Aid Delhi Newsletter December 2007

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  • Words: 6,335
  • Pages: 15
Association for India’s Development

December 2007

Delhi Chapter Newsletter From the Editor’s Desk

Table of Contents From the editors desk


Project Updates Aashayen AID Gurgaon AID Prayas Parichay Khoj Youth Task Force TARA Gudhahi ke lal

2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4

Volunteer Speak Darshan Mehra Articles Back Office Blunders – Arun Raj Most Wonderful Creation - Sonia

6 7

Poem: Dolly Sharma


Toon of the Month


Photo of the Month – Shilpi


Photo of the Month – Sonia


Information corner – Selva


Contact us


2007 ends and I hope the year must have been a good one to all. We are all geared up to welcome our new year 2008. AID Delhi declared its 2007 as year of Education but to be honest we weren’t able to achieve the task of what we decided despite some good works in our projects, but that doesn’t mean that our resolution ends here. We have yet another year ahead and let’s hope that we will be able to fulfill our vision in the coming year. I’d like to come down to quick review on last months activities without talking much about the entire last year’s work. The annual report will be circulated later. When the mercury is dipping down, a few volunteers came extended their warmer hands with blankets donation and Khoj Volunteers are collecting blankets and winter wears for the street children and their families. The blanket donation drive is still ON and people can just contribute to it if they wish so. We had a volunteer workshop this month and the workshop was specifically targeted to focus on child psychology and in fact to find out the perception of all our volunteers. Though the turnout was not great it was a good event which evoked a lot of discussions. Lot of new volunteers questioned about AID and its working and they had a better picture at the end of the day. December end also had AID India annual conference at ARTRC (AID Rural Technology and Resource Center) at Orissa. The focus of the conference was on education and agrarian crisis. It was a wonderful experience at the conference and a report / experience of mine at the conference is there as an article. Please read it and you will be getting more knowledge on what went on at the conference. Finally with all the other AID India Chapters agreeing to the point, it was declared that 2008 would be All India Agriculture year with a over all campaign on Agrarian Crisis to start. Photos of the conference are uploaded to the AID India gallery and can be viewed in the following address. ia+Annual+Conference/Orissa+2007/



The last year has been successful in establishing new chapters and orienting them and we are all in a festival mood to welcome our 2008. On 1st of January 2008 we will be having two more new chapters rolling. One is AID Pilani and the next is AID Noida. Along with New Year wishes lets also with these two chapters good luck for their endeavor.

A few more classes to go and they will be good at recognizing the Hindi words. Of course, we have exceptions, but they can be taken care of! It will be a major achievement given the fact that most of these kids didn’t even know about where and why matras should be used.

We got a new White Board for ourselves. Thanks to Atul! We started using Charts and ended up getting a White board for ourselves. We have put it up on the wall as well, it’s really helpful. Guess, the kids are really excited about it. Notebooks and Pencils were distributed. Yeah, we aren’t leaving any stone unturned! Well, we don’t make excuses; do we? All the kids were given notebooks for the work they do in the class, which they submit back before leaving. That’s going to help us keep track. Motivating strategies. To motivate the kids to be regular and take this whole business seriously, we take regular attendance and make sure we ask the absent kid (next time) about the reason of absence. As an added attraction we introduced a prize to the most regular kid. Since, we have geared up, there are many new faces which have rejoined us, and example is Akbar. And yes, I am really glad that Afsana is still a regular in spite of her job.

Selva Publications Coordinator [email protected] +91-9891358457 •

Project Updates: AID Prayas • The month of December was pretty dynamic as far as Prayas is concerned. It seemed as if the passing year was mocking us, of our dormant state and we replied in vengeance. Winter it seems is inspiring us. Well, we have experimented a lot and found it to be a progression! Kudos to the all the active volunteers! Our achievements for the same have come through a rigorous brain-storming, and high commitment levels of so many people. Lets me Take things Point-wise • We now have a class which looks like it (unlike the unregulated bunch we had for a class!). By this, I mean that after we individually tried the Eureka model (at times, not very successfully), and divided the kids into 3 categories, we found that almost every kid is lacking the recognition skills when it comes to reading and writing the language. So, we started taking up a class for HindiMatras (Darshan single-handedly is managing that very beautifully!); irrespective of the kid’s earlier standing. Collectively, its working fine for the kids- they are better off.


