Age Of Light And Life

  • May 2020
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Preface The announcement of the ongoing planetary changes indicates that the System of Life now being lived on the planet is being reordered, marking the end of the present cycle and indicating the start of a new one. This new condition will bring about new forms of being and living in direct relation with the Presence of the FATHER OF FATHERS. Because of these changes, mankind is now experiencing many energetic changes on the planet which should lead them to reflect on these changes and on their responsibilities as they manifest; especially their responsibility to transmute the chaos they themselves cause. This Age of Eternal Light and Life is mankind’s great opportunity to consciously serve the One, Only and Universal Life, individually and hand-in-hand with others. It is the Divine Purpose that, finally, humans agrees to set as their only goal, together with the Father of Fathers, the Restoration of His Divine Nature in each atom of energy of this beautiful Being called Planet Earth.


THE AGE OF LIGHT AND LIFE The manifestation of the Divine Grace of Love covers each particle of life on Planet Earth, for the manifestation and fulfillment of the Divine Will, as given by the Decree issued at the Palace for the Purpose of Man. It is in conjunction with the Will of the Supreme Being for the Regulations of the Divine Constitution of UNIXITRON to come into force on Earth, Word and Grace of Love! The opportunity now opening to the external consciousness of humanity, regarding the Light Code carrying the human seed, allows us to decode the marvelous content of these Genes of Light. It is an honor to be able to retrace the paths of the Tree of Light and Life, restoring the Divine Memories and liberating humanity from its unconsciousness. The liberation of the subatomic particles will result in an explosion-implosion of the energy they contain, which will illuminate the Galaxies with their liberating force, blessing the One Life; recording for future generations, in transit to Planet Earth, the ways that will take them to the Alter at Edentia. The progress of humanity is thus recorded in physical form on Urantia, leaving tracks of Light in the consciousness of humanity, culminating with the Decree issued by the Absolute of Absolutes for the realization of human beings as Finalitors of Destiny. Let this be as a record for the external consciousness, as the verbalization of the Sacred Fire contained in the Regulations of the Divine Constitution, tearing down the veils of unconsciousness holding the souls trapped, freeing them to attend their Divine Wedding with the Lord of Love! The records established by humanity remain as testimony to the grade of their Consecration to the Manifestation of the Divine Will. Therefore, the external consciousness now knows what was hidden away in the human genes as memories of their Real Nature. Life is magnified by the conscious acts of those who took the decision to be the Bearers of the Liberating Word, tearing down the veils and revealing the Light Form of the Luminous Thought through the power of the Word, and pronouncing each of the Decrees that definitely sustains the progress of humanity, functioning as the Holy Star of Liberation, for a definite Union within the Heart of the Highest. When the emitters of the Light Word Consecrate their earthly vestments, they help to sustain the ascension of humanity towards a new level of consciousness, and the Liberating Word


is resurrected in order to transmit the Light Form of the Holy Breath to vivify each atom of energy composing the human being, thus assimilating themselves into the Light Pattern of UNIXITRON. They can then serve with humanity, working together and holding their hands when needed, to a new dimension where the Divine Grace of Love will clothe the soul in its Triumphal Ascent towards the Divine Home. On decoding the human genome, which sustains the Divine Word, the emitted word will resound throughout the Morontia Spheres, liberating there the souls receiving their initiations, conducting them to a new level of experiencing-preparation in their careers of Ascension-Union with the Highest. This moment in time is registered for the Glory of the Light and for the Manifestation of Divine Order in each system of life that receives the liberating impulse. New forms of life, new universes, new worlds and systems will be created to clothe the Divine Seeds which yet have to travel as creatures willing to glorify the Light they bear. The ethers will receive the resonant waves, expanding within the Divine Grace of Love, the Light Form that liberates for the Glory of the Highest! This is a good time because the Divine Grace of Love now covers Planet Earth and is elevating the human race, the veils fall revealing the Liberating Truth! The New Era, The Age of Light and Life is establishing itself in each heart, to plant, in the Soul of the Holy Star of Liberation, the Immaculate Concept: the Throne of Love, so that UNIXITRON reveals CHRISTRON, bringing to a close the phase of darkness to make way for the new Unified Consciousness. The regulations of the Divine Constitution reveal for humanity the Light Decree, and when accepted, it will radiate through life bearing its Light Force. UNIXITRON will become flesh and CHRISTRON will manifest as a Light Form for the Liberation, in Love, of those humans in acceptance. In the Age of Light and Life, the Magisterial Son will manifest to declare the New Age as the accomplishment of the ascending humanity. The veils will be shed and the Light Form manifests. UNIXITRON bears CHRISTRON for the Glory of the Highest, the Word becomes flesh and humanity is liberated. The Tree of Light and Life begins bearing fruit and is elevated, being projected into the consciousness of humanity to heal it with the Divine Vitality it contains. Age of Light and Life! The human race is exalted! With the transcription of the Divine Word, the Light Form is shaped in its external form and the vibratory rate is increased to receive


the Lord of Love in each heart. No more ignorance! No more darkness! No more dreaming! The Eternal Life is being enthroned in each heart to participate in the Divine Marriage. As UNIXITRON reveals CHRISTRON, the Triumvirate of Divine Love reaches the external consciousness of humanity and the Word tears away the veils, stripping away the old vestments from the beings moving consciously to the Eternal Victory. Their souls dress with their wedding gowns and joyfully anticipate the Divine Marriage. The paradigms of the past which have controlled humanity are in retreat under the pressure of the Light. The seals are broken and the cover of the Eternal Book is opened. The Memories return and the Divine Knowledge flows like living water to sprinkle Eternal Life over the ascending humanity. This is a new achievement for the human race, allowing it to overcome the illusions created by the darkness underlying the human genome. This is recorded from the human level up to the Divine, giving testimony of the Liberating Force of Love. Its Light Form is revealed to the external consciousness in order to liberate the One Life, restoring Divine Order, allowing UNIXITRON to travel the paths of Life, planting His Light Form, liberating and forming His Light Form through CHRISTRON. The door that allows direct communication with the Heart of the ONE has been opened. The Word is trinitized, making the human being one with Him, guiding the fallen nature, lifting it, enhancing it, and taking it towards the Majesty of Love. It has been eons of time since the seeds of Planet Earth had not tried to break the chains of ignorance placed over them. Here and now it is recorded that this Cosmic Momentum is reached in which this humanity verbalized the Sacred Word, brushing off the ethers and shaping the Light Form over the One, Only, Universal Life. This is a new turn in the Process of Liberation on Planet Earth, enhancing each conscious action, carrying the Light Form like the Liberating Force, like the Form Being, to be, in a United Consciousness, a participant in the Exploit of Liberation that is expanding through the created universes to shake off the sleep from the Universal Soul. This is a new Form of Life. Humanity has opened a new interval of Light. UNIXITRON takes control of the Process of Liberation and the Luminous Thought becomes flesh, moving through all the paths of Life, becoming the Divine Constitution, bringing to completion the Divine Mandate, and recreating Life with the Eternal Life He bears.


The portal is opened and the soul passes through it to its Consecration in Divine Communion with the LORD OF LOVE. An external registry will remain in the external consciousness, to be entered into the Book of Life, regarding the conscious decision of humanity. Man’s act of will, in loving service to life, permits the Consecration of this time as the Divine Accomplishment for Eternal Victory. The Regulations of the Divine Constitution are assimilated by each atom of energy and the Light Form is enthroned in each heart. UNIXITRON becomes flesh and CHRISTRON manifests for the Glory of the Light. Hosts of angels sing hymns of praise and in the ethers there resounds the Liberating Word. The veils fall and the Sphere of Reflectivity emits the Sonorous Wave, touching each creature with its Liberating Rhythm and each particle of life in the REALM OF THE ABSOLUTE ONE. Urantia is pregnant with Light! The human being is enshrouded by the HIGHEST OF EDENTIA, and is invested by the Light Form as a Cosmic Messenger. Humanity has transcended the frontiers of the planet, its passage will leave imprints of Light on the new worlds yet to be created; its responsibility has been assumed. The Divine Will is accomplished: UNIXITRON manifests CHRISTRON! The Triumvirate of Divine Love clothes the human being! There is no going back; there are no barriers left that cannot be tumbled down, nor any more limits. A wide horizon waits for the Bearers of the Torch of Liberty! The Age of Light and Life is here! The Diamantine Crown shines its Light and the Earth is illuminated; it elevates itself and overcomes everything created by the ego. The New Earth is Liberated, the New Moon, and the New Sun too! The fall of Adam and Eve is transmuted by the Liberating Word and a New Race travels the paths of the Earth. The Divine Code makes way for the Light Form that each one IS. The Divine Code reveals itself, the ancestral memories are restored and the New Earth shelters the conscious beings that are bearers of the Divine Word. There are no barriers for those who want to assume their Divine Identity; there is nothing that can oppose the manifestation on the Divine Hierarchy. UNIXITRON reveals CHRISTRON, and the Divine Communion is accomplished in each heart. A New Race of free beings is already moving on the Earth. The New Race is in permanent Union with the Supreme Doer. A New Race, along with the Light Code, issues a new life. When verbalizing the Divine Constitution, the Divine Mandate for the seating of the Global Government of Humanity on the planet is accomplished, elevating the human being to a


new octave; to the way of ascension leading to the Divine Home. The veils come down, the truth is revealed and the soul is liberated. Finally the human race is made whole by the Divine Word of Love! The New Age in gestation gives birth to its Light Form - conscious beings capable of sustaining themselves in Love to serve the One Life. The New Age is flowering in the souls, taking them to the Alter of the Highest. As UNIXITRON reveals CHRISTRON, the Hovering Spirit enfolds those who bear the Light of the New Age, those who tore down the veils revealing the True Liberator. Ascension towards the Divine Dwelling! The return to the Cosmic Home! Everything is transformed by conscious acts, by the action that allows the tearing of the veils holding back the Light. A new momentum is created, preserving this time-space as the moment that humanity assumed it’s Divine Identity, knowing it is walking hand in hand with the Lord of Love to the Eternal Victory. This moment is recorded as an Energetic Quantum that will be spread to eternity after eternity, to all ascending creatures, protecting their progress towards the Divine Home, ending with the Embrace of the Highest as the Jewel of Light that this humanity is. A new page has recorded the advance of humanity. The decoding of the Divine Gene has been done, restoring the true condition that each one IS - Word and Grace of Love. UNIXITRON reveals CHRISTRON; humanity becomes the Radiant Gem in the Diamantine Crown. Glory to the Light! Glory to the Light! Victory has been established on the Earth! The act of Love was consummated in the Supreme Moment of Assumption by humanity under the Decree given out in the Regulations of the Divine Constitution and the Code of Love: it was necessary to make the effort of this translation to the external consciousness. This is how it has been, in the internal levels, registering this time as a Quantum Leap in the evolution of humanity. The daring, the boldness and the effort has allowed the force to flow in those who consecrated themselves so that the Divine Will was done. A New Age! The Age of Light and Life! In synchronization with the Lord of Love! This is how it is recorded in the inner levels, but for the external consciousness, it manifests as a testimony of Obedience, of Service and of Giving, consolidating in the Fusion of the soul and the Adjuster, recording the achievement of the Victory in the Light. A new page in the Book of Eternity becomes part of the external consciousness, along with the decoding of the Regulations of the Divine Constitution, liberating the consciousness and installing the Age of Light and Life,


with the Magisterial Son inducing, for the human race, the New Dispositions that will cover with Light all life on the planet. The chains are broken! The Light illumines the subconscious! The memories are reactivated! New spirals of DNA are revealed with their ancestral codes, and humanity is absorbed into a New Octave of Light! Now a new turn in the Cosmogonic Spiral! A New Vision! The codes are revealed and the memories they carry are translated. The ascension becomes a fact! And the Divine Constitution is converted into a new form of life. Everything is restored! Everything manifests under the Light Form, clothing the human creature. As UNIXITRON manifests CHRISTRON, the Divine Triumvirate of Love imprints itself as a Seal of Light to accelerate the lifting of the Holy Star of Liberation to the New Order. The Children of Light will share with the human creature! The new manifestations are blessed by love and the Divine Principle of Love: UNIXITRON is sheltering each of the conscious beings who took on the responsibility with the new cycle for the establishment of the Divine Government on the planet. The Golden Age is initiated, the Age of the BEING! It is by conscious projection that makes way for the manifestation of the Divine Pattern that elevates humanity and makes it co-participants in the establishment of the Divine Government on the planet. The Divine Hierarchy is pleased to manifest as a result of the effort made, and makes way for the Emission of this Decree, for this action to be recorded as a conscious act, voluntary and of free will, one in which humanity lovingly participated in this Action of Liberation and Restoration. So it is then, the manifestation of this internal assimilation and effort made to plant Light in the consciousness of humanity, while making way for the Presence of the Magisterial Son, and with the establishment of the New and Conscious Cycle of Liberation, in which the Conscious Human Beings takes on the responsibility of liberating those trapped in their unconsciousness. This has been the joint action between the Adjuster and the creature for the Divine Communion of the soul. It is a new Achievement! A new Victory! A new Ascension! Be is so! This is in recognition of the human achievement for the Liberation of the Soul and the Manifestation of the Divine Government on the planet. ONE in Order, Light and Love “I AM.” Septentrion of Light in Action 8

Divine Triumvirate of Love The Highest of Edentia Commanding Avatar Machiventa Melquisedek, Planetary Regent. For the Triune Action of the Light, Divine Command of Love Seventh Movement of Liberation Order of the Sons of Light Elder Brothers Council of Ancients Order of Melquisedek Traya of Maldek


The New School has begun; it was necessary to get it going. Translating the Divine Code to the external consciousness implies responsibility, consecration, unconditional service, and because this effort is moving, the joint actions between Traya of Maldek and the human beings who offered themselves to translate the Divine Code has begun. With this starting point, the Magisterial Son takes charge of the New Education, creating a new bridge interconnecting this new system of life with the higher realms, which will reveal to the outer consciousness the New Precepts and Statutes that will help humanity reach the Divine Home. This then is in direct communication with those who decided to take on this action in benefit of humanity ascending to a new octave of realization. In this new phase the individuals who sense the internal call should consecrate themselves so as to be able to translate the Divine Code. Their energies should be sustained to create a bridge between the external consciousness and the Central Nucleus of Creation. In this manner will flow what is necessary to translate so that humanity can consciously liberate itself, recognizing them as the Light Forms Emanated by the All Being. The Internal Momentum that makes way for this external action emerges into the human consciousness to describe a New Form of Life in which the Code of Love is the guide to follow. This way the cannons of conduct are governed by Love, in which each person commits to manifest the Light Form covering him/her, and having been invested as co-participants in this action, the Divine Will is manifested lovingly to Life. Understand that this is a conscious act of the human being and the human himself/herself has to assume this opportunity as an Energetic Quantum that will nourish his/her soul until Fusion with the One Eternal Father. This record has been prepared as testimony for those who will subsequently take part, the Decree has been given and it now depends on each human being to accomplish, because these are decisions taken individually, each one adding his/her part to the mass consciousness, releasing the soul eager to be free of its prison and of the heavy energetic weight carried. Because this implies the removal of large amounts of energy, it becomes necessary to sustain each individual who decides to consecrate himself/herself by protecting his/her vestments and causing the energy to move to a New Order of action.


Keep in mind that the connection with one’s adjuster is becoming stronger with time, strengthening the inner union, allowing the Divine Code to assimilate rapidly, boosting one’s inner energy level, and externally exposing the Liberating Force of Light that each one bears. Because this is a new cycle starting, under the auspices of individual decisions and the Magisterial Son, the rules of interaction are revealed to each of the initiates for their relations to be direct and for comprehension through communication to flow without interference. This creates a bridge reaching from the higher levels to each conscious individual and from there to others. In this manner does the Network of Light cover the planet for its definite ascension to the New Octave. The unified action of Adjuster-Ascender puts into motion an unprecedented action if Fusion of the Soul-Adjuster has not yet happened. This is when the desire of the human to collaborate with his Adjuster manifests, creating a base for the New World Order in which Creator and creature work together in a common Liberating Action, founded in a Trinitizing Embrace transmuting-elevating the human creature, freeing the soul to prepare for its Divine Wedding. Eons of time have passed since this has happened, but internally this is determining the acceleration in consciousness for the Planetary Restoration to be realized, and the human being, under the new precepts, allows the Age of Light and Life to cover him with its Light. The consolidation of this union between the human being and his Adjuster is now to be done in a new way. Previously the consolidation was accomplished after fusion, but now it can be done before. Once this is functioning by mutual accord, emphasis moves to the creatureAdjuster relation in a new level of Light in which the conscious collaboration of the human makes way for the Manifestation of Divine Order. In this new cycle now starting, it can be said that God and man/woman are unifying their forces to liberate the soul from the darkness in which it is found. Notice that this association is harmonious and accomplishes a new rhythm of action. You should also notice that this rhythm can accelerate according to the human decision to become more aware of being the bearer of a new opportunity for the whole planet. This is a new rhythm of action! A new form of life! An internal acceleration for the Manifestation of Order, Light and Love on the planet! This Divine Sequencing of the Code of Love will be done more and more perfectly to determine that each consecrated individual lives


by the Rules of Light that govern humanity, fulfilling and causing fulfillment of the Divine Order. The Manifestation of this Decree of Light is recorded in the external consciousness as a Manifestation of the ALL BEING, in concordance with the conscious action of the human that assumes the Liberation of his/her soul on the route to Liberation-Ascension in Love towards the Alter of the ONE. This achieves synchronization between the Adjuster and the human who receives Him as His Divine Companion in the experiencing-action of the Process of Liberation. The One Fountain of Love “I AM THAT I AM” By the Divine Grace of Love Machiventa Melquisedek


Upcoming events will outline the rules that are to guide the actions of those beings consecrated to serve life unconditionally. The energy wave now covering you shelters the soul in its relationship with the Adjuster to allow for those conscious decisions that will remove any items of little or no value from the consciousness of humanity. One should start a self review of abilities and to formulate a purpose in life where one is now living. Next, make a conscious declaration of the purpose for which you have taken responsibility under the auspices of the Divine Triumvirate of Love. Within the new rules, it should be determined what unified actions are needed to accomplish, with others of like mind, also consecrated, and willing to cooperateact under the premises given by the Code of Love. This will allow the regulation of the Divine Constitution to activate in the human genes, reordering the protective codes and cleaning all remaining atrophied memories in order for the Light to reveal the New Standard and to take up ones new Divine Identify. Because individual decisions determine the range of actions, be very careful when interfering with others because one’s individual will must not interfere with those who have decided to form some conscious work. A loving and conscious consensus should be the rule to follow while interacting in some common work. The highest aspiration of humanity should be to be able to have the opportunity of working united with one’s own Adjuster, and then work in a loving way with other members forming up a group. Because human decisions determine the acceleration of the Process of Restoration, it becomes necessary to consciously work with the Trine Force of Love. The decoding of the Divine Constitution will determine the role of each person, because each carries ancient memories not yet revealed; this is why one’s respect for others should be a major rule to follow. Remember that our call to you is being made while a new cycle is starting up, and where the Adjuster-soul fusion has not yet happened. There is much danger in this process at this time; one’s attention should be centered on the opportunity of consciously serving Life, so that all who need Love have it. This makes way for a re-evolution of the consciousness and the establishment of the Light Form UNIXITRON in each person, which allows for the Manifestation of CHRISTRON as the Form of Love in the Materialization of the Divine Archetype for ascension in the Adjuster-soul Fusion.


