Alaska Xbase++ Activex Example

  • August 2019
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  • Pages: 10
Second life for Clipper Application by Aleksandar Stefanovic



Second life for Clipper Application by Aleksandar Stefanovic

Application (or you as programmer) need FTP functions (sometimes). I hope you know what I am talking about. Alaska Xbase++ v.1.9.331 support COM/ActiveX objects but I must say that when you want to use any of them , please, check it because limited number of variable types sometimes can make problems. Don’t be afraid, you will find ActiveX controls that work great with ALASKA XBASE. One of them is FTP ActiveX control from SEEKFORD SOLUTIONS. Here we will give you listing of one XBASE function that will help you if you want FTP download or upload ability. You can use it as is or make any changes that you need. This is listing of SEEKFTP.PRG Here you will find SEEKFTP function with 6 parameters. Server – FTP server User - user ID Password – Password sWhere – directory on ftp server sFile – file name nWhat – what we want to do, download (0) or upload (1)

#include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" #PRAGMA LIBRARY( "ASCOM10.LIB" ) func seekftp(server,user,password,sWhere,sFile,nWhat) LOCAL nEvent, mp1, mp2,drawingArea, aEditControls := {} public oDlg public oXbp public oXbpserver public oXbpdatoteka public oXbpsta public oXbpporuka public oXbptok public oKom:=0 public ssta:=nWhat SET TIME TO HH:MM:SS


Second life for Clipper Application by Aleksandar Stefanovic oDlg := XbpDialog():new( AppDesktop(), , {100,100}, {200,330}, , .F.) oDlg:taskList := .T. oDlg:title := "AS FTP Transfer" oDlg:sysmenu:=.f. oDlg:create() drawingArea := oDlg:drawingArea drawingArea:setFontCompoundName( "8.Arial" ) oXbpserver:= XbpStatic():new( drawingArea, , {12,150}, {150,24}, { { XBP_PP_COMPOUNDNAME, "16.Times New Roman" } } ) oXbpserver:caption := server oXbpserver:clipSiblings := .T. oXbpserver:options := XBPSTATIC_TEXT_BOTTOM oXbpserver:create() oXbpdatoteka := XbpStatic():new( drawingArea, , {12,200}, {150,24}, { { XBP_PP_COMPOUNDNAME, "16.Times New Roman" } } ) oXbpdatoteka:caption := sfile oXbpdatoteka:clipSiblings := .T. oXbpdatoteka:options := XBPSTATIC_TEXT_BOTTOM oXbpdatoteka:create() oXbpsta := XbpStatic():new( drawingArea, , {12,250}, {150,24}, { { XBP_PP_COMPOUNDNAME, "16.Times New Roman" } } ) if sta==0 oXbpsta:caption := "receive file" else oXbpsta:caption :="send file" endif oXbpsta:clipSiblings := .T. oXbpsta:options := XBPSTATIC_TEXT_BOTTOM oXbpsta:create()

oXbpporuka := XbpStatic():new( drawingArea, , {12,48}, {150,24}, { { XBP_PP_COMPOUNDNAME, "16.Times New Roman" } } ) oXbpporuka:caption := "" oXbpporuka:clipSiblings := .T. oXbpporuka:options := XBPSTATIC_TEXT_BOTTOM oXbpporuka:create()


Second life for Clipper Application by Aleksandar Stefanovic oXbptok := XbpStatic():new( drawingArea, , {12,72}, {156,24}, { { XBP_PP_COMPOUNDNAME, "16.Times New Roman" } } ) oXbptok:caption := "Way" oXbptok:clipSiblings := .T. oXbptok:options := XBPSTATIC_TEXT_BOTTOM oXbptok:create()

oXbp := XbpPushButton():new( drawingArea, , {24,12}, {120,24}, { { XBP_PP_BGCLR, XBPSYSCLR_BUTTONMIDDLE }, { XBP_PP_FGCLR, -58 } } ) oXbp:caption := "Beak " oXbp:tabStop := .T. oXbp:create() oXbp:activate := {|| nEvent:=xbeP_Close }

oDlg:show() //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // We create SEEKFORD ACTIVEX oKom := ActiveXObject():create("FTPWIZARD.FTPWizardCtrl3") if oKom<>NIL oXbpporuka:setcaption("Control Created OK" ) else msgbox("FTP control unavailable") oDlg:destroy() return (NIL) endif // Unlock control (when you buy it you will get unlock code) oKom:UnlockFTPWizard("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") // We will define our block for events tEvents() oKom:Asynchronous:=.f. oKom:UsePassiveFTP:=.f. oXbpporuka:setcaption("Internet ???") if oKom:OpenInternetConnection(1,"") oXbpporuka:setcaption("Internet OK!") else msgbox("There is no internet access") oDlg:destroy() return (NIL) endif