New Focus. We are not only working on the Hindi language and matras but recently our focus has been caught by a newer dimension, i.e. Making the kids express about what they feel, be able to put their stuff into words. This concept is relatively recent, not much work has been done on it, and suggestions by all the readers are invited. We made each of the kids to speak about them - family, liking etc. This session was a real eye-opener, wherein we got to know that they have so many siblings; that getting attention from parents might just be a dream for them..But, at least all of kids spoke, some of them for the first time.

Project Update : AID Gurgaon

Ultimate Aim • We are looking towards making serious amends to the existing scenario, which would mean.- A full-time Teacher be dedicated to the kids (salaried, of course!). It has become almost a priority. If anyone f you know of someone who can live up to the responsibility, we will like you to recommend the name. • Currently, we are inclined towards sending some of the deserving kids to a regular school (read Nayi Disha). We’ll be identifying the kids who can be groomed for it (in a matter of 3months); also the feasibility of the whole subject, which includes permissions from the school, as well as the parents permission for letting their children go that far. This is a far-fetched goal, no plans so far only a vision which has to be developed!

We continue to run project Unnati successfully since the last few months and we continue to identify new areas/bastis, from where the children can come and start their elementary education. We have children which are quite regular and are making good progress. On Saturdays, volunteers join update themselves with the progress of the kids and participate in the fun activities with children. The highlight for the last month of the year 2007 was another project starting in sector 54 at a construction site. In the meanwhile, we are contemplating a tie up with another NGO which has collaborations with various private schools all over the country. Their model is a very interesting one and it could be a very successful one for providing quality education to the underprivileged sections of the society – under this model this NGO uses the infrastructure of the private school like classes and in some cases buses etc. – after the regular classes are over. Hopefully, by next month we’d be enroll some of the kids from Unnati.

Ruchi AID Prayas

Project Update: Aashayen Aashayen is in a all time worst situation and needs your help in re-building it. There are a few new committed volunteers who have joined us. We are forming a team to lead the re-construction. The major problem being we are not able to gather all the children during the class. A very few students turn up to the class and among them too a very few are showing interest in studying. We find it hard to have continuity in the class or in the teaching because of this.

At the same time, we have met the District Commissioner and other prominent administrative officials for various problems plaguing the city of Gurgaon – like inadequate public transport, bad roads, lack of policing and poor standards of education in the government schools in the city. We have been given assurances and promises that the administration would extend all possible support in raising our concerns with the state government housed in Chandigarh.

In the last week meeting we’ve decided to conduct a fancy dress competition for children on Jan 26th. This event will help us to bring in the parents in touch with us. Also we are looking for the help of old volunteers of Aashayen who were teaching them to come back to the project for a few days and spend some time with the children to bring them back the charisma.

In the next few weeks, we plan a visit to Mobile Crèches and take the kids to a picnic. The challenges in front of us remain – the need for more committed volunteers. Manish AID Gurgaon [email protected]

Also we request volunteers to come forward to take the responsibility for organizing the Republic Day event. Selva, AID Aashayen


Project Update: Khoj

Project Update : YTF 1. RTI’s at IIT Delhi has been filed by a few volunteers. We will be disclosing the results of it by next month when we get them. The RTI’s are basically to find the budget allotment for various departments in IIT and how its utilized etc., 2. These RTI’s filed are aimed at implementing secion 4 of RTI act by asking Annaul budget of various departments etc., 3. Abhinav to take up MCD department and file a few RTI’s on it. 4. This would include the public convenience urinals built by MCD and also would be targeted on the newly launched Waste Management system. 5. Selva to take up the task of PWD roads and file RTI’s. 6. 5 RTI’s have been filed on different roads by Selva and the results would be followed up. Swati would be helping Selva in inspection of documents as she has experience in it. 7. Dr.Rajeev from IIT Kharagpur met Selva and Arvind Kejirwal to discuss about his fight with CIC in getting proper information from IITJEE authorities for getting justice for a student who secured enough marks but wasn’t qualified for IIT. Selva & Abhinav Youth Task Force [email protected] [email protected]

