Alex And Alez

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  • Words: 8,299
  • Pages: 22
Chapter 1 California, 1802. Spanish lord, Alejandro Santiago watched the girl in his fields from his bedroom window. It was difficult to see what she was doing but he was sure of who she was; Alexandra De Sanchez. No one else had red hair in the village. He knew Federico, her father; their family had just moved here from England but he knew Federico would never let his daughter wander around on another man’s land so what on earth was the girl doing in there? He toyed with the idea of sending one of his men to bring her in but brushed the thought away; the men would probably scare her. He would go…after his drink. Alexandra had cornered Menelaus, her dog. She was trying not to startle him and was moving in slowly. The creature probably thought it was a game. He pranced around ready for another run. “‘Idiot’ would have been a better name for you” She said to the dog. He barked. “Shhh! someone will hear us. Apparently someone did; she heard sounds coming from beyond the clearing she was standing in. This is just great. Here she was on a man’s plantation. This was the sort of thing that…No! She was not going to think about that now. “Menelaus! Come!” Out of some miracle the dog actually followed her. She planned on going to the center of the field then moving towards the only unguarded fence. Damn the stupid maze! She planned to this, but which way led to the center? The next sound made her heart start beating wildly; it was the sound of hooves and she didn’t want to be caught in here. Ok. Calm down. She told herself. All she needed to do was find the nearest path. But where was that? The sounds got nearer and she broke into a run. She could hear and feel the horse behind her and suddenly she was pulled unto a horse by a pair of very strong arms. She could tell that this was no ordinary worker by the softness of his shirt, it was definitely silk. She could feel his taut muscles beneath his shirt and his cologne seemed to fill her senses. No! What was she doing? She should be fighting to get away from him. If word of her being here got to her father…well the thought didn’t bear consideration. “Let go of me Señor or your master will hear of this!” What was the man doing here anyway? She thought. “I fear He already knows.” He said and there was amusement in his voice. “I’ll scream if you don’t let me go.” She didn’t mean this of course; the last thing she wanted was to draw attention to herself and, besides, if what the man said was true, Don Santiago might have sent him here. He was probably a well paid henchman. Her struggles with him, however, did not elicit any response from him other than a laugh. So she screamed but far from letting her go, he put his hand over her mouth and said “Hush Querida.” Since she couldn’t bite his hand she licked it instead. His reaction showed that it was just as effective. She spat and said “I am not your dear! (She had learned Spanish from her maid Bernadine) Now let me go this instant!” Surprisingly enough he did and she got off the horse with as much dignity as she could muster. When she turned around

to give him the tongue lashing he so richly deserved, her eyes widened in shock. The man on the horse was none other than Don Santiago. He smiled. “You might want to get back on the horse; you won’t get far on foot” “I was trying to get out” ‘Ahh but why were you in?” “My dog ran in here and I was trying to find him…he’s somewhere here…he just ran off…he’ll turn up any minute now…any… minute… now.” She realized she was just rambling but the skeptical look on his face made her slightly nervous and the continued absence of Menelaus made her story seem false. She looked around for the dog. It was true of course but unless the stupid animal suddenly turned up, it was likely he wouldn’t believe her and then what? This was his land and she was trespassing; dog or no dog. What did they do to trespassers in this country? “Come up on the horse. I’ll take you home” He said. “No, no. I’m sure I can find my way if you just get me out of this maze.” “Oh no. I couldn’t let you walk.” “I walked and ran here chasing Menelaus, so I’m sure I can do it again.” “Menelaus?” “My dog” “Oh”, he said in comprehension. “Any how I insist. I never let a lady walk if I can help it.” “Please do.” “Give me a reason.” I have one…” “But?” “But I can’t give it now.” And if I can help it I never will. “When will you give it then?” “Sometime.” “Will it be as interesting as your reason for being here?”