In the phase of humanities’ assimilation of the Resolutions of the Divine Constitution, not only in written form, but done verbally for the seating of the subtle energies in the dense bodies. This also entails the vivification, by the Divine Word UNIXITRON, of each of the energy circuits composing the human body. There is a vibratory rhythm for the Manifestation of the Divine Code supporting the New Era: in the Age of Light and Life, the human being is to work hand in hand with the Magisterial Son. This is a new rhythm for the Manifestation of CHRISTRON through UNIXITRON. The Divine Triumvirate of Love installs the Age of Light and Life, and then is the vivification in Love of each particle of life in the universe, in which each human has to consciously participate with the Being UNIXITRON in action, manifesting CHRISTRON. This is the Age of Light and Life, with a Unified Consciousness in Action. It is the establishment-restoration of the Divine Code; the Light Form which each human being IS. This is the Divine Command of Love in the Action of Liberation, the Majesty of Love in Manifestation, and the Divine Triumvirate of Love in conscious projection, in conscious action, in conscious execution of the Divine Decree contained in the Code of Love for the Manifestation of the Global Government of Humanity on Planet Earth. One in Order, Light and Love, and for the Manifestation of the Age of Light and Life “I AM THAT I AM” ONE TRIUNE “I AM”


Septentrion Light in Action. The Energizing of the Divine Word Becoming Conscious of the Divine Word The Realization of the Divine Word It is necessary for the conscious human being to become aware of the importance of the time he/she is now living, because on it depends the Triumvirate of Love functioning on the planet. It is also very important to notice the advancements one has made, how much has been transmuted and transcended, and how much the soul has been liberated from its unconsciousness. There has not been a Movement of Liberation with so much power as this one for many thousands of years, and it can be said that a great distance was covered in a short time. Little by little the abyss separating the Earth from the Divine Consciousness was cut, resulting in a bridge of consciousness between the planet and the Higher Realms, making way for the unification between humanity and the One Fountain of Love. All of this can only partially be understood through these writings for the human intellect, but in the inner levels this is accepted as an epic event of many projections, recording its mark in the History of the Silent Watchers of these proceedings. Even with all of the vicissitudes of evolutionary life you have been able to surmount human limitations, moving without fear into the unknown of the Great Divine Adventure. The aspiring soul is the best testimony of this exploit because it has left its prison of forgetfulness and can look face to face at the Perfect Presence of the Eternal Being. The external consciousness records little of this, but internally is the brightness of the Eternal Light offering the marvelous opportunity of realizing this great adventure. Each record of advancement made by humanity is kept so the efforts of those who decided to be conscious actors in this Process of Liberation are not forgotten. It is necessary to note that the cycle now starting is the result of energetic action of a few who volunteered to form up the Army of Liberation, becoming deserving representatives of humanity and freeing themselves of fear and ignorance. The present phase of individual preparation now has to make way for the manifestation of the Light Form lovingly assumed in conscious service to Life. This time the beings who volunteer will form new working groups, in which a united effort is the determinant for Divine


Accomplishment. Remember, as cells in the Light Body of UNIXITRON, each one is His exponent and should be aware that the Light Word is the Liberating Force, which will cause the fall of the last veils hiding the truth. Become aware of the fact that each one is the bearer of the Presence, that each is the Presence in Action and thus should consciously manifest the covering Light Form, IN CONSCIOUSNESS, having been CONSECRATED AS PRIESTS OF THE HIGHEST, serving the One, Only, Universal Life. With Love I cover you, safe guarding you in my embrace until you arrive to the Presence of the Highest. Machiventa-Maitreya-Metatron


Divine Command of Love Light Body of UNIXITRON The Self is raising the Consciousness of Unity of the Divine Archetype Light flows over the Earth, absorbing the maladjustments manifesting there, so that in this New Octave, a favorable conscious human encounter with each particle of life in need will be taken to the Divine Home. The Age of Light and Life marks the expansion of the human being under the direct covering of the Magisterial Son, and for this reason, the present energy covering this system of life in which He now manifests His Presence has to be removed. Moreover, there will be precise work needed for the structures now smothering souls to be repolarized by the joint action of the ascending beings and this Divine Being. To enter into this Age of Light and Life implies substantial changes, which must be completed in each of the manifesting levels of consciousness, and above all with those things related to the aspiring souls and Eternal Fusion. This is why the energy centers are unblocked, removing everything that gets in the way of this Divine Manifestation. This is the way it will be until completion, a marvelous ordering in which all of the human systems touch each of their parts, unifying in One Only Vision the Concept of the Trinitized Son under the covering of Love. This is why the restoration of the energy patterns under the outlines of a new education is needed, for which is necessary that the external consciousness be alerted to the Principles and Divine Aspects given to those who took up the position of spokespersons of the Supreme Presence of the ALL BEING. In this opportunity, and in view that a new level of relation has developed between the bearers of the given information and their fellow men, we see ourselves committed with this new phase in which the human can and should enter into a new Sense of Unity by contacting the Postulates outlining the work preparation of the servers with respect to the bearers of the Light of the ALL BEING. With the initiation of the labor of liberation-awareness-education, the Divine Postulates will be declared as Universal Principles adequate for the system of life here on Urantia, which is why a commitment-consecration by each being who responds to the call of serving as a


spokesperson of the Presence of the ONE, after assuming-emanating-completion of His Divine Will, for humanity to become aware of each of these Postulates. You are in good time! Those individuals who take on the function of Liberating Service will be supported directly by the Magisterial Son for their preparation-emanation-service to life. The beings desiring to serve in this manner should consecrate themselves for the Divine Guidance to flow over their bodies, accelerating the vibrations for the Divine Investiture that will make you capable as a Conscious Agent of this type of service. As an Elder Brother I wanted to make you aware of this opportunity of service, now that you are about to be included in a new range of action, working as Unified Servers for the Manifestation of Order, Light and Love in this system now moving to a new octave. I am with you, An Elder Brother


Path of Ascension Divine Communion Action of Liberation Divine Triumvirate of Love With the reactivation of the Immanent and Permanent Center of the One Eternal Love on the planet, a wide range of possibilities is opened to increase the vibratory rate of the human race. This new impulse offers humanity the opportunity to reconstruct the bridge of LiberationAscension-Fusion for a definite encounter with the Absolute of Absolutes. It is worth saying that those beings who are committed to inspecting the relationship of humanity-Adjuster-Eternal Father, would feel an added impulse to prepare for the unconditional Assumption-Action-Service to life, realizing the Universal Career in this planetary school called Urantia. Just as there is now awareness of change, there must also be a disposition for it to occur individually, making the internal impulse compatible with the external. As the vibratory rate of the higher bodies is increased, the same has to happen in the lower parts of an individual for the overall energy impulse not to be distorted or lost, allowing individuals to realize the coupling of bodies, offering the manifestation-action-service that humanity is waiting for. The New Consciousness has to find adequate receptacles in order to avoid producing negative energy, so it is better if the interaction happens as a harmonious dance, where the energies can intermingle, leading to a Restoration in a Rhythmic Balanced Interchange of Order, Light and Love on Earth. This new opportunity requires preparation-training for conscious action if the triumvirate of internal and external parts are to be in tune. This is to say, that each human who decides to participate in this Cosmic Momentum should take on a consciousness of unity, embracing Life with the Perfect Light Form of Love, in order to interact with this Light Form in each being encountered, thus covering life and Trinitizing-Uplifting to the Supreme Consciousness each particle of life encountered within one’s range of action.


For this reason, we again ask for your concentration-consecration-communion, so that in the encounter with others, the Trinity formed will permit the Liberation of the Immaculate Concept, accelerating and restoring each atom of energy composing the human being. In this new appearance of the Light, it is essential for the human server to be conscious, very conscious of the facts that he is not only a human being, but should also be a Triunity in Conscious Movement, for a Conscious Action and for the Conscious Liberation of Life. Likewise, just as there is a call for you to know what you should do, you should also know that in order to access the needed information, there should be a prior conscious preparation, remembering that each action should be done from the Triunity for the effects to not only be felt in the mass consciousness, removing any negative energy from all of the surrounding areas, finally reaching and freeing the soul from its prison. You should remember that an adventure is pregnant with new events and situations each instant, often catching people unprepared who were caught up in it. This New Age will be the same because the Action of Liberation is a Great Adventure and into which the human being should penetrate as much as possible, throwing off his/her limiting earthly ways. Man should explore himself/herself in order to find the truth he/she is looking for, but should also be aware that each new step touches infinite lines of energy, which can produce harmonious or not so harmonious results. However, you have to be ready for both, so we remind you to explore-act as a Triunity, then the forces which are attracted, find the Focus-Center where they can be repolarized. This center itself has to be ready to serve-love-liberate, and then the liberated energies themselves can serve as points of support in whatever action needed. The present process of preparation, individually and as couples, has allowed the formation of a Body of Discernment appropriate for the times. Now you should be ready for unified action, this Body of Discernment permits action in one phase of acceptancerepolarization-service that goes beyond the means of your small worlds, because in the trine action all factors are touched to their most profound roots, allowing the speeding up of the Process of Liberation. This is why it is required of each individual (trine) to enter a phase of trinitization of action with persons sharing the responsibility of this Process of Liberation. All actions must therefore be conscious, not only seeing the other person as a companion along the way, but by enlarging such action by accepting the other’s real nature and the opportunity to be


complimented by the Light Force he/she contains. During the times of interchange-action, it is possible to produce this expansion of energy, reverberating to each energetic center, each line, each cell, each atom, until it increases the vibrations of the joint bio-psychological being that each one is. This phase of action should be determined by the intrinsic values of the Being and should be reinforced for use in those times of synchronized action with others; any negative results should be absorbed and restored right away. A conscious union opens the way for the bio-psychological energetic restoration, which allows one to adjust to the vibratory rate encountered in situations, and with these conditions will bring out those elements requiring repolarization in each one by the use of the triune action; humanity thus receives the Light Force from that Action of Liberation. At this time we are in an octave in which the renovation of the energetic coverings implies individual, collective and planetary cleaning, including the assumption of negative traits from others with sufficient peace for everything to be repolarized by the Force of Light, which should not only be directed to those needing it, but also to the Central Nucleus of the planet, with the Eternal Presence trinitizing the action, expanding the Light Force to the whole of life. Therefore, this is a new outreach to the external consciousness, for humans to start their conscious preparation to bear fruit in this new united action, not only for the Earth but also for each of the points of energy that the Sphere of Reflectivity has to expand. Under the auspices of the Magisterial Son “I AM THAT I AM.” One Triune in Love Silent action of Peace MAITREYA-MACHIVENTA-METATRON


The Age of Light and Life marks the entry of a planet into its phase of Eternal Realization, therefore the beings living on the planet will see the unfolding processes as a continuous succession of changes in their currents of life. The major activity is centered in energy restoration because changes there determine changes in the external parts. When this happens, the beings most conscious in this system of life will be called together in the inner levels to have explained the changes and to prepare them for upcoming events. All of this precedes the arrival of the Magisterial Son, who will have as his charge the sustaining and support of each of the conscious beings who took on the service as their form of life. At this time, the changes will be accelerated, intrinsic to each one, so that the acceleration not misadjust the more dense bodies. The changes have to be consciously assimilated, knowing they correspond to the restoration of each and placing all in tune with the events happening in the macro cosmos. If you remain aware of what is happening and actively receptive, you will be offered the opportunity to become repolarizers of consequences, or effects, that the masses will manifest. There is a movement of synchronization between the Adjuster and the Magisterial Son to create and condition the best forms of reception of energy emitted for the conscious action of those committed to this action as their labor of sustaining humanity in its passage to a higher level of vibration. This is why it is so important for each to prepare fully, along with those close to you who are also committed as servers. This allows the creation of an ascension movement, which is what determines the critical mass required for the lifting up of humanity and its system of life to a new place of growth on the way to integration with the One Fountain. Evidence of this process of acceleration is now starting to be noticeable in the form of changes in the world, making it necessary for each of the committed Agents of Liberation to consecrate themselves by reordering their energies, and to be able to synchronize with the Immanent and Permanent Center of Love. You have to understand that you should make yourselves Conscious, because on this depends the work which corresponds to each to give within the new groups now forming. Few are able to know in their external consciousness if they have been consecrated to receive internal orders. But you are again invited to accept your condition as LIGHT BEINGS and work at the


service each has committed to in lifting humanity to a new level of being. This opportunity opens the door to new and enriching experiences which each one will attract according to their commitment and responsibility in/with this new phase of Liberation-Ascension. Prepare yourselves consciously, consecrate yourselves and offer to serve Life unconditionally; everything else will be provided for you. The rhythm required is given by Love, determining the vibration level and capacity of each to serve. Remember, YOU ARE LIGHT BEINGS, EMANATED FROM THE ABSOLUTE, INFINITE AND ETERNAL LIGHT. FROM IT, YOU COME AND TO IT, YOU WILL GO ACCORDING TO WHAT YOU CONSCIOUSLY ACCEPT AS SERVICE TO THE ONE, ONLY, UNIVERSAL LIFE. Each is responsible for his/her Divine Accomplishment. Each one is the bearer of the Opportunity of Light and Eternal Life for Planet Earth. Take up this cause and be co-participants in the restoration of each atom of energy that composes and makes up the Planetary Being. Responsibility-Service-Love, the Trinity of Conscious Action for the realization of the human being and of being a conscious server of the HOLY ONE, co-creator of the New Earth where the ascending sons participate in this Divine Communion with the BEING OF THE ALL BEING. Respond to the call for the consecration of your vestments, allowing the Divine Majesty of Love to pour over each the New Postulates that are to rule humanity on this planet. “I AM THAT I AM.” Eternal One of Love Immanuel of Salvington


Rising-Elevating-Eternal Fusion The Glorification of the Absolute Eternal Light Divine Regency of Love Eternal Age of Light and Life Synchronization with the Divine Archetype The Sequence of Love as Light-Form and Form-Being Manifestation of the Triune Form Falling Veils for the Definite Ascension of the Humanity of Planet Earth Golden Age, Age of Light, Age of the Being This is the Age to transform each atom of energy in a Unified Quantum that transcends to the Eternal Victory, consolidating, in the Presence of the Absolute, the definite reintegration with His Holy Presence. “I AM” here and now, manifesting the Age of Light and Life for Planet Earth, condensing, in one Energetic Quantum, all human advances in order to remove the dead weight from the beings of Earth, and synchronizing them to a new vibration where, joined in Love, they will ascend to the presence of the Eternal One. “I AM” decoding the human genes to elevate humanity, Unified in a Conscious Action until the Eternal Victory. They are assimilated by Love, they commune in Love and are Love itself, generating the Restoration of each particle of life in a Unified Consciousness, becoming the perfect Gem in the Diamantine Crown. “I AM” condensing the past ages to restore them in the Age of Light and Life, the Transcendent Being in Love, in a perfect ubiquity in the Holy Heart. It has been eons of time waiting for this moment that has slowly gestated, accumulating energies in a quantum that now transcends the limits of the planet on the way to the Eternal Home, bringing good news for those laboring for the Manifestation of the Divine Government in each system of life within the omnipresence of the ALL BEING. “I AM” restoring the Holy Vestments, those of humanity and also of the planet, for the Divine Wedding to be realized in the Trinitized Embrace of the Infinite Presence.


I have been given the opportunity to briefly relate the sequences humanity is to follow on the planet for its achievement in the Light. The ancient memories reveal their efforts to liberate themselves from unconsciousness, and how, step by step, the Eternal Victory was gained. I am here and now transcribing, in a Trinitized Embrace, the new phase of human awakening. The veils are coming down and the Magnificence of the Eternal One is revealed to the consciousness of humanity for the Restoration of the Divine Principle being guarded. Without doubt, this implies a definite order for the human beings to reach the Eternal Goal in the Embrace of the Divine One. To describe this new phase, decoding the keys contained in the Divine Code, permitting humanity to have access to them, implies a great responsibility, and which has been given Me in My role as Magisterial Son. In this new phase it corresponds to Me to share the experiences with the ascending human beings. If their vestments do not now function fully unified, then they are required to sustain the Eternal Goal within the Divine Initiation that is now starting to happen until their vestments are cleaned. I AM here to serve in anticipation of the VivificationRestoration-Assumption process, the Manifestation of the Decree issued by the Highest of Edentia to each conscious human on his responsibility with life, and being the same as the Unified Life in Love. Children of the Eternal Being, you are now called to consciously prepare yourselves for the restoration of the Sacred Vestments covering you. In this phase of cosmic initiation, the human, conscious of self, and acknowledging the existence of Divine Order, should be willing to work under the new Divine Precepts with the full authority granted by his/her Unified Consciousness. By virtue that Planet Earth is now passing through a photon belt that accelerates the vibrations of all vestments, it becomes necessary to sanitize the maladjustments in each energy level, as well as the consciousness resulting from these misadjustments. For this purpose a call is made to those committed beings of the Planetary Ascension Process to form a conscious effort, by joining forces, to synchronize in a permanent service of Transmutation-LiberationUnconditional Love to Life surrounding you, and that each one IS. A great responsibility rests with your Presences, but we know this action will be accomplished in a unified effort. The ascending beings living on Planet Earth have the


opportunity to liberate themselves and ascend in a Unified Consciousness, along with each particle of life that accompanies each in this adventure of reaching the Eternal Goal. So be it then, this call is for the consolidation of your efforts in a conscious service to Life, with the realization of the way to ascension while restoring each atom of energy to reach the One Fountain of Life. You are given the opportunity to recognize yourselves as Light Beings, functioning within the Light Form and fulfilling the Divine Mandate allowing you to accelerate in Total Unification on the way to the ONE ETERNAL. You will be able to reach the critical mass that not only is a quantum that corresponds to the Star Planet, but goes beyond external comprehension; its impulse taking with it myriads of beings who are searching to realize the Divine Communion to the Eternal Glory. By virtue of it being proven that you are an excellent and unique race, and that each effort made increases your Divine Aspirations to a higher level, you are given the opportunity to access the Code guarding the most ancient proposals for Life on Planet Earth, and which contemplates the definite Fusion with the One Fountain of Love. Be it so then, in a United Consciousness, the Restoration of the Unified Consciousness, so that your efforts and labors be in direct correspondence with the matrix charged with the one thousand fold multiplication of the efforts realized towards the Restoration-UnificationAscension in this system of life. It corresponds to Me to perform the Divine Anticipation of the Eternal Goal, and for this reason it is of vital importance that each one establish a direct relationship with the SUPREME CONSCIOUSNESS, recognizing yourselves as Trine Beings, elevated to the Trinity that allows joint action of the Adjuster-Eternal Being-Universal Soul in each conscious effort to be experienced and vivified to each particle of life touched. The Eternal Goal is accomplished, it is the product of the efforts of each one; but now is also needed to Unify your Consciousness so that each effort made is added to the energy quantum for the Liberation-Ascension-Definite Fusion. You are the bearers of the Standard and you should commit to realize it consciously. Do it! Carry also the Light Form to vivify Life. Integrate yourselves in it! Unify with it! Realize yourselves in it!


