Agronomy Exam

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 3
Djelfa University –Faculty of Life Sciences –Agronomy Department-Level/ 2nd Year engineering.

Exam In Scientific English Read the text carefully than answer the following questions: *Agricultural scientists study plants and soils. They use science to protect, develop, and manage these resources. Agricultural science is similar to biology. Agricultural scientists use the principles of biology, chemistry, and other sciences to solve problems in agriculture. These problems are usually with insects, crops, or soil use. The work agricultural scientists do plays an important part in increasing food production. Agricultural scientists study plants and soils to develop ways of improving food quantity and quality. They look for ways to improve how crops are grown. They also try to find ways to grow crops using less labor and chemicals. Agricultural scientists try to find better, safer ways to control pests and weeds. They also study ways to conserve soil and water. They research ways of turning raw agricultural products into attractive and healthy food products for consumers. Agricultural scientists may also work in range systems, meaning they work with livestock as well as plants and soil. Another name for scientists who work with plants or crops is agronomists. Agronomists develop methods of growing crops with higher yields and improved characteristics. Their main approach to crop improvement is changing the seeds. Sometimes agronomists use genetic engineering to develop crops which are resistant to pests and drought. Thus, they examine the genetics, cellular biology, breeding, and physiology of crops. Other agronomists identify and classify the insects that affect crops. They may research ways to develop new pesticides or other ways to keep bugs from spreading. They also may vary the way crops are grown and managed. Much of an agronomist's time is spent planning and conducting studies of crop yields. Soil scientists study the physics, microbiology, mineralogy, and fertility of soil. They study what soil is made of and how different soils affect crops. In addition, they study how soil is managed while growing crops. This includes how soils respond to fertilizer and crop rotation. Some scientists conduct surveys in which they classify and map soils. Soil scientists also develop ways to protect the soil. Using the results of their studies, they provide information to farmers and other landowners about the best use of land. They recommend how to avoid or correct problems such as erosion. Soil scientists may also consult with engineers and other technical workers about construction projects. They talk about how to solve soil problems in urban and rural areas. Soil science is closely related to environmental science. Many agricultural scientists work in basic or applied research. Basic research is study for the sake of knowledge and understanding, rather than for creating or inventing products. Most basic research happens in colleges or universities. In contrast, applied research scientists take basic research findings and use them to create products or solutions. Many agricultural scientists manage research and development programs. Others manage marketing or production for businesses. 1-How many paragraphs are there in the text? Give a title for each one? 3-What do the underlined words in the text refer to? they – them.

They – They –their –

1/2 4-Say whether theses statements are true (T) or false (F), correct the false ones: •

The work agricultural scientists do plays an important part in decreasing food.

Agricultural scientists study plants and soils to grow ways of improving food quantity and quality

Soil scientists also develop erosion.

Many agricultural scientists manage researches for businesses.

Soil scientists never provide information to farmers and other landowners.

5-Find words whose definitions are: •

The science that studies living organisms .

The income return on an investment.

Recombinant DNA technology, direct manipulation of an organism's genes.

Earth Science focused around the chemistry, crystal structure, and physical including optical properties of minerals.

An integrated communications-based process, which individuals discover that existing and newly-identified needs and wants may be satisfied by the products and services of others.

7-Rewrite the 2nd sentence so that it means the same as number one: 1a-Agricultural scientists study plants and soils to develop ways of improving food quantity and quality 1b-Plants and soils ………………………………………………………………………………………. 2a-Soil scientists may also consult with engineers and other technical workers about construction projects projects …………………………………………………………………………….…... 3a-Many agricultural scientists manage research and development programs. 3b-Research and development programs ……………………………………………………………... 8-Write this sentence using the three forms of conditional sentences. if agricultural scientists ( to manage) researches, it ( to be ) a good businesses 8- in about 10 lines, give your reasons for choosing Agronomy studies ? .

* 00229&occTyp=intro&occText=Agronomists

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