Al-aqsa Magazine

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AL-AQSA Magazine President‛s Foreword




n the Name of Allah, al-Rahman, ll praise to the Almighty Allah, al-Raheem, and may the peace and peace be upon His mes- and prayers of Allah be bestowed senger Mohammed (s.a.w) in abundance upon His final Prophet and Messenger. By the grace and blessings of Allah s.w.t. Al-Aqsa Friends’ Society has So here we have it, alhamdulilbeen able to successfully launch lah, the third issue of al-Aqsa the third issue of the English edi- Magazine in English. The last tion of the Al-Aqsa magazine. The few months seen much activSociety does not only produce ity on the world’s stage, and the typical magazines but it also runs student stage here at IIUM has activities in cultural, Da’wah, arts, managed to capture that activity and educational fields to meet the throughout this last semester, and diversity of the students’ interests. microcosmically bring these issues These activities take the form of within our grasp. The creativity exhibitions, lectures, newsletters, through which this was done has workshops, journeys, art nights, been outstanding – discussions, cultural competitions and others. forums, plays, videos, interviews,


I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to all those who worked with Al-Aqsa to achieve its noble adjectives in strengthening the ties of brotherhood amongst IIUM students, making students aware of the central issues of the Ummah and achieving IIUM vision and mission through students’ excellence. I should not forget Al-Aqsa new outstanding members who recently joined the society and undoubtedly helped a lot in enhancing the number and quality of the society’s programs. To them I send my special and deep regards. I ask The-Almighty Allah to reward with the best all those who are working to revive the Islamic spirit in our Ummah and all those who go with us hand in hand to make a change in today’s complex society. Thanks to all. Wassalamualaikum Warahmato Allahi Wabarakatuh. DIAA MUSA DIAB AL-JUNEIDI

skits, and parodies, to name but a few. Thus we wanted this issue of al-Aqsa Magazine to represent a conglomeration of topics, to reflect the diversity of talents and interests of the student body of IIUM, and as such we hope you will find it includes something for everyone – the religious, the political, the spiritual, the literary, the serious, and the light-hearted. It is customary at this point that the Editor thanks all those who have worked to make this magazine a reality. Only by going beyond the customary will change come about, so I would also like to thank those who have [in the eyes of many] done nothing to make this particular magazine a reality…the silent, lone individuals who strive with their lives and wealth to hack at the roots of evil and injustice while others are simply pruning its branches. You are our inspiration, and we ask Allah to shower upon you His greatest blessings, such that were each one a mere drop of water from the sky, the world would be flooded many times over. Ameen. Wa al-Salaamu ‘alaykum,

By: Ola Shoubaki.

The Meaning of the Logo


l-Aqsa mosque is depicted in the centre of the logo, for it should be in the heart of every Muslim, just as it is in the hearts of the brothers and sisters in Al-Aqsa Friends’ Society whose hands join together in unity to protect and defend its cause. The Qur’an in the logo depicts the constitution and methodology adopted by the members of the Society. The cause of Al-Aqsa is an Islamic one, aided by Muslims who work side by side like the bricks of a building, as seen in the logo. The logo of the Islamic University can also be seen, for from it Al-Aqsa Friends’ Society began, grew and developed. The Islamic University represents a base for the unity of the Ummah, and for employing their efforts to help al-Aqsa mosque, as is indicated by the phrase mentioned at the bottom of the logo.

Editorial Team Coordinator: Iman Hussain Editor: Ola Shoubaki Designers: Showayb A A Zahda Mohammed Al-Herbawi

AL-AQSA Magazine



“Along the way, take time to smell the flowers”: A spiritual journey around the IIUM campus.

s you walk through the campus, hearken to the birdsong that is to be your traveling companion, and ask yourself: Of what do they sing? Of worship and adoration of their Creator, of happiness and sadness, of love and of loss; let not their song fall upon deaf ears.

may have covered the head of the Iraqi child who was forced to watch his parents being killed before his eyes, just as they may have covered the head of the Haji who sacrificed his comfort to embark upon a journey to worship his Creator. See what the clouds see; share with them their pain and their pleasure, and ask Allah that He protects all the Muslims whom the clouds will next cover.