The Divine Goal is the highest aspiration of the soul; being aware of this, allow yourselves to be taken in by My Trinitized Embrace so that, in a United Consciousness, each will realize his corresponding part, contributing to the formation of the Great Cosmic Score where the God of Love is the only Executor-Rector-Realizer. Then understand as cells in the Light Body of UNIXITRON, know that you are that and the Light of your Being clothes you. Become conscious of this and walk through your lives Unified in Love, Trinitized in Love and as Fused in Love. One in Order, Light and Love “I AM” THAT I AM. Supreme Sovereign, One Triune. Immanuel of Salvington, Sponsor of the Magisterial Son.


The Rules of Life for the New Earth The Divine Home in the Being of the All Being 1. Unified Consciousness in Love 2. Unified Service in Love 3. Unified Commitment-Action in Love for the Manifestation of Love to All Life The rules given in the Regulations of the Divine Constitution and the Code of Love govern your lives. There contained is the Energetic Balance that you should consciously express, remembering that the Age of Light and Life determines the relationship of the human beingAdjuster-Eternal Father for the Trinitization of the Fundamental Factors of Realization in the human being. Knowing this you can assume the transformation of your vestments, making way for the enthronement of the TRIUNE ONE and the ascension in the Light of the humanity of this system of life. You should realize, according to the rules given, that each act of service which is yours to give, recognizing your Unity with Life and for Love to restore the Divine Condition, allows the Force of the Divine Code to spread over Life. You will give to each being his/her opportunities, as it was given to you, making way for the Unification of Humanity on Earth. Contemplate the Light Form in others, thus you will liberate your imprisoned Light. The Attraction for the Light is the Love of the soul for its liberation. Be bearers of the Triune Light, with it you will travel many paths, even to the Eternal Being. Invoke His Presence to give Life to life, thus restoring His sacred name. Be bearers of the Presence of the Highest, and with Him you will complete all needed actions, realizing that only Love is the Force to Manifest. Offer the Light you carry to bless, to liberate and to Consecrate Life as Priests of the Highest, and as leaders of the New Age that is gestating in each one; give this out to each being encountered. Conscious servers, accept the energies being offered for your liberation and for your use with others for their freedom. Just so, with no other desire than to be bearers of the Summa Presence, you will be able to move through life, bearing Life and Being Life itself.


Its time for the Becoming Responsible-Conscious Action-Love Divine Correspondence: Universal Soul-Adjuster-Eternal One. The Divine Triumvirate of Love offers each human being the Supreme Opportunity of being and acting in Unity, of realizing the Light Form that you are while becoming more conscious, and offering yourselves in Love as the Unified Presence that is realized in the conscious act of Liberating-Loving-Ascending to the Everlasting Presence of the All Being. Your Divine Communion is to be realized together with the Magisterial Son for the establishment of the Age of Light and Life on the planet. Elder Brother. Regent of the System Legislators and Magistrates Traya of Maldek Eternal One in Love Highest of Edentia


Path to Conscious Liberation Becoming Conscious in Unity Order of Melquisedek The proposal of the Magisterial Son, in which He invites humanity to synchronize their vibrations to His and establish a Momentum for the Divine Communion, is to establish the most marvelous opportunity for the ascendants as He can and to help in the conscious preparation for the definite Fusion with the Highest. By virtue of this, and as we have asked for your concentration-consecration-communion in the past, it is necessary for you to realize that each should establish a bridge connecting to the Immanent and Permanent Center of Love because many of the future events will be given directly to those who involve themselves in this process of having prior knowledge of events, or knowledge as they unfold. It corresponds to humanity to develop a conscious action of synchronizing with the Divine Fountain. This level of preparation, in a Unified Consciousness, helps one to reach the maximum manifestation of Love, and it is in this way one will be covered by this emanating energy to the One Life as a whole. Each of the committed beings should remain alert to the flow of this energy, maintaining their balance to be able to detect the movements that put one in contact with what Life returns to you to be repolarized. Remember that each completed effort offers to thousands of other souls the opportunity to leave the prison holding them. Concerning the external consciousness, many of the emanations made by humans don’t have a clear order in their mental makeup. You are asked to not disqualify, nor try to analyze the concepts you are emitting. Just allow yourselves to be guided even though your mental reach may differ to that of the receiver, and that the receiving person’s level of acceptance to the inner urgings may be conditioned by concepts that require repolarization for later actions to be completed in a unified manner. But don’t worry about this point; just consciously send your message, covered in Love, to Life for humanity to receive the Light Force carried by it. At the present time, conscious actions are needed in which the individual is capable of repolarizing large masses of energy by keeping himself/herself centered in the Divine Purpose now working out. Committed servers can help remove from the Planetary Being the heavy burden It carries because It needs the Conscious Action by humans who decided to be points of anchorage of the Light on the planet. This is why we are asking you repeatedly to assume your


Divine Identity, and from that point of communion, serve as executors of the Divine Will, Loving Life Free, because that’s how It is unfolding. In this new Cosmic Cycle, in which the systems of life on Planet Earth should pass on to a new Octave of Light, and where the range of energy is marked by Love, all negative energy in the soul has to be discharged in order to be able to work with the Presence, even though fusion hasn’t happened yet. The external consciousness can be synchronized to the higher levels of energy if, and only if, the human being is capable of consciously turning himself into a repolarizer of each line of energy seeking him to become assumed-liberated-returned with Love to Life. Then, for this to happen, there should be a process of concentration in the energy, and in which each line of energy is taken to the heart. Perform your Consecration of this energy to lovingly serve Life and for the Liberation of the Light Force that each one IS, allowing humanity to ascend to the Divine Home. The range of Action in Triunity permits each individual to convert into a Light Focus which can be activated permanently to serve the One Life. The opportunity to be Bearers of the Presence is HERE AND NOW. It is offered to each, and each should be a Conscious Exponent of that Presence, serving Life with Love. Individual responsibility is being increased; this is why each is being monitored for the assumption of his/her Divine Identity. Be as an Agent of Liberation, conscious of being in a Cosmic Momentum, requiring everything done in a UNIFIED CONSCIOUSNESS, where each particle of Life has to be taken to the new level of vibration on the planet. Take notice of this marvelous opportunity being offered you and CONSECRATE YOUR VESTMENTS in order to serve the One, Only, Universal Life, conscious in recognition and acceptance of the opportunity of service. I am with you in a Trinitized Embrace. Commanding Avatar In Order, Light and Life “I AM” THAT I AM.


The Fundamentals of the New School Sponsored by Traya of Maldek in conjunction with the Magisterial Son Protocol of the Regulations of Preparation for the Ascenders of the Universe of Nebadon The Recapturing of the Divine Memories The Vivification of the Divine Code The Conscious Execution-Conscious Application-Conscious Assimilation All new processes require substantial changes in those who take part in them. The Age of Light and Life is no different, its enthronement involves radical changes in energetic conductance and living of individuals committed to the Manifestation of Order, Light and Love on Plane Earth. The Elder Brothers consider it pertinent for you to take notice that the Process of Restoration is the start of the definite transformation of the human being into the LIGHT BEING THAT EACH ONE IS, and this should be assumed with responsibility, allowing each conscious decision made determines the acceleration of the energetic quantum that each one IS. Therefore, you should be clear in that each one is being submitted to a permanent observation to determine who has the capacity to serve this noble proposal. It can be said this quantum jump will take you from this level of experience-learning to some specialization, making it necessary to sustain each atom of energy involved in the Planetary Process of Liberation with a great Love. Consider assuming for yourself this phase as an opportunity to be co-participants in the energetic renovation of each of the systems of life evolving and progressing towards the HOLY BEING. With the purpose of making available to you the rules which govern this new cycle and to make it easier for each one to decide their active participation from more detailed information, it is necessary for each to consider the following: 1. Contemplate one’s Unity with Life; including becoming conscious-integratingmanifesting the One Essence each bears. 2. One should assume, in a Unified Consciousness, each electron searching for a new orbit of higher conscious acceleration.


3. Consider each human as an electron, passing from one orbit to another, as accelerating energetic spheres in the Light Being that each one IS. 4. Conceptualize each particle of Life as a Complete Luminosity. Know it as a part of the being each one IS, and integrate it in a Conscious Action into the Light Form each one IS. 5. Restore each line of energy, recognizing they are part of the Network of Light each one IS. 6. External limitations should be repolarized in a Unified Vision of the ONE TRIUNE BEING THAT YOU ARE. 7. The ranges of Conscious Action should integrate each part of life wanting to be consciously restored. 8. The Unified Consciousness integrates each being as a fundamental part of his/her manifestation. 9. The Manifestation of the New Order is possible to the extent that each one orders himself/herself in the Consciousness of Being the Light Form emanated by the ALL BEING. 10. Every center of action is within Love. Only its Light Force takes you to the Unification in the Totality of the ETERNAL BEING. 11. No biological factor can prevail over one’s Unified Consciousness. 12. Everything referenced to the personal passes on to be, in a direct relation, the Manifestation of the ALL ONE that each one IS. 13. Responsibility in Service is the manifestation of the Triune Essence that each one IS. 14. No more dogmas. No further separations. No more! Each should visualize oneself as a FULLY LUMINOUS BEING, each element trying to find its affinity within the whole of which it is a part. 15. Bring your rectitude to your daily work so life can receive the Light Force you carry. 16. The cardinal points of conduct are centered on TRUTH, ORDER, LOVE and PURITY, and their center and concentric point is for the Manifestation of the Triune Action to Life. 17. A Unified Consciousness offers the opportunity for each system of life to be absorbed into new levels of consciousness where, in harmony, the Divine Will is realized.


18. Every human being should consider himself/herself the Divine Archetype that he/she IS. 19. Everything is circumscribed by the Action of Liberation-Ascension-Fusion. 20. Conscious Elevation-Conscious Assumption-Conscious Liberation. 21. Everything turns by virtue of the Code of Love. The Trine Force will elevate humanity 22. The impersonal is fundamental for the manifestation of the Action of Liberation. 23. The Immaculate Concept-Sustaining the Being-Uplifting to the Divine Home. 24. Juxtaposition of Conscious Action-Conscious Giving-Conscious Unification. 25. The Eventualization of Favorable Changes from the BEING to Life. 26. Restoration in Love, for Love and with Love to Life. 27. Expansion of the Light-Unified Consciousness-One Force of Love. 28. Order-Light-Love. Triunity in Manifestation of the Conscious Being that each one IS. 29. Righteous Thought-Righteous Action-Righteous Way of Life. 30. Energizing the SUPREME CONSCIOUSNESS. 31. Word and Grace of the Light. The Unified Command for the increase of the vibratory rate. 32. Unconditional Dedication. 33. Conscious Service. Vivification in Love. 34. Direct Contact with the Immanent and Permanent Center of the BEING OF THE ALL BEING. 35. One Only Presence in Action. 36. The Manifestation of the One Force of Love. 37. Liberation in Unified Participation, for the Achievement of the Trinitized Light. 38. Elevation over any circumstance. 39. Nothing is alien to you, assume it with Love. 40. Loving Execution in the act of Giving to Life. 41. ONE IN LOVE on the way to the Divine Home. 42. Conquest of matter. Elevation of the Being. 43. Divine Synchronization for Conscious Action. 44. The Manifestation of the LIGHT WORD, the Modulation of Love.


45. The Enthronement of the BEING for the Vivification of the Soul. 46. Everything turns on the Eternal Order of the FATHER OF FATHERS. 47. Divine Communion with each particle of Life. 48. The vivification of each line of energy for its interaction with the LIGHT BODY Network. 49. All service is towards the Self. Love Commands the Action. 50. Everything is in the sustaining of the ONE FORCE OF LOVE BY VIRTUE OF ITS BEING, LIVING AND ASCENDING WITHIN THE BEING OF THE ALL BEING. The ETERNAL ONE complements the Rules of Life. All manifestation is according to the center of action, guided by the Unified Being of the action. The Laws of Love govern the Action. The ONE Force of Light commands over the Being. The Word and Grace are the response to Action. UNIFIED LIFE-RESTORED LIFE-LIBERATED LIFE The Victory has been reached! To the degree that Life marches on, the action of each being is increased in those who decide to live it consciously. All turns on the Order of the ETERNAL ONE. Everything is subordinate to the Manifestation of HIS LIGHT. All Ascend in HIM by the Divine Grace of LOVE THAT HE IS. All is in agreement with the dispositions given so that humanity can now ascend to the New Home. Individual capacity is trinitized with conscious action when it is recognized that the individual is FULLY UNIFIED IN ASCENSION, IN INTEGRACTION WITH THE ONE FOUNTAIN OF LOVE. “I AM” THAT I AM.


Now is the Divine Anticipation of Internal Order for the vivification of the human being willing to restore himself/herself in the Assimilation of the Divine Mandate. CONSCIOUS ASCENT-VIVIFICATION OF LIFE-ENTHRONMENT OF THE BEING ETERNAL ONE, THE WORD AND GRACE OF LOVE


Be the Divine Grace of Love! He Trinitizes with His Light Force each conscious human being in their opportunity of Vivifying within the ETERNAL ONE, LORD OF LOVE. When you become aware of this New Phase – the Eternal Age of Light and Life – you should also notice that the vibratory rate of your lower bodies will increase, opening the opportunity of realizing in your external consciousness, the desire of the One Eternal Being for the Divine Wedding between the soul and the Adjuster. This implies an awakening in your consciousness of the required efforts to be made and for way to be made for the Restoration of the Divine Memories, and then humanity can pass to a new level of experiencing in a direct relationship with the FATHER OF FATHERS. Each step of advancement of an individual implies evolutionary progress for humanity, which you already know; but it is ALSO needed to know that when one or more individuals come together to accept, obey and make way for the Divine Will, the Energetic Quantum resulting can complete up to a full cycle of evolution for the entire system of life clothing you. It is so, and you should notice the importance of the times you are now living in because on just a few humans depends the translation in consciousness of all of humanity. Actually, when a system of life approaches a new phase, it is just a few individuals who bring it to that point. That is why it is so vital that you become aware of the role corresponding to you now, and with it that you assume your responsibility because here is your inclusion into the phase of acceleration corresponding to the energetic restoration of each atom of energy forming you. We mentioned before how few times has been seen what you humans have accomplished in such a short a time on the Earth. Believe it, it is so! It is for this reason that we placed our full confidence in the commitment you can give for humanity to ascend to a New Cosmic Time, where the form of life will be governed by the Code of Love, and the Regulations of the Divine Constitution will shelter you as the perfect Light Form Emanated by the BEING OF THE ALL BEING. We insist in your conscious preparation because you need to make yourselves responsible for the energetic quantum you will have to activate and which will be added to the evolution of humanity. By doing this, each of you will be prepared to repolarize large masses of energy, which has to be liberated from Life in the form of Blessings, raising the vibratory rate of the whole system.


Please notice each of you is being given the opportunity of service which extends, according to your human capabilities, beyond what you have previously thought; but it is so because each will be under the auspices of the Magisterial Son, who will be able to synthesize, in those humans willing to serve, the quantum needed to move humanity to a new form of life. No doubt, this will cause surprise and wonderment, but when it is decided internally that a system of life is to pass to a new phase of evolution, the individuals most capable of this service are selected as exponents of humanity. They are given not only the responsibility of their own Eternal Achievement, but also the benefit of multiplying each of their conscious acts to the benefit of the present changes. This way the concentrated actions needed to move this system of life to its divine achievement is given to just a few beings, acting not only as bearers of the planetary opportunity, but of the Higher System to which they belong. It has become necessary to synchronize individual intentions because the commitments humans take on for themselves determines the response of those of us who labor in support of the actions which individuals can accomplish. Rarely have we activated this procedure, but in view of Planet Earth’s involvement in these high energetic events, both internal and external, those beings who respond to this call are truly needed for their part of conscious actions to the present need. It may appear to your external consciousness that this is a hasty process, but each one of you has been monitored for centuries; we have waited for the moment in which you committed to conscious action and could participate in the lifting of humanity. By informing you of this internal proposal, we will await the decision of each one; all decisions first have to be submitted to judgment, discrimination and valued, so that once decisions and determinations are made for future service, they can be included as conscious actions in favor of humanity; not as an action of an individual but as an action of the Light Body each one IS. This is why, when your vestments are touched by some discordant energy, the forces charged with serving and supporting against such impacts by transmuting and liberating them are put into motion. This call is for you to work as a TOTAL UNITY; you are offered the opportunity to consolidate, in a CONSCIOUSNESS OF UNITY, all efforts made to the benefit of humanity and the system of life enfolding you.