Classes are going regularly at all the centers of Khoj. The research plan to find out the number of children in the outer ring road is soon to start with our volunteers involved in taking down the survey. The objective of the research is clearly defined and the questionnaire is also made. 25 signals have been sorted out. It has been decided that we will start to interact with the children by conducting a health camp over there. This would help us to interact more with the parents. A health camp was conducted at two centers by CEB. Also CEB people have helped us in making report card for everychild. The health report card has the photo of every child on it and it could be used to identify the status or health progress of every child. It will also comprise the medical record of that particular child. We have a happy news to share and it is nothing but the classes at Ber Sarai Center is about to start. We have got permission from MCD office to teach the children at the MCD school premises with a great difficuty . Now as per that we will be getting one class room for us to teach the children and we also have got the opportunity to design the rooms according to our wish. So we are planning to put up posters and paste charts all over the room which would be useful for the children while learning. Winters are round the corner so there is a winter cloth drive still on and already lot of volunteers have poured in clothes and those are being distributed to the needy people. In case if any of you want to donate winter cloths you can approach Mr. Pawan or Mr. Zubair. Pawan and Zubair also attended AID India Annual Conference and they will be sharing their learnings with others.

Project Update : TARA Tara is also in serious trouble without a proper coordinator and lack in volunteers. Kulsum who started the project has got busy with too many things and not able to concentrate more at TARA. There are no AID Volunteers teaching the children as of now. Children are going to school regularly now but there is no class taking place. So TARA needs a coordinator as well as volunteers. People who are near by Jamia Milia can come forward to be a part of TARA.

The proposal for the raising funds for Khoj has been sent to MONNET Foundation and we are still waiting for response. As of now Khoj also requires more funds. Selva Khoj, [email protected]

Selva [email protected]


Project Update – Parichay

Volunteer Speak – Sugam Goel

1. Masala’s sale at ST Microelectronics touched Rs. 8100/2. We didn't get a very good response at a stall at HCL BPO. 3. The sale was also not very good at Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi also. 4. Bhaiya have started a new center having a vision of starting a center for Mentally Retarded Children in and around the community. 5. The project is right now named as Gyan Ganga Project 6. The response at the new center is encouraging and we need volunteers to support the new program. 7. The new center has one small room and an open terrace. We have plans to cover the terrace and conduct classes there. 8. First for a few months we are planning to conduct a survey around the community to find out the number of children who could be trained at the the center. 9. A proposal is to be made which will be sent to AID Pittsburg for support. 10. Krishna has donated a sum of Rs. 10,000/- and Naval has donated Rs. 7000/-for a trip to Agra. Agra trip is scheduled in the last weekend of February. We look for more funds for the same. 11. We feel honored as an artist, Deepti, has lent his magical touch to the illustrations on a book called Ankahi. 12. Selva to take science classes using Eureka Science experiment kit from next Sunday onwards.

"You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give!" -Winston Churchill Volunteering with AID India Delhi chapter, is an experience which is not easy to put in words. Its only about six months I am associated with AID so there is not much to write. I have made some good friends and hope for thes ame in future! Though every volunteer has different reasons for volunteering, I consider it as a responsibility - either financially or by giving time, it depends on you as both are required. I was asked many times at various places why volunteering? What will you get by this? Why are you wasting time? The question is not about why but WHY NOT? It is just about utilizing your free time like a hobby in yet another constructive way. As I do not live in Delhi, I am not able to give much presence, still it has made my life better. It is a great learning experience while utilizing time in serving community. Physical presence while helping in any project is important but there are other activities which can be done through internet. It is a very powerful medium for creating awareness, increasing volunteer network and activities, raising funds, etc. which are essential for any organization to pace up its work. That's all for now.Hoping next year to be more active! Happy New Year to all!! Sugam Goel [email protected]

Current Volunteers: Deepti, Naval, Puneeta, Navneet, Nidhi, Selva

Sugam Goel is an Engineering student from Delhi and studying at Dehradun. From Dehradun he used to write mails and be in touch and have constructed a website for Parichay. You can visit Parichay at

Puneeta & Selva Parichay [email protected] [email protected]


Children’s Corner : Write up by Moni

Moni is an aspiring child of the project Parichay. She is a good writer and infact the director of the drama team of the children. This is one of her recently written write up. To learn more about parichay visit


Children’s Corner : Write up by Ruksar

The children at Parichay are at their best whenever it comes to pen down anything. This is an article written by Ruksar about the visit of Krishan (an old volunteer currently at Bangalore) along with his wife to the center.