As you cross the HS bridge, let your heart applaud the fountains that dance with the breeze, and feel the purity of Allah’s creation. As you pass by the trees, share their anticipation as they await the blossoming of their young buds, and share their joy as their childrens’ vibrant colours explode onto the green landscape. Marvel at the fraternity of the young, weak trees as they bask in the protective shade of their large, majestic brothers.


As you raise your head to the sky, look through the eyes of the clouds which are now your canopy; the same clouds that cover your head

And as you move your eyes to the horizon, ponder the magnitude of the mountains, and reflect on your relationship with your Creator and with the Qur’an as you appreciate how the same mountain could be moved from its place and be split into two had the Qur’an been sent down upon it, due to its fear of Allaah. By Ola Shoubaki

Hijab! Some reflections

uslim women wear Hijab which is more than just a head cover- because God ordered them to do so in two places in the Qur’an, and because the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), also ordered it. The Qur’an teaches us what means: (( And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands’ fathers, their sons...)) (An-Nur 24:31). This verse shows

clearly that Allah has obligatd refer to head cover, but to the enwomen to wear hijab. tire dress of a woman. This means that there are certain requirements But what exactly is meant by hijab? for a woman’s dress to be Islamic: Hijab is the proper Islamic · It must cover the whole body. dress code, which is primarily in- · It must not be tight or transpartended to safeguard the modesty, ent. dignity and honor of women and · It must not delineate the parts men. By wearing Hijab, women of the body, especially those parts protect them- that are sexually attractive. selves from · It must not be a dress that is usuany lustful gaze ally worn by men. or act that may Moreover, complete hijab, expose them besides these criteria of clothing, to temptation also includes the moral conduct, or harassment behavior, attitude, and intention of any kind. of the individual. A person who On the other only fulfills the criteria of hijab of hand, it pro- the clothes is observing hijab in a tects men from limited sense. Hijab of the clothes indulgence in should be accompanied by hijab of vices and un- the eyes, the heart, the thought, lawful acts. and the intention. It also includes In fact, Hijab the way a person walks, talks, and does not only behaves

AL-AQSA Magazine


Defending Jerusalem: A Sacred Duty By Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi


o Muslim, be he in authority or not, is allowed to abandon any of the lands of Muslims. The land of the Islamic world is not the property of any president, prince, minister or group of people. It is not up to anyone therefore to relinquish it under any circumstances. Conversely, it is the duty of individuals and groups to strive hard to liberate occupied territories or retrieve usurped land. The entire nation is jointly responsible for that and it is not up to the ruler or his subjects to choose to give up the land. If a particular generation lapses in idleness or is incapable of shouldering the responsibility, it has no right to force its idleness or incapacity on all the coming generations up till Judgment Day, by giving up what it has no right to. Therefore, we have issued a Fatwa indicating that it is unlawful for all homeless Palestinian refugees to accept damages in return for their lost land, even if they amount to billions. The land of Islam is not for sale; it is not to be relinquished, and no damages can possibly make up for its loss. If this is the ruling concerning any ordinary piece of land in an Islamic state, what will be the case with the holy land of Jerusalem, the land of the first of the two Qiblahs

and Al-Aqsa Mosque and the third most venerable city in Islam, after Makkah and Madinah? This land was the destination of Al-Israa’ and the land from where Al-Mi`raj was launched. Nothing better explains its revered status than Allah’s words, (Glory to (Allah) Who did take His servant for a journey by night from the sacred Mosque to the farthest Mosque, whose precincts We did bless, in order that We might show him some of Our Signs: for He is the One Who Heareth and Seeth (all things).) (Al-Isra’ 17: 1) Therefore, Jerusalem has come to enjoy a special place in the heart of every Muslim in the entire Arab world. The occupation of Jerusalem moves his heart and pains him, out of love, keenness and jealousy over it as well as his concern about it. It is mainly on account of Jerusalem that the Palestinian cause comes first on Muslims’ list of priorities. It is Jerusalem that Muslims fear for and are keen to preserve, defend and fight for. It is for the sake of Jerusalem that they willingly give their lives and all they hold dear. Jerusalem is the symbol of the cause of Palestine. It is the backbone and the very core of the problem. True are the words of the poet who once said,

Palestine is meaningless with no Aqsa or Jerusalem. Without Jerusalem, it is like a body with no head. Jerusalem is not for the Palestinians only, but for all Muslims, be they Arabs or not. It is a city for all Arabs, be they Muslims or Christians. Therefore it is incumbent on Muslims, wherever they may be, to shoulder their responsibility of defending Jerusalem and AlAqsa Mosque. This is an obligation for them all. They are to jointly defend it, offering in the process their lives, their money and all they possess, or else they will be subject to Allah’s punishment, for Allah says: [O ye who believe what is the matter with you, that when ye are asked to go forth in the cause of Allah, ye cling heavily to the earth? Do ye prefer the life of this world to the Hereafter? But little is the comfort of this life, as compared with the Hereafter.] (Al-Tawbah 9: 38).

