Aid Delhi Newsletter November 2008

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  • Words: 3,585
  • Pages: 10
November 2008

Association for India’s Development Delhi Chapter Newsletter Editorial

Table of Contents Editorial Project Updates AID Aashayein AID Gurgaon AID Prayas Parichay Khoj Jamghat

1 Great to see you all back in another version of our AID Delhi’s monthly newsletter. I apologize for the delay in the same. This is the last version of this calendar year and it has been an enchanting year for AID Delhi and its activities. We’ve spread our wings across lot of new horizons this year with the strength of our volunteers. We’ve also got a full timer with us now who will even strengthen AID Delhi’s activities and make its presence a valuable one. We’ve kick started a few new ventures and collaborations this year and hope to carry it along finely in the coming years. I would sincerely thank every one of you who’ve offered support to make us reach where we are now today.

2 2 3 4 5 5

Article: How to be an agent of Change


AID Treasury


AID India Annual Conference


ROTI 2009


Contact us


In my editorial I’d like to focus on meal a month as I see the trend of meal a month getting a downfall in the last couple of months. Now we all know that AID Delhi does a lot of good work on the ground with the help of volunteers and run projects. We all question where does the support for running our projects come from?. We always raised our funds through our meal a month from our volunteers and supporters. Now what is meal a month? Simply defining it’s the money offered to AID Delhi by a person whose one meal values equivalent to the amount which he / she gives. Now why do we call it as meal a month and not a donation? As per me donation is something which is being made to a charity where you give away some money to anyone which according to you might be for a good cause or for a feel good factor and some where just to show tax exemption, but meal a month is something which relates to make a person feel / show value towards the contribution as its not just the money donated but a meal of them. We all agree that we survive for our food and shelter which are the most prior things and a lot of other things follow and we value our food we eat and we respect the money spent on our food.


4. Aman and Nikhil, two volunteers have taken up the responsibility of creating a database of the community by conducting a survey and are currently working on the same.

It might sound a bit sentimental but the fact is that when one pledges an amount which he / she might spend for a meal of theirs they feel more affiliated towards the cause. The value of food / meal is not the same for all. It differs from person to person by this way ensure that each one of us feel free to contribute whatever they feel that they would spend. Most of us probably keep a fast once in a week or a month [the reasons being so many which I would not discuss], but never thought that why don’t we skip one meal of ours and contribute that value of the meal to a cause. This seems to be very simple but when it comes in the ground it is very effective. Lets not be ashamed that I spend only Rs.20/- for a meal. That Rs. 20/- adds a meal to your life but can add a lot more to someone else who is getting benefited through AID.

5. Aashayein decided to make some stuff this Diwali and we with the help of some volunteers we managed to make three items, which were, bookmarks, bags and photo frames. These items were sold at ST Microelectronics on 20th October with the help of Parichay. 6. A meeting with Sanjeev from AID was held regarding space issue. Events planned in next month: We are now planning to share the experience of making the products with all the volunteers and teach all the kids as well as volunteers how to make the stuff. Also provide some women in the community with material to make stuff which can later be marketed.

We have more than 700 registered volunteers with us out of which less than 10 % volunteers contribute meal a month with which we could do such a tremendous work. Imagine if more volunteers start to contribute. “Small drops come together to make flood”. Lets come together and make a huge “DIFFERENCE”. Happy New Year and Merry Chirtmas in Advance. Happy Reading!!!

A volunteer Shireen will be joining us from the end of October and hopefully by next month with the help of Vijay Bhaiya from Parichay we will start working on a special kid from aashayein. Project Location: Timarpur ( 10minute walk from Delhi University metro station )

Selva Ganapathy R [email protected] +91-9891358457

Regular Classes: Weekends - Saturday : 4 pm - 6 pm Sunday : 10:30am - 12:30 pm

Project Updates: AID Aasahyein

Regular volunteers: Kavita Aunty, Nitin, Neeru, Nikhil, Kriti, Sampurna, Aman, Arongdi, Tanya

Activity Updates:

New volunteers this month: Rupin

1. In the month of October the regular weekend classes of Aashayein took place.

Contact Information: Neeru Malhotra - 9971661422

2. Apart from academics children were told about the harmful effects of bursting crackers on Diwali and how it can be very hazardous.

Project Updates: AID Gurgaon Activity Updates

3. Two volunteers Prachi and Ragini who had joined us from the Play for Peace organization and were to conduct a teo month program with the kids had to leave due to some prior commitments, but will join later when they an devote their time fully.

