
  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,273
  • Pages: 5
Part 3a - The Edward Peake Home-School Agreement (Year 5 children and other new arrivals only) We ask you to help us care for your child by joining us in this mutual agreement in which teachers, parents and pupil undertake to work together to ensure that the education we provide can be of the highest quality. Home-School Agreements are designed by the government to help to formalise the relationships that exist between parents and teachers as the people most directly concerned in a child’s education. At Edward Peake we work hard to establish and maintain positive links between home and school, but we are always conscious that there are ways to improve the service we provide.

What do we undertake to do? As Parent(s) or Guardian(s) I/we shall:• • • • • • •

Read and sign my/our child’s diary every week. See that my/our child attends school regularly, on time, in uniform and properly equipped for lessons. Let the school know about concerns or problems that might affect my/our child’s work or behaviour. Support the school’s policies and guidelines for behaviour. Support my/our child with homework and monitor their individual school diary. Attend Consultation Meetings and other meetings called to discuss my/our child’s progress. Seek to learn more about my/our child’s life at school.

As Teachers we will endeavour to:• • • • •

Contact you if there is a problem due to attendance, punctuality or equipment. Let you know about any concerns or problems that we feel are affecting your child’s work or behaviour. Send home annual school reports. Arrange Consultation Meetings so that progress can be discussed and matters resolved. Keep you informed about school activities through regular newsletters and information in pupils’ diaries.

As a pupil at Edward Peake:• •

I will set high standards for myself in all my schoolwork. I will always try to follow the Code of Conduct.

The Edward Peake School Code of Conduct. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

I will be courteous at all times to other pupils, to staff and to visitors. I will speak to members of staff politely and by name whenever possible. I will move about the school in a quiet and orderly manner, keeping to the left in corridors and on staircases. I will attend all lessons and registration periods punctually. Unless I am told to do otherwise, I will wait outside the classroom in a quiet and orderly manner until the teacher arrives. I will listen to instructions during lessons and I will not disturb other pupils at work. I will go to all lessons properly equipped with the right books and materials, and with a pen, a pencil, a ruler and an eraser. I will always be dressed in appropriate school uniform. I will behave sensibly and safely in the playground. I will keep to areas which are dry and suitable for games. I will take a personal pride in my own property and I will respect the property of other people.

To Parents of all newly arrived children:

Would you and your child please sign and return the Home-School Agreement sheet which is on the back page of this handbook. Thank you.

Part 3b – Agreement on the use of Internet and e-mail in school (All pupils are asked to sign each year) As part of the school’s information and communications technology (ICT) programme, we offer pupils access to the Internet and e-mail. Although Internet use is supervised and filtered within our school, families should be aware that some pupils may find ways to access material that is inaccurate, defamatory, illegal, or potentially offensive to some people. As with any other area, parents and guardians of minors are responsible for setting and conveying the standards that their children should follow when using media and information sources at home. The school encourages use by pupils of the rich information resources available on the internet, together with the development of appropriate skills to analyse and evaluate such resources. These skills will be fundamental in the society our pupils will be entering. However, the school also recognises that it has a responsibility to do as much as it can to protect children using its facilities from undesirable websites. To this end, the school has developed a set of guidelines for internet use by pupils. These rules will be made clear to all pupils, and kept under constant review. All members of staff are responsible for explaining the rules and their implications, and are aware of possible misuses of online access and their responsibilities towards pupils. I have no doubt that as parents, you would wish to support the school in its promotion of responsible, safe internet use. I must therefore ask that you and your child sign and return the enclosed form as evidence of your approval and their acceptance of the school’s rules on this matter. Pupil guidelines for internet use * Pupils are responsible for good behaviour on the internet just as they are in a classroom or in the school corridor. General school rules apply. * The internet is provided for pupils to conduct research and communicate with others. Remember that access is a privilege, not a right and that access requires responsibility. * Individual users of the internet are responsible for their behaviour and communications over the network. It is presumed that users will comply with school standards and will honour the agreements they have signed. * Computer storage areas will be treated like school lockers. Staff may review files and communications to ensure that users are using the system responsibly. Children should not expect that files stored on servers or hard disks will always be private. * In school, staff will guide pupils toward appropriate materials. Outside of school, families bear responsibility for such guidance as they also exercise with information sources such as television, telephones, movies, radio and other potentially offensive media. The following are not permitted: * Sending or displaying offensive messages or pictures; * Using obscene language, harassing, insulting or attacking others; * Damaging computers, computer systems or computer networks; * Violating copyright laws; * Using others' passwords, trespassing in others' folders, work or files; * Intentionally wasting limited resources. * Violations of these rules will result in a temporary or permanent ban on internet use. Additional disciplinary action may be taken on inappropriate language or behaviour. When applicable, police or other authorities may be involved.

We would be grateful if you could complete the permission form which is enclosed with this guide. Further information on the internet can be provided on request.

Please remove this page, sign it and return it to school.

Home / School Agreement (Y5 only) This agreement is between the Parents/Guardians of: Name of Pupil:


and the Staff and Governors of Edward Peake Middle School.

Signed: ______________________________________ Parents/Guardians Signed: __________________________ Pupil Signed: __________________________ Head Teacher

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ….........................................................

Internet Access - Agreement Form Pupil:

As a school user of the Internet, I agree to comply with the school rules on its use. I will use the network in a responsible way and observe all the restrictions explained to me by the school. Signed: __________________________ Pupil

Parent/Guardian: As the parent or legal guardian of the pupil signing above, I agree to the school’s rules on the use of electronic mail and the Internet. I understand that pupils will be held accountable for their own actions. I also understand that some materials on the Internet may be objectionable and I accept responsibility for setting standards for my daughter or son to follow when selecting, sharing and exploring information and media. Signed: ______________________________________ Parents/Guardians

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