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  • Pages: 65

“Madyam”  Madyam

madam untakkunnathu  “Madya vikraya sandhaana daana panaani varggitha”- Asthangahrudaya  Ethyl alcohol & Methyl alcohol  60 ml of 1% methyl alcohol can kill  Resp depression & loss of vision

“Arkkam”  Soma

resa of Vedas  “Arkka prakaasam” dictated by Ravana  Noted down by Mandodari, his sister.  Arrack from “Arkkam”

Medical use  Tinctures

of Modern medicine  Arishtas of Ayurveda  Rapid absorption “Aasukaarithvam” “Viplavarishtam”  Unni Vaidyan, SKP Attingal  P.O.Thomas Vaidyan, Jayabharatham Punaloor

“Madya keralam”  hAPPY




I crore Alcoholics in Kerala Drinks alcohol worth 10,000 crores

Lady’s only  Special

zones for IT professional  Women near Techno Park  Women’s Clubs in Kochi  Up to 5-6 pegs

Drinking  Panjab-7.9

Lit/person  Kerala-8.3 Lit  Kerala boys now start drinking at 14  1986-19yrs  1990-17yrs  2009-14yrs (Economic Review)

Kerala  Population-3.18

crores  Majority 20-25 age  90 % drinks  2008-2009-30,000 crores will be spent for liquor  109 lakhs cases IMFL & 41 lakhs Bear cases  State gets 2379 crores (last year 2055)

2008 Onam  KSBC

26.69 crores on Onam  15.11 on Uthradam  135 crores during onam week  Total (Toddy,unauthorised)-250 crores  2700 Brands in Kerala

Chalakudy & Karunagappally

Uthradam  18.20 crores in Chalakudy  16.50 crores in Karunagappally  14.22 in Kunnamkulam  (official figures only)

മദയയേേരളം 

1984 ല‍ േേരള സര‍കാര‍

വിറതയ 55.46 ‌ േോടിയെട മദയയം.

െമഡികല‌ േോേളജിനള അനെെ േള കടിയില‌ നിനണടയാകന .േളില‌ നിനള ോാഭം 50 േോടി.

അേോാടയ 5 േോടി. മനയ‌ േരാഗങള5‌ േോടി

2006 ല‌ വിറവരവയ 3143 േോടി. ‌ 2006 ല‌ േോാഡപേടം 42365. 50 ശതമാനെിനം ോരണം േളയ‌ മരിചവര‌ 3200. പരിേകറവര‌ അര ോകം. 30% നം ദീര‍ഘോോ ചിേില‍സ േവണം. േേരളെില‌ ഒര ോകെിന 28 േപര‌ അതഹതയയ ‌ െചയയയുന. ഓേരാ മണികോിലം ഓേരാ അതഹതയയ. നോല പങിനംോരണം േളയ‍കടി തെന.


Usage  RUM

60%  BRANDY 35%  Gin, wine, wiskey etc 2-3 %  Bear

Youngest age to start  1968-19yrs  1990-17yrs

 1995-14yrs  2008-12yrs

Reasons  Everyone

has money  Politics-gives liquor for participation  Manual laborers-”must”  Mental worries  Fashion  To get favour  To enjoy, for company ,”Fellowship”

India  3rd

in World  6.5 crore Alcoholics  Gov gets 21,600 crore  Loss 24,400 crores (Health problems, income loss, accidents, legal problems)

Accidents  58%

accidents due to Alcoholism  40 % RTA due to alcohol  Maximum accidents in week ends & Between 3-10 PM

Due to Alcohoism  84%

Homicides  83% assaults  74% Robbery  69% Rapes  Divorce  Poisoning-Hooch

Consequences  18%

loose jobs  37% have to borrow  66 goes for gambling/lottery

Liver   

Fatty Liver 90 % Hepatitis 10-20% Cirrhosis- Portal Hypertension Jaundice, splenomegaly Odema, Piles Gynecomastia, impotency Cancer ascitis

Investigations  USS  Endo-scopy  Urine-Bile

pigments, salts  Serum Bilirubin  Liver Function Tests

Last 25 yrs in Kerala  18

episodes of hooch deaths  220 deaths  Pachy Philip  Thirumulpaad

No protection by

•Liv 52 •Kamilari

Withdrawal symptoms  Rum

Fits  If no alcohol for 24-72 hrs  Delerium Tremens  Suicidal tendency  Wernickie’s Encephalitis-Thiamin def  Korsokow Psychosis-holes in memory (Wills, sellings, promises)

