my shoulder, ooing and ahhing over my f-ing laptop < Originate> ttyl * Originate gone -!- Originate [[email protected]] has quit [] -!- Originate [[email protected]] has joined #Reddit -!- Originate [[email protected]] has left #Reddit [] < donbueno> ohh and btw originate can verify all this <+null_403> wtf is originate your irl buddy? < donbueno> thats what originate felt -!- Originate [[email protected]] has joined #Reddit < Originate> wtf < Originate> donbueno: acrylicist AND fawk are following my twitters? < Originate> wtf is this? < Originate> I don’t even twitter anything < Originate> haha < Originate> there was a bunch of shit i wanted to twiter last night, but my phone was dead < Originate> a rice nigger, sand nigger or watermelon nigger?


< Originate> along the river nigger < Originate> fucking texas, dude < Originate> molesting children < Originate> duh < Originate> :P < Originate> acrylicist: with free power you could < Originate> :P < Originate> ohhhhhh acrylicist i think donbueno just called you gay < Originate> donbueno: im not in lubbock < Originate> im in amarillo < donbueno> so u should twitter more now originate < Originate> YOURE NOT THE BOSS OF ME! < Originate> DONBUENOS A DRUNK < Originate> You can see it in his eyes < Originate> rofl < Originate> donbueno: you suck at reading < Originate> its all about false advertising? < Originate> what the shit were you talking about? < Originate> youre equating a girl being murdered in africa because she wasnt a virgin (but she was a virgin) < Originate> to false advertising? < Originate> haha < Originate> laff, dude < Originate> booyah < Originate> boring peoples < Originate> well... im on my way to a town that still mostly uses dialup, so im not sure how much ill be around the rest of the week < acrylicist> Originate: when you come back, you’ll find that the meteor has destroyed all other life and you’ll have to return < Originate> return to what? < donbueno> originate lubbocki is wired bro < Originate> donbueno: dude... again... not going to be in lubbock most of the time < Originate> im going to be in floydada < Originate> its a fucking dry county < Originate> boooooyah < Originate> hmmm... i should pick up some wataburger < Originate> maybe ill find some internets elsewhere < Originate> im outtie -!- Originate [[email protected]] has quit [] -!- Originate [[email protected]] has joined #Reddit < Originate> RAN < Originate> dude... ive killed hundreds of tumbleweeds and thought about donbueno and acrylicist < Originate> on this trip < Originate> did you turn into a damn pirate now < Originate> ? < Originate> pfft < Originate> no eyepatch < Originate> no pegleg < Originate> no parrot < Originate> ? < Originate> buy L4D < Originate> lamer < Originate> ps3 < Originate> the worst selling modern gaming system


< Originate> good job < Originate> :P < Originate> DONT buy fallout 3 < Originate> unless you wanna be ripped off < Originate> its buggy as hell < Originate> and they arent releasing any DLC for it < Originate> but they are for PC and 360 < Originate> ? -!- Originate [[email protected]] has quit [Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)] -!- Originate [[email protected]] has joined #Reddit -!- Originate [[email protected]] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] -!- Originate [[email protected]] has joined #Reddit -!- Originate [[email protected]] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] -!- Originate [[email protected]] has joined #Reddit -!- Originate [[email protected]] has quit [Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)] -!- Originate [[email protected]] has joined #Reddit -!- Originate_ [[email protected]] has joined #Reddit -!- Originate [[email protected]] has quit [Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)] -!- Originate_ [[email protected]] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] -!- Originate [[email protected]] has joined #Reddit -!- Originate_ [[email protected]] has joined #Reddit -!- Originate [[email protected]] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] -!- Originate [[email protected]] has joined #Reddit -!- Originate_ [[email protected]] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] -!- Originate [[email protected]] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] -!- Originate [[email protected]] has joined #Reddit -!- Originate_ [[email protected]] has joined #Reddit -!- Originate [[email protected]] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] -!- fawkesmulder is now known as Originate -!- originate__ [[email protected]] has joined #reddit -!- Originate_ [[email protected]] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] -!- originate__ is now known as originate_ -!- originate_ is now known as originate__ -!- originate__ [[email protected]] has quit [Client Quit] -!- Originate_ [[email protected]] has joined #Reddit -!- Originate is now known as fawkesfyre -!- Originate_ [[email protected]] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] -!- Originate [[email protected]] has joined #Reddit -!- Originate [[email protected]] has quit [Nick collision from services.] -!- Originate [[email protected]] has joined #Reddit < Originate> boooo < Originate> -!- Originate_ [[email protected]] has joined #Reddit -!- Originate [[email protected]] has quit [Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)] < Originate_> < Originate_> donbueno: < Originate_> upvote :P -!- Originate [[email protected]] has joined #Reddit -!- Originate_ [[email protected]] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] < Originate> ugh * Originate just moved the laptop into the living room < Originate> maybe my cousins damn wifi will pick up better


< Originate> he must have some shitty ass dlink router < Originate> koryk: upvote my post < Originate> theres people arguing about "no.... THIS is real rock n’ roll" so... I figured I’d show them whats up < Originate> oi nice -!- Originate [[email protected]] has quit [Nick collision from services.] -!- Originate [[email protected]] has joined #Reddit < Originate> oh man this is creepy watching my post < Originate> for every single upvote there has been an immediate downvite < Originate> *downvote < Originate> at exactly the same time < Originate> like wtf < Originate> i guess there are plenty of people < Originate> points 1 < Originate> up votes 5 < Originate> down votes 4 < Originate> posted 12 minutes ago -!- alienate [[email protected]] has joined #reddit < Originate> go to the barber and tell him youre tired of looking like an asshole < Originate> CUT THE MULLET, fawkesfyre ’ < Originate> the klingon will just make you look like a douchebag < Originate> like you should make your nickname "dime bag" < Originate> < Originate> Theyve gone... < Originate> Theyve ALL gone < Originate> donbueno: check your msgs, fool < Originate> whoa < Originate> calm down, hoss < Originate> donbueno: come to lubbock < Originate> thats my kind of chick < Originate> TWO butts? < Originate> thats totally better than ONE < Originate> i guess its really just one and a half < Originate> because the third buttock shares the second with the first -!- alienate [[email protected]] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox]"] < Originate> who the fuck was alienate? < Originate> i need to register my fucking nicknames, I guess < criminy> you are supposed to be alienate? < Originate> criminy: thats the name i use from work < Originate> but it wouldnt give that quitmessage < Originate> if it was me < Originate> whatev < Originate> wtf... reddit must totally fudge the crap out of the vote numbers < Originate> ive been watching the up and down votes go up and then back down and then down and back up < Originate> over and over and over and over < Originate> either that or there are three or four of the most indecisive redditors ever looking at my post -!- alienate [[email protected]] has joined #reddit < alienate> bon dia! < Originate> we dont like your kind in here < livejamie> i like alienate’s kind < alienate> ya