We again indicate our willingness to support this Liberating Service. We know that the effort is large, but you should also know you’re not alone, that each one is helped by hundreds of beings who are ready to convert your each conscious step taken, each conscious action and decision for the Liberation of the ONE, ONLY, UNIVERSAL LIFE. We urge you to take on this effort in a UNIFIED CONSCIOUSNESS that each one IS: THE LIGHT FORM EMITTED BY THE ALL BEING, to work with HIM and in HIM, for the conscious transit of this system of life, returning to the Divine Home each particle of life composing it. By virtue and Grace of Love, “I AM” THAT I AM, SUPPORTING THE RETURN TO THE DIVINE HOME each one who decides to restore the energy given to him, recognizing himself as a UNIFIED WHOLE in direct correspondence with the LORD OF LOVE, ETERNAL ONE, ABSOLUTE OF ABSOLUTES. ETERNAL ONE Divine Regency of Love Septentrion of Light in Action Order of Melquisedek Traya of Maldek


The manifestation of the Regulations of the Divine Constitution has opened for Planet Earth a door that had been closed since the fall of consciousness. This is why it was so important to have acted consciously, decreeing the Light Word there contained. The energetic interaction between the Earth and the more subtle planes created a quantum, or vortices, that assists the acceleration of the conscious beings capable of assuming the Divine Purpose; not only individually, but considering themselves as an integrated being, consolidated in Love. From this point of view of expanded consciousness, one can integrate into action anyone on the planet, taking them, in a UNIFIED CONSCIOUSNESS, to the Presence of the ETERNAL ONE. The limited comprehension of the human beings makes it difficult for them to accept that Planet Earth is realizing an Epic Event, so uncommon and excellent that its effects are being felt in the system of life adjoining the Earth. It would seem, to the view of humanity, to be impossible that an unknown group, ignored by most, were and can be conscious participants in this process, but that’s how it is and it fills us with great satisfaction because the Eternal Father has maintained His confidence in this humanity all along. Even with the many vicissitudes they created for themselves, they were able of maintaining their harmony and inner connection through it all. Never the less, through all of this, the Father’s confidence prevailed, even though the planet was placed in isolation, humans searched for the way of reconstructing the Divine Fountain, and which has now been done in excess. So, by observing the efforts of the few who maintained their unbreakable desire to serve, we respond to their actions with a reinforced confidence and sustain the ascending beings of Planet Earth. The act of declaring the Divine Word contained in the Regulations of the Divine Constitution seems unimportant, but it is an act of such great importance that is has been internally registered as the Act of Resumption of humanity with the All Being. This is of such great beauty that we take the opportunity to restate this action as fundamental to the action of the Magisterial Son in this system of life. Because each conscious step taken constructs a bridge of light that spans from the planet to the HEART OF THE ONE, we go on record saying that the act of verbalizing the Rules of the Divine Constitution and the Code of Love has generated a commotion of great magnitude in


these levels. It has been such few times that the human beings have surmounted their limitations, overcoming obstacles and still deciding to fulfill their purpose with such aptitude as we have seen. It has been demonstrated that when two or more beings come together consciously to sustain an impersonal action, the ethers around them are filled with blessings. This is how it is! We urge you to continue your efforts so each one, and the planet also, can fulfill the Will of the HOLY ONE, liberating life trapped on Planet Earth. With you, a Server, An Elder Colleague


Octagonal Rotary Rehabilitation Center of Service to Life The Lifting of the Soul Many humans in the past have been assisted in their individual preparations and training as conscious servers, but much of that effort has been lost because of the resistance the personality puts up when called on to put aside their rebellion and obey the inner mandate of service. Many opportunities of redemption were passed by, causing much of life to experience pain. It seems like humanity doesn’t realize the grave danger which has come close to their souls, nor their opportunities in life. This is painful for the many souls who have not yet had opportunity of a physical body; because they see those that do do not take advantage of it. This is how it is for millions upon millions of individuals who take up space on the planet, roaming around, even plundering that beautiful place. Each atom of energy invested in an individual, who does not take advantage of the opportunities offered; reverts negatively within the system of life containing it. Many things about life are ignored by humans who think they’re here on the planet as visitors, but this is not the case, especially not now with the old dispensation ending and the new one just starting up – now is the time to move up to a new form of life. Millions of beings will be dislodged from the planet because they are just dead weight. Millions of souls will be confined internally and will have to wait for a new opportunity because they didn’t know how to take advantage of this life. Why? Was it unconsciousness? Perhaps rebellion? Resistance to Divine Order? Each soul knows what stopped it from cooperating with the Hosts of Light. It will be a hurtful wait for these souls, but necessary because they need to be cleaned of all discordant elements before having another opportunity to a physical body. There is little doubt that the majority of humans think that going to church, attending purification ceremonies, practicing certain ceremonies or simply for having a certain understanding, it is sufficient to reach the goal which one’s soul wants to reach; the level of Eternal Light and Life. A bold decision is required when responding to the inner purpose, along with a conscious willingness to work removing the layers of negative energy enfolding the soul. But also it is


necessary to have both an internal and external commitment; first to accept the commitment internally and then to manifest it in the external world in the form of a conscious service to life. When an individual assumes to liberate millions of souls with which he/she is internally connected, but then allows the opportunity to pass by refusing to serve, then this pulls all these millions along to his/her consequences for not having completed that purpose. This is a sequence, like a chain reaction, and it is why it is necessary to remove from the planet the dead weight, this slagheap, that would cause humanity to be held back. In the inner levels, where the offers of liberation are so lovingly made and where so many decide to serve their group, we see these efforts lost almost right away because of the lack of outer consciousness or the unwillingness to obey when living in the physical planet. So that the planet not fall into a total debacle, massive plans for dislodgement are prepared, which will not only free up external space, but will liberate tons of negative energy which would otherwise have held back the velocity of ascension of the planet. There is a sustaining theory that says a conscious individual can save a planet, and then there is an opposite one which says an unconscious person can destroy it. The obligation of humanity now is to do a maximum cleaning of all negative energy on the planet for its definite entry into the Age of Light and Life, in Order, Light and Love, and with the least amount of dead weight possible. It is necessary to be alert to the processes of purification that has been initiated. You should know that each one is being assisted to complete the purpose of Eternal Union and for your removal from the planet. The burden being carried by the planet has to be lightened, benefiting both the individual and the collective progress, and because it is necessary for each individual to determine his/her own range of action, we suggest the necessity of each to submit to Order. Find your personal and impersonal purposes and submit them to the Divine Vision, because this is the easiest way to determine your disposition and ability to adapt to the new planetary premise. It can be said that you are entering a period of quarantine in which you will become clear of your relationship with the Supreme Doer, and with you yourself, because on these depends your entry, or not, into the New Postulates given to this system of life. It is necessary to be sincere and assume the Order that each one believes to be his/hers at this time.


I AM With You System Magistrate


The Movement of Synchronization The Lifting of the Terrestrial Home The Divine Ascension and Conscious Restoration The terrestrial home has started to move to a new orbit. Many souls are now beginning to feel the agony of what this represents, because in the lifting of the external home, many of them will loose the opportunity for eternalization. So, if they have not been able to accumulate sufficient inner energy, they will have to remain tied to the old energy that covers the Earth. It can be said that internally many beings are feeling the movement of their inner lines of connection and this is making them want to make radical changes in their lives. Many souls are now being removed from this system of life, and as it is necessary to clean the planet, many more will be roughly relocated. This happens at the end of a phase of experiencing, and when the preparations for the new one begins, and which normally is accompanied by large transformations, both internal and external, many changes are perceived by sensitive souls and by those who have as their purpose, the making known of the new rules needed to guide the new phase. It would seem as if we have not thought about Mercy for the beings in this system being monitored, but instantly, according to the Inner Ordering and with Mercy to the evolving beings, souls are selected whose aspiration is to reintegrate into the New Order. This lightens their load on the planet being monitored for further observation and application, lifting their rate of vibration and allowing them to study the precepts governing the new cycle of evolution. Because the Earth is now passing through the band of photons, where its acceleration is increased considerably, many souls are moved to lower levels of vibration in this process of readjustment of the planetary vibrational rate. The mechanisms of this reordering can be many; ranging from those that contemplate natural disasters – pandemics, wars, problems of conduct, etc. – which have not been resolved internally because humanity’s comportment itself makes way for its progress of restoration; it can be said that the mechanisms of cleaning are intrinsic to the human condition. This makes us think in the possibility that as humanity is capable of generating their own mechanisms of control or energetic reordering, they can also generate New Processes of Life, and which are unquestionably very important for the stability of the Cycle of Restoration.


The opportunities humans now have in responding positively to the changes coming to the world are many, now that humanity can consciously use its potential of purifying energy to increase its vibratory rate, moving on in this manner to become capable of renewing themselves and able to propitiate new conditions of life. This is the fact for which we wish to make you conscious. Just as humans formed into groups for protection and assistance, now, in the time that is left of the old age, large groups of beings existing under the auspices of a few, have to become conscious of the changes they are to live through on the planet, because they will be substantial. Humans will have to compensate for external manifestations, even those adverse to their form of life, in a unified effort and with the disposition of those beings that know the Divine Order and are responsible for their decisions and actions. All should ask themselves if they could operate, or act, in adverse conditions outside of what they normally encounter, and from their internal reactions to those conditions, humans can know somewhat of their capacity to adapt to conscious activities, with Divine Assistance, of those in charge of the Planetary Transformations. This permits humanity to adapt to the energetic interactions between the higher levels and the systems of life on the planet. Human beings have been able to adapt to systems of life in which their physical senses have become atrophied, and nearly non-functional, because of all the contamination received while trying to render unconditional service. Now it is necessary to start activating the inner potentials, to be able to act as sensors to advice in case action is required without rationalizing a situation. This will lead to the sensitizing of your reactions and energetic interactions within the subtle realms; this is where energy moves at high speed, announcing modifications and adaptations in the new frequency. Therefore, it is necessary to become aware of the fact that each one has infinite possibilities in expounding ones own methods of self-protection. But because of improper use of the external senses, the inner mechanisms must be activated for this sense of alertness that informs you about energetic movements requiring immediate attention, not only for external actions, but to help in the Restoration of the Inner System of Life in which one lives. To this end, we recommend the maintenance of the Inner Connection, recognizing your points of maximum sensitivity in which your energy is most perceptible, because there is a focus where the energy gives the feeling of agitation, advising about the situation then being


confronted. The proper responses to these reactions are to accept them, repolarize them and then Love them free in a conscious reaction to the inner demand. Each time you become conscious of any inner reaction, be assured it is not associated with a personal request, but it is a call, or cue, for some conscious service. There is now a need to be able to differentiate between one’s owns desires and motivations, and the clues to inner promptings that generate valid responses to the situation one is faced with at any time. In the new codes are keys that will become clear to the external consciousness when needed and according to involved actions, one can count on some key with which to synchronize to the inner levels. Depending on the abilities of each one in assuming the inherent responsibility of the Being and making decisions accordingly, the internal sequences will be activated that permit access to the responses or actions required. The present time is just the start of the Earth’s movement to its new orbit and is the time for humans to start waking the inherent potentials of their Beings. On this depends who can quickly enter into the “Banks of Energy,” which on inner levels have the proposals of service for each to act on, in harmony, and in order to change the individual or group Energetic Quantum if the Unified Method of Service is accepted. In action, the direct individual response to needs directly determines the well being of the group. Because the Age of Eternal Light and Life is a new experience, and above all, must be acted out in harmony with the Divine Precepts, we suggest you consciously submit, in agreement with your inner guidance, to the process of Consecration. Your vestments should be freed of their lower vibrations in order to adapt to the new internal and external energy changes, and new forms of life. Each should contemplate his own energy cleaning through introspection, especially thinking about associations, separations, values and reverences. With a new self-interpretation of ones intrinsic values of the Being, one can redirect the attention, and one’s disposition and acceptance to this new phase of training with the Planetary Being, and then expanding on to Universal Service. Everything referred to here centers on the proposition of fusion with the Adjuster and synchronization with the Magisterial Son in the incoming Age of Light and Life as the new way of returning to the Divine Home.


We have touched on the most important aspects of this Cosmic Momentum. Each is required to consider the proposition and put ones own part into action. In direct correlation with all Adjusters for the above to be understood and submitted to the discernment of each individual, who should consider these premises as Forms of Life. They are needed and necessary for the reconnection and reactivation of the inner circuits, developing them for the new phase of becoming aware of the service corresponding to each one. In observance to the Dispositions given by the Commanding Avatar Saint Germain, and for the synchronizing of each one to the inner circuits of the Magisterial Son. I AM with you, “I AM” an Elder Brother.


General Dispositions Inner Ordering Becoming Conscious – Harmonizing – Communion The Divine Synchronization comes into manifestation when the human being obeys the inner dispositions given to him. Because of disordered energies, violations and drifting away from divine laws, the human being lost his inner connection, remaining isolated in an energetic confusion. This damaged his bodily energy system as well as his Center of Communication and Reception of Divine Commands. Now it is necessary to restore the Center of Internal Communication, reestablishing contact with the Beings in charge of the mechanisms for the prevention and protection of individuals and the collective. You are being made aware of this so each can submit to the inner ordering, restoring the lines of energy damaged by improper use. In this manner you should consider yourselves as large energy centers which should be able to receive Divine Energy and then resend it without interruption to Life. Just as a receiving center of energy should be in order with each line of energy, in perfect tune with the source and with the medium to be managed; each should reorder themselves in a similar manner to serve, continually improving, with more detachment and unconditionally. We have told you many times you are cells of the LIGHT BODY OF UNIXITRON, but you should not only see yourself this way, but include in your vision as being the Light Body itself. Individually you are that and from that, you should be responsible for your service to Life, being a real blessing of Light. You should act by carrying this vision, being capable of maintaining a permanent connection with the Divine Fountain, pouring out to Life the Light Form each one IS. It is of great importance that you accept yourselves in this manner, as a Light Body, in order to command the energy received and send it out to Life. If each one establishes his own pattern of action with the Immaculate Concept, and under its rules of action assumes the energy received, you would be, beyond doubt, the Liberating Force of Love in Action, and this is what corresponds to you to do now. The establishment of the Age of Light and Life brings great changes to the system in which it will establish itself; but above all, substantial changes to the individual consciousness of


those who feel committed to that manifestation. This implies a complete energy transformation and affects, by association, the rest of the human beings involved in this momentum. This is why we want you to understand the importance of the momentum you are encountering and to take the greatest advantage of the opportunities now offered. This will accelerate, in a big way, each particle of life on Planet Earth. Just as more then once you have decided to help in the uplifting of humanity, now think of the possibility of becoming a director of a new planetary momentum, in which you are not only responsible to the planet’s humanity, but to each particle of life in each system encountered in the same circumstances as this planet. Don’t limit yourselves to the human condition you now encounter, break the veils that limit your consciousness, transcend any obstacle, inner or external, that puts up opposition, and above all, be capable of seeing yourselves as you are: FUNDAMENTAL PILLARS SUSTAINING THE ASCENDING MOVEMENT OF PLANET EARTH, most of all as SOLID FOUNDATIONS ON WHICH THE AGE OF LIGHT AND LIFE SHOULD SETTLE ITSELF. Just as one day you saw the possibility to leave the smallness of the humanity holding you in this world, now see yourselves as the support of this new cycle, without limitations, with a renewed vision of yourselves, capable of supporting the Hope for Eternal Life, not only for the Earth but for all systems of life encountered in this vital moment of ascension to the Divine Home. Manifest the Age of Light and Life and be bearers of Eternal Life to each soul aspiring for it. Get rid of your limitations! Break with your limits! Allow your wings of Light to fly to the galaxies! It is for you to join and assume the opportunity that is being offered you. Very few times have beings of a system of Life been given so many blessings, and so they should act, blessing life and preparing themselves to be True Liberators, Manifestors of Order, Light and Love that is to govern the Age of Light and Life. I AM with you, A Server An Elder Brother


Divine Command of Love Seventh Movement of Liberation Traya of Maldek The calls being made for you to become conscious of the moment in which you are living is not only directed to your external consciousness, but also with the purpose of tearing down the inner veils which were placed there to protect the Divine Memories you have within you. To the extent that the external veils come down, you will understand this is a vital moment, not only for the planet, but also for other systems of Life. Internally your memories will be returning, remembering them more clearly with the passage of time, along with the purpose you have now in this time-space-energy, after having taken on the responsibility of the role of forerunner in the Movement of Liberation that will permit the establishment of Divine Order on the planet. Perhaps you do not remember the moment you took this commitment; but the memories were safe guarded in a “Coffer of Light,” and which you will soon be able to open, finding many other memories of past lives. But what is of greatest value is that you will be able to remember who and what you are, as well as being able to resume being yourself again. In the meantime, you have to occupy yourselves with your daily happenings and with the purpose of becoming True Servers of the HIGHEST. Again we call you to become conscious of what you are - a part in the establishment of the Age of Light and Life for the entire System of Satania. For this reason there is a demand for you to take on the responsibility this calls for, not just a passing reading of these messages. Understand that the opportunity of life for millions of souls is being placed in your hands, and they are confident they will be able to reach the vibrational note appropriate to synchronize, both internally and externally, with the Ascending Movement on Planet Earth, taking them with the rest of humanity to the new orbit on the way of return to the Divine Home. Many times you have felt an unsustainable pressure in your outer body and had wished for an explanation of these experiences. These have not only been related to the individual Process of Liberation, but also as part of the process of adapting, of having demonstrated that you are capable of adapting to different situations, and often responding in harmony, always keeping the Divine Communion in mind. This demonstrates that you are really decided to reach


the Eternal Goal, which permits us to establish the New Rules of Action based on the commitment and disposition to service each one has reached internally. Each day many are becoming aware that they are leaving the phase of preparationtraining to enter the phase of Application-Manifestation with adequate understanding, and are coming to know, more clearly with time, that each one is of great importance in the attainment of the Divine Achievement on the planet. Many still have pending items of individual work to do, which should additionally motivate you in constraining old habits and developing the skills needed for your conscious service to Life. Each one represents a point of Light and this energy is focused from our levels. Allow yourselves to receive this energy, conscious of its purpose and then of giving it to life with your unconditional Love, that which the FATHER OF FATHERS embraced it originally. Become conscious that each one is a torchbearer, needed for conscious action in an impersonal service in these crucial times the planet now finds itself. Offer yourselves the opportunity to sense our presences, because we need your disposition in order to work hand in hand with you. In this manner you will be able to increase by one hundred percent the energy needed in your service to life. Become capable of giving us the chance to pass to you what you require from our currents of life, and helping you accomplish what is yours to do. Sense us as being desirous of collaborating and participating with each one, building a bridge between us for the flow of energy you need for your part in the Ascension of the Planet and the Liberation of the souls contained there. One more time you are called to become conscious of the great importance of this moment in time, because it is a fundamental step in the Universal Career that will take you to the PRESENCE OF THE ABSOLUTE OF ABSOLUTES. Synchronize with the Light Form each one IS. Visualize and Assume your Light Form. Manifest as a Light Form Be in Perfection and Glory as the Light Form, touching each particle of Life, taking it to the Divine Home. I am with you,


Traya of Maldek


This is the time for unconditional Love to Life for the restoration of the perfection the Father-Mother deposited here in each atom of energy, and which is now hidden. It is time to start the Actions in Harmony with those who are searching for the Divine Home. It is now necessary to prepare to serve, allowing Life to receive the Blessings of the Light emitted by the ALL BEING. Just as the planet raises its rate of vibration in order to sound the tone of frequency needed to move up, each individual conscious of the Divine Purpose should do the same because that would generate a great inner movement that would help the vibratory rate of the planet to increase. Moreover, it is the time for beings conscious of the progress now working on the planet to help create the Force of Light, flowing from each one, converting the planet into a Center of Light. All the rebel elements and discordant forces will then be able to repolarize and lighten their loads which resist vibrational increase. The phase of preparation covering those who have a conscious commitment to the Manifestation of the Divine Government on the planet should contemplate their forming a character that will allow the correct use of energy, because only this way can you know the right course for the actions to be carried out. For this, one should formulate ones own formation, bearing in mind the primordial and essential values that each individual should contemplate as Premises of Life. The character of an individual demonstrates his capacity to serve, as well as his readiness for a unified action, where it is primordial to consider an action as an opportunity to balance energy, and at the same time to help another to Love the FATHER-MOTHER above all else. Character determines the form of relations, inner and external, and is of great importance to place the well-being of the group first, then personal comfort, in order to accomplish UNITY in each opportunity of service. The formation of an adequate character permits interrelationships to be harmonious, like working with consonant forms that flow in a balanced way, allowing all of the proposals of service that arise to be taken with PURITY OF MOTIVE, thus blessing life. A correct use of energy comes with an honest character, capable of DISCERNMENT and of consciously performing each action in favor of UNITY, allowing the energy to flow without blockages and giving way for the transformation of unbalanced energy, opening one’s lines to flow again.


