Air Force

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 2,549
  • Pages: 21
You can literally touch the sky by joining the Air Force, not to mention that you'll be inside a supersonic jet, going at an incredible speed while doing that. Apart from the thrill and adventure, Air Force offers a fulfilling career for life to you. The Basic Process Candidates, short-listed for Air Force after the initial selection procedure, go through a rigorous three-year training regimen at the National Defence Academy, followed by specialised training at the Air Force Academy. Thereafter, they are commissioned as officers and posted as pilots at any of the Air Force Stations. NDA lays special emphasis on physical training and related activities. The Physical Training programs are aimed at building stamina, endurance and agility of cadets. The Physical Training Team implements the programs with scientific techniques, in a phased and progressive manner. Endurance and obstacle training are designed to augment the physical development of cadets. Drill, which is an important aspect of physical training, is aimed at inculcating in the cadets, smartness in gait and implicit obedience to orders. Equitation training is imparted to add to the overall mental and physical development of cadets. Cadets are encouraged to play games that include football, hockey, basketball, volleyball, cricket, squash, tennis and boxing. To further enhance interest in sports and related activities, there are a number of outdoor clubs that include activities like kayaking, rowing, cycling, trekking, golf, rifle shooting, pistol shooting, sailing and wind surfing. Service Subjects Cadets are taught Common Service Subjects in the first five semesters at the Academy. These subjects - historical evolution of the three services, material management, military technology and camp - expose them to important aspects of each of the three services. To further acquaint them with the life in the services, visits are made to the Army, Navy and Air Force units. In the last semester at NDA, cadets are introduced to specialist service subjects. The Navy, Army and Air Force Training Teams impart training to the cadets for their respective services.

Vyas Library

The NDA Central Library, shaped like an anchor, is known as the Vyas Library. It has over 75,000 titles to choose from. It also subscribes to over 55 Indian and 11 foreign magazines in addition to 8 newspapers. Within the reading room, a section is reserved for surfing the Internet and browsing through an updated collection of CD-ROMs. Academics 68% of the training curriculum at the NDA is devoted to academics. The aim is to achieve excellence in academic pursuits without compromising on outdoor activities. On successful completion of the degree course, the cadets are awarded a bachelor's degree in Arts, Science and Computer Science by Jawaharlal Nehru University. Based on their academic

profile and performance in the classification test, the cadets have the option of joining the Science or Humanities streams. Computer Science is another important aspect of academics at NDA. The teaching of computer fundamentals was introduced as early as 1987. To achieve a wellrounded education all cadets are taught the fundamentals of crossstream subjects. In addition to English, they are also required to learn Hindi and a foreign language.

Eligibility Criteria To join the NDA you need to fulfil the following requirements: •

Age 16 ½ to 19 years*

Nationality Indian

Gender This is applicable only to men.


Qualifications You should have passed your 10+2 with Physics and Mathematics. You can, however send us your application during your 10+2; provided you meet the eligibility criteria at the time of joining the Academy.

How to Apply? If the thought of living in the middle of supersonic jets and state-of- the-art warfare technologies makes your adrenaline go up, then its time for you to find out how you can be in the middle of all this action. You start by sending us your application. The procedure for sending your application is fairly simple. The first stage is to watch out for the advertisement inviting applications in the leading newspapers and the Employment News. After you spot the relevant ad,

you send us your application in the format mentioned in the advertisement, before the last date of receiving of application. If you have applied to the Flying Branch through the NDA or CDSE, your applications will be sent for processing to UPSC. If you are a woman applying for the Short Service Commission or as an NCC Senior Division 'C' Certificate Holder, you move to the next step after your application has been processed. If you have applied to the Ground Duty Branch, your application will be sent to the Air Headquarters for short-listing. If you have applied to the Technical Branch, you will be required to take the Engineering Knowledge Test (EKT). If you pass the EKT, you move to the next step. Step 2 - Testing Officer like Qualities If you have successfully cleared Step 1, you will

receive a call letter to report to any one of the Air Force Selection Boards located at Dehradun, Varanasi and Mysore. At the Air Force Selection Boards, you undergo a number of psychological tests, an interview and group activities, which are collectively called the Officer Like Qualities (OLQ) Tests. These tests are designed to gauge your potential and suitability as an officer in the Armed Forces. •

The Psychological Tests are written tests that are conducted by a Psychologist. The Group Tests are interactive indoor and outdoor tests. We expect active physical participation from you. The Interview involves a personal conversation with our Interviewing Officer.