“That was the truth!” She said rounding on him. She had been walking towards a path she could beyond the clearing; she assumed he would tell her if she was going the wrong way; he was right behind her after all. “I never said it wasn’t, Querida.” “Can you refrain from calling me that?” In reply he rode forward, grabbed her and swung her unto the horse; right in front of him. She screamed again and tried but failed to get out of his grasp. “You can’t take me home! Do you know what my father would say if I arrived astride your horse looking like this? Did you bother to think about the possible consequences of your taking me home? No! Of course not! You only…” “I only planned on taking you to the main road.” “I…oh…right…um thank you…but why couldn’t you just ask? You nearly gave me heart attack!” “I did ask.” “And I said no…” “Would you rather walk?” “Actually no…well…thank you” She said grudgingly and turned away, staring right in front of her. “The pleasure is mine.” For the next five minutes they rode in silence; perhaps the man had decided to leave her to her own musings… “What color is your dog?” or not. “Why?” “If it’s seen I would think you would want it returned to you.” “He’s brown with a white nose.” The odd silence prompted her to thank him once again. “Again the pleasure is mine.” They rode on for about ten minutes in silence until they reached the main road.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to take you home?” “Yes. I’m sure. Thank you again. Goodbye Don Santiago.” “Please call me Ally.” “Only if you call me Alex” Wait! Where had that inappropriate outburst come from? And the man was smiling. He turned his horse around saying, “Goodbye Alex, we’ll see soon enough.” “What did he mean by that, she wondered. She was still puzzling over this when something or someone grabbed her arm. “Come with me!” “Señorita Honduras! What are you …?” “I should be asking you the same question, Alexandra”. Alex hated being called Alexandra and Honduras was one of the few people who actually called her that. “But I’m sure your father will be capable of asking you himself.” “My…my father? You didn’t? You couldn’t have…” “The minute I saw you sneaking in here…I never thought the Don could be so…” “The Don did nothing!” Alex said, tearing her arm away. “And I can find my own way home, thank you very much!” With that she turned and started towards home. “Somebody’s in trouble,” her younger sister Adele sang. “Daddy wants to see you.” “Do you know why?” “Oh no; I never listen to other people’s conversations” “Liar!” She went towards the stairs but hesitated on the first step; perhaps her sister could be of some help. “Do you know who he was talking to?” “I’m not your spy”, she said superciliously and returned to what she was sewing. “I hope you prick your finger.” “I hope you break your heart.” “What is that supposed to mean?” “Nothing.”

“Then why did you say it? Why would I break my heart?” “Why, why, pigeon pie.” “Of course, your little bouts of madness.” Alex said going up the stairs, her sister’s laughter following her. “Come in, Alexandra.” (Her father was the only other person who called her that… well her brother did but only when he was extremely angry). She walked in and closed the door behind her. “Alexandra, I will not beat about the bush. I ask you: Why were you sneaking around in Don Santiago’s fields?” “I wasn’t sneaking around. I was trying to find Menelaus.” “Señorita Honduras says you where on his horse draped all over him.” “She would.” Alex muttered. “What was that?” “Nothing.” “There. See?; even now you disrespect me.” “I’m not trying to be disrespectful, father.” She said slowly. “Why do you do this to me, Alexandra?” “I was just…” “Is that the way of a lady of my household? Do you know what it means for my own daughter to be seen with a man? Unattended!?” “But you know the Don…’ “It is of no consequence whether I know him or not. From now on…” “Excuse me father” Lincoln, her elder brother came in right on time, in her opinion. “There’s a man who wishes to see you on some very important matters.” He looked quizzically at Alex, who refused to meet his eye. “I’ll talk to you after dinner, Alexandra.” Her father said and left the room.

“What did you do this time?” Lincoln asked. “Nothing whatsoever.” “Nothing whatsoever?” “Nothing whatsoever.” She reaffirmed. “Then why is father livid and Adele overjoyed.” “I’m starting to hate that girl.” “She grows on you after a while.” “Like a parasite?” She asked with a grin. “You know I didn’t mean that…”He laughed. “I used to hate you too; everyone treating you like glass…come to think of it they still do; I just stopped noticing when I started doing it myself.” “This is all that snakes fault.” Alex said, vehemently. “That Honduras woman?” “See the nickname makes sense.” “Careful; the walls have ears.” “Our walls wouldn’t tell hers anything. Besides I’m not afraid of her. All she has is her viper’s tongue and I don’t care about talk.” “Maybe you should.” “Maybe you should.” She imitated him “Don’t be so supercilious. You don’t care about talk either. You’ve said so yourself many times.” “I don’t have to. You, on the other hand, do.” He left the room. “Stop being so damned prophetic, Lincoln. It doesn’t fit you.” Alex sat cross-legged on her bed her eyes wide with rapturous delight. Her personal maid, Bernadine, busied herself with some articles of clothing while she listened with interest to her lady speak. “Oh Bernadine, you should have been there!” Alex gushed.

“My lady, I think you would rather I wasn’t there.” “Yes, yes, you’re right. But Bernadine his arms…” “Yes?” “He was so strong and so…so manly. And his smell…” “His smell?” “Oh no. I meant his cologne. It was…it made me so lightheaded. And his smile was…it was heavenly.” “Was it really?” Adele’s sneering voice floated into the room as she walked in. “Don’t you ever knock?” “And miss the looks on people’s faces when I come in? Of course not!” “Get out Adele!” “Fine!” She said, stalking out and slamming the door behind her. “Trust her to ruin my fantasy.” “My lady, may I make a suggestion?” “If it doesn’t involve the disappearance of my sister, please don’t. No, really do go on.” “Well I think she’s lonely; maybe if you talked to her…You and Master Lincoln never pay any attention to her and she…well maybe she needs that.” “If this were any other person, Bernadine, honestly, I would agree with you but my sister doesn’t need to talk to me; she’s part of every conversation in this house, even though the other people involved don’t know she’s there.” “But maybe if you invited her to talk, she wouldn’t have to listen at keyholes.” She doesn’t have to listen at keyholes; she doesn’t need to hear what is being said behind closed doors.” “What she needs is someone to talk to, there’s no one her age around here.” “What she needs is a good thrashing and I’m sorry Bernadine but I don’t want to talk about my sister; she’s selfish and full of spite.”