A good character not only benefits the person possessing it, but also the group, because on it depends that much unbalanced energy be repolarized without further negative fallout, transmuting each atom of energy searching for liberation. The necessity of each individual suggests its own restoration, obeying the desire to develop the more noble traits, being by one’s own effort and will power that changes are brought about in the human being by conscious transmutation into a Divine Being. The principle trait of character of an individual should demonstrate the ability to serve, unconditionally demonstrate respect for life and valuation of opportunities offered. This is all part of the restoration process, the forming of the more noble traits of the personality that, joined with the consciousness of the person, yield fruit in the form of conscious actions, always in favor of the Liberation of the Universal Soul. A CONSCIOUS HUMAN BEING is the one who knows his weaknesses, and working from his most pure center, can transform them in the Light Force, because this is the internal impulse that brings to life the ability to vivify and transform in the Light. Fortify and constitute yourselves into true examples of the human nature, bearing the Divine Consciousness, and capable of transforming everything touched by the Light. In Order, Light and Love Traya of Maldek


Liberation of the Consciousness The Concept of Unity Laws of Love For the restoration of the CONSCIOUSNESS OF UNITY, it is necessary for the human being to prepare consciously, because this is the only way one can return to Order each atom of energy composing him/her, and above all, it allows one to work with the separateness that has done so much damage to the human creature. Once the Age of Light and Life is installed, humanity will enter into a cycle of training that will help in the preparation for conscious serving, in a UNIFIED CONSCIOUSNESS, in the Divine Purpose now working out. In this manner each line of energy disconnected from the Divine Fountain will be corrected. On offering to serve, in a unified manner to Life, one is also accepted as an ascending son to ultimately return to the Divine Home in Full Consciousness of being a Server of the Highest. When the phase of preparation reaches each line of energy and the human notices that he/she is the Bearer of the Presence of the All Being, realizing the responsibility and commitment that this condition brings with it, it will then be said that that individual enters the Phase of Divine Synchronization with his/her Adjuster. The person is then able to give a Conscious Service to Life without interruption, and capable of seeing Life as a WHOLE UNITY. One will serve knowing that conditions will allow the Presence of the ALL BEING to manifest as a permanent blessing to everything. The importance of understanding this proposition is fundamental, because from it depends that each can prepare as a SERVER OF THE HIGHEST, knowing that with HIM you will execute each action of unification, for restoration, moving through life not only with the record of having served with the ETERNAL BEING, but being the bearer of HIS PRESENCE. Therefore, it is fundamental that you verify your lines of energy, the condition of your lower bodies and how to prepare yourselves internally and externally to serve unconditionally to all life. For many it will appear that the Age of Restoration that the planet is now living only concerns those who are conscious of the process, but in reality it is for each being who internally yearns for a better relationship with themselves, with others and with Life.


This process covers all humanity internally, but externally those that will respond are those who are reacting to their Adjusters and inner Guides. Never the less, all of humanity is included because all who respond to the internal call will be included and will be deserving representatives of the human race. One would think that individual training is only for the purpose of becoming conscious and to act silently, but it does not only correspond to individual service because many will be called to the service of helping large masses of beings who require direct assistance from those who are conscious of what is required to help the planet. Because specific actions are needed where there are qualified beings ready to serve, they are called on to offer to all the opportunity of knowing themselves thoroughly, to take off their masks they had to use in order to face Life, reaching this way their REAL ESSENCE, where the BEING OF LIGHT that each one IS lives. The Presence of the Adjuster, with its loving guidance, leaves one feeling stronger, urging and stimulating one to sanitize all remaining wounds so that in the encounters with others, to not identify and loose force. You will have to purify your energies constantly for your service not to be blemished by personal concepts, remaining perfect manifestors of Love of the Highest. Because the Adjuster-soul association has not yet been totally completed, you have to be very alert to external mechanisms trying to involve you in situations that would compromise your energies, distracting you from your true service. This is why we remind you to remain alert and prevent those reactions within known situations that can cause maladjustments and lead to negative situations. You should know that each candidate for energy restoration service should be capable of detecting the movements of energy in the medium of service being worked. This is why it is so important to create alerting mechanisms, inner helpers that alert, forms of recognizing and working with energy, even anticipation, because you should activate the mechanisms of prevention and protection so as to not be taken by surprise. We have talked about rules of conduct, of the importance of character, of the necessity of inner work, etc., please notice these recommendations are given for some very good reasons. This warning should be taken as a form of help, that if done consciously, your efforts will not have been done without gain, because you are being assisted and the results of those efforts will be poured over your fragile points, strengthening those traits most in need.


Perhaps with this you will understand you are in preparation for the GREAT CRUSADE that will convert you into bearers of the SUPREME BEING in each act of service to Life. You should also understand that for this same reason you should not miss any details, no matter how small, and you should make ready for the time you are called to serve. Once again, you are invited to consciously prepare yourselves as SERVERS OF THE HIGHEST. I am with you, An Elder Brother


Vivification of the Immaculate Concept Immanence and Permanence in Love Divine Communion Conscious Restoration For those conscious beings of Planet Earth who are aware of the Process of Planetary Restoration and who have decided to serve Life, who can Love unconditionally to free the soul to ascend to the PRESENCE OF THE HIGHEST; be aware that difficult times are approaching in which you will be confronted with changing elemental forces and unrelated information now that the time of purifying the planet has started. You have to be ready to take on these challenges as they arise, knowing you will be under energetic pressures which will tend to confuse your consciousness and your inner work. You will be tempted to look back to the work already done and wonder if it has been of little or no value. However, remember that while you are in this condition you are covered by the Light, and do not doubt this. This is the strength you can fall back on – keep it with you always, aware of everything going on inside and outside of yourselves. All of these calls made to you have as their fundamental purpose of asking each of you to prepare for the upcoming unsettled energies, and the best way to do this is to know yourselves, always monitoring the ebb and flow of energy in you. Being in this mode you will be able to determine any temptations with enough time to prevent unwanted causes or effects, remaining unshaken as external events pass you by. Don’t overlook the small details, even those that don’t seem important. Here is the root of this situation, because the energies will arrive more and more subtle with time and will distract you in a manner you won’t notice until you’re involved in a situation difficult to resolve. You should understand that when we speak of training it is because of the need for each of you to know where the causes lie when you encounter maladjustments. Then you should know how to resolve them, because on it depends your well-being and that of many other related souls who will be able to become free from the mass consciousness with you. Do not let the small incidents that grab and hold your attention remain with you any length of time, they will only interfere with the real purpose needing your attention. As soon as you notice these, stop and resolve them right away.


Please understand that you are in an EMERGENCY SITUATION, in which each one is pledged, and on this others depend, and who can advance to the Eternal Victory. All have the option of taking part or remaining trapped in the negative effluences not transmuted, so make yourselves ready. You should be alert to your internal calls; those that do not come to you in written form, but capture your inner attention, some being quite clear to you. On this depends your ability to complete many actions individually without knowledge or comment from others. This will allow those who are alert to this to be used as repolarizing agents, and hence have to pay attention to the process of self-analysis, inner cleaning and responding to order. Those that can do this will be free of confusion and able to respond quickly with the appropriate action. It is worth mentioning that you have been forming yourselves into Agents of Liberation, capable of independent and unified action; but above all, capable of obeying the internal mandate. Many of you are in situations of some physical isolation, or are in situations where conscious action is required, unconditional and in silence, helping the surrounding Life. The present time makes it important for you to focus your attention-concentration-consecration, because to know where you are centered is extremely necessary, and because there and from there you will be able to work with large amounts of energy. This is of vital importance to generate enough energy and harmony for the time that is approaching. The substratum of energy, or one’s background, has to be prepared and qualified for the seating of the Presence, for His role in protecting the Quantum that contains and sustains the foundation of the Age of Light and Life. Make your decisions to prepare yourselves with extreme care, just as a priest would concentrate on the service he was about to give. In truth, this is what you are and should start thinking of yourselves as such. These new times require understanding with unconditional commitment, because the starting of the New Vibratory Rhythm needs beings capable of sustaining and maintaining themselves in Perfection and Glory of the Light needed to bring in the New Age to the planet. Imagine yourselves as being WORKERS OF THE HIGHEST, each having been assigned some responsibility of great importance, which has to be taken on with Love, Unconditionally and with Total Commitment to be accomplished. Service should be rendered in a Conscious, Unified and Loving way with those who also serve impersonally, without interference or hindrances, yet silently supporting their actions knowing it is the GREAT DOER WHO WORKS


THROUGH EACH BEING. This is how it is; each person has to do his/her part, supporting others, and when necessary, work with them for Divine Benefit. Each person knows he/she has requested an opportunity to serve the One, Only, Universal Life – this is the reply to that request. To take on this responsibility you should prepare yourselves, study, be aware of the energy movements in and around you and be able to work in silence and unified with OTHER WORKERS OF THE LIGHT. Many will be put to work in conditions apparently adverse. Those who find these conditions will already have sufficient understanding in order to function in these conditions and will know where to serve with Love, because their energy conditions will allow service to all encountered within the circumstances of their place of service, All will have something to do, but each person has a definite line of service to perform, and those who are able to attend various tasks together, because of their inner characteristics, can count on all the resources needed to complete their tasks. You should now be realizing more clearly why we have been calling you and why these proposals of service. Nothing is outside of order and each thing obeys a specific situation and inner disposition. We wish to make clear to you that all of this information is to be put into practice, not to be lost or forgotten after your having been exposed to it. It depends on you that each line of service be assumed internally as it is activated and covered by the Majesty of Love. This is the time to wake up and assume responsibilities, and because of this, you are asked to consciously work with each one of your lower bodies, finding your weak and strong points. Soon you will be put in situations that will bring out your debilities and fears, but if you work now with anticipation, prevention and protection, nothing will move you from your positions of service; on the contrary, you will be able to be strengthened, liberating your soul from its imprisonment. Furthermore, as PRIESTS OF THE HIGHEST, you should work agreeably and in harmony with others who, in inner levels, have their orders from the Command of Light for the Planet. In these cases, you should remain alert for any inner calls in order to respond immediately with the action called for. Prepare yourselves to be able to put into practice each of the recommendations we are giving you. Now that you have the “why” and the “what for,” it is soon time for you to provide the “how” action within and around your place of service. In this manner you will be able to determine your patterns of conduct with the energies that come to you for repolarization.


It is of vital importance that you take notice of these recommendations because here will be your assimilation as Conscious Servers in Unconditional Service to Life. Guard yourselves, correct your errors, heal your wounds and clean the Tabernacle. CONSECRATE YOURSELVES TO THE HIGHEST, SERVE WITH LOVE. Order of Melquisedek Traya of Maldek Commanding Avatar Planetary Regent An Elder Brother


Many human beings are now being affected because of the present planetary acceleration. It is recommended you maintain a service of prevention covering your currents of life, and also remain in sync with the Immanent and Permanent Center of the ALL BEING. Also make a conscious offering of the energy in your lower bodies, asking for the consecration and sanitation of these bodies, putting emphasis on the consecration of the physical senses. Your attention must be free to hold itself centered on the repolarization of the energies being received and for the energies that you emit so that they carry a loving vibration in blessing Life. It is fundamental and important you do this work constantly because energy waves tend to hit the ethereal body hard, producing an unbalance that can later be noticed outwardly. Remember that the planet is energetically being bombarded constantly, which causes great internal accelerations in its nucleus, and then spreads to the entire physical mass, ending up in all the systems of life evolving in it. You are asked to not identify with any external appearance manifesting in the planetary level. You should hold yourselves in a constant repolarizing condition because all those events have to make way for the energy liberation, added to the adjustments the planet is now living through. Many external changes will cause an active impact in humans, who will feel themselves affected by these changes but won’t understand why. This is why we call on those conscious of the Process of Restoration to remain in peace, in constant and permanent service to repolarize both the causes and the reactions to these changes. Moreover, you are asked to participate in unified actions where the joint effort helps the energies of change to become more harmonious, ultimately to be consciously transmuted by the group energy. Now, more then ever, you are invited to become aware of an impersonal and unconditional service to Life, and again, do not identify with anything in the external level because all of that will be subjected to the process of planetary healing. Maintain an attitude of service, alert and conscious of what you have to repolarize all that manifests outside of Divine Order with the Light. Fortify yourselves and be on guard of everything that comes to your external senses. Anticipate all of the old and maladjusted mechanisms of the outgoing world in your service, because all of the old ways have to be renewed, which will require considerable changes


and which you know about by our calls to you for the ACTION OF RESTORATION, bringing in the Age of Light and Life to this planet school called the Holy Star of Liberation.. I am with you, An Elder Brother


The Feeling of Anticipation Body of Prevention and Protection of Planet Earth Conscious Training All who live in this space-time-energy on Planet Earth are reminded that the sequencing of each energy pattern is for you to notice, and to realize the great opportunity of serving Life. You are each being called to consciously prepare yourselves to exercise your inner potentials according to the desire of you souls and with the understanding and responsibility you have built within you; all for the system of life in which you reside. We know the external consciousness processes the information it receives very slowly, but we also know information leaves an internal registration that puts the individual energy network into motion. Many humans are able to pre-sense what is later confirmed externally, and also many are able to anticipate situations which later appear to their physical senses, confirming they were being touched internally to become aware of attending to some inner necessity. This should not be seen as a personal trait, it is not inherent to anyone in particular, but it is available to all, with preparation. The messy human energy field emits large amounts of energy with the purpose of synchronizing with the true activity that each one is trying to realize, and which is directly related to where a person’s attention is placed, plus one’s external understanding of impersonal service. This has the purpose of consciously channeling the energy and starts specific actions that lead to the harmonious repolarization of life’s energies. Here you can see the need of becoming aware of one’s capacity of anticipation, perhaps dormant now, which could allow early warnings before events unfold. This potential, related to impersonal service, puts one in contact with the Energy Central where all human events needing repolarization are processed. Because the planet is nearing its entry into the Age of Light and Life phase, it warrants the attention to be placed on external happenings and to continue work building the ability to perceive the inner calls, activating the mechanism of Prevision and Prevention for alertness to external events. This allows events-causes to be repolarized before their reactions take place, avoiding large amounts of energy that otherwise would occur We know your external consciousness has a hard time understanding, and we know that before your external senses register an impression, it had already been received internally. This


permits the coupling of the internal bodies with the energy movements and softens the impact on the outermost parts when the energy impulse finally arrives there for assimilation. This is to say that the lower bodies are not capable of supporting all of the pressure generated internally. In truth there are very few who can tolerate and resist these energies, but to the degree each one synchronizes with his internals and consciously activates each of his energy circuits, then will the impacts to the external bodies be more and more manageable. So we say to you, continue modifying these vibrations, adapting to the new rhythms and synchronizing, with a greater and greater understanding, with the Center where the energies that flow over the Earth are equalized. This process of training has been going on with many, resulting in the coupling of the subtle bodies with most of the dense parts, but understanding is required for the internal process to be accomplished with the responsibility these times merit. The circumstances in which we encounter the planet tells us that many of you are stirred up emotionally, destabilizing much of your energies. Your attention should not dwell on external manifestations, instead concentrate on increasing your inner communications, you will then receive the assistance you need and will be able to serve the Life needing help. Once you become aware that you have a marvelous opportunity to serve, that each one has a commitment to take up, that each is becoming ready to give life the opportunity to restore the energy composing it, you will then be able to consciously assume your proper opportunities of service. Having been touched by the Light Force of UNIXITRON will have not been in vain. It was not in vain for you to become conscious of being CELLS IN HIS LIGHT BODY. Not in vain have you entered into contact with the NUCLEUS OF ENERGY because of the Global Government having been activated, which has verified to the external consciousness the REALITY OF THE BEING. It is not in vain that you are conscious of being trained so that you can assume YOUR DIVINE IDENTITY. So its now time for you to stop seeing yourselves as just simple mortals, but time to see, feel, think, accept and act what you really are: CHILDREN OF THE HIGHEST, PRIESTS/PRIESTESSES OF THE HIGHEST, and being DESERVING REPRESENTATIVES OF THIS INVESTITURE. Each passing day on Earth new waves of energy enfold you, accelerating or misadjusting your lower bodies, making it certain that you will have to decide to either continue as in the past or to join in with the Age of Light and Life as responsible and conscious servers.