AL-AQSA Magazine




and read the Qur’an’s translation continuously. 10- Interact with the recited aayahs;

ll praise be to Allah, and peace be

4- When you stand facing the Qiblah

upon his messenger, all his family

remember the following:

and companions.


Allah says at the beginning of Surah

your life. There is no guarantee to

Al-Mu’minun “Successful indeed are

live longer to catch the next Salaat.

It might be the last Salaat in

the believers, who have Khushu’ in b. You are standing between the hands their prayers”. Since khushu’ is the

of Allah, the Lord of the worlds. How

first characteristic of the believers as

can you be busy with something else?

is clearly stated in the previous verse,

c. The angel of death is chasing you.

the main way to purify the heart, a


Do not forget to make isti’azah.

contributing factor for the acceptance






of the prayer, and the way to gain 6-

Satan’s eyes




greater reward from the Almighty

the place of sujuud. This helps

Allah, then achieving Khushu in prayer


should become our priority.

7- When reciting the Fatiha, try to




recall the response of Allah to you Ways to achieve Khushu’:

after every ayah you

1- To have clear and authentic knowledge Almighty,

about think





a. if you hear an ayah about Allah, glorify Him by saying “Subhaana Allah”; b. If you hear an ayah about Hellfire, say “a’uuthu billaahi mina-n-naar”. c.


to d.



make If















11- When you prostrate, remember that this position brings you closer to Allah. Seize the opportunity to make




these moments in making sincere supplications. 12- After finishing the Salaat, don’t forget to thank Allah by blessing you to be able to achieve Khushu’, do all Dhikr after salaat, and supplicate to Allah to help you do that in every salaat. Finally, al-Khushu’ constitutes

names and attributes, always

the spirit of Salah. So, a

remember Him, surrender to

Muslim has to do his

Him, do what He likes and

best to perform

avoid what He dislikes. We

Salaat with

have to know the One who


we are praying to and realize

Al-Khushu’ can

His greatness. 2- To minimize attachment to worldly

say. (When you say:”al-hamdu lillahi

matters; gear one’s intentions towards

rab-bil ‘alamin) Allah responds: “My

be gained mainly by following the above steps, but key to open these

doors is undoubtedly: Seeking Allah’s the Afterlife; avoid major and minor servant praised me.” etc. This feeling of help to gain al-Khushu’ sincerely and sins, guard against the temptations speaking to Allah puts you in the right following that with actions. My hope of life, and do whatever softens the mood of khushuu’. And interact with for you, after reading this article, hearts such as reciting the Qur’an, the rest of the recited aayahs as well. is that you begin your intention to continuous supplication, and following 8- Beautifying the recitation of the achieve Khushu’ in all your prayers Allah’s orders. Qur’an has a positive impact on the heart. starting from this moment. 3- To leave whatever we are doing, 9- Recite the Qur’an slowly and reflect perform Wudu’, go to the mosque and upon its meaning deeply if you know Assalamu alaikum. keep remembering Allah while waiting it, and if you don’t know the meaning, By: [email protected] for Iqamah once the Azan is heard. then it’s preferable to learn Arabic

AL-AQSA Magazine Palestine Is Our Holy Land ... Women who always cry... Men who love to die... Birds that sing and fly... All swear by Allah in the sky... And shout loudly to certify... Palestine Is Our Holy Land Beans we used to grow... The winds that always blow... Every stone we used to throw... On the walls we write and draw... Israelis are the worst we saw... We Will Never Shake Their Dirty Hand Every seed, plant and tree... Every man who loves to be FREE... Balfour is a false decree... Whether they agree or dissagree... Israelis will one day run and flee... We Own Each Grain Of Its Holy Sand Al-Aqsa is a holy place... Muslims’ first issue and case... Strong faith is what we should embrace... We should seek Allah’s help and grace... Their plan to destroy it is our duty to face... Oh Muslims; We Should Take A Serious Stand Oh my brother, hold your rifle and fight... To defend your legal & holy right... To our Prophet’s teachings hold tight... It has been a very long night... But I swear I can see the light... The Sun Will Wave Its Hand Written by: SAMER N A ALHERBAWI



