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  • Words: 55,451
  • Pages: 197
USER’S GUIDE Publication edited in compliance with the requirements of the 2006/95/EC - 2004/108/EC directives


206 EX/EX2/EXS/MX/MXS IDENTIFICATION NUMBER __________ YEAR OF MANUFACTURE _________ Edited On _______________ Care of


Via Monte Tagliaferro, 8 Tel. (+39) 0332.200546 Telefax (+39) 0332.203704 21056 – INDUNO OLONA - VARESE – ITALIA

[email protected] Via Monte Tagliaferro 8 21056 Induno Olona – Varese – Italia Tel. +39 0332.200546 – Fax +39 0332.203704

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

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1.5.1 Lifting and setting


1.5.2 Fastening of the instrument


1.5.3 Operating space and ergonomics


1.5.4 Installation methods


1.5.5 Installation with table


1.5.6 Electrical connection




1.6.1. Tool description


1.6.2 Use the machine has been designed for


1.6.3 Technical Data


1.6.4 Environmental conditions advised














User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

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3.2.1 Rockwell method


3.2.2 Brinell method


3.2.3 Vickers method




3.3.1 Tables and graphs of the minimum thicknesses for Rockwell tests


3.3.2 Tables and graphs of the minimum thicknesses for Brinell tests


3.3.3 Tables and graphs of the minimum thicknesses for Vickers tests






3.5.1 Test surface setting


3.5.2 Indenter change


3.5.3 Assembly of the piece-presser cope


3.5.4 Load Change


3.5.5 Preload Change (only EX2)




3.6.1 Switch on and off


3.6.2 Electronics survey


3.6.3 Electronic panel functionings


3.7 THE TEST CYLE 3.7.1 Test procedure with piece-presser cope assembled

65 66





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4.1.1 Measurement results control for Rockwell method


4.1.2 Measurement results control for Brinell method


4.1.3 Measurement results control for Vickers method


4.1.4 Utilization of the microscope to obtain measures










4.5.1 Overall dimensions of the packaging




4.6.1 Sequential phases of assembly and dismantling


4.6.2 Safety decommissioning
















User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

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User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

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1.0 Introduction We compliment you on your purchase and thank you for your confidence in us. OMAG is pleased to count you among its customers and it is confident that the use of its machines, designed and manufactured according to the most up-to-date and rational processing systems, will be the reason of your complete satisfaction.

Warnings This manual contains all required informations for the installation and the correct functioning and also the informations for required maintenance operations that must be carried out on your machine. We advise to read it carefully before every operation on the machine. Keep it in an accessible place in order to have it to hand and preserve it for future consultations. For every information please contact us; we give you all the explanations and the required suggestions. [email protected] After a consultation in the suitable section of this manual, please contact us also for every spare parts you need. We furnish you all the pieces you need shortly.

IMPORTANT A correct maintenance and a strict compliance with that written on this manual will help the perfect working of your machine, the materials’ hardeness testing instrument “206 EX” for a very long time. OMAG declines all responsibility raising from a bad use of the machine and from a nonoriginal spare parts utilization. This text cannot be used in other printed publications without written authorization by OMAG. Any reproduction, even partial, is forbidden. All position references on this manual (left or right) refer to the operator’s orientation that looks the machine in front of him (that is the side where the material is positionned and where it is possible to observe the measure visualizer).

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

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The customer must read carefully all the informations mentioned on this manual, because a correct arrangement, installation and use of the machine are the basis of the relation between the manufacturer and the customer.

Warnings This user’s guide of the instrument for measuring the hardness of materials “206 EX” is given out with the mentioned machine and it is an integral and substantive part of it. THIS TECHNICAL MANUAL IS ADDRESSED TO SKILLED OPERATORS THAT ALREADY KNOW MANUAL, SEMIAUTOMATIC AND AUTOMATIC MACHINES FUNCTIONING. For this reason the operators that are not in possession of LEVEL 2 qualification at least (see the definition on this manual) must not absolutely use this machine, either for start it up or for its maintenance or for its management. The manufacturer


OMAG di Affri REFUSE ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR EVERY SINGLE OPERATION CARRIED OUT BY NON-QUALIFIED OPERATOR The non-observance of the indications conteined both in this manual and in this introduction are the reason for a prompt warranty decline (cessation).

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

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Therefore the informations explained in this document have an informative value about SAFETY QUESTIONS FOR THE SKILLED OPERATOR and concern: 














This manual does not show technical operations about modification / personalization of the machine because they fall under the competence of manufacturer technicians or technicians skilled by the manufacturer. This manual signals margins of interventions, dangerous operations, risks the skilled operator could incur during its work. The customer who, during the reading of this manual, would find difficults between the safety precepts and its work in a regular utilization and in the equipping managements, within 30 days from the delivery of this manual, can signal that anomalous condition to OMAG. Expired this extalished time if the manufacturer does not receive comunications about the right comprehension of these contents, the manufacturer will consider confirmed the following statements: -






In these conditions the manufacturer declines all responsibilities for the use and/or the operations carried out by the customer but do not indicated in this manual.

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

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Operators and their qualifications The machine can be used by skilled and formed personnel only trained about the correct use of the very machine, besides the risks he is exposed to and the procedures to avoid or reduce them. Informations and trainings are charged to the one who places the machine at disposal, so that the employer (or one of his person in charge) or the user (a company or an one-man business etc.). QUALIFICATION 1 Non-qualified personnel lacking in specific abilities, he is able to carry out easy tasks only and connection and positioning operations of the machine and its relevant parts: worker. QUALIFICATION 2 Qualified technician (by the employer or who places the machine at disposal) able to use machines and measurement tools having manual, semiautomatic and automatic functioning.


or who places the machine at

disposal. QUALIFICATION 3 Manufacturer’s technician. Qualified technician sent by the manufacturer to carry out particular or complicated operations always agreed on with the user. Personnel employed in machine use or in maintenance operations or control and installation must have a suitable qualification. Personnel that has not the suitable knowledge of the machine must be properly trained. In any case the user is the only responsible of the full comprehension of this manual and all the informations being in it and also of the transmission to the employed personnel.

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

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Training of skilled operator Personnel employed in machine use or in its direction, maintenance operations or control must have a suitable qualification.

WARNING OMAG remembers you that all the operators which use the machine must be qualified (qualification 2 minimum) to work under full responsibility. OMAG suggests the customer a standard form for an individual control of every operator and for a better identification of the interventions and the operations he must carry out on the machine.

OPERATOR’S INDENTIFICATION FORM (standard form) Surname name Qualification

TRAINING Technical training about the machine utilization start date: _________________ •

Manual explanation

Allowed operations explanation

Trainer: Tasks:

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

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1.1 Unpacking The machine is delivered packed in a nailed wood box.

WARNING During the removing of the packaging, the lifting, the moving and the positioning of the machine we advise to use individual safety devices to prevent possible accidents due to the packaging.

1. Remove nails and lift the lid.

2. Remove the protection made off polystyrene

3. Remove the nails from the deep of the sides 4. Unthread the box upwards

5. Lift the instrument and remove the protections made of polystyrene

At the opening of the packaging please check that all parts of the equipment are present and they are not damaged. Please contact immeditelly OMAG in case of damages or missing parts.

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

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1.2 Contents of transport packaging N.1 Measurement instrument: version 206 EX 1. Feeding connector 2. RS232C Data output 3. Mobile index 4. Loads scale 5. Test loads selector key 6. Ring-nut for indenter fastening 7. Indenter 8. Drag lever to run the test 9. Programming keyboard 10. Display 11. Anvil holder screw 12. Handwheel for rise screw adjustment 13. Faceplate anvil 14. Identification plate


User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

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N.1 Hardness Tester 206 MX 1. Feeding connector 2. RS232C Data output 3. Mobile index 4. Loads scale 5. Test loads selector key 6. Ring-nut for indenter fastening 7. Indenter 8. Drag lever to run the test 9. Programming keyboard 10. Display 11. Anvil holder screw 12. Handwheel for rise screw adjustment 13. Faceplate anvil 14. Identification plate 15. Emergency button


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N. 1 Fittings box The Fittings box contains: N. 1

Indenter fastening ring-nut (6)

N. 1

120° Indenter for Rockwell on tempered steel (7A)

N. 1

1/16” indenter for Rockwell on hardened steel, annealed steel, cast iron, aluminium and non-ferrous metals ( 7B )

N. 1

Calibrating test samples: HRB (or HRN for 200Rs-RBs versions) ( 15 )

N. 1

Calibrating test samples: HRC (or HRT for 200Rs-RBs versions) ( 15 )

N. 1

Hexagonal wrench for testing loads selection ( 5 )

N. 3

Faceplate anvils for round and flat pieces

N. 1

Instruction manual and calibration certificate

Outside the box there are: N. 1

Wall board for all hardnesses conversions

N. 1

Boot cover to shelter the durometer during its inactivity

N. 1

Supply cable

Attention: if these materials are not contained inside the packing box please contact immediatelly OMAG

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1.3 General warranty terms OMAG guarantees the good functioning of the machine within the terms and the conditions following described. The warranty covers possible anomalies of the components and their assemblage for 12 (twelve) months from the delivery date of the machine to the user (see delivery note). Following for the sake of brevity with the word MACHINE we mean the materials’ hardeness testing instrument ”206 EX/MX” object of this manual. IF AFTER AN INSPECTION THE MACHINE WOULD HAVE AN ANOMALY IN ITS FUNCTIONING DURING THE WARRANTY LENGHT OMAG WILL SUPPLIES A MAINTENANCE INTERVENTION WITHOUT LABOUR AND SPARE PARTS COSTS FOR THE USER, ON CONDITION THAT THE DEFECTIVE IS NOT CHARGEABLE WITH ITS MANIPULATION AND/OR NEGLIGENCE. The duties of OMAG are bounded to the repair of the possible damage or to carry out a general maintenance of the tool.

The replacement of the components is under the unquestionable decision of OMAG. Transport costs, technical personnel away costs and other straight or unstraight cost caused to the machine repair are of the user only. All the warranty interventions or unscheduled maintenance must be carried out by OMAG – Induno Olona, Varese, Italy under penalty of cancellation of the warranty. Possible unscheduled maintenance unauthorized by OMAG and carried out by the customer and / or the user will not refund and will cause the cancellation of the warranty. The warranty is invalid in cases not described in this certificate. Besides the warranty is invalid within the following cases: • for damages caused by a wrong or different use then the one the machine has been designed for; • Wiring anomalies; • for carelessness; • for not authorized modifications; • for atmospheric agents, vandalisms etc.; • damages caused by a wrong handling and/or transport; • non original spare parts utilization etc.

Before using this instrument User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

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This document supplies informations and data on wich OMAG detains intellectual property rights. Therefore informations and data are furnished privately and they must not be tranfered to third parties or used to the detriment of OMAG. So either the receiving of this documentation or its ownership confers or transfers any rights for reproducing, using or transfering to other the totality or a partial of these informations and data without written authorisation by OMAG. This instruction manual could be changed without notice because of our instruments technological developments. Codes and references are furnished for information only. Frequent and steady inspections of this calibration instrument, for example using tests provided with calibration certificate, are the only way to ensure a constant reliability of the results furnished by the durometer. Tests provided with official certificate are the only way to guarantee the above-mentioned. The calibration must be carried out in accordance with the international rules (EN ISO 6506, EN ISO 6507, EN ISO 6508). In case the instrument would furnish results over the regular tolerances it is necessary to carry out immediatelly the research and the removal of the trouble. A contingent recalibration or repair work do not carried out by our personnel caused the immediatelly cessation of the warranty and OMAG will lift by any responsibility.

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1.4 Dimensions of the measuring instrument

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1.5 Installation and handling of the measuring instrument

1.5.1 Lifting and setting The lifting, movings and positioning of the machine must be happen only by means of suitable lifting equipment using the maximum care and avoiding collisions and violent shakes that could damage the machine’s equipments. Cables and lifting ropes must be proportionate to the weight to lift and without frayed parts or wear and tear signs. The machine weghts about 54 kg so it is forbidden the manual lifting by the operator. OMAG IS NOT LIABLE FOR POSSIBLE DAMAGES TO PERSONS DUE TO THE MANUAL HANDLING OF THE MACHINE.

Fork lift-truck transport

WARNING The transport of the durometer by means of the fork lift-truck can take place only with the packaging still closed.

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1.5.2 Fastening of the instrument Arrange a suitable support for the machine dimensions and weight and control it is sufficient rigid. The machine does not foresee the floor fastening because it generates no vibrations and it is not necessary to level it.

1.5.3 Operating space and ergonomics USEFUL SPACE Behind the machine must be left an area of 0.8 m for the maintenance; in front of it leave a space of minimum 1 meter for the maintenance operations. Laterally leave enough space to allow the operation of the handwheel besides the load/unload of the pieces to test.

Attention: make sure there is a suitable lighting for a work environment. The lighting system must not hit the display of the machine to allow a proportionate readings easiness and it must not dazzle the operator. User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

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1.5.4 Installation methods The instrument must be placed on a levelled plane. With the test anvil complete lowered, the screw comes out of abt 100 mm from the base of the durometer, so arrange a hole of at least Ø70 mm on the level used to ensure a free depth of abt 130 mm from the base of the durometer. We advise to fix the durometer to the level by means of screws. The durometer is equipped with suitable holes on its base, you can find them by removing their plastic covers.


Vista dal fondo dello strumento

1.5.5 Installation with table It is possible to fix the durometer on its optional table (codice MEC030.A0100010).

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1.5.6 Electrical connection The machine needs a 220 volt monophasic electric current (L+N) and it consumes about 105W (150VA) power. The machine is protected by a 3,15A 250 Vac SB fuse.The wiring must be peremptorily connected to the earthing connection. Carry out the electric connection to the wiring use the cable furnished with the machine. To study the wiring diagram of the machine, refer to the diagram on page 176.


FEEDING CONNECTOR For a good functioning and the safety of the operator the machine must be connected to the earthing connection; in case of replacement of the electric cable use another one having the same features (L+N+T). Switch on the instrument using the suitable power switch (0/1), press the key


wait for the

software availability and entry the program. In case of a startup failure, refer to chap.21 “Switch on and off”

RS232 CONNECTION This instrument is provided with a RS232 standard data serial exit. Following there is a list for PIN connection:









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1.6 Measurement instrument 206 EX 1.6.1. Tool description Rockwell hardness meters

The 206 EX/EX2/EXS/MX/MXS machines are digital reading durometers that work using the Rockwell principle with loads from:



98.06N - 10 Kg

29.41N - 3 Kg

1838.74N - 187.5 Kg

441.3N - 45 Kg

The application of the load is manual. These durometers have been designed with several innovations in order to satisfy the many needs in hardness monitoring. Particurlarly we refer to different types of treatment: new electronics allows high performance, an utilization extremely simple, rational and immediate. The display is very large, back-lit and it is available a new messages sequence to help the operator; in accordance with the international rules it allows a correct tests implementation.

1.6.2 Use the machine has been designed for The machine carries out hardness tests on metals and plastics according to the UNI EN ISO 6508-1 international rules for ROCKWELL tests, UNI EN ISO 2039 for BRINELL tests, UNI EN ISO 6507-1 for VICKERS tests. Hardness tests do not foresee the destruction of the piece under examination. To use this machine it is compulsory to know well the above-mentioned rules, both for their usage criteria and for the their precepts. Reading this manual it is possible to know the durometer utilization and choose which materials are the most indicated for these tests. The following precepts are compulsory, their non-observance is the reason for the non-utilization of the machine and the TOTAL RESPONSIBILITY OF THE USER. We have listed the permitted utilizations, the unpermitted ones, the permitted only with suitable tools or a machine arrangement.

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1.6.3 Technical Data TYPE

206 EX/MX



98,07N (10 Kgp)

98,07N (10 Kgp)

Test loads

580-980-1471N Rockwell (60-100-150Kp) 612,7 - 1226 - 1839N Brinell (62,5-125-

580-980-1471N Rockwell (60-100-150Kp) 612,7 - 1226 - 1839N Brinell (62,5-125-


98,07 - 588 - 980N Vickers




98,07 - 588 - 980N Vickers


Manual with automatic calculus of the load time and electronic control (EX version)

Manual with automatic calculus of the load time and electronic control (EX version)

With semi-automatic mode of the test cycle (MX version)

With semi-automatic mode of the test cycle (MX version)

Rockwell: HRA – HRB – HRC – HRD – HRE – HRF HRG – HRH – HRK Vickers (print report only) HV10 - HV60 - HV100

Rockwell: HRA – HRB – HRC – HRD – HRE – HRF HRG – HRH - HRK Vickers (print report only) HV10 - HV60 - HV100

*Brinell: HBTW5/125 - HBTWC2,5/187,5 HBTWCS 2,5/187,5 - HBWS 2,5/187,5

*Brinell: HBTW5/125 - HBTWC2,5/187,5 HBTWCS 2,5/187,5 - HBWS 2,5/187,5

9 Rockwell scales

9 Rockwell scales

0,1 HR

0,1 HR

Compliance Directives

UNI EN ISO 6506; UNI EN ISO 6507; UNI EN ISO 6508

UNI EN ISO 6506; UNI EN ISO 6507; UNI EN ISO 6508

Useful Opening

215 mm

215 mm

Useful Depth

190 mm

190 mm

Diameter Column

48 mm

48 mm

Anvils Dimensions

60 mm

60 mm

Weight supportable

50 Kg

50 Kg

Data output

RS 232



100/240V 50÷60 Hz 2VA

100/240V 50÷60 Hz 2VA

Application range

For all types of metals: iron, steel, hardened steel, cast iron, bronze, aluminium, metal alloys, rigid and soft plastics. Thicknesses greater than 0.6 mm

For all types of metals: iron, steel, hardened steel, cast iron, bronze, aluminium, metal alloys, rigid and soft plastics. Thicknesses greater than 0.6 mm

Net Weight

54 kg

54 kg

Weight with packing 85 kg

85 kg

Packing Dimensions 37x60x102 cm

37x60x102 cm

Possible Tests

Digital Reading Reading resolution

*Brinell scales entered only on request User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

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1.6.4 Environmental conditions advised • Temperature

• Relative humidity

Altitude Transport:

in motion:

from 10°C to 35°C


from -5°C to 55°C

in motion:

from 10% to 95%


from 5% to 95%

in motion:

until 2800 m

until 10000 m

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

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1.7 Limits, definitions and reference rules Words, definitions and principles to guarantee the Safety of the machine inside this Manual refer to Lowvoltage Directive and electromagnetic compatibility in force. We advise to read them for possible explanations. Particurlarly the manufacturer uses the following european rules for design and manufacture of the machine here in object : CEI EN 55014-1(2001/11): Electromagnetic compatibility – general precepts for the household electrical appliances, the electrical tools and similar equipments CEI EN 61000-3-2 (2002/04): Emissions: Harmonic CEI EN 61000-3-3 (1997/06): Emissions: Tension fluctuations / Flicker CEI EN 55014-2(1998/10) Electrostatic Discharge Immunity Test (ESD) – 4 kV contact, 8 kV air CEI EN 55014-2(1998/10) Irradiate Electromagnetic field Immunity – 3V/m AM 80 % 1 KHz Fast transients discharge immunity (Burst) – 1kV common and differential feeding Impulse voltage immunity (Surge) – 1-2 kV common and differential feeding Radio frequency troubles Immunity – 3V/m AM 80 % 1 KHz Power failures and brief interruptions (PQF) CEI EN 60335-2-82 (2000/09): House and similar electric apparatus safety. Part 2: Particular requirements for machines that furnish a service or machines for enjoyment. WORKING ENVIRONMENT AND SAFETY DIRECTIVES 89/654/EEC Directive – concering the munimum safety and health precepts for working environments. 89/655/EEC Directive – concering the munimum safety and health precepts for individual safety devices utilization of the workers. PERSONNEL PROTECTION DIRECTIVES 89/655/EEC Directive – concering the munimum safety and health precepts for individual safety devices utilization of the workers.

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2.0 Use conditions of the tool TECHNICAL INSTRUCTIONS TO RESPECT ON THE USER’S SIDE RISCK EVALUATION: An attentive design has allowed to integrate the maximum machine functionality and versatility to solutions fit to a safety utilization.

WARNING Residual risks non annullable during the design regard to the uncorrect utilizations only and they are described below: •

Risk due to the machine overturning;

Risk of impacts during the work operations.

The individualized solutions to individual the above-mentioned risks are the following: •

the supporting floor must be solid (in order to support the machine that weights about 65 kg without the pieces to test ) with steady foundations (ex. metal work bench);

if necessary the machine must be fixed in a steady way to the supporting floor (work bench) after carring out the plane levelling operations;

all the operations for the penetrator replacement, maintenance or cleaning must be carry out only after the disconnection of the machine from all the external feeding circuits (electrical).

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2.1 Dangers and prescription list Risk Analysis Types of Risks

Evaluation criteria and solutions

Fall of parts

The machine has been designed to be placed on work planes not provided by the manufacturer. Solidity of them is on the user responsibility. If the machine is unsteady on the bearing plane it is necessary to anchor it by means of suitable fasteners. Not applicable


Not applicable


Not applicable

Lifting for transport

Manual lifting not admitted – Lifting hooks in barycentre

Mobile parts protections

The mobile parts are provided with suitable protections in accordance with the rules in force conforming to the manufacturer's instructions.


Not applicable

Loss of stability

Controls resistance

CE Marked Material

Controls visibility

Plates and big keys

Placed in non-dangerous zones

Command Space

Additional risks of commands

Not applicable

Shock Emergencies

CE Marked Material

Start up

Manual controls

Mobile parts stop

Manual with handwheel

Motor stop Emergency shutdown

Press the emergency button

Wiring breakdown

Unable to operate the machine

Control circuit breakdown

Software unfit for use machine shut down

Risks due to the projection of objects

Personal information

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Risk Analysis Types of Risks Risks due corners



Evaluation criteria and solutions



Not applicable

Risks due to coupled machines

Not applicable

Risks due to rotation speed variations

Not applicable

Prevention of risks related to moving parts

Manual controls

Choice of protection against related to moving transmission

Not applicable


Moving parts involved in the process

Not applicable

Risks due to electricity

Plant in accordance to the laws CEI

Risks due to static electricity shoks

Harmful for the proper functioning of the machine, big earthing connection

Risks due to other types of energies

Not applicable

Risks due to installation errors

Indenters changing, this error is dangerous only for the indenters, no risks due to other accessories

Risks due to high temperatures

Not applicable

Fire risks

Not applicable

Risks of explosion

Not applicable

Risks due to the noise

Not applicable

Risks due to vibrations

Not applicable

Risks due to radiations

Not applicable

Risks due to external radiations

Electromagnetic compatibility

Risks due to laser devices

Not applicable

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2.2 Permitted utilizations of this instrument MUNIMUM THICKNESS Metal pieces having an height more of 10 times bigger then the penetrating depth for Rockwell tests with diamond, example: to carry out a C Rockwell hardness test of presumable 60 HRC reading the fig. B.1 of the enclose B of the table UNI EN ISO 6508-1 we deduce that the piece must have a 0.8 mm or more thickness, instead in case of a sphere Rockwell test the height must be 15 times, example for a piece to test with a presumable of 3.3 mm at least (fig B.2 tab UNI EN ISO 6508-1, enclose B) for Brinell and Vickers test the minimum height must be 8 times bigger the depth of the impression. Fig. B.1, UNI E ISO 6508-1, enclose B

Fig. B.2, UNI E ISO 6508-1, enclose B

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DISTANCE FROM THE EDGES For all the hardness test systems, Brinell, Rockwell and Vickers the distance of an impression from the edge of the piece must be 2.5 times at least the print for Rockwell tests, 4 times at least the diameter or the print ’s diagonal for Brinell and Vickers tests. For example: a Brinell test on a belt having a width of 32 mm can be 4mm at most because 4x4=16 on a side and as much on the other, suggesting a test in the centre of the piece. SUPPORTING SURFACE Pieces must be leant on a rigid surface, the contact surfaces must be cleaned and with no lubricatings or outside substances. It is very important the piece remains steady during the test and does not go away due to a bad support. Pieces must be fixed on the test bech in order to the test woul be carried out perpendicularly then the test surface. PIECE SIZE Plane and parallel pieces can be straight tested without fastening, example enclosed hardness tests and calibration ones. Round pieces: they must be fixed on “V” supports made of tempered steel, it is necessary to pay particular attention to the correct housing, centering and alignment of the penetrator referring to the V centre. PIECE SIZE Alignment mistakes will cause wrong results and a risk for pieces projections (ref. Point 7 UNI EN ISO 65081 rule). To satisfy this rule use the V centre squares of the machine that must be compulsory placed in their 25 mm hole of screw centring.