“Selfish maybe, but full of sadness not spite.” “Bernadine…” “Oh Ok.” She said raising her arms up in mock surrender. “So what did the Don look like?” “Did I tell you about his eyes? They’re green! Can you imagine green eyes? And his hair was as black as ebony!” The dinnig room was large enough to seat twenty and was not at all to Alejandro’s taste. The room was well lit, especially the side on which he sat and ate in silence. His long time friend, Narciso chose that moment to enter then promptly begged pardon and was about to leave when Ally called him back. “Narciso, come dine with me.” “Oh Señor I could not.” “Would you deny me this one thing; eating alone is very boring.” “Is it really, Señor?” “Yes Narciso. You know it is.” “Then far be it from me to deny you my company”, he said, sitting down. “I’m glad your ready wit has not left you.” “This is like old times.” “In the fields…” “By the river…” Alejandro laughed then said, “I really wanted to talk to you. You’ve become so distant. Is it something I said?” “He’s sick of your company, Ally.” “Carlos! Welcome! Come join us.” “Don’t need to be asked twice.” He said sitting down. “How about a toast?” asked Narciso. “To long life.” “To women”, said Carlos.

“To fields and horses.” said Alejandro. Chapter 2 Ally was fingering a sword. He was in huge room with a high ceiling, a fighting court of sorts, which had an assortment of weapons hung on almost every bit of space on the walls. It was equipped with everything necessary for a fight but did not have seating for onlookers, it was a private court. It, however, had benches at opposite ends of the room, upon one of which, sat Ally. The chamber had twelve windows, (three in each wall) high in the walls. A door, of which there were two opposite each other, opened. Carlos walked in and asked, “Are you planning on killing anyone?” “Yes, you…,” he replied jokingly. “This was fathers” “I know. I used to come in here and play with his weapons.” “And he would come in and tell you to stop but you never did.” “How about a fight?” Carlos suddenly asked. “A fight? Surely you jest.” “No, I’m serious. Come on. Are you afraid you’ll lose?” “I hardly ever lost to father once he’d thought me. Why would I lose to you?” Ally asked in good natured fun. “Or were you planning on paying me to let you win? It would cost you more than you can afford” “Are we doing this or are you just going to talk?” Carlos asked with a tinge of impatience in his voice. “Alright then. Choose your weapon.” Alex flipped through the book she was reading not really paying attention to the words. She kept glancing up and looking around the room and every time she looked down she would flip through a few pages. Ordinarily she would have been enjoying the story but she had other things on her mind. They had just had breakfast (a meal Alex considered to be the most tedious of them all especially since Adele was present…where was she anyway?) and were lounging in one of the many parlors the mansion consisted of. Her brother, Lincoln, who was seating opposite her, looked up from the newspaper he was going through and said, “Either you’ve suddenly developed the ability to read at lightening speed or you’re not really reading that book.” She put the book down with a smile and said, “I’m not” “A penny for your thoughts.”

“My thoughts aren’t worth a penny.” “Can I have them for free then?” “I’m thinking of a word that starts with the letter ‘A’. Can you guess what word it is?” “Is it a name?” “You know then?” She asked, sitting up. “Actually no.” Lincoln replied, slightly surprised at her enthusiasm. “Oh…well it’s the…Alehandro Santiago…you know him don’t you?” “The one I met in Monterrey?” “Yes. He lives here and…oh Lincoln I think I’m in love.” “You’re obviously infatuated…but wait…I’m remembering something.” As he said this a smile began to play across his face. “Don’t remind me Lincoln,” Alex said. She felt her ears getting hot. “No, no, this is too funny,” He had started laughing now. “You fancied that fop from Belgium. What was his name?” “Michelangelo. Yes, yes and he was…” “Married…he was bloody married.” “It’s not funny, Lincoln. Elder brothers are supposed to be compassionate to their sisters.” “You were ten! I still can’t believe you sneaked up into…” “Go on laugh! You never take me seriously, no one does.” She said with an exaggerated pout. Lincoln got up and playfully ruffled her hair as he left the room. She said nothing but stared at his retreating back. She had hoped Lincoln would forget that incident with Mike. But then no body would ever forget everything she had done in London. She had been young and restless; why couldn’t anyone see her differently now. She got up and went out to the balcony breathing in the tangy sea air. Alex had been coming to this balcony lately to think and just dream. Her mother had always said she was a romantic, always playing at being a princess while Jeremy Collingwood, one of her very good friends, played the prince. In her minds eye, she saw a fairy tale romance in which a handsome prince would come and sweep her off her feet. She’d never told anyone about this fantasy mainly because it sounded so silly and childish and also because the likelihood of that ever happening was slim. Back home she was everyone’s friend, but