Life Makers 3

ssalamualaikum,During the past two sessions we talked about establishing a strong basis of Iman, determining the mission and vision in life, having the eagerness, strengthening the various relations, and we started to talk about the relation with Allah as the most important one. In this session we’ll talk about the relation with the one self. My hope now that we all have set clear mission and vision in life. The vision is to be divided into short-term and longterm goals for the coming year or years. I want from you to write the goals on a paper and past them in your room where you can always see them. Remember as much time, concentration, and understanding you engage while setting your goals as clear the vision will be. Take a few minutes everyday after Fajir to write your daily tasks. It’s very important to arrange your tasks in priority. Think about yourself, discover your talents and try to improve them. Use a special diary to record your daily achievements in one page and your daily failures in the facing page, do a weekly assessment, reward your self for every achievement and punish it for every mistake. Try to discover the points of weakness to overcome them and the points of strength to improve them. In your study; try hard to get wonderful results in your kulliyyah. Keep doing jogging or walking everyday and I prefer it to be in the morning. Always talk positively to yourself. Entertain yourself from time to time by an outing every week. Prepare a plan for daily reading, and do your utmost to finish a book every two weeks at least. To benefit from your reading; note down all important information you read. Read in various fields and try to concentrate on the more important fields. We may follow this descending order from the most to least important, Qur’an and Sunnah, self management, the specialization of the study, history, politics, economics, law and then the other materials. It’s very important to read the news everyday and know what is going on in the world around. DIAA MUSA DIAB AL-JUNEIDI [email protected]

AL-AQSA Magazine


Towards Enhancing the Thinking Skills of Muslim Youth1


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jamal Badi

hinking (tafakkur) is highly culture for practicing it. Ijtihad or positive, conceptual and perceptual valued in Islam. It is over-exerting oneself in search of thinking skills, to name a few. considered as “Ibadah wajibah” It is because of this status of or an obligatory form of worship, thinking in Islam that led which is rewarded, provided it is the Muslim scholars to be practiced with sincerity and good pioneers in many fields intention, and for a good purpose. of knowledge. Muslim scholars innovated Islam encourages collective and developed many thinking, where many Islamic disciplines such as: principles can be only practiced Chemistry, Algebra, collectively such as mutual Mathematics, consultation (shura), mutual Optics, Astronomy, advice (Nasiha), enjoining good Medicine, Linguistics, and discouraging evil. Philosophy of History, and Sociology. Islam draws the attention of Makind not to be trapped by Al-Biruni, Al-Farghani, barriers to thinking such as: lack Al-Battani, Alof knowledge, blind following, Khawarizmi, Al-Razi, arrogance, stubbornness, whims Ibn al-Haytham, Aland lusts, emotions and feelings, Mastaufi, Ibn Khaldun, Ibn reliance on conjectures, and al-Nafis, and Jabir Ibn Hayyan satanic temptations. are some of the great Muslim scholars who contributed to Islam not only encourages the advancement of Human thinking and creativity, it also knowledge is a good example. knowledge. creates the environment and Another good example Unfortunately, and due to many is the command contributing factors, Muslims have to practice the act become less innovative and critical of exploring and in the last two centuries. discovering universal and social divine laws that govern this world in an attempt to live a better and more progressive life and to cultivate the earth as one of the most important obligations of every Muslim.