The V supports have a minimum and maximum piece orientation diameter like shown in pic. 602.1 (Page 172) where in 1 it is pointed out the 25 H7 centring along the axis of the penetrator 9, in 2 the point of tangency inside the side 6 with the diameter 4 of the piece to test. For bigger diameters in safety tests build User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

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increased V in order that the point of tangency of the cylinder will be inside the V face and not to the edge 2 (see pic 602.2 Page 172). Round cone-shaped pieces Use peremptorily the special tools pic (see dis 602.2 Page 172) Flat cone-shaped pieces Max 4 degrees see pic 602.4 (Page 173) use peremptorily the suitable balancing basis indicated in 7 and driven in 1, with the two piece-pressers 3. The lack of one of these pieces causes the impossibility to test cone-shaped pieces. Pieces having point load: the slenderness ratio between the support and the height must not go over 2 times the smaller basis; for the minimum dimension see the precepts for the minimum distance of the egde of the piece. For bigger connections use only fastening deviced for autocentring and 3 clips for round pieces like valves staffs pic 602.6 (page 169) by means of the centring 1 or vices pos 10 pic 602.6 (Page 173) use brackets 8 for pieces having only a narrow side that does not satisfy the slenderness ratio precepts. Irregular pieces like fusions, meltings and printed: the most difficult to test, they must be fixed by means of regular brackets and thicknesses to avoid a swinging. The point to test must be INSIDE the projection of the support. NB: the support can be a tool (see pic 602.7 Page 173) where the piece can test with a special tool (11) a ring, instead in pos B the piece is not testable because the test line of the load goes out of the support causing its overturning. Tubulars: Tubulars can be tested by means of the V supports see pic.602.1 (Page 172) as long as they have a thickness 10 or 15 bigger then the external diameter in order to have a reasonable connection between the side thickness and the external diameter of the tubular. The user is not obliged to respect that rule; only we suggest to bear in mind the above-mentioned considerations for cylindric pieces. In ogni caso non vi sono in alcun modo situazioni di pericolo ma solo l’inconveniente di ottenere prove invalidate dal cedimento elastico della parete. For tests on tubulars having a narrow thickness we advise to thread a plug in the hole like shown in pic. 602.8 (Page 174). PIECE SIZE Elastic pieces like springs: these tests on these pieces are absolutely forbidden like show in pic. 602.9 (Page 174). The hardness test must be carry out on rigid pieces only, for spring try the thread diameter like pic.602.10 (Page 175) with the its centring 1e and the point of tangency reference 2. The same for similar pieces.

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2.3 Unpermitted utilizations of this instrument UNPERMITTED MACHINE





Thickness less then 10 or 15 times the penetration depht

Use a suitable test load

Distance less then 2.5 times the print from the edge of the piece

Use a smaller test load (see synoptic tables)

Oil or dirt on the support of the piece

Clean and degrease

Round pieces not aligned and unslided (see pic 602.11 page 175)

Align, set the correct sliding or clamp. Only an action is not sufficient (see pic 602.1 (page 172)

Round pieces not aligned and unslided or not blocked Pic 102.12 (page 175)

guide or block pic 602.1 (page 172)

Round pieces blocked and not (page 175)

Align and block or guide better pic 602.1 (page 172)

aligned pic 602.13

Round pieces laying on the V’s edge causes a too big diameter respect to the V itself pic 602.2 (page 172)

use a bigger V as pic 602.1 (page 172)

Cone-shaped round pieces

Use a special toll as pic 602.3 (page 172) where besided the centring 1 there is the shoulder 5 and in the other orthogonal projection the point of tangency 2 is inside the side 3

Flat cone-shaped pieces max 4 degrees

use the articulated joint base with centering and the piece press 3 both together, Only an action is not sufficient pic 602.4 (page 172)

Flat cone-shaped pieces > then 4 degrees

Use a special base as in the pic 602.5 (page 172) with stirrups 8 and shoulders 5, the surface 4 has to be normal to the indenter 9.

Round slim pieces subject to a point load having the height 2 times bigger then the diameter

Use the guided autocentring toll 12 pic 602.6

prismatic slim pieces subject to a point load having the height 2 times bigger then the minor base

Use a vice 10 clamped in 8 on the base of ther durometer pic 602.6 (page 173)

Pezzi molto irregolari come fusioni e stampati Very irregular shaped pieces as fusions and pressed

Use a template as an half-shell of the mould see pic 602.14 (page 175)

Thin side pipes

Use a tool as in the pic 602.8 (page 174)

Springs and elastic pieces

Use a tool as in the pic 602.9 (page 174)

Glass and fragile materials

Not authorized use

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2.4 Foreseeable wrong usage of the machine and dangerous situations Wrong and foreseeable uncorrect usage depending on normal carelessness and not on a will to use the machine in an uncorrect way we remember: •

Wrong pairing between the piece to test and the choosen penetrator

Wrong pairing between the penetrator and the optical magnification (where foreseen)

Uncorrect test start without the piece (in case of a non ready machine it carrys out an autoadjustment or it does not carry out the test cycle)

These uncorrect utilizations do not generate any kind of danger; they cause wrong test results and possible damages of the machine not dangerous and/or safety machine stops like “limit switch reached”.

INSTINTIVE REACTIONS OF A PERSON DURING THE UTILIZATION IN CASE OF DYSFUNCTIONS AND/OR ACCIDENTS DAMAGES ETC: Uncorrect instintive reactions are paired to a wrong utilization perceiving during the following phases: PHASES









CORRECT INSTINTIVE REACTIONS: Instintive reactions are uncorrect and impulsive reactions that do not cause any kind of danger. However we distrust carry them out. Behaviour of some people for some machines: These machine can be used by qualified and skilled personnel only, keep children away. Otherwise abled or similar people: the machine foresees the utilization also by otherwise abled people, within the types of disability and previous medical authorization that indicates the capacity to work with these type of machines. The machine foresees a workplace of about 90 cm reachable also by wheelchair utilizators and does not foresee obstacles or limits.

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3.0 Hardness tests introduction Among the mechanical features of metals and alloys, hardness is undoubtedly the most important for the operator. On the contrary to one’s creed this is not for its phisics importance because hardness is not a phisics features. The wear and tear resistance has been frequently compared to the hardness (an harder material that wears another one). In fact this hypothesis is not true always (plastic bearings can wear tempered steel; a sewing thread or a nylon one can cut rings covered with hard chrome). Hardness concept is very intuitive and the first hardness scale by MOHS in 1820 for mineralogists says this: a body is harder than the other when it is able to scratch. From this definition Mohs proposed a scale of 10 minerals selected so that one of these minerals can scratch the previous one and be scratched by the following.

Mohs hardness scale























Note: In this scale speed steel tempered would have a coefficient of 8.5; extra steel of 3.5; copper of 2.5. Actually, the best definition of hardness is the resistance to deformation of a material. In practical terms it is not possible to find an universal hardness scale because the deformation of materials is very complicated and it depends on several factors. We consider the plastic and the elastic deformations. Since the test carried considers the plastic or the elastic deformation or a component of one of the two deformations, the classification of the material may be different. Thus the hardness degree of a rubber for its mark degree could be infinite because the mark is null. In this case deformation would be purely elastic. The hardness measured on a material does not have any absolute and has no meaning except when you know all the parameters that define the test: type of test, nature and shape of the indenter, load. On the other hand, in order to maintain a satisfactory reproducibility and fidelity, the conventional nature of the measures requires us to follow specific methods of operation. From here it follows the importance of rules on tests in this field.

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3.1 Hardness tests utilization After all the considerations about the phisical meaning of the concept of hardness, we can ask whether the use of these tests has an interest in the metallurgical or mechanical; for, despite their imperfections, hardness tests are quite important for several reasons: - Control of incoming materials and identifying the type of material. - Quality control of heat treatments: carburizing tempering. - Quality control of heat treatments: carburizing tempering. The hardness serves only as a reference point. This reference point allows us to compare one alloy to another, a valid lot to a less valid one, a treatment to another. As an alternative you should do a scientific test on the product, for example: a tensile test to determinate the strenght of the product, or a chemical analysis to identify the exat type of the material of our piece. The hardness test is an indirect test that allows to know the type of metal and the treatment which has been subjected with good reability examing its physical characteristics. The main interest of the hardness tests comes from: - The semplicity of the tests - The possibility to carry out tests on the pieces and not only their samples, like for other mechanical tests. - Its non-destructive feature. - The limited size of the mark offers to the metalworker a good choice for the local exploration of a piece or a sample: study of localized treatments, drawing on the surface or microhardness: measurement on hard coatings, study of structures, measures of alloy in different stages. For all these reasons, hardness tests are essential for everyone working metallic materials but, because of their conventional nature it should be noted that these tests will be caqrried out following specific operating mode, such as the standards. Unfortunately these rules are not always respected and although the hardness tests are the most used, they are also the most ill-used.

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3.2 Hardness scales and test methods OMAG DUROMETERS OMAG durometers meet the international standards ISO 6508 for determination of hardness according to the method Rockwell and generate Brinell and Vickers marks according to ISO 6506 and ISO 6507.

ROCKWELL The Rockwell is the most common method for the speeding in determining the result, so that directly on the display.

BRINELL Brinell method is adapt for soft materials tempered and requires a very fine preparation of the surface to test. The reading is possible by means of a microscope for a magnification of the obtained mark. OMAG durometer, if required, allows rapid Brinell and Vickers comparative measurements without the microscope by means of the modified method called HBTW. For the utilization follow the rules subsequently laid.

VICKERS The Vickers test method is the most complicated because the area to test must be mirror polished. The hardness result is possible by means of the microscope that misures the two diagonals of the square basis left by the indenter’s diamond mark, having 136°. OMAG durometer, if required, allows rapid Brinell comparative measurements without the microscope. For the utilization follow the rules subsequently laid.

For an analysis of the topic of testing we advise to consult the rules: ISO 6506 ISO 6507 ISO 6508

for Brinell tests for Vickers tests for Rockweel and Superficial Rockwell tests

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3.2.1 Rockwell method The Rockwell method is suitable for all types of metals

Penetratore Rockwell

Tempered and carburizated steels We use the 120° diamond indenter with a test load of: 580 N 980 N 1471N

for HRA for HRD for HRC

on thickness> 0,7mm on thickness > 1mm on thickness > 1,2mm

147 N 294 N 441 N

for HR15N for HR30N for HR45N

on thin thickness > 0,2mm on thin thickness > 0,35mm on thin thickness > 0,5mm

Soft steel, iron, annealed metal, cast iron, aluminum, bronze, copper We use the 1/16” spherical indenter with a test load of: 580 N 980 N 1471 N

for HRF for HRB for HRG

on pure aluminium, soft metals on soft steel, annealed steel, iron on cast iron and hard bronze

147 N 294 N 441 N

for HR15T for HR30T for HR45T

on thin thickness > 0,2mm on thin thickness > 0,35mm on thin thickness > 0,5mm

Diamond 120°

HRA / HRB / HRC / HRD / HRF / HRG / HRN / HRT are the reading scale depending on how you prepared the durometer. Each read value of the scale can be easely converted into another hardness scale following the table (hardness convertion chart) supplied with each instrument OMAG. For example: The measure HRC30 corresponds to 65,5HRA or 298 HB, the same for other scale of hardness. Indication of the results ISO internation standards state that is indispensable to formulate the result as follows: ISO 6508 60 HRC = Rockwell hardness 60, measured with C scale. ISO 6508 90 HR15N = Superficial Rockwell hardness, obtained with a load 147N and a diamond indenter 120° with 15N scale

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3.2.2 Brinell method Brinell Indenter

Brinell method is suitable for tests on soft metals, nonferrous metals, cast iron. Some versions of durometers OMAG are designed for direct Brinell measurements (loads test are 15,6 - 31,2 - 30 - 62,5 – 125 - 187,5 depending on the model chosen). Simply equip the instrument with the Ø1, Ø2.5 or Ø5mm indenter, its calibrating test sample and the microscope MEC030.AFFCO431216. After inserted the suitable indenter and load, refer to the table 2 and 2.1 (page39-40). Generate prints on the piece, then measure the matk diameter with our microscope (cod.MEC030.AFFCO431216); with the suitable tables placed in the enclosed convert the value of the microscope into Brinell value.

Sphere points D: 1; 2,5 ; 5 ; 10

Some models have a non absolute comparative scales ideal for material selecting controls called HBWT. The test is similar to that conventional one but differs in the way that determines the Brinell hardness, not for the mark diameter but for its depth (like a Rockwell). For more information on this type of modified test see the enclosed in pag.79. Steel and cast iron We use the 2.5 mm sphere indenter and a load of 1839 N for the scale Hb10 Nonferrous metals (aluminium, bronze, brass) We use the 2.5 mm sphere indenter and a load of 613 N for the scale HB10 In the analogic versions those scales are obtainable reading the numbers on the black quadrant from 0 to 100 like a Rockwell scale but inserting the load anf the sphere Brinell indenter. Then with the Brinell tables convert that value into Brinell numbers. Very soft nonferrous metals (pure aluminium) We use the 5mm sphere indenter and a load of 1226 N for the scale HB5 For example: If you use a 612,7 N (62,5Kgf) load and the 2.5 mm sphere indenter the net value is 40 that corresponds to 50,2 Brinell Hb10. There are many tables, one for every type of material. Hb5 Hb10 Hb30: Brinell report.

are hardness scale that indicate the

Indication of the results ISO internation standards state that is indispensable to formulate the result as follows: ISO 6506 200 HBW 2,5 - 187,5 HB Brinell hardness W 2,5 Ø sphere in C 187,5 load used for the test (Kgf)200 detected hardness value

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3.2.3 Vickers method Use Vickers method only where essential. This method needs a surface mirror polished.

Vickers Indenter

The Vickers method uses only a type of indenter for all matels, soft and tempered: a 136° pyramid diamond. It can be used with a lot of loads from 0,981N to 981 N depending on the thickness of the piece to test and its presumable hardness. It requires great caution during the test to avoid damages to the sharp corners of the diamond indenter; besides it is a must to prepare the surface to be examined with polishing or diamond paste in order to obtain a glossy surface. By means of our durometers it is possible to carry out Vickers marks using the supplied loads. Separately it is necessary to prepare the surface to be tested with suitable equipment. Note that if you run tests with loads bigger than 441N the surface preparation can be obtained by an abrasive cloth of various grains, till using the grain 500 for polishing. Surface must be flat and without bends.

Diamante 136°

After running the mark on the material to be examined it is necessary the mark detection. Our MIBRI1216 microscope is equipped with a micrometer scale with the possibility of rotation over 90° for the reading of the two opposite diagonals of the Vickers mark. The light of the microscope allows the mark prominence on the piece surface in order to a better definition of the edge of the mark. After carried out the two diagonals measurements consult the Vickers test tables where there are correspondemdes of a diagon having a Vickers value for every type of load. Indication of the results ISO 6507 internation standards state that is indispensable to formulate the result as follows: 200 HV30 = Vickers 200 Hardness obtained with a test load of 294.3N

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3.3 Choice of the test to use It is very important to use a right load test to obtain valid and accurate results. To obtain this follow this simple line: •

measure the thickness of the piece to test

know the rough hardness of that piece.

In case you do not know the hardness it is compulsory to measure the thickness of the piece that should not be less than 1.6 mm, then carry out a test in Rockwell A ( HRA ) scale and by means of the conversion table choose the hardness scale that permits the highest load compatibly with the measured thickness and the calculated hardness. N.B.: the thickness is the area to test. For example: •

if the piece received a treatment for surface nitrogenization, the thickness is that of the nitrogenization.

if the piece received a total tempering, the thickness is that of the very piece.

3.3.1 Tables and graphs of the minimum thicknesses for Rockwell tests Graph of minimum thicknesses for Rockwell tests with diamond cone-shaped indenter For scales A, C and D, reference B.1, enclosed B, international rules UNI EN ISO 6508-1

Fig. 1

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Graph of minimum thicknesses for Rockwell tests with diamond sphere indenter For scales B, E, F, G, H and K reference B.2, enclosed B, international rules UNI EN ISO 6508-1


Example (fig. 1): If the thickness to test is 1 mm with a supposed hardness of 60 HRC on the diagram you can see that tha HRC test is possible because the minimum thickness is 0,8 mm.

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3.3.2 Tables and graphs of the minimum thicknesses for Brinell tests Table of the minimum thickness of the test for Brinell tests depending on the middle diameter of the mark, reference table B.1, Enclosed B, international rule UNI EN ISO 6506-1

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3.3.3 Tables and graphs of the minimum thicknesses for Vickers tests graph of the minimum thickness of the test depending on the test load and the hardness (from HV 0,2 to HV 100), reference B.1, enclosed B, international rules UNI EN ISO 6507-1

Legend: X : Thickness in mm Y : HV Hardness

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3.4 Programming tables and indicative utilizations of the loads Programming tables for direct readings

Duromaster 200 Instrument

Forze [N]





Display wording HRA HRB

Test method Rockwell Rockwell

Reading scale HRA HRB

Indenter Diamond 120° Sphere 1/16”




Diamond 120°




Diamond 120°




Sphere 1/8”




Sphere 1/16”




Sphere 1/16”




Sphere 1/8”




Sphere 1/8”




Sphere 1/4”

− − − − −

− √ √

− √ √


Rockwell Rockwell S. Rockwell S.

HRM HRN(15) HRN(30)


Rockwell S.



Rockwell S.


√ √

√ √


Rockwell S. Rockwell S.

HRT(30) HRT(45)

Sphere 1/4” Diamond 120°


Sphere 2.5


Sphere 10




Sphere 10






98.1 98.1 29.4




Sphere 1/16”






Sphere 1/16”







Sphere 1/16”




Diamond 120°





Diamond 120°



Sphere 10 Sphere 10 Diamond 120°

98.1 98.1 98.1 98.1 98.1 98.1

Load 588.6 981.0 1471.5 981.0 981.0 588.6 1471.5 588.6 1471.5 588.6 981.0 147.0 294.0 441.0 147.0 294.0 441.0 31.25 62.50 187.50 187.50 187.50 588.60

Test length

Indication range Hardened steel > 0.7 mm


Soft steel and non-ferrous metals Tempered steel > 1.2 mm

3–6* 3

Tempered steel > 1 mm


Soft steel and non-ferrous metals Soft steel and non-ferrous metals Soft steel and non-ferrous metals Lead, annealed aluminum, tin

3–6* 3–6* 3–6* 3–6*

Linings and bearing metals






Tempered steel > 0.20 mm


Tempered steel > 0.35 mm


Tempered steel > 0.50 mm


All soft metals > 0.20 mm


All soft metals > 0.35 mm


All soft metals > 0.50 mm


Bronze, copper and light alloys


Bronzo, rame e leghe leggere Cast iron

3–6* 3–6*

Nickel Steel


Carbon Steel


Hardened steel > 0.7 mm


Programming tables for prints generation − √ −

− √ −

√ − −

√ − −

HV3 HV10 HV30

Vickers Vickers Vickers

HV3 HV10 HV30

Diamond 136° Diamond 136° Diamond 136°




Diamond 136°




Diamond 136°

98.1 98.1 98.1 98.1 98.1

29.4 98.1 294.3 588.6 981.0

Hardened steel > 0.7 mm


Tempered steel > 1.00 mm


Steel and cast iron


Soft steel and non-ferrous metals Soft steel and non-ferrous metals

3 3

*: Use 3 seconds for high hardness materials; use 6 seconds for low hardness materials.

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3.5 Test setting 3.5.1 Test surface setting The precision of the measurement depending on the roughness of the surface to be examined. The best is the piece finishing the best id the precision of the test. The ideal roughness is  Ra 0,8 um at least. Do not carry out tests on raw surfaces, in this way you would test only the crust and the indenter could be damaged. Take away: crusts, rust, grease, oil. If possible grind the surface; otherwise abrade and polish the part to test. Some mm² is sufficient. If the piece can not be polished because its surface could be damaged, carry out 3 tests at least and make the average between them. For Vickers and Brinell tests it is necessary a mirror polished of the surface to test. The distance between the tests must be 2 or 3 mm at least for 1471.5N loads; for bigger loads it is necessary a distance of 5 mm at least. The surface to test must be parallel to the opposite one. During the test the piece should not be moved, otherwise repeat the test making sure the piece is well steady.

Clean the surface to test removing oil, grease and rust. Every 1000 tests clean also the indenter; replace the sphere indenter.

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3.5.2 Indenter change Depending on the type of test to do, it could be necessary to change the indenter. Follow there is the correct procedure: Unscrew the ring-nut ( 6 ) in counter-clockwise direction. Now it is possible to remove the indenter ( 7A / 7B ) and place a correct one into its housing. Screw the indenter by rotating the ring-nut ( 6 ) in counter clockwise direction.

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3.5.3 Assembly of the piece-presser cope In case you need a bigger steadiness of the piece to test you can provide your test instrument of a piecepresser cope (optional). It is an accessory designed specifically for these cases. Below you can find the correct procedure for the assemblage of this accessory.




1 Remove the guide holder by unscrewing the 4 screws that fix it to the head (fig. 1) 2 Place the special guide (1) by fixing it to the head by means of the 4 screws and paying attention that the threaded hole for the grub screw is in a frontal position (fig.2). 3 Insert the adjusting screw (2) inside the guide paying attention that the rectangular cave is placed frontally and place the grub screw so that the adjusting screw would be guided by the grub screw which is at the rectangular cave, thus avoiding the adjusting screw (2) comes out or can rotate. 4 Screw the ring-nut (3) by rotating it in anticlockwise. The rotation of the ring-nut alloes to calibrate the distance of the indenter as to edge of the adjusting screw (2) (see chapter 3.6). User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

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3.5.4 Load Change According to the test to be performed, it may be necessary to change the load and set the measurement scale. Here below you can find correct load change procedure: -Insert the hexagonal key supplied with the machine into the slot on the top of the tube. - Turning clockwise the key, the index will move upwards. Pay attention to match the 2 indexes: match A index with the corresponding load line on the slide and match the adhesive notch B with the adhesive notch C present on the upper tube. The loads are in ascending order from top to bottom. The value of the set load can be seen on the graduated scale on the slide. -In order to visualize the intermediate loads, refer to the label on the tubes. The number pointed by the arrow corresponds to the selected load. - An anti-clockwise movement of the key corresponds to an increase of the loads (the index moves down).




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3.5.5 Preload Change (only EX2) The EX2 version is equipped with pre-loading drive 24,92 N (3 kgf) for Super Rockwell tests 98.06 N (10 kgf) for Rockwell tests Before performing the test run, select the proper preload to the table of paragraph 3.4.

Fully tighten the ring nut (clockwise) until it stops to get the preload of 29,42 N (3 kgf).

Unscrew the ring to the lower end of stroke to get the preload 98.06 N (10 kgf).

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3.6 Electronic panel utilization 3.6.1 Switch on and off Connect the power cable to the connector IEC 320 seat on the side of the machine. Connect the other end to the power grid. The voltage must be 230V 50-60Hz monophasic. NB: 110/115V available on demand. START UP: Pressing on.

the electronic control is abled, then the display will turn

After an initial testing, the instrument is positioned on the scale selected during the last utilization. EXTINGUISHING: Pressing the button

on the keyboard the display switches off.

So the control board is excluded from the power. In case of a long period of inutilization we advise to disconnect the instrument from the wiring.

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3.6.2 Electronics survey Statistics menu . Statistics report menu Conversion menu Scale selection menu Memory management menu Setup menu Shutdown button Start up buttons Multifunction buttons group -

0,Capital/Small letters 1,#,’,@ 2,a,b,c 3,d,e,f 4,g,h,i 5,j,k,l 6,m,n,o 7,p,q,r,s 8,t,u,v 9,w,x,y,z

Previous level It scrolls the items upward It scrolls the items downward It deletes the last entered character Confirmation button

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3.6.3 Electronic panel functionings 1

Change the test scale


Change the conversion scale


Data memory management


Entry text


Data printer connection


Printed text


Statistichs setup


- Creation of a new statistics term


- Continue a new statistics term


- Visualize a new statistics term


- Print a new statistics term


- Delete a new statistics term


- Delete all the statistics terms


Statistics report


- Visualize live statistics details


- Print data live statistics


Settable test parameters


- Timer


- Tolerance Hi, Tolerance Lo


- K Coefficent


- Round Correction


System parameters


- Contrast Lev.


- Baud Rate


- Light Mode


- Clock Adj.


- ADC Value

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1 How to change the test scale To change test scale to use press on the key

; you will receive a list of available scales; by means of

and you scroll the items and with the key the keys returns to home making possible the test implementation.

you select a new scale. The instrument

Sequence and scales availability: HRA » HRB » HRC » HR15N » HR30T » HBW5 » HBW10 » HB30 » HV » HK » HZA » N2N* The follow tables are given for the choise of scale according to the material and the minimum allowed thickness of the scale.

2 How to change the conversion scale Entry the conversion menu pressing the key and using the conversion.

and press

Scroll the list with conversion scale.

, move on “Scale”

to enter the available scales list for


and press

to choose the

to return to the main window making possible the test Press implementation.

It is also possible to visualize and/or print the scales conversion list: inside the conversion menu choose “View all” with confirm with



to visualize the list.

Select “Print all” to send the list to a printer (or PC) by means of the data port of the instrument.

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3 Data memory management This function allows a log of 350 tests. The data memory is a default and in case of a disactivation the instrument automatically charges it the following time. This type of storage differs from the statistics because the memorized values are available only for the session in process: if during the hardness tests you change also one test parameter (tolerance, scale, time, etc) the results would be deleted. This funtion allows a fast statistics for tests carried out with the same settings. To enter the speed memory menu press . You can see two items: “State” and “Delete ALL”. “State”, if selected, opens a submenu where you can enable or disable the speed memory function. In this very submenu there is the memory status: The item “Full” will be tallied when the memory is full.

“Delete All”, if selected, delete all the data memory after a preventive confirmation. The instrument is provided with quick dial buttons for data memory management.

Inside the “multifunction buttons group” there are: the “MC” (button of the keyboard) function that is memory cleaner: pressing it in the main window, all the memorized test will be delete without confirmation; the “Summation + (button duplicated; -

the “Summation - (button

of the keyboard): pressing it the last memorized test will be of the keyboard): pressing it the last memorized test will be deleted;

NB: quick functions above-described are available also in the statistics sessions.

