Alchemy Of Medications Is Witchcraft

  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 3
Are you doing “Witchcraft?” Alchemy = Witchcraft ( Vodo! ) let us "study to show ourselves approved!" 1Sa 15:23 "For

rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the WORD of the CREATOR! You have also rejected the WORD from being RULER!" [Trusting in man's works instead of the WORDS that HEAL!] 2Chon 33:6 "And

Manasseh [seed of Lucifer] caused his children to pass through the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom: also he observed astrology, and used enchantments [spells], and used witchcraft [alchemy, potions] and worked with familiar spirits [demons] and with wizards: [witches and warlocks, magic,] he brought much evil in the sight of the WORD, to provoke HIM to ANGER!" [And anyone who does the same!] Gal 5:19-21 "Now

the works of the [fallen human mind] are manifest, which are these; Adultery, Fornication, Immorality, lasciviousness, [Looseness; indulgence of animal desires; wantonness; lustfulness] Idolatry, [worship of statues, pictures, idols, images, or any thing made by hands, or which is not the WORD,] witchcraft, (G5332; PHARMAKEIA, far-mak-e-ah, medication (“pharmacy”), that is, (by extension)

magic (literal or figurative,) hatred [envy or jealousy] variance [dispute or controversy; disagreement; dissension; discord] emulations [malice, angered by jealousy] wrath [unnatural passions] strife [contention, arguments] seditions [disunion, that is, dissension] heresies [choices of wrong doctrines] Envying [Ill will, dislike] murders drunkenness [using intoxicants] revellings [parties] and such like: of the which I tell you many times, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God." NOW, Anyone who does any ONE "item" on that list, or all on the list, shall NOT allow anyone to "inherit the kingdom," RULE of the WORDS of CREATION, and that is a FACT! Did you SEE "witchcraft " (G5332; PHARMAKEIA, far-mak-i-ah, medication (“pharmacy”), that is, (by extension) magic (literal or figurative,) NOTICE: I did NOT add to, or subtract from that definition in any way, shape of form! Those ORIGINAL WORDS of CREATION, are COPIED directly, from the 1890 STRONGS CONCORDANCE, and NO word was added or changed therein! Yes the WORDS of CREATION hates medications (“pharmacy” PHARMAKEIA, far-mak-i-ah,) And that includes makers thereof, distributors, dispensers, and users of their "poison potions!" You will find out on JUDGMENT Day, unless you TRUST in the WORDS of TRUTH, instead of pharmaceuticals, "witchcraft," [alCHEMy! ]

FACT of shear LOGIC and or common sense LAW: It does not matter how "LOFTY" anyone seems to be, (ie a doctor,) to the faulty perceptions of the "fallen human mind," If anyone, distributes any "medications" that actually have more dangerous "side effects" than the dis-ease, in and of itself, that the magic compounds are "SUPPOSED" to cure, and the "distributors" do not investigate the "side effects," as TOXIC substances, than any and ALL "distributors," [includes any parent,] are "guilty" of any damage, or wrongful death, and should and will, here of hereafter, suffer equal PUNISHMENT thereof! Just as ANYONE who ignores a "STOP SIGN," and maims or kills someone, are GUILTY, and should, [and will,] be punished for 1. MURDER 2. Manslaughter OR equally as severe a CRIME, 3. "DISREGARD FOR HUMAN LIFE!" And any and ALL of the "distributors" [anyone who dispenses or gives out said alCHEMy / TOXINS,] are "GUILTY" of stated CRIMES, just as if someone kills or maims anyone with a shot from a loaded gun, and they did not to SEE if the gun was loaded! So you better do more investigation in to these VODO magic potions called “medicine,” (mediSIN) before you stand before the JUDGE of judges for your eternal destination sentence! Larger FONT for the SEEING impaired!

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