nothing else. No one saw her as a woman. Couldn’t people see that she had grown up? Couldn’t they see her as anything but a tomboy who was good company? In her tight knit circle of friends her behavior which had fallen just short of recklessness, was not looked down upon and she had had such good connections that not even the strictest of the ton would dare to ostracize her. But then her friends got married and even her connections couldn’t save her from the scorn of all the eligible men who weren’t friends. Perhaps that was why they weren’t friends. Who wanted a reckless redhead with a temper to scorch the earth as their wife? Apparently nobody did or she would have been snatched up immediately. Her dowry alone would attract many and she wasn’t exactly ugly. In fact she was vain enough to classify herself as beautiful. So why at eighteen wasn’t she married. She pretended she didn’t care when half of her friends were married at sixteen but the prospect of becoming an old maid was enough to have her at her wits end. She could not adopt a completely different lifestyle…no she wouldn’t. Of all the things her mother had told her, she remembered her constantly reminding Alex to be herself. The problem was that England did not accept individuality quite so well. So maybe it was time to take a different approach. In most cases the move to California had been the best thing to have happened to her. She could start over. She had made a resolution to get married by the end of this year and then Alehandro Santiago had practically fallen into her lap. Or rather she had fallen into his. That couldn’t happen again. From now on she would be the epitome of lady-like behavior. As hard as it was to admit, her father was right. “Give up, Carlos?” Ally asked, his sword holding up his brother’s chin. “How do you do it?” Carlos asked, still on the floor. “Do what?” Ally asked sheathing his sword. “You know, sword fighting.” “Like I said before, father taught me. Come get up.” He replied, holding out his hand. Carlos accepted the offer and with Ally’s aid got up. “Do you think you could teach me? It might come in handy someday.” He asked tentatively. “Of course I … why would it come in handy? You aren’t still fighting that Hernandez boy are you?” “Not right now but… if I could prove myself better than him maybe I’ll get some respect from people here.” “You don’t need to prove yourself to anyone.” “No you don’t, I’m…I’m just your little brother and nothing else. I just need a few pointers and I could take him.” “I’m not going to teach you to kill yourself.” Ally said, an edge to his voice.

“You don’t think I could win?” “I don’t think you have to.” “Have to? Have to? What do you know about what people have to do? You don’t have to do anything here. Every one respects you, everyone knows you and if they don’t they want to. That’s your life, your perfect life that you don’t have to do anything in because everyone does it for you. Do you know what my life is like? Of course not. You don’t have to so why would you. Let me give a little insight into my life. Every day I have to stand behind you even if you aren’t there. I’m your shadow, your little brother from England, the gringo. No one respects me the way they do you. No one cares what I say or what I do. I’m stuck being your shadow for the rest of my life and you tell me about what I have to do. You don’t know anything about what people have to do. What’s more you don’t care. I ask you for one thing one little thing and you won’t give it to me. For heavens sake, I’m your own flesh and blood and you…” “Stop Carlos,” Ally bit out, “I’ve heard what you have to say and…” “No you haven’t. You still think this is okay. Well it’s not…” “Shut up Carlos! You claim to live a hard life yet I don’t see that. And I think you of all people are the last to be making assertions about my life. You want my life? Well you can’t handle it. You couldn’t last one day in my shoes. You see that out there,” He pointed at a wall, “I have to run every aspect of it. I have to deal with people who all want different things and get them to work together. I have to deal with their issues. They come to me. Not because I’m their favorite person in the world but because that’s my job. It’s called responsibility, brother dear,” He made the words sound like an epithet, “something which you know nothing about.” They stood opposite each other, Ally with his hands clenched and his eyes glinting and Carlos looking mutinous. He was red in the face and his knuckles were white as he gripped the sword hilt. “Fine!” He said, “Fine. Here, have the stupid sword.” He threw it at Ally’s feet, spun around and stormed out of the chamber, slamming the door through which he had come in. The opposing door opened revealing Narciso. “Maybe you should teach him.” Ally turned to him and just stared at him for a while then, looking as though he were pondering something, asked, “How long have you been there?” “Long enough.” Narciso replied. Ally checked his pocket and felt a set of keys. He looked back at Narciso, who had an impassive expression, inwardly shrugged then asked, “And you really think I should teach him?” “It’s not necessarily what I think. Perhaps a strengthening of the bond you share would help him on the path to self actualization.” “Perhaps, perhaps not. I just don’t want him to feel ready and jump into a fight with Hernandez, thinking he can win.”

