Akademi Manajemen Informatika Dan Komputer

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AKADEMI MANAJEMEN INFORMATIKA DAN KOMPUTER AMIK PGRI KEBUMEN Jl. Kaswari No. 26 Telp. (0287)384973 UJIAN MID SEMESTER 1 TAHUN AKADEMIK 2008/2009 Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris I Hari Tanggal : Rabu, 3 Desember 2008 Waktu : 100 menit Dosen : Purwanto, S.Pd. I. Chose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentences. 1. Visitor : ………? I’ve contacted him Woman : My home address is 9 Jalan before. Kliningan, Bandung. Receptionist : Would you wait for a Man : Is it far from here? moment, Sir? I’d like to (A) Where do you come from inform the manager (B) What is your home address right away. (C) How do you come here from your house Visitor : Sure, please. Thank you. (D) Can you show me how to go to your home (A) Is it all right if the sales manager meets from here me now 5. Shopkeeper1 : Who gave you this (B) Will it be convenient for me to meet the money? sales manager now Shopkeeper2 : An African man, I (C) Would you like me to meet the sales think. …….. with a manager right now tall and big body. (D) Can I meet the sales manager right now Shopkeeper1 : This is false money. 2. Employee : ……… over time (A) He has fair complexion this evening? (B) He has dark complexion Manager : Yes, as we have to (C) He has white complexion meet the deadline tomorrow morning. (D) He has bright complexion Employee : How many 6. Teacher : Rano, why are you late employees? today? (A) Are we going to work Rano : I’m sorry, mam. I got up (B) What are we going to work late this morning. (C) Are going to we work Teacher : …………………….? (D) We are going to work Rano : by bus and there was 3. Deden : My responsibility here in traffic jam. this company is to assure the product quality. (A) Why do you go to school Didin : So, what do you exactly? (B) How do you go to school Deden : With a special instrument,… (C) How did you go to school …… (D) When did you go to school (A) I check the quality of both the raw 7. Mother : Don’t enter this area, materials and the finished products honey! It’s dangerous. (B) I test the quality of either the raw Budi : What did your mother materials or finished products tell you? (C) I guarantee the quality of neither the raw Andi : ……….? materials nor the finished products (A) She asked me to enter this room (D) I neglect the quality of not only the raw (B) She told me not to enter this room materials but also the finished products (C) She allowed me to enter this room (D) She didn’t tell me to enter this room 4. Man

: ………….?

8. Ita

: I saw your mother in a bank yesterday. Does she work there? Andi : No, she doesn’t. …… ….. She works at home for her family. (A) She is a banker (B) She is a babysister (C) She is a nurse (D) She is a housewife 9. Bayu : ………….. a train seat for this afternoon? Farida : Sorry, Madam. All the seats have been reserved. (A) Is it all right (B) Can you help me (C) May I book (D) Do you know 10. Ridwan : Hi, Anna! Do you know the girl over there? Anna : No, I don’t . I think she is a stranger to us. Do you like her? Ridwan : Yes, I do. ………. Her name and address. (A) I wish I knew (B) Please let me know (C) I want to call (D) Allow me to introduce 11. Aryati : Why were you late for the meeting? Bondan : Well, ……… , but I had a flat tire on the way. (A) I will be there on time (B) I have been there on time (C) I must have been there on time (D) I should have been there on time 12. Farida : George has just bought his wife a diamond necklace with matching earings. Astuti : That’s very expensive! …… …… . Farida : He is. (A) Perhaps he is rich (B) He has been a rich man (C) He must be rich (D) He was very rich 13. Teacher : You’re looking for a job; so far without success. Imagine! You want

somebody to give to you a job. What do you say? Andi : …………… . (A) I’d rather some one gave me a job (B) I wish somebody would give me a job (C) I hope somebody will give a job (D) I persuade someone to give a job 14. Parent : what do the students usually do at school? Teacher workshop

: ………in the

(A) The students practice (B) The students will practice (C) The students are practicing (D) The students have practiced 15. Aryati : Hello!.............. my name is aryati. I came from Bandung. Wulan

: Hello, my name is Wulan.

(A) Nice to meet you (B) What’s your name (C) I’m happy to meet you (D) Allow me to introduce myself 16.Student : what should we do to be successful students? Tutor

: ……………….as well as possible so that all activities can be done

(A) You should manage your time (B) You may not manage your time (C) You will manage your time (D) You mustn’t manage your time

17. Man : how could you miss the meeting ? it was very important Woman

unpleasant. It was too unpleasant to have a good time.

: I know.……. I feel terrible about it.

(A) I’m sorry it’s late.

(A) It was interesting.

(B) I lost the address.

(B) I’m bored and tired.