Nowadays, thinking is being taught as skills and tools that can be learnt. It is of an extreme importance that our young generation pays careful attention to this fact. They should make a serious effort to learn thinking skills. This becomes an obligation in order to overcome many of the contemporary challenges and To enhance thinking to restore the progressive role of one needs to be the Muslim Ummah as a leading equipped with thinking Ummah. skills. The Qur’an is full 1 These insights are taken from the of a great number of thinking skills such as: author’s book entitled: Creative scientific, analogical, Thinking: An Islamic Perspective. metaphorical, rational, IIUM Research Centre. KL 2005 logical, contemplative, hypothetical, visual,

AL-AQSA Magazine



here is hardly any media coverage of the situation in Palestine (or the Middle East as it is usually referred to) that does not mention Al Quds “Jerusalem”, or display its golden holy shrine in the background. Being one of the oldest cities on Earth, a holy city for the three Abrahamic religions, Islam, Christianity and Judaism, and the assumed capital of Palestine, its issue is at the heart of this conflict. Indeed, the current Intifada of Al Aqsa, which witnessed some of the worst stories of bloodshed in the history of this generations-old dispute, started after the former Zionist Prime Minister, then the leader of the opposition, entered Al Aqsa Mosque in 28-September-2000 protected by 2000 occupational forces, in flagrant defiance of the local Muslim population and Muslims around the world. The City: Al Quds is its Arabic name that is derived from a root that means holiness. It is a marvelous city located 55km from the Mediterranean Sea and 22km from the Dead Sea at an altitude of 720-800m above sea level; it is one of the few

8 cities that enjoy mountainous temperate climate with the odor of the sea around its corners. The stones of its ancient buildings narrate the stories of 5000 years long human civilization; that involved millions of lives, and of struggles, love, hate and faith. It houses some of the major

shrines of Islam, Christianity and Judaism. In short, it is a concentration of the holiness of Palestine and the world. Places and Sites: Jerusalem is composed of two main parts, Eastern Jerusalem that encompasses most of the religious historical sites and is composed of the Old City and the built up around it. The Old City is totally surrounded by walls that were built for protection, it has eight gates:

Bab Al Khaleel , Bab Al Jadeed, Bab Al Amoud (Damascus Gate), Bab Al Zaherah (Al Samereh), Bab Al Asbat, Bab Al Magharbeh, Bab Al Rahmeh and Bab Al Nabi Dawud. Western Jerusalem, which was annexed by “The Zionist entity” after its occupation in 1948, is built in the style of modern cities. Eastern Jerusalem is surrounded by mountainous forests on which “Israel” has built various settlements. The main quarters of Al Quds, besides the old city, are: Shufat, Sheikh Jarrah, Wadi El Joaz, El Tor, Selwan,, Sur Baher and Al Qastal. More quarters and districts have been recently built on the neighboring mountains of Al Masharefi, Al Qatamoun and Al Mukabber. Since its fall under occupation in 1967, East AlQuds has witnessed increasing Jewish expansion coupled with practices to alienate and ultimately displace the local Muslim population.

The Historical Minbar (pulpit) of Nur al-Din Zinki


ing Nur al-Din Zinki, who was fighting the Crusaders, made a minbar hoping that he would be able to place it in alAqsa Mosque, but he died before he could do that, and it was put 20 years later by the Sultan Salah al-Din after the liberation of al-Aqsa Mosque in 1187. The original minbar of Nur alDin Zinki was burned by an extremist Jew on 21st August 1969. An exact new copy of

the minbar was placed in alAqsa Mosque on 23rd of January 2007, after more than 2 years of working on it. Not only was the new minbar made of the same materials as the original historical one, but it was also put together in the same unique way that was used for the original minbar; about 16500 pieces, with no nails. After two days from installing

the minbar in its place inside the main building in Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Zionist Occupation Authorities started demolishing two rooms within Al-Aqsa Mosque, as well as a pathway that leads to one of its gates. This indicates the fact that the minbar returned back to AlAqsa Mosque, but without Salah al-Din to liberate it.

AL-AQSA Magazine


Brotherhood in the Words of Allah’s Messenger (s.a.w)


the Exalted, says ‘Indeed, My Love shall be bestowed upon the ones who visit each other for My Sake. Indeed, My Love shall be bestowed upon the ones who love one another for My Sake. Indeed, My Love shall be bestowed upon the ones who approach one another in humility for My Sake. And, indeed, My Love shall be bestowed upon the ones that rush to help one another for My Sake.”

around the Throne [of Allah] for a group of people whose faces resemble the full moon. These people shall not experience any fear or terror although all others will. They are the friends of Allah upon whom there shall be no fear and who shall not be sad. It was asked, who are those people, O Messenger of Allah? The Messenger (pbuh) replied, they are the ones who love one another for the sake of Allah, the Exalted.’’