From the center : Poem by Amit Sharma

Amit Sharma is a part of the Youth group of Parichay’s new project Gyan Ganga. He is now helping Vijay Bhaiya in organizing the center along with a few other youngsters. He will be also taking care of the proposed computer center at the new project.


Article: Dial 42400400 for Auto-Relief (Pun intended) – Siddharth Goyal

{ File a complaint against the autowalah Move onto the next autowalah

Bhaiya Alaknanda? } -Nahi. Ok that was a little geeky, but well that's what we all -Nahi.

should do if we are to straighten these Delhi's

-Chalenge. 100 Rs.

autowalahs up who have become a pain in my back quite literally as I am forced to go by the bus because of

Standing in CP on a chilly evening, my nightmare began

these blokes.

when ala true idealist I refused to pay 20 extra bucks to And in case you think these poor fellows should be

the autowalah. I said to him,

spared and not be denied their bread and butter, here Bhaiya complain kar doonga aapki. He said "kardo".

are some facts for you (unverified though as they were told to me by my father):

The chutzpah portrayed in this behaviour of that autowalah may be attributed to his firm belief that

1) An autowalah has no right to refuse a ride to you.

perhaps I was only bluffing. It was his lucky day though for that day I had no choice but to bluff as my cell

2) He has no right to not go by the meter.

phone battery was dead.

3) The price by the meter that you pay to the autowalah

These days when 2 autowalahs refuse to take me

is more than enough to cover the entire round trip cost

to my desired destination, I, without too much

from the start to the destination and back to the starting

hesitation dial 01142400400 on my cell phone. I note

point. Hence if an autowalah tells you that he wont go

down the number of the autowalah and make sure that

to your destination for he wont get any commuters on

he notices me noting down his number. I then register a

the way back, you can always tell him to come back

complaint against the autowalah right at his face after

without any riders in that case. ;-)

which he flees. Then I move onto the next autowalah

So people hesitate not. Dial 42400400 and get some

while I am still on the phone with the guy who registers

"auto" relief!

complaints. If he refuses to go by the meter or refuses

(In case you wish to discuss this further, get in touch

to go at all, I register a complaint against him too. I keep

with me at [email protected]).

doing that until one agrees to go. Hence Siddharth Goyal




Article: Making a difference – Sonia Singh

Let me enlighten you with the fact that no fewer than 140,000 people live on the streets in Delhi, and many are frozen to death in winter. The Delhi police say they found 3,040 bodies during 2003 winter and the figures seems to be increasing every year. For the homeless, this is what winter means. It is their season of death, when life slips quietly away from freezing bodies sleeping on dust and leftovers.

4o centigrade and night was as common as it is supposed to be during any “Delhi ki Sardi”. 15 odd people from the common crowd met on Saturday night - reason …a get together for alumni of AIM “Army Institute of Management”. The purpose of this meet was to go on a “Blanket Drive” where blankets will be distributed to the unprivileged people on footpaths of Delhi. This meet became a precious chapter in each one of their lives…Yes it made a difference, a difference that gave each one of them a reason to cherish all through their life.

Moral of the story: You don’t have to be “Different” to make a difference. Sonia Singh AID Noida [email protected]

Introducing the action part of that Saturday night …As a trend of AIM money was pooled in for this purpose on the spur of the moment and finally they landed up with a fairest of fair deal that is 128 blankets with all that they had for that night. They started the distribution from Sarojini at 10:30 PM. The Purpose behind choosing such odd time was to give blankets to those who genuinely needed it. And then the search began ….as they were carving their way through the deserted roads of Delhi they came face to face with deep inequities in the nation's social fabric.