Second life for Clipper Application by Aleksandar Stefanovic oXbpporuka:setcaption("FTP server ???") if oKom:OpenFTPConnection(server,user,password) oXbpporuka:setcaption("FTP OK") else msgbox("FTP site unavailable") oKom:CloseInternetConnection() oKom:destroy() oDlg:destroy() return (NIL) endif if gde<>"\" oKom:SetCurrentDirectory(gde) endif if sta==0 oKom:SetFileDownloadMethod(.t.) oKom:Asynchronous:=.t. oKom:GetFTPFileWithControl(sFile,sFile,.t.) else oKom:Asynchronous:=.t. oKom:UploadFTPFileWithControl(sFile,sFile,.t.) endif

nEvent := xbe_None DO WHILE nEvent <> xbeP_Close nEvent:=AppEvent(@mp1,@mp2,@eXbp,20) if eXbp<>NIL eXbp:handleevent(nEvent, mp1,mp2) else

endif enddo oKom:Asynchronous:=.f. oKom:CloseFTPConnection() oKom:CloseInternetConnection() oKom:destroy() oDlg:destroy() RETURN (NIL)


Second life for Clipper Application by Aleksandar Stefanovic

function tEvents() SFileTransferStatus() SOnCommandCompleted() SOnConnect() SOnDisconnect() SOnError() RETURN (NIL) function SFileTransferStatus() oKom:FileTransferStatus:={|s1,s2,n1,n2|myftstatus(s1,s2,n1,n2)} return (NIL) function myftstatus(s1,s2,n1,n2) oXbptok:setcaption(str(n1,10)) return (NIL) function SOnCommandCompleted() oKom:OnCommandCompleted:={|n1,n2,n3|myOnCommandCompleted(n1,n2,n3)} return(NIL) function myOnCommandCompleted(n1,n2,n3) oXbpTok:setcaption("Transfer completed") return (NIL) function SOnConnect() oKom:OnConnect:={||MyOnConnect()} return (NIL) function myOnConnect() oXbptok:setcaption("Connection ON") return (NIL) function SOnDisconnect() oKom:OnDisconnect:={||myOnDisconnect()} return (NIL) function myOnDisconnect() oXbptok:setcaption("Break") //imakonekcija:=0 return (NIL) function SOnError() oKom:OnError:={|n,s|myOnError(n,s)} return(NIL)


Second life for Clipper Application by Aleksandar Stefanovic

func myOnError(n,s) msgbox("error:"+str(n)+" "+s) return (NIL)

You can use this listing as is but better thing is to understand how we use ActiveX object. Let’s go from the start. #PRAGMA LIBRARY( "ASCOM10.LIB" ) This is library that we need to access activex objects. YOU MUST USE IT EVRY TIME WHEN YOU WANT TO USE ACTIVEX CONTROLS. oKom := ActiveXObject():create("FTPWIZARD.FTPWizardCtrl3") You need ActiveX control to be installed on your PC. Upper row show you how to incorporate control in your application. Please remember that sometimes you will need to add some license information in activex creating step. This control don’t have this kind of protection, they use another method, so you must get serial number from them and send it to unlock function like this oKom:UnlockFTPWizard("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") For setting other properties and events functions just read users guide. You will not have problems that can be found in some activex controls when we have the same name for property and for event. If you have problems like this you must get ID like numbers to acces them. With this control this is not a case. When we get oKom as ActiveX ID we can access properties:

Asynchronous UsePassiveFTP VersionInfo

Like this


Second life for Clipper Application by Aleksandar Stefanovic

oKom:Asyncronous oKom:UsePassiveFTP oKom:VersionInfo VersionInfo is READ ONLY but other properties you can change. EXAMPLE oKom:Asyncronous:=.f. // we use blocking mode oKom:UsePassiveFTP:=.f. // we don’t want passive mode sVersion:=oKom:Version //we want version string