< alienate> originate must go then < alienate> srry pal < Originate> livejamie: I AM ALIENATE GOD DAMNIT < Originate> :( < Originate> that guy is the imposter -!- Originate [[email protected]] has quit [Nick collision from services.] < alienate> :) -!- alienate is now known as originate < originate> i am spartacus -!- Originate_ [[email protected]] has joined #Reddit < Originate_> wtf < Originate_> that was interesting timing -!- Originate_ [[email protected]] has quit [Nick collision from services.] < originate> yeah i know -!- originate is now known as invisibleninja -!- Originate [[email protected]] has joined #Reddit < koryk> well, Originate < Originate> koryk: no you are not what? < Originate> and why is this the only server im being dced from? someone fucking with me? < koryk> i was talking to the real originate who changed his name to invisibleninja < Originate> the real originate? < Originate> then let him ident to this name < Originate> :P < Originate> because this one is registered to me < Originate> no you were LYING < Originate> LIAR < Originate> :( < criminy> Originate: did you register that name with nickserv? < Originate> criminy: ive regged originate < Originate> not alienate < Originate> wait < Originate> other way around < Originate> i think -!- Originate is now known as Alienate -!- Alienate is now known as Originate < Originate> donbueno: is that the one with marky mark? < Originate> I laughed my ass off at the beginning part when he goes to see that chick < Originate> and theres this long dramatic speech about how she hates blood < Originate> then hes like... "im going to do all of these whippits and pass out" < Originate> I laughed my ass off so fucking hard < Originate> dont think he was in new kids < Originate> but wikipedia can answer that question for you < Originate> XX01XX: that sounds like the episode of UCB < Originate> with the robot that the dude builds to tell his sister if its a real cake or a urinal cake < Originate> season 2 i think -!- Originate [[email protected]] has quit [] -!- spartacus is now known as Originate < Originate> looool -!- Originate [[email protected]] has quit ["Lost terminal"] -!- Originate [[email protected]] has joined #Reddit < Originate> woooooo < Originate> fuck all that driving < Originate> crazy storm where? < Originate> oh


< Originate> i caught a little in new mexico < Originate> i was smoking a cigg with my window down a little more than an inch < Originate> and was getting pelted in the face by a bunch of hail < Originate> the wind was insanity < Originate> I wished my cell wasnt dead < Originate> when I was in Dalhart I [assed a mcdonalds in a gas station < Originate> the sign out front said "mcribbs - there back" < Originate> I wanted to get a pic of it < Originate> the smart people in dalhart work at the mcdonalds obviously < Originate> no one had the heart or the brains to tell them the difference < Originate> yeah... i guess < Originate> before I was using reddit I was taking pics of funny things < Originate> let me show you one of my first reddit posts < Originate> hold on < Originate> < Originate> acrylicist: ˆ < Originate> i was kind of new to reddit so i got all offended when people were accusing me of photoshopping < Originate> because i took that photo years ago with my phone... so it was a super shitty photo < Originate> something like that :) < Originate> I dont typically respond to people being tards in threads < Originate> sometimes i do < Originate> not usually < Originate> jesus christ acrylicist < Originate> youre an insane twitterer < Originate> my entire follow page is you almost < acrylicist> Originate: haha < Originate> ew < Originate> I dont use twitter all that much < Originate> YOUR FACE < Originate> thats whats wrong < Originate> ’now criminy is following me < Originate> nice < Originate> haha < Originate> we are the collective < Originate> the hive mind behind reddit < acrylicist> I have &=1.61h and I know I owe Originate some. :) < criminy> May I ask, how or what did originate sell you? < acrylicist> criminy: I offered to pay Originate some time for greeting people on this channel like tuguy does < Originate> thats what I was saying < Originate> gotta love nipples < Originate> whoa < Originate> * Originate tries to work up the enthusiasm to go to the grocery store < Originate> I buy jenny o bacon :P * Originate is a heretic < Originate> glad i know how to prepare... my AR14 should be enough to make it feel like the first level of a tower defense game :P < Originate> bring it, plebs < Originate> im going to eat chile rellanos every day for the rest of the week < Originate> thats my plan :D < Originate> i had trouble typing plan too


