Alcarras Track Notes

  • December 2019
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Overview 18 February 2009 18:48

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Alcarras Page 1

Corner 1 - Left, 130 deg 18 February 2009 18:24

Comment A tight left hand corner after long straight. It leads very quickly into another tight left hander, corner 2. Best treat them as one section.

Entry BP: Hard breaking - using the pit lane exit lines as a guide

TP: Marshal station on the outside

Apex Gear: 3rd (600, running lower gearing)

Exit Use all of the track, aim to get to edge of track at middle of far right kerb.

Alcarras Page 2

Corner 2 - Left, 60 deg 18 February 2009 22:45

Comment Left hander, mid speed.

Entry BP: No braking.

TP: Near the end of the rumble strip on the right.

Apex Gear: 3rd (600, running lower gearing)

Exit Use all of the track on the exit.

Alcarras Page 3

Corner 3 - Right, 150 deg 18 February 2009 18:54

Comment One of the few right handers - quite slow: This is the first right hander for over a minute, be aware of cold tyre on right.

Entry BP: ?

TP: There is a long thin strip of grass on the left, just before the corner: Use the beginning of this strip as a guide (might be out of date from video)

Apex Gear: 2nd

Exit Corner is initially tight, then opens up relative slowly - power out of corner carefully.

Alcarras Page 4

Corner 4 - Right, 65 deg 18 February 2009 22:42

Comment One of the few right handers - med speed.

Entry BP: ?

TP: ?

Apex Gear: 3nd

Exit Don't use all the track - messes up the next left hander, which is long.

Alcarras Page 5

Corner 5 - Left, 180 deg 18 February 2009 22:44

Comment A long left hand corner, so expect to hug the apex for some time. Leads onto a fast section, so focus on drive from corner.

Entry BP: ?


Apex Gear: 3rd (600, running lower gearing) You will hug the apex for some time - it's a long corner.

Exit Use all of the track, ready for very fast downhill lefthanders.

Alcarras Page 6

Corner 6 - left, 55 deg 18 February 2009 22:47

Comment Bloody fast and 10% downhill

Entry BP: No braking

TP: White painted marshals' post on the outside?

Gear: Short shift to fifth?

Apex Gear: 5th (600, running lower gearing)

Exit Use all of the track mid way ready for next fast left hander

Alcarras Page 7

Corner 7 - left, 45 deg 18 February 2009 22:48

Comment Bloody fast and 10% downhill

Entry BP: No braking

TP: ?

Apex Gear: 5th (600, running lower gearing)

Exit Don't use all of track, be ready for VERY long right hander coming next

Alcarras Page 8

Corner 8 - right, 225 degree 18 February 2009 22:49

Comment VERY long corner, 90 mph.

Entry BP: ?

TP: Probably not too important, as corner is so long. But grass on left of corner entry becomes bare: That could make a good marker if it is in the same condition.

Apex Gear: 3nd Either hug apex, or on a powerful bike use two apexes.

Exit Don't use all the track - messes up the next tight left hander.

Alcarras Page 9

Corner 9 - left, 90 deg 18 February 2009 22:50

Comment Slow S bend. The S bends are too 'deep' to straight line.

Entry BP: ?

TP: Small white mark near edge of the circuit.

Apex First of an S - so hit it centrally. Gear: 2nd

Exit Don't use all the track - messes up the next corner.

Alcarras Page 10

Corner 10 - right, 90 deg 18 February 2009 22:50

Comment Slow S bend. The S bends are too 'deep' to straight line.

Entry BP: No breaking

TP: Just use eyes to judge.

Apex Gear: 2nd

Last of S-bend, so might be worth cutting in late to get drive to pass slower rider. Otherwise, aim for dark tarmac repair at apex.

Exit Okay to use all track.

Alcarras Page 11

Corner 11 - left, 120 deg 18 February 2009 22:52

Comment Slow corner

Entry BP: ?

TP: Use fence posts on right as guide - last one before corner has bigger, isolate, bush behind (might be different now).

Apex Gear: 3rd

135 degrees - so expect to hug apex for a little while

Exit Use all of track to be ready for next left hander.

Alcarras Page 12

Corner 12 - left, 95 degree 18 February 2009 22:54

Comment Slow corner

Entry BP: ?

TP: The concrete track barriers pincer in towards the circuit - there seems to be a transition in colour from brown to white - use that.

Apex Gear: 3rd

Repair strip at apex - aim to get wheels inside it.

Exit Classic exit - use all track

Alcarras Page 13

Corner 13 - left, 25 deg 18 February 2009 22:55

Comment Not really a corner - more a kink, leading into a slow corner.

Entry BP: ?

TP: Not Applicable.

Apex Gear: 4th gear

Apex isn't as important as being in the right position at exit.

Exit Exit is really the entry position to the slower corner leading onto the start finish straight, which will be critical for speed along the straight.

Alcarras Page 14

Corner 14 - left, 90 deg 18 February 2009 22:56

Comment Medium speed corner leading onto long start finish straight.

Entry Braking Point: Not sure - but uphill, so brake late. Turn in Point: Aim for the marshal umbrella outside, this is also the turn in point (however, noticed in other vid's that the marshal moves his location!)

Apex Gear: 3rd

Aim slightly after middle, to get best drive on to long straight.

Exit Use all track the track for best drive

Alcarras Page 15

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