These tests will be explained to you in detail before they are conducted.

The following is the schedule for OLQ Tests: Flying Branch Technical Branch Ground Duty Branch OIR Test*/ INS-B/PABT* Psychological tests Psychological tests Psychological test Group tests Group tests Group tests Group tests Group tests Group tests Interview Interview Conference Conference Conference

: Instrument Comprehension - B Tests Pilot Aptitude Battery Tests fficer Intelligence Rating Tests All of the above are screening tests. If you do not make the passing grades, you are routed back home the same day. If you have applied through NDA/CDSE (for Flying Branch) there is no screening; you are tested for your second/third choice of Army and Navy. At the conference held on the last day, all the assessors, i.e. the Psychologist, Ground Testing Officer and the Interviewing Officer, discuss your performance. Based on your performance, you will be selected for the next step. Step 3 - Conducting Medical Examinations If you have applied for the

Flying branch and are found suitable by the Selection Board, you would be sent to the Air Force Central Medical Establishment, New Delhi or the Institute of Aviation Medicine, Bangalore for a thorough medical examination. If you have applied for the Technical or Ground Duty Branches and are found suitable , you would be asked to return home and await a call for a medical examination depending upon your position in the merit list. Step 4 -Preparing All India Merit List An All India merit list is compiled on the basis of your performance at the group tests as well as the medical examination. If you qualify the merit list, depending upon vacancies, you are instructed to go to the training academy.

Application Details -

Flying Branch The time of release of advertisements varies for the different modes of entry for the Flying Branch. You can refer to the following schedule to know when to expect the advertisement and where to send your application. Application Format Month Of Release Of Send Applications Advertisement Here April / November The Secretary, UPSC, Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi 110011. April / November The Secretary, UPSC, Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi 110011. June / December DGNCC, West Block IV, RK Puram, New Delhi-110066. January / July Post Bag No. 001, DHQ Post Office, New Delhi-110011. Application Format You are required to send us your application, in a

particular format. Click on any of the following to view / print the application format. •

• •

NDA/CDSE (The form is available on the official site of UPSC. Please click on this link to view the form. in/) NCC - Click here to view/print the form Women (Short Service Commission) Click here to view/print the form

Please remember that your applications should be sent to the postal address mentioned above. Online applications will be considered invalid.

Application Details Technical Branch You can apply to the Technical Branch through the University Entry Scheme or the Direct Entry Scheme. The time of release of the advertisements varies for

the two schemes. You can refer to the following schedule to know when to expect the advertisement and where to send your application. Click to view the schedule for each scheme: • •

Direct Entry Scheme University Entry Scheme Application Format

Entry Scheme

garh and Delhi

laya, Mizoram,

, Tripura, West

Andaman and

Month Of Release Of Send Applications Advertisement Here January / July Command Education Officer. Headquarters Western Air Command, IAF, Subroto Park, New Delhi-110010. January / July Command Education Officer. Headquarters Eastern Air Command, IAF, Nong Lyer, Shillong, Meghalaya. January / July Command Education Officer. Headquarters Central Air Command, IAF, Bamrauli, Allahabad-211012, Uttar Pradesh. October Command Education Officer. Headquarters South Western Air Command, IAF, Sector 9, Gandhinagar - 382009 Gujarat. October Command Education Officer. Headquarters Southern Air Command,

sity Entry Scheme Month Of Release Of Send Applications Advertisement Here October Command Education Officer. Headquarters Western garh and Delhi Air Command, IAF, Subroto Park, New Delhi-110010. October Command Education Officer. laya, Mizoram, Headquarters Eastern Air Command, , Tripura, West IAF, Nong Lyer, Shillong, Meghalaya. October Command Education Officer. Headquarters Central Air Command, IAF, Bamrauli, Allahabad-211012, Uttar Pradesh. October Command Education Officer. Headquarters South Western Air Command, IAF, Sector 9, Gandhinagar - 382009 Gujarat. Andaman and October Command Education Officer. Headquarters Southern Air Command,

Application Format You should send your application to us in a particular format. Click here to view / print the application format for the Technical Branch. Please remember that your applications should be sent to the postal address mentioned above. Online applications will be considered invalid

fitness is one of the most important prerequisites for joining the e. Irrespective of the branch you are applying for, you must fulfil sic physical standards. Listed below are some guidelines that he general physical requirements that are common for all

ou must be in good physical and mental health and free from any sease/ disability, which is likely to interfere with efficient rformance of duties. There should be no evidence of weak nstitution, bodily defects or overweight.