< Originate> how strange :P < Originate> it works for sitcoms < Originate> L3 outage < ezralini> Originate: yup < Originate> from YOU < Originate> so... if a movie review has the word "heartwarming" in it < Originate> wouldnt that show you right off the bat that the movie probably blows chunks? < Originate> then it would be an improper use of the word "heartwarming" * Originate gets stabbing knife ready * Originate calls cps on criminy * Originate laughs as criminy spends the rest of his life on a sexual predators list -!- Alienate [[email protected]] has joined #reddit < Alienate> booooyeah’ < Alienate> english, mother fucker < Alienate> do you speak it? < donbueno> alienate what up dog < Alienate> donbueno, i still say texas blows the big one < Alienate> donbueno, he had cancer < Alienate> :P < donbueno> alienate < Alienate> lick it < Alienate> my neck < Alienate> my back < Alienate> is that a word? < Alienate> magic 8 ball says: all signs point to no < Alienate> urgh < Alienate> anyone know a reason that certain buttons on a webpage wouldnt work in IE? < Alienate> that doesnt have to do with code < Alienate> because others can get to it no problem < Alienate> but when this lady tries to log in, she puts in her info and presses the "log in" button < Alienate> and nothing happens < Alienate> donbueno, no she doesnt have ff < Alienate> leave other browsers out of the mix < Alienate> :) < Alienate> l000Hurts, hope you enjoy my response < l000Hurts> now enjoy my retort to your response Alienate < donbueno> alienate does not accept friends. < Alienate> where is a better place to lay waste to mortal enemies than meggido? < xxusuqo> Alienate: Is this woman your only IE user? If she’s the only one experiencing the problem, chalk it up to an anomaly [clickjacking program in play, other malware, defective mouse or other hardware, etc.] and be done. < Alienate> xxusuqo, this is a customer, I can brush her off, but it would be pretty bad service < Alienate> even though this isnt something that is my responsibility < l000Hurts> Alienate: I’m sure we’ll confuse more people than inform < xxusuqo> Alienate: I don’t know what to tell you, dude. You’ll have to devise a workaround that doesn’t involve clicking the button if it works for other IE users. If not, still do that, I guess. Just put a link there that does it. < Alienate> shes on IE 6.2.* < Alienate> so... I told her to get up to v8 < Alienate> but i dont see why it wouldnt work < Alienate> my time in texas has left me feeling empty < donbueno> alienate the place u visited is well known for its nothingness < Alienate> donbueno, and my time was spent trying to make people stop yelling/crying


< Alienate> No matter how hard I work on my life the people I’m FORCED to be around make me hate life < Alienate> donbueno, I’m not an asshole < Alienate> I just play one on the internets < Alienate> well... If I’m around people that are sarcastic, stupid or assholes < Alienate> I’m an asshole < Alienate> but I’m usually a pretty calm guy < l000Hurts> i think that Alienate is a pretty calm guy, ehs an asshole and DOESN’T AFRAID OF ANYTHING < Alienate> I’m afraid of girls that I like < Alienate> :D < l000Hurts> You’re in luck alienate... I’m a sarcastic, stupid asshole < Alienate> l000Hurts, then please allow me to rip your little inconsequential world apart at the seams :D < l000Hurts> Alienate: you can’t rip what’s already torn < donbueno> ur gonna love this alienate the name was called "none the weissert" < Alienate> donbueno, you listen to too much sts9 to front a punk band < Alienate> "YOU DONT KNOW ME" < Alienate> you sound like the dude from Reno 911 that they would find strapped to a bed with a dildo on his face < Alienate> YOU DONT KNOW ME < Alienate> I saw anti-seen < Alienate> and fear < Alienate> you havent seen a show more punk than that < Alienate> < Alienate> < Alienate> G G Allin, bitches < Alienate> the most punk man to have ever lived < Alienate> donbueno, stfu poser < Alienate> :D < Alienate> l000Hurts, do you know much about him? < Alienate> l000Hurts, I remember an interview with some of gg alins friends with pictures that showed gg allin as a god fearing prep kid < Alienate> his friends decided to dose him with like... 30 hits of lsd one day without telling him < l000Hurts> Alienate: Yeah, his parents named him Jesus Christ < Alienate> gg allin disappeared for a few weeks < Alienate> came back and was insane forever < Alienate> no kidding < Alienate> his friends thought it was hilarious < Alienate> it was the most messed up thing id heard < Alienate> just randomly dose someone with like... 30 hits of lsd? < Alienate> thats so messed up < Alienate> donbueno, he hadnt < Alienate> he hadnt ever done ANY drugs before < Alienate> donbueno, it was all in the documentary < Alienate> ugh < Alienate> im bored < Alienate> someone entertain me < Alienate> < Alienate> l000Hurts, ˆ < Alienate> l000Hurts, who are you accusing of circular reasoning? < l000Hurts> Alienate: You and all the other proponents of atheism that brings up Richard Dawkins like he’s the next New Coke. I’ve seen this scenario played out so many god damned times, it’s like


it’s circular. Now don’t get me wrong, I believe that the world should abolish belief systems that are founded on unproven claims, and should just stick to what we know collectively as real, but to praise... < Alienate> l000Hurts, I bring him up because he is notoriously known as "militant" < Alienate> which I think is so fucking laughable < Alienate> there is no thing as "militant atheist" < Alienate> where space is? < Alienate> wtf are you yammering about? < Alienate> the vast majority of the universe is empty space < acrylicist> Alienate: Sure there is, they’re the ones who puts the turkey baster in Mary’s hands in the mangers around the world. < Alienate> acrylicist, and it makes sense, doesnt it? < Alienate> acrylicist, atheists dont take up knives and cut the heads off of believers < Alienate> acrylicist, but people certainly (frequently) do so in the name of their faith < Alienate> so lumping atheists in with people of that calibur is fucking laughable < Alienate> extremist? < Alienate> no... its an atheist with fucking BALLS < Alienate> donbueno, what the fuck are you asking? < Alienate> space is EVERYWHERE < Alienate> ugh < Alienate> stfu about singularity < Alienate> ZOMG < Alienate> THE MAYAN CALANDER IS ENDING < Alienate> THE END OF THE WORLD < Alienate> ZOMGWTFBBQWAFFLE < acrylicist> Alienate: OH SHIT, THE MAYAN’S MALL IS CLOSED AND I CAN’T BUY A NEW ONE < Alienate> fawkesmulder, there is no god, so there is no proper way to answer your questions < Alienate> an imaginary person cannot be anything -!- Alienate [[email protected]] has left #reddit ["Leaving"] -!- Alienate [[email protected]] has joined #reddit < Alienate> it would be sweet if I hadnt broken his alogorythm already < Alienate> :P < Alienate> ... < Alienate> im tired of being single < Alienate> but ive totally come to the realization that there isnt a woman good enough for me < Alienate> so... its a catch 22 < Alienate> donbueno, youre big enough to be two oprahs in one < Alienate> so stfu :P < Alienate> l000Hurts, im at work... i cant do that shit < Alienate> l000Hurts, stop protecting donbueno < Alienate> hes a VERY big boy < Alienate> he can fend for himself < Alienate> try it < Alienate> lamer < Alienate> i bet you dont even know how to fill a clip < Alienate> and just FYI "clip" = "magazine" < Alienate> im not skinny < Alienate> :’( * Alienate goes home to slit wrists < donbueno> alienate goto denver! < Alienate> I can get laid no problem < Alienate> I dont have a problem with that < Alienate> l000Hurts, I’m old enough to know that but young enough to not care


