
  • November 2019
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  • Words: 268
  • Pages: 2
Introduction: Social structure of India is based upon cast system. The cast system as originally conceived was different from what it is today. Earlier, it was a four -fold order(Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra)based on occupation. It was purely a vocational classification of society based on duty. But today it has become a four-fold gradation of society based upon one’s birth in a particular cast. Castes are further divided into subcastes each having a distinct place in social hierarchy. Cast system is closely associated with Hindus and also to some extent exists among the Muslims,Christians and Sikhs.Cast creates social gradation and social groupings, which leads to social distinction, discrimination and disintegration.The British exploited castism to keep Indians divided and to perpetuate their rule over India. The cast of a person is determined by the cast of the family in which he or she is born. If some one happens to be born in a cast,which was considered low he or she subjected to many in human and discriminatory treatment. His or her cast becomes a curse for life without any fault of his or her. Cast discrimination has drastically declined but conversely the importance of cast consideration has increased. Cast appears to be declining in important as a social factor but it is increasing in importance as a political factor.


Start of Castism in India: Arya came India about 1500B.C.At that time they had no cast system in society.After passes of time they made a four-fold system in society.This was based on occupation. It was purely a vocational classification of society based on duty.It is not fixed


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