Aic Back Sf 200807

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 563
  • Pages: 1

(iv) the payment of the cost of having the goods repaired, at AIC’s election; and

In this invoice (1) “AIC” means AIC Solutions Pty limited a company duly incorporated under the Companies Act 1961 and includes its successors and assigns.

(b) in the case of services:(i) the supplying of the service again; or (ii) the payment of the cost of having the services supplied again at AIC election

(2) “The Client” is the person or company named averleaf and where the context permits includes a reference to its employees servants and agents. 2.

AIC will make all repairs it considers to be necessary and the price payable for the services and goods supplied to the client shall be the price shown overleaf and that price will be due and payable to AIC at the time that this invoice is presented to the client by AIC or its authorised representatives.


To the fullest extent permitted by law AIC hereby expressly excludes all conditions and warranties implied by statute or otherwise and, subject to the qualifications contained in Section 68A of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (hereinafter called “the act”), and to the extent permitted thereby. AIC hereby limits its liability for breach of a condition or warranty other than a condition of warranty implied by section 69 of the act) implied by that Act to: (a) in the case of goods:-


Subject to clause 3, AIC shall not be liable to the client for any loss or damage to any property or persons or for any death or injury caused by or arising from any act or omission (including negligent acts or omissions) of AIC in the performance of the services requested by the client. Reference to loss shall include a reference to any loss of profits, indirect or consequential loss.


The client acknowledges that AIC and its authorised servants and agents are at liberty during the working hours of the client to enter upon the client’s premises and such servants and agents are free to start and stop all primary equipment incidental to the operation of the system.


Subject to Clause 3 all claims in respect of the goods or services provided should be made in writing within (7) days of the date of this invoice.


These terms and conditions will apply to the exclusion of all other terms and conditions contained in any order or request from the client and, in the event of any inconsistency AIC shall be deemed by supplying the goods and services subject to these terms and conditions which offer will be accepted by the client allowing AIC to carry out the work.

(i) the replacement of the goods or the supply of equivalent goods; (ii) the repair of the goods; (iii) the payment of the cost of replacing the goods or acquiring equivalent goods; or

How likely is it to caused an accident

How severely could it cause injury or illness


Kill or cause permanent disability or ill health

Very likely Could happen frequently





Likely Could happen occasionally





Unlikely. Could happen but anly rarely





Very Unlikely. Could happen but probably never will





Long term illness or serious injury

Medical attention and several days off work

First aid treatment needed

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