< Alienate> But... thats pretty much why im still single < Alienate> I refuse to settle < Alienate> I’m not going to lead on any of these girls < Alienate> or make them believe that theres any sort of commitment there < Alienate> children are lame anyway < Alienate> I dont like kids < Alienate> unless they are like... little slave kids < Alienate> that always do what they are told < Alienate> ALWAYS < Alienate> immediately and without question < Alienate> I want kids to be like my dogs < Alienate> They do what I say when I say it and even anticipate what I am asking for < Alienate> otherwise they get the living shit kicked out of them < Alienate> donbueno, there is no need for luck when you have the long arm of the law < donbueno> alienate goto speed dating things l < Alienate> my children will cower in fear when they hear my voice < Alienate> I will be their God < Alienate> I will rain fire and brimstone upon them if they fall from my favor < Alienate> kill their pets < Alienate> if they disobey < Alienate> etc < Alienate> ...? < Alienate> originate = Meticulous Sea-Monkey < Alienate> wtf < Alienate> my real name is either Illogical Camel or Illogical Baboon < Alienate> :-/ < acrylicist> Alienate: I got a "Brilliant Lemming." I’m not sure what they’re trying to say here. < Alienate> that is a weird one < Alienate> acrylicist, maybe youre a lemming thats smart enough to NOT commit suicide < Alienate> < Alienate> ugh < Alienate> I wanna go home and play more tf2/cod4/l4d < Alienate> donbueno, you know they just fixed up engis a little? < Alienate> you can upgrade teleporters and dispensers now? < Alienate> hey < Alienate> what is it called when people get in to the whole spiritual crystal thing? < Alienate> < Alienate> charmstones, i guess < Alienate> truer words may never be spoken < Alienate> anyone know of a way to encrypt a cd without compressing? < Alienate> omfg < Alienate> chill out, hosses < Alienate> fucking gaymo < Alienate> y so srsly? < Alienate> dayum, srsly? < Alienate> ninjatacopants, that happens when your karma is super low or youve been getting a lot of downvotes recently < Alienate> what the fucking shit are you even talking about? < Alienate> DIRT is hardcore < Alienate> that is probably the most difficult racing game ive ever played * Alienate dies < Alienate> Paradox, you understand that DIRT is a PC game too? < Alienate> and DIRT over LAN is ghey anyway


< Alienate> you just race the same track and compare times < Alienate> thats it < Alienate> the sorriest damn LAN game evar < Alienate> Now... Armegatron is probably one of the coolest LAN games evar < Alienate> Armagetron -!- Netsplit <-> quits: distinctPixel, +yar, Polar, speaker219, aperson, AdamKG, LoganH, joquarky, Tobsn, Originate, (+3 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them) -!- Netsplit <-> quits: +Peter, Greenery, +masta, Alienate, [mbm], hbullen_, Spif_, +null_403, kirun, skee, (+2 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them) -!- Netsplit over, joins: Alienate, kirun, Drevor, +yar, Originate, Greenery, XXXMan, skee, +masta, +null_403 (+9 more) < Alienate> WB EVERY1 * Alienate dies < Alienate> < Alienate> < Alienate> < donbueno> lol alienate epic pic < Alienate> undelivered, take a nap and think about it < Alienate> Ilsa? < Alienate> Ilsa: Shewolf of the S.S. < Alienate> Ilsa: Harem Keeper of the Oil Shiek < Alienate> Ilsa: The Wicked Warden < Alienate> and if you dont know those movies < Alienate> then kill yourself immediately * Alienate hands out knives < Alienate> dude < Alienate> there isnt a "way to play oregon trail" < Alienate> you will ALL die of snake bites or dissentary < Alienate> you can make every correct decision possible and still fail < Alienate> wait... did someone just say something even remotely negative about any of the civ games? < Alienate> you take that shit back now < Alienate> TAKE IT BACK, GOD DAMNIT < Alienate> undelivered, are you illiterate? < Alienate> thats what the fucking civpedia is for < Alienate> donbueno, are you srsly going to drink md2020? < Alienate> jesus mother fucking christ < Alienate> undelivered, yeah... the civpedia is BUILT IN to the CIV games < Alienate> donbueno, I havent drank that shit since HS < Alienate> undelivered, the civpedia tells you everything about everything < Alienate> gives you ever single detail of anything related to the game all cross referenced < Alienate> undelivered, you should read up on the civs first < Alienate> while its downloading < Alienate> it will give you a good starting palce < Alienate> *place < Alienate> undelivered, < Alienate> ew, nevermind < Alienate> thats for civ colonies < Alienate> the lame ass console ripoff < Alienate> undelivered, < Alienate> there < Alienate> undelivered, civ is made for computers < Alienate> they lamed down the console version so much


