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  • Words: 1,697
  • Pages: 15
Opytovacie zámená 1) _________ is your favourite singer? -- Michael Bolton. What Where Which Who 2) _________ do you like math? -- Because I like working with numbers. How Where Whose Why 3) _________ pencil is this? -- It's mine! How What Which Whose 4) _________ do I get to Queen Street? -- Go straight on and turn right. How When Where Why 5) _________ are you going on holiday? -- To Egypt. When Where Which Whose 6) _________ is the name of your dog? What Which Who Whose 7) _________ of these hats is yours? -- This one. What Which Who Whose 8) _________ wants something to drink? -- I do! How What Which Who 9) _________ do you study? -- In the evening. How What When Where 10) _________ are your parents? -- They're fine. How Where Which Who 11) _________ did you leave so early? -- I needed to catch a bus. How What When Why 12) _________ do you like your coffee? -- Black, no sugar. How

Where Whose Why 13) _________ are you talking about? -- About the film we watched yesterday. How What When Where 14) _________ far is it from New York to Baltimore? -- I don't know. How What When Why 15) _________ is the price of a new laptop computer? -- I'm not sure. How What Which Why

Test 2 1) My father _________ as a policeman. does works work working works 2) "Is this your friend Peter?" -- "Yes, _________." he is it is it's this is 3) _________ three chairs and a table in the dining room. It is There are There is They are 4) "Could you give me a dollar?" -- "Yes, _________." here you are please you could you're welcome 5) "Excuse me, what does 'surname' _________?" be mean sign translate 6) I don't know them, they are _________ friends. my parent's my parents' my parents of my parents 7) I usually get up at five o'clock _________ the morning. at in on to 8) "What time do you go _________?" -- "At 7.30." in school in the school to school to the school 9) We haven't got _________ onions in the fridge. Go and buy some. a any no some 10) He loves Julia but I don't like _________ at all. her hers she's she 11) You should _________ a shower before you go to bed. do got have make 12) She's from _________ Britain. --a an

the 13) "What does your boyfriend do?" -- "_." He is in Prague at the moment He's a student He's learning Yes, he does 14) "Where _________ you yesterday?" -- "In Prague." did went were will 15) He can't _________, he's still very young. swim swimming swims to swim 16) "Is Mike at home, please?" -- "I'm afraid not. He _________." does walk the dog is walking the dog walk the dog walks the dog 17) He's tall, he's got brown eyes and his _________ very long. hair are hair is hairs are hairs is 18) "Would you like some coffee?" -- "_." I like coffee Yes, I like coffee Yes, I like Yes, please 19) "_________ did you do it?" -- "Because I needed money." How When Where Why 20) Jack is _________ friend. my best my better my the best my the most good

Test 3 1) "Is this your mobile phone?" -- "_" Yes, it is. Yes, it's my. Yes, my. Yes, this is. 2) "Where's the cat?" -- "_" He's in the kitchen. In the kitchen, there is a cat. There is she. There's in the kitchen. 3) He walks to work. He _________ a car. doesn't have don't has got haven't got isn't got 4) He eats _________ apple every day. --a an the 5) My mother _________ breakfast for me every day. does gives has makes 6) "_________ do you get to work?" -- "I walk." How When Where Why 7) My brother earns a lot of money. He's _________ soldier. --a an the 8) _________ for school. I am late never I am never late I never am late Never I am late 9) It was a very _________ journey. quick quicker quickliest quickly 10) She bought _________ bread for breakfast. a any much some 11) He got into the car and _________ off. drove got rode took 12) The weather _________ hot yesterday. been

did had was 13) I'm going _________ holiday tomorrow. for in on to 14) "Where _________ from?" -- "She's from Germany. Stefi is does Stefi come is Stefi come is Stefi coming 15) Where is he? -- I don't know, I saw him _________. about an hour ago about one o'clock before about an hour since about an hour 16) Mark is taller _________ I am. as than that then 17) Can I help you? -- Yes, I _________ an ice cream. 'd like like liked would 18) You _________ smoke in the library. It's not allowed. can don't have to mustn't needn't 19) She wanted _________ my dictionary. borrowing lending to borrow to lend 20) I think I _________ at home tomorrow. 'll stay 'm going to stay stayed would stay