Nutrition program As part of regularizing the Nutrition program on a daily basis, AID Gurgaon volunteers took the following steps:



Purchased utensils and gas achieve independence in terms of infrastructure 2. Started handing over the responsibilities like procuring the milk, heating the milk and distribution the milk to senior students; this helped the process become self sufficient 3. Has got a proposal from RBS to sponsor the program for 2 months after they have had a look at the program on a weekday

On academic front, classes are running smoothly, leaving aside minor hiccups. Classes of 12 children – potential children likely to be admitted with school (Nai Disha) in Class II & above in next academic session – are being conducted 5 days a week, Mon-Wed-Fri (2030-2230 Hrs) Sat-Sun (1600-1800 Hrs). Apart from these, classes for 12-15 children in junior class (less than 8 yrs of age) are being conducted on Tue-Thurs-Sat (1800-2000) Hrs. Some of these children will also be tried for admission in schools starting next academic session.

Regular student Education Program (RSEP) program

On volunteer's enthusiasm side, we are not faring very well. Probably the slump in enthusiasm is linked to global economy, but with better propensity to resurrect. So no major issues are seen as on now. New volunteer are always welcome but volunteers with radical ideas glued with practicality are preferred!!

1. Winter uniforms procured for students admitted by AID- Gurgaon in a private school. Events planned in next month: Regular Nutrition Program and admitting a few more children to mainstream education with the help of Pallavanjali School

On fund raising front, we are doing just fine and more or less self sufficient, thanks to some major donations by our esteemed patrons. Names are not being disclosed here keeping non-disclosure clause (spirit of unbiased approach, equal stake & responsibility) in mind.

Project Location: Sector 31, Gurgaon Timings:

Regular school sessions: Monday to Friday Volunteer visits to Basti : Saturday and Sunday 15.00 hours onwards

That's all for the month!!

Regular volunteers: Puneet, Anshul, Shankar, Dilip

Anand K Gupta +91-9868885823 [email protected]

Puneet Sharma [email protected] +91- 9811621209

Eureka Class The Eureka class at present contains 12 children out of which 11 are regular. The class was held after one month hence we had to start the class from the scratch as children might have lost touch. I accompanied by 4 other volunteers together started the class. They used to come on the respective days on which they were available.

Project Updates: AID Prayas Activity Updates In this month, we rented a place with much bigger space as compared to existing setup inside the community, located around 300 meters from community gate in Sector 16 itself. This place is leased for Prayaas, starting Nov 15, 2008 for 11 months. We are in the process of changing the look & feel of the room and creating a semblance of school. A volunteer associated with Literacy India is helping us in this exercise. We are also in process of hiring a full time teacher, just to do away with any kind of irregularity in teaching process and hope to zero in next two weeks.

As we started to teach every kid the basic varnmala and eventually got to know that Jainab Ruby and Dolly were through with it. Hence we separated them from the lot. While rest of the children continued to learn the letters in Hindi.Tarun brought a colourful chart which contained the Varnmala through which we taught. He also brought some small charts which we had put in the class only so that children can see that regularly and learn while seeing. Jainab, Ruby and Dolly side by side were learning the basic matras and the 3

In every class we took from then we revised what we did in the last class and then used to move forward. On an individual level also everyone is doing well except Seepat. Ijaaz as studied by the other volunteers has some problem in writing and usually makes mirror images. So we believe some special treatment is required for him.

Charu Garg +91-99958363035 [email protected]

Events planned in next month: Vocational training for community women with the help of AROH Foundation and Non Formal Education Classes at the new centre with help from Literacy India. Project Location: Naya Bans, Sector – 16, Noida. Regular Classes:

Pioneer – Tuesday, Thrusday 20.30 hours – 22.30 hours Eureka – Tuesday, Thrusday and Saturday 18.00 hours to 20.00 hours. Class – II – Monday, Wednesday and Friday – 20.30 hours to 22.30 hours and Saturday and Sunday 16.00 hours – 18.00 hours.

Regular volunteers: Darshan, Rajiv, Sugandha, Kavita, Anand bhai, Arun Raj Eureka Class : Nikunj, Charu, Tarun, Ritesh, Poonam and Anindita.

Events planned in next month Regular Stalls Project Location : Tukhmirpur, Bhajanpura.