Article: My Conference Experience – Selva

The 10th Annual AID India conference was hosted by ARTRC (AID Rural Technology and Resource center), Orissa at Paralekhamundi from December 22nd to 24th. We three people from Delhi went together (the way we reached there will be written as a separate article as it has lots of adventures ☺ ). When we entered into the ARTRC campus, I felt AS IF I was in a new world. We were surrounded by small hills and a whole lot of agricultural land and the campus at the center. We reached there as the clock hit half past nine in the morning. A few people were going to take their bath and the ones who had already done with that were having their breakfast. Seeing Idly’s there I decided to have breakfast first and then go for the bath. We guys were a few among the last to arrive and everyone was all geared to kick start the conference.

As they proceeded, they saw people sleeping under flyovers, on rickshaws and roadsides covering themselves with rags, discarded papers, much-used blanket and tarpaulin to keep them alive. The team was wondering if that was enough for survival and I am sure, they were thanking God for the privileged life they have. Rightly said by one of the team members... “Forget grownups 4-5 years old children had nothing but a shirt to bear the cold. They were wide awake waiting for morning when the temperature would increase and they could sleep”. Covering areas like Ring Road, Ashram, Okhala, Nehru place, Kalka ji, Narayana, Vikaspuri, Harinagar and Nangal finally the drive came to a halt at 3:30 AM. Surprisingly before dispersing and standing with that cup of tea in hand no one had much to say. All that they were left behind was a soul touching experience. For once they had fruitfully utilized Saturday night, unlike the regular Saturday night Parties and for once they were satisfied deep below their hearts.

Once Ravi and Aravinda came we started to invite everyone for the session. Pawan and Zubair from Khoj foundataion were there with us and we started with a song. Then Mr. Debashish Padhi, district reporter of ‘SAMBAD” lit up the light and inaugurated the conference. Dhanda then handed over the stage to me and Satabdi as we were the conference conveners.


We ensured everyone that this conference would be a different one as most of the sessions would be interactive. A quick round of introduction was there. As scheduled, we decided to break for lunch and gather back for our first session on Education. We had plates made of leaves and brown rice with dal and subzi for lunch. The delicious lunch was served in leaf plates to emphasize that this conference was an Eco-friendly conference. The brown rice served was also more nutritious than the polished white rice we usually take. Water was kept in matkas and even water filters were made in matkas.

We broke for an Eco-Friendly tea and when we returned it was my turn to present the Agricultural issue in the next session. I along with others from Delhi was clear about what we were going to discuss about this at the conference. As we all were already aware of the issue, I raised a point about what AID India is planning to do for this issue? And where do other chapters stand? There were a few questions raised and I called for an Agricultural Campaign by AID India by declaring 2008 as AID India Agricultural year. Time was up by then and we decided to continue the discussion the next day and were planning to move for dinner but Dhanada had a surprise for us. He requested us to stay for the cultural program before dinner. It was a wonderful performance by children of Paralekhamundi who did a splendid dance on Vande Mataram and a few Orissa bhajans. Then we moved to have our Eco-Friendly dinner. By that time our Saathi’s Madhulika, Kamayani and Dharmendraji had arrived. Our dinner got over by half past nine but none were in the mood of taking rest or sleeping. So we thought of continuing with our agenda of knowledge sharing between the chapters. It was a bit chilling out there and we gathered a few woods to make ourselves warm and we all sat around it. A cup of hot lemon tea kept everyone warm.

After the delicious lunch just to make sure that people don’t go to sleep, Pawan and I gathered them together with a song. After the song the stage was handed over to Balaji to present AID TN’s work on education. He, Ravishankar Arunachalam and Dhamodaran shared the Eureka network’s work and it was inspiring to see how they moved into a larger area of work in a short period. Balaji told us that things were out of control even before they could realize that they’ve grown big. Later Lokesh shared his experience of Eureka books network and how they worked to reach such a huge mass. It was decided to have a quick round of interaction with other chapters to talk about their work on education. We had Kakinada, Hyderabad, Nellore, Srikakulam people sharing their work along with Delhi. AID Orissa also shared their work on READ ORISSA campaign.

I started to share my experiences first, by explaining AID Delhi’s work and similarly others came up with what they did. It was a mixture of fun and learning there and the session went on for a couple of hours. Then we all departed to sleep as Dhanda instructed us to get up soon to have Yoga classes in the morning. I was surprised to see the bed made of hay. I then realized that hay is an insulator too (Ravi confirmed it the next day before we made hay boxes), so that it will keep us warm in that chilling night.

