Agama Budha

  • June 2020
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50 SPIRITUAL CLASSICS, Tom Butler-Bowdon

Judul/Title: 50 Spiritual Classics Penulis/Author: Tom Butler-Bowdon Penerbit/Publisher: Bhuana Ilmu Populer Edisi/Edition: I, 2005 Halaman/Pages: 399 Dimensi/Dimension: 15 x 22.5 x 2.5 cm Sampul/Cover: Paperback Bahasa/Language: Indonesia Call No.: 210/Bow/s/C.1 *** 50 Spiritual Classics merupakan kaleidoskop inspirasi yang mengajak pembaca untuk menjelajahi gagasan para pemikir besar spiritual. Dalam buku ketiga dari trilogi yang dimulai dengan buku pemenang penghargaan 50 SELF-HELP CLASSICS, Tom Butler-Bowdon menyimpulkan perjalanan pemenuhan diri dengan mengeksplorasi literatur tentang penemuan diri, pencerahanm dan tujuan hidup. 50 Spiritual Classics berisi ulasan tentang 50 buku besar yang bisa memperkaya pikiran dan menyembuhkan jiwa, berasal dari berbagai abad, benua, tradisi spiritual dan keyakinan sekuler. Labels: AGAMA BUDHA, AGAMA HINDU, AGAMA ISLAM, AGAMA KRISTEN/KATOLIK, TOTAL KOLEKSI | katalog buku agama budha



Judul/Title: MASTER CHENG YEN: TELADAN CINTA KASIH Penulis/Author: Yu-ing Ching Penerbit/Publisher: Elex Media Komputindo Edisi/Edition: IV, 2005 Halaman/Pages: 266 Dimensi/Dimension: 14 x 21 x 1cm Sampul/Cover: Paperback Bahasa/Language: Indonesia Call No.: 922/Chi/m/C.1 *** Master Cheng Yen dilahirkan di kota kecil bernama Chingsui di Taiwan bagian tengah pada tahun 1973. Ketika berusia 23 tahun, beliau meninggalkan rumah untuk menjadi seorang Bhiksuni. Master Cheng Yen selalu menerapkan cara hidup yang sederhana dan saleh. Agar dapat berhemat, beliau membuat lilin dan tepung sereal yang terbuat dari kacang-kacangan untuk mempertahankan hidup. Pada tahun1966, beliau mendirikan Yayasan Buddha Tzu Chi, dan selama bertahun-tahun organisasi ini memusatkan kegiatankegiatannya di bidang amal, kesehatan, pendidikan, budaya kemanusiaan, bantuan internasional, donasi sumsum tulang, sukarelawan komunitas, dan pelestarian lingkungan. Semua kegiatan kemanusiaan tersebut dilakukan tanpa memandang perbedaan agama, ras, suku, dan negara. Pada tahun 1991, Master Cheng Yen mendapat penghargaan dari Philippine Magsaysay Award yang merupakan penghargaan Nobel Asia. Hidup secara sederhana, beliau secara aktif menjalani kegiatannya | katalog buku agama budha menolong kaum papa serta memberikan pelajaran yang bermanfaat bagi kaum yang berkecukupan. Labels: AGAMA BUDHA, TOTAL KOLEKSI

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Judul/Title: OUR APPOINTMENT WITH LIFE: DISCOURSE ON LIVING HAPPILY IN THE PRESENT MOMENT Penulis/Author: Thich Nhat Hanh Penerbit/Publisher: Parallax Press Edisi/Edition: 1990 Halaman/Pages: 54 Dimensi/Dimension: 20cm Sampul/Cover: Paperback Bahasa/Language: English Call No.: 294.3/Han/o *** The Sutra on Knowing the Better Way to Live Alone is the earliest teaching of the Buddha on living fully in the present moment. "To live alone" means to live in mindfulness, to let go of the past and the future, and to discover the true nature of all that is taking place in the present moment. To live alone does not mean to isolate ourselves from society. If we know how to live alone, we can truly be in touch with people and know how to be of help to society. In his gentle and clear style, Thich Nhat Hanh reminds us that that our appointment with life is in the present moment. Labels: AGAMA BUDHA, TOTAL KOLEKSI