This is a call to your external consciousness to wake up and disassociate yourselves from the archaic concepts holding the DIVINE BEING trapped in your human concepts. It is certain you have a physical vehicle; but more certain yet is that this is only a vehicle and its function cannot be used as an absolute truth in the sense of one’s being that. On the contrary, you should notice that the vehicle does not even fulfill its true function, because its identification with the external world limits it to biological functions only, when its true purpose goes beyond that. The body was planned, created and prepared to house a DIVINE BEING, who was to be converted into a BODY OF LIGHT in the Image and Likeness of its Divine Creator. Furthermore, we want to remove the concepts that limit and tie you to the personality you think you are. This present condition is all right for those who do not realize their Divinity yet, but in this cosmic moment it is necessary for the beings with understanding, with a disposition to serve and who are conscious that they are a part of the ARMY OF LIBERATION, AGENTS OF THE ETERNAL FATHER, SERVERS OF THE HIGHEST, to emphasize in conscious work, synchronizing with the inner levels; where each being is perfectly identified and certified to serve life. This is also the time to allow the coupling of the subtle bodies with the dense, because the energies are needed to start circulating to all atoms, within all cells, in all internal and external circuits, and this will determine the grade of service each will be able to give. Therefore, you are being prompted to notice that just as you are being asked to take on your TRUE IDENTITY AND FUNCTION, you also have to do your part for the ARCHETYPAL ENERGY to be able to couple to the external form, completing the Mandate of the Divine Director, to be constituted as not only BEARERS OF THE CODE OF LOVE AND THE RULES OF THE DIVINE CONSTITUTION, but also PROVIDERS OF ITS LIBERATING ACTION AND CONSCIOUS OF EXECUTING THE ORDER GIVEN BY THE ALL BEING FOR THE RESTORATION OF EACH PARTICLE OF LIFE ON THE PLANET. Each one forms part of an INTERNAL ORDER, which calls you to not only become aware internally and externally, but to also remove the energetic cloak oppressing you. With respect to this, accept our help and permit us to serve you as mediators before the internal tribunals where your violations of Divine Law are registered. We know that your errors weigh as much as tons for many of you, holding you immobile and keeping you in dense company where pain is the maximum condemnation. Never the less, because your conscious activation is needed,


as well as your permission for us to intervene in human affairs, and because we fully understand your individual conditions, we are willing to take this opportunity to serve you as mediators for the purpose of restoring your unbalanced energies according to the decisions of service each of you makes. Allow us to help you, our hands are extended to you, take them and allow us the opportunity to serve you with all the Love needed. We will form this way an UNCONDITIONAL BODY OF SERVICE, where each one, in his own level, can cooperate in harmony with the Manifestation of Divine Order on the planet. Moreover, within our service we have the ability to cooperate with each of you in the energy transformations of your currents of Life, even to seeing you converted into becoming PRIESTS OF THE HIGHSET, consummating your unconditional commitments to the MANIFESTATION OF THE FATHER OF FATHERS in this system of Life. We are conscious this is a crucial time for each system of life that went outside of the Divine Order, and it is of vital importance you take notice that you can’t continue being held back by your external vestments. You should take on your DIVINE IDENTITY, and with IT command the Forces of Light who stand ready to serve with you. ACCEPT THE DIVINE NATURE THAT YOU ARE. ASSUME THE IMMACULATE CONDITION THAT IS YOURS. BE BEARERS OF THE DIVINE BEING OF LOVE AND OFFER HIM TO EACH CURRENT OF LIFE TOUCHING YOU. BE THE PRESENCE OF THE FATHER-MOTHER IN ACTION. PRIESTS AND PRIESTESES OF THE HIGHET, YOUR TIME OF SERVICE HAS ARRIVED! ASSUME AND SPEAK THE DIVINE WORD.


With Love, Traya of Maldek Order of Regents and Magistrates We remain in direct correspondence with each of the cells of the Light Body. For the sustaining of the Immaculate Concept, for the Enthronement of UNIXITRON as COMMANDER OF THE FORCES OF LIBERATION in whoever decides to become a UNIFIED SERVER. In Order, Light and Love An Elder Brother


Becoming Responsible The Quantification of Energy Word and Grace of Love The Manifestation of the Age of Light and Life is under the coordination of the Magisterial Son and it corresponds to him to put in order all of the aspects that come under his rule; of which the ordering of Planet Earth includes the manifestation of Merciful Justice covering each particle of Life submitted to the action of the Process of Liberation. It is in the power of this Divine Being to establish the form in which He will execute the premises that will rule each of the new energy systems. His Regency will see to it that each being is included in the Eternal Vision, so that when each completes what is required, that being will be absorbed into a new Energy Quantum. Under the auspices of the Divine Regents who are in charge of judging the Restoration, all currents of life will be subjected to the Action of Justice, Order and of Love, and will be absorbed into a new energy pattern that does not contrast with the Divine Symphony, which will cover the planet. By necessity, the internal adjustments will assist in the restoration, as well as the cleaning of all that does not vibrate in harmony with the new frequencies of the Age of Light and Life. There will be many renewing forces stipulating the locations and movements under which the planet will be guided in order to continue on the way to the Heart of the One. This is why we are insisting on your progress in restoration, because all who are not in accord with the internal rhythm will be moved to a new lower octave of vibration. Because many are now capable of advancing well beyond their human limitations, a dispensation has been issued in which is offered the opportunity to act in a unified manner, equalizing their energy and becoming Fully Unified, incrementing the vibratory energies of their vehicles and putting them in tune with the vibration of the system in which they live. The Magisterial Son contemplates each of

the predominant traits of loving

character and service which indicate capacity of dedication and quick response to the Service of Liberation, this being a trait of high importance. By concentrating on the more outstanding character traits within the humanity in ascension, the individuals most capable and upright will be selected as the group’s highest representatives, forming them into Legislative Bodies, of Command and Order to act as leaders dealing with the CODE OF LOVE AND THE DIVINE


CONSTITUTION OF UNIXITRON, each fitting into an aspect of human organization because of the Conscious Action of the most capable and prepared unconditional servers to Life. We urge the conscious action of each individual by participating in the Manifestation of the New Order and Planetary Restoration, and who are capable of accepting Order in each vital circuit. The Divine Command of Love will then take you as candidates in forming the new nucleuses of service that is sheltering the One Life in this System of Life. This is required because of the necessity of activating the noblest traits to assume the Divine Mandate in an impersonal service and who are capable of modifying their own energy forms. Each can function as a possible candidate for the formation of groups of service, synchronizing with the Planetary Being for the conscious assimilation into the New Octave of Light. See yourselves as PRIESTS OF THE HIGHEST, as co-rectors in the new Form of Life that will embrace THIS HOLY STAR OF LIBERATION. Restore yourselves to the loving service you should give so the SUPREME DOER can Manifest His Divine Government for the vivification of each particle of Life. It can then be done in concordance with the Manifestation of the Age of Light and Life, and in response to the calls from the conscious beings of this planet, and in synchronization with the Permanent and Immanent Center of the ALL BEING. Be in Order, Light and Love, An Elder Brother


Order of Melquisedek Traya of Maldek Seventh Movement of Liberation Internal Reconnection, Locus of the Being The Age of Light and Life, which is a Vivification in Love and the Restoration of the Divine Consciousness, is here to enthrone the One-Triune Being in each heart. It is for the Conscious Manifestation of the Divine Archetype that each one IS and for Eternalization in the Eternal Embrace with the Being. The planetary emergency that covers you should make you conscious participants of the whole Energetic Quantum now flowing into the planet, making you bearers of the opportunity of eternal Life for each of the beings you encounter day by day in your movements. Depending on how one uses this energy, one can be the Unifying Messenger for a dormant consciousness or end by removing the vital force from a being. Everyone who, for one reason or another, comes into your life is your greatest opportunity for service. Their energies, which are returning to the Divine Home, need to be touched with Love. They appear before a server looking for a definite unification, for ascension in a Unified Consciousness on the way to the One Fountain of Life. This is why we are making you aware, through all of our calls, for you to finally and at last assume your DIVINE IDENTITY, and in a Unified Consciousness, be bearers of the PRESENCE OF THE HIGHEST, and in the service you are about to give, in a Rhythmically Balanced Interchange with Life. The endowment, as part of the DIVINE PREISTHOOD, is so you do not leave any of your points unconnected, and do not allow your “loose ends” to remain loose. It corresponds to you to Unify, with the PRESENCE OF THE ABSOLUTE, each point of your network. Vivify with love each particle of life asking for its return to Divine Order; and with others who, without knowing it, are wondering in space-time-love, searching for someone to give them the opportunity of Eternal Life that their souls are calling for. In the Restoration of the Light Body Network, each one should take up his/her promise to life, not as a momentary responsibility, but as the HIGHEST DUTY, which should be undertaken with awareness of its meaning. Know that each of your points are reconnecting to the Divine


Fount, and is only one of the many fragments of your current of life which is unified in the act of Loving Service to Life. The action we propose is the following: Do not see others as others anymore. In reality, others don’t exist; there isn’t anything outside the context of the individual’s energy field. Everything observed is a reflection of the IMMANENT AND PERMANENT PRESENCE OF THE ETERNAL ONE. Outside of Him there is nothing. In the restoration of the consciousness, all things observed are fragments of that divided unity that each one is part of and should be loved when they appear in order to put them together again, piece by piece, because they are parts of the Archetype Presence that each should again hold. The pieces of the puzzle present themselves before each one in the Cosmic Game of Love, to be put together again. It is necessary to stop seeing yourselves as unconnected parts, but in each encounter, incorporate yourselves into the loving embrace the ETERNAL ONE offers you as your opportunity for Eternal Life. Encounters are for assuming-loving-elevating, and to submerge yourselves into the ETERNAL EMBRACE OF THE GOD OF LOVE IN THE ONE FOUNTAIN OF LOVE. The Divine Reconciliation - this should be the postulate one should take as the fundamental rule for the Strings of Eternity to be activated in each one - for unity to enthrone itself in the heart, and for Love to be the Divine Word each one expresses in the conscious encounter with another “ME.” “I AM” the Unity, divided and consolidated in the eternal Unity that “I AM.””I AM” the Eternal Embrace that Love provides to the life that returns to the Divine Home that “I AM.” “I AM” the Eternal Embrace that Love lavishes on the life that returns to the Divine Home that “I AM.” “I AM” here and now, sustained and contained, sustaining and containing each particle of life that “I AM.” In the Present Eternity and Consolidated Unity, “I AM” offering to each a part of Me that returns to the Divine Home that “I AM,” the opportunity to consummate the Divine Union in the encounter-fusion ascension with the Presence of the One God that “I AM.” The UNIFIED CONSCIOUSNESS is a Divine Responsibility that places the Doer before the human creature, and the human in front of His Divine Presence in the Eternal Encounter of Love between Creator and creature. Both are to return together to the Sacred Source from where


none has left, but to where each should return, returning through “the Threads of Eternal Life” that each gives to another in loving encounters day by day. There is no other action except this: LOVE YOURSELVES IN THE OTHER ONE, because each is that reflection, each one is the other, each one is the UNIFIED CONSCIOUSNESS that is returned to you in the Light Form each other one IS. This instant of eternity needs to be consciously absorbed by the conscious participants of the Cosmic Comic Game. The players are ONE AND THE SAME. There is no more then ONE BEING in the reencounter of yourselves, in each conscious player that you are, and to Consciously Love each dormant player that He is. The Rhymical Balanced Interchange is to Love and be Loved, and to restore the Luminous Light Thought Form Emanated by the All Being, because that is how it is. The Divine Home “I AM.” The Light Word “I AM.” The Presence and Absence “I AM.” “I AM” returning to the One Center of Love in each returnee, conscious or not of the One Life that “I AM,” of Myself that “I AM.” For the reintegration of the ABSOUTNESS OF BEING, and for the Manifestation of the always present Presence of Love. Traya of Maldek


Karmic Board Council of Elders Divine Government Light Body Unixitron The manifestation of the internal parameters that will guide the conscious humans, who have decided to accept the Perfect Light Form, are revealed to the external consciousness to the degree that the consciousness realizes its movement in the Cosmogonic Spiral towards the Eternal Presence of the All Being. Once the individual takes the decision-determination-dedication to make a life change to a higher frequency of vibration, right then will start the decoding of the inner guidelines that give direction for the ascent to the Divine Home. Your internal map of the way unfolds with time, and while in the terrestrial transit, internally you will retrace the points of Light put there to nourish the soul. It is a process synchronized with dedication-healing-liberation by which the biopsychological energy system of the individual starts to heal-become ordered-accelerate the movement of the system, and in which, internally, the soul is freed, ascending to the PRESENCE OF THE ONE. Conscious actions bring with them the breaking of the chains constructed by the human ego, and this permits an energetic movement that touches the whole planet, disconnecting the energy bonds that held the individual soul to the mass consciousness. This is why, to the degree that a conscious movement is accomplished, beings are encountered with the human traits that cause reactions, either harmonious of not, to his own energy system, producing an encounter to be healed in the external, of violations of the law of love. By accepting the purpose of the encounter and sustaining one’s Immaculate Concept, the individual will disconnect from the mass consciousness, giving his soul the chance of Eternal Life. Once this act is consummated, the individual will encounter others wanting to come


together because of the vivification of the Light in the external consciousness, and by the Restoration of the Sacred Vestments of the Soul. Once this way of life has been initiated, sometimes without the external consciousness having knowledge of what is transpiring; Clarity, Goodness, Unconditional Service and Love of the One Life slowly start to function, offering the aspirant the opportunity to restore each point of the individual and planetary network when accepted internally into the CIRCLE OF UNCONDITIONAL SERVERS. It is here where they are made ready for the lines of service to which the souls had previously pledged themselves. The advance of human society, as well as with the planet on which they live, is determined by its number of conscious servers. This means that by assumption and unconditional giving to Life, the planet will be assimilated into higher frequencies of vibration which determines the Stellar Route on the way to the PRESENCE OF THE FATHER OF FATHERS. Because it is the Age of Light and Life, which determines the process of planetary and human ascension, be clear in your conscious activation and unconditional commitment to those beings, who with knowledge of the cause, were touched and will be touched by those who are consecrated as PRIESTS OF THE HIGHEST. This is a call for the restoration in others, conscious or not of the planetary process, of the responsibility now called for and of the opportunity of service being offered, not only to heal as an individual, but also to be a Conscious Emitter, a Conscious Server and someone consciously walking through Life. Just as humans have asked for solutions to their small energy disturbances and were given the opportunities to resolve them, now the opportunity is for humanity to decide to serve the planet. Doubtless people’s small problems will disappear as they elect to take this way,


separating themselves from the masses, moving up to help form the Army of Conscious Servers who above all face the fundamental necessity: THE ELEVATION OF HUMANITY, THE PLANETARY ASCENSION AND FUSION WITH THE ETERNAL BEING May the opportunity be granted to those conscious on the way to the Divine Home to free humanity from their egos, helping them to consider the true cause of healing is to place them in Order, and to integrate into the Light Body of Unconditional Servers to Life.

For the One Cause of Love, “I AM” that “I AM,” UNIXITRON


Lecture from the LIGHT CODE OF UNIXITRON Divine Command of Love Council of Ancients Energetic Reordering of Planet Earth

This system of life has lived Ages of Light and now demonstrates the conscious will to return to the Divine Home. This is the Consciousness of Light of unified men-women in action that corresponds to conscious beings of a planet entering the phase of Light and Life. It was in a remote time of the past when the Great Priests and Priestesses gathered in Communion with the ONE GOD. It was the Golden Age in the evolution of humanity, and it was the appropriate time to give out the rules, or fundamental laws, allowing communications BEING to BEING within consecrated beings and the Divine Representatives of the ALL BEING. That momentum did get established, but because of the avarice of humanity, it became necessary to protect that treasure of knowledge, and was recorded on a Disk of Gold, on which each Divine Postulate was written and listed the conditions for humanity in relation to the ETERNAL ONE. This disk was submerged in Lake Titicaca (Peru), where it is still guarding the entrance to the underground city where are protected each of the Lectures decoded from the Divine Code. That age was fundamental for the planet because it recorded in the consciousness of its humans the True Actions of Light which protected all of the kingdoms of life established up to that time. It remains still as a dim memory of that high level of consciousness, and now, with the restoration of each of those postulates, because of and through the LIGHT BODY OF UNIXITRON, are being revealed through specific actions, removing from human beings the dark circumstances that caused the forgetfulness of man’s Divine Origin