Meanwhile there were stalls set by Jivika which had beautifully weaved cloths and some elegantly made kurtas etc. The pottery stall had a variety of items made of mud. There was one stall by Pratham People and Eureka books. People went across the stalls with much eagerness to know what’s going on. The pick of the stall was the brown rice, raagi powder and the locally made detergent powder.

Yoga session was over by the time I woke up the next morning. I decided to call up people as soon as possible so that we could start our session soon. We again had a surprise waiting when Ravi told us that the concept of the breakfast was to have what a village person has. A cup of raagi boiled in water, a cup of rice fermented in water from the previous night and a spoon of spinach.

Parallel to the Education session we also had a demonstration session on Organic Farming conducted by Mr. Anand Mor from Mumbai. Anand Mor also explained the benefits of Organic Farming to the farmers from the village. The farmers were quite enthused with the ideas they got from Anand Mor and they promised to give it a try when they start to cultivate in the next season.


Wow! It was one of the most wonderful breakfasts of my life. Soon after enjoying the food we all gathered together with a song and I thought of starting the discussion on the agrarian crisis which was left out the previous night, but we all then made up our minds to discuss the vision of AID India. The vision meet continued for a couple of hours when we broke for tea and realized that the session should be completed here and to be continued later.

We were told that all of us were going to visit JITM (Jagannath Institute of Technology and Management) in the evening and they have provided their conference hall for discussion. We went through JITM complex which was a huge but beautiful campus and settled down in the conference hall. I was enthused to start the agrarian session again but Ravi felt that we should have more hearing from our saathi’s, so we invited Ravishankar Arunachalam who talked about the Eureka maths kit and how his team is approaching schools with other new techniques, followed by Dharmendraji who told us about his work with health block program at Bihar and NREGA work at Rajasthan. Then Aravinda came up with her ideas which concentrated on Child rights, food and nutrition. Finally it was over to me when I called for an All India Agriculture Campaign and got the support from all the chapters. Finally our discussion and work on agrarian crisis is not going to end here and it is going to continue. After that Balaji told us about the administration part which is being taken care of by AID HQ. We all were invited for a dinner sponsored by JITM. After the dinner we planned to screen a few documentary movies which we had and almost everyone was motivated to watch them. We screened around 2 movies and resumed to sleep after that. I again woke up late to miss the Yoga session the next day. After a quick breakfast, few of us sat down to discuss the issues of RTI, anti-corruption and rural marketing. Aravinda provided excellent ideas of involving more chapters in it and probably I’ll start to work on it soon. It was farewell time as AID Chennai people were the first to start back and those were emotional moments which are unexplainable. Finally a family gathering came to an end. Hoping to meet everyone soon again during AID India Annual Conference 2008.

Parallel to this, there was one more session on Organic farming demonstration again with Mr. Anand Mor explaining things to the farmers and the villagers from Srikakulam. The session went on till lunch. After the tea break we had our key speaker Mr. Ajay from APPVU (Andra Pradesh Vyavasaya Vridhidarlu Union) who gave us more insight on the issue of land rights. The way he explained the entire concept was so enlightening and gave us a better picture for the vision of AID India too. He has worked in this field for about 15 years and he believes that a lot more needs to be done. Followed by his talk we had talks from our Saathi’s Madhulika, Kamayani and Dharmendraji about their work. It provided us more insight into NREGA and its implications. Madhulika shared her experiences on how she worked with the villagers of Rajasthan and Kamayani told us about the social audit she did on NREGA at Rajasthan. We then broke for lunch and we had a village person’s lunch. Followed by lunch we were invited to participate in the hay box making session by forming groups. Peter explained us how to make hay boxes. Hay box is actually used to cook rice, saving a lot of energy in the process. As I mentioned earlier hay being an insulator, it does not allow the heat to flow out. Hay is covered in a box to pack the box completely leaving some space to keep our vessel inside. Rice is heated in water until it boils and once boiling starts, it’s removed from the stove and kept inside the hay box and closed with a lid made of hay box. After a couple of hours to the surprise of all, the rice was cooked completely and later during the night when we checked it, it was still hot. They have been introducing this to the village people as this could save a lot of time for the village women who walk a long distance to bring wood which is the fuel they use for cooking.