“Maybe he is ready…” “Trust me, he’s not. Carlos has so much energy but just puts it in all the wrong places. From what I know of Hernandez, he’s excellent with swords. He could beat Carlos in his sleep.” “An excellent reason why you should teach him. The knowledge certainly won’t be wasted.” “That’s the thing. As long as he does not think he’s up to it, he won’t put himself in any unnecessary danger.” At this point Narciso laughed. “What’s so funny?” Ally asked. “I’m just imagining the look that would have been on your face, if your father had told you this.” The laughter gone, he said, “Ally, you can refuse to teach him but you can’t stop him from fighting. One day he’ll want to fight and he’ll go out hoping to prove something. You aren’t going to be there on that day so don’t you think it would be better if he knew something of the art?” Ally looked at the sword Carlos had thrown at his feet. He bent, picked it up and said, “I just hope I’m doing the right thing.” Chapter 3 Alex lay in her bed, relishing the warmth around her. Sucks to England! She could just imagine what the weather would be like there and shivered involuntarily. Although she had grown up in England, she had never liked the chilling temperatures and had acquired an affinity for velvet. Wearing that now was ridiculous. In fact wearing anything other than cotton and perhaps silk – she could never abandon silk – was impossible. It was just too warm. Well not really; early in the morning and late in the night, when the cool air had its vengeance, one really needed some kind of cover. And even then the only one she would be dressing up for was the sand man and he apparently found tousled hair and a rumpled night gown quite appropriate in his court. A very childish night gown, might she add. It was sooooooo awfully appropriate, that Alex often closed her eyes to the sight in order to stop herself from ripping the horrid thing to shreds. It really was too apposite for her tastes but, by English standards, she was still a child and a child’s clothing she must wear until she had her official debut At least that was what was supposed to happen. It was not that she minded missing her debutante ball – it might well have been a disaster – but then again she could have actually gotten married. And then…then she would know. She would know all sorts of things that her friends (married as they were) had hinted to her about. She knew one thing at least; she would not have to wear this entrapment ever again. A thought flashed through her mind, she shoved it away immediately then stopped herself. Why did she just do that? Was it so embedded in her mind that she was a child and would always be one, that she could not even bring herself to venture into the recesses of her mind and dwell on the thoughts that lay there? She felt angry with herself and everyone at that moment. Currently she had even less freedom than her sister (more so than before now that she was restricted to the mansion indefinitely. Sometimes…) who was allowed to run wild and yet never actually did so. She would probably rub it in her face this…how long was this going to last? Ugh! And even with her limited mobility, she

couldn’t even think whatever she wanted to. Despite the anger building up in her, however, she could not bring herself to think anything inappropriate and it was their fault. Honestly! She thought bitterly, punching a pillow into shape. Why was it that everyone (and by that she meant her family) seemed to acknowledge, even encourage the thought that she was growing up, in England but seemed to forget that fact here. She tossed and turned herself back into a turbulent slumber and was suddenly very aware of a tall, dark-haired, green-eyed, man, standing beside her on a balcony overlooking nothing. They (the man and she) were talking but he was having some difficulty telling her something. “You know, Alex, you really are beautiful and yet so…so innocent. I can’t tell you how much it hurts me to say this. I just felt you ought to know first.” “Ally,” she said softly, “Don’t say it if it’s that bad.” She put her hand on his shoulder even as her mind screamed at her to run away; she would not want to hear whatever it was that he had to say. Her body had other ideas; every outward message she was sending was of acceptance and she did not want accept. “I have to. It’s better this way.” “No! No it’s not. How could it be if you and I aren’t together?” “So you understand. I’m terribly sorry to end this…what we had, like this but I met someone who… I was hoping we could still be very good friends like…” “I’m terribly sorry too Ally,” she said cutting him off, “But we can never be truly friends.” Then she turned around and jumped off the balcony. She woke with a jolt and felt a chill as she sat up exposing herself to the cool breezes. At that moment Bernadine entered, carrying a tray of breakfast things. “My lady you look like you’ve just seen a ghost. Is something wrong?” Bernadine asked, looking perturbed. It took a while for Alex to understand the question; she was still trying to shake of the ugliness of her dream. “No Bernie, everything is just fine.” She deliberated each word, trying more to convince herself than Bernadine. “Come talk to me about your brothers again. I don’t feel quite up to breakfast right now.” “It’s freezing, Ally. Why do we have to get up this early?” Carlos asked, rubbing his hands together. They were in an outdoor court similar to the indoor one. “You want to learn don’t you? Well part of your lesson is discipline of your mind as well as your body so get used to the cold; we’ll be out here for a long time. Besides, you should be used to the cold. England can’t be much warmer than this.” “Don’t remind me, “Carlos muttered. “And why can’t we do this in the indoor court?”

