Al Barakah For Tumor And Cancer

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 495
  • Pages: 2
Al Barakah For Tumor and Cancer

Al-Barakah also known as “Black Seed, Black Cumin, Nigella Sativa (scientific name), Black Caraway, Habbah Al-Sawda or Fennel Flower. (Jintan Hitam in Malay language) In the Middle Eastern countries it is traditionally known as "Habbat al Barakah" - 'The Blessed Seed', due to it's powerful healing qualities for many ailments. It has been used for thousands of years in the Middle East as well as ports of Asia and Africa and is now well known in the USA and Europe. The oil of nigella sativa is so beneficial due to it's content of over a hundred components such as aromatic oils, trace elements, vitamins and enzymes. It contains 58% of essential fatty acids including omega 6 and omega 3. These are necessary for the forming of Prostaglandin E1 which balances and strengthens the immune system giving it the power to prevent infections and allergies and control cronic illnesses. Healthy cells are protected from viruses thus inhibiting tumours. Blackseed oil also contains about 0.5 - 1.5% volatile oils including nigellone and thymochinone which are responsible for its anti-histamine, anti-oxidant, anti-infective and broncho-dilating effect. Al-Barakah is also known as “Seed of Blessing” and is considered as one of the ailing herbs of all time. It is a best natural herbs used for all generations to cure various diseases related with the folowing problems: Breathing, skin, stomach and functioning of internal organs, kidney and bile, blood circulation, body resistence and body health. Contents of Al-Barakah: Rich with more than 100 important ingredients from carbohydrate, multivitamins and minerals. Contains rhamnose, xylose dan arabinose, fatty acids (linoleic and Linoleic acid), 15 amino acid, arginine for baby growth, carotene which is converted by bile to vitamin A (vitamin to combat cancer), calsium, iron, sodium, dan potassium. It is also rich with ”Beta-Sitostrol”. Uses: As a supplementary food - for mind enriching, energy and health. To strengthened body resistence – to fight AIDS, HIV, cancer and thyroid . To fight symptoms of arthritis, gout. Anti-histamine activity – Enable to counter asthma, fatigue and breathing problem. Anti-Tumor - Fatty acid is effective against cancer.

Anti-bacteria – Effective to fight V. cholera, E.coli and Salmonella (includes worms, fungus, ringworm etc) Anti-inflammatory – Effective in solving skin problems, burns and wrinkles. For breast feeding – Increase mothers milk (for men, to increase sperm) Source of energy For baby child and adults – Provide energy and body resistence against illness. Bee Honey – helps in digestion, reduce fever, anti-toxine, improve appetite, cure against ulcer, asthma, fatigue and flu. To strengthened body resistance against illness. Honey - refreshes the body, strengthen the teeth, beautifies the hair. Honey evaquate poison from the body, detoxifies it and kill germs in the body. It cleanses the kidney and liver. Olive Oil – main source of Vitamin E dan carotene 50 Herbs – to name a few, labisa pumila, eurycoma epiculata, smilax myosotiflora, fennel, terminela chebula etc used to accumulate strength and cure against illness.

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