On one occasion Idrees AlKhawadani said to Mu`aadh Ibn Jabal: “I love you for the sake of Allah.” Mu`aadh responded: “Behold! Then, behold again the good news! For I have heard the Messenger of Allah Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) also (s.a.w) saying: “On the Day of said in a Hadeeth Qudsi: “Allah, Judgment, seats will be placed

These various sayings of thr Prophet (s.a.w) show that by fostering love for the sake of Allah and establishing ties of brotherhood among fellow Muslims, the believer may hope to attain the ultimate and unimaginable honor: the friendship and pleasure of Allah (S.W.T.).

he perfect model of Islamic brotherhood can be constructed from the life, character, and words of the noble Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) In a Hadeeth narrated by Tabarani, Allah’s Messenger (s.a.w) said: “Those who sit nearer to me are the ones among you with the best manners, the humble who befriend and are befriended.” On another occasion the Prophet (s.a.w) said: “The believer is friendly and easy to befriend. And there is no good in the person who does not befriend and does not get befriended.”


Free/Open Source Software (FOSS) and Islam

et’s start by defining what is FOSS – (Free/ Open source Software). It is a software that can be used, studied, and modified without restriction, and which can be copied and redistributed in modified or unmodified form only to ensure that further recipients can also do these things. To make these acts possible, the human readable form of the program (called the source code) must be made available. The source code can be placed in the public domain, accompanied by a software licence saying that the copyright holder permits these acts. This is contrary to popular proprietary softwares like WindowsOS, Microsoft Office, MacOS, Sun systems etc. There is an ever widening gap between developed and

developing countries from the perspective of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), with specific regard to topics such as the applications of ICT in day to day life and the knowledge of ICT itself. Such gaps have proved to be a significant factor in a nation’s development process. Bridging this so-called “digital divide” has continuously been a major objective of the global community. It is true that FOSS can and will play a crucial role in shaping the bridge to gap the “digital divide” that has been created. From an Islamic perspective FOSS embodies the spirit of Islam by promoting collaborative effort by all members of society for overall societal development. The Prophet has said

“… Circulate knowledge and teach the ignorant, for knowledge does not vanish except when it is kept secretly (to oneself).” (Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 1, Hadith no. 98). “He who is asked about knowledge and conceals it, will be bridled with a bridle of fire on the Day of Resurrection.’’ (Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi ). This precisely is what FOSS movement is fighting for i.e; keeping the source code of software open so that people can benefit. The FOSS movement is also against the idea of closing source codes or applying Intellectual Property (IP) rights on them. There are a number of hadiths which encourage congregational acts and also sharing of knowledge. Mohammed Yacoob - ICT 4th year

AL-AQSA Magazine


The Message Our mission on earth is to worship Allah s.w.t. but actually Al-Qur’an gave us the right derivation of worship (Ibadah) as we read in it the meaning of Al-Ihsan. It’s narrated in the authentic Hadith that Al-Ihasan can be used to mean: perfec-

tion, doing a work, a research, or teaching perfectly. Al-Ihsan can be apparent through your behaviour as the prisoners have seen the Akhlaq of the prophet Yosof (s.a.w). Then they were witnesses that he was (Mohsen) hehaving nicely with others. The scholars of Rafsin reported that he was very helpful to his companions even in the prison. Al-Qur’an recorded that clearly: “We see thou art one that doth good (to all).” I think we need to read the Qur’an with a new approach

especially if we want to face the challenge of the 21st century. So many Muslims think that to be a righteous person you need to have a long beard, wear a colorful scarf, take care of worship such as prayers, fasting, Itiqaf , Umrah. Even we cheat in busi-

ness or we do not behave nicely with people. To correct this wrong understanding Al-Qur’an mentions in Surah Al-Baqara verse 177: “ what constitutes righteousness: “It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces Towards east or West; but it is righteousness- to believe in Allah and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Book, and the Messengers; to spend of your substance, out of love for Him, for your kin, for orphans, for the needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask, and for the ran-

