Agriculture And Food Processing

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,087
  • Pages: 4

MAHARAJA AGARASEN COLLEGE, Introduction Agriculture in most developing economy is core sector providing a livehood to a significant proportion of the population specially in rural areas. 60% of our population in dependent on agriculture for their livehood with the change in time and technology the agriculture side is also developing with agricultural science. Food processing the way of developing new and better ways of preserving, processing, packing, storing & delivery food. The work of agriculture and food processing plays an important part in maintaining the nation’s food supply by insuring agricultural productivity and the safety of food supply. They look for the ways to improve crop yield control pests and weeds more safely and effectively and conserve soil and water.

Food Processing Meaning : It is a set of methods and techniques used to transfer raw ingredients into food for consumption by human or animals. The food processing industry utilizing these components and uses these to produce attractive and marketable food products. It help to meett consumer demand for food products that are healthy safe and convenient. Examples : •

Remove of unwanted outer layer such as potato peeling or skinning of peaches.

Chopping or slicing, of which examples include potato chips

Liquefaction, such as to produce fruit juice.

Cooking , such as boiling, broiling, frying, steaming

Deep Frying


Addition of gas such as air entrainment for bread or gasification of soft drinks.


Spray drying

History Food processing dates back to he prehistoric ages when crude processing incorporated slaughtering, various types of cooking, such as over fires, smoking, steaming, over baking), fermenting, sun drying and preserving with salt. Foods preserved this way were a common part of warriors and sailors diets up until he advent of the introduction of canned food. These crude processing techniques remained essentially the same until the advent of the revolution. Modern food processing techniques in he 19h and 20th century were largely developed to serve military needs. Nicolas Appert developed a vacuum bottling process to supply troops in the French army with food, which would eventually lead to tinning and then canning by peter Durand in 1810. Although initially expensive and somewhat hazardous due to lead used in the cans. Canned goods would later become a staple around the world.

Benefits Benefits of food processing includes toxin removal, preservation, improving flavor, easing marketing and distribution tasks, and increasing food consistency. In addition, it increases seasonal availability of many foods, enables transportation of delicate perishable foods across long distances, and makes many kinds of foods safe to eat by removing the microorganisms. Modern supermarkets would not be feasible without modem food processing techniques, long voyages would not be possible, and military campaigns would be significantly more difficult and costly to execute. Modern food processing also improves the quality of life for allergics, diabetics, and other people who cannot consume some common food elements. Food processing can also add extra nutrients.

Drawbacks Food processing can lower the nutritional value of some foods. Some preservatives added or created during processing such as nitrites or may cause adverse health effects on / some consumers. In addition, high quality and hygiene standards must be maintained to ensure consumer safety and failures to maintain adequate standards can have serious health consequences.

Food processing industries •Meat Packing Plant •Industrial Rendering •Vegetable Packing Plant •Cannery

Objectives Of Agriculture And Food Processing The objective of this task is to demonstrate in actual field condition in (5) eastern states of country and a few areas of central India and north east. The emphasis will be on paddy, wheat & vegetables including potatoes and tubers in the eastern regions. In central India vegetable and pulses will be considered. In a few cases quality milk production will also be considered in select areas in other parts of the country as well. This comprises the two facets namely increasing productivity not only at larger area alone but at low holdings as well and secondly also to increase the traditional base of approach by local farmers in food and agriculture sector. Finding out the management practices being followed in the, region which include type of fertilizer being used with dose, quality and availability; information about application of irrigation, pesticide, fungicide etc. Understanding of the perception of the farmers about agriculture. Identification of limitations/constraints of farmers. Marketing status of different crops in the region and out: side the region. Identification of what technological interventions required

Indian Markets In Agriculture & Food Processing • Fruits & Vegetables Pannel: The proposal can be submitted in the prescribed format. • Milk Panel: Beginning of New Era in White Revolution • Improvement in milk quality and yield through better farm management at Punjab. •

Genetic Improvement of Rural Dairy Livestock for Sustainable: The implementing Organization is BAIF (Bharat Agro Industry Foundation), Pune

• Improvement in milk quality and yield by establishing modem dairy farming at Kolar : he implementing organization are Karnataka Co-operative milk produces Federation Ltd. & Kolar Milk Union Ltd.

• Pilot project for clean milk production in Andhra Pardesh. The implementing organization if the Andhra Pardesh development co-operative federation Ltd.

Conclusion Attaining food and nutritional security of India by year 2020. It aims in developing new or better ways of preserving, processing, packing, storing and delivering foods. India to aim to be a major player in the world in the agriculture sector and leading exporter of grains and other agriculture products. The industry want to develop the ways to process preserve, package, or store food according to industry and government regulations. Ensuring that sanitation, safety, quality and waste management standards are met. Food technologists generally work in product development, applying the findings from food science research to the selection, preservation, processing, packaging, distribution, and use of safe, nutritious and wholesome food. They want to develop the steps to educate farmers about what is happening elsewhere. If needed provide them opportunity to travel and use of space technologies to facilitate the interaction and encourage the farmers to ask questions and share experience. Government want to broaden the production area in the eastern UP , eastern M.P., Orissa, Bihar, West Bengal and North East by introducing modern technologies. So, as to meet the demand the food grains and other commodities by 2020. They want central India to be made a centre of vegetables, fruits, pulses and grains.

References •

Economic Times of India , Weekly

Business India


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