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

Page: 55

4 Text entering Text entering is a multitap type. That is to write “test” you need to press these 8 - 3, 3 - 7, 7, 7, 7 - 8 In case the name chosen foresees two characters on the same button like “prova2” you have to proceed like the above-described procedure with a pause among every change on the samem button, so: 7, pause (“p”) - 7, 7, 7, pause (“r”) – 6, 6, 6, pause (“o”) – 8, 8, 8, pause (“v”) - 2, pause (“a”) – 2, 2, 2, 2, pause (“2”).

Space between a character and another is possible pressing once; pressing it more times you obtain the following characters: “$”, “%”, “&”, “’”, “(”, “)”, “*”, “+”, “,”, “-”, “1”. To move to Capital letters to small ones, and vice versa, you need to press Lo strumento visualizzerà il cambio di stato. To delete the last character press To confirm press


at the same time.



Attention: is enabled only in fields where the numerical enter is required (tolerances, coefficient, etc). In text entering it is disabled.

5 Data printer connection The instrument is provided with a connector for data transmission (RS232C standard). This allows the instrument to be able to communicate with each type of device designed for that connection. The signals are available on standard 9-pin connector. Transmission data code: Baudrate 1200, 2400, 9600 (adjustable) 1 BIT Start 1 BIT Stop NO Parity 8 BIT Data Pin 3 5 8

Function TX - Transmission line GND - Mass CTS - Printer ready

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Page: 56

6 Printed text The durometer will send data to the connected device by means of the data exit and will print after a confirmation. The tests document is divided into four sections: In the starting section there are general statistics informations: - Date, hours and printing temperature - Measurement scale - K coefficient status - Memory utilization - Statistics folder In the second section there are the statistics detailed data: - Maximim limit of the tolerance set - Minimum limit of the tolerance set - Number of the carried tests - Distribution (in percentage) of tests depending on the tolerance - Maximum value noticed by the tests set - Minimum value noticed by the tests set - Average value calculated on the carried tests - Repeatibility value calculated on tests - Standard tests deviation (Std.Dev ~ Std.Dev-1) - Process capacity (Cp) - Process capacity with centering (CpK) - Variance (Var) - Gaussian variable (Z-Minus; Z-Plus) In third section there are: - Progressive numbering of the carried test - Noticed value - Tolerance conditions (HIGH, LOW, OK) In the fourth and last section there is* a vertical reading bar graph, which its minimum value is equal to the tolerance low margin and the maximum one to the tolerance high margin. *: only if among the maximum and minimum tolerance limits there is an interval of 2 points at least.

This instrument can manage until ten different statistics sessions, each of them with 350 stored tests. To enter the statistics setup menu , press


To enter the result management of live statistics session menu , press


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Page: 57

7 Statistics setup Once inside the setup menu (press in the main menu) you have to choose if creating a new statistics session (“Create new” item), continuing one previously created (“Continue” item), visualizing values of a live session (“View” item), printing the values of a live session with a serial printer (“Print” item), deleting a statistics session (“Delete” item) or deleting ALL the statistics sessions in memory (“Delete all” item). Scroll operations are IRREVERSIBLE.


on the request function and press

to confirm.

Attention: funtions for data removing require a confirmation; all the

7.1 How to create a new statistics session Select the “Create new” item from statistics setup menu (press from the main menu); the instrument visualizes the list of the ten available sessions, marking the empty sessions (called also directories) with “folder empty” item. Scroll and on an available directory to confirm. Now you have to name the session; press the alphanumerical buttons to write the selected name (see paragraph ‘5.i’). Now select the scale to use, confirm with


Now the instrument needs the insertion of the maximum tolerance values (“Hi”), minimum (“Lo”), the conversion scale and the coefficient K(*). At last it calls you if you want to use the session only just created immediately or save it for a future utilization. Depending on your choice, the instrument returns to the statistics menu (if you chose not to use the funtion) or to the main menu (in case you chose to activate the statistics) having the possibility to make tests. (*): “K” coefficient is a value (positive or negative, input by the user) that will be added to the test result. For example: if you have a 60.0 HRC test and it is measured with a K coefficient = 0.6 the statistics value is 60.6 HRC. If the K value was equal to -0.4, the test would have 50.6 HRC value. For exit from the statistics funtion it is necessary to shut off the instrument. This process guarantees the accidental exits. Attention: if the instrument goes into standby mode, when it becomes active the section will be restored.

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2. Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

Page: 58

7.2 Continue a session Select the “Continue” item from statistics setup menu; the instrument visualizes the list of the ten available sessions, marking the empty sessions (called also directories) with “folder empty” item and talling the live one. Scroll and on the request function and press The instrument goes to the main menu, ready for new tests.

to confirm.

7.3 How to create a statistics session Select the “View” item from statistics setup menu; the instrument visualizes the list of the ten available sessions, marking the empty directories with “folder empty” item and talling the live one. Scroll


on the request function and press

to confirm.

The details of the statistics will visualized; to scroll the list press



to return back press 7.4 How to visualize a statistics session

Select the “Print” item from statistics setup menu; the instrument visualizes the list of the ten available sessions, marking the empty directories with “folder empty” item and talling the live one. Scroll confirm.


on the function to consult and press


A submenu will be visualized where you can choose the part to print: -


Statics Graph



To To To To and

print print print print

only data relative to the tests (serial number, scale, hardness value, etc.) only the statistics data (average, constants, coefficients, etc.) only the test values represented graphically (by means of bar graph). all the tests session (tests data, statistics data, graphs).

on the session to print and press

to confirm.

The instrument sends all the required informations through the data exit informing the user with a message on the display. When finished, the instrument returns to the statistics menu. Press

or make a choice and confirm pressing


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Page: 59

7.5 How to delete a statistics session Select the “Delete” item from statistics setup menu; the instrument visualizes the list of the ten available sessions, marking the empty directories with “folder empty” item and talling the live one (only in case of an active session). Scroll confirm.


on the function to delete and press


The instrument will send a confirmation to the user. ATTENTION: The funtion is IRREVERSIBLE. Once given the ok you can not recover deleted data. Choose if continue with “Yes” or undo the operation with “No” scrolling the button confirm pressing




If choosing “Yes” only the chosen statistics session will be deleted definitively. The instrument will visualize a message on the display during the data cancellation. When finished, the instrument returns to the statistics menu. Press

or make a choice and confirm pressing


7.6 How to delete all the statistics session Select the “Delete ALL” item from the statistics setup menu, the instrument will ask for a confirmation. ATTENTION: The funtion is IRREVERSIBLE. Once given the ok you can not recover deleted data. Choose if continue with “Yes” or undo the operation with “No” scrolling the button


and confirm pressing


If choosing “Yes” all the statistics sessions will be deleted definitively. The instrument will visualize a message on the display during the data cancellation. When finished, the instrument returns to the statistics menu. Press

or make a choice and confirm pressing


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Page: 60

8 Statistics report This quick function in the “Statistics report menu” (“B”, see paragraph ‘5.a’) allows you to consult all data relative to the live statistics session.

8.1 How to visualize details of the live statistics Select the “View” item from the submenu, the instrument shows you the session details. Scroll the list with To return press

. .

8.2 How to print details of the live statistics Select “Print” item from statistics report menu, the instrument shows you a submenu where it is possible to choose the part to print: - Report To print only data relative to the tests (serial number, scale, hardness value, etc.) - Statics To print only the statistics data (average, constants, coefficients, etc.) - Graph To print only the test values represented graphically (by means of bar graph). -All To print all the tests session (tests data, statistics data, graphs). Scroll


on the session to print and press

to confirm.

The instrument sends all the required informations through the serial exit informing the user with a message on the display. When finished, the instrument returns to the submenu for control choice. Press

or make a choice and confirm pressing


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Page: 61

9 Settable parameters for the test To enter the test settings press

, select “Scale” item and confirm with

the adjustable parameters, select the item you want to modify scrolling

. You will receive a list of and

and confirm with

. Insert the required value by means of the numeric keyboard and alway confirm with instrument return to the setup menu. Make a choice or press

; the

to carry out a test.

The settable test parameters are the following: 9.1 Timer

It allows to modify the residential time of the load so that the time for which the durometer’s probe must be pressed on the part.

9.2 Tolerance Hi, Tolerance Lo It allows to set the tolerance high (Tol. Hi) and low (Tol. Lo) margins. Inserting the tolerance margins it is possible to see in real time (on the display the indications “hi”, “ok”, “lo”) the part capacity. That indication will be shown next to the hardness value also during the printing phase.

9.3 K Coefficient

It allows to modify the adjustment coefficient. “K” coefficient is a value (positive or negative, input by the user) that will be added to the test result. For example: if you have a 60.0 HRC test and it is measured with a K coefficient = 0.6 the statistics value is 60.6 HRC. If the K value was equal to -0.4, the test would have had 50.6 HRC value.

Another field of application of K coefficient is the measurement of the round surfaces, concave or convex. It is possible to use the correction inserting delta hardness as coefficient making a test on a flat piece and one on a round one, both having a known hardness. NB: All the parameters described in this paragraph are bound to the live scale, that is every available scale is customizable and when you change the scale you will find all settings previously inserted. ATTENTION: at shutdown and restart the instrument, the coefficient remains active.

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Page: 62

9.4 Round Corr.

It allows to activate or deactivate the corrections on the round pieces. select ON or OFF using pressing


then confirm with

and exit


10 System parameters To modify system parameters press

, select “System” item and confirm with


You will receive a list of the adjustable parameters, select the item you want to modify scrolling and confirm with 10.1 Contrast Lev

. It allows to modify the contrast level of the display rendering the reading brighter. Change the contrast using


until the required lever, exit

; settings are saved automatically.


10.2 Baud Rate


Il allows to modify the data transmission speed on serial port. Attention: Set the same Baud Rate value both on the instrument and on the receiving equipment (printer, pc, etc.) otherwise the transmission does not take place. There are three speeds: 1200, 2400, 9600 baud. Select the required transmission speed with


and confirm your choice with

. There are three modes: on, off and auto. “On” mode keeps the display light always on until the instrument goes into standby mode; “off” mode keeps the light always subdued; in "auto" mode the instrument manages the light. Pressing every button the light switches on and keeps on for about 20 seconds, if no operation takes place. Then the light will subdue to limit the battery consumption. So select the required light mode with 10.3 Light Mode


and confirm your choice with


It allows to set the light mode. There are three modes: on, off and auto. “On” mode keeps the display light always on until the instrument goes into standby mode; “off” mode keeps the light always subdued; in "auto" mode the instrument manages the light. Pressing every button the light switches on and keeps on for about 20 seconds, if no operation takes place. Then the light will subdue to limit the battery consumption. So select the required light mode with

choice with


and confirm your


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Page: 63

10.4 Clock Adj

This instrument is provided with an inside watch so you can set the hours and the date. Entrando nella configurazione dell’orologio, lo strumento l’utente nelle impostazioni. It requires to modify hours, minutes, year, month and day. Modify the values using the following window pressing

10.5 ADC Value


; confirm the choice and go to .

It shows data acquired by the A/D converter. This funtion is useful in case of diagnostics. Press

to return to the previous menu.

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Page: 64


3.7 The test cyle 1

Ensure correct assembly of the indenter requested for the test. (vedi cap.18)


Connect your instrument to the mains with the power cable supplied.


Press the button



panel of the computer. After a few seconds the display will show "MENU".

to enter the menu "Select range". With the buttons

to select scale and then press


move the item

. Check the lever (8) is turned toward the operator until the limit stop (head of the instrument). Put the piece to be examined on the anvil (13). Rotate the handwheel (12) in order to draw up the sample (1516) until the contact with the indenter (7). ) slowly When the display shows the two opposite arrows ( continue the rotation of the handwheel (12) until “START” appears. (If the display shows “OVER” it means you exceeded in raising the anvil holder screw. Then rotate the handwheel (12) to the contrary in order to set the sample free. Shift the sample of a few millimetres and repeat the operations above mentionned). Push the lever (8) in clockwise sense (toward the back of the instrument): on the screen there will be some numbers relative to the test time set. When the set time has elapsed, “PULL” will appear. Pull the lever (8) in anticlockwise sense (frontal position) and read the real value of the test. At the word "END-UNLOAD", the test shall be considered terminated. Remove the sample (15-16) from the indenter (7) acting on the handwheel (12) in order to set it free and facilitate its extraction. ATTENTION: Once on the screen the wording START appears, operate solely and exclusively on the lever (8) in order not to invalidate the test.

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Page: 65

3.7.1 Test procedure with piece-presser cope assembled Check the lever (8) is turned toward the operator until the limit stop (head of the instrument). Put the piece to be examined on the anvil (13). The bearing surface of the cope must be raised as to the point of the indenter, in order to be adjusted in a right way.

Rotate the handwheel (12) in order to lift the anvil holder screw (13), then place the sample until a contact with the indenter (7). When the display indicated the two opposite ) arrows (

slowly continue the rotation of the handwheel (12) until STOP appears. Then regolate the cope by adjusting the adjusting screw on the right height (that is when it touches the specimen) and fix this height by means of the locking ring-nut and the grub screw. Now it is possible to continue with the conventional test, as described in the previous chapter. User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2. Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

Page: 66

3.8 Adjustment of the Rockwell hardness values CORRECTIONS FOR ROCKWELL HARDNESS VALUES OBTAINED ON CYLINDRICAL CONVEX SURFACES. For tests on cylindrical convex surfaces use the corrections shown in the below tables. These corrections must be added to the Rockwell hardness values obtained. Tests with conical diamond indenter (scale A, C e D) ROCKWELL





20 25


















































































































































Corrections bigger then 3 HRA, HRC and HRD are not acceptable

Tests with ball indenter of 1.5875 mm (scale B, F e G) ROCKWELL




























































































Corrections bigger then 5 HRB, HRF and HRG are not acceptable User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

Page: 67

CORRECTIONS FOR ROCKWELL HARDNESS VALUES OBTAINED ON SPHERIC CONVEX SURFACES. For tests on spheric convex surfaces use the corrections shown in the below tables. These corrections must be added to the Rockwell hardness values obtained. ROCKWELL HARDNESS











55 HRC










60 HRC










65 HRC










Correction values of this table are calculated with the following formula:

H    1 − 160   ∆H = 59 × d where



is the Rockwell hardness reading and


is the sphere diametre in millimeters.

CORRECTIONS FOR VICKERS HARDNESS VALUES OBTAINED ON SPHERIC SURFACES. Following are the correction coefficients for tests performed on spheric surfaces using Vickers method. Corrections coefficients are formulated respect to the arithmetic average of diagonals of the mark d and diameter of the sphere D. For example: Convex sphere

D = 10 mm

Load test

F = 98,07 N

Arithmetic average of diagonals of the mark

d = 0,150 mm

d/D = 0,150/10 = 0,015 Vickers Hardness = 0,189 1 X 98,07/ (0,15)² = 824 HV 10 Coefficient of correction relative to d/D = 0,983 Sphere hardness = 824 x 0,983 = 810 HV 10

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Page: 68

Convex spherical surfaces d/D

Correction coefficient


Correction coefficient





























































Concave spherical surfaces d/D

Correction coefficient


Correction coefficient






























































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Page: 69

Following are the correction coefficients for tests performed on cylindrical surfaces using Vickers method. Corrections coefficients are formulated respect to the arithmetic average of diagonals of the mark d and diameter of the sphere D. For example: Concave cylindrical, with a diagonal of the print parallel to the axis

D = 5 mm

Test load

F = 294,2 N

Arithmetic average of diagonals of the mark

d = 0.415 mm

d/D = 0,415/5 = 0,083 Vickers Hardness = 0,189 1 X 294,2/ (0,415)² = 323 HV 30 Coefficient of correction relative to d/D = 1,075 Sphere hardness = 323 x 1,075 = 347 HV 30

Convex cylindrical surfaces – Diagonals at 45 ° to the axis d/D

Correction coefficient


Correction coefficient











































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Page: 70

Convex cylindrical surfaces – Diagonals at 45 ° to the axis d/D

Correction coefficient


Correction coefficient





























































Convex cylindrical surfaces – A diagonal parallel to the axis d/D

Correction coefficient


Correction coefficient

























Concave cylindrical surfaces – A diagonal parallel to the axis

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Page: 71





Correction coefficient





























































3.9 Conversion of hardness values During the test it could be necessary to convert hardness values among different scales. This can occur when the measuring instrument is not equipped with a scale we need. In this case you can use the following correction equations to convert the hardness values into other scales. Pay attention that because of their approximation in many cases they are not recommended. Conversion details are explained in the rule DIN 50150.



c ≅ 3,5 c ≅ 5,5 c ≅ 4,0 c ≅ 3,7

HB 


HB ≅ 0,95 × HV

HRB 


HRB ≅ 176 − 1165


HRC 


HRC ≅ 116 − 1500


HV 



HB 


R m ≅ cHB (o HV), R m


N mm −2

, used to calculate the resistance to the traction R m , could assume these values: , for steels (krz-Fe-Matrix) , for annealed copper (Cu) and copper alloys , for cold forged copper, copper (Cu) and copper alloys , for aluminium (Al) and aluminium alloys

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2. Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

Page: 72

4.0 Calibration and control of the instrument precision Frequent and steady inspections of this calibration instrument, for example using tests provided with calibration certificate, are the only way to ensure a constant reliability of the results furnished by the durometer. Tests provided with official certificate are the only way to guarantee the abovementioned. Calibration must be performaed in accordance with the internation rules (EN ISO 6506, EN ISO 6507, EN ISO 6508). In case the instrument would furnish results over the regular tolerances it is necessary to carry out immediatelly the research and the removal of the trouble. A contingent recalibration or repair work do not carried out by our personnel caused the immediatelly cessation of the warranty and OMAG will lift by any responsibility. Control the durometer calibration by means of the suitable supplied control test. 2 or 3 tests are sufficient. The durometer is considered calibrated if the results do not exceed tolerances listed in the table of the CALIBRATION INTERNATIONAL RULES. If this is not, replace the indenter and ask for one original to our office. It is essential to use original parts to avoid damaging the inside components and to obtain precise and guaranteed values. If after the replacing the indenter does not meet the calibration tolerances dictated by the rules ask for a control to our factory.

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Page: 73

You are reminded that every Rockwell point is equal to 0.002 mm (µm). Every point of the surface scale is equal to 0.001 mm (µm) it is important to verify that the supporting floor of the rise screw has no bruises and without dirt or oil. The same for the anvil supporting floor, both upper and lower. The lower supporting floor must be without bruises. In case of bruises use alundum to take it away. Usde the Ø25 anvil to perform tests. During the performances of surface Rockwell scales we advise the utilization of the elastic sope (see page 62) to ensure a bigger steadiness. HRC scales: use the flat anvil Ø60

HRN-T scales: use the flat anvil with projection Ø25

When you use the 60 mm ( 1 ) flat anvil and two preliminar tests are at least carried (machine arrangement and leakage of air among the inferior surface of the test and the superior plane of the flat anvil) it is possible to move the sample but NOT its raising to not lead to incorrect results. fig. 1

fig. 2

1 1

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Page: 74

Every time the indenter, the samples or the anvils are removed the first tests should NEVER be considered because of they are arrangement tests. For the duration of the test the instrument must be protected from shocks and vibrations. Anvils: Verify the absence of scratches, oil or other external agents on the bearing surface of the tests (indicated by the arrow fig.3) and on the low bearing surface (side of screw group support, indicated by the arrow fig.4). If necessary use some alundum to eliminate or smooth possible scratches.

fig. 3

fig. 5

fig. 4

To avoid future problems of measurement precisions and damages to the rise screw and the indenter, absolutely avoid to hurt the surface of the very screw with the anvil (that coul be cause of bruises on the heat-diffusing surface) and/or the indenter (whose diamond could be damaged). We advise minimum 60 mm of distance between the screw surface and the indenter/ indenter holder in order to obtain the suitable space to insert the anvil without dangerous inclinations.

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

Page: 75

Rise screw: Verify the absence of scratches, impurities, oil and other external agents on the bearing surface for the anvils (indicated by the arrow fig.4 and 4). If necessary use a fine-grained alundum to eliminate or smooth out any imperfections paying attention not to scratch the grind surface of the screw. Pay attention inserting the anvil inside the screw housing, like explained in the previous paragraph (see also fig.5).

fig. 6

Samples: Verify the absence of scratches, impurities, oil and other external agents on the bearing surface for the anvils (indicated by the arrow fig.7 and 8). If necessary use fine-grained alundum to eliminate or smooth possible scratches. Since the proofs grinded, use the alundum only in case of need because it could cause a lot of scratches on the bearing surface. Use the proof ONLY on the upper face (where the 5 calibration tests are visible).

fig. 7

fig. 8

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Page: 76

Indenter: Verify the absence of scratches, impurities, oil and other external agents on the bearing surface of the indenter (indicated by the arrow fig.9). Because of the sensitivity of the object, use only fine-grained sandpaper to remove the imperfections. In case it could be insufficient or there would be bruises that could compromize the bearing please contact OMAG for the replacement of the indenter. Pay particulary attention also during the anvil removing phase. In this case protect the diamond by means of a finger (fig. 10) and proceed to the anvil removing unthreading it upward. Pay attention not to hit the support of the screw to avoid bruises. fig. 9

fig. 10

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Page: 77

4.1 Check of the obtained results of the measurement 4.1.1 Measurement results control for Rockwell method Repeatibility 1

Enable the session statistics (for procedure, see page 53 of this manual);

2 Carry out 5 measurements on the calibrating sample. 3 Display the statistics, press item corresponds to the mean 4 Press,

and select the statistic you want.The displayed value close to the


on the next screen will show the average value obtained ("Mean");

5 Value the repeatability using the value obtained and the table below. ROCKWELL






(ROCKWELL points)


From 20 to ≤ 75 HRA

± 2,0 HRA

≤ 0,02 * (100 − H )


> 75 to ≤ 88 HRA From 20 to ≤ 45 HRB






± 1,5 HRA ± 4,0 HRB

or 0,8 Rockwell Unit

≤ 0,04 * (130 − H )

> 45 to ≤ 80 HRB

± 3,0 HRB

> 80 to ≤ 100 HRB

± 2,0 HRB

or 1,2 Rockwell Unit

From 20 to ≤ 70 HRC

± 1,5 HRC

≤ 0,02 * (100 − H )

From 40 to ≤ 70 HRD

± 2,0 HRD

> 70 to ≤ 77 HRD

± 1,5 HRD

From 70 to ≤ 90 HRE

± 2,5 HRE

> 90 to ≤ 100 HRE

± 2,0 HRE

From 60 to ≤ 90 HRF

± 3,0 HRF

> 90 to ≤ 100 HRF

± 2,0 HRF

From 30 to ≤ 50 HRG

± 6,0 HRG

or 0,8 Rockwell Unit or 0,8 Rockwell Unit or 1,2 Rockwell Unit or 1,2 Rockwell Unit

> 50 to ≤ 75 HRG

± 4,5 HRG

≤ 0,04 * (130 − H )

> 75 to ≤ 94 HRG

± 3,0 HRG

or 1,2 Rockwell Unit

From 80 a ≤ 100 HRH

± 2,0 HRH

From 40 to ≤ 60 HRK

± 4,0 HRK

or 1,2 Rockwell Unit

> 60 a ≤ 80 HRK

± 3,0 HRK

≤ 0,04 * (130 − H )

> 80 a ≤ 100 HRK

± 2,0 HRK

or 1,2 Rockwell Unit


± 2,0 HRN


± 3,0 HRT

or 1,2 Rockwell Unit or 1,2 Rockwell Unit

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2. Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

Page: 78

Maximum Permissible Error The error of the machine is characterized by the difference



is the average hardness value relative to the 5 measured marks.


is the specified hardness of the test used

The maximum admissible error of the test machine must not be greater of values reported in the table (see also the international rule UNI EN ISO 6508-2 prospect 5)

4.1.2 Measurement results control for Brinell method Repeatibility 1 Acquiring a microscope that meets the rule (see paragraph 4.1.4 for the utilization of the optional microscope) (see UNI EN ISO 6506-2 par. from 4.4 and 4.5 Enclose A)

2 Perform 5 measurements on the calibrating test sample. Using the following formula


d1 + d 2 + d 3 + d 4 + d 5


, where d 1 and d 5 are the maximum and minimum diametrs of the print,


the mean of the 5 diameters obtained from tests. Using the table of page 87, compute the HBW hardness value. 3 By measn of the two values obtained, verify the repeatibility using the below table. HARDNESS OF THE





< 125

0,030 · d


125 ≤ HB ≤ 225

0,025 · d

2,5 %

> 225

0,020 · d



Maximum Permissible Error The error of the machine is characterized by the difference H •




is the average hardness value relative to the 5 measured marks and is obtained by the formula

H1 + H 2 + H 3 + H 4 + H 5


, where H 1 , H 2 , H 3 , H 4 , H 5 are the hardness values equivalent to

the 5 diameters of the print obtained previously, that is d 1 , d 2 , d 3 , d 4 , d 5 . The maximum possible error of the test machine is expressed as percentage of the hardness of the reference sample and it must not be bigger then the values indicated in the reference table (see rule UNI EN ISO 6506-2, chap. 5, schedule 2) •


is the specified hardness of the test used

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Page: 79

4.1.3 Measurement results control for Vickers method Repeatibility 1 Acquiring a microscope that meets the rule (see paragraph 4.1.4 for the utilization of the optional microscope) (see UNI EN ISO 6507-2 par. from 4.4 and 4.5 Enclose A) 2 Perform 5 measurements on the calibrating test sample. d 1 , d 2 , d 3 , d 4 , d 5 are the arithmetic average values of the two diagonals of the marks sorted by increasing size. Repeatibility is characterized by the difference d 5 − d 1 3 Compare the value with the table beflow Max repeatability of the test machine Hardness of the specimen

≤ 225 HV

> 225 HV




* from HV 5 to HV 100

from HV 0,2 to < HV 5

from HV 5 to HV 100

from HV 0,2 to < HV 5

< HV 0,2

Hardness of the specimen


Hardness of the specimen


0,03 d

0,03 d

0,03 d

























0,02 d

0,04 d

0,05 d

d1 + d 2 + d 3 + d 4 + d 5



Maximum Permissible Error The error of the machine is characterized by the difference •




is the average hardness value relative to the 5 measured marks and is obtained by the formula

H1 + H 2 + H 3 + H 4 + H 5


, where H 1 , H 2 , H 3 , H 4 , H 5 are the hardness values corresponding

to the 5 length arithmetic mean values of the two diagonals of the prints, that is d 1 , d 2 , d 3 , d 4 , d 5 . •


is the specified hardness of the specimen used

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The maximum admissible error of the test machine is expressed as percentage of the referencing test and must not be greater of values reported in the table (see also the international rule UNI EN ISO 6507-2 prospect 5) that you can see below.