Method that we can find are: UploadMemoryFile DownloadFileToMemory AboutBox AbortCotrolledTransfer CloseFTPConnection CloseInternetConnection CreateDirectory DeleteFile GetCurrentDirectory DoEvents GetCurrentDirectoryAsURL GetEntriesFromCurrentDirectory GetFTPFileWithControl GetFTPFileWithoutStatus GetLastErrorCode GetLastErrorDescriptin OpenFTPConnection OpenInternetConnection RemoveDirectory SetCurrentDirectory SetFileDownloadMethod UnlockFTPWizard UploadFTPFileWithControl UploadFTPFileWithoutStatus Rename File

Accessing is easy just add oKom: before method (like oKom:OpenInternetConnection() where oKom is varuable with ID value for ActiveX control)


Second life for Clipper Application by Aleksandar Stefanovic

Events are: FileTransferStatus OnCommandCompleted OnConnect OnDisconect OnError

If any events is interesting for you add code block like in this example oKom:OnError:={|n,s|myOnError(n,s)} func myOnError(n,s) msgbox("error:"+str(n)+" "+s) return (NIL)

In this control you can find two more classes FileInfo and FieInfos. Use them when you need directory information. We know that price for this control is not the best one but sometimes you can get IP Wizard ToolPack for only $49, They call it crazy sell. When they do that? Once or two times per year. With this price this is the best choice in town. Check it from time to time

You can get all of the following controls: •

POP3 Wizard SSL allows you to receive mail from any POP3 server. It even has a special Message object which allows you to interpret the message, read the headers, and even save attached files. Also lets you easily get the HTML or Plaintext body of a message. You are also able to communicate using SSL so that hackers can't read your messages. SMTP Wizard SSL gives you control over sending messages. With the special SMTPMessage object, you can modify headers, set the message body, and even attach files. It now has the easy capability of sending HTML messages as well as the traditional plain-text messages. You are also able to communicate using SSL so that hackers can't read your messages. Encoder Wizard allows you to encode and decode text from and to Base64, Quoted-Printable, UUEncode, yEnc, URL, SHA-1, MD-5, and Binary 2 Hex. You can use this to encode your own custom messages and have it in a proper format


Second life for Clipper Application by Aleksandar Stefanovic

• •

• •

for transmission through email gateways. Except for the digest algorithms(which are one-way), Encoder wizard can also decode all the data back to its original form. MIME Wizard allows you to create and parse MIME messages with an easy to use object model. Using the standards for MultiPart Internet Messages you can build simple or complex messages. HTTP Wizard SSL provides simple and easy downloading of web pages and files, uploading of files to servers, posting Form data, authentication, redirection, cookies and much more. . FTP Wizard lets you upload and download files using the file transfer protocol. You also are able to get directory entries in an easy to use object oriented format. All basic commands are supported. You can rename, create directories, delete files and directories. NNTP Wizard allows you easily use every command that is supported by the Network News Transport Protocol. Post articles, download articles, groups, and headers. With support for all the commands you can also use the XHDR commands and NEWNEWS, etc. Comes with an Article object which grabs attachments for you. Ping Wizard lets you ping servers to get the Return Trip Time(RTT) as well as the Time to Live(TTL). Great for detecting network uptime and presence. Also works for checking to see if the local computer has an internet connection that is active. TraceRoute Wizard allows you to evaluate the time it takes for a packet to reach its intended host. Detect network congestion, overloaded or inefficient routers, and more. Finger Wizard lets you query Finger servers to find information about their users. Some servers use the Finger query for earthquake and geological data retrieval. Most servers use the protocol to release data about email accounts and user accounts on the server.. WHOIS Wizard lets you pull up the WHOIS information record on domain names. Discover who owns a domain name and their contact information.. SNTP Wizard allows your program to synchronize with Atomic clocks and radio frequency clocks across the internet for highly precise timestamping. You can also set the local computers clock to the correct time with a simple command. SNTP Wizard automatically provides conversions from Universal Coordinated Time(UTC) to the local computers timezone. That way you can use either value for your timestamp.. DNS MX Wizard lets you access the Mail Exchange(MX) Resource Records(RR) from a DNS server. SSL Socket Wizard allows you to connect to ports on a server(computer or device) using TCP and communicate using plain-text(normal) or use SSL(secure channel) for sending and receiving data.

I believe that you will agree with me that using ActiveX components is very easy with ALASKA XBASE++.


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