“Well if I didn’t try to dissuade, you what kind of brother would I be?” Ally answered, while he traced something in the dirt floor. “So you’re doing this to dissuade me?” Carlos asked, incredulous. Ally didn’t answer but continued his tracing. He stepped back to asses his work then turned to Carlos and said, “Alright. This is a circle of combat. Within it are three smaller circles representing agility, courage and strength respectively…” “How come they’re…?” “Don’t interrupt. The circles are eccentric because each skill represented is connected to the other. To move from one circle to another, you must have mastered the skill it represents.” The larger circle was about twelve feet in diameter. And each smaller circle was about four feet in diameter. They intersected at certain points that were just big enough for a man to stand in. Carlos looked at the circles for a while and asked, “Are you joking?” Ally smiled then burst out laughing. A reluctant Carlos joined him. Then Ally stopped, and, looking as serious as possible, said, “No.” He walked away towards a metal box he had brought down with him leaving a bewildered Carlos staring at him. “You really have a sick sense of humor you know,” he said disgruntled. “I try,” Ally replied a ghost of a smile still lingering on his face. He dragged the box back to where Carlos was still standing and opened it. It was velvet on the inside with indentations in which lay five swords. “My personal collection,” Ally said, a note of pride in his voice. “You need to start with something new. Apparently you seem to be more familiar with father’s swords than any other,” He said this with his eyebrows raised as though wondering how that could be possible. “In any case, you are going to start with one of these since whatever you were doing with father’s swords isn’t working.” Carlos flushed and a defiant expression crept into his eyes. And he mumbled, “That wasn’t my fault.” Ally got up, put his hand on his brother’s shoulder and said, “I know and we’re going to remedy that.” He drew away and then said, “First pick a sword. Don’t just pick one, play around with them, and see which one fits your hand and which one you can move with. I’ll be right back.” He turned and walked briskly out of the court which, although it was outside, was enclosed. Carlos knelt and ran his hands over each sword in turn. They glistened and looked as though they had never been touched. He picked one up that was encrusted with emeralds. He smiled, they matched his eyes and the sword looked light and supple. He picked it up and was surprised at the weight. It was lighter than he had thought. He began to have doubts, would the sword hold up to another of greater weight and size? He swung it and felt a new respect for it. The sword cut through the air like a knife through butter. There was nothing wrong with it. He would just have to find out if it was strong enough. He looked down at the other swords but the one in his hand seemed to outshine them all. It

seemed to call to him. Take me, take me. He swung it through the air again enjoying the sheer power emanating from it. “Good choice,” Ally said, walking in, “You obviously have good taste. It’s a beautiful sword but most would reject it for fear of its being too small.” “Would you have picked this sword?” Carlos asked. “No,” Ally replied flatly, “But then I’m used to heavier ones and wouldn’t want to handicap myself in a fight. Alright, This circle is where you start,” He said indicating one of the circles, “It represents agility and you will have to learn basic thrusts and swings and be able to do them as fast as you think. But then you should not have to think after a while, it’ll all become reflex.” Ally walked over to the box and picked up one of the swords. He turned to Carlos who was standing in the circle of agility. “Your stance is good which means we won’t have to work on that.” Carlos grinned. “However,” he continued, “Your grip is…lets just say your sword could be separated from you very easily. But we’ll work on that.” He walked over to Carlos and said, “You hold your sword like this,” He indicated what he wanted Carlos to do on his own sword. “Your thumb and your other fingers will form a vee.”

Chapter 4 The stair squeaked and Alex stilled her progress. She waited for the inevitable sound of her sister coming out to foil her plans. It didn’t come. She shrugged mentally and took a leap over the next three steps since she couldn’t remember which one of them was the second squeaker and didn’t want to find out. Reaching the bottom of the stairs she made her way towards the lower balcony – she had named it that – and after looking about her twice she swung herself over the edge landing as she knew she would on the soft sand with nothing but dusty slippers to show for her trip. Making her way to the stables she told herself her trip had nothing whatsoever to do with a certain green-eyed lord. xx “Senorita Alexandra what brings you here?” Alex smiled at the young hostler, Antonio, who she had become fast friends with once she got to know him; he loved horses and as they were one of her passions she could hardly dislike him. He was, however, very set in his ways which were constantly clashing with hers. “What else but for a horse to ride into the city.” “I cannot allow you to go without an escort.” He said flatly. She groaned inwardly; this was one of his ways which she always balked at. “I don’t need an escort, Antonio. You forget that I am very capable of handling myself.”