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Judul/Title: NOTHING TO DO NOWHERE TO GO: WAKING UP TO WHO YOU ARE Penulis/Author: Thich Nhat Hanh Penerbit/Publisher: Parallax Press Edisi/Edition: 2007 Halaman/Pages: 204 Dimensi/Dimension: 22.5cm Sampul/Cover: Paperback Bahasa/Language: English Call No.: 294.3/Han/n *** IN THIS FRESH TRANSLATION and commentary, Thich Nhat Hanh explores the essential teaching of Master Linji, one of the founders of Zen Buddhism. Linji's unorthodox teachings remind us that insight is better reached through our own experience and practice than by following others. With humor, skill, and compassion, Thich Nhat Hanh shows us how we can each get closer to the ideal person within us, the person who simply is, with nothing to achieve and nowhere to be. Labels: AGAMA BUDHA, TOTAL KOLEKSI | katalog buku agama budha



Judul/Title: LIVING WITH THE DEVIL: A MEDITATION ON GOOD AND EVIL Penulis/Author: Stephen Batchelor Penerbit/Publisher: Riverhead Books Edisi/Edition: 2004 Halaman/Pages: 224 Dimensi/Dimension: 22cm Sampul/Cover: Hardcover Bahasa/Language: English Call No.: 294.3/Bat/l *** Living with the Devil is Stephen Batchelor's seminal work on humankind's greatest struggle- to become good. Batchelor traces the trajectory- from the words of the Buddha and Christ, through the writings of Shantideva, Milton, and Pascal, to the poetry of Baudelaire ant the fiction of Kafka -- that keep us from doing what's in our own and other's best interests. He shows us the Myriad forms those obstacles take: a wandering farmer, a caring friend, a devout religious believer, a powerful king, even a frustrated old man who doodles in the sand when he cannot snare the Buddha. The devil need not appear with horns and a forked tail: he stands for everything that paralyzes our innate wisdom, freedom, and empathy, thus blocking our paths in life. Ia a world of black and white, Batchelor paints in shades of gray, illustrating what it means to live in an ambiguous and precarious environment that continually tempts ud from what we hold to be good. Drawing on classic religious text from East and West, as well as the findings of modern physics and evolutionary biology, Batchelor asks us | katalog buku agama budha


to examine who we really are, and to rest in the uncertainty that we may never know. For the alternative to this creative unknowing is to freeze ourselves inside rigid definitions of self- the very work of Mara, the demonic figure that appeared to the Buddha-and blindly follow the feeling that we are, as expressed by Milton, "self begot," independent and permanent. To free ourselves from such diabolic constriction entails creating a path that imbues our lives with purpose, freedom and compassion. This is a hopeful book about living with life's contradictions. Batchelor argues that freedom from the demonic is achieved not by suppressing it or projecting it onto others, but by calmly and clearly recognizing and understanding those inhibiting and destructive powers as they will up from within us and assail us from without. Such an approach not only releases the grip in which the devil holds us, but opens up the world as an astonishing play of endless flux contingency. This leads to a perspective of vigilant care from which we can respond to the cries of the world rather tan react to then out of habitual self-interest and fear. Living with the Devil tells a poetic and provocative tale that weaves its way among philosophy, religion, and science, and psychology, history, and myth. This is a book that will challenge your attitudes, your beliefs, the very way you live your life. Labels: AGAMA BUDHA, TOTAL KOLEKSI | katalog buku agama budha


Judul/Title: KEBIJAKAN SEJATI Penulis/Author: Pema Chodron Penerbit/Publisher: Yayasan Penerbit Karaniya Edisi/Edition: 37, 1994 Halaman/Pages: 169 Dimensi/Dimension: 18 cm Sampul/Cover: Paperback Bahasa/Language: Indonesia Call No.: 294.34/Cho/k *** Ini adalah sebuah buku tentang upaya menghadapi hidup, tentang bersahabat dengan diri kita sendiri dan dunia kita, tentang kemampuan menerima situasi yang menggembirakan maupun yang menyakitkan, situasi untuk tidak meninggalkan sesuatu. Isi buku ini mendorong kita agar bangkit seutuhnya terhadap apapun dan agar kita menggunakan unsur-unsur kehidupan sehari-hari yang kaya dan berlimpah sebagai guru kebatinan dan pemandu utama kita. Pema Chodron adalah seorang bhiksuni Amerika dan salah satu murid utama Chogyam Trungpa yang telah menunjuknya menjadi Kepala Biara Gampo, sebuah biara Buddha untuk orang-orang Barat di Cape Brento, Nova Scotia, pada tahun 1986. Labels: AGAMA BUDHA, TOTAL KOLEKSI