(C) The traffic was bad.

(C) I was disappointed.

(D) I don’t have any money.

(D) It is very impressive.

18. Ridwan : when did Bambang come to your house , Bondan? Bondan

: he came when .

(A) I’m watching TV (B) I have been watching TV (C) I watched TV (D) I was watching TV 19.Mitfah time on vacation? Farida

: did you have a good

20.Anita interview go?

: how did the job


: not too well.


: ………what happened?


: well, I planned to ask more questions, but I was too nervous.

(A) I’m sorry to hear that. (B) I’m happy to know you. (C) Oh, it was great.

: well,………… the weather was very

(D) It sounds interesting.

II. Identify the one underline words or phrases that should be corrected or rewritten. 21.Mr. Arnold paid his registration fee when he discovered that he would not be A B C able to attend the workshop. D 22. Ms. Nastiti, the senior secretary, usually arrive before the manager comes, but this A B C morning she arrived a bit later. D 23. The organizer thought that either the grey invitation cards and the yellow ones A B were suitable for the wedding parting. C D 24. Mr. Abdullah has been working for thirty years by the time he retires from this

A B C company next year. D 25. I asked the senior secretary, but she did not know when would the directors take a A B C D break from their meeting. 26. Have you got memo from our boss informing us about the delay of the board A B C meeting? D 27. Ms Lena lost her handbag while he was shopping at the mall this afternoon. A B C D 28. You have the opportunity to reserving these accommodations for next summer. A B C D

29. Not have prepared for giving a speech in the wedding party, the now manager was A B a little nervous when he approached the podium. C D 30. Some senior staff who do not qualify for new positions in the company that A B requires knowledge of computer skills will have to take a short course in computer C D operation. III. Choose the best answer based on the following reading materials Question 31-32 refer to the following memo. Memorandum To: Supervisors From: Judy Linquiest, Human Resource Manager Sub: Probation periods As of January 1st all new employees will be subject to a 3 month probationary period. Medical, holiday, and flextime benefits will not apply to new staff members until the full 3 months have expired. After the three months have been completed, please contact your employees and inform them that their probationary period has ended. The HR department will contact you by email 2 days in advance to remind you of the date. Thank you for your co-operation. (http://www.englishclub.com/esl-exams/ets-toeic-practice-7.htm) 31. What is the main purpose of this memo? (A) To inform all employees of a new expiration date. (B) To put staff members on probation. (C) To introduce the HR department. (D) To inform supervisors of a change in policy.

32. When does the change come into effect? (A) Today. (B) In 2 days. (C) In 3 days. (D)On January 1st. Questions 33-34refer to the following advertisement. Goldmart, the Only place to Glow Looking for something to give someone special on his/her birthday? Search no more. Goldmart’s latest line, Eva Zuccolo, offers a jewelry collection of unique designs to make your loved one’s special moment an absolute gem. A modern chain of jewelry store established in 1991, Goldmart caters to every segment of the jewelry market, from children, teens to adults. Goldmart’s lines of jewelry include Prima Gold, a collection of 24-carat jewelry; Goldia, Diamonds on white and yellow Gold; Zirca, cubic zirconia jewelry; Pepita, the silver line stylish and modern designs. Goldmart, THE ONLY PLACE TO GLOW … Preference NO. 20 2000

33. What can’t be bought in Goldmart? (A) Gold pendants. (B) Wedding rings. (C) Silver accessories. (D) Bronze souvenirs. 34. Who is probably Eva Zuccolo? (A) The goldsmith. (B) The birthday planner. (C) The shopkeeper. (D) The receptionist. Question 35-36 refer to following announcement. Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all participants! Prizes can be collected at C’n S office on Jl. Pramuka Kav. 30, Jakarta Barat from Monday to Friday between 8 AM and 4 PM until December 2, 2006. For the winners in Jadetabek, be sure to call first to 8572632-34 or 8565864. Bring your ID. Only winners outside Jadetabek will have their prizes sent to them (we have their full address) CnS Vol. 6 No.43 2006 35. What should the winner in jadetabek do to get the prizes? (A) Come at the weekends. (B) Make an appointment first. (C) Wait for the package. (D) Send a letter with the complete address. 36. How many hours does the office open? (A) 5 hours (B) 9 hours (C) 8 hours. (D)6 hours. Questions 37-39 refer to the following announcement. SUPPLY OF SATELLITTE IMAGERY EC-INDONESIA