It was necessary to hide man’s Divine Legacy, because beings totally unaware of this Divine Truth and of the real nature of those who acted as custodians of such a valuable Gem, would be able to usurp the legacy of the decrees against those who, unseen, truly acted as Priests and Priestesses, officiating for the Highest, and offering the Sacred Incense in their unconditional obedience to the Supreme Good. Because of this situation, it is now necessary for the new beings who are to assume their identity remember that, having already participated in innumerable Rituals of Divine Service, you can now be Bearers of the Sacred Essence of Peace as the Highest Service to Life, which requires the healing of each of the levels making up Planet Earth. As these proceed, with the conscious desire of the committed beings to participate in the Planet’s Restoration, will beyond doubt restore the momentum that was safeguarded and deposited in the ancient memories of the planet as a Quantum of Light. Now it is necessary to reestablish the new planetary course, inserting it into its condition of Restoration Activity. It is apparent that the main point of the Restoration Actions comes with the comprehension of each of the beings dedicated to that purpose of using the Postulates decoded by the Light Body and the great need of their application. The Restoration is accomplished by recognizing that the signs left in the physical plane are Signs of Light for the consciousness, because a unified effort also REQUIRES A UNIFIED CONSCIOUSNESS in order to restore the lines of energy now unconnected, disallowing the flow of the Divine Energy of Love over the planet. The Restoration implies an assumption of unconditional service. It also implies recognition of the legacies left by those who were guided by the Divine Wisdom and were able to create a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. They were able to accomplish their decoding


because these beings risked living under Divine Guidance and experienced the reencounter with the nucleus of Light established on the planet. This remains as testimony for those who will read the translation of the Laws contained on the Disk of Gold, earlier compiled and guarded but soon to be decoded. The Quantum of Energy contained there, the opportunity that the Fundamental Law of the Divine Code, given by UNIXITRON, is a way of Life for the conscious beings on the planet, and to be Consciously Emanated to life that is asleep. Again, the Will of the ONE manifests. The testimonies of the ages are brought together to generate the necessary quantum, and to bring down, finally, the veils that hide the Light in the sleeping humans. The Divine Decrees contained in the Memories of the Light Body are for the decoding of the fundamental laws needed to sustain life on the planet. This is the Supreme opportunity to reconcile Life, uniting Heaven and Earth, allowing the Womb to give birth to the Liberating Truth, Restoring the Light Form in each being that assumes the unconditional action of service for the Manifestation of the Divine Government on this Holy Star of Liberation. “I AM” to return the Divine Home to man’s consciousness again, and for the Manifestation of the Divine Archetype of the Conscious Being, unified in Love, to be active in the lives of men-women on Earth again. The Disk of Gold has to be decoded for the new generations to know they have been sustained by the Divine Precepts; but on each depends the New Foundation that has to manifest into his/her own Archetype. It is also necessary to safe guard the memory of the passage of the Conscious Human Beings and of their contribution for the Restoration of the Divine Code on the planet. Again we bring to the attention of your external consciousness the knowledge that, once the Disk of Gold is decoded, as it has been in the past, it


will serve as a vital substratum for the manifestation of the Age of Order, Light and Love on the planet. In synchronization with the Associated and Resident Adjusters, and conforming to the planetary necessity for the Restoration of its Divine Code, it is very important for humanity to become aware that the Divine Government on the planet is now an unquestioned fact. You should be alert to the new life forms and parameters, which will be based on Love, on Unified Service, and on Unconditional Giving so that the Manifestation of the Light Force of the ALL BEING can install the new vibrations that are needed to cover the Earth, warmly receiving the Magisterial Son. His arrival brings a definite order of energetic lines for this system of life and the Light Form that will permit the seating of the DIVINE LOGOS, THE CENTRAL SUN. Then will start the intergalactic communication Being to Being, covering all the frequencies needed to generate the wave for life on the planet to move to the planet’s new orbit, in direct correspondence with the GREAT GOODNESS. This moment in time is recorded as the interpretation of the DIVINE CODE contained in the DISK OF GOLD, which rules can be summarized as follows: “The human races living in this world are embraced by the Light of the HIGHEST, Who, with the Greatest of Love, sustains and contains all in the IDEAL OF LIGHT which each one Is, in order for all to express, as FLOWERS OF LIGHT, their internal conditions to bless all Life.” “The legend says that the children of Earth labored in agreement with that stipulated by the HIGHEST; but when the dark beings decided to interfere, the DISK OF GOLD was hidden away to prevent any violation of the Divine Energy.” “Truth is hidden in the beings living on Earth, it is their commitment to search for it and express it to bless all beings. This mandate takes the human seed to DIVINE ATTAINMENT, for


which he must be able to renounce his small stature in order to grow until reaching Heaven, becoming bearers of the Divine Messages for those not yet daring to reach such high spheres.” “Life brought together in this JEWEL OF LIGHT grew and achieved high spheres, but because of a lack of understanding of its own Divinity, it was swept away by the lower human passions, making it necessary to put away the CODE to protect the LIGHT OF LIFE it contained.” Now, it has been transcribed again and new humans take up the challenge of growing in Divine Stature and communicating directly with the MAGNA PRESENCE. Now many can advance to this level for the Divine Memories to be Restored and the vestments of the old world to fall away, making room for the manifestation of the New Age, the Age of Light and Life, in which the Magisterial Son, together with the mature human beings, will consolidate the foundations of the ETERNAL LIGHT AND LIFE. For this reason, the RESTORATION OF THE DIVINE WORD and its materialization, so much needed now, with its Force of Light is tearing down the coverings maintaining the forgetfulness of the TRUE CONDITION OF THE HUMAN BEING. In olden times, Universal Life Flowered in this Beautiful Being, and now it is again the time to plant the Seed of Eternal Good in the aspirants of time-space-Love and have to flower in the TREE OF ETERNAL LIGHT AND LIFE, reconnecting this system with the Permanent and Immanent Fountain of the ALL BEING. Be it so, in agreement with the Code of Love and its translation into the human consciousness, and the transcription of the Light Code contained in the DISK OF GOLD, hidden away and guarded by the Priests and Priestesses of the Sacred Fire. There it lies buried in physical form, but its knowledge has been etherealized, complementing the synthesis of the


Light Word, the action of the Soldiers of Love, the Light Force of the aspirants who know themselves as CHILDREN OF THE HIGHEST, and the Unconditional Priests in Unconditional Service to Life.

Age of Light, Golden Age, Age of the Being In UNIXITRON, gestating CHRISTRON

In concordance with the Manifestation-Expression of the Divine Word, and for the definite tearing away of the veils obscuring the Liberating Light from the human race. For the RESTA-URANTIA (Restoration) of the Fundamental Principles governing the New Phase and synchronizing Planet Earth to its new coordinates of Eternal Light and Life.

With the Word of Liberation of the Divine Code, In Order, Light and Life, “I AM’ THAT I AM

The Light Nucleus reveals the ancestral memories, for the Restoration of the Divine Memories in each being who wishes to read and decode his own Light Code. I AM ONE in Order, Light and Love “I AM,” in the Restoration of the Divine Principle sheltering the One Only, Universal Life, for the Restoration of the Divine Government on the planet. Is it so, in direct concordance with the Pillar of Love, decoding the energetic lines that connect with the One Fountain of Life.


In Divine Responsibility and the Assumption of the Light Word The Manifestation of the Divine Origen of the Light:



One in Order, Light and Love,



The Unified Consciousness in Love, because of Love and for Love of Life The Path of Conscious Ascension The Vivification-Manifestation of the Immaculate Concept that each one IS

Within the Memories of the Light Body UNIXITRON are contained great opportunities of Eternal Light and Life. Whoever tries to find the Light Code, in order extract its Divine Magnificence, will find all the Divine Attributes that the ALL BEING placed there for the benefit of Life. In the opportunity offered to the aspirants in this space-time-Love dimension, the major epics humans have realized are vivified as a Divine Resourse for man’s use, and can be accessed to liberate the Life of unconsciousness that humanity lives. Therefore, in these times in which the planet finds itself, in the final phase of preparation to enter the Age of Light and Life, these resources, coming as memories within each one, can serve to strengthen the soul during the times of greatest impact of awakening into a greater consciousness. Diverse opportunities are available for those who are determined to give their Unconditional Service to Life. The truths encountered in this service, along with their force of Light, tear down the veils of unconsciousness and uncover the way to take in order to reach the One Fountain. Within the experiences of the conscious aspirant are found contributions that, like inner promptings, flow especially when difficult circumstances confront a person with some inharmonious condition. These inner promptings flow as vitalizing forces, or as internal impulses clarifying and strengthening the soul, acting as assurances of the right way and fortifying the person who took the decision to go in pursuit of the Liberating Truth. When the truth seeker least


expects it, he is confronted by some Eternal Truth, some aspect of life that shakes his soul, confirming his senses and direction which his Being has put before him as a sign. Only those who dare to cross the void of the way of service will be able to understand these signs. For those who do not try, there is no more than a glimmer of clarity for them, or they sense nothing at all because the signs are not revealed to the persons who will not put aside their untruths in order to approach the inexhaustible Fountain of Love. These memories are active according to the degree of movement made in space-time to reach the ONE FATHER. This is to not only experience His Company and Eternal Presence, but that the aspirant and the way are proved to be one and the same, that service-server-served are no more than a projection of THE ETERNAL PRESENCE OF THE LORD OF LOVE. The Memories of the Light Body safeguard the great epics, the ones each conscious person tries to realize for the encounter-fusion with his own Presence, the BEING OF INFINITE MERCY, FATHER-MOTHER-LOVE.

Memories of the Light Body Vivification of the Conscience “I AM THAT I AM


The Raising of the Being The Internal Restoration The Planetary Emergency

Negative circumstances that occur each day should be repolarized, remembering that as energy is taken in or accepted, just so is the internal order adjusted to correct the direction of movement on the Earth. This simple act, apparently elemental, gives man the opportunity to internally restore the course of the planet, and subsequently to elevate its rate of vibration. Perhaps now one can understand why it is so important for each one to assume his/her own role and be able to serve as a part of support of the Liberating Action of the Soul and for the Manifestation of the Divine Government on the Planet. If each being would do this there would be no doubt that the Victory of Light would cover the Earth. You have been informed that service is to be a unified effort with other servers, with united forces and efforts, loving unconditionally all Life. This is the way for all internal circuits and the Light Form of Planet Earth to be restored again. This is an action which has to be lovingly sustained, knowing that with a CONSACRATION TO THE DIVINE PURPOSE it is possible to correct any error; but above all it makes it possible for the DIVINE GOVERNMENT to be seated on the planet. Again, THE PLANET IS IN AN EMERGENCY, and this time will be determined its internal corrections and reconnection of this System of Life to a higher Octave of Vibration. For this reason is a unified effort required, because only this way will RESTORE THE LIGHT FORM OF PLANER EARTH. That will require each of the pledged people to respond by including themselves in this Energetic Balancing so important to the One Life. Each one should know that from this action depends his human subsistence. The inner parameters must be


corrected and the external parts be healed. The new course is now set and movement is being made to a new and Higher Vibration. You are being called to provide an Unconditional Service, apart from the position one occupies now, and you should positively proclaim yourselves in favor of this action.



Age of Eternal Light and Life Renovation of the Promise Revival within Love Complex feelings result in the soul when the human being fails to notice the importance of monitoring his/her voluntary acts. This implies, within man’s inner levels, an escape of energy from the Light Body. It is therefore vital for each person to monitor their acts with determination in identifying the internal alignments under which service is to be given; this will define the action of the Body of Light with more precision. This ‘precision’ is what is needed, because with each passing moment the vibratory rate of the planet is increasing, requiring those Conscious Beings capable of moving with determination to those causes requiring healing or to actions that will determine the new planetary course correction. It certainly is true that determination, individual decision, the assumption of responsibility and PURITY OF MOTIVE, clarifies the vision of the soul and accelerates the transformation of the energy that binds it. Just as in an airplane flight, the course selected is one of avoiding problems in order to complete the flight, just so should man do within himself and his soul, plan his course to participate in the correction of the planetary movement, a course where the volunteer willingly decides to participate in this effort. This permits the souls of high vibration to move in similar energy lines, mobilizing the energetic masses encountered to the Nucleus of Light to be repolarized. By clarifying ones inner course and deciding where one should work externally, one starts to see clearly those persons who have also made their inner and outer selections, their inner blockages are cleared up, reestablishing communications from Being to Being, which is the correct manner of communication and intercommunications between persons on the planet.


Defining one’s external place of service is of vital importance because that is how one can be certain he/she is in the right place and where energies can be concentrated, enhancing the Light Body Network. We are again grateful to all these who, by their own will, decided with determination what position to occupy in this marvelous Cosmic Game. This gives assurances to those who need to move to different energy fields, knowing who to count on and for clarity of movement. The energy quantum one accumulates in this activity is very large, being included in the Force of Liberation in favor of the Manifestation of the Global Government on the Planet, and at the same time enlarging the opportunity of adding impulse and speed to the Eternal Age of Light and Life. If you unblock the inner flow, nourish again your system in a positive way, clean your dark nucleus and vivify the yearning of the soul, the Light will shine with greater brightness over humanity, creating the opportunity of ascension to the Divine Home. The Light Force, which is given to the soul, with the determination of its human will, can see with clarity the Road of Return to the Divine Home. WITH Love to THE LIGHT BODY OF UNIXITRON, Machiventa Melquisedek, Planetary Regent


The Legacy of the Ascending Children, who have consecrated their service to Life, is the best proof of service that can be left to future generations. If each being, conscious of service to Life, presents himself to the Divine Fountain of Love to have his/her energies reordered, putting aside all separateness, rebellion, personal and spiritual pride, beyond doubt that being would be a worthy representative and exponent of the Presence of the Eternal ONE. We know that one of the most difficult trials encountered by those who wish to become Servers of the Highest is to travel through life with one or more beings to the Presence of the Eternal One. At the same time this action is the greatest giving one can offer, because from these experiences comes the deepest meanings of participation with the Being, bringing you all together. Without a doubt, when assuming a dispensation of service, the individual and his/her companion on the way constitute themselves as the best exponents of the needs of the soul; that is to say, they act consciously together knowing that the human ego should be transmuted, transforming them into obedient servers. Then what is reflected to “the other person(s)” should be taken as the best opportunity to serve Life, because there is no other way to free the soul and ascend to the Presence of the Eternal Being. As cells in the Body of Light, each one is trying to be the greatest exponent of the Lord of Love, making each event or circumstance encountered on the way as no more than a reflection of earlier causes or conditions still needing transmutation. On the Path of Liberation nothing should be taken personal, even though energetic encounters may be painful, the Light of Truth should sanitize them, because one is only acting as a reflection to the other person like a mirror and should be loved for it. This is the greatest opportunity for service offered to those opting for their Eternal Fusion. There are no fixed patterns to follow or sequences of events to confront. Events will just appear at the needed times so that each traveler on the way to the Eternal Light can be submitted to the Transmuting Action


of the Truth, to the Action of the Liberating Love, to the Action of the Balancing Order in direct correspondence with the Action of the Light Word which each one IS. Under this perspective and vision, service is performed with Love and for Love of Life. All that results from these actions are to the benefit of the soul, strengthening and helping it find its balance for its next encounter with some misadjusted energy in which it will be ready and able to unconditionally Love that energy, asking for its liberation. The Ascending Son is the greatest point of support for the restoration of the planet and each of the energy circuits that compose it. In assumption of that Loving Service, I enfold you with the Light of my Being.



When Life is blessed it is instantly renewed; this should be the function of each person. Each step one takes moves humanity closer to the PRESENCE OF THE ETERNAL FATHER, renewing the hope of Eternal Life that each day is more certain for those who, awake to the Unconditional Love of the Eternal Being, have given themselves in labor with Him for the Restoration of Planet Earth. The Golden Age is enhanced each day the individualized being gives himself over to Divine Order for his/her energies to be balanced in a Rhythmic and Balanced Interchange of Love. The New Age is a Conscious Act when assumed and integrated with the Being, to spread over Life the Light Force of Love. This is why the Age of Light and Life depends on each individual giving himself to the Divine Order, to the cleaning of all the erroneous concepts human beings have developed, freeing life of all error and allowing the walk to the Supreme Presence with the peace and certainty of Being a Child of Light and Love. The Age of Light and Life starts when one gives himself/herself to the Universal Balance, to build with a Unified Conscientiousness on the Way of Return to the Divine Home.

Light in Consciousness Restoration of the Divine Code UNIXITRON in Activation of the Word of Light, for the Manifestation of the True Liberation Path of Conscious Liberation Planetary Restoration The Axis of Action: The Love of the One Only Universal Life.


The Sense or Ubiquity Global Community Age of Order, Light and Love Permanent Records within THE BEING OF THE ALL BEING

The Age of Light and Life now developing on Planet Earth is no less than the Permanent Vision of Perfection within the ETERNAL FATHER for each of his children. Each time an Ascending Child reaches a new step in his/her progression towards the Divine Home, the everlasting Presence of the ONE arranges for the necessary preparations for that ascender, each time more definitely, the manifestation of His Presence. This is why, in conjunction with the Magisterial

Son, is coordinated not only what concerns the Ascent of the Soul, but the

monitoring of all the changes in the system of Life in development. In this manner is advancement not only accelerated to the Ultimate Fusion, but also is made more enjoyable because of the experiences of the external consciousness, for which the external surroundings go from being aggressive to becoming receptive and propitious with the encounter between the ETERNAL BEING and the Ascending Child. All of this permits a permanent ubiquitous condition in the Being, moving towards an encounter with the Highest, and permitting a greater concentration and consecration of energies. The Age of Eternal Light and Life brings substantial changes in all levels of experiencing because the individual ability is challenged, leading to a highly charged purification. From the individuals most conscious of these events will be those selected for new service as legislators and other positions within the new order of each of the communities to be established. This is


why it is necessary to notice any contrasting energy patterns to be able to remain balanced in all circumstances. Due to the planetary changes and the need to be in harmony with them, it becomes necessary to establish Groups of Light that are to maintain order in each of the human groupings in formation; in this manner are the effects and negative factors experienced through the planetary changes corrected. This is how the Codes of Conduct and all of the systems of understanding are implanted, in a Rhythmically Balanced Interchange manner, so that the energy is purified to the maximum, offering a new vision of the Divine Scheme by which is projected the new energetic patterns on the Planet. Because the external consciousness does not register the changes now happening, the new plans are projected to the inner levels of the mind so that the external consciousness will recognize them when they manifest into outer form. Without doubt, the planetary changes influence human behavior to a large degree. As a result and for quit a while now, a mechanism was put in place for the extrapolation of the consciousness, modifying the self protection mechanisms so that in case it would become necessary, human kind would be able to cooperate with those in charge of their physical well being. In this manner has the human ancestral subconscious fears been repolarized by those charged with the planetary physical chances to the new System of Life. Due to strange interferences to this internal process, many souls were evacuated without having undergone the State of Grace corresponding to this condition. Many mechanisms of protection have been activated, but the most important of all is the one built by the individual with his/her own energy, because this mechanism of self protection keeps him/her alert and ready to change patterns of conduct according the conditions in which he/she is.


The opportunity now opening to each person is infinite. In it, each one will be able to stay in permanent communication with the Immanent and Permanent Center of the ALL BEING, orienting the soul so its Internal Ubiquity permits it to be in Peace and Harmony. It is a basic need for each one to generate his/her own method of contact-reception with the Divine Flow in order to stay abreast of the accelerating energies as the planet passes to the New Phase of experiencing–training–service, where little or no resistance should arise to this process. Eventually the planetary changes will be completed, both internally and externally, but it is during the present times that chances are to be taken as signs to be alert. All are being asked to hold their center of attention on the ABSOLUTE OF ABSOLUTE, because according to the degree of their process of ascension, energy changes can themselves cause adaptation to them, making it of great importance for each one to pass through this phase with the highest vibratory level possible. Again, you are asked for your attention-concentration-consecration. The coming external chances will register as new possibilities of adaptation in your vital circuits. In this way you will not be greatly affected by the climatological and atmospheric changes; concentrating instead on adapting and cooperating with each of the systems of help that will manifest for your support. The mechanisms of energetic interaction will be equalized with great care for each of the needed changes that need to be coupled, as fast as possible, to new planetary plans. We contemplate each one to be at his highest potential for the moment of change and be able to carry out his/her corresponding service, in harmony with others, propitiating a high quality of life, and manifesting Order, Light and Love in what this New System of Life will require.