som of slaves; to be steadfast in prayer, and practice regular charity; to fulfil the contracts which ye have made; and to be firm and patient, in pain (or suffering) and adversity, and throughout all periods of panic. Such are the people of truth, the Allah-fearing”. The purpose behind the change of the place Muslims face in prayer and indeed all aspects of worship and rituals have never been the direction people face, and indeed any outward form. These are not what give worship its value and meaning, nor what makes people good and righteous. Righteousness is the result of a total feeling and attitude and a mode of behaviour which shapes the individual’s conscience and the mind-set of the community. It’s a discipline whose effects are immediately and constantly apparent in one’s life and the life of the society at large. Without these aspects facing east and west, or turning face to the right and left has no significance (In the shade of Al-Qur’an- Sayyed Qutb). This is the first message we can observe from AlQur’an teachings. Hopefully we will have opportunities to read about many concepts from the Qur’an perspective like: winning and losing, Al-Taqwa, and others.

AL-AQSA Magazine

11 Comments Corner

What does AL-AQSA mean to you?


adly to say, not every Muslim knows about AlAqsa Mosque. For me, AlAqsa is a holy mosque w h i c h belongs to every Muslim in this world. So, it is our responsibility to defend it from the Zionists. Those killers are killing Muslims, demolishing the homes, uprooting the trees, and destroying our sacred places in Palestine while we are still quiet. As Muslims we must defend Al-Aqsa mosque with whatever way we have. We could contribute by giving our ideas, material support, or at least doing supplication to Allah for our brothers over there in Palestine who are still steadfast and ready to die to free Al-Aqsa.


n fact, when I remember AlAqsa Mosque, I feel the sadness and the pain deeply in my heart. This is because AlAqsa Mosque is not a beautiful structure only but, it has also a great meaning to me. It means the soul, heart and land. Every day Al-Aqsa Mosque cries but nobody hears its crying. It’s a shame on us to keep silent while it’s under occupation. If we are real Muslims we should know that Al-Aqsa Mosque is really the heart of every Muslim. Defending Al-Aqsa Mosque does not have one way only; it can be done through many ways. Yes ... We don’t have advanc ed weapons to defend it but we have the Do’wa which is much greater than any other weapon.


believe that the Masjid AlAqsa is the holy land of Muslim Ummah. I love Masjid Al-Aqsa because it is the first Qiblah for the Muslim Ummah and the place from where the Prophet Mohammed s.a.w has ascended to heaven (Mi’raj). When I hear or mention Al-Aqsa Mosque I feel too disappointed because the blessing and holy place which was built by Prophet Adam and has a great history in Islam is today under the occupation of Zionists who don’t allow our Muslim brothers and sisters to pray freely in Al-Aqsa. In my opinion, we may defend Al-Aqsa by being united, knowledgeable, hard-working, and by exposing the occupational aggressive behaviors to the world.

Mohd Shafiq - Malaysia

Yousef Al-Juneidi -Palestine

Zabihullah Zaland –Afghanistan.

1 year, HS-BENL

1 year, HS-Communication

1st year, HS-Political science.




llah says: “Glorified be He who took His servant (Muhammad) for a journey by night from Al-Masjid Al Haram to the Al-Aqsa Masjid, the neighborhood whereof we have blessed”. With these eternal verses, Allah (SWT), stated in the heart of Our holly Qur’an, the never diminishing significance of Masjid Al-Aqsa to us as Muslims. Al-Aqsa is in the heart of every single Muslim in this world, Al-Aqsa is the first “QIBLAH” and then is the third sacred house of ALLAH, it’s the place where our prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) journeyed at night in a miraculous manner from the city of Mecca, where his call to Islam (submission to ALLAH) was still in its earliest stages. At Al-Aqsa Mosque, he led all the prophets of ALLAH that came before him

in prayer and then ascended to heaven to receive ALLAH’s command to Muslims to pray five times a day. So this place means for me everything, and it’s a holly MASJID that we should all unite to free it from the Zionists. We can defend Masjid Al-Aqsa in many ways; first of all we should unite our voices and actions towards Al-masjid AL-Aqsa and we should sacrifice our wealth to our brothers who are fighting in the frontline. Secondly, we have to create awareness of the matter to our Muslim societies and encourage them that this is our responsibility not only the responsibility of the Palestinians. Finally we may make Du’a in our daily prayers for our brothers, who are struggling for the freedom of Masjid Al- Aqsa and Palestine. Hamza Faqih - Somalia -KICT 3rd year

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