Maximum permissible percentage error of measuring instrument

Hardnes s symbol

HV 0,01 HV 0,015 HV 0,02 HV 0,025 HV 0,05 HV 0,1 HV 0,2 HV 0,3 HV 0,5 HV 1 HV 2 HV 3 HV 5 HV 10 HV 20 HV 30 HV 50 HV 100

HV Hardness 50




9 7

10 8 6 5 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3







9 8 6 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2


10 9 7 6 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2









10 8 6 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2

11 9 7 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2

11 10 8 6 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2

12 10 8 6 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2

12 11 8 6 5 4 3 3 3 2 2 2

9 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 2

11 8 6 5 4 3 3 2 2 2

10 8 8 6 5

10 8 6 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

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4.1.4 Utilization of the microscope to obtain measures This microscope, come in option (code MEC030.AFFCO431216), has been designed with a simple structure to faciliate the operations and it is to use for marks measurement coming out from the Brinell hardness tests. Below there is a scheme of the external structure of the microscope.

Dettaglio del pomolo graduato ( 1 )

Technical Data Magnification: x 20 Visual filed diameter: 9 mm Real range: 8 mm Eye lens scale span 1 mm

Graduation range of eye lens scale 8 mm

Minimum reading in graduate micro scale 0.005 mm

Accuracy of measurement 0.005 mm

Use of the microscope Place the microscope on the test or on the sample, use daylight or a lamp as lighting through the crack on the cylindrical body of the microscope. Both numbers and graduated lines of the scale must be clearly identifiable inside de field of visual. If the print is not clear, rotate the nonius to settle the view until it is clear. The microscope is calibrated in the factory to guarantee that both the marks on the tests and on the samples are clearly defined. Rotate the roller ( 1 ) to carry out the reading. On the roller ( 1 ) are printed numbers among 0 and 100; they are graduate lines having a division of 0.0005 mm so that an intire turn is equal to 0.5 mm. User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2. Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

Page: 82

In the lens there are two scales, one fix and one mobile. Numbers among 0 and 8 are indivated in the fix scala with a division of 1 mm (see the figure below), instead a black line is in the mobile scale.

fig. 1

When you rotate the knob ( 1 ) the mobile scale with the black line moves simultaneously. Now you can misure the mark in the way below: 1 Move the black line in order that it is tangent to a side of the mark and it is possible to measure. 2 Rotate the knob ( 1 ) and move the line till obtain the tangency with the other side of the mark and measure again. (see fig. 2 for the graphic exemplification of the procedure) Measurement example: Place a test already signed or a sample on the support in a steady position, so place the microscope over it (test or sample). Through the eyepiece you will see the mark enlarged on the test. To measure the print, first rotate the knob ( 1 ) to move the black line in the mobile scale in order that it is tangent to a side of the mark and measure it, in this case 2.971 (the first number “2” has taken straight on the scale, instead 0.971 is determined by the fact that the roller has turned a full cicle for 94.2 notches and then 194,2x0.005 mm ). Rotate the wheel and move the line in order that it is tangent to other side and proceed with the second reading, in that case 4.000 mm. The diameter of the mark is calculated as a difference between the two measures, in that case 10.029. Turn the microscope of 90° (to this you can also loosen the screw ( 4 ) and turn the body of 90°) and repeat the previous steps to find another diameter (in a perpendicular direction to the first), in this case 1.031 mm. The arithmetic mean of the two measures is the definitive result. It must be know that the number 0-8 can be read directly on the scale where a notch among the numbers is equivalent to 0.5 mm. The division on the scale on the wheel is 0.005 mm, the entire rotation (100 notches) is equivalent to 0.5 mm, so that the reading could be the numeric value of the scale plus the product of 0.005 by the number of notches rotated. In this case: 4.000 – (2 + 0.005 x 194.2) = 1.029 mm (1.029 + 1.031) / 2 = 1.030 mm (See Fig. 2)

If you choose a load force of 612.9 N and a Ø2,5 sphere indenter, the value of the

fig. 2


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can be found in the table, 71.7 HBW that corresponds to a diameter of the mark of 1.030 mm. Special cautions for the microscope maintenance The microscope accuracy has been calibrated in the factory si it does not need adjustments. The manufacturer declines all responsibility for possible errrors or malfunctions due to an unauthorised dismantling by the user. The microscope must be kept out from the dust, dampness or corrosive agents both during its utilization and in case of non-utilization. Dirty lens must be cleaned by means of a soft cloth. The presence of oil can be removed with cotton dipped in alcohol or ether.

4.2 Maintenance and repair OMAG durometer do not need specific or particular maintenance, but to obtain precise and reliable tests you have to follow these short caution notes: •

Every 500 test verify the calibration of the durometer performing some tests on the control sample

Every 500 test verify the indenter state by means of a magnifying glass: If it could have chippings, it is necessary to return to OMAG to be restored or replaced.

Every 500 tests clean the indenter by means of a cloth.

Replace the samples into their supplied boxes.

Keep the anvils clean, remove possible marks of oxide and possible bruises in the surfaces.

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Page: 84

4.3 Anomalies individualization and their quick removal Defect

Probable cause

Pressing the button, the display will not turn on

Defect of power supply

Performing a measurement, the display will remain fixed on a number

Test data unconfirmed

The writing - PULL - remains fixed on the display

Measurement cycle does not run properly by the operator

Performing a measurement, the value is displayed: 100 with HRC method 130 with HRB method Or 9999 with all method

Out of range The indenter was not entered correctly Incorrect operation of lever (10)



Press and repeat the operations, following the instruction (pag.25) The particular measured has a hardness in excess of the maximum scale value (see table range of applications, and repeat the test) See installing the indenter of this manual Repeat, making sure that the lever fulfilled all his hike up to the end stops

Offset of the indenter relative to round surface to be examined It easily breaks the diamond indenter


Verify the presence of electrical voltage on the network. Check the power cable to the instrument

Imperfect placement of the specimen on the base plate or anvil Indenter not been properly fixed

Check the correct alignment of the indenter Check that the surface of the workpiece support is stable, and if necessary, straighten or eliminate bruising and / or metal shavings. Be checked by one of our technicians

Imperfect use of the instrument

Get different results from the value that was expected

Indenter worn

See "Field of application" and make sure that all the evidence be properly inserted (method, test load, indenter) Conduct 3 tests on calibration test piece: if the values are systematically inaccurate, replace the indenter with a new one Caution: Use only original parts marked AFFRI. This ensures optimum operation of the instrument. Otherwise, even it decays all warranties.

Using too large anvil

Use an anvil smaller

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Page: 85

4.4 Support call For any information concerning the use, maintenance, installation, etc. the manufacturer is always available to the customer's request. Below there are address and telephone numbers of the manufacturer.

OMAG DI AFFRI Via Monte Tagliaferro, 8 Tel. (+39) 0332.200546 Telefax (+39) 0332.203704 21056 – INDUNO OLONA - VARESE – ITALIA

[email protected]

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Page: 86

4.5 Storage of the machine When stored for machine inactivity protecting the metal parts with anti-rust oil, make sure it is protected from the elements, it is stored under cover with low humidity and absence of dust; it is desiderable to cover with a waterproof and put inside suitable hygroscopic salts.

4.5.1 Overall dimensions of the packaging Height:

930mm Max





Net weight:


4.6 Assembly and disposal 4.6.1 Sequential phases of assembly and dismantling The machine is supplied fitted and adjusted, ready for use, except for the indenters and the optics to choose from time to time according to tests to be performed.

4.6.2 Safety decommissioning The tool can resell as scrap metal, or may be disposed in the centers of collection, after separation of its parts.The machine can be resold as scrap metal, or may be disposed in the centers of collection after separation of its parts. Correctly dispose the parts polluted by the lubricating oil in compliance with current Regulations. As for the metal mass of the machine it is sufficient the division of the steel parts and those made of other metals or alloys for a proper delivery to recycling by melting.

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5.0 Lists 5.1 Spare parts list “206 EX/EXS”

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Spare parts list #






Measurement head, ready to be assembly.



Programmable Electronic panel



Appliance load lever



Indenter ring-nut



120° Diamond indenter| Rockwell Tests



Ø1/16” Sphere Indenter| Brinell Tests



Ø60 Anvil flat surface



Ø60 Anvil “V” surface It allows tests on cylindrical pieces having diameters from 4 to 60 mm



Ø60 Reversible anvil ; “V” or flat surface It allows tests on little dimensions pieces, both flat and cylindrical having diameters from 4 to 24 mm



Protective Bellows



Raising handwheel knob



Raising screw KIT ready for assembly



HRB Sample certified by the manufacturer



HRC Sample certified by the manufacturer



HR30N Sample certified by the manufacturer



HR30T Sample certified by the manufacturer

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5.2 Fitting lists “206 MX/MXS”

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Spare part list #






Measurement head, ready to be assembly.



Programmable Electronic panel



Kit pulley (Z=24)



Kit pulley (Z=72)






24 V Motor



Indenter ring-nut



Penetratore in diamante 120° | Prove Rockwell



Penetratore a sfera Ø1/16” | Prove Brinell



Incudine Ø60 superficie piana



Incudine Ø60 superficie a “V” Permette prove su particolari cilindrici con diametri compresi tra 4 e 60 mm



Incudine Ø60 reversibile; superficie piana e a “V” Permette prove su particolari di piccole dimensioni, sia piani che cilindrici con diametri compresi tra 4 e 24 mm



Protective Bellows



Raising handwheel knob



Raising screw KIT ready for assembly



HRB Sample certified by the manufacturer



HRC Sample certified by the manufacturer



HR30N Sample certified by the manufacturer



HR30T Sample certified by the manufacturer

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5.3 Accessory list “206 EX/EXS/MX/MXS”

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Fittings lists #













120° diamond indenter | Rockwell Tests



Ø1/16” sphere indenter | Rockwell Tests



Ø60 Anvil flat surface anvil



Ø60 “V” surface anvil It is useful for tests on cylindrical pieces having diameter from 4 to 60 mm



Ø60 Reversible anvil; Flat and “V” surface It is useful for tests on small pieces, both flat and cylindrical having diameter from 4 to 60 mm



Ø140 Flat surface anvil



Holder instrument table



HRA Rockwell Sample certified by the manufacturer


Adjustable Piece press base Indenter support for inside tests Scale used: HR30N | Min Diameter: 13mm | Max outhreach: 17mm Indenter support for inside tests Scale used: HRC | Min Diameter: 17mm | Max outhreach: 22mm 120° Reduced diamond indenter | Rockwell Tests For inside tests, with the suitable base


60* Hardness value HRA Sample


63* Hardness value HRA Sample


65* Hardness value HRA Sample


68* Hardness value HRA Sample


70* Hardness value HRA Sample


73* Hardness value HRA Sample


76* Hardness value HRA Sample


78* Hardness value HRA Sample


81* Hardness value HRA Sample


83* Hardness value HRA Sample


84* Hardness value HRA Sample


85* Hardness value HRA Sample


B Rockwell sample certified by the manufacturer


30* Hardness value HRB Sample


40* Hardness value HRB Sample


50* Hardness value HRB Sample


60* Hardness value HRB Sample


70* Hardness value HRB Sample


80* Hardness value HRB Sample


90* Hardness value HRB Sample

MEC030.60010002-95 MEC030.60010002-100

95* Hardness value HRB Sample 100* Hardness value HRB Sample

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C Rockwell sample certified by the manufacturer


20* Hardness value HRC Sample


25* Hardness value HRC Sample


30* Hardness value HRC Sample


35* Hardness value HRC Sample


40* Hardness value HRC Sample


45* Hardness value HRC Sample


50* Hardness value HRC Sample


55* Hardness value HRC Sample


60* Hardness value HRC Sample


63* Hardness value HRC Sample


65* Hardness value HRC Sample


30N Rockwell sample certified by the manufacturer


41* Hardness value HR30N Sample


46* Hardness value HR30N Sample


50* Hardness value HR30N Sample


55* Hardness value HR30N Sample


59* Hardness value HR30N Sample


64* Hardness value HR30N Sample


68* Hardness value HR30N Sample


73* Hardness value HR30N Sample


77* Hardness value HR30N Sample


80* Hardness value HR30N Sample


82* Hardness value HR30N Sample


83* Hardness value HR30N Sample


30T Rockwell sample certified by the manufacturer


49*Hardness value HR30T Sample


63* Hardness value HR30T Sample


76* Hardness value HR30T Sample

MEC030.60020001 MEC030.60020001-50

HV10 Vickers sample certified by the manufacturer 50* Hardness value HV10 Sample


100* Hardness value HV10 Sample


200* Hardness value HV10 Sample


300* Hardness value HV10 Sample


350* Hardness value HV10 Sample


400* Hardness value HV10 Sample


450* Hardness value HV10 Sample


500* Hardness value HV10 Sample


550* Hardness value HV10 Sample


600* Hardness value HV10 Sample


50* Hardness value HV10 Sample

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700* Hardness value HV10 Sample


750* Hardness value HV10 Sample


800* Hardness value HV10 Sample


850* Hardness value HV10 Sample


900* Hardness value HV10 Sample


HV30 Vickers sample certified by the manufacturer


50* Hardness value HV30 Sample


100* Hardness value HV30 Sample


200* Hardness value HV30 Sample


300* Hardness value HV30 Sample


350* Hardness value HV30 Sample


400* Hardness value HV30 Sample


450* Hardness value HV30 Sample


500* Hardness value HV30 Sample


550* Hardness value HV30 Sample


600* Hardness value HV30 Sample


650* Hardness value HV30 Sample


700* Hardness value HV30 Sample


750* Hardness value HV30 Sample


800* Hardness value HV30 Sample


850* Hardness value HV30 Sample


900* Hardness value HV30 Sample


HBW2.5/62.5 Brinell sample certified by the manufacturer


100* Hardness value HBW2.5/62.5 Sample


125* Hardness value HBW2.5/62.5 Sample


HBW2.5/187.5 Brinell sample certified by the manufacturer


200* Hardness value HBW2.5/187.5 Sample


300* Hardness value HBW2.5/187.5 Sample


400* Hardness value HBW2.5/187.5 Sample


500* Hardness value HBW2.5/187.5 Sample


600* Hardness value HBW2.5/187.5 Sample



20x div. 0.01 Microscope



Serial Data Printer



Special spring support anvil

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Page: 95

5.4 Electrical parts list “206 EX/EXS”

Electrical part list # 1








Power switch





250V – 2A 5x20 Fuse (glass)

T2A 250V~





D-Sub 9 pole Connector – RS232






Switching power supply unit 100-240V






Programming electronic panel



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Page: 96

5.5 Electrical parts list “206 MX/MXS”

Electrical part list #









Power Supply






D-Sub 9 pole Connector – RS232






Switching power supply unit 100-240V






Programming electronic panel






Motor 24 V

17PL030DT03 RE34


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Page: 97

6.0 Enclosures - Declaration of conformity, page 76 - The Brinell test according to the method based on measuring of penetration depth in theory and in practise, pages 79-81 - Table for direct reading of HBT Brinell hardness, pages 82-83 - Table extended to determinate the value of Brinell hardness HBW according to the diameter of the print, pages 84-86 - Table extended to determinate the value of Brinell hardness HBW according to the diameter of the mark, pages 87-94 - Overview of the values of Vickers hardness to be used for tests on flat surfaces, pages 95-121 - Table for the reading of Vickers hardness, pages 122-167 - Drawings: 602.1 602.2 602.3 602.4 602.5, Pag. 168 602.6 602.7, Pag. 169 602.8 602.9, Pag. 170 602.10 602.11 602.12 602.13 602.14, Pag. 171 - Wiring diagram, pag 172

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TABLE FOR DIRECT READING OF 2,5/187,5 (HB30) BRINELL HARDNESS For carbon steel Indenter: Ø2,5 mm Total load: Kg 187,5 Reading: on scale 0 – 100 to convert into HB-30 Brinell Hardness READINGS POINTS 0100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30




104,8 105,6 106,4 107,2 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 130 131 133 135 137

37,7 38,0 38,2 38,6 38,8 39,2 39,6 40,0 40,3 40,7 41,0 41,4 41,8 42,2 42,5 42,8 43,2 43,6 43,9 44,3 44,6 45,0 45,4 45,8 46,1 46,8 47,2 47,8 48,6 49,3

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 50,5 51,0 51,5 52,0 52,5 53,0 53,5 54,0 54,5 55,0




139 141 143 145 147 149 151 153 155 158 161 164 167 170 173 176 179 182 186 190 192 194 196 198 200 202 204 206 208 210

50,1 50,8 51,5 52,3 52,9 53,6 54,4 55,1 55,8 56,9 58,0 59,1 60,1 61,2 62,3 63,4 64,5 65,5 66,9 68,4 69,1 69,8 70,5 71,3 72,0 72,7 73,4 74,1 74,8 75,6

Ø10 MM KG 3000

READINGS POINTS 0100 55,5 56,0 56,5 57,0 57,5 58,0 58,5 59,0 59,5 60,0 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80



212 215 217 220 223 226 229 232 235 238 243 249 255 262 269 277 285 293 301 309 318 328 338 348 359 370 382 395 409 424

76,5 77,4 78,3 79,3 80,3 81,4 82,4 83,5 84,5 85,6 87,5 89,6 91,8 94,3 96,3 99,7 102,6 105,5 108,4 111,2 114,5 118,1 121,7 125,3 129,2 133,2 137,5 142,2 147,2 152,6

READINGS POINTS 0100 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84



257 265 274 284 295 306 318 331 344 358 372 387 403 419 439 459 479 499 520 542 564

87,5 90,0 93,2 96,6 100,5 104 108 112,5 117 122 126,5 131,5 137 142 149 156 163 169 176 184 192

For nickel steel READINGS POINTS 0100 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41




122 124 125 127 128 130 132 133 134 136 138 140 142 144 146 148 150 152 155 157 160 162

41,5 42,2 42,5 43,2 43,6 44,2 44,9 45,3 45,6 46,3 47,0 47,6 48,3 49,0 49,6 50,3 51,0 54, 52,7 53,4 54,4 55,1

42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 51,6 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63



165 167 170 173 176 179 182 185 188 192 196 200 204 208 212 216 221 226 231 237 243 250

56,1 56,8 57,8 58,8 59,8 60,9 61,9 62,9 63,9 65,3 66,6 68,0 69,4 70,8 72,2 73,5 75,2 76,8 78,6 80,6 82,8 85,0

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TABLE FOR DIRECT READING OF HBW 2,5/ 62,5 (HB10) BRINELL HARDNESS For non-ferrous metals Indenter: Ø2,5 mm Total load: Kg 62,5 Reading: on scale 0 – 100 to convert into HB-10 Brinell Hardness HB-10 HB-10







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

28,9 29,3 29,7 30,1 30,5 30,9 31,3 31,7 32,1 32,5 32,9 33,3 33,7 34,1 34,6 35,1 35,6 36,1 36,6 37,1 37,6 38,1

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

38,6 39,1 39,6 40,2 40,8 41,4 42,0 42,6 43,2 43,8 44,5 45,2 45,9 46,6 47,3 48,0 48,7 49,4 50,2 51,0 51,8 52,6

44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65

HB-10 BRINELL 53,5 54,4 55,3 56,2 57,2 58,2 59,2 60,3 61,4 62,6 63,8 65,0 66,4 67,8 69,2 70,6 72,0 73,5 75,1 76,8 79,6 81,5



66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86

83,5 86,0 88,5 91,0 93,5 96,0 99,0 102 105 108 112 116 120 125 130 136 143 151 160 171 183

TABLE FOR DIRECT READING OF 2,5/187,5 (HB30) BRINELL HARDNESS For cast iron and hard cast iron Indenter: Ø2,5 mm Total load: Kg 187,5 Reading: on scale 0 – 100 to convert into HB-30 Brinell Hardness READINGS POINTS 0-100 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

HB-30 BRINELL 105 106,5 108 109,5 111 113 115 117 119 121,5 124 125,5 127 128,5 130 131,5 133 134,5 136,5

READINGS POINTS 0-100 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47

HB-30 BRINELL 138,5 140,5 142,5 144,5 146,5 149 151,5 154 156,5 159 161,5 164 167 170 173 176 179,5 183 186,5


READINGS POINTS 0-100 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66



190 194 198 202 206,5 211 215,5 220 225 230 235 240,5 246 252 258,5 265,5 272,5 280 288

67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 89 79 80 81 82 83

HB-30 BRINELL 296,5 305,5 315 325 335,5 346,5 358 370 383 397 412 428 445 463 484 513 548

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0,102 x F D 2

Sphere diameter 30


D mm 29420 14710

10 5 2,5 1

1,200 1,205 1,210 1,215 1,220 1,225 1,230 1,235 1,240 1,245 1,250 1,255 1,260 1,265 1,270 1,275 1,280 1,285 1,290 1,295 1,300 1,305 1,310 1,315 1,320 1,325 1,330 1,335 1,340 1,345 1,350 1,355 1,360 1,365

0,600 0 0,602 5 0,605 0 0,607 5 0,610 0 0,612 5 0,615 0 0,617 5 0,620 0 0,622 5 0,625 0 0,627 5 0,630 0 0,632 5 0,635 0 0,637 5 0,640 0 0,642 5 0,645 0 0,647 5 0,650 0 0,652 5 0,655 0 0,657 5 0,660 0 0,662 5 0,665 0 0,667 5 0,670 0 0,672 5 0,675 0 0,677 5 0,680 0 0,682 5

0,240 0,241 0,242 0,243 0,244 0,245 0,246 0,247 0,248 0,249 0,250 0,251 0,252 0,253 0,254 0,255 0,256 0,257 0,258 0,259 0,260 0,261 0,262 0,263 0,264 0,265 0,266 0,267 0,268 0,269 0,270 0,271 0,272 0,273


























Mean diameter d (mm) of the print 2,40 2,41 2,42 2,43 2,44 2,45 2,46 2,47 2,48 2,49 2,50 2,51 2,52 2,53 2,54 2,55 2,56 2,57 2,58 2,59 2,60 2,61 2,62 2,63 2,64 2,65 2,66 2,67 2,68 2,69 2,70 2,71 2,72 2,73

10 5 Test load

Brinell HBW Hardness 653 648 643 637 632 627 621 616 611 606 601 597 592 587 582 578 573 569 564 560 555 551 547 543 538 534 530 526 522 518 514 510 507 503

327 324 321 319 316 313 311 308 306 303 301 298 296 294 291 289 287 284 282 280 278 276 273 271 269 267 265 263 261 259 257 255 253 251

218 216 214 212 211 209 207 205 204 202 200 199 197 196 194 193 191 190 188 187 185 184 182 181 179 178 177 175 174 173 171 170 169 168

109 108 107 106 105 104 104 103 102 101 100 99,4 98,6 97,8 97,1 96,3 95,5 94,8 94,0 93,3 92,6 91,8 91,1 90,4 89,7 89,0 88,4 87,7 87,0 86,4 85,7 85,1 84,4 83,8

54,5 54,0 53,5 53,1 52,7 52,2 51,8 51,4 50,9 50,5 50,1 49,7 49,3 48,9 48,5 48,1 47,8 47,4 47,0 46,6 46,3 45,9 45,6 45,2 44,9 44,5 44,2 43,8 43,5 43,2 42,9 42,5 42,2 41,9

21,8 21,6 21,4 21,2 21,1 20,9 20,7 20,5 20,4 20,2 20,0 19,9 19,7 19,6 19,4 19,3 19,1 19,0 18,8 18,7 18,5 18,4 18,2 18,1 17,9 17,8 17,7 17,5 17,4 17,3 17,1 17,0 16,9 16,8