Project Updates: Parichay

Regular Class timings : Any day and anytime

Activity Updates •

Stall at STM was held on Nov 12. The sale touched the figure of Rs. 9,780. Children's day was celebrated with great enthusiasm. A drawing competition was organized for NFE 1, 2, and 3. An exercise was conducted with the children - where they were asked about the kinds of game they play these days. It seems the children are not aware of the games which were played earlier. The effect of media is apparent. In some games, they are way ahead of us, in some other games, they lack the energy that we used to demonstrate as children. On November 28, the visitors from EHA visited the center. It was a nice experience to have interacted with a project from a somewhat different community with a different set of problems altogether. The project is based in Fatehpur, near UP and they need some support from us to market their products. Parichay time would soon plan a visit to Fatehpur to get a better idea of the project. A child Yusuf met an awful accident while crossing the road from school. He has suffered multiple fractures in leg. Urgent help is required to support his family. At least 90% community members casted their voted this time, as most of them now have a voter's id card. Through several orientation programs, awareness was raised on the issue and they were motivated to exercise their vote.

Regular volunteers: God Selva, Deepti, Naval, Puneeta, Kalindi New volunteers this month: NIL

Children have been celebrating Bhaiya's b'day for quite some time now. Last year, Bhaiya had strictly told them not to bring any gifts. Honoring his wishes and their own as well, they chose b'ful gifts for Bhaiya. This time the things were - notebooks, stationary items, erasers, pens etc. In short, everything that can be used at the center. ☺

Contact Information Vijay Bhaiya – 9810753425 Puneeta Chugh [email protected] +91- 9891217839 4

2. Children of Jamghat had lunch hosted by designer Rohit Bal at Veda restaurant at Cannaught Place. All the kids also had a make over by Rohit Bal. The kids enjoyed the lunch and the makeover session. The event was also covered well covered in the press. (Pics attached.)

Project Updates: Khoj Activity Updates 1. Series 10 stage plays depicting the realities of life of streets were conducted in various locations all over Delhi jointly by Khoj and Jamghat in the month of November. The plays were also well covered by Press and helped generating awareness about the issues of the streets among college students and professionals. Children from all of the Khoj and Jamghat projects and other people from street also watched and appreciated the plays.

Events planned in next month Ongoing plays at various locations Project Location: Jamma Masjid, Ladoo Sarai Contact Information : Amit Sinha - +91-9818705715

2. 35 children of Khoj from Ber Sarai went to attend Metro nation Carnival on 07.11.2008 as a part of children day celebration. The kids enjoyed various games and activities and had a lot of fun. This event was also covered by news channel metro nation through out the day.

Volunteers : Suchita Abhinav Kumar Gupta +91-9868371533 [email protected]

Article : How to be an agnet of Change

Events planned in next month

"How to be an agent of change and have your opinion counted?"

Ongoing plays at various locations

At different times, all of us had our piece of mind to share about the government - either appreciating its work or getting angry about the mismanagement... So, we can do some things to make our opinion counted. Here is a list of small things that we can do...

Project Location: Bersarai Contact Information : Pawan Sharma - +919212486338 Volunteers : Shashank, Abhinav, Mohit

1. Blog your ideas... Believe me, when you externalize your ideas, you end up maturing them a lot... Best is to offer details of how to implement them too... Always keep in mind that the most robust ideas usually benefit people across many social segments...

Abhinav Kumar Gupta +91-9868371533 [email protected]

Project Updates: Jamghat

2. Read newspaper... I mean, the main section, not the supplements only... Look also for news items that report policy decisions and are a review of government policy... At times articles relating to various judgements given by high courts or Supreme Court are also eye-openers...

Activity Updates 1. Series 10 stage plays depicting the realities of life of streets were conducted in various locations all over Delhi jointly by Khoj and Jamghat in the month of November. The plays were also well covered by Press and helped generating awareness about the issues of the streets among college students and professionals.Children from all of the Khoj and Jamghat projects and other people from street also watched and appreciated the plays.

3. Write to Editors... This truly works wonders... If ever, you find that coverage of news item is not complete or is biased one way or another, don't feel shy to register your concern/ protest/ discontent to the editor... I have seen coverage in many newspapers improving when I intervened such... Also, appreciate when a newspaper highlights your point of view... 5

4. Discuss amongst friends... Once you are well-read, don't hesitate to discuss your viewpoint with your friends when a topic of your interest comes up... It is important that you rope in as many people to your point of view... The more, the stronger the wave of change that you want to bring along... Once you are more confident, you can conduct brainstorming and group discussion sessions on relevant issues in your college/ office/ school so that more people have a chance to hear your views...