Selva AID Delhi [email protected]


मौत का जE!…

Poem : Dolly Sharma…contd from the last newsletter

मौत बूढी आंखो िक उनीदो िक! मौत िकसी के स+मान िक!

डू ब रहा अपना न हो, तोह कौन हाथ दे ता है ! इन अजनिबय के शहर मे, कौन साथ दे ता है !

है वान िक दिनया मे! ु

मदद को पुकारता, खून से लथपथ,

मौत एक इंसान िक!

िबलखता िच!लाता रहे , चाहे वो जब तक!

मौत zindagi से

पर कौन िकसी िक मुसीबत , अपने सर लेता है !

िजसे दे ख के जीते थे कई

हर श%स येही कह कर, मुह पर लेता है !

मौत िकसी के सुहाग!,

'िक मेरा भी अपना पिरवार है !

िकसी िक लाठी िक!

कई िज+मेदािरय का, मुझपे भार है !

मौत िकसी के!

ये तो रोज़ िक बात है , इसमे नया 2या है ! जब सब ही खड़े है

झगडे मे 2य पडू न !

Poem : Lion Hearted – Arun Raj

ू? तो म4 2य आगे बढं

और इःसी बीच एक और, दम तोड़ दे ता है !

The eyes of a dragon, in a breathe of fire. Anger alone his power and dare.

इन अजनिबय के शहर मे , कौन साथ दे ता है ! अब तो पढे िबना ही कुछ , प=ना बदलने लगते है !

Face up to him as his snare unveil, At the burst of which we may swallow a whale.

'कुछ होना चािहए ' कह , कुछ और पढने लगते है ! रात के बाद िदन जैसे , िदन के बाद रात है !

This is life a dragon at heart, His intention none; but to make us strong at heart.

सच कहा , इसमे 2या नया , ये रोज़ िक बात है ! िफर एक मौत हई ु , एक सपने ने दम तोड़ िदया !

He likes to slay us once in a while, With no mercy is his own style.

िफर िकसी ने िकसी , अपने को अकेला छोड़ िदया ! रोज़ िक बात है !

Face away from him and be taken by his blow. Face up to him inside yourself to dare and grow.

िवदा करते न सोचा होगा , लौट िफर न आएगी ! िजसे दे ख के जीते थे

मौत उस अपने िक!

Dolly Sharma AID Aashayen [email protected]

मेरे घर मे मेरी प.ी, ब/चे, माँ है ! और म4 िकसी दसरे के ू

भी @यादा , अज़ीज़ एक सपने िक!

वो िजंदा ज!लाई जायेगी

My words so thus are my expression of faith, In a life that is a lion's respite and heaven's insight.

िफर िकसी का िचराग भु@हाया गया ! िकसी को मौत िक नीद सुलाया गया!

Arun Raj, President, AID Noida [email protected] +91-9910908774

ये रोज़ िक ही तोह बात है ! हवास ने मासूिमयत को िफर शमAसार िकया! िफर िकसी रावण ने मयाAदा को पार िकया! सौइयो िक भीड़ मे िकसी ने कुछ दे खा नही!

Arun Raj is a wonderful writer and more of his articles can be read at He is the driving force behind the formation of AID Noida chapter.

सुना नही , बोला नही!……............ िफर उःसी शिमDदगी मे िसर झुकाया गया! िफर एक मौत का , जE मनाया गया! 13

Toon of the Month

Kalindi Sharma AID Aashayen [email protected]


Photo of the Month

Photographer: unknown Event: AID India Conference, Orissa Description: AID India Conference this time had interesting outdoor activity session in which we all were making hay boxes. Peter helped us to make the hay box and Ravi Kuchimanchi here is explaining on how does a finished hay box looks like and its working principle. The entire session was so exciting.

Feedback: [email protected] Web: Phone: +91-9818248459 Send your Cheques to Publications Team Selva Ganapathy.R Coordinator: Selva Department of Chemical Engineering, Editors: Selva, Puneeta, Gauri, Pallavi Indian Institute of Technology, Designers: Selva, Anirban Delhi - 110016 Web Designer: Anirban, Selva Hauz Khas Phone: +91-9891358457, +91-9211467341 15

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