Agenda Nov 09

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  • Words: 293
  • Pages: 1
STOWEY SUTTON PARISH COUNCIL AGENDA FOR 4TH NOVEMBER 2009 1. Apologies for absence 2. To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on the 7th October 2009. 3. Matters arising from those Minutes. 4. Members’ declaration of interest in matters on the Agenda. 5. Chairman’s Report including update on Cemetery. 6. Planning. 6a Applications i) Bishop Sutton Football Ground, Wick Rd, Bishop Sutton. Upgrading of floodlighting (Resubmission). ii) 50 Woodcroft, Bishop Sutton. Erection of two storey side and single storey rear extensions. 6b Results of Planning Applications i) Mountain Ash Farm Wick Rd, Bishop Sutton. Erection of a four bedroom dwelling with detached garage. Permitted. 7. District Councillor’s Report. 8. To consider co-opting Ms Hilary Lawton to the Council. 9. To appoint a Councillor to join a joint sub committee with East and West Harptree Parish Councils to finalise the work on the extension to the Cemetery at West Harptree 10. Request from Bishop Sutton Cricket Club to use the recreation ground for cricket in 2010. 11. Review of the Mendip Hills AONB 12. Consultation on secondary legislation under the Marine and Coastal Access Bill. 13. Speed of traffic on A368. 14. Christmas Trees. To consider application by the Bishop Sutton Society to erect a Christmas tree in the Village Hall Car Park. 15. Parish Cluster meeting 7th December. Items required for the agenda. 16. Village Agents project – information. 17. Hedgerows, Roads and Pavements. 18. Footpaths. 19. Suggestions for consideration on expenditure for 2010/11 prior to a meeting of the Finance Working Party in December. 20. Finances i) Request for grant for the Bishop Sutton Society for provision of two Christmas trees for the village. ii) Clerk’s Salary Review. iii) Cheques for signature. 21. Date of next meeting – 2nd December 2009.

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