Alcohol content  Wine

10-20%  Rum 40%  Brandy 30-83%  Whiskey  Scotch  Vodka 30-50%

Bear  For

“cycling” experience  4 % alcohol  Most popular-after water & tea  Causes GOUT (high Uric acid in blood)

Accompanying foods    

Fried, Roasted Chilly Pickles Animal meats Result in Hypertension, Diabetes and high Cholesterol

Measurement  Full

750 ml  Half 375 ml  Quarter 180 ml  Large 60 ml (Peg)  Small 30 ml

“Kallolam nalloru vasthu….” Origin from Ezham  Dweepar, Ehavar  “Chetharauthu,Vikkaruthu,Kudikkaruthu”.  “Madyam Vishamanu.”  “Chethunnavaneyum narum;  kudikkunnavaneyum narum.”  “Neera”

De addiction Centres  TRADA-

Manganam  ADART-Palai  AA-Kottayam Inter Grpoup

Brain shrinks 

െവളളമടികേോാറനിങളടതോേചാോയ‍ െചറതായി െചറതായി വരനതായാണ‍ പതിയ പഠനെിെോ േെണടയെല‍. മസാചെസറയസിെോ െവോലസലി േോളജയ‌ ആണ‌ ഇത സംബനിച പഠനം നടെിയതയ‌. ആല‍കേഹാള‌ ഉപേയാഗികനവരെട തോേചാോിെന ആെേ വയയാപയ‍തെില‌ കോവ . ഡിമന‍ വരനതായാണ ഷയയ, ‌ നിരീക ചിോാ ൈവേോയയങള‍, ഓര‍മകോവയ‌ തടങിയ പരശങളിേോകയ‌ നയികനതിന‌ തോേചാര‌ ചരങനതയ‌ ോരണമാകനെവനം. പഠനങ

Stages of Alcoholism  Kakan  Kukkutam  Kazhukan  Markkatakam

േചനെണടയന‍ െവടടയിയിടടയ െചനതണയേപാെെ േിടകം പാോെകടടയുേളെട വശങളില‍ ോണെെടന, പച േോരന െവള നിോമാണ , ‌ ഇവയയ പെിസരയരോശെില‌ തിളങി ോണെെടം.

േരിമരഖന‍ നോല േറെ നിരെില‍ ോണെെടന ഇവ, മണണില‌ പറി പിടിചാണ േിടകനതയ

രാജെവമാോ 

രാജേീയെപരൌടി ഉള ഇെരം പാമേള‍, അനോ ശയനം േപാെോ ോണെെടന.. നോല തെവള നിോെില , ‌ നിരതേളെട വശങളില‍, അതീവ പരതാപേതാെടയം, െപരൌടിേയാട കടിയം നിവസികന.

അണോി 

ോടേളം പല‍േമടേളം പരിയം, െചനകതായ പരതോെില‌ കടി സനചരികെപടന.

Raktha Anali 

രക അണോി : അണോിയെട അളിയനായി വരെമനേിലം, തീരതം െവടയയസമായ സവയഭാവകാരാണ. പെെടേോാണ വിഹാര േേനദയങള‍.

Vaikittentha paripadi

Cirrhosis Liver

Universal problem  Sedation  Tranquilizer  Hypnotic  Anesthetic

actions depending on quantity consumed

 Rapidly

absorbed  With in 2-3 mts appear in blood  Maximum after 1 hr  Food retards absorption

Actions  CNS

not stimulated but depressed  Psychic depression Alcoholism is a Disease

Leads to………….         

Acute & Chronic intoxication Cirrhosis Toxic psychosis, hallucinations, knock outs Gastritis Pancreatitis Dr.Gerge Mathew MLA & Dr.Madan Mohan MD Cardio myopathy Peripheral neuritis Encephalopathy, Tremor,loss of memory Coma-

Cancer  Mouth  Pharynx  Larynx  Esophagus

Effects          

Sex - increases desire, takes away performance Suicides Homicides, violence RTA Family disorganization Crimes Loss of job, income Loss of productivity Debts Diseases-



Therapy  Prevention-Health

Education  Curative –nil (may arrest progress)  Palliative Medical Surgical  Liver Transplantation

AA - Alcoholic Anonymous 

Bill Wilson and Dr.Bob Smith co-founded AA with a word of mouth program to help alcoholics. Smith's last drink on June 10, 1935 is considered by members to be the founding date of AA. By 1937, Wilson and Smith determined that they had helped 40 alcoholics get sober, and two years later, with the about 100 members, Wilson expanded the program by writing a book entitled Alcoholics Anonymous which the organization also adopted as its name.

12 steps      

We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become unmanageable. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.

12 steps(contd)     

Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His Will for us and the power to carry that out. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.


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