he height and weight standards for men and women differ. Click to ew the appropriate standards for each.

our chest should be well developed. The minimum range of pansion after full inspiration should be 5 cm.

here should be no disease of bones and joints of the body.

ou should be free of any past history of mental breakdown or fits.

our hearing should be normal without any evidence of present or st disease of the ear, nose and throat.

here should be no sign of functional or organic disease of the heart d blood vessels. Your blood pressure should also be normal.

he muscles of the abdomen should be well developed without any largement of the liver or spleen. Any evidence of disease of ernal organs of the abdomen can be a cause for rejection.

n un-operated hernia can make you unfit for selection. If operated, s should have been done at least six months prior to the present amination and healing should be complete without any potential

here should be no hydrocele, varicocele or piles. If operated for drocele and/or varicocele, this should have been done at least six onths prior to the present examination and healing should be mplete without any recurrence.

ine examination will be done and any abnormality, if detected, can a cause for rejection.

ny disease of the skin, which is likely to cause disability or sfigurement, will also be a cause for rejection.

sion will be tested. You must have good binocular vision. In case u have undergone or are detected to have undergone Radial eratotomy, or any other procedure to improve the visual acuity, you ll be permanently rejected.

ou should have sufficient number of natural and sound teeth. A nimum of 14 dental points will be acceptable. When 32 teeth are esent, the total dental points are 22. You should not be suffering om severe pyorrhoea.

he following are conditions pertaining to women ection for all Air Force Duties: Acute or chronic pelvic infection Severe menorrhagia Severe dysmenorrhea Complete prolapse of uterus Pregnancy/ Amenorrhea Any other gynaecological condition, if so considered by the


e noted that the Air Force Medical Board is the final authority ciding the medical fitness for joining the Indian Air Force Height And Weight Standards for Women Height in cm. (without shoes) 143 145 146 148 150 152 154 156 158 160 162 163 165 168 170 173 175

36.8 37 38 39 40 42 43 43 45 46 46 47 49 50 51 53 55

*If you belong to the North Eastern regions of India, Garwahal or Kumaon or are a Gorkha then the height is relaxed by 5 cm. *If you are applying from Lakshwadeep, then the

height is relaxed by 2 cm. Medical Standards for the Flying Branch If you are applying to the Flying Branch, you must remember that apart from the general physical standards, there are some standards that are specifically applicable to you. Listed below are the physical requirements applicable to both men and women applying to the Flying Branch. •

Anthropometric Measurements The acceptable anthropometric measurements are as follows: Men Minimum Height 162.5 cm. without any exception Leg Length Minimum- 99 cm. Maximum- 120 cm. Women Minimum Height 162.5 cm. Leg Length 99 cm.

• •

X-ray X-ray of cervical and

Lumbosacaral spine will be carried out. The following conditions detected in the X-ray will be a cause for rejection. o

More than mild Kyphosis/ Lordosis, Scolosis more than 15 by Cobb's method.


Herniated Nucleus Pulposus.


Presence of Schmorl's node at more than one level.


Atlanto occipital and atlanto-axial anomalies.


Spinabifida other than LV5 & SV1.


Incomplete sacralisation unilateral or bilateral.


Any other abnormality, if so considered

by specialist. •

Vision o Distant Vision 6/6, 6/9 correctable to 6/6 only for Hypermetropi a. No manifest Myopia detected. o

Near Vision N-5 each eye.


Color Vision CP-1(ML T).


Manifest Hypermetropi a must not exceed + 2.00 Dsph "Myopia - Nill" and Astigmatism + 0.75 DSph.

Occular Muscle Balance Hetrophoria with the Maddox Rod Test must not exceed: At 6 Exophoria 6 prism Diopters meters Esophoria 6 prism Diopters Hyperphoria 1 prism Diopters At 33 cm. Exophoria 16 prism Diopters Esophoria 6 prism Diopters Hyperphoria 1 prism Diopters

Binocular vision must possess good binocular vision (fusion and stereopsis with good amplitude and depth). •

EEG Routine EEG should be within normal limits.

The following are however conditions pertaining to women that will entail rejection for all Air Force Duties: o

o o o

o o

Acute or chronic pelvic infection Severe menorrhagia Severe dysmenorrhea Complete prolapse of uterus Pregnancy/ Amenorrhea Any other gynecological condition, if so considered by the specialist.

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