“Be that as it may I do not believe the city is safe enough for you to venture out alone.” “Why must you be so difficult?” She asked, with an exasperated smile on her face. “I would ask you the same question if I did not know that that quality, for you, is inherent.” “In that case there is really nothing to argue about,” She said with an exaggerated sigh, “I suppose I may never experience the city.” “Why must you always get your way?” Antonio asked, ignoring the disconsolate expression on her face. “Why must you always deny me my way?” Was her rejoinder. “You really are very spoilt.” He attempted a serious expression while a smile kept trying to creep across his face. Swinging herself up to sit on the ledge he leaned against, she said, “You know that’s the second…no third time I’ve heard that this week.” “Perhaps there is some truth to it then.” She looked down at him and said, with what could have been a frown on her face, “Perhaps you, my father and my brother are all wrong.” “Your father!?” He laughed, “What have you now?” “Why is it that I must have done something?” “Because your father is the most liberal man I have ever known and for him to attest to your being spoilt, you must have done something.” “How very deductive of you but I would rather not discuss it.” “He would not have forbidden you from leaving the house, would he?” “How…you knew? You knew and you let me try…You wretch! You absolute wretch!” “I may be a wretch but I’m one who will not have the wool pulled over his eyes. Especially not by a slip of a girl like you.” The smile in his eyes belied his serious tone so she knew he might still let her go. “Well! I suppose there’s nothing for it then. I’m going to ask you straight up though I see no reason why I have to ask at all. Can I please have a horse, preferably my horse, to go into the city without having to worry about my father finding out?”

“No.” Apparently facial expressions were very deceptive. “No?” “No.” “You really are most annoying, you know.” “I know.” “For lack of any other topic to discuss, why in heavens name can’t you just turn a blind eye while I, I repeat, I saddle a horse and go to the city, which may I remind you, is hardly a great distance from here.” “I’ve told you before; the city is a very dangerous place…” “Oh Bull!” She interjected, “I’ve gone to the city may times before now and I haven’t been robbed, raped or kidnapped.” “Do not jest with serious matters. If I were to let you go and any of those things you have just disdained were to happen to you, I could never forgive myself nor could your father forgive me. I suggest you stop your rendezvous into the city if you have actually gone there many times because one day you may come to regret your rashness.” “You needn’t get so bloody angry, Toni, I wouldn’t put myself in harms way…today was just…special.” One black eyebrow went up as he asked, “Special?” “Yes Toni, special. So special that I cannot even begin to tell you why.” “I cannot let you disobey your father.” Was his simple comment. She sighed then said, “You’re a good friend Antonio, but you really are too honest by far.” “It’s one of my many faults.” He said softly as he watched her leap down the ledge and flit out of the stable. xx If I can’t go on horseback I might as well go on foot; it isn’t very far after all. She thought this to herself as she made her way through the winding pseudo-shortcut which was hidden by the tall grass that she had gotten lost in when she’d found last Monday. She was already half way and she wasn’t about to turn back. She found the door where she knew it would be and as expected it was open. Going through it she was met with the

familiar smell of poppies. The field before stretched out with them. She ran across knowing that she could be seen easily by anyone and reached the high wall that she had been coming to everyday since she had learned of what was going on the other side. It had been coincidence - or perhaps it had not been - that she had found out about the fencing lessons and since then she had sneaked out of her house to watch. She’d made the mistake of trying to get a horse for that purpose today but that was one mistake she wouldn’t make again. Besides, she thought as she climbed up the wall by the rungs on the side, she was here wasn’t she? She reached the top - which, she had been surprised to find, was wide enough for five men to stand comfortably side by side - and sat with her feet dangling over the edge on her side. Hoping the lessons weren’t over, she turned to find herself being observed by two sets of remarkably green eyes.

Chapter 5 The younger of them smiled then burst out laughing. No doubt at the incredulity of her situation, Alex thought, her face burning. A large part of her wanted to jump down the way she had come but a small part of her wanted to brazen this out and stay. She looked down at the tall grass wondering how much it would hurt if she were to actually jump. “Don’t even think about it.” His voice cut through the air like a whip. He had obviously realized what she meant to do. She looked back at him and shivered at the coolness of his gaze. “I wouldn’t dream of it.” She knew her false air of calm was misplaced but then it was all she had. “Carlos.” He snapped at his laughing brother. “Please have Jeremiah bring a ladder here.” Carlos, still laughing, left the court. He stared at her for a while, his arms crossed across his chest. She attempted a smile but failed miserably as his cold stare burned through her. “Do you mind telling me exactly why it is that you’re sitting on a thirty foot wall?” “Why I should have thought that obvious, sir.” “It isn’t. So why don’t you enlighten me.” “I merely wished to…” “Do you know how old that wall is?” “Well no but…”

