Ald Officer Application Packet 2006-07

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 Officer Application, 2006-07

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Officer and Director Application Packet


 Officer Application, 2006-07

THE PROCESS o Completed applications are due by Wednesday, April 19th at 6:30pm o

Applications should be turned in in-person to the current chapter president, Jessica King


Electronic copies will not be accepted


Applications can be turned in early by being dropped off at the office of the Honors th Scholars Program on the 7 floor of Swift Hall.


You may apply for as many positions as you are interested in. Please indicate that on your application and appropriately rank your choices in order of interest, with 1 being your first choice.


We are NOT holding elections.


Completed applications will be reviewed by current officers and directors.


Following review of the paper applications, all eligible applicants will then be invited for an interview where they will meet with 2-3 current officers to discuss the positions and what the applicant believes they can contribute to our organization.


Interviews will be informal but you should still present yourself in a positive light and be prepared to talk about why you are interested in becoming an officer or director for Alpha Lambda Delta.


Upon completion of all interviews, current officers will meet to form the executive board of officers and directors for the 2006-07 school year.


A transitional, day retreat will be held in mid- to late-May so that future officers can get to know one another and past officers can pass on their experiences and knowledge about the position.


Officers for the 2006-07 school year will take over during the last meeting of the academic year!

Questions or concerns about the application process or anything else can be directed to Jessica King, via e-mail at [email protected] or by phone at 513-227-2837.

 Officer Application, 2006-07

OFFICERS Positions, Descriptions and Expectations President o

Presiding officer, responsible for leading member and officer meetings


Helps to create an interest in ALD among members and prospective members


Maintains good communication between officers, advisors, and members


Should be aware of all facets of Alpha Lambda Delta at a national and local level


Primary representative of the University of Cincinnati chapter to the campus and university community, as well as at the national level

Vice President of Administration o

Assumes role of President upon his/her absence


Works closely with the President in planning and executing all chapter business, specifically issues surrounding Campus Scheduling requests and general preparation for meetings


Should be particularly knowledgeable about how the organization operates

Vice President of Programming o

Primary person of contact for Directors


Direct liaison between Directors and Officers


Works in conjunction with committees to organize and carry out activities for the chapter, specifically ensuring that at least one activity from each committee is held every quarter

Secretary o

Handles all correspondence and records


Keeps clear, accurate reports


Records meeting minutes for officer and member meetings and promptly sends them via e-mail within 48 hours


Is very organized and reliable

Treasurer o

Handles the financial affairs of the chapter


Keeps accurate records


Pays bills in a timely manner


Works with the president to prepare the annual financial report

 Officer Application, 2006-07

CHAIRS & DIRECTORS Positions, Descriptions, and Expectations

Community Service Chair o

Leader and spokesperson of the community service committee


Works with community service committee members in developing and enacting ideas for the chapter that center around community service and civic involvement


Communicates directly with VP of Programming

Social Activities Chair o

Leader and spokesperson of the social activities committee


Works with social activities committee members in developing and enacting ideas for the chapter that center around socializing, forming bonds and friendships within ALD


Communicates directly with VP of Programming

Scholarship Chair o

Leader and spokesperson of the scholarship committee


Works with scholarship committee members in developing and enacting ideas for the chapter that center around scholarship and academic-related topics


Communicates directly with VP of Programming

Initiation Chair o

Leader of the initiation committee


Primary organizer and planner of the annual initiation ceremony and membership intake process for ALD


Works closely with chapter advisors to collect list of potential new members and mail letters of invitation to them


Coordinates information nights for prospective members


Primary facilitator of the initiation ceremony itself, including but not limited to: time and location, keynote speaker, food, decor

Internal Affairs Director o

Keeps the records of activities of the chapter in an informative and attractive way


Responsible for maintaining and updating the chapter scrapbook


Updates and maintains the ALD Blackboard account

 Officer Application, 2006-07 Name: ________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: ____________________ E-mail: ____________________________ Year in School: ______

Major: ____________________________

GPA: ________

Please rank the available positions in order of you interest. If you are not interested in a particular position, leave it blank. ___ President ___ VP of Administration ___ VP of Programming ___ Secretary ___ Treasurer

___ Community Service Chair ___ Social Activities Chair ___ Scholarship Chair ___ Initiation Chair ___ Internal Affairs Director

Why did you join Alpha Lambda Delta? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

Why are you interested in becoming an officer or committee chair? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ What types of leadership roles have you previously held, either at college or during high school? (You may also attach a resume in place of responding to this question.) ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

 Officer Application, 2006-07 What skills and abilities would you bring to our organization? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ What type of commitment would you be willing to make to Alpha Lambda Delta? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

The success of our organization depends on you and the contributions and dedication of our members. Thank you for your interest in assuming a leadership role within Alpha Lambda Delta for the upcoming academic year! We will carefully review all applications and contact you within the next couple of weeks. - Your Current 2005-06 Officers

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