Agriculture Biology Outline

  • October 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 247
  • Pages: 2
AGRICULTURE BIOLOGY COURSE DESCRIPTION Agri/Bio I. Intro Course A. Much of work - online 1. Attendance a. Both online (1) each student should log-in and contribute (2) at lease 5 times a week.

b. and in classroom B. Weight of assignments 1. Assignments= 35 a. Assignments on Soft-Chalk b. Group Projects (1) presentations (2) essays

c. Individual Assignments 2. Lab= 35 a. SOEP= (1) Supervised Occupational Experience Program (2) student to have a project i.e. steer, heifer, pig, sheep, chickens, mowing lawns, agriculture related volunteer and/or paid work, etc. (3) FFA record book Students keep record of project online

3. Forums= 20 4. Periodicals (RSS) = 10 a. Extra Credit of ten points a month (1) additional Periodical (2) must be non-video.

C. COURSE DESCRIPTION 1. one-year, laboratory science course 2. designed for the college bound student with career interests in agriculture 3. topics: a. the molecular and cellular aspects of life b. the chemical and structural basis of life, energetics of life c. growth and reproduction in plants and animals d. evolution of modern plants and domestic livestock species, plant and animal genetics e. taxonomy of modern agricultural plants and animals f. animal behavior g. ecological relationships among plants, animals, humans and the environment,

h. nutrition in animals, health and diseases in animals i. similarities between animals and humans GRADING SCALE 90-100% = A 80-89% = B 70-79% = C 60-69% = D Below 60 = F _____________________/ _________________________ Print Student Name Signature _____________________________ Parent/guardian signature

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