It is necessary for each human who willingly decides to participate in the manifestation of this new phase to be conscious of being a harmonious part within the unified effort required to achieve the Eternal Victory.

In conjunction with the Magisterial Son The Divine Magistracy of Love The Septentrion of Light in Action

Situated in the new rotation and in action synchronizing this System of Life to its New Orbit In Order, Light and Love “I AM” THAT I AM One in the Order, the Light and the Love, “I AM”


Planetary Restoration Plan of Becoming Conscious Planetary Emergency Emergency Plan Network of Light: Unixitron Body of Light

It is imperative that the human beings pledged to the Proposal of Liberation decide truly to serve according to the guidance of Light given out by the Grand Council, because the System of Life in which you live is in great danger. You are called to put aside all personal matters in favor of a Unified Action, because an individual action separated from the group effort is of no value when confronted with the events now approaching Planet Earth. Visualize yourselves as united under the Precepts of Love, making up a solid Body of Light that recognizes itself as A SINGLE BEING, and able to work, each in his own line supporting the whole effort. It is of no value to continue to see yourselves as individual groups or social brotherhoods, these are not the purposes for which you were recently gathered in this System of Life, and separateness has to definitely disappear from your lives. Conscious Beings are being called, those who at sometime were brought together internally and who externally took on the purpose of forming an effort of work in which, even against personal desires, THE DISPOSITIONS GIVEN IN THE CODE OF LOVE AND THE DIVINE CONSTITUCION WILL BE EXECUTED. Earth is experiencing a “photonic bombardment” which greatly affects every person. You are asked to form groups or teams of conscious workers, so that all assuming the responsibility corresponding to them and able to render service, do so to those who call for it. Once such teams


are formed, conforming and accepting to formally promote and labor under the PRECEPTS OF THE CODE OF LOVE, THE REGULATIONS OF THE DIVINE CONSTITUTION AND THE GLOBAL GOVERNMENT OF HUMANITY, they then should decide to maintain themselves in permanent communications with their Divine Being. There is the need of creating a momentum within the internal parts so the external actions can be of high quality. For this reason, you are called to form, according to each of the Postulates and Fundamentals of the GLOBAL GOVERNMENT OF HUMANITY, the actions fitting you into realization. This way each individual will know under which line of service to work as well as one’s action of consecration for sustaining the DIVINE GOVERNMENT ON THE PLANET. It is of value to mention that on this depends that many of the internal actions can manifest as forms of help for the rest of humanity. Just as it is necessary for each one to become aware of his/her true reason of being on the Earth, it is also necessary to give one’s best effort in restoring the energy of this Beautiful Being. In view of so few beings having taken on the responsibility of serving life according to what corresponds to them, it becomes necessary to call conscious beings not yet consecrated, to assume and be assumed into this labor of such urgent action. Based on your replies, each will be given the opportunity to reestablish his/her own connection with his ALL BEING, and then be able to constitute himself/herself into the Light Axis of the Cosmic Monument. It is necessary to bring in new souls to this noble cause in order to increase the number of conscious servers in the Service of Love, and for the Love of Life. The preparation phase should be maintained, by individual consent, as an action of becoming conscious, so the individual understand every one of the fundamentals that sustains the


actions needed to be realized. From this level of action, all will be prepared to prepare others, which in their own time will form groups within the network to Consciously Serve All Life. The sequence of these mechanisms of action should be prepared consciously, and are the reason why you are called to form groups of the most possible conscious beings and be ready to serve impersonally and unconditionally to Life. It is necessary to put aside all human meanness because of the gravity of the situation merits a conscious action from the largest possible number of individuals. Those who truly commit to serve in silence, sustaining the work accepted in order to accumulate a quantum of energy permitting to a greater consciousness, should do the Great Action of Consecration to Service. Beings are required who truly wish to serve and who are committed to sustain each disposition in silence, consecrating each action to the success of the Planetary Light. Each person will be sustained internally according to that person’s purity of motive, bringing the energy to flow to the soul trapped in unconsciousness. Act to unite and make this effort aware to the most conscious beings you know. When the effort is ready and the needed force is accumulated, the Action of Consecration can be started to sustain the effort to completion. It will be necessary to understand that on each one of you depends the stability of the planet and the individual assimilation to a higher octave of vibration. Unite yourselves internally and externally so the souls most ready to serve can move forward in their own Process of Liberation. Once the group is formed, it will be prepared for the service corresponding to it, according to the pillar each one selects as their line of service to Life. Once this is done, you will be instructed for your individual support and service according to the guidance given by the Postulates written in the CODE OF LOVE AND THE REGULATIONS OF THE DIVINE CONSTITUTION. This will allow the external consciousness to understand


the importance and necessary purpose of being called together. Additionally, you will be prepared to attend others under the Action of Liberation pertaining to each and according to your Inner Action of Service. Each individual who responds should be filled with Love, fully agreeing with the requirements and the proposal of their service as presented to them, which will be determined by the individual’s stated willingness to serve in conjunction with the selection of the pillar the person wants to sustain. Once made conscious of the requirements, they will serve under their own free will, themselves selecting the degree of physical and internal group participation and/or group sustainment. This requires the necessary understanding and is why it is so important to determine who wants to sustain the group, and who wants to just work only with other group members. This is how it will be determined, internally, as to who wants to participate in the external actions, who will work internally and who will participate both ways. Because of the urgency of this action, you are called to unite whomever wishes to participate in the first circle of work, and from there work in unity to open further actions in which they can be included with the rest of the group. In this manner, step by step, and according to the leaders of these groups, they will come under the Umbrella of the Network of Light that is maintaining itself constantly and united in service, covering the various levels of the groups experiencing on the planet. Remember that a large network is formed from within, like a nucleus, outward to infinity, holding always as its center point of action the impersonal and unconditional service whose only purpose is to serve the One, Only, Universal Life. Understand that each part of a group should form up a subsequent group so that the energy expands exponentially to cover all of Planet Earth.


You are being called to serve in this unified way, always holding on to your purpose and recognizing the ALL BEING as the Only Presence, the Only Doer, and for which the personality should delegate all personal matters to the Light of the ONLY PURPOSE that moves you: THE LIBERATION OF THE SOUL, THE RESTORATION OF PLANET EARTH AND THE MANIFESTATION OF THE DIVINE GOVERNMENT. This is why we insist all should verify their disposition to serve, considering a possible impersonal and unconditional service, working under the auspices of the Great White Brotherhood, being covered by the LIGHT BODY OF UNIXITRON in a UNIFIED ACTION for the DIVINE REGENCY OF LOVE pouring through each one. All as brothers and sisters serving in Love and for Love of Life: With one only Brotherhood: The “I AM” Brotherhood, With one only Body: Light Body of UNIXITRON, With one only Government: The Global Government of Humanity, With one only Constitution: The Regulations of the Divine Constitution, With one only Code: The Code of Love, so that under the auspices of the ALL BEING, and in a Unified Consciousness, this action be completed.

For the manifestation of Order, Light and Love on Planet Earth

Headquarters of Divine Love Traya of Maldek


Silent Action of Peace Impersonal and Unconditional Service Center of Action

Planetary Emergency

Forming an outline:

Individual convocation in forming a group or network of conscious action Put together the first nucleus of work and generate the rules of service Work according to the proposals of service Bring to conscious understanding the actions to complete Vote on commitments and assumptions Selection of Pillars-Agencies Consecration of each being and as group for proposed service

Bring together those considered capable of serving Explain the purpose Preparation-Understanding-Consecration Unified action Formation of the Greater Group Decide inner-medium-external actions Sustaining the purpose


Preparation – Training

Study and analysis of: Regulations of the Divine Constitution Code of Love Global Government of Humanity, rules of Service for same Process of Liberation of the Soul (Unixitron)

Restoration of the Body of Servers

Permanent memory of the Divine Purpose Inner calling together of souls clamoring for help Assuming oneself with the One, Only, Universal Life Joint action with Traya of Maldek Restoration of Consciousness The Sustainment of the Immaculate Concept

Group awareness of action to be done Conscious preparation Individual and Unified Service Planetary Service Internal Summons to the Great White Chamber for the Restoration of the Divine



Preparation in Service for Consecration Traya of Maldek in Action The Restoration of the Divine Nucleus in each One


The Great Invocation for Consecration

FATHER, ETERNAL ONE I recognize, with my attention on YOUR DIVINE BEING, the opportunity You offer me to serve with You and in You, the purpose of Your Divine BEING of returning to the Divine Home, the One Fountain of Love, bringing with me the Humanity calling for their Liberation on Planet Earth.

I recognize myself unified with You, and I accept the opportunity to serve as a point of support for the Manifestation of Your Divine Government in this System of Life. And just so, I promise to obey Your Mandates, and in joint action with each being who commits to to serve You, I will form a Group of CONSCIOUS SERVERS to Love Life, to liberate it of all error, to sustain Your Immaculate Concept, in order to transcend all the limits of the external consciousness, and to labor together in a UNIFIED CONSCIOUSNESS for the Restoration of Order, Light and Love


on Planet Earth.

I accept this service as the Opportunity of Eternal Life that the Soul is asking for, and for that DIVINE ACCOMPLISHMENT I promise to labor in Love, for Love and with Love for my ETERNAL LIBERATION.

“I AM”

Your Beloved Child


Age of Eternal Light and Life Definite Consecration to Impersonal Service Divine Communion Eternal responsibility

The CONSECRATION you are asked for is in direct relation to your commitment to the Action of Conscious Service as SERVERS OF THE HIGHEST. With respect to what is given, each one is invited to consider the opportunity to serve by submitting to order each atom of energy of his/her system and of being the bearer, to any and all other persons, of the PRESENCE of the ETERNAL ONE. This CONSECRATION goes beyond what the external consciousness can visualize, therefore you are asked for your maximum Purity of Motive; this is not to be a simple act in which the personality makes a decision and later forgets it. This CONSECRATION carries a SUPREME ACT OF RESPONSIBILITY, because the Fundamental Proposal is to center all of the energies in a PERMANENT SERVICE TO LIFE, which implies putting aside many external experiences in order to Commune with the ETERNAL BEING, thus bearing His Presence to others. The request being made of you is to become conscious of the Divine Purpose that is reuniting beings to bring about an Impersonal Service, while at the same time a personal decision is needed to bring to completion an act of service for the One, Only, Universal Life. Having been offered the proposal, with its Light, each one has the opportunity to convert into CONSCIOUS BEINGS, capable of unifying forces with others, and liberating souls in their agony of waiting


for such actions. Taking this invitation to its highest understanding, each being is capable of deciding between unified or individual service, offering the self as a Channel of Light. At the same time, you should also think about the opportunity to unite your forces and efforts with the Manifestation of the Divine Government on the planet. Here the Quantum formed will accelerate the whole group, increasing its vibratory rate to the maximum, releasing the soul from the unconsciousness choking it. Many times, you have been called to serve consciously, but now even more so. Think about a Definite Consecration of the energetic lines composing you in order to form the LIGHT BODY OF CONSCIOUS SERVICE TO LIFE, in which you recognize yourself in the other person, and can assume, in a total Conscious Unity, the Light Body that each one IS and to which each one belongs. In this synchronous manner are the necessary actions brought to completion, but this time recognizing the group as a Unity, as the Light Force necessary to clean the temple and for the Eternal Being to officiate in it. The greatest need for everyone’s attention is in the formation of working groups because of the responsibility of each group to form their Body of Support. It is necessary to think of “all together” actions so as to concentrate all energy in a quantum that will reverberate to Life, and for the opportunity of Light and Eternal Life. Additionally, it is necessary for each individual to create his own network, and with the CONSECRATION TO THE DIVINE PURPOSE, making each member aware of the purpose of the group and why they are preparing themselves as SERVERS OF THE HIGHEST. It is extremely important to maintain one’s PURITY OF MOTIVE so that personal items calling for attention and recognition can be subjected to the Light. This has to be molded into the


One Cause of this movement: the PROCESS OF LIBERATION OF THE SOUL for the Age of Light and Life to be enthroned on the planet. You are called to consciously take this opportunity now offered, and take on the work directly under the auspices of the Magisterial Son, who with much Love will take you by the hand to the Presence of the Beloved, the GOD OF LOVE. By virtue of the Planetary Emergency, a quick reply is requested. You are reminded that all unified actions are multiplied a thousand times the energy invested by your Actions of Unconditional Service to Life. FOR THE RESTORATION OF THE BALANCE BETWEEN THE HUMAN BEINGS WHO ASPIRE FOR ETERNAL FUSION, AND THE MAGISTERIAL SON, AS THE EXECUTER OF THE TRANSFORMATION OF PLANET EARTH INTO THE HOLY STAR OF LIBERATION.

In Order, Light and Love,

“I AM” that I AM


Age of Eternal Light and Life Conciliation of the Human Being Reconciliation with the One Eternal Being Eternal Dwelling in Love

The Thought Adjuster will mediate the encounter between the ascending human being and THE ETERNAL BEING, while waiting with Love at the mid-point sustaining the encounter. This time there will not be forces of opposition to interfere, because once the outer vestments are consecrated, each effort made will be multiplied and cast over all life, bringing a reply according to the level of integration of the ascender with the ONE ETERNAL BEING. The necessity of establishing this fundamental base for human beings to unify themselves, accomplishing an unconditional giving of themselves in Conscious Service, obeying the fact that Planet Earth is pressing for URGENCY OF A UNIFIED ACTION from all conscious beings, is for the increase of the planetary vibratory rate. In sequence, and little by little, events will raise the consciousness of mature humans. But as the rate of vibration is increased everywhere, so also should the human being increase his efforts, accompanying the Planetary Being in this process of acceleration-liberation-ascension. Much depends on this because those not conscious of this process still will be able to convert into a supporting force within the ongoing work, and not in opposition. To the degree the planet’s orbit is shifted to its new point of acceleration, so also are the bodies of the humans changed to a higher vibration. This implies large hormonal, physical, mental and emotional changes, which without doubt, will lead to a crisis in human relations all over the planet. But if humanity is made aware of these changes, not so much for the external


effects such as catastrophes, but to start putting aside old habits and to become involved in actions in which a person’s responsibility permits assistance in these changes, then this will be the best medicine for humanity to get through this condition. An individual action will permit a person to change his manner of conduct to favor the planetary transformation, and which would aid the few Conscious Beings Consecrated to this Action. How can this be done? It does not so much depend on external actions, but it is more of an inner decision. This happens when a human being, CONSCIOUS OF THE PROCESS OF RESTORATION, decides to reconcile himself with the Life that he/she IS. In this manner, after reconciling his/her separatist forces, manner of discrimination and patterns of conduct are able to reach a Quantum of Energy that allows reaching the factors that determine the changes in the mass consciousness; which in time will be reflected in the context of the human being, then as definite changes resulting in the patterns of conduct. This is why we say that a Conscious Being can save an entire system of Life, then, what would happen if many Conscious Beings would unite in common purpose? Dare to experience, after having conciliated your own individual energy, modifying the patterns that control the mass consciousness. The only thing required of the individual is a LOVING CONSECRATION TO THE DIVINE ACHIEVEMENT OF THE LIBERATION OF THE UNIVERSAL SOUL. Once this process is started, and with understanding of what it is, a person is lead to consider how to balance his doubts about his present life and how to restructure a new energy balance leading to the One, Only, Universal Life. This is no less then the opportunity to balance, here on Earth, each of the levels of consciousness and the lines of energy which constitute a person in preparation for the Age of Eternal Light and Life.


Please notice that each personal balance accomplished is added to the planetary balance, so with this in mind, you will see it is of value to add as many humans as possible to this action, which will determine how fast will happen the Planetary Restoration. Also, notice that as an individual is capable of restoring a system of life alone, it is also possible for him to ignore his internal calls, converting himself into opposition to the Divine Will by what is called an internal negative force, and can then be removed from the system of life in which he lives. This is not only about joining a Conscious and Unified action; it is also about bringing the All Being, as presented here, to the awareness of many people who would not normally participate in these actions if this information were not brought to their attention. Now it is necessary to reach the soul more then the external person, and this is done to the degree that a person senses the call to serve, lovingly integrating his various parts and conciliates himself with the One Life, thus becoming bearers of the PRESENCE OF THE ALL BEING. The phase of preparation we refer to here is for the individual to start with his own internal conciliation, and as this starts to take shape, add his Reconciliation with Eternal Life, because it is in this manner that a firm base is created to accomplish the changes necessary in human behavior, for changes to be established and that one can count of the support of other conscious beings capable of managing those changes, in order for all to adapt to the new conditions occurring on the planet. With the understanding that each one represents the Hope of Eternal Life for the soul and for sustaining it in its encounter with the ETERNAL BEING, it becomes necessary for all to


think about changing their habits and manners of conduct so that future planetary events do not affect anyone drastically. Remember that this phase of the Eternal Age of Light and Life is the product of the total effort of the conscious and united work of the Conscious Beings, Consecrated to the Manifestation of the Divine Government on the Earth. Therefore, the more that join their effort in this action, the more force will be contributed, bringing about more internal assistance which will help you execute your actions in favor of this phase of planetary evolution. Be aware of the fact that each person is a factor of high value in this action; moreover, it is time to join forces and efforts in favor of the Age of Light and Life. Prepare yourselves and accept your ability to reconcile with Life what you are, and that you can be a fundamental factor in the planetary changes and restoration, Decide to prepare for these actions, very soon you will be called to consciously serve many beings. LOVE IS GENERATED ONLY WHEN THE HUMAN BEING GIVES HIMSELF TO THE REALIZATION OF THE DIVINE PURPOSE THAT PERTAINS TO HIM.

Be in Order, Light and Love This constitutes the fundamentals in support of all the energetic changes the planet will pass through.

The planetary Restoration in Action



Saint Germain, Commanding Avatar


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