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2,74 2,75

1,370 1,375

0,685 0 0,274 0,687 5 0,275

499 495

Sphere diameter D (mm) 10 5 2,5 1 Mean diameter of the print d (mm) 2,76 1,380 0,690 0 0,276 2,77 1,385 0,692 5 0,277 2,78 1,390 0,695 0 0,278 2,79 1,395 0,697 5 0,279 2,80 1 ,400 0,700 0 0,280 2,81 1 ,405 0,702 5 0,281 2,82 1,410 0,705 0 0,282 2,83 1,415 0,707 5 0,283 2,84 1 ,420 0,710 0 0,284 2,85 1 ,425 0,712 5 0,285 2,86 1 ,430 0,715 0 0,286 2,87 1 ,435 0,717 5 0,287 2,88 1,440 0,720 0 0,288 2,89 1,445 0,722 5 0,289 2,90 1 ,450 0,725 0 0,290 2,91 1 ,455 0,727 5 0,291 2,92 1 ,460 0,730 0 0,292 2,93 1,465 0,732 5 0,293 2,94 1,470 0,735 0 0,294 2,95 1,475 0,737 5 0,295 2,96 1,480 0,740 0 0,296 2,97 1 ,485 0,742 5 0,297 2,98 1 ,490 0,745 0 0,298 2,99 1,495 0,747 5 0,299 3,00 1,500 0,750 0 0,300 3,01 1,505 0,752 5 0,301 3,02 1,510 0,755 0 0,302 3,03 1,515 0,757 5 0,303 3,04 1,520 0,760 0 0,304 3,05 1,525 0,762 5 0,305 3,06 1,530 0,765 0 0,306 3,07 1,535 0,767 5 0,307 3,08 1,540 0,770 0 0,308 3,09 1,545 0,772 5 0,309 3,10 1,550 0,775 0 0,310 3,11 1,555 0,7775 0,311 3,12 1,560 0,780 0 0,312 3,13 1,565 0,782 5 0,313 3,14 1,570 0,787 0 0,314 3,15 1,575 0,787 5 0,315 3,16 1,580 0,790 0 0,316 3,17 1,585 0,792 5 0,317 3,18 1,590 0,795 0 0,318 3,19 1,595 0,797 5 0,319 3,20 1,600 0,800 0 0,320 3,21 1,605 0,802 5 0,321 3,22 1,610 0,805 0 0,322 3,23 1,615 0,807 5 0,323 3,24 1,620 0,810 0 0,324

250 166 83,2 41,6 248 165 82,6 41,3 Load-Diameter Report

16,6 16,5

0,102 x F D 2 30






Brinell HBW Hardness 492 488 485 481 477 474 471 467 464 461 457 454 451 448 444 441 438 435 432 429 426 423 420 417 415 412 409 406 404 401 398 395 393 390 388 385 383 380 378 375 373 370 368 366 363 361 359 356 354

246 244 242 240 239 237 235 234 232 230 229 227 225 224 222 221 219 218 216 215 213 212 210 209 207 206 205 203 202 200 199 198 196 195 194 193 191 190 189 188 186 185 184 183 182 180 179 178 177

164 81,9 41,0 163 81,3 40,7 162 80,8 40,4 160 80,2 40,1 159 79,6 39,8 158 79,0 39,5 157 78,4 39,2 156 77,9 38,9 155 77,3 38,7 154 76,8 38,4 152 76,2 38,1 151 75,7 37,8 150 75,1 37,6 149 74,6 37,3 148 74,1 37,0 147 73,6 36,8 146 73,0 36,5 145 72,5 36,3 144 72,0 36,0 143 71,5 35,8 142 71,0 35,5 141 70,5 35,3 140 70,1 35,0 139 69,6 34,8 138 69,1 34,6 137 68,6 34,3 136 68,2 34,1 135 67,7 33,9 135 67,3 33,6 134 66,8 33,4 133 66,4 33,2 132 65,9 33,0 131 65,5 32,7 130 65,0 32,5 129 64,6 32,3 128 64,2 32,1 128 63,8 31,9 127 63,3 31,7 126 62,9 31,5 125 62,5 31,3 124 62,1 31,1 123 61,7 30,9 123 61,3 30,7 122 60,9 30,5 121 60,5 30,3 120 60,1 30,1 120 59,8 29,9 119 59,4 29,7 118 59,0 29,5

16,4 16,3 16,2 16,0 15,9 15,8 15,7 15,6 15,5 15,4 15,2 15,1 15,0 14,9 14,8 14,7 14,6 14,5 14,4 14,3 14,2 14,1 14,0 13,9 13,8 13,7 13,6 13,5 13,5 13,4 13,3 13,2 13,1 13,0 12,9 12,8 12,8 12,7 12,6 12,5 12,4 12,3 12,3 12,2 12,1 12,0 12,0 11,9 11,8

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0,812 5 0,325


Sphere diameter D (mm) 10 5 2,5 1 Mean diameter d of the print (mm) 3,26 1,630 0,815 0 0,326 3,27 1,635 0,817 5 0,327 3,28 1,640 0,820 0 0,328 3,29 1,645 0,822 5 0,329 3,30 1,650 0,825 0 0,330 3,31 1,655 0,827 5 0,331 3,32 1,660 0,830 0 0,332 3,33 1,665 0,832 5 0,333 3,34 1,670 0,835 0 0,334 3,35 1,675 0,837 5 0,335 3,36 1,680 0,840 0 0,336 3,37 1,685 0,842 5 0,337 3,38 1,690 0,845 0 0,338 3,39 1,695 0,847 5 0,339 3,40 1,700 0,850 0 0,340 3,41 1,705 0,852 5 0,341 3,42 1,710 0,855 0 0,342 3,43 1,715 0,857 5 0,343 3,44 1,720 0,860 0 0,344 3,45 1,725 0,862 5 0,345 3,46 1,730 0,865 0 0,346 3,47 1,735 0,867 5 0,347 3,48 1,740 0,870 0 0,348 3,49 1,745 0,872 5 0,349 3,50 1,750 0,875 0 0,350 3,51 1,755 0,877 5 0,351 3,52 1,760 0,880 0 0,352 3,53 1,765 0,882 5 0,353 3,54 1,770 0,885 0 0,354 3,55 1,775 0,887 5 0,355 3,56 1,780 0,890 0 0,356 3,57 1,785 0,892 5 0,357 3,58 1,790 0,895 0 0,358 3,59 1,795 0,897 5 0,359 3,60 1,800 0,900 0 0,360 3,61 1,805 0,902 5 0,361 3,62 1,810 0,905 0 0,362 3,63 1,815 0,907 5 0,363 3,64 1,820 0,910 0 0,364 3,65 1,825 0,912 5 0,365 3,66 1,830 0,915 0 0,366 3,67 1,835 0,917 5 0,367 3,68 1,840 0,920 0 0,368 3,69 1,845 0,922 5 0,369 3,70 1,850 0,925 0 0,370 3,71 1,855 0,927 5 0,371 3,72 1,860 0,930 0 0,372 3,73 1,865 0,932 5 0,373 3,74 1,870 0,935 0 0,374 3,75 1,875 0,937 5 0,375

176 117 58,6 29,3 Load-Diameter Report


0,102 x F D 2 30






Brinell HBW Hardness 350 347 345 343 341 339 337 335 333 331 329 326 325 323 321 319 317 315 313 311 309 307 306 304 302. 300 298 297 295 293 292 290 288 286 285 283 282 280 278 277 275 274 272 271 269 268 266 265 263 262

175 174 173 172 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160 159 158 157 156 156 155 154 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 147 146 145 144 143 142 142 141 140 139 138 138 137 136 135 135 134 133 132 132 131

117 116 115 114 114 113 112 112 111 110 110 109 108 108 107 106 106 105 104 104 103 102 102 101 101 100 99,5 98,9 98,3 97,7 97,2 96,6 96,1 95,5 95,0 94,4 93,9 93,3 92,8 92,3 91,8 91,2 90,7 90,2 89,7 89,2 88,7 88,2 87,7 87,2

58,3 57,9 57,5 57,2 56,8 56,5 56,1 55,8 55,4 55,1 54,8 54,4 54,1 53,8 53,4 53,1 52,8 52,5 52,2 51,8 51,5 51,2 50,9 50,6 50,3 50,0 49,7 49,4 49,2 48,9 48,6 48,3 48,0 47,7 47,5 47,2 46,9 46,7 46,4 46,1 45,9 45,6 45,4 45,1 44,9 44,6 44,4 44,1 43,9 43,6

29,1 29,0 28,8 28,6 28,4 28,2 28,1 27,9 27,7 27,5 27,4 27,2 27,0 26,9 26,7 26,6 26,4 26,2 26,1 25,9 25,8 25,6 25,5 25,3 25,2 25,0 24,9 24,7 24,6 24,4 24,3 24,2 24,0 23,9 23,7 23,6 23,5 23,3 23,2 23,1 22,9 22,8 22,7 22,6 22,4 22,3 22,2 22,1 21,9 21,8

11,7 11,6 11,5 11,4 11,4 11,3 11,2 11,2 11,1 11,0 11,0 10,9 10,8 10,8 10,7 10,6 10,6 10,5 10,4 10,4 10,3 10,2 10,2 10,1 10,1 10,0 9,95 9,89 9,83 9,77 9,72 9,66 9,61 9,55 9,50 9,44 9,39 9,33 9,28 9,23 9,18 9,12 9,07 9,02 8,97 8,92 8,87 8,82 8,77 8,72

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0,940 0 0,376


Sphere diameter D (mm) 10 5 2,5 1 Mean diameter d of the print (mm) 3,77 1,885 0,942 5 0,377 3,78 1,890 0,945 0 0,378 3,79 1,895 0,947 5 0,379 3,80 1,900 0,950 0 0,380 3,81 1,905 0,952 5 0,381 3,82 1,910 0,955 0 0,382 3,83 1,915 0,957 5 0,383 3,84 1,920 0,960 0 0,384 3,85 1,925 0,962 5 0,385 3,86 1,930 0,965 0 0,386 3,87 1,935 0,967 5 0,387 3,88 1,940 0,970 0 0,388 3,89 1,945 0,972 5 0,389 3,90 1,950 0,975 0 0,390 3,91 1,955 0,977 5 0,391 3,92 1,960 0,980 0 0,392 3,93 1,965 0,982 5 0,393 3,94 1,970 0,985 0 0,394 3,95 1,975 0,987 5 0,395 3,96 1,980 0,990 0 0,396 3,97 1,985 0,992 5 0,397 3,98 1,990 0,995 0 0,398 3,99 1,995 0,997 5 0,399 4,00 2,000 1,000 0 0,400 4,01 2,005 1,002 5 0,401 4,02 2,010 1,005 0 0,402 4,03 2,015 1,007 5 0,403 4,04 2,020 1,010 0 0,404 4,05 2,025 1,012 5 0,405 4,06 2,030 1,015 0 0,406 4,07 2,035 1,017 5 0,407 4,08 2,040 1,020 0 0,408 4,09 2,045 1,022 5 0,409 4,10 2,050 1,025 0 0,410 4,11 2,055 1,027 5 0,411 4,12 2,060 1 ,030 0 0,412 4,13 2,065 1,032 5 0,413 4,14 2,070 1,035 0 0,414 4,15 2,075 1,037 5 0,415 4,16 2,080 1,040 0 0,416 4,17 2,085 1,042 5 0,417 4,18 2,090 1,045 0 0,418 4,19 2,095 1,047 5 0,419 4,20 2,100 1,050 0 0,420 4,21 2,105 1,052 5 0,421 4,22 2,110 1,055 0 0,422 4,23 2,115 1,057 5 0,423 4,24 2,120 1,060 0 0,424 4,25 2,125 1,062 5 0,425 4,26 2,130 1,065 0 0,426

130 86,8 43,4 21,7 Load-Diameter Report


0,102 x F D 2 30






Brinell HBW Hardness 259 257 256 255 253 252 250 249 248 246 245 244 242 241 240 239 237 236 235 234 232 231 230 229 228 226 225 224 223 222 221 219 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 208 207 205 204 203 202 201 200

129 129 128 127 127 126 125 125 124 123 123 122 121 121 120 119 119 118 117 117 116 116 115 114 114 113 113 112 111 111 110 110 109 109 108 108 107 106 106 105 105 104 104 103 103 102 102 101 101 100

86,3 85,8 85,3 84,9 84,4 83,9 83,5 83,0 82,6 82,1 81,7 81,3 80,8 80,4 80,0 79,5 79,1 78,7 78,3 77,9 77,5 77,1 76,7 76,3 75,9 75,5 75,1 74,7 74,3 73,9 73,5 73,2 72,8 72,4 72,0 71,7 71,3 71,0 70,6 70,2 69,9 69,5 69,2 68,8 68,5 68,2 67,8 67,5 67,1 66,8

43,1 42,9 42,7 42,4 42,2 42,0 41,7 41,5 41,3 41,1 40,9 40,6 40,4 40,2 40,0 39,8 39,6 39,4 39,1 38,9 38,7 38,5 38,3 38,1 37,9 37,7 37,5 37,3 37,1 37,0 36,8 36,6 36,4 36,2 36,0 35,8 35,7 35,5 35,3 35,1 34,9 34,8 34,6 34,4 34,2 34,1 33,9 33,7 33,6 33,4

21,6 21,5 21,3 21,2 21,1 21,0 20,9 20,8 20,6 20,5 20,4 20,3 20,2 20,1 20,0 19,9 19,8 19,7 19,6 19,5 19,4 19,3 19,2 19,1 19,0 18,9 18,8 18,7 18,6 18,5 18,4 18,3 18,2 18,1 18,0 17,9 17,8 17,7 17,6 17,6 17,5 17,4 17,3 17,2 17,1 17,0 17,0 16,9 16,8 16,7

8,63 8,58 8,53 8,49 8,44 8,39 8,35 8,30 8,26 8,21 8,17 8,13 8,08 8,04 8,00 7,95 7,91 7,87 7,83 7,79 7,75 7,71 7,67 7,63 7,59 7,55 7,51 7,47 7,43 7,39 7,35 7,32 7,28 7,24 7,20 7,17 7,13 7,10 7,06 7,02 6,99 6,95 6,92 6,88 6,85 6,82 6,78 6,75 6,71 6,68

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Load-Diameter Report

Sphere diameter D (mm) 10 5 2,5 1 Mean diameter d of the print (mm) 4,27 2,135 1,067 5 0,427 4,28 2,140 1,070 0 0,428 4,29 2,145 1,072 5 0,429 4,30 2,150 1,075 0 0,430 4,31 2,155 1,077 5 0,431 4,32 2,160 1,080 0 0,432 4,33 2,165 1,082 5 0,433 4,34 2,170 1,085 0 0,434 4,35 2,175 1,087 5 0,435 4,36 2,180 1,090 0 0,436 4,37 2,185 1,092 5 0,437 4,38 2,190 1,095 0 0,438 4,39 2,195 1,097 5 0,439 4,40 2,200 1,100 0 0,440 4,41 2,205 1,102 5 0,441 4,42 2,210 1,105 0 0,442 4,43 2,215 1,107 5 0,443 4,44 2,220 1,110 0 0,444 4,45 2,225 1,112 5 0,445 4,46 2,230 1,115 0 0,446 4,47 2,235 1,117 5 0,447 4,48 2,240 1,120 0 0,448 4,49 2,245 1,122 5 0,449 4,50 2,250 1,125 0 0,450 4,51 2,255 1,127 5 0,451 4,52 2,260 1,130 0 0,452 4,53 2,265 1,132 5 0,453 4,54 2,270 1,135 0 0,454 4,55 2,275 1,137 5 0,455 4,56 2,280 1,140 0 0,456 4,57 2,285 1,142 5 0,457 4,58 2,290 1,145 0 0,458 4,59 2,295 1,147 5 0,459 4,60 2,300 1,150 0 0,460 4,61 2,305 1,152 5 0,461 4,62 2,310 1,155 0 0,462 4,63 2,315 1,157 5 0,463 4,64 2,320 1,160 0 0,464 4,65 2,325 1,162 5 0,465 4,66 2,330 1,165 0 0,466 4,67 2,335 1,167 5 0,467 4,68 2,340 1,170 0 0,468 4,69 2,345 1,172 5 0,469 4,70 2,350 1,175 0 0,470 4,71 2,355 1,177 5 0,471 4,72 2,360 1,180 0 0,472 4,73 2,365 1,182 5 0,473 4,74 2,370 1,185 0 0,474 4,75 2,375 1,187 5 0,475 4,76 2,380 1,190 0 0,476 4,77 2,385 1,1925 0,477

0,102 x F D 2 30






Brinell HBW Hardness 199 198 198 197 196 195 194 193 192 191 190 189 188 187 186 185 185 184 183 182 181 180 179 179 178 177 176 175 174 174 173 172 171 170 170 169. 168 167 167 166 165 164 164 163 162 161 161 160 159 158 158

99,7 99,2 98,8 98,3 97,8 97,3 96,8 96,4 95,9 95,4 95,0 94,5 94,1 93,6 93,2 92,7 92,3 91,8 91,4 91,0 90,5 90,1 89,7 89,3 88,9 88,4 88,0 87,6 87,2 86,8 86,4 86,0 85,6 85,2 84,8 84,4 84,0 83,6 83,3 82,9 82,5 82,1 81,8 81,4 81,0 80,7 80,3 79,9 79,6 79,2 78,9

66,5 66,2 65,8 65,5 65,2 64,9 64,6 64,2 63,9 63,6 63,3 63,0 62,7 62,4 62,1 61,8 61,5 61,2 60,9 60,6 60,4 60,1 59,8 59,5 59,2 59,0 58,7 58,4 58,1 57,9 57,6 57,3 57,1 56,8 56,5 56,3 56,0 55,8 55,5 55,3 55,0 54,8 54,5 54,3 54,0 53,8 53,5 53,3 53,0 52,8 52,6

33,2 33,1 32,9 32,8 32,6 32,4 32,3 32,1 32,0 31,8 31,7 31,5 31,4 31,2 31,1 30,9 30,8 30,6 30,5 30,3 30,2 30,0 29,9 29,8 29,6 29,5 29,3 29,2 29,1 28,9 28,8 28,7 28,5 28,4 28,3 28,1 28,0 27,9 27,8 27,6 27,5 27,4 27,3 27,1 27,0 26,9 26,8 26,6 26,5 26,4 26,3

16,6 16,5 16,5 16,4 16,3 16,2 16,1 16,1 16,0 15,9 15,8 15,8 15,7 15,6 15,5 15,5 15,4 15,3 15,2 15,2 15,1 15,0 14,9 14,9 14,8 14,7 14,7 14,6 14,5 14,5 14,4 14,3 14,3 14,2 14,1 14,1 14,0 13,9 13,9 13,8 13,8 13,7 13,6 13,6 13,5 13,4 13,4 13,3 13,3 13,2 13,1

6,65 6,62 6,58 6,55 6,52 6,49 6,46 6,42 6,39 6,36 6,33 6,30 6,27 6,24 6,21 6,18 6,15 6,12 6,09 6,06 6,04 6,01 5,98 5,95 5,92 5,90 5,87 5,84 5,81 5,79 5,76 5,73 5,71 5,68 5,65 5,63 5,60 5,58 5,55 5,53 5,50 5,48 5,45 5,43 5,40 5,38 5,35 5,33 5,30 5,28 5,26

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Load-Diameter Report

Sphere diameter D (mm) 10 5 2,5 Mean diameter d of the (mm) 4,78 2,390 1,195 0 4,79 2,395 1,197 5 4,80 2,400 1,200 0 4,81 2,405 1,202 5 4,82 2,410 1,205 0 4,83 2,415 1,207 5 4,84 2,420 1,210 0 4,85 2,425 1,212 5 4,86 2,430 1,215 0 4,87 2,435 1,217 5 4,88 2,440 1,220 0 4,89 2,445 1,222 5 4,90 2,450 1,225 0 4,91 2,455 1,227 5 4,92 2,460 1,230 0 4,93 2,465 1,232 5 4,94 2,470 1,235 0 4,95 2,475 1,237 5 4,96 2,480 1,240 0 4,97 2,485 1,242 5 4,98 2,490 1,245 0 4,99 2,495 1,247 5 5,00 2,500 1,250 0 5,01 2,505 1,252 5 5,02 2,510 1,255 0 5,03 2,515 1,257 5 5,04 2,520 1,260 0 5,05 2,525 1,262 5 5,06 2,530 1,265 0 5,07 2,535 1,267 5 5,08 2,540 1,270 0 5,09 2,545 1,272 5 5,10 2,550 1,275 0 5,11 2,555 1,277 5 5,12 2,560 1,280 0 5,13 2,565 1,282 5 5,14 2,570 1,285 0 5,15 2,575 1,287 5 5,16 2,580 1,290 0 5,17 2,585 1,292 5 5,18 2,590 1,295 0 5,19 2,595 1,297 5 5,20 2,600 1,300 0 5,21 2,605 1,302 5 5,22 2,610 1,305 0 5,23 2,615 1,307 5 5,24 2,620 1,310 0 5,25 2,625 1,312 5 5,26 2,630 1,315 0 5,27 2,635 1,317 5

0,102 x F D 2

1 print


0,478 0,479 0,480 0,481 0,482 0,483 0,484 0,485 0.486 0,487 0,488 0,489 0,490 0,491 0,492 0,493 0,494 0,495 0,496 0,497 0,498 0,499 0,500 0,501 0,502 0,503 0,504 0,505 0,506 0,507 0,508 0,509 0,510 0,511 0,512 0,513 0,514 0,515 0,516 0,517 0,518 0,519 0,520 0,521 0,522 0,523 0,524 0,525 0,526 0,527

157 156 156 155 154 154 153 152 152 151 150 150 149 148 148 147 146 146 145 144 144 143 143 142 141 141 140 140 139 138 138 137 137 136 135 135 134 134 133 133 132 132 131 130 130 129 129 128 128 127






Brinell HBW Hardness 78,5 78,2 77,8 77,5 77,1 76,8 76,4 76,1 75,8 75,4 75,1 74,8 74,4 74,1 73,8 73,5 73,2 72,8 72,5 72,2 71,9 71,6 71,3 71,0 70,7 70,4 70,1 69,8 69,5 69,2 68,9 68,6 68,3 68,0 67,7 67,4 67,1 66,9 66,6 66,3 66,0 65,8 65,5 65,2 64,9 64,7 64,4 64,1 63,9 63,6

52,3 52,1 51,9 51,6 51,4 51,2 51,0 50,7 50,5 50,3 50,1 49,8 49,6 49,4 49,2 49,0 48,8 48,6 48,3 48,1 47,9 47,7 47,5 47,3 47,1 46,9 46,7 46,5 46,3 46,1 45,9 45,7 45,5 45,3 45,1 45,0 44,8 44,6 44,4 44,2 44,0 43,8 43,7 43,5 43,3 43,1 42,9 42,8 42,6 42,4

26,2 26,1 25,9 25,8 25,7 25,6 25,5 25,4 25,3 25,1 25,0 24,9 24,8 24,7 24,6 24,5 24,4 24,3 24,2 24,1 24,0 23,9 23,8 23,7 23,6 23,5 23,4 23,3 23,2 23,1 23,0 22,9 22,8 22,7 22,6 22,5 22,4 22,3 22,2 22,1 22,0 21,9 21,8 21,7 21,6 21,6 21,5 21,4 21,3 21,2

13,1 13,0 13,0 12,9 12,9 12,8 12,7 12,7 12,6 12,6 12,5 12,5 12,4 12,4 12,3 12,2 12,2 12,1 12,1 12,0 12,0 11,9 11,9 11,8 11,8 11,7 11,7 11,6 11,6 11,5 11,5 11,4 11,4 11,3 11,3 11,2 11,2 11,1 11,1 11,1 11,0 11,0 10,9 10,9 10,8 10,8 10,7 10,7 10,6 10,6

5,23 5,21 5,19 5,16 5,14 5,12 5,10 5,07 5,05 5,03 5,01 4,98 4,96 4,94 4,92 4,90 4,88 4,86 4,83 4,81 4,79 4,77 4,75 4,73 4,71 4,69 4,67 .4,65 4,63 4,61 4,59 4,57 4,55 4,53 4,51 4,50 4,48 4,46 4,44 4,42 4,40 4,38 4,37 4,35 4,33 4,31 4,29 4,28 4,26 4,24

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Load-Diameter Report

Sphere diameter D (mm) 10 5 2,5 Mean diameter d of the (mm) 5,28 2,640 1,320 0 5,29 2,645 1,322 5 5,30 2,650 1,325 0 5,31 2,655 1,327 5 5,32 2,660 1,330 0 5,33 2,665 1,332 5 5,34 2,670 1,335 0 5,35 2,675 1,337 5 5,36 2,680 1,340 0 5,37 2,685 1,342 5 5,38 2,690 1,345 0 5,39 2,695 1,347 5 5,40 2,700 1,350 0 5,41 2,705 1,352 5 5,42 2,710 1,355 0 5,43 2,715 1,357 5 5,44 2,720 1,360 0 5,45 2,725 1,362 5 5,46 2,730 1,365 0 5,47 2,735 1,367 5 5,48 2,740 1,370 0 5,49 2,745 1,372 5 5,50 2,750 1,375 0 5,51 2,755 1,377 5 5,52 2,760 1,380 0 5,53 2,765 1,382 5 5,54 2,770 1,385 0 5,55 2,775 1,387 5 5,56 2,780 1,390 0 5,57 2,785 1,392 5 5,58 2,790 1,395 0 5,59 2,795 1,397 5 5,60 2,800 1,400 0 5,61 2,805 1,402 5 5,62 2,810 1,405 0 5,63 2,815 1,407 5 5,64 2,820 1,410 0 5,65 2,825 1,412 5 5,66 2,830 1,415 0 5,67 2,835 1,417 5 5,68 2,840 1,420 0 5,69 2,845 1,422 5 5,70 2,850 1,425 0 5,71 2,855 1,427 5 5,72 2,860 1,430 0 5,73 2,865 1,432 5 5,74 2,870 1,435 0 5,75 2,875 1,437 5 5,76 2,880 1,440 0 5,77 2,885 1,442 5 5,78 2,890 1,445 0