Test 4 1) "Have you got a cat?" -- "Yes, _________." I do I get I have I've got 2) "What's in the bag?" -- "_" There're a wallet and some keys. There're some wallet and a keys. There's a wallet and some keys. There's some wallet and a keys. 3) "How _________ is your brother?" -- "1 metre 60." high large long tall 4) I _________ like English. I think it's very difficult. 'm not don't haven't not 5) "Where's Jack?" -- "He's in _________ bathroom. Let's wait for him." --a some the 6) Maybe I _________ to the cinema in the evening. 'll go 'm going to go 'm going going 7) "I'd like _________ out with Jenny. She's very nice." go going to go to going 8) You _________ go by train. I'll drive you home if you want to. may not must mustn't needn't 9) I think New Jersey is _________ than Massachusetts. as large large larger largest 10) I'm _________ because there's nothing on TV. bore bored boring born 11) I don't like the blue T-Shirt, but the _________ is nice. red it red one red shirts red 12) "_________ are you late?" -- "I missed my bus."

How What Whose Why 13) "What _________ ?" -- "It's rainy and cold." does the weather like is like the weather is the weather like likes the weather 14) "This coat isn't _________!" me mine my myself 15) Marry _________ jeans to school. She hates skirts. is usually wearing is wearing usually usually wears wears usually 16) During the summer holidays, I spent two weeks _________ my grandmother's. at by in to 17) Our friends live in _________ New York. --a city the 18) My birthday is _________ January 10th. at during in on 19) "_, is there a bank near here?" -- "Yes, it's over there, next to the hotel." Excuse me Good day Pardon Sorry 20) I love this film. _________ it three times. I saw I see I seen I've seen

Predložky a predložkové vazby 1) Stephanie lives _________ New York. at in on to 2) The lesson starts _________ 5 o'clock. at in on to 3) I like watching _________ television. --at in on 4) Mark loves listening _________ rock music. --for in to 5) We have an English lesson _________ Monday. at in on to 6) There's a nice picture _________ the wall. at in on to 7) She's standing _________ the middle of the room. --at in on 8) The toilets are in the main hall, _________ the right. at for in on 9) I want to talk _________ you. --at on to 10) Tomasz is _________ Poland. from of on to

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osobní pádová

přivlastňovací nesamostatná

přivlastňovací samostatná








































Osobné a privlastňovacie zámená 1) John is very good at English. Where is _________ from? he her him his 2) What's _________ mother's name? you're you your yours 3) Jack plays football with _________. our ours us we 4) Give me the book. It isn't _________. our you your yours 5) _________ has got long hair and blue eyes. Her Hers She's She 6) _________ favourite TV programme is The Simpsons. Their Theirs Them They 7) You've got a cat! Has _________ got a name? her it's it its 8) I think Monica loves _________. I me mine my 9) Is it Sue's bike? -- No, it isn't. It's _________. I me mine my 10) Where are Kathy and Eric from? -- _________ are from the USA. He Our They Yours

Slovesné tvary go/goes/going Doplňte do viet správny tvar slovesa v zátvorke. Všetky vety sú písané v prítomnom čase. Do každej mezery doplňte jedno slovo. 1. My name's Petr and I (want) a new bicycle. 2. Mary

(want) a new bicycle.

3. My favourite sports (talk) to Lucy! 4. Look, Josh is

(talk) to Lucy!

5. Can you (do)?

6. What are you


7. Their children (have) dinner at the moment. 8. My mother is

(have) dinner at the moment.

9. Meg doesn't (run) very much. 10. I don't like

(run) very much.

Použitia SOME a ANY 1) Have you got _________ computer? --a any some 2) I've got _________ two brothers. --a any some 3) There are _________ children in the classroom. a an any some 4) I want _________ new bicycle. --a any some 5) There aren't _________ chairs in the kitchen. a any some the 6) We haven't got _________ house. --a any some 7) There's _________ door on the left. --a any some 8) I like _________ my dog very much. --a some the 9) I got _________ camera for Christmas. --a any some 10) There are _________ bananas on the table. a any some the

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