Agenda Sea-eu-net - Bogor Conference - Draft 250909

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CONFERENCE AGENDA BI-REGIONAL STAKEHOLDERS CONFERENCE Wednesday 11th of November 2009 8:30 9.00 – 10.30

Registration Welcome words by the State Minister for Science and Technology of Indonesia Welcome words (EU representative - tbc) Key note speech by Prof. Emil Salim (Former State Minister for Population and Environment of Indonesia – confirmed)

10:30 - 11:00

Coffee break

11:00 – 12:30

Session 1: Measuring and analyzing S&T capacities in South East Asia The objective of this session is to present results of the project and other institutions focussing on the analysis of ST capacities in SEA and on S&T relations between Europe and Southeast Asia. This will mainly focus on. The analysis should mainly highlight topics that are of relevance for the discussion on Climate Change and related issues. Program and list of speakers The session will be moderated by Mr. Ghaznavi

11:00 – 11:20

Opportunities and pitfalls in SEA-EU cooperation – a SWOT analysis of bi-regional S&T programmes Presentation by  Presentation by Dr.Jack Spaapen and Dr. Rudie Trienes.

11:20 – 11:40

Indicators Report on S&T in SEA for Policy Makers  Presentation by Pun-Arj Chairathana (NCG)

11:40 – 12:00

Spotlights on excellent researchers and institutions from SEA for EU cooperation  Presentation by Florian Gruber (ZSI)

12:00 – 12:15

First results from a regional review of innovation policies in SEA  Presentation by OECD

12:15 – 12:30

Analyzing research activity in Climate Change – the RPM Net Asia-Pacific initiative Presentation by Peter Haddawy (AIT)

12:30 – 14:00

Lunch Buffet

14:00 – 15:30

Session 2: Mechanisms to support S&T collaboration Focus of the session The objective of this session is to present and discuss support mechanisms which strengthen S&T collaboration between Europe and Southeast Asia. The examples will include mechanisms to strengthen institutional cooperation, mobility schemes as well as capacity building instruments. Of particular importance will be the presentation of the Network of National Contact Points in Southeast Asia for the European Framework Programme on Research. The discussion should allow participants to express their expertise concerning the instruments and mechanisms that would be necessary to increase and improve S&T cooperation between the two regions. The discussion will be focussed on mechanism to strengthen cooperation in the field of climate change.

Program and list of speakers The session will be moderated by NACESTI and TUBITAK 14:00 - 14.30

I. State of the art of NCP/NIP in SEA  Presentation by NACESTI/NSTDA

14.30 - 14:50

II. Best practice examples from Europe “ENV-NCP Together Project”  Presentation by Dr. Marion Tobler, National Contact Point NMP, Environment and Space, Switzerland

14:50 – 15:10

“The European funding for a platform Europe-Asia in ARD”  Presentation by Christian Hoste, Coordinator of the ERA-ARD (Agriculture Research for Development)

15:10 - 15:30

III. Future Actions FP7 Marie Curie Actions and Involving of potential partners in NCP/NIP activities  Presentation by NACESTI and NSTDA


Closing remarks

15:30 – 16:00

Coffee break

16:00 -16:30

Session 3: Climate Change mitigation and adaptation - input to Break-out sessions The objective of this session is to lay down the effects of climate change on the region of SEA different and should explore how this is impacting on different areas of S&T cooperation (such as such as food safety, emerging infectious diseases and renewable energy). Thereby it should serve as an introduction to the topics for the break-out sessions of the second day of the conference. It should also introduce what is expected as an output from the thematic break-out sessions, in particular with regard to recommendations for topics or instruments for cooperation. Program and list of speakers The session will be moderated by (Tbc)

16:30 – 17:00

Presentation of the ADB Study “The Economics of Climate Change in Southeast Asia: A Regional Review”  Presentation by Dr. Ancha Srinivasan

17:00 – 17:30

Regional Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change in Southeast Asia  Presentation by …. Speaker: (tbc)

17:30 – 18:00

Impact of climate change on areas like food security, infectious diseases, biofuels – Introduction to the break-out sessions  Presentation by …. Speaker: (tbc)

18:00 – 19:00

Opening of the Poster exhibition on SEA-EU S&T collaboration



BI-REGIONAL STAKEHOLDERS CONFERENCE Thursday, 12th of November 2009 8:30 9:00 – 12:30

Registration Session 4: Climate Change mitigation and adaptation – Parallel Thematic Sessions (Food, Health, Energy/Biofuels)