0,102 x F D 2

1 print


0,528 0,529 0,530 0,531 0,532 0,533 0,534 0,535 0,536 0,537 0,538 0,539 0,540 0,541 0,542 0,543 0,544 0,545 0,546 0,547 0,548 0,549 0,550 0,551 0,552 0,553 0,554 0,555 0,556 0,557 0,558 0,559 0,560 0,561 0,562 0,563 0,564 0,565 0,566 0,567 0,568 0,569 0,570 0,571 0,572 0,573 0,574 0,575 0,576 0,577 0,578

127 126 126 125 125 124 124 123 123 122 122 121 121 120 120 119 119 118 118 117 117 116 116 115 115 114 114 114 113 113 112 112 111 111 110 110 110 109 109 108 108 107 107 107 106 106 105 105 105 104 104






Brinell HBW Hardness 63,3 63,1 62,8 62,6 62,3 62,1 61,8 61,5 61,3 61,0 60,8 60,6 60,3 60,1 59,8 59,6 59,3 59,1 58,9 58,6 58,4 58,2 57,9 57,7 57,5 57,2 57,0 56,8 56,6 56,3 56,1 55,9 55,7 55,5 55,2 55,0 54,8 54,6 54,4 54,2 54,0 53,7 53,5 53,3 53,1 52,9 52,7 52,5 52,3 52,1 51,9

42,2 42,1 41,9 41,7 41,5 41,4 41,2 41,0 40,9 40,7 40,5 40,4 40,2 40,0 39,9 39,7 39,6 39,4 39,2 39,1 38,9 38,8 38,6 38,5 38,3 38,2 38,0 37,9 37,7 37,6 37,4 37,3 37,1 37,0 36,8 36,7 36,5 36,4 36,3 36,1 36,0 35,8 35,7 35,6 35,4 35,3 35,1 35,0 34,9 34,7 34,6

21,1 21,0 20,9 20,9 20,8 20,7 20,6 20,5 20,4 20,3 20,3 20,2 20,1 20,0 19,9 19,9 19,8 19,7 19,6 19,5 19,5 19,4 19,3 19,2 19,2 19,1 19,0 18,9 18,9 18,8 18,7 18,6 18,6 18,5 18,4 18,3 18,3 18,2 18,1 18,1 18,0 17,9 17,8 17,8 17,7 17,6 17,6 17,5 17,4 17,4 17,3

10,6 10,5 10,5 10,4 10,4 10,3 10,3 10,3 10,2 10,2 10,1 10,1 10,1 10,0 9,97 9,93 9,89 9,85 9,81 9,77 9,73 9,69 9,66 9,62 9,58 9,54 9,50 9,47 9,43 9,39 9,35 9,32 9,28 9,24 9,21 9,17 9,14 9,10 9,06 9,03 8,99 8,96 8,92 8,89 8,85 8,82 8,79 8,75 8,72 8,68 8,65

4,22 4,21 4,19 4,17 4,15 4,14 4,12 4,10 4,09 4,07 4,05 4,04 4,02 4,00 3,99 3,97 3,96 3,94 3,92 3,91 3,89 3,88 3,86 3,85 3,83 3,82 3,80 3,79 3,77 3,76 3,74 3,73 3,71 3,70 3,68 3,67 3,65 3,64 3,63 3,61 3,60 3,58 3,57 3,56 3,54 3,53 3,51 3,50 3,49 3,47 3,46

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Page: 111

Load-Diameter Report

Sphere diameter D (mm) 10 5 2,5 Mean diameter d of the (mm) 5,79 2,895 1,447 5 5,80 2,900 1,450 0 5,81 2,905 1,452 5 5,82 2,910 1,455 0 5,83 2,915 1,457 5 5,84 2,920 1,460 0 5,85 2,925 1,462 5 5,86 2,930 1,465 0 5,87 2,935 1,467 5 5,88 2,940 1,470 0 5,89 2,945 1,472 5 5,90 2,950 1,475 0 5,91 2,955 1,477 5 5,92 2,960 1,480 0 5,93 2,965 1,482 5 5,94 2,970 1,485 0 5,95 2,975 1,487 5 5,96 2,980 1,490 0 5,97 2,985 1,492 5 5,98 2,990 1,495 0 5,99 2,995 1,497 5 6,00 3,000 1,500 0

0,102 x F D 2

1 print


0,579 0,580 0,581 0,582 0,583 0,584 0,585 0,586 0,587 0,588 0,589 0,590 0,591 0,592 0,593 0,594 0,595 0,596 0,597 0,298 0,599 0,600

103 103 103 102 102 101 101 101 100 99,9 99,5 99,2 98,8 98,4 98,0 97,7 97,3 96,9 96,6 96,2 95,9 95,5






Brinell HBW Hardness 51,7 51,5 51,3 51,1 50,9 50,7 50,5 50,3 50,2 50,0 49,8 49,6 49,4 49,2 49,0 48,8 48,7 48,5 48,3 48,1 47,9 47,7

34,5 34,3 34,2 34,1 33,9 33,8 33,7 33,6 33,4 33,3 33,2 33,1 32,9 32,8 32,7 32,6 32,4 32,3 32,2 32,1 32,0 31,8

17,2 17,2 17,1 17,0 17,0 16,9 16,8 16,8 16,7 16,7 16,6 16,5 16,5 16,4 16,3 16,3 16,2 16,2 16,1 16,0 16,0 15,9

8,62 8,59 8,55 8,52 8,49 8,45 8,42 8,39 8,36 8,33 8,30 8,26 8,23 8,20 8,17 8,14 8,11 8,08 8,05 8,02 7,99 7,96

3,45 3,43 3,42 3,41 3,39 3,38 3,37 3,36 3,34 3,33 3,32 3,31 3,29 3,28 3,27 3,26 3,24 3,23 3,22 3,21 3,20 3,18

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SHEDULE OF VICKERS HARDNESS VALUES TO USE FOR TESTS CARRIED OUT ON FLAT SURFACES Arithmeti Test load F[N] | Range from HV0,2 to HV3 c mean 1.961 2.942 4.903 9.807 19.61 24.52 29.42 of the 0.1891 ∗ F diagonal HV = d2 of the prints Vickers Hardness d (mm) HV0,2 HV0,3 HV0,5 HV1 HV2 HV2.5 HV3 0.0120 0.0122 0.0124 0.0126 0.0128 0.0130 0.0132 0.0134 0.0136 0.0138 0.0140 0.0142 0.0144 0.0146 0.0148 0.0150 0.0152 0.0154 0.0156 0.0158 0.0160 0.0162 0.0164 0.0166 0.0168 0.0170 0.0172 0.0174 0.0176 0.0178 0.0180 0.0182 0.0184 0.0186 0.0188 0.0190 0.0192 0.0194 0.0196 0.0198 0.0200 0.0202 0.0204

2575 2491 2412 2336 2263 2194 2128 2065 2005 1947 1892 1839 1788 1740 1693 1648 1605 1564 1524 1485 1449 1413 1379 1346 1314 1283 1253 1225 1197 1170 1145 1120 1095 1072 1049 1027 1006 985 965 946 927 909 891

2921 2838 2759 2683 2610 2540 2473 2408 2346 2286 2229 2173 2120 2068 2019 1971 1925 1881 1838 1796 1756 1717 1680 1643 1608 1574 1541 1509 1478 1448 1419 1391 1363 1337

2993 2926 2862 2799 2739 2680 2623 2568 2515 2463 2413 2365 2318 2272 2228





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SHEDULE OF VICKERS HARDNESS VALUES TO USE FOR TESTS CARRIED OUT ON FLAT SURFACES Arithmeti Test load F[N] | Range from HV0,2 to HV3 c mean 1.961 2.942 4.903 9.807 19.61 24.52 29.42 of the 0.1891 ∗ F diagonal HV = d2 of the prints Vickers Hardness d (mm) HV0,2 HV0,3 HV0,5 HV1 HV2 HV2.5 HV3 0.0206 0.0208 0.0210 0.0212 0.0214 0.0216 0.0218 0.0220 0.0222 0.0224 0.0226 0.0228 0.0230 0.0232 0.0234 0.0236 0.0238 0.0240 0.0242 0.0244 0.0246 0.0248 0.0250 0.0252 0.0254 0.0256 0.0258 0.0260 0.0262 0.0264 0.0266 0.0268 0.0270 0.0272 0.0274 0.0276 0.0278 0.0280 0.0282 0.0284 0.0286 0.0288

874 857 841 825 810 795 780 766 752 739 726 713 701 689 677 666 655 644 633 623 613 603 593 584 575 566 557 549 540 532 524 516 509 501 494 487 480 473 466 460 453 447

1311 1286 1262 1238 1215 1192 1171 1149 1129 1109 1089 1070 1052 1034 1016 999 982 966 950 934 919 905 890 876 862 849 836 823 810 798 786 775 763 752 741 730 720 710 700 690 680 671

2185 2143 2102 2063 2025 1987 1951 1916 1881 1848 1815 1784 1753 1723 1693 1665 1637 1610 1583 1557 1532 1507 1483 1460 1437 1415 1393 1372 1351 1330 1310 1291 1272 1253 1235 1217 1200 1183 1166 1150 1133 1118

2967 2920 2874 2830 2786 2743 2702 2661 2621 2582 2544 2507 2470 2434 2400 2365 2332 2299 2267 2236




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SHEDULE OF VICKERS HARDNESS VALUES TO USE FOR TESTS CARRIED OUT ON FLAT SURFACES Arithmeti Test load F[N] | Range from HV0,2 to HV3 c mean 1.961 2.942 4.903 9.807 19.61 24.52 29.42 of the 0.1891 ∗ F diagonal HV = d2 of the prints Vickers Hardness d (mm) HV0,2 HV0,3 HV0,5 HV1 HV2 HV2.5 HV3 0.0290 0.0292 0.0294 0.0296 0.0298 0.0300 0.0302 0.0304 0.0306 0.0308 0.0310 0.0312 0.0314 0.0316 0.0318 0.0320 0.0322 0.0324 0.0326 0.0328 0.0330 0.0332 0.0334 0.0336 0.0338 0.0340 0.0342 0.0344 0.0346 0.0348 0.0350 0.0352 0.0354 0.0356 0.0358 0.0360 0.0362 0.0364 0.0366 0.0368 0.0370 0.0372

441 435 429 423 418 412 407 401 396 391 386 381 376 371 367 362 358 353 349 345 341 336 332 328 325 321 317 313 310 306 303 299 296 293 289 286 283 280 277 274 271 268

662 652 644 635 626 618 610 602 594 586 579 572 564 557 550 543 537 530 523 517 511 505 499 493 487 481 476 470 465 459 454 449 444 439 434 429 425 420 415 411 406 402

1102 1087 1073 1058 1044 1030 1017 1003 990 977 965 952 940 928 917 905 894 883 872 862 851 841 831 821 812 802 793 783 774 766 757 748 740 732 723 715 708 700 692 685 677 670

2205 2175 2146 2117 2088 2061 2033 2007 1981 1955 1930 1905 1881 1857 1834 1811 1789 1767 1745 1724 1703 1682 1662 1643 1623 1604 1586 1567 1549 1531 1514 1497 1480 1463 1447 1431 1415 1400 1384 1369 1355 1340

2993 2959 2926 2893 2861 2830 2799 2768 2738 2709 2680



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SHEDULE OF VICKERS HARDNESS VALUES TO USE FOR TESTS CARRIED OUT ON FLAT SURFACES Arithmeti Test load F[N] | Range from HV0,2 to HV3 c mean 1.961 2.942 4.903 9.807 19.61 24.52 29.42 of the 0.1891 ∗ F diagonal HV = d2 of the prints Vickers Hardness d (mm) HV0,2 HV0,3 HV0,5 HV1 HV2 HV2.5 HV3 0.0374 0.0376 0.0378 0.0380 0.0382 0.0384 0.0386 0.0388 0.0390 0.0392 0.0394 0.0396 0.0398 0.0400 0.0402 0.0404 0.0406 0.0408 0.0410 0.0412 0.0414 0.0416 0.0418 0.0420 0.0422 0.0424 0.0426 0.0428 0.0430 0.0432 0.0434 0.0436 0.0438 0.0440 0.0442 0.0444 0.0446 0.0448 0.0450 0.0452 0.0454 0.0456

265 262 260 257 254 251 249 246 244 241 239 236 234 232 229 227 225 223 221 218 216 214 212 210 208 206 204 202 201 199 197 195 193 192 190 188 186 185 183 182 180 178

398 394 389 385 381 377 373 370 366 362 358 355 351 348 344 341 338 334 331 328 325 321 318 315 312 309 307 304 301 298 295 293 290 287 285 282 280 277 275 272 270 268

663 656 649 642 635 629 622 616 610 603 597 591 585 579 574 568 562 557 552 546 541 536 531 526 521 516 511 506 501 497 492 488 483 479 475 470 466 462 458 454 450 446

1326 1312 1298 1284 1271 1258 1245 1232 1219 1207 1195 1183 1171 1159 1148 1136 1125 1114 1103 1093 1082 1072 1061 1051 1041 1032 1022 1012 1003 994 985 976 967 958 949 941 932 924 916 908 900 892

2651 2623 2595 2568 2541 2515 2489 2463 2438 2413 2389 2365 2341 2318 2295 2272 2250 2228 2206 2185 2164 2143 2122 2102 2082 2063 2043 2024 2006 1987 1969 1951 1933 1915 1898 1881 1864 1848 1831 1815 1799 1783

2987 2957 2927 2898 2869 2841 2813 2785 2758 2732 2705 2679 2654 2629 2604 2579 2555 2531 2508 2485 2462 2439 2417 2395 2373 2352 2331 2310 2290 2270 2250 2230

2981 2954 2927 2900 2874 2848 2822 2797 2772 2747 2723 2699 2675

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SHEDULE OF VICKERS HARDNESS VALUES TO USE FOR TESTS CARRIED OUT ON FLAT SURFACES Arithmeti Test load F[N] | Range from HV0,2 to HV3 c mean 1.961 2.942 4.903 9.807 19.61 24.52 29.42 of the 0.1891 ∗ F diagonal HV = d2 of the prints Vickers Hardness d (mm) HV0,2 HV0,3 HV0,5 HV1 HV2 HV2.5 HV3 0.0458 0.0460 0.0462 0.0464 0.0466 0.0468 0.0470 0.0472 0.0474 0.0476 0.0478 0.0480 0.0482 0.0484 0.0486 0.0488 0.0490 0.0492 0.0494 0.0496 0.0498 0.0500 0.0502 0.0504 0.0506 0.0508 0.0510 0.0512 0.0514 0.0516 0.0518 0.0520 0.0522 0.0524 0.0526 0.0528 0.0530 0.0532 0.0534 0.0536 0.0538 0.0540

177 175 174 172 171 169 168 166 165 164 162 161 160 158 157 156 154 153 152 151 150 148 147 146 145 144 143 141 140 139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127

265 263 261 258 256 254 252 250 248 246 243 241 239 237 236 234 232 230 228 226 224 223 221 219 217 216 214 212 211 209 207 206 204 203 201 200 198 197 195 194 192 191

442 438 434 431 427 423 420 416 413 409 406 402 399 396 393 389 386 383 380 377 374 371 368 365 362 359 356 354 351 348 346 343 340 338 335 333 330 328 325 323 320 318

884 876 869 861 854 847 840 832 825 818 812 805 798 792 785 779 772 766 760 754 748 742 736 730 724 719 713 707 702 697 691 686 681 675 670 665 660 655 650 646 641 636

1768 1752 1737 1722 1708 1693 1679 1665 1650 1637 1623 1609 1596 1583 1570 1557 1544 1532 1520 1507 1495 1483 1472 1460 1448 1437 1426 1415 1404 1393 1382 1371 1361 1351 1340 1330 1320 1310 1300 1291 1281 1272

2210 2191 2172 2154 2135 2117 2099 2081 2064 2046 2029 2012 1996 1979 1963 1947 1931 1915 1900 1885 1870 1855 1840 1825 1811 1797 1783 1769 1755 1741 1728 1715 1702 1689 1676 1663 1651 1638 1626 1614 1602 1590

2652 2629 2606 2584 2562 2540 2518 2497 2476 2455 2435 2415 2395 2375 2355 2336 2317 2298 2280 2261 2243 2225 2208 2190 2173 2156 2139 2122 2106 2089 2073 2057 2042 2026 2011 1996 1981 1966 1951 1936 1922 1908

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SHEDULE OF VICKERS HARDNESS VALUES TO USE FOR TESTS CARRIED OUT ON FLAT SURFACES Arithmeti Test load F[N] | Range from HV0,2 to HV3 c mean 1.961 2.942 4.903 9.807 19.61 24.52 29.42 of the 0.1891 ∗ F diagonal HV = d2 of the prints Vickers Hardness d (mm) HV0,2 HV0,3 HV0,5 HV1 HV2 HV2.5 HV3 0.0542 0.0544 0.0546 0.0548 0.0550 0.0552 0.0554 0.0556 0.0558 0.0560 0.0562 0.0564 0.0566 0.0568 0.0570 0.0572 0.0574 0.0576 0.0578 0.0580 0.0582 0.0584 0.0586 0.0588 0.0590 0.0592 0.0594 0.0596 0.0598 0.0600 0.0602 0.0604 0.0606 0.0608 0.0610 0.0612 0.0614 0.0616 0.0618 0.0620 0.0622

126 125 124 123 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 117 116 115 114 113 113 112 111 110 109 109 108 107 107 106 105 104 104 103 102 102 101 100.3 99.7 99.0 98.4 97.7 97.1 96.5 95.8

189 188 187 185 184 183 181 180 179 177 176 175 174 172 171 170 169 168 167 165 164 163 162 161 160 159 158 157 156 155 154 152 151 150 150 149 148 147 146 145 144

316 313 311 309 306 304 302 300 298 296 294 291 289 287 285 283 281 279 278 276 274 272 270 268 266 265 263 261 259 258 256 254 252 251 249 248 246 244 243 241 240

631 627 622 618 613 609 604 600 596 591 587 583 579 575 571 567 563 559 555 551 547 544 540 536 533 529 526 522 519 515 512 508 505 502 498 495 492 489 486 482 479

1262 1253 1244 1235 1226 1217 1208 1200 1191 1182 1174 1166 1158 1149 1141 1133 1125 1118 1110 1102 1095 1087 1080 1073 1065 1058 1051 1044 1037 1030 1023 1016 1010 1003 997 990 984 977 971 965 958

1578 1567 1555 1544 1533 1522 1511 1500 1489 1479 1468 1458 1447 1437 1427 1417 1407 1398 1388 1378 1369 1360 1350 1341 1332 1323 1314 1305 1297 1288 1279 1271 1263 1254 1246 1238 1230 1222 1214 1206 1198

1894 1880 1866 1853 1839 1826 1813 1800 1787 1774 1761 1749 1737 1724 1712 1700 1689 1677 1665 1654 1642 1631 1620 1609 1598 1587 1577 1566 1556 1545 1535 1525 1515 1505 1495 1485 1476 1466 1457 1447 1438

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SHEDULE OF VICKERS HARDNESS VALUES TO USE FOR TESTS CARRIED OUT ON FLAT SURFACES Arithmeti Test load F[N] | Range from HV0,2 to HV3 c mean 1.961 2.942 4.903 9.807 19.61 24.52 29.42 of the 0.1891 ∗ F diagonal HV = d2 of the prints Vickers Hardness d (mm) HV0,2 HV0,3 HV0,5 HV1 HV2 HV2.5 HV3 0.0626 0.0628 0.0630 0.0632 0.0634 0.0636 0.0638 0.0640 0.0642 0.0644 0.0646 0.0648 0.0650 0.0652 0.0654 0.0656 0.0658 0.0660 0.0662 0.0664 0.0666 0.0668 0.0670 0.0672 0.0674 0.0676 0.0678 0.0680 0.0682 0.0684 0.0686 0.0688 0.0690 0.0692 0.0694 0.0696 0.0698 0.0700 0.0705 0.0710 0.0715

94.6 94.0 93.4 92.8 92.3 91.7 91.1 90.5 90.0 89.4 88.9 88.3 87.8 87.2 86.7 86.2 85.6 85.1 84.6 84.1 83.6 83.1 82.6 82.1 81.6 81.1 80.7 80.2 79.7 79.3 78.8 78.3 77.9 77.4 77.0 76.6 76.1 75.7 74.6 73.6 72.5

142 141 140 139 138 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 132 131 130 129 128 128 127 126 125 125 124 123 122 122 121 120 120 119 118 118 117 116 116 115 114 114 112 110 109

237 235 234 232 231 229 228 226 225 224 222 221 219 218 217 215 214 213 212 210 209 208 207 205 204 203 202 201 199 198 197 196 195 194 193 191 190 189 187 184 181

473 470 467 464 461 458 456 453 450 447 444 442 439 436 434 431 428 426 423 421 418 416 413 411 408 406 403 401 399 396 394 392 390 387 385 383 381 378 373 368 363

946 940 934 928 923 917 911 905 900 894 889 883 878 872 867 862 856 851 846 841 836 831 826 821 816 811 807 802 797 793 788 783 779 774 770 766 761 757 746 736 725

1183 1176 1168 1161 1154 1146 1139 1132 1125 1118 1111 1104 1097 1091 1084 1077 1071 1064 1058 1052 1045 1039 1033 1027 1021 1015 1009 1003 997 991 985 980 974 968 963 957 952 946 933 920 907

1420 1411 1402 1393 1384 1375 1367 1358 1350 1341 1333 1325 1317 1309 1301 1293 1285 1277 1269 1262 1254 1247 1239 1232 1225 1217 1210 1203 1196 1189 1182 1175 1169 1162 1155 1148 1142 1135 1119 1104 1088

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SHEDULE OF VICKERS HARDNESS VALUES TO USE FOR TESTS CARRIED OUT ON FLAT SURFACES Arithmeti Test load F[N] | Range from HV0,2 to HV3 c mean 1.961 2.942 4.903 9.807 19.61 24.52 29.42 of the 0.1891 ∗ F diagonal HV = d2 of the prints Vickers Hardness d (mm) HV0,2 HV0,3 HV0,5 HV1 HV2 HV2.5 HV3 0.0725 0.0730 0.0735 0.0740 0.0745 0.0750 0.0755 0.0760 0.0765 0.0770 0.0775 0.0780 0.0785 0.0790 0.0795 0.0800 0.0805 0.0810 0.0815 0.0820 0.0825 0.0830 0.0835 0.0840 0.0845 0.0850 0.0855 0.0860 0.0865 0.0870 0.0875 0.0880 0.0885 0.0890 0.0895 0.0900 0.0905 0.0910 0.0915 0.0920 0.0925

70.5 69.6 68.6 67.7 66.8 65.9 65.1 64.2 63.4 62.5 61.7 61.0 60.2 59.4 58.7 57.9 57.2 56.5 55.8 55.1 54.5 53.8 53.2 52.6 51.9 51.3 50.7 50.1 49.6 49.0 48.4 47.9 47.3 46.8 46.3 45.8 45.3 44.8 44.3 43.8 43.3

106 104 103 102 100 99 98 96 95 94 93 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 81.7 80.8 79.8 78.8 77.9 77.0 76.1 75.2 74.4 73.5 72.7 71.8 71.0 70.2 69.5 68.7 67.9 67.2 66.4 65.7 65.0

176 174 172 169 167 165 163 161 158 156 154 152 150 149 147 145 143 141 140 138 136 135 133 131 130 128 127 125 124 122 121 120 118 117 116 114 113 112 111 110 108

353 348 343 339 334 330 325 321 317 313 309 305 301 297 293 290 286 283 279 276 272 269 266 263 260 257 254 251 248 245 242 239 237 234 232 229 226 224 222 219 217

705 696 686 677 668 659 651 642 634 625 617 610 602 594 587 579 572 565 558 551 545 538 532 526 519 513 507 501 496 490 484 479 473 468 463 458 453 448 443 438 433

882 870 858 847 835 824 813 803 792 782 772 762 752 743 734 724 716 707 698 690 681 673 665 657 649 642 634 627 620 613 606 599 592 585 579 572 566 560 554 548 542

1058 1044 1030 1016 1002 989 976 963 951 938 926 914 903 891 880 869 859 848 838 827 817 808 798 788 779 770 761 752 744 735 727 718 710 702 695 687 679 672 664 657 650

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2. Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

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SHEDULE OF VICKERS HARDNESS VALUES TO USE FOR TESTS CARRIED OUT ON FLAT SURFACES Arithmeti Test load F[N] | Range from HV0,2 to HV3 c mean 1.961 2.942 4.903 9.807 19.61 24.52 29.42 of the 0.1891 ∗ F diagonal HV = d2 of the prints Vickers Hardness d (mm) HV0,2 HV0,3 HV0,5 HV1 HV2 HV2.5 HV3 0.0935 0.0940 0.0945 0.0950 0.0955 0.0960 0.0965 0.0970 0.0975 0.0980 0.0985 0.0990 0.0995 0.1000 0.101 0.102 0.103 0.104 0.105 0.106 0.107 0.108 0.109 0.110 0.111 0.112 0.113 0.114 0.115 0.116 0.117 0.118 0.119 0.120 0.121 0.122 0.123 0.124 0.125 0.126 0.127

42.4 42.0 41.5 41.1 40.7 40.2 39.8 39.4 39.0 38.6 38.2 37.8 37.5 37.1 36.4 35.6 35.0 34.3 33.6 33.0 32.4 31.8 31.2 30.6 30.1 29.6 29.0 28.5 28.0 27.6 27.1 26.6 26.2 25.8 25.3 24.9 24.5 24.1 23.7 23.4 23.0