As per the expenses trend for the first time we’ve been spending 18 % on our Adminstration, without an office though. A major of 50 % of funds being utilized on Parichay and Eureka consuming 19.5 % of AID Delhi funds. A junk of funds have also been spent on Relief and Rehabilition for the flood relief work at Bihar. Please note that the expenditure from the projects of Gurgaon and Noida are not included and probably in the next newsletter we’ll be presenting them.

5. Vote... This is one very important tool that we have... If you don't value your vote, how do you think anyone else will...? Vote judiciously... As citizens, when we talk of responsibility of the government, it is our responsibility to spend some time to know the contestants from our area and vote... You may also want to vote for a "party" for the ideology or the promises made in their manifesto, even if the candidate they fielded from your constituency is not very competent... Vote asy ou deem fit...But Vote... I hope you become an agent of change yourself... Anuj Grover [email protected] +91-9910013387

AID Delhi Treasury As we discussed about the status of our funds flow and meal a month in our editorial, I’d like to bring the figures of AID Delhi’s funds flow in this year since April 2008. With volunteers from Noida and Gurgaon starting to raise their funds locaclly, it has been a healthy trend of funds flow at AID Delhi projects but with a full timer hired for AID Delhi’s administration work and regular support to Parichay’s Nutrition program, we need to focus more on fund raising. AID Delhi calendars “ROTI 2009” is out and already selling like hot cakes and I request volunteers to spread the work about the calendars and if a volunteer can sell 10 calendars each then it could fetch us a decent amount of funds. I would also like to add that Ancit would be taking up the responsibility of being fund raising coordinator and volunteers interested in fund raising can contact him and find out how to contribute.

And we also see a trend of meal a month in this financial year is less than 25 % and one time contribution exceeding more than 30 % of the funds inflow. We seriously need to re-work on promoting meal a month and make the funds flow. Selva Ganapathy R, Tresurer [email protected] +91-9891358457


11th AID India Annual Conference – Bangalore Schedule


11th AID India Annual Conference – Bangalore Schedule

AID India Annual Conference is a great opportunity for volunteers to learn from other AID chapters and interact with AID India volunteers, Saathi’s and Jeevan Saathi’s. Volunteers interested in attending the conference can register themselves at Selva Ganapathy. R AID India Conference Organizing team [email protected] +91-9891358457


ROTI 2009

Lord! Give enough that the needs of this family are met, So that I don't go hungry, and neither does the mendicant. ~ Kabir, 15th century mystic and poet parabrahma svarupam.


ROTI 2009

India is famous for its amazing variety of food, range of crops and myriad preparations. Perhaps more precious is the Indian cultural perspective of food not as a commodity but as a life-giver for all, indeed as a form of the divine: annam parabrahma svarupam. To feed an unexpected guest is an honour. The farmer, regarded as annadata or giver of food, is not simply someone who makes a living out of cultivation; just as a scientist is a symbol of learning, of technical advancement, not just someone who works for pay in a laboratory. To raise awareness about the struggling farmers, AID volunteers around the world held candlelight vigils on October 2, 2007 the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi which brought together over 3000 people across the world. AID volunteers pledged to support possible solutions with grassroots partners, through changes in public policy and in our own lives. And then there are choices that are personal but could be just as significant. Do we know who grows, harvests, packs, transports and markets the food we eat daily? What do they earn? What do they eat? Do they have homes? How far does our food travel? How much fuel is used in transport and cooling? Are we fooled by the cosmetics that give it a "fresh" look at journey's end? These questions highlight our power as consumers to tilt the market away from vegetables steeped in pesticides, waxed fruits, and legumes coated with metanil yellow, towards organically grown vegetables, low-input grains, fairly traded to give the farmer a takehome wage rather than mounting debt. Can we exercise this power? What if our common humanity depends on it?. Wishing you peace and joy in 2009. Selva Ganapathy. R AID Calendar Team [email protected] +91-9891358457

Feedback: [email protected] Web: Phone: +91-9818248459 Send your Cheques to Publications Team Selva Ganapathy.R Coordinator: Selva Department of Chemical Engineering, Editors: Selva Indian Institute of Technology, Designers: Selva Delhi - 110016 Web Designer: Selva Hauz Khas Phone: +91-9891358457, +91-9818248459 10

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