9:00 – 12:30


Thematic break-out session on food security and food safety

Focus of the session A growing demand for safer, healthier, higher quality food coupled with a decrease in land and water resources available for production and major investments in renewable bio-resources and agricultural biofuels address new and emerging research opportunities that address social, environmental and economic challenges. Agro-ecosystems, and with them, food security also include coping with major interlinked trends affecting the whole bio-economy: climate change and mitigation of its effects. Agriculture is indeed greatly exposed to climate change since they directly depend on climatic conditions. Consequences of extreme climatic events are already visible and appalling: increased variations in crop yields leading to uninsured economic losses for the agricultural sector, shortage of water resources, expansion of areas of salinization, re-ermegence of parasitic and zoonotic diseases and new food and feed contamination pathways… Besides, the food crisis of 2002-2008 demonstrates the fragile nature of feeding the world’s human population : increasing global demand for food, animal feed and biofuel coupled with disruption in agricultural supplied caused by poor weather, crop diseases ad export restriction in key countries have created chaos in international markets adding to market speculations. Increased incidences of extreme climate events could emphasize price volubility and changes in trade flow in the near future The agricultural sector of tropical and sub-tropical countries in South East Asia countries is particularly fragile and vulnerable to climate change. Critical role that agriculture can play in fighting poverty and hunger, and ensuring food safety could be compromised. This threat will be amplified by increasing competition between food and bioenergy production objectives if no innovative and coherent solutions are found. Any major food crises in these regions will directly impact Europe. Current trends towards relative social and political stability in South East Asia, representing joint economic opportunities for Europe, could be reversed by negative impacts of climate change on agriculture. Therefore, the consequences of climate change on food security and safety and emergence of mitigation scenarios must be addressed at a global level. For Europe, it means that agricultural research for food security and safety must be coordinated on close interaction with South-East Asia. Through a range of key note address given by internationally renowned scientists from both Europe and Asia countries, the session will address S&T gaps and identify needs and topics of research of mutual interest for future bi-regional collaboration. Program and list of speakers The session will be moderated by Dr. Sylvie Lewicki-Dhainaut, CIRAD Rapporteur: Dr Eko Hari Purnomo

9:00 – 9:15

Introduction to the session / presentation of the global scientific challenge and socio-economical context  Presentation by Dr. Sylvie Lewicki-Dhainaut, CIRAD

9:15 - 10:05

Adaptation of rice production under climatic constraints  Presentation by Prof. Holger Meinke, Wageningen University

10:05 - 10:25

Impact of climate change of fish production from aquaculture and fishery  Presentation by Dr. Wenresti G. Gallardo, Asian Institute of Technology

10:25 – 10:45

Innovative methods and tools to reduce new food and feed contamination pathways  Presentation by Dr. Didier Montet, CIRAD

10:45 – 11:05

International food trade in relation to food safety changing issues and its implication on food security  Presentation by Dr. Purwiyatno HARIYADI, Bogor Agricultural University, Southeast Asian Food & Agric Science & Technology (SEAFAST)

11:05 – 11:25

Food, fuel, feed and fiber. Competition or synergies ?  Presentation by Prof. Sudip K. Rakshit, Vice President – Research Asian Institute of Technology

11:25 – 12:15

Discussion (SWOT- feedback and recommendation)

9:00 – 12:30

II. Thematic break-out session on Health The last decade has seen the emergence and global spread of several infectious diseases, which place substantial social and economic burdens on both individuals and their societies. The spread and distribution of emerging epidemics will only be exacerbated by the impacts of climate change. Emerging epidemics pose a major threat to global public health and international joint research is needed to address this challenge. The health thematic session aims to broaden researchers understanding of opportunities within FP7 and further identify key areas of interest for collaboration between researchers in the EU and SEA. The session will also identify the imminent threat created by climate change and resultant shifting distribution of infectious diseases. Opportunities and Experience in FP7 Health Invited speakers: Health NCP(s) from Europe, policymakers and researchers able to discuss research priorities especially in the context of 'climate change and infectious diseases' Audience: SEA and EU policymakers and researchers Content

1. Information session on FP7: a) What is FP7, who can apply, health with the co-operation programme, how to draft a successful proposal b) Opportunities for funding and collaboration, EC strategy for healthcare, future calls, priority areas for the SEA region etc.

2. Importance of the impacts of climate change on infectious diseases - policy and policymaking priorities 3. Interactive Q&A session Objectives - purpose & aim of session

1. Increase awareness of FP7 within SEA

2. Increase awareness of FP7 opportunities within area of health including funding opportunities and opportunities for collaboration 3. Discuss potential future calls focused on SEA region and bi-regional priority areas for future health research, especially given the threat posed by climate change 4. Identify a niche area for SEA within FP7 (e.g. resistance to antimalarial drugs) 5. Discuss and create a policy dialogue on the impacts of climate change on infectious diseases

6. Maximise the ..?? 7. Promote more bi-regional activities in health / infectious diseases Program and list of speakers The session will be moderated by Rapporteur ?? 9:00 – 9:15