63.6 63.0 62.3 61.6 61.0 60.4 59.7 59.1 58.5 57.9 57.3 56.8 56.2 55.6 54.5 53.5 52.4 51.4 50.5 49.5 48.6 47.7 46.8 46.0 45.2 44.4 43.6 42.8 42.1 41.3 40.6 40.0 39.3 38.6 38.0 37.4 36.8 36.2 35.6 35.0 34.5

106 105 104 103 102 101 99.6 98.5 97.5 96.5 95.6 94.6 93.6 92.7 90.9 89.1 87.4 85.7 84.1 82.5 81.0 79.5 78.0 76.6 75.3 73.9 72.6 71.3 70.1 68.9 67.7 66.6 65.5 64.4 63.3 62.3 61.3 60.3 59.3 58.4 57.5

212 210 208 205 203 201 199 197 195 193 191 189 187 185 182 178 175 171 168 165 162 159 156 153 151 148 145 143 140 138 135 133 131 129 127 125 123 121 119 117 115

424 420 415 411 407 402 398 394 390 386 382 378 375 371 364 356 350 343 336 330 324 318 312 306 301 296 290 285 280 276 271 266 262 258 253 249 245 241 237 234 230

530 525 519 514 508 503 498 493 488 483 478 473 468 464 455 446 437 429 421 413 405 398 390 383 376 370 363 357 351 345 339 333 327 322 317 312 306 302 297 292 287

636 630 623 616 610 604 597 591 585 579 573 568 562 556 545 535 524 514 505 495 486 477 468 460 452 444 436 428 421 413 406 400 393 386 380 374 368 362 356 350 345

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

Page: 121









SHEDULE OF VICKERS HARDNESS VALUES TO USE FOR TESTS CARRIED OUT ON FLAT SURFACES Arithmeti Test load F[N] | Range from HV0,2 to HV3 c mean 1.961 2.942 4.903 9.807 19.61 24.52 29.42 of the 0.1891 ∗ F diagonal HV = d2 of the prints Vickers Hardness d (mm) HV0,2 HV0,3 HV0,5 HV1 HV2 HV2.5 HV3 0.129 0.130 0.131 0.132 0.133 0.134 0.135 0.136 0.137 0.138 0.139 0.140 0.141 0.142 0.143 0.144 0.145 0.146 0.147 0.148 0.149 0.150 0.151 0.152 0.153 0.154 0.155 0.156 0.157 0.158 0.159 0.160 0.161 0.162 0.163 0.164 0.165 0.166 0.167 0.168 0.169

22.3 21.9 21.6 21.3 21.0 20.7 20.3 20.0 19.8 19.5 19.2 18.9 18.7 18.4 18.1 17.9 17.6 17.4 17.2 16.9 16.7 16.5 16.3 16.1 15.8 15.6 15.4 15.2 15.0 14.9 14.7 14.5 14.3 14.1 14.0 13.8 13.6 13.5 13.3 13.1 13.0

33.4 32.9 32.4 31.9 31.5 31.0 30.5 30.1 29.6 29.2 28.8 28.4 28.0 27.6 27.2 26.8 26.5 26.1 25.7 25.4 25.1 24.7 24.4 24.1 23.8 23.5 23.2 22.9 22.6 22.3 22.0 21.7 21.5 21.2 20.9 20.7 20.4 20.2 19.9 19.7 19.5

55.7 54.9 54.0 53.2 52.4 51.6 50.9 50.1 49.4 48.7 48.0 47.3 46.6 46.0 45.3 44.7 44.1 43.5 42.9 42.3 41.8 41.2 40.7 40.1 39.6 39.1 38.6 38.1 37.6 37.1 36.7 36.2 35.8 35.3 34.9 34.5 34.1 33.6 33.2 32.8 32.5

111 110 108 106 105 103 102 100 98.8 97.4 96.0 94.6 93.3 92.0 90.7 89.4 88.2 87.0 85.8 84.7 83.5 82.4 81.3 80.3 79.2 78.2 77.2 76.2 75.2 74.3 73.4 72.4 71.5 70.7 69.8 69.0 68.1 67.3 66.5 65.7 64.9

223 219 216 213 210 207 203 200 198 195 192 189 187 184 181 179 176 174 172 169 167 165 163 161 158 156 154 152 150 149 147 145 143 141 140 138 136 135 133 131 130

279 274 270 266 262 258 254 251 247 243 240 237 233 230 227 224 221 218 215 212 209 206 203 201 198 196 193 191 188 186 183 181 179 177 175 172 170 168 166 164 162

334 329 324 319 315 310 305 301 296 292 288 284 280 276 272 268 265 261 257 254 251 247 244 241 238 235 232 229 226 223 220 217 215 212 209 207 204 202 199 197 195

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2. Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

Page: 122









SHEDULE OF VICKERS HARDNESS VALUES TO USE FOR TESTS CARRIED OUT ON FLAT SURFACES Arithmeti Test load F[N] | Range from HV0,2 to HV3 c mean 1.961 2.942 4.903 9.807 19.61 24.52 29.42 of the 0.1891 ∗ F diagonal HV = d2 of the prints Vickers Hardness d (mm) HV0,2 HV0,3 HV0,5 HV1 HV2 HV2.5 HV3 0.171 0.172 0.173 0.174 0.175 0.176 0.177 0.178 0.179 0.180 0.181 0.182 0.183 0.184 0.185 0.186 0.187 0.188 0.189 0.190 0.191 0.192 0.193 0.194 0.195 0.196 0.197 0.198 0.199 0.200 0.201 0.202 0.203 0.204 0.205 0.206 0.207 0.208 0.209 0.210 0.211

12.7 12.5 12.4 12.2 12.1 12.0 11.8 11.7 11.6 11.4 11.3 11.2 11.1 11.0 10.8 10.7 10.6 10.5 10.4 10.3 10.2 10.1 9.96 9.85 9.75 9.65 9.56 9.46 9.36 9.27 9.18 9.09 9.00 8.91 8.82 8.74 8.65 8.57 8.49 8.41 8.33

19.0 18.8 18.6 18.4 18.2 18.0 17.8 17.6 17.4 17.2 17.0 16.8 16.6 16.4 16.3 16.1 15.9 15.7 15.6 15.4 15.2 15.1 14.9 14.8 14.6 14.5 14.3 14.2 14.0 13.9 13.8 13.6 13.5 13.4 13.2 13.1 13.0 12.9 12.7 12.6 12.5

31.7 31.3 31.0 30.6 30.3 29.9 29.6 29.3 28.9 28.6 28.3 28.0 27.7 27.4 27.1 26.8 26.5 26.2 26.0 25.7 25.4 25.2 24.9 24.6 24.4 24.1 23.9 23.6 23.4 23.2 22.9 22.7 22.5 22.3 22.1 21.8 21.6 21.4 21.2 21.0 20.8

63.4 62.7 62.0 61.3 60.6 59.9 59.2 58.5 57.9 57.2 56.6 56.0 55.4 54.8 54.2 53.6 53.0 52.5 51.9 51.4 50.8 50.3 49.8 49.3 48.8 48.3 47.8 47.3 46.8 46.4 45.9 45.4 45.0 44.6 44.1 43.7 43.3 42.9 42.5 42.1 41.7

127 125 124 122 121 120 118 117 116 114 113 112 111 110 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 99.6 98.5 97.5 96.5 95.6 94.6 93.6 92.7 91.8 90.9 90.0 89.1 88.2 87.4 86.5 85.7 84.9 84.1 83.3

159 157 155 153 151 150 148 146 145 143 142 140 138 137 135 134 133 131 130 128 127 126 124 123 122 121 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104

190 188 186 184 182 180 178 176 174 172 170 168 166 164 163 161 159 157 156 154 152 151 149 148 146 145 143 142 140 139 138 136 135 134 132 131 130 129 127 126 125

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

Page: 123









SHEDULE OF VICKERS HARDNESS VALUES TO USE FOR TESTS CARRIED OUT ON FLAT SURFACES Arithmeti Test load F[N] | Range from HV0,2 to HV3 c mean 1.961 2.942 4.903 9.807 19.61 24.52 29.42 of the 0.1891 ∗ F diagonal HV = d2 of the prints Vickers Hardness d (mm) HV0,2 HV0,3 HV0,5 HV1 HV2 HV2.5 HV3 0.213 0.214 0.215 0.216 0.217 0.218 0.219 0.220 0.221 0.222 0.223 0.224 0.225 0.226 0.227 0.228 0.229 0.230 0.231 0.232 0.233 0.234 0.235 0.236 0.237 0.238 0.239 0.240 0.241 0.242 0.243 0.244 0.245 0.246 0.247 0.248 0.249 0.250 0.251 0.252 0.253

8.17 8.10 8.02 7.95 7.87 7.80 7.73 7.66 7.59 7.52 7.46 7.39 7.32 7.26 7.20 7.13 7.07 7.01 6.95 6.89 6.83 6.77 6.71 6.66 6.60 6.55 6.49 6.44 6.38 6.33 6.28 6.23 6.18 6.13 6.08 6.03 5.98 5.93 5.89 5.84 5.79

12.3 12.1 12.0 11.9 11.8 11.7 11.6 11.5 11.4 11.3 11.2 11.1 11.0 10.9 10.8 10.7 10.6 10.5 10.4 10.3 10.2 10.2 10.1 9.99 9.90 9.82 9.74 9.66 9.58 9.50 9.42 9.34 9.27 9.19 9.12 9.05 8.97 8.90 8.83 8.76 8.69

20.4 20.2 20.1 19.9 19.7 19.5 19.3 19.2 19.0 18.8 18.6 18.5 18.3 18.2 18.0 17.8 17.7 17.5 17.4 17.2 17.1 16.9 16.8 16.6 16.5 16.4 16.2 16.1 16.0 15.8 15.7 15.6 15.4 15.3 15.2 15.1 15.0 14.8 14.7 14.6 14.5

40.9 40.5 40.1 39.7 39.4 39.0 38.7 38.3 38.0 37.6 37.3 37.0 36.6 36.3 36.0 35.7 35.4 35.1 34.8 34.5 34.2 33.9 33.6 33.3 33.0 32.7 32.5 32.2 31.9 31.7 31.4 31.1 30.9 30.6 30.4 30.2 29.9 29.7 29.4 29.2 29.0

81.7 81.0 80.2 79.5 78.7 78.0 77.3 76.6 75.9 75.2 74.6 73.9 73.2 72.6 72.0 71.3 70.7 70.1 69.5 68.9 68.3 67.7 67.1 66.6 66.0 65.5 64.9 64.4 63.8 63.3 62.8 62.3 61.8 61.3 60.8 60.3 59.8 59.3 58.9 58.4 57.9

102 101 100 99.4 98.5 97.6 96.7 95.8 94.9 94.1 93.2 92.4 91.6 90.8 90.0 89.2 88.4 87.7 86.9 86.1 85.4 84.7 84.0 83.3 82.5 81.9 81.2 80.5 79.8 79.2 78.5 77.9 77.2 76.6 76.0 75.4 74.8 74.2 73.6 73.0 72.4

123 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 102 101 99.9 99.0 98.2 97.4 96.6 95.8 95.0 94.2 93.4 92.7 91.9 91.2 90.5 89.7 89.0 88.3 87.6 86.9

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2. Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

Page: 124









SHEDULE OF VICKERS HARDNESS VALUES TO USE FOR TESTS CARRIED OUT ON FLAT SURFACES Arithmeti Test load F[N] | Range from HV0,2 to HV3 c mean 1.961 2.942 4.903 9.807 19.61 24.52 29.42 of the 0.1891 ∗ F diagonal HV = d2 of the prints Vickers Hardness d (mm) HV0,2 HV0,3 HV0,5 HV1 HV2 HV2.5 HV3 0.255 0.256 0.257 0.258 0.259 0.260 0.261 0.262 0.263 0.264 0.265 0.266 0.267 0.268 0.269 0.270 0.271 0.272 0.273 0.274 0.275 0.276 0.277 0.278 0.279 0.280 0.281 0.282 0.283 0.284 0.285 0.286 0.287 0.288 0.289 0.290 0.291 0.292 0.293 0.294 0.295

5.70 5.66 5.61 5.57 5.53 5.49 5.44 5.40 5.36 5.32 5.28 5.24 5.20 5.16 5.12 5.09 5.05 5.01 4.98 4.94 4.90 -

8.56 8.49 8.42 8.36 8.29 8.23 8.17 8.10 8.04 7.98 7.92 7.86 7.80 7.75 7.69 7.63 7.58 7.52 7.46 7.41 7.36 7.30 7.25 7.20 7.15 7.10 7.05 7.00 6.95 6.90 6.85 6.80 6.75 6.71 6.66 6.62 6.57 6.52 6.48 6.44 6.39

14.3 14.1 14.0 13.9 13.8 13.7 13.6 13.5 13.4 13.3 13.2 13.1 13.0 12.9 12.8 12.7 12.6 12.5 12.4 12.3 12.3 12.2 12.1 12.0 11.9 11.8 11.7 11.7 11.6 11.5 11.4 11.3 11.3 11.2 11.1 11.0 10.9 10.9 10.8 10.7 10.7

28.5 28.3 28.1 27.9 27.6 27.4 27.2 27.0 26.8 26.6 26.4 26.2 26.0 25.8 25.6 25.4 25.3 25.1 24.9 24.7 24.5 24.3 24.2 24.0 23.8 23.7 23.5 23.3 23.2 23.0 22.8 22.7 22.5 22.4 22.2 22.1 21.9 21.8 21.6 21.5 21.3

57.0 56.6 56.1 55.7 55.3 54.9 54.4 54.0 53.6 53.2 52.8 52.4 52.0 51.6 51.2 50.9 50.5 50.1 49.8 49.4 49.0 48.7 48.3 48.0 47.6 47.3 47.0 46.6 46.3 46.0 45.7 45.3 45.0 44.7 44.4 44.1 43.8 43.5 43.2 42.9 42.6

71.3 70.8 70.2 69.7 69.1 68.6 68.1 67.5 67.0 66.5 66.0 65.5 65.0 64.6 64.1 63.6 63.1 62.7 62.2 61.8 61.3 60.9 60.4 60.0 59.6 59.1 58.7 58.3 57.9 57.5 57.1 56.7 56.3 55.9 55.5 55.1 54.8 54.4 54.0 53.6 53.3

85.6 84.9 84.2 83.6 82.9 82.3 81.7 81.0 80.4 79.8 79.2 78.6 78.0 77.5 76.9 76.3 75.8 75.2 74.6 74.1 73.6 73.0 72.5 72.0 71.5 71.0 70.5 70.0 69.5 69.0 68.5 68.0 67.5 67.1 66.6 66.2 65.7 65.2 64.8 64.4 63.9

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

Page: 125









SHEDULE OF VICKERS HARDNESS VALUES TO USE FOR TESTS CARRIED OUT ON FLAT SURFACES Arithmeti Test load F[N] | Range from HV0,2 to HV3 c mean 1.961 2.942 4.903 9.807 19.61 24.52 29.42 of the 0.1891 ∗ F diagonal HV = d2 of the prints Vickers Hardness d (mm) HV0,2 HV0,3 HV0,5 HV1 HV2 HV2.5 HV3 0.297 0.298 0.299 0.300 0.301 0.302 0.303 0.304 0.305 0.306 0.307 0.308 0.309 0.310 0.311 0.312 0.313 0.314 0.315 0.316 0.317 0.318 0.319 0.320 0.321 0.322 0.323 0.324 0.325 0.326 0.327 0.328 0.329 0.330 0.331 0.332 0.333 0.334 0.335 0.336 0.337


6.31 6.26 6.22 6.18 6.14 6.10 6.06 6.02 5.98 5.94 5.90 5.86 5.83 5.79 5.75 5.72 5.68 5.64 5.61 5.57 5.54 5.50 5.47 5.43 5.40 5.37 5.33 5.30 5.27 5.23 5.20 5.17 5.14 5.11 5.08 5.05 5.02 4.99 4.96 4.93 -

10.5 10.4 10.4 10.3 10.2 10.2 10.1 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.8 9.8 9.7 9.6 9.6 9.5 9.5 9.4 9.3 9.3 9.2 9.2 9.1 9.1 9.0 8.9 8.9 8.8 8.8 8.7 8.7 8.6 8.6 8.5 8.5 8.4 8.4 8.3 8.3 8.2 8.2

21.0 20.9 20.7 20.6 20.5 20.3 20.2 20.1 19.9 19.8 19.7 19.5 19.4 19.3 19.2 19.1 18.9 18.8 18.7 18.6 18.5 18.3 18.2 18.1 18.0 17.9 17.8 17.7 17.6 17.4 17.3 17.2 17.1 17.0 16.9 16.8 16.7 16.6 16.5 16.4 16.3

42.0 41.8 41.5 41.2 40.9 40.7 40.4 40.1 39.9 39.6 39.3 39.1 38.8 38.6 38.3 38.1 37.9 37.6 37.4 37.1 36.9 36.7 36.4 36.2 36.0 35.8 35.5 35.3 35.1 34.9 34.7 34.5 34.3 34.1 33.8 33.6 33.4 33.2 33.0 32.8 32.7

52.6 52.2 51.9 51.5 51.2 50.8 50.5 50.2 49.8 49.5 49.2 48.9 48.6 48.2 47.9 47.6 47.3 47.0 46.7 46.4 46.1 45.9 45.6 45.3 45.0 44.7 44.4 44.2 43.9 43.6 43.4 43.1 42.8 42.6 42.3 42.1 41.8 41.6 41.3 41.1 40.8

63.1 62.6 62.2 61.8 61.4 61.0 60.6 60.2 59.8 59.4 59.0 58.6 58.3 57.9 57.5 57.2 56.8 56.4 56.1 55.7 55.4 55.0 54.7 54.3 54.0 53.7 53.3 53.0 52.7 52.3 52.0 51.7 51.4 51.1 50.8 50.5 50.2 49.9 49.6 49.3 49.0

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2. Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

Page: 126









SHEDULE OF VICKERS HARDNESS VALUES TO USE FOR TESTS CARRIED OUT ON FLAT SURFACES Arithmeti Test load F[N] | Range from HV0,2 to HV3 c mean 1.961 2.942 4.903 9.807 19.61 24.52 29.42 of the 0.1891 ∗ F diagonal HV = d2 of the prints Vickers Hardness d (mm) HV0,2 HV0,3 HV0,5 HV1 HV2 HV2.5 HV3 0.339 0.340 0.341 0.342 0.343 0.344 0.345 0.346 0.347 0.348 0.349 0.350 0.351 0.352 0.353 0.354 0.355 0.356 0.357 0.358 0.359 0.360 0.361 0.362 0.363 0.364 0.365 0.366 0.367 0.368 0.369 0.370 0.371 0.372 0.373 0.374 0.375 0.376 0.377 0.378 0.379



8.1 8.0 8.0 7.9 7.9 7.8 7.8 7.7 7.7 7.7 7.6 7.6 7.5 7.5 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.3 7.3 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.1 7.1 7.0 7.0 7.0 6.9 6.9 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.5 6.5 6.5

16.1 16.0 15.9 15.9 15.8 15.7 15.6 15.5 15.4 15.3 15.2 15.1 15.1 15.0 14.9 14.8 14.7 14.6 14.6 14.5 14.4 14.3 14.2 14.2 14.1 14.0 13.9 13.8 13.8 13.7 13.6 13.5 13.5 13.4 13.3 13.3 13.2 13.1 13.0 13.0 12.9

32.3 32.1 31.9 31.7 31.5 31.3 31.2 31.0 30.8 30.6 30.4 30.3 30.1 29.9 29.8 29.6 29.4 29.3 29.1 28.9 28.8 28.6 28.5 28.3 28.1 28.0 27.8 27.7 27.5 27.4 27.2 27.1 26.9 26.8 26.7 26.5 26.4 26.2 26.1 26.0 25.8

40.3 40.1 39.9 39.6 39.4 39.2 39.0 38.7 38.5 38.3 38.1 37.9 37.6 37.4 37.2 37.0 36.8 36.6 36.4 36.2 36.0 35.8 35.6 35.4 35.2 35.0 34.8 34.6 34.4 34.2 34.1 33.9 33.7 33.5 33.3 33.1 33.0 32.8 32.6 32.5 32.3

48.4 48.1 47.8 47.6 47.3 47.0 46.7 46.5 46.2 45.9 45.7 45.4 45.2 44.9 44.6 44.4 44.1 43.9 43.7 43.4 43.2 42.9 42.7 42.5 42.2 42.0 41.8 41.5 41.3 41.1 40.9 40.6 40.4 40.2 40.0 39.8 39.6 39.4 39.1 38.9 38.7

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

Page: 127









SHEDULE OF VICKERS HARDNESS VALUES TO USE FOR TESTS CARRIED OUT ON FLAT SURFACES Arithmeti Test load F[N] | Range from HV0,2 to HV3 c mean 1.961 2.942 4.903 9.807 19.61 24.52 29.42 of the 0.1891 ∗ F diagonal HV = d2 of the prints Vickers Hardness d (mm) HV0,2 HV0,3 HV0,5 HV1 HV2 HV2.5 HV3 0.381 0.382 0.383 0.384 0.385 0.386 0.387 0.388 0.389 0.390 0.391 0.392 0.393 0.394 0.395 0.396 0.397 0.398 0.399 0.400 0.401 0.402 0.403 0.404 0.405 0.406 0.407 0.408 0.409 0.410 0.411 0.412 0.413 0.414 0.415 0.416 0.417 0.418 0.419 0.420 0.421



6.4 6.4 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.0 6.0 6.0 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.2

12.8 12.7 12.6 12.6 12.5 12.4 12.4 12.3 12.3 12.2 12.1 12.1 12.0 11.9 11.9 11.8 11.8 11.7 11.6 11.6 11.5 11.5 11.4 11.4 11.3 11.3 11.2 11.1 11.1 11.0 11.0 10.9 10.9 10.8 10.8 10.7 10.7 10.6 10.6 10.5 10.5

25.5 25.4 25.3 25.1 25.0 24.9 24.8 24.6 24.5 24.4 24.3 24.1 24.0 23.9 23.8 23.6 23.5 23.4 23.3 23.2 23.1 22.9 22.8 22.7 22.6 22.5 22.4 22.3 22.2 22.1 22.0 21.8 21.7 21.6 21.5 21.4 21.3 21.2 21.1 21.0 20.9

31.9 31.8 31.6 31.4 31.3 31.1 31.0 30.8 30.6 30.5 30.3 30.2 30.0 29.9 29.7 29.6 29.4 29.3 29.1 29.0 28.8 28.7 28.5 28.4 28.3 28.1 28.0 27.9 27.7 27.6 27.4 27.3 27.2 27.1 26.9 26.8 26.7 26.5 26.4 26.3 26.2

38.3 38.1 37.9 37.7 37.5 37.3 37.1 37.0 36.8 36.6 36.4 36.2 36.0 35.8 35.7 35.5 35.3 35.1 34.9 34.8 34.6 34.4 34.3 34.1 33.9 33.8 33.6 33.4 33.3 33.1 32.9 32.8 32.6 32.5 32.3 32.1 32.0 31.8 31.7 31.5 31.4

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2. Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

Page: 128









SHEDULE OF VICKERS HARDNESS VALUES TO USE FOR TESTS CARRIED OUT ON FLAT SURFACES Arithmeti Test load F[N] | Range from HV0,2 to HV3 c mean 1.961 2.942 4.903 9.807 19.61 24.52 29.42 of the 0.1891 ∗ F diagonal HV = d2 of the prints Vickers Hardness d (mm) HV0,2 HV0,3 HV0,5 HV1 HV2 HV2.5 HV3 0.423 0.424 0.425 0.426 0.427 0.428 0.429 0.430 0.431 0.432 0.433 0.434 0.435 0.436 0.437 0.438 0.439 0.440 0.441 0.442 0.443 0.444 0.445 0.446 0.447 0.448 0.449 0.450 0.451 0.452 0.453 0.454 0.455 0.456 0.457 0.458 0.459 0.460 0.461 0.462 0.463



5.2 5.2 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.9 4.9 4.9 -

10.4 10.3 10.3 10.2 10.2 10.1 10.1 10.0 9.98 9.94 9.89 9.85 9.80 9.76 9.71 9.67 9.62 9.58 9.54 9.49 9.45 9.41 9.36 9.32 9.28 9.24 9.20 9.16 9.12 9.08 9.04 9.00 8.96 8.92 8.88 8.84 8.80 8.76 8.73 8.69 8.65

20.7 20.6 20.5 20.4 20.3 20.2 20.1 20.1 20.0 19.9 19.8 19.7 19.6 19.5 19.4 19.3 19.2 19.2 19.1 19.0 18.9 18.8 18.7 18.6 18.6 18.5 18.4 18.3 18.2 18.2 18.1 18.0 17.9 17.8 17.8 17.7 17.6 17.5 17.4 17.4 17.3

25.9 25.8 25.7 25.6 25.4 25.3 25.2 25.1 25.0 24.8 24.7 24.6 24.5 24.4 24.3 24.2 24.1 24.0 23.8 23.7 23.6 23.5 23.4 23.3 23.2 23.1 23.0 22.9 22.8 22.7 22.6 22.5 22.4 22.3 22.2 22.1 22.0 21.9 21.8 21.7 21.6