< Alienate> you cant even play an epic mode < Alienate> epic mode = >8 hours most likely < Alienate> donbueno, just chug it < Alienate> undelivered, civ is the perfect game for decently low powered laptops < donbueno> alienate is right at that < Alienate> undelivered, also HoMM < Alienate> donbueno, the fallout games are so old < Alienate> undelivered, heroes of might and magic 5 < Alienate> donbueno, wtf... did you just say fallout and suck? < Alienate> the only fallout games that sucked were made for consoles < Alienate> like... Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel and Fallout: Tactics < Alienate> Fallout 1, Fallout 2 and Fallout 3 are all pretty damned immaculate < Alienate> except Fallout 3 is short short short if you run through the main quests < Alienate> fawkesfyre, yeah, but its no fun to play without 2 players < Alienate> fawkesfyre, who told you fallout 3 is fail and why? < Alienate> I havent said much bad about Fallout 3 < Alienate> I beat it very quickly, but I still enjoy playing it < Alienate> I still wander around and find new places every once and a while < Alienate> fawkesfyre, the graphics are terrible.... < Alienate> because its SOOOOOO old < Alienate> and #2 has an IMPOSSIBLE training ground < Alienate> you have to be supremely lucky and try 4 - 10 times before you make it through the training grounds < Alienate> and build a pretty badass char < Alienate> I was replaying fallout 2 waiting for #3 < Alienate> and theres this random even that happens < Alienate> you are boxing some dude for money (hand to hand) < Alienate> and if you whoop his ass too hard he will bite off your ear < Alienate> and you perminantly lose 1 cha < Alienate> donbueno, you have no idea wtf youre talking about do you? < Alienate> donbueno, i dont think youre PLAYING dumb < Alienate> :P < Alienate> anyways < Alienate> fuck your opinion * Alienate -> home -!- Alienate [[email protected]] has quit ["Leaving"] < Originate> blah blah fucking blah -!- Originate [[email protected]] has quit [] -!- Originate [[email protected]] has joined #Reddit < Originate> do i need to play gow before i play GoW2? < donbueno> originate absolutely not < Originate> donbueno: is the first game worth playing for story or something? < Originate> the graphics and interface arent terribly impressive < Originate> < Originate> donbueno: < Originate> :P < donbueno> looks like a sweet documentary originate < Originate> donbueno: it is < Originate> donbueno: everyone? < Originate> you dont use rottentomatos? < Originate> you should < Originate> imdb is good < Originate> but rottentomatoes is better for reviews and score


< Originate> this documentary is fucked < Originate> "Mail Order Wife" < Originate> its like... serial killer perv shit < Originate> caught on tape < Originate> insane < Originate> your face < Originate> isnt awesome < l000Hurts> originate’s turds are awesome < l000Hurts> but not originate < Originate> my turds pwn you < Originate> ILL PWN YOU < Originate> no one beats me at n64 games < Originate> NO ONE! < Originate> they will take over < Originate> like.... bread? < Originate> yap yap yap yap * acrylicist punts Originate over the horizon. < acrylicist> Originate: HOW ARE YOU MY GOOD MAN, TODAY? < donbueno> fucking EPIC MOVIE originate < Originate> donbueno: what epic movie? < Originate> acrylicist: im sick :-/ still going to work though < Originate> donbueno: yeah thats a great documentary < Originate> brb as alienate -!- Alienate [[email protected]] has joined #reddit < Alienate> que unda < Alienate> acrylicist, did donbueno tell you about the doc? < Alienate> donbueno, what was your take on that documentary < Alienate> neuromancer was fluff < Alienate> I understand it was important < Alienate> but its so difficult to get in to a book that requires its own dictionary < Alienate> thats why I never got in to the Dune series < Alienate> donbueno, they were making parallels between every character < Alienate> they all had very similar views on problem solving as an art < Alienate> and understanding human nature < donbueno> right alienate but I really saw the lines between those I mentioned < Alienate> I thought it was fucking beautiful < Alienate> the director has such an amazing insight in to these peoples minds < Alienate> It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside < Alienate> tuguy, < donbueno> upvote my comment alienate wtf! < donbueno> alienate what are ur thoughts on the choice of the title for the documentary? < Alienate> donbueno, well its a statement made by the AI guy < Alienate> beyond that would be a shot in the dark :) < Alienate> the AI guy was the character with more stock in the future than any other character < Alienate> donbueno, it was the name of the project that he submitted to NASA < Alienate> about the miniature land rover things he built < Alienate> how instead of building ONE 150 million discovery dollar robot < Alienate> they could build 100 < Alienate> and then you could explore more high risk areas < Alienate> because you would only run the risk of losing ONE cheap robot instead of one EXPENSIVE robot < Alienate> all the zunes in the entire world? < tuguy> or rather i should ask Alienate


< Alienate> tuguy, its a character piece < Alienate> its difficult to explain < Alienate> tuguy, its a documentary about PEOPLE < Alienate> not about an event < Alienate> about a naked mole rat specialist, an AI Robotics specialist from MIT, a Topiary Gardener and a Lion Tamer < Alienate> why? < Alienate> its not like you have to FIGURE OUT thats who hes interviewing < Alienate> haha < Alienate> donbueno, wtf are you talking about? < Alienate> they have all the chars introduce themselves and their jobs in the first 4 minutes of the film < Alienate> haha < Alienate> tuguy, just watch it... do you have netflix? < Alienate> oh < Alienate> well watch it, dude < donbueno> alienate its just the idea of going intoa really good documentary and not knowing what it is about I dig that adds little extra fun < Alienate> donbueno, well i wont say any more :) < Alienate> ugh... i hate putting things in my sinuses < Alienate> IT BURNS < Alienate> MatteusX, we are the ones that pwn newbs and make them want to leave < Alienate> at least donbueno and I are < Alienate> thats our responsibilities < Alienate> seriously < Alienate> tuguy, has got it easy < Alienate> we dont give him the vast brunt of our hatred < Alienate> thats reserved for those that require additional hazing < Alienate> aperson is next on my list < Alienate> huzzah? * donbueno huddle with alienate < Alienate> aperson, you are either canadian or perpetually in a state of Ren Fair < Alienate> :P * donbueno kicks alienate out * Alienate gets some dynamite to blow up aperson’s side < Alienate> actually... some nitroglycerine sounds better * Alienate resorts to pointy sticks < Alienate> there is no forefields to protect against pointy sticks! < Alienate> *forcefields * Alienate lines his side with sloths < Alienate> and pedobears < Alienate> < Alienate> tuguy, your fucking narwhals are distracting me from my primary mission of laying waste to newbs < Alienate> MatteusX, GET TO STEPPIN < Alienate> we dont like your douchebaggery in this here chan < tuguy> Alienate won bacon < Alienate> I won more than bacon, whore < tuguy> how was that bacon anyway Alienate? < Alienate> STOP ASKING ME ABOUT BACON < Alienate> I ATE IT ALL < Alienate> IT WAS FUCKING GREAT < Alienate> I WOULD EAT MORE IF THERE WAS MORE < Alienate> END OF TOPIC


