Alberto Gonzales Files - Jspan Org-letter To Barney Frank

  • August 2019
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JewishSocialPolicy Action Network 2033 Walnut Street, Philadelphia Pennsylvania 19103 May 20,2007 The HonorableBarneyFrank 2252RayburnHouseOfficeBuilding Washington, DC 20515 JefteyI. Pasek,Esq. President KennethFox, Esq. VicePresident KennethMyers,Esq. YicePresident JoelBeaver,Esq. Treasurer StewartWeintraub,Esq. Secretary& GeneralCounsel


Alberto Gonzales

DearRepresentative Frank: When the Attorney Generalflaunts the law and lies to Congress,your decisiveaction is needed. The Constitution'schecksand balancesthat protectus from abuseof power only work if the Congressexercisesappropriateoversightover the workings of the government. And you cannotexerciseoversightif you allow the nation'sseniorlaw enforcementofficial to lie to you abouthis own actionsor to coverup violationsof law by others. Impeachmentis the only appropriateactionto restorethe authority of Congressand to reassurethe public that the law is paramount.


Takeonly the two mostrecentexamples:


' In tle caseof the dismissedprosecutors, Gonzales'sfits of selectiveamnesiamakeit clear that he deliberatelylied to Congressin a feeble attemptto mask a clear and unmistakablepattern of improper political influence with prosecutorialdecisionmaking. A false claim not to rememberis just as much a lie as a conscious misrepresentation of a fact oneremembers well. Instancesof phonyforgefulnessseem to aboundthroughoutGonzales'stestimony,but his claim to have no memoryof the NovemberJusticeDepartmentmeetingat which he authorizedthe attorneyfirings after twice secretlydelegatingauthorityto political staffersleavesus gapingin incredulity.

Irwin Aronson,Esq. ConnieBeresin DeanneComer Hon. Ruth Dansker HelenFox Brian Gocial, Esq Nancy Gordon,Esq. Brian Gralnick JercmeKaplan,Esq. LazarKleit Eve Klothen, Esq. Bury Kruner, Esq. JudahLabovitz, Esq. Ruth Laibson TheodoreMann,Esq. SidneyMrgulies, Esq. NormNewberg,Ph.D. JoshuaPasek Ruth Perry Ruth Schult4 Ph.D. Burt Siegel Jred Solomon RabbiDavid Straus Brry Ungar, Esq.

' In Februuy 2006,Gonzalestold trro Congressional panelsthat therehad "not beenany seriousdisagreementabout the program" of warrantlesswiretaps. We have since learnedthat his testimonywas false. FormerDeputy Attorney GeneralJamesComey told the SenateJudiciaryCommitteethat he had refusedto certifu the legality of the program.Gonzales,thenthe SolicitorGeneral,tried to go over Comey's eavesdropping head by rushing to the hospital and appealingdirectly to Attorney GeneralJohn Ashcroft, who lay semi-consciousin an intensive care unit recoveringfrom gall bladdersurgery.Ashcroft rebuffedGonzalesaccordingto Comey'stestimony. How can Gonzalesclaim with a straightface that therewas no "ssrious disagreansnt"when the White HouseCounselwas personallyrebuffedby the Attorney Generaland his deputy concerninga secretprogram allegedly essentialto national security but of dubiousconstitutionalvalidity? Lying to Congressis a felony - actually three felonies: perjury, false statementsand obstmctionof justice. This issuegoeswell beyondpolicy disagreements with Gonzaleson his controversialinterpretations of constitutionalliberties. Congress,as a co-equalbranchof government,must be respectedwhen it makeslegitimateinquiriesinto the activitiesof any administration.For you consciouslyto wear blindersin the face of the Auorney General's lies would be an abandonment of your own constitrtionalresponsibilities. The American people deserveto learn the truth under the disinfeaing sunlight that an impeachment proceedingwould bring. We urgeyou to join in that effort.

RabbiAvi Winokur Sincerely, . -.-F

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