“Do you realize how easily it would have been for one of those rungs you found so convenient to give way?” “I believe they could have taken my weight.” “A child half you size felt the same way and attempted the climb. One of them came loose and he fell, dislocating his spine.” Alex winced inwardly but the stubborn streak in her refused to back down quietly. Why was he so angry anyway? It wasn’t as though she’d forced him to help her down. She was almost sure she could have gotten down on her own and said so. He didn’t reply and merely glanced behind him to check if his brother had returned. “You know I do believe you’re a very good teacher. I’ve been watching you for quite some time and I can safely say that you’re almost as good as I am.” Ridiculous conversation no doubt but the silence was nerve racking and she had to imagine what he intended once she got… no once he got her down. He didn’t even blink and just stared at her. “You know I’m getting quite giddy here so maybe I could just…” “If you move I will personally break every bone in your body.” Well that was a threat that bore consideration. Of course he wasn’t being literal but it might not be the most judicious thing to do, trying to get down on her own. “In other words I risk breaking every bone in my body…or breaking every bone in my body?” “I see you understand.” Was his only reply. At that moment, though, Carlos returned with a swarthy man of relative height. They held a ladder between them though Alex had a slight suspicion the other man, (Jeremiah?) would have liked it better had he bourn the implement himself. He didn’t make any comment upon seeing her and she decide to remain silent herself. The ladder was placed against the wall and it reached even higher. She glanced at it fretfully, shrugged then got up shakily and moved towards it. Having climbed down the rungs on the wall many times, she got down with relative ease and, upon reaching the ground, couldn’t resist giving a bow. There had been such a silence below that she’d felt like a performer of sorts. When she straightened herself, she faced the Don Santiago and he wasn’t smiling. Well what did you expect; he wasn’t exactly singing your praises while you were on the wall. What she didn’t expect was for him to suddenly grab her hand and drag her behind him out of the court. An that was exactly what he did. “You’ll forgive me if I was rather surprised to find you on that wall.” He said with surprising calmness. “You’ll also forgive me if I seemed overly protective and thus irrationally angry.”

Well she hadn’t intended to go that far but… “I hope too that you’ll also forgive me if I feel justified in asking you what God’s name you thought you were doing up there.” “You know I could tell you if you weren’t going quite so fast.” “You know I think you could tell me this if your father was here…or we were with him. I wouldn’t want to tax him but I find I’ve become extremely curious. I wouldn’t mind taking the time to…” “Don’t! I mean you don’t have to bring my father into this.” She felt cold and she could imagine the look on her father’s face if he learned about this. Or when he learned about this. Hells fires! She couldn’t let him find out. “Look,…Don," She started. "Ally." He said bitingly. "Right. Ally, we can resolve this without my father. You don’t know what he would do…” “I doubt it would be anything you don’t deserve.” She didn’t say anything to that but plowed on trying, but only halfheartedly, to loosen his grip on her wrist. “We’re two adults…” He laughed at that. “I don’t deny my being an adult, querida, but I wouldn’t bet too much on you.” He’d stopped at the foot of the stairs and his eyes seemed to hold hers. “I could show you that I’m a woman.” She wasn’t sure from whence that had come but, standing on her toes, she leaned forward and kissed him. He’d let go of her hand, doubtless, shocked. She took a step backwards, red from the roots of her hair to her toes. He didn’t seem affected but when her lips had touched his and she’d brushed against his chest it was if the world had shook. Or perhaps it was just she who was shaking. “I hope, Alexandra, that that was not your attempt to convince me of your womanhood. I could have sworn you were at least eighteen but now I wouldn’t go past fifteen.” She glared at him, feeling herself turn an even darker shade of red. “Well if you would at least cooperate.” He seemed to be trying to hold back laughter when she threw her arms around his neck and leaned forward for another kiss. This one was different. She could feel him responding too. Could feel his mouth moving across hers, his arms coming around her and his tongue fighting for an entrance into her still closed mouth. She let him and the heat spread through her. Alex moved closer and he suddenly let go of her and moved away.

She didn’t swoon, she’d never swooned in her life. But it was a close thing. He was breathing as harshly as she and his eyes were alive. “Go home, Alexandra.” His words didn’t make sense to her but then she wasn’t sure anything would have right then. “What?” She asked. “Go home. Go somewhere. Just go!” She shrank away from his words but after a moment, she turned and ran out the way they’d come in. A/N: Can’t say I’m not sorry but I had a really good reason for not updating. I had exams…ok I’m sorry. Nehoot here’s chapter 5. Tell me what you think cause it would really help. I know you know I know you know want to review. Cheers! Starox.

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