< Alienate> chortle < Alienate> this is me < Alienate> < Alienate> tonight < Alienate> I’m ill < Alienate> and not in the hip, slang way < Alienate> I’ve resigned to not working today < Alienate> since its a half day < Alienate> and I have off work tomorr < Alienate> dude < Alienate> any haircut that people give their 2 year old because they think its "cute" < Alienate> will NOT go on my head < Alienate> rofl < Alienate> stop using that word in place of "epic" < Alienate> and stop using the word "epic" < Alienate> I swear I will shoot you dead the second I see you donbueno < donbueno> alienate thats the problem you wont see me coming I swoop down on u like a eagle catching a fish < Alienate> fuck that noise * Alienate lies in wait for his chance to ambush < Alienate> donbueno, < Alienate> booyah < Alienate> ... < Alienate> that is dumb < Alienate> you should buy pokemon shirts < Alienate> tuguy, thats why your boyfriend left you < Alienate> are you a fat pathetic slob like donbueno ? < Alienate> how old are you? < Alienate> bah < Alienate> thats still young < Alienate> what the fuck did you just say? < donbueno> got eat a dick alienate < Alienate> :D < Alienate> MatteusX, you know you cant legally marry a horse, right < Alienate> ? < donbueno> fuck u alienate making me feel all shitty < Alienate> rofl < Alienate> the proof is in the pudding < Alienate> evanescance is fucking lame sauce < Alienate> do not mix with good sauce < Alienate> its toxic < Alienate> donbueno, remember you cut your wrists up and down, not side to side < Alienate> tuguy, you mean 11 < donbueno> alienate remember now tuguy is 19 dont go all apeshit on him for saying "one good song" i personally want to fucking cunt punt that bitch < Alienate> not 500 < Alienate> ;) < Alienate> because 11 is louder than 10 < Alienate> tuguy, dont argue with me < Alienate> I’m older than you and would be smarter than you even if I wasnt older < Alienate> I dont make the rules, I just abide by them < donbueno> alienate I have already forgotten more than you know < Alienate> Is that something you want to admit"? < Alienate> because of those things must surely be grammar


< Alienate> and also how to not be a fat slob :P < Alienate> those are two things youve definitely forgotten :P < Alienate> rofl < Alienate> oh man < Alienate> im on a roll today * Alienate lays the smack down thick and hard < Alienate> donbueno, oh come on... I dont expect youre going to be commiting suicide * tuguy can see alienate’s attempt at causing drama < Alienate> but if you do... I wouldnt want you to live through a botched attempt < Alienate> failed suicide attempts are fucking costly < Alienate> like >4k < Alienate> it takes forever to pay your way out of a hospital visit for a failed suicide attempt < Alienate> they really rape the fuck out of your pocketbook < Alienate> donbueno, sometimes they will work with you if youve just been sick < Alienate> but most of the time if its a suicide attempt they will go out of their way to make your life a living hell < Alienate> that too < Alienate> because its all fun and games will someone pokes an eye out < Alienate> and then its down right hilarious < Alienate> *till < Alienate> wtf... this isnt some shitty heroin movie :P < Alienate> donbueno, I wanted to do her back when she was in dark city < Alienate> dark city blew my mind more than fucking requiem < Alienate> dark city was all about are we really who we think we are? < Alienate> we could be a new person every day < Alienate> willingly or forcibly < Alienate> the entire alien thing was just there for fluff < Alienate> well for sure < Alienate> I mean... you could easily go ahead and take out all of the fucking psychonaut bullshit < Alienate> the book or the movie? < Alienate> plz dont say the movie < Alienate> the movie left out some of my favorite duscussions < Alienate> *discussions < Alienate> I mean... they werent VITAL to the story < Alienate> donbueno, I understand that < Alienate> I understand how you adapt a book to a movie < Alienate> im not fucking 12 < Alienate> dont put your burdons on me :P < Alienate> well its just impossible to adapt a book like that properly in to a movie < Alienate> because you never really understand that the two main characters are the same person till they actually TELL you < Alienate> Also... the discussion about the extra gears on the bike was MUCH more heated < Alienate> and theres a conversation about looking for drug dealers that are selling heroin by the pound < Alienate> which was hilarious < Alienate> I mean < Alienate> Do Androids Dream Of Electrip Sheep < Alienate> come on < Alienate> one of the BEST film adaptations from a book ever made < Alienate> if you get the right version of the film < Alienate> tuguy, just make sure you get the version without the shitty voiceover < Alienate> I havent seen the new ver < Alienate> I heard it still has the dream sequence at the end < Alienate> which is positive