Introduction to the session

9:15 - 10:05

Title ….  Presentation by Graham Hughes, Health NCP (UK)

10:05 - 10:25

Title ….  Presentation by EU Speakers (tbc)

10:25 – 10:45

Title ….  Presentation by ASEAN Speakers (tbc)

10:45 – 11:05

Title ….  Presentation by Dr. Siripen Kalayanarooj, Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child Health, Bangkok, Thailand (tbc)

11:05 – 11:25

Title ….  Presentation by Dr. Sustriayu Nalim, Vector Control Research Unit, R&D of Health Department, Indonesia

11:25 – 12:15

Discussion (SWOT- feedback and recommendation)

9:00 – 12:30

III. Thematic break-out session on Biofuels There is growing scientific, social and political consensus that man made green house gas (GHG) emissions are a significant contributing factor to global climate change. Transport now accounts for over 20% of global GHG emissions and is also the main driver behind the increasing global demand for fossil fuels. The last few years has seen a surge in interest in the development of biofuel systems for their potential to curb GHG emissions and to improve energy security through reduced dependence on fossil fuels. However, there has also been mounting concern that current biofuels development may in fact contribute to higher food prices due to their competition with food crops, and that their production may in lead to energy price volatility. There are related concerns that recent government incentives for biofuels production may be inadvertently be leading to deforestation, and an overall loss of biodiversity. Since the potential benefits of biofuels are global, international collaboration on research and development (R&D) and biofuels policy development is essential. This thematic session will discuss how EU-SEA cooperation can help ensure that continued biofuel development contributes to climate change mitigation, food and energy security,

poverty reduction and sustainable rural livelihoods Program and list of speakers The session will be moderated by Rapporteur ?? 9:00 – 9:15

Introduction to the session

9:15 - 10:05

Title ….  Presentation by Dr. Jurgen Kretschmann, Präsident der Technische Fachhochschule Georg Agricola zu Bochum

10:05 - 10:25

Global Climate Change and Energy Security  Presentation by Prof.Dr.Selahattin Incecik, Department of Meteorology Engineering , Istanbul Technical University, Turkey

10:25 – 10:45

Title ….  Presentation by ASEAN speakers (tbc)

10:45 – 11:05

Title ….  Presentation by ASEAN speakers (tbc)

11:05 – 11:25

Title ….  Presentation by Dr. Robert Manurung, Institut Technology of Bandung, Indonesia

11:25 – 12:15

Discussion (SWOT- feedback and recommendation)

12:15 – 13:45

Lunch Buffet

13:45 – 14:45

Presentation of the Rapporteurs’ summaries on the thematic sessions

14:45 -15:00

Coffee break

15:00 – 16:45

Session 5: Make it Work Focus of the session In this final session we concentrate on two parallel issues: what actions need to be taken and how the SEA-EU-NET can help pushing them forward. On the one hand we will present some success stories that helped enhancing co-operation between the two regions and on the other hand we will discuss actions that need to be tackled in the future. This should serve as an input for a bi-regional Action Plan for enhanced S&T cooperation. In this final part concrete suggestions and comments from the audience, especially from our Steering Committee members are very much appreciated. Objectives:  Presentation of good practice of bi-regional cooperation schemes;  Discussion of future actions, that need to be developed;  Recommendations towards the project for future actions. Program and list of speakers The session will be moderated by Sándor Szigeti (NKTH)

15:00 - 15:20

I. Success stories for EU-SEA S&T bi-regional cooperation schemes A success story - EU and SEA Policies on Standardisation (Scientific, industrial, legal metrology, organisations in metrology and standardisation)  Presentation by Tanfer Yandayan (TUBITAK UME) and Ahmad Makinudin Dahlan (NML-SIRIM)

15:20 – 15:40

World Bank Experiences in Capacity Building, Developing E-Learning Curricula and Cooperation Possibilities  Presentation by Katalin Demeter (World bank)

15:40 – 16:00

II. Future of SEA-EU-co-operation discussion of future actions, recommendations from the audience Feedback from high-ranking participants: recommendations for future actions by the project based on the preliminary results of the conference  Dr. Christian Stienen, Director of Division; Cooperation with Asia and Oceania Federal Ministry for Education and search (BMBF)  Mr. Thach Can Director General, Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Science and Technology, Vietnam

16:00 – 16:15

Short inputs by the project partners  Presentation by Gerold Heinrichs (PT-DLR) Possible structure of an Action Plan - the backbone for a sustainable co-operation  Presentation by Béla Kardon (ColBud) Summary of the findings of the workshop: “Towards Solutions for Better SEA-EU Cooperation”  Presentation by Florian Gruber (ZSI)

16:15 – 16:45

Moderated discussion


Closing by the organisers (RISTEK)


Farewell drink and cocktail

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