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Judul/Title: TEACHINGS ON LOVE Penulis/Author: Thich Nhat Hanh Penerbit/Publisher: Parallax Press Edisi/Edition: 1997 Halaman/Pages: 183 Dimensi/Dimension: 20cm Sampul/Cover: Paperback Bahasa/Language: English Call No.: 294.3/Han/t *** In Teaching on Love, Thich Nhat Hanh offers meditations on love, ways to heal our relationships with our family and our own spiritual traditions, and to ways to resolve conflicts. There are exercises and traditional and contemporary stories designed to help us learn to love ourselves, those we like, those neutral to us, and those who causes us pain. Labels: AGAMA BUDHA, TOTAL KOLEKSI | katalog buku agama budha



Judul/Title: PRESENT MOMENT WONDERFUL MOMENT: MINDFULNESS VERSES FOR DAILY LIVING Penulis/Author: Thich Nhat Hanh Penerbit/Publisher: Parallax Press Edisi/Edition: 1990 Halaman/Pages: 75 Dimensi/Dimension: 20cm Sampul/Cover: Paperback Bahasa/Language: English Call No.: 294.3/Han/p *** Present Moment Wonderful Moment is an inspiring handbook of gathas, or "mindfulness verses," with commentaries by Thich Nhat Hanh and illustrations by internationally recognized artist, Mayumi Oda. Reciting this poetic yet practically verses can help us slow down and enjoyed each moment of our lives. Thich Nhat Hanh is a Vietnamese Buddhist Zen master, poet, scholar, and human rights activist. In 1967, he was nominated by Martin Luther King, Jr. for the Nobel Peace Prize. He is author of more than one hundred books, over sixty in English, including Being Peace, Old Path White Cloud, and Anger. He lives at Plum Village, his meditation centre in France, and travels worldwide, leading retreats of Mindful Living. Labels: AGAMA BUDHA, TOTAL KOLEKSI | katalog buku agama budha



Judul/Title: THE HEART OF UNDERSTANDING: COMMENTARIES ON THE PRAJNAPARAMITA SUTRA Penulis/Author: Thich Nhat Hanh Penerbit/Publisher: Parallax Press Edisi/Edition: 1998 Halaman/Pages: 54 Dimensi/Dimension: 20cm Sampul/Cover: Paperback Bahasa/Language: English Call No.: 294.3/Han/h *** The Heart of the Prajanaparamita Sutra is regarded as the essence of Buddhist teaching. It is recited daily in Mahayana temples and practice centers throughout the world. This translation and commentary are the fruit of the author's more than 40 years of monastic study and practice. Thich Nhat Hanh decribes the Heart Sutra as "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's precious gift to us, the gift of fearlessness." "If you are a poet, you will see clearly that there is a cloud floating in this sheet of paper. Without a cloud, there will be no rain; without rain, the trees cannot grow; and without trees, we cannot make paper. If we look even more deeply, we can see the sunshine, the logger who cut the tree, the wheat that became his bread, and the logger's father and mother. Without all of these things, this sheet of paper cannot exist. In fact, we cannot point to one thing that is not here -- time, space, the earth, the rain, the minerals in the soil, the sunshine, the cloud, the river, the heat, the mind. Everything co-exist with this sheet sheet of paper. So we can say that the cloud and the | katalog buku agama budha paper 'inter-are.' We cannot just be by our-selves alone; we have to inter-be with every other thing." Labels: AGAMA BUDHA, TOTAL KOLEKSI

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Judul/Title: FOR A FUTURE TO BE POSSIBLE: BUDDHIST ETHICS FOR EVERYDAY LIFE Penulis/Author: Thich Nhat Hanh Penerbit/Publisher: Parallax Press Edisi/Edition: 1998 Halaman/Pages: 147 Dimensi/Dimension: 16.5cm Sampul/Cover: Paperback Bahasa/Language: English Call No.: 294.3/Han/f *** THE FIVE MINDFULNESS TRAININGS are the basic statement of ethics and morality in Buddhism. In For a Future to Be Possible, Zen Master and peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh discusses these Five Mindfulness Trainings and offers insight and challenges for how they might play an important role in our personal lives and in society. Nhat Hanh calls the Five Trainings a "diet for mindful society," and he hopes that this book will launch a discussion, transcending sectarian boundaries, on how we can agree upon and practice moral guidelines that will allow us to sustain a compassionate and sane life together. "At the foundation of each one of these trainings is mindfulness. Mindfulness protects us, our families, and our society, and ensures a safe and happy present and a safe and happy future. I believe these Five Mindfulness Trainings are medicine for our time." --Thich Nhat Hanh, from For a Future to Be Possible Labels: AGAMA BUDHA, TOTAL KOLEKSI | katalog buku agama budha