< Alienate> theres like 25 diff editions of that movie < Alienate> for the longest time the most definitive was the laser disk < Alienate> tuguy, theyre all different < Alienate> thats the weird part < Alienate> some of the versions were cut so terribly that they barely make sense < Alienate> and some of them actually change the meaning of the film < Alienate> tuguy, there is a unicorn dream sequence that alludes to him being the last android < Alienate> tuguy, but a lot of the versions leave it out and cut it up and add a strange voiceover so that it leaves you asking "wtf... they totally left out an android" < Alienate> tuguy, I already said I havent seen the most recent cut < Alienate> :P < Alienate> come on < Alienate> am I just typing to myself here? < Alienate> tuguy, you fucking suck < Alienate> I couldnt believe that dick licensed so many fucked up shitty ass adaptations of his book < Alienate> he kept saying "this is the version I really WANTED to make" and it would be the shittiest version to date < Alienate> or at least that he knows jack shit about making movie < Alienate> s < Alienate> donbueno, I think it does it if theres a long enough pause between lines < Alienate> yeah < Alienate> colloquy does it < Alienate> on my laptop at home < Alienate> xchat moves the page breaks though < Alienate> acrylicist, you can instant watch it < Alienate> rofl < Alienate> youre missing over half of what you pay for < Alienate> tuguy, anything can dual boot < Alienate> with acronis < Alienate> but it was too late < Alienate> id already seen everything < Alienate> then posh spice walks in... and her clothes fall off < Alienate> and she tries to put them back on, but its too late... ive already seen everything < Alienate> skeet skeet skeet < Alienate> in yer face in yer face < Alienate> twoguy, everything < donbueno> and alienate will be there to help all the time < acrylicist> alienate is the most helpful of all < donbueno> yeah whenever you got any intarhubs questions alienate is the first to call here lemme give you his number < Alienate> damn yous guys < donbueno> hahaha alienate I gave the no 1 nub on tarnets ur number < Alienate> meh < Alienate> wtf is a tarnet? < Alienate> it catches tar? < Alienate> intardnets < Alienate> i disagree < Alienate> i have veto power over any decisions made regarding the net < tuguy> Alienate, you have no power < Alienate> tuguy, i have all of the power < Alienate> because ive got dirt on everyone < Alienate> and if i dont, ill make it up < Alienate> man... they should change the "movies" reddit to be the "snobs" reddit < Alienate> all those people complaining about the movie i posted


< Alienate> really???? well 98% of all critics in the entire world disagree with you < Alienate> so fuck yourself < Alienate> how about that < Alienate> tuguy, no... they dont HAVE to agree with me... < Alienate> they just SHOULD agree with me < Alienate> since I have the best taste of anyone alive < Alienate> what the shit are you talking about tuguy ? < Alienate> well acrylicist seems like he thinks about what he types before he presses enter < Alienate> which give him 1 cuil in my book * tuguy thinks Alienate’s standards are set a little too high for #reddit < Alienate> tuguy, my standards are too high for most of humanity < Alienate> get over yourself < Alienate> tuguy, is that a sexual reference < Alienate> ? < Alienate> I DONT KNOW? < Alienate> and yes... that question mark was on purpose < Alienate> uh oh < Alienate> my dad just discovered google talk < Alienate> now ill be distracting him from work just like everyone else on gtalk < Alienate> the coast to coast with bjork was fucking out of this world insane weird < l000Hurts> Alienate: I loved that one too. The one where they were married. < donbueno> alienate u see that video of her just singing solo in a really crazy looking church? < Alienate> donbueno, and thats why I would do her < Alienate> donbueno, nope < Alienate> donbueno, have you ever seen Dancer in the Dark? < Alienate> that is the most fucking soul crushing film ive EVER seen < Alienate> donbueno, answer my question, fool < Alienate> you should < Alienate> donbueno, jeez im glad i didnt chill with you over xmas < Alienate> hey livejamie back off making fun of tuguy when he says stupid shit < Alienate> youre taking over my job < Alienate> fucker < livejamie> Alienate let’s take turns < Alienate> livejamie, I could use a moderator < tuguy> if you go by Alienate’s standrads were all fucking retarded < livejamie> Alienate do you offer profit-sharing? < Alienate> wtf < Alienate> strangest cpu heatsink EVAR < Alienate> < Alienate> it doesnt look like that would work very well < Alienate> tuguy, Im debating if it works as well as comparable heatsinks < l000Hurts> Alienate: That shit just looks retarded < Alienate> omfg donbueno < Alienate> edit out the shit that doesnt belong < donbueno> sup alienate? < Alienate> or ill keep downmodding you < Alienate> and your lameness < Alienate> yeah... you read above too < Alienate> tuguy, I DEFINE LAME, NOT YOU < Alienate> donbueno, I dont think you understand the defn of "sauce" < donbueno> alienate i created sauce < Alienate> donbueno, your sauce is the cheesiest < Alienate> while mine is the spiciest < Alienate> tuguy, donbueno has no concept of comedic timing < Alienate> what


< Alienate> so < Alienate> ever < Alienate> he thinks that simply using words like "sauce" and "epic" are lulz < Alienate> tuguy, everyone gets it up before donbueno < Alienate> hes impotent < Alienate> you didnt know that? < Alienate> awe donbueno lost his sense of humor today < Alienate> what little hes ever had < Alienate> since hes all emo and shit < Alienate> dude... you dont PLAY gold records < Alienate> youre going to fuck your needles hardcore < Alienate> :P < Alienate> EGNAHC CIPOT < Alienate> not phunny < Alienate> at all < Alienate> wtf is up with this duck topic misdirection? < Alienate> one instance where the punchline in the title WORKED < Alienate> this dude gave me a shamwow for xmas < donbueno> alienate are just pissed today cause another lonely sad year of life has gone by without you having enough guts to end it all? < Alienate> donbueno, I’m not the one that talks about killing myself < Alienate> I’ve never mentioned it once < Alienate> you emo piece of shit < Alienate> you remember those stupid mens health quotes? < Alienate> < donbueno> man alienate i must have really hit a soft spot there you got awfully defensive < donbueno> lol alienate nice link < donbueno> yeah and alienate is the sham really wow? < Alienate> tuguy, if you kill them just remember not to hide the bodies in a lake or river unless you tie five weights to the body < Alienate> one for each limb and one for the torso < Alienate> just in case the limbs break free when the body starts decomposing < Alienate> you dont want an arm to wash up < Alienate> thats an investigation right there < Alienate> no body, no crime < Alienate> l000Hurts, youre forgetting about the "for fun" reason < Alienate> or "because they are evil sinners" reason < donbueno> Alienate ˆˆ < Alienate> WHAT? < Alienate> WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT? < Alienate> I DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT CARROT CARROT MEANS! < Alienate> :) < tuguy> see Alienate even losers like you can say funny things once in a while < Alienate> wait < Alienate> losers lik me? < Alienate> what the fuck.... < Alienate> tuguy is going to be on my failure list real quick < Alienate> I NEVER check it < Alienate> because I have it memorized < Alienate> l000Hurts, Y < Alienate> l000Hurts, why dont you own l4d, tf2 or cod4? < Alienate> and by the time they are youll be lame for buying them < Alienate> l000Hurts, tf2 isnt THAT hard < Alienate> but I really only enjoy playing medic