FLEGT SUPPORT PROJECT IN WEST KALIMANTAN AND JAMBI-INDONESIA Publication Reference: EuropeAid/124913/M/SUP/ID The EC-Indonesia FLEGT support project intends to award a supply contact for 12 High Resolution satellite imagery (2.5m Multi Spectral/natural color) in west Kalimantan and Jambi with financial assistance from the ALA programme of the European Communities. The tender dossier as well as the procurement notice are available from Mr. Ratman Tasmin, Project Director ECIndonesia FLEGT Support Project , Manggala Wanabakti Building Block VII,6th floor, JL. Jend. Gatot Subroto, Jakarta 10270. The tender dossier is also pulished on the EuropeAID website: http://europe.eu.int/comm/europeaid/index.en.htm and on the EC Delegation in Jakarta website: http://www.delidn.cec.eu.int. Possible additional information or clarifications/question shall published on the same website. The deadline for submission of tenders is 15 February 2007 at 10.00 am WIB

37. What is the announcement about? (A) A meeting invitation. (B) Introduce the web site . (C) Promotion of a new product. (D)A bid invitation. 38. Who made the announcement? (A) EC-representative. (B) The local government. (C) A private company. (D)Indonesian Embassy. 39. Who may get the most benefits by reading this announcement? (A) The local government. (B) Telecommunication companies. (C) People living in kalimantan. (D)Indonesian Government. Question 40-42 refer to the following announcement. SOCIAL SECURITY TAX REGULATIONS Effective with the calendar year 2001, The Sosial Security contribution is 12, 4% of the gross salary, of which the employer contributes half and the employee contributes the other half. The maximum salary base for calculating the Social Security tax is $80,400. If an employee has more than one employee, the basis for contribution remains the same.

40. What is defined in this announcement? (A) Wage sales (B) Social Security benefits (C) Gross salary calculations (D) Social Security Contributions 41. If an employee’s salary is $690.000, what would be the salary base on which he or she pays social security tax? (A) 6.2% of his or her salary

(B) 12.4% of his or her salary (C) His or her entire salary (D) $80.400 42. What does the announcement say about the Social Security tax? (A) Employers pay haltf of every employee’s contribution. (B) Employees making more than $80.400 don’t pay it. (C) An employee having two jobs is exempt from it (D) Each employee pays the same amount

Question 43-45 refer to the following the notice. METRO PARKING SERVICES EUCLID AVENUE AUTOPARK LOCK YOUR CAR! Do not destroy or lose this ticket. Loss of ticket results in accumulated fee from lot opening. Surrender ticket on exit to lot attendant Liability: Manageement is not responsible for fire, theft, damage, or loss of articles from vehicle. Rates: $2.00 an hour or any fraction of an hour. Two hours free parking if validated on back of ticket by any Euclid Avenuse merchant. Hours of operatin:

6 A.M. to 10 P.M. M-F 9 A.M. to 6 P.M Sat Closed on Sun and holidays 43. How much will the charge b for someone who park at this lot for an hour and a half and who does not have his ticket validated? (A) No charge (B) $2.00 (C) $3.00 (D) $4.00 44. What is probably on the reverse side of this ticket? (A) A space for the merchant to validate the ticket. (B) Additional hours of operation (C) A map of the Euclid Avenue area (D) More information about the management’s liability 45. What is a customer supposed to do with this ticket when leaving the lot? (A) Have it validated (B) Give it to the attendant (C) Destroy it (D) Take it a merchant

Question 46-47refer to the following advertisement.

MIDNIGHT EYESHADES AS SEEN ON TV! If You’re a jet-lagged traveler or someone who needs to sleep during the daytime, this eyeshade lets you nap anywhere, anytime in total darkness. Made of lightweight plastic and soft comfortable foam padding. Completely blocks out even the brightest light. Item 16472

Price:$22.50 each or two for $40.00

46. Who would be most likely you buy this product? (A) Opticians (B) People who watch a lot of TV (C) Office workers (D) People who work at night 47. Which of the following is true about this product? (A) Each one cots $22.50 (B) It is made completely of lightweight plastic (C) It can be ordered only on airline flights (D) It blocks out all but the brightest light Question 48-50 refer to the announcement. WARNING: Keep this product away from small children. This product can cause irritation. Do not get in eyes or on skin. In case of eye contact, immediately rinse eyes with plenty of cool water for at least 15 minutes. In case of skin contact, wash with plenty of soap in water. If irritation persists, seek medical attention. Keep securely closed. 48. Why should consumers be careful with this product? (A) It can be fattening. (B) It can be harmful.

(C) It can cause stains. (D) It can soften skin. 49. What should consumers do if they get this product in their eyes? (A) Rinse with water for 15 minutes (B) Keep their eyes closed (C) Wash their eyes with soap (D) Blink rapidly 50. How should this product be stored? (A) In a dry place (B) With the lid tightly closed (C) At a low temperature (D) With other chemical

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