Judul/Title: THE ENERGY OF PRAYER: HOW TO DEEPEN SPIRITUALl PRACTICE Penulis/Author: Thich Nhat Hanh Penerbit/Publisher: Jaico Publisihing House Edisi/Edition: 2008 Halaman/Pages: 155 Dimensi/Dimension: 12 x 18 x 1 cm Sampul/Cover: Paperback Bahasa/Language: English Call No.: 294.3/Han/e/C.1 *** In this extraordinary celebration of spirituality The Energy of Prayer demonstrates the relevance of prayer in our daily lives. Thich Nhat Hanh reveals how to energies of prayer and meditation allow us to reconnect with our higher selves while satisfying our basic need to connect with the world as a whole. With a generous spirit that acknowledges the many different types and function of prayer, The Energy of Prayer provides a guide for deepening our spiritual practice through the use of prayer. Thich Nhat Hanh introduces the reader to several meditation methods that re-envision prayer as open an open, inclusive, and accessible practice that helps create healthy lives through the power of awareness and intention. This book includes visualization and breathing exercises, as well as a rich sampling of prayers, chants, and invocations from the buddhist tradition. Thich Nhat Hanh is a Vietnamese Buddhist monk, poet, scholar, and human right activist. In 1967, he was nominated by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for the Nobel Peace Prize. He is author of more than 60 books including Buddha Mind Buddha Body. He lives at Plum Village, his | katalog buku agama budha


meditation center in France, and travels worldwide, leading retreats on the art of mindful living. Labels: AGAMA BUDHA, TOTAL KOLEKSI | katalog buku agama budha


WHAT WOULD BUDDHA DO AT WORK? Franz Metcalf & BJ Gallagher Hateley

Judul/Title: WHAT WOULD BUDDHA DO AT WORK? 101 JAWABAN UNTUK BERBAGAI PERMASALAHAN DI DUNIA KERJA Penulis/Author: Franz Metcalf & BJ Gallagher Hateley Penerbit/Publisher: Bhuana Ilmu Populer Edisi/Edition: I, 2002 Halaman/Pages: 184 Dimensi/Dimension: 13.3 x 18.1 x 1 cm Sampul/Cover: Paperback Bahasa/Language: Indonesia Call No.: 294.3/Met/w *** What Would Buddha Do at Work menunjukkan bagaimana Buddha dalam berbagai aspek dari dunia kerja masa kini, termasuk bagaimana cara menghadapi bos yang sulit, melayani pelanggan, memfasilitasi kelompok kerja, mempekerjakan orang yang tepat, menyediakan kepemimpinan yang efektif, dan mengatasi perubahan yang terusmenerus. Mengajarkan dengan menggunakan contoh, para penulis buku ini mempersembahkan nilai-nilai berdasarkan praktek-praktek bisnis berakar dalam dari kebijaksanaan Buddha yang tak mengenal batasan waktu yang membimbing kita menuju jalur kepuasan pribadi dan kesuksesan organisasi. Labels: AGAMA BUDHA, TOTAL KOLEKSI | katalog buku agama budha


DHAMMA MOMENTS, Danai Chanchaochai

Judul/Title: DHAMMA MOMENTS Penulis/Author: Danai Chanchaochai Penerbit/Publisher: Bhuana Ilmu Populer Edisi/Edition: I, 2003 Halaman/Pages: 236 Dimensi/Dimension: 14 x 21 x 1.5 cm Sampul/Cover: Paperback Bahasa/Language: Indonesia Call No.: 294.3/Cha/d *** Hidup di zaman modern ini membuat kita terus-menerus dibombardir dengan informasi, dikendalikan oleh ambisi dan pemuasan diri, ditekan oleh pengharapan dan tuntutan orang lain. Baik kita mengikuti arus, berjalan menuju puncak, melangkah di atas orang yang lemah, atau terinjak-injak. Satu hal yang pasti; semakin kita berjuang, semakin kita merasa gelisah, frustasi, tidak puas, depresi... Di rumah, di tempat kerja. Di mana-mana. Setiap saat. Adakah akhir bagi penderitaan semacam itu? Apakah kita terjebak... mungkin di dalam diri kita sendiri? Bagaimana kita dapat membebaskan diri? Dhamma Moments berusaha menerangi ajaran Buddha, dalam suatu cara yang dapat dipahami dan dikenali dalam konteks hidup modern sehari-hari dan dalam jebakan materialisme. Tetapi tujuannya, setiap orang memperoleh dari Buddhisme "pedoman"-nya yang dipraktikkan sehari-hari -- tidak hanya di biara atau di ruang berdoa dalam rumah masing-masing, tetapi pada setiap saat dalam kesadaran. Labels: AGAMA BUDHA, TOTAL KOLEKSI

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