< Alienate> because you dont die as much and youre usually on the front lines < donbueno> alienate where u at back me up on my tf2 ranting < Alienate> I was watching bob barker flip out < Alienate> I’m at work < Alienate> I dont play games at work < Alienate> I just chat with you foold < Alienate> *fools < Alienate> Battletoads was fucking impossible < l000Hurts> Alienate: < Alienate> donbueno, talk about teamwork < Alienate> try Left 4 Dead < Alienate> that is the most teamwork based stratagey of ANY video game ive ever played < l000Hurts> Alienate: It really was, wasn’t it? There was a bug that prevented Player 2 from playing towards the end of the game < donbueno> alienate unfortunetly havent got to experience it < Alienate> the russian version of l4d? < Alienate> you cant play l4d single player < Alienate> you CAN < Alienate> I’m saying its pointless < livejamie> fuck you Alienate what time does t-mobile close today < Alienate> its a WASTE of time < Alienate> ... < Alienate> why the fuck would i know, bitch? < Alienate> do I work at the fucking store? < Alienate> im not your fucking personal secretary < Alienate> eat shit and die < Alienate> ill call < Alienate> :D < Alienate> 8pm < livejamie> thanks Alienate! < Alienate> my guy sounded normal < donbueno> wow thanks for that clarification alienate < Alienate> donbueno, I wasnt clarifying for you < Alienate> he didnt ask YOU to call < Alienate> I called once he explained the situation < Alienate> :P < Alienate> I thought he was just being lazy < Alienate> I refuse < livejamie> why are you so afraid to love me Alienate < Alienate> donbueno, stop projecting your own torture on my persona < Alienate> a titanium needle? < Alienate> you really dont know shit about turntables * Alienate cringes * donbueno is confused how that frustrates alienate * Alienate goes home -!- Alienate [[email protected]] has quit ["Leaving"] < donbueno> even for alienate < Originate> cockmuncher < donbueno> hey nix0n link that pic of ur spikes so originate can see how epochal they are < Originate> STOP IT * Originate gets stabbing knife ready < Originate> I WILL GOUGE OUT YOUR EYEBALLS AND SKULLFUCK YOU! < donbueno> lol originate at first I didnt get you were quoting the film...... < Originate> nix0n: you work in a call center?


< Originate> till they caught you making love to apple hardware in the breakroom < Originate> his response when he was caught = "hey, dude.... im on break!" < Originate> nix0n: I cant even tell you the number of times i called apple support in regard to an issue with my macbook < Originate> air < Originate> and they told me to "plug it in to lan" < Originate> well i can tell you... 4 times < Originate> WTF? < Originate> DID SOMEONE SAY SOMETHING SLIGHTLY NEGATIVE ABOUT DAFT PUNK? * Originate puts on his brass knuckles < donbueno> lol great me and originate agree? < livejamie> Originate you forgot your robot helmet < Originate> the eve of 2009 < Originate> is that your petname for your girlfriend? < Originate> yeah a girl might not date you too long if you call her that < Originate> ;) < Originate> a laptop party? < Originate> where people show up and try as hard as they can not to socialize? < Originate> its his sister < Originate> srsly < Originate> who gets off on cosplay? < Originate> did you just quote ICP? < Originate> Remove his reproductive organs! < Originate> shes a jar < Originate> with a heavy lid < Originate> what about turtles? < Originate> I LIKE TURTLES < Originate> TROLL < koryk> Originate: I will take a webcam with me next time < Originate> and i wont watch < Originate> 5/1/82 never forget < Originate> buy presents < Originate> MAH BIRFDAY < Originate> without being the age that comes along with it < Originate> than your friends or family < Originate> thats the most sure fire way to keep friends < criminy> Originate: I don’t buy it < criminy> wait, nevermind Originate < Originate> fucking holidays < Originate> I like holidays because i get off from work < Originate> but i dont like celebrating all that much < Originate> rofl < Originate> im 46.2% done downloading EVERY MST3K < Originate> :D < Originate> so < Originate> we saw three eight point bucks < Originate> right outside my apartment window < Originate> in the city < Originate> for the love of god why pay for anything including ubuntu? < [mbm]> Originate: good point < Originate> moderators must be idiots < Originate> NEED MOAR NYQUIL < russe11> Originate: Incorrect. Need moar boooooze < Originate> im sick


< Originate> im not drinking tonight :-/ < russe11> Originate: It’s a good call. Give yourself time to get better. < Originate> I demand to see it < Originate> no < Originate> I DEMAND to see it < Originate> NEWGROUNDS? < Originate> I havent been to that site since I was a fucking kid * Originate checks out his old account for creation date < Originate> awe... they got rid of the "created on" date < Originate> man... I was hardcore into newgrounds < Originate> back in 02 < Originate> Elijah: theyre dead < Originate> i killed them all < Originate> null_403: are you registered on reddit? < Originate> if so... ill go ahead and call you a hypocrite now < Originate> if not... ill go ahead and ask you to leave the chan now < Originate> :P * Originate WINS < Originate> donberry < Originate> acrylicist: stop being a goodie two shoes < Originate> LEAK THE DOCS < Originate> I wont tell anyone < Originate> :D

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