31.1 30.9 30.8 30.7 30.5 30.4 30.2 30.1 29.9 29.8 29.7 29.5 29.4 29.3 29.1 29.0 28.9 28.7 28.6 28.5 28.3 28.2 28.1 28.0 27.8 27.7 27.6 27.5 27.4 27.2 27.1 27.0 26.9 26.8 26.6 26.5 26.4 26.3 26.2 26.1 26.0

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

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SHEDULE OF VICKERS HARDNESS VALUES TO USE FOR TESTS CARRIED OUT ON FLAT SURFACES Arithmeti Test load F[N] | Range from HV0,2 to HV3 c mean 1.961 2.942 4.903 9.807 19.61 24.52 29.42 of the 0.1891 ∗ F diagonal HV = d2 of the prints Vickers Hardness d (mm) HV0,2 HV0,3 HV0,5 HV1 HV2 HV2.5 HV3 0.465 0.466 0.467 0.468 0.469 0.470 0.471 0.472 0.473 0.474 0.475 0.476 0.477 0.478 0.479 0.480 0.481 0.482 0.483 0.484 0.485 0.486 0.487 0.488 0.489 0.490 0.491 0.492 0.493 0.494 0.495 0.496 0.497 0.498 0.499 0.500 0.501 0.502 0.503 0.504 0.505




8.58 8.54 8.50 8.47 8.43 8.40 8.36 8.32 8.29 8.25 8.22 8.18 8.15 8.12 8.08 8.05 8.02 7.98 7.95 7.92 7.88 7.85 7.82 7.79 7.76 7.72 7.69 7.66 7.63 7.60 7.57 7.54 7.51 7.48 7.45 7.42 7.39 7.36 7.33 7.30 7.27

17.1 17.1 17.0 16.9 16.9 16.8 16.7 16.6 16.6 16.5 16.4 16.4 16.3 16.2 16.2 16.1 16.0 16.0 15.9 15.8 15.8 15.7 15.6 15.6 15.5 15.4 15.4 15.3 15.3 15.2 15.1 15.1 15.0 15.0 14.9 14.8 14.8 14.7 14.7 14.6 14.5

21.4 21.4 21.3 21.2 21.1 21.0 20.9 20.8 20.7 20.6 20.6 20.5 20.4 20.3 20.2 20.1 20.0 20.0 19.9 19.8 19.7 19.6 19.6 19.5 19.4 19.3 19.2 19.2 19.1 19.0 18.9 18.8 18.8 18.7 18.6 18.5 18.5 18.4 18.3 18.3 18.2

25.7 25.6 25.5 25.4 25.3 25.2 25.1 25.0 24.9 24.8 24.7 24.6 24.5 24.3 24.2 24.1 24.0 23.9 23.8 23.7 23.7 23.6 23.5 23.4 23.3 23.2 23.1 23.0 22.9 22.8 22.7 22.6 22.5 22.4 22.3 22.3 22.2 22.1 22.0 21.9 21.8

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2. Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

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SHEDULE OF VICKERS HARDNESS VALUES TO USE FOR TESTS CARRIED OUT ON FLAT SURFACES Arithmeti Test load F[N] | Range from HV0,2 to HV3 c mean 1.961 2.942 4.903 9.807 19.61 24.52 29.42 of the 0.1891 ∗ F diagonal HV = d2 of the prints Vickers Hardness d (mm) HV0,2 HV0,3 HV0,5 HV1 HV2 HV2.5 HV3 0.507 0.508 0.509 0.510 0.511 0.512 0.513 0.514 0.515 0.516 0.517 0.518 0.519 0.520 0.521 0.522 0.523 0.524 0.525 0.526 0.527 0.528 0.529 0.530 0.531 0.532 0.533 0.534 0.535 0.536 0.537 0.538 0.539 0.540 0.541 0.542 0.543 0.544 0.545 0.546 0.547




7.21 7.19 7.16 7.13 7.10 7.07 7.05 7.02 6.99 6.97 6.94 6.91 6.88 6.86 6.83 6.81 6.78 6.75 6.73 6.70 6.68 6.65 6.63 6.60 6.58 6.55 6.53 6.50 6.48 6.46 6.43 6.41 6.38 6.36 6.34 6.31 6.29 6.27 6.24 6.22 6.20

14.4 14.4 14.3 14.3 14.2 14.1 14.1 14.0 14.0 13.9 13.9 13.8 13.8 13.7 13.7 13.6 13.6 13.5 13.5 13.4 13.4 13.3 13.3 13.2 13.2 13.1 13.1 13.0 13.0 12.9 12.9 12.8 12.8 12.7 12.7 12.6 12.6 12.5 12.5 12.4 12.4

18.0 18.0 17.9 17.8 17.8 17.7 17.6 17.6 17.5 17.4 17.3 17.3 17.2 17.1 17.1 17.0 17.0 16.9 16.8 16.8 16.7 16.6 16.6 16.5 16.4 16.4 16.3 16.3 16.2 16.1 16.1 16.0 16.0 15.9 15.8 15.8 15.7 15.7 15.6 15.6 15.5

21.6 21.6 21.5 21.4 21.3 21.2 21.1 21.1 21.0 20.9 20.8 20.7 20.7 20.6 20.5 20.4 20.3 20.3 20.2 20.1 20.0 20.0 19.9 19.8 19.7 19.7 19.6 19.5 19.4 19.4 19.3 19.2 19.1 19.1 19.0 18.9 18.9 18.8 18.7 18.7 18.6

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

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0.548 6.18 12.3 15.4 18.5 SHEDULE OF VICKERS HARDNESS VALUES TO USE FOR TESTS CARRIED OUT ON FLAT SURFACES Arithmeti Test load F[N] | Range from HV0,2 to HV3 c mean 1.961 2.942 4.903 9.807 19.61 24.52 29.42 of the 0.1891 ∗ F diagonal HV = d2 of the prints Vickers Hardness d (mm) HV0,2 HV0,3 HV0,5 HV1 HV2 HV2.5 HV3 0.549 0.550 0.551 0.552 0.553 0.554 0.555 0.556 0.557 0.558 0.559 0.560 0.561 0.562 0.563 0.564 0.565 0.566 0.567 0.568 0.569 0.570 0.571 0.572 0.573 0.574 0.575 0.576 0.577 0.578 0.579 0.580 0.581 0.582 0.583 0.584 0.585 0.586 0.587 0.588 0.589 0.590




6.15 6.13 6.11 6.09 6.06 6.04 6.02 6.00 5.98 5.96 5.93 5.91 5.89 5.87 5.85 5.83 5.81 5.79 5.77 5.75 5.73 5.71 5.69 5.67 5.65 5.63 5.61 5.59 5.57 5.55 5.53 5.51 5.49 5.47 5.46 5.44 5.42 5.40 5.38 5.36 5.35 5.33

12.3 12.3 12.2 12.2 12.1 12.1 12.0 12.0 12.0 11.9 11.9 11.8 11.8 11.7 11.7 11.7 11.6 11.6 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.4 11.4 11.3 11.3 11.3 11.2 11.2 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.0 11.0 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.7 10.7 10.7

15.4 15.3 15.3 15.2 15.2 15.1 15.1 15.0 14.9 14.9 14.8 14.8 14.7 14.7 14.6 14.6 14.5 14.5 14.4 14.4 14.3 14.3 14.2 14.2 14.1 14.1 14.0 14.0 13.9 13.9 13.8 13.8 13.7 13.7 13.6 13.6 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.4 13.4 13.3

18.5 18.4 18.3 18.3 18.2 18.1 18.1 18.0 17.9 17.9 17.8 17.7 17.7 17.6 17.6 17.5 17.4 17.4 17.3 17.2 17.2 17.1 17.1 17.0 16.9 16.9 16.8 16.8 16.7 16.7 16.6 16.5 16.5 16.4 16.4 16.3 16.3 16.2 16.1 16.1 16.0 16.0

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2. Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

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SHEDULE OF VICKERS HARDNESS VALUES TO USE FOR TESTS CARRIED OUT ON FLAT SURFACES Arithmeti Test load F[N] | Range from HV0,2 to HV3 c mean 1.961 2.942 4.903 9.807 19.61 24.52 29.42 of the 0.1891 ∗ F diagonal HV = d2 of the prints Vickers Hardness d (mm) HV0,2 HV0,3 HV0,5 HV1 HV2 HV2.5 HV3 0.591 0.592 0.593 0.594 0.595 0.596 0.597 0.598 0.599 0.600 0.601 0.602 0.603 0.604 0.605 0.606 0.607 0.608 0.609 0.610 0.611 0.612 0.613 0.614 0.615 0.616 0.617 0.618 0.619 0.620 0.621 0.622 0.623 0.624 0.625 0.626 0.627 0.628 0.629 0.630 0.631 0.632




5.31 5.29 5.27 5.26 5.24 5.22 5.20 5.19 5.17 5.15 5.13 5.12 5.10 5.08 5.07 5.05 5.03 5.02 5.00 4.98 4.97 4.95 4.94 4.92 4.90 -

10.6 10.6 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.0 10.0 9.97 9.93 9.90 9.87 9.84 9.80 9.77 9.74 9.71 9.68 9.65 9.62 9.58 9.55 9.52 9.49 9.46 9.43 9.40 9.37 9.34 9.31 9.28

13.3 13.2 13.2 13.1 13.1 13.1 13.0 13.0 12.9 12.9 12.8 12.8 12.8 12.7 12.7 12.6 12.6 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.4 12.4 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.2 12.2 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.0 12.0 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.7 11.7 11.6 11.6

15.9 15.9 15.8 15.8 15.7 15.7 15.6 15.6 15.5 15.5 15.4 15.4 15.3 15.2 15.2 15.1 15.1 15.0 15.0 15.0 14.9 14.9 14.8 14.8 14.7 14.7 14.6 14.6 14.5 14.5 14.4 14.4 14.3 14.3 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.1 14.1 14.0 14.0 13.9

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

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SHEDULE OF VICKERS HARDNESS VALUES TO USE FOR TESTS CARRIED OUT ON FLAT SURFACES Arithmeti Test load F[N] | Range from HV0,2 to HV3 c mean 1.961 2.942 4.903 9.807 19.61 24.52 29.42 of the 0.1891 ∗ F diagonal HV = d2 of the prints Vickers Hardness d (mm) HV0,2 HV0,3 HV0,5 HV1 HV2 HV2.5 HV3 0.633 0.634 0.635 0.636 0.637 0.638 0.639 0.640 0.641 0.642 0.643 0.644 0.645 0.646 0.647 0.648 0.649 0.650 0.651 0.652 0.653 0.654 0.655 0.656 0.657 0.658 0.659 0.660 0.661 0.662 0.663 0.664 0.665 0.666 0.667 0.668 0.669 0.670 0.671 0.672 0.673 0.674





9.25 9.23 9.20 9.17 9.14 9.11 9.08 9.05 9.03 9.00 8.97 8.94 8.91 8.89 8.86 8.83 8.80 8.78 8.75 8.72 8.70 8.67 8.64 8.62 8.59 8.56 8.54 8.51 8.49 8.46 8.44 8.41 8.39 8.36 8.34 8.31 8.29 8.26 8.24 8.21 8.19 8.16

11.6 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.3 11.3 11.2 11.2 11.2 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.0 11.0 11.0 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.6 10.6 10.6 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.2 10.2

13.9 13.8 13.8 13.8 13.7 13.7 13.6 13.6 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.4 13.4 13.3 13.3 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.1 13.1 13.0 13.0 13.0 12.9 12.9 12.8 12.8 12.8 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.6 12.6 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.3 12.3 12.2

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2. Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

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SHEDULE OF VICKERS HARDNESS VALUES TO USE FOR TESTS CARRIED OUT ON FLAT SURFACES Arithmeti Test load F[N] | Range from HV0,2 to HV3 c mean 1.961 2.942 4.903 9.807 19.61 24.52 29.42 of the 0.1891 ∗ F diagonal HV = d2 of the prints Vickers Hardness d (mm) HV0,2 HV0,3 HV0,5 HV1 HV2 HV2.5 HV3 0.675 0.676 0.677 0.678 0.679 0.680 0.681 0.682 0.683 0.684 0.685 0.686 0.687 0.688 0.689 0.690 0.691 0.692 0.693 0.694 0.695 0.696 0.697 0.698 0.699 0.700 0.701 0.702 0.703 0.704 0.705 0.706 0.707 0.708 0.709 0.710 0.711 0.712 0.713 0.714 0.715 0.716





8.14 8.11 8.09 8.07 8.04 8.02 8.00 7.97 7.95 7.93 7.90 7.88 7.86 7.83 7.81 7.79 7.77 7.74 7.72 7.70 7.68 7.66 7.63 7.61 7.59 7.57 7.55 7.52 7.50 7.48 7.46 7.44 7.42 7.40 7.38 7.36 7.34 7.31 7.29 7.27 7.25 7.23

10.2 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.0 10.0 9.97 9.94 9.91 9.88 9.85 9.82 9.80 9.77 9.74 9.71 9.68 9.65 9.63 9.60 9.57 9.54 9.52 9.49 9.46 9.44 9.41 9.38 9.36 9.33 9.30 9.28 9.25 9.22 9.20 9.17 9.15 9.12 9.10 9.07 9.04

12.2 12.2 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.0 12.0 12.0 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.7 11.7 11.7 11.6 11.6 11.6 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.3 11.3 11.3 11.2 11.2 11.2 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.0 11.0 11.0 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.9

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

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SHEDULE OF VICKERS HARDNESS VALUES TO USE FOR TESTS CARRIED OUT ON FLAT SURFACES Arithmeti Test load F[N] | Range from HV0,2 to HV3 c mean 1.961 2.942 4.903 9.807 19.61 24.52 29.42 of the 0.1891 ∗ F diagonal HV = d2 of the prints Vickers Hardness d (mm) HV0,2 HV0,3 HV0,5 HV1 HV2 HV2.5 HV3 0.717 0.718 0.719 0.720 0.721 0.722 0.723 0.724 0.725 0.726 0.727 0.728 0.729 0.730 0.731 0.732 0.733 0.734 0.735 0.736 0.737 0.738 0.739 0.740 0.741 0.742 0.743 0.744 0.745 0.746 0.747 0.748 0.749 0.750 0.751 0.752 0.753 0.754 0.755 0.756 0.757 0.758





7.21 7.19 7.17 7.15 7.13 7.11 7.09 7.07 7.05 7.04 7.02 7.00 6.98 6.96 6.94 6.92 6.90 6.88 6.86 6.85 6.83 6.81 6.79 6.77 6.75 6.74 6.72 6.70 6.68 6.66 6.65 6.63 6.61 6.59 6.57 6.56 6.54 6.52 6.51 6.49 6.47 6.45

9.02 8.99 8.97 8.94 8.92 8.89 8.87 8.85 8.82 8.80 8.77 8.75 8.72 8.70 8.68 8.65 8.63 8.61 8.58 8.56 8.54 8.51 8.49 8.47 8.44 8.42 8.40 8.38 8.35 8.33 8.31 8.29 8.27 8.24 8.22 8.20 8.18 8.16 8.13 8.11 8.09 8.07

10.8 10.8 10.8 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.6 10.6 10.6 10.6 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.0 10.0 9.97 9.94 9.92 9.89 9.86 9.84 9.81 9.79 9.76 9.73 9.71 9.68

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2. Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

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SHEDULE OF VICKERS HARDNESS VALUES TO USE FOR TESTS CARRIED OUT ON FLAT SURFACES Arithmeti Test load F[N] | Range from HV0,2 to HV3 c mean 1.961 2.942 4.903 9.807 19.61 24.52 29.42 of the 0.1891 ∗ F diagonal HV = d2 of the prints Vickers Hardness d (mm) HV0,2 HV0,3 HV0,5 HV1 HV2 HV2.5 HV3 0.759 0.760 0.761 0.762 0.763 0.764 0.765 0.766 0.767 0.768 0.769 0.770 0.771 0.772 0.773 0.774 0.775 0.776 0.777 0.778 0.779 0.780 0.781 0.782 0.783 0.784 0.785 0.786 0.787 0.788 0.789 0.790 0.791 0.792 0.793 0.794 0.795 0.796 0.797 0.798 0.799 0.800





6.44 6.42 6.40 6.39 6.37 6.35 6.34 6.32 6.30 6.29 6.27 6.25 6.24 6.22 6.21 6.19 6.17 6.16 6.14 6.13 6.11 6.10 6.08 6.06 6.05 6.03 6.02 6.00 5.99 5.97 5.96 5.94 5.93 5.91 5.90 5.88 5.87 5.85 5.84 5.82 5.81 5.79

8.05 8.03 8.01 7.99 7.96 7.94 7.92 7.90 7.88 7.86 7.84 7.82 7.80 7.78 7.76 7.74 7.72 7.70 7.68 7.66 7.64 7.62 7.60 7.58 7.56 7.54 7.52 7.51 7.49 7.47 7.45 7.43 7.41 7.39 7.37 7.35 7.34 7.32 7.30 7.28 7.26 7.24

9.66 9.63 9.61 9.58 9.56 9.53 9.51 9.48 9.46 9.43 9.41 9.38 9.36 9.33 9.31 9.29 9.26 9.24 9.21 9.19 9.17 9.14 9.12 9.10 9.07 9.05 9.03 9.01 8.98 8.96 8.94 8.91 8.89 8.87 8.85 8.82 8.80 8.78 8.76 8.74 8.71 8.69

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

Page: 137

SHEDULE OF VICKERS HARDNESS VALUES TO USE FOR TESTS CARRIED OUT ON FLAT SURFACES Arithmeti Test load F[N] | Range from HV0,2 to HV3 c mean 1.961 2.942 4.903 9.807 19.61 24.52 29.42 of the 0.1891 ∗ F diagonal HV = d2 of the prints Vickers Hardness d (mm) HV0,2 HV0,3 HV0,5 HV1 HV2 HV2.5 HV3 0.801 0.802 0.803 0.804 0.805 0.806 0.807 0.808 0.809 0.810 0.811 0.812 0.813 0.814 0.815 0.816 0.817 0.818 0.819 0.820 0.821 0.822 0.823 0.824 0.825 0.826 0.827 0.828 0.829 0.830 0.831 0.832 0.833 0.834 0.835 0.836 0.837 0.838 0.839 0.840 0.841 0.842





5.78 5.77 5.75 5.74 5.72 5.71 5.69 5.68 5.67 5.65 5.64 5.62 5.61 5.60 5.58 5.57 5.56 5.54 5.53 5.51 5.50 5.49 5.47 5.46 5.45 5.44 5.42 5.41 5.40 5.38 5.37 5.36 5.34 5.33 5.32 5.31 5.29 5.28 5.27 5.26 5.24 5.23

7.23 7.21 7.19 7.17 7.16 7.14 7.12 7.10 7.08 7.07 7.05 7.03 7.02 7.00 6.98 6.96 6.95 6.93 6.91 6.90 6.88 6.86 6.85 6.83 6.81 6.80 6.78 6.76 6.75 6.73 6.71 6.70 6.68 6.67 6.65 6.63 6.62 6.60 6.59 6.57 6.56 6.54

8.67 8.65 8.63 8.61 8.59 8.56 8.54 8.52 8.50 8.48 8.46 8.44 8.42 8.40 8.38 8.36 8.33 8.31 8.29 8.27 8.25 8.23 8.21 8.19 8.17 8.15 8.13 8.11 8.10 8.08 8.06 8.04 8.02 8.00 7.98 7.96 7.94 7.92 7.90 7.88 7.87 7.85

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2. Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

Page: 138

SHEDULE OF VICKERS HARDNESS VALUES TO USE FOR TESTS CARRIED OUT ON FLAT SURFACES Arithmeti Test load F[N] | Range from HV0,2 to HV3 c mean 1.961 2.942 4.903 9.807 19.61 24.52 29.42 of the 0.1891 ∗ F diagonal HV = d2 of the prints Vickers Hardness d (mm) HV0,2 HV0,3 HV0,5 HV1 HV2 HV2.5 HV3 0.843 0.844 0.845 0.846 0.847 0.848 0.849 0.850





5.22 5.21 5.19 5.18 5.17 5.16 5.14 5.13

6.52 6.51 6.49 6.48 6.46 6.45 6.43 6.42

7.83 7.81 7.79 7.77 7.75 7.74 7.72 7.70

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

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Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 0,056 0,057 0,058 0,059 0,060 0,061 0,062 0,063 0,064 0,065 0,066 0,067 0,068 0,069 0,070 0,071 0,072 0,073 0,074 0,075 0,076 0,077 0,078 0,079 0,080 0,081 0,082 0,083 0,084 0,085 0,086 0,087 0,088 0,089 0,090 0,091 0,092 0,093 0,094 0,095 0,096 0,097




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

HV =




0.1891 ∗ F d2

Vickers Hardness HV5








2956 2854 2756 2663 2575 2492 2412 2336 2264 2194 2128 2065 2005 1947 1892 1839 1788 1740 1693 1648 1605 1564 1524 1486 1449 1413 1379 1346 1314 1283 1254 1225 1197 1171 1145 1120 1095 1072 1049 1027 1006 985

2971 2898 2827 2758 2692 2628 2567 2507 2450 2395 2341 2290 2239 2191 2144 2099 2055 2012 1971







User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2. Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

Page: 140

Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 0,098 0,099 0,100 0,101 0,102 0,103 0,104 0,105 0,106 0,107 0,108 0,109 0,110 0,111 0,112 0,113 0,114 0,115 0,116 0,117 0,118 0,119 0,120 0,121 0,122 0,123 0,124 0,125 0,126 0,127 0,128 0,129 0,130 0,131 0,132 0,133 0,134 0,135 0,136 0,137 0,138




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

HV =




0.1891 ∗ F d2

Vickers Hardness HV5








965 946 927 909 891 874 857 841 825 810 795 780 766 753 739 726 713 701 689 677 666 655 644 633 623 613 603 593 584 575 566 557 549 540 532 524 516 509 501 494 487

1931 1892 1855 1818 1782 1748 1715 1682 1651 1620 1590 1561 1533 1505 1478 1452 1427 1402 1378 1355 1332 1310 1288 1267 1246 1226 1206 1187 1168 1150 1132 1114 1097 1081 1064 1048 1033 1018 1003 988 974

2896 2838 2782 2727 2674 2622 2572 2523 2476 2430 2385 2341 2299 2258 2218 2178 2140 2103 2067 2032 1998 1964 1932 1900 1869 1839 1809 1780 1752 1725 1698 1672 1646 1621 1596 1573 1549 1526 1504 1482 1461

2956 2904 2853 2804 2756 2709 2663 2619 2575 2533 2491 2451 2412 2373 2336 2299 2263 2228 2194 2161 2128 2096 2065 2035 2005 1976 1947

2964 2921




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Page: 141

0,139 0,140 0,141

480 473 466

960 946 933

1440 1419 1399

1919 1892 1865

2879 2838 2798







Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 0,142 0,143 0,144 0,145 0,146 0,147 0,148 0,149 0,150 0,151 0,152 0,153 0,154 0,155 0,156 0,157 0,158 0,159 0,160 0,161 0,162 0,163 0,164 0,165 0,166 0,167 0,168 0,169 0,170 0,171 0,172 0,173 0,174 0,175 0,176 0,177 0,178 0,179 0,180 0,181




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

HV =

0.1891 ∗ F d2

Vickers Hardness HV5








460 453 447 441 435 429 423 418 412 407 401 396 391 386 381 376 371 367 362 358 353 349 345 341 336 332 328 325 321 317 313 310 306 303 299 296 293 289 286 283

920 907 894 882 870 858 847 835 824 813 803 792 782 772 762 752 743 734 724 715 707 698 690 681 673 665 657 649 642 634 627 620 613 606 599 592 585 579 572 566

1380 1360 1341 1323 1305 1287 1270 1253 1236 1220 1204 1188 1173 1158 1143 1129 1114 1100 1087 1073 1060 1047 1034 1022 1009 997 986 974 963 951 940 929 919 908 898 888 878 868 859 849

1839 1813 1788 1764 1740 1716 1693 1670 1648 1626 1605 1584 1564 1543 1524 1504 1485 1467 1449 1431 1413 1396 1379 1362 1346 1330 1314 1298 1283 1268 1253 1239 1225 1211 1197 1184 1170 1157 1145 1132

2759 2721 2683 2646 2610 2575 2540 2506 2473 2440 2408 2377 2346 2316 2286 2257 2229 2201 2173 2146 2120 2094 2068 2043 2019 1995 1971 1948 1925 1903 1881 1859 1838 1817 1796 1776 1756 1736 1717 1698

2993 2959 2926 2894 2862 2830



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Page: 142

0,182 0,183 0,184

280 277 274

560 554 548

840 831 822

1120 1107 1095

1680 1661 1643

2799 2769 2739






Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 0,185 0,186 0,187 0,188 0,189 0,190 0,191 0,192 0,193 0,194 0,195 0,196 0,197 0,198 0,199 0,200 0,201 0,202 0,203 0,204 0,205 0,206 0,207 0,208 0,209 0,210 0,211 0,212 0,213 0,214 0,215 0,216 0,217 0,218 0,219 0,220 0,221 0,222 0,223 0,224




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

HV =

0.1891 ∗ F d2

Vickers Hardness HV5








271 268 265 262 260 257 254 252 249 246 244 241 239 236 234 232 229 227 225 223 221 218 216 214 212 210 208 206 204 202 201 199 197 195 193 192 190 188 186 185

542 536 530 525 519 514 508 503 498 493 488 483 478 473 468 464 459 454 450 446 441 437 433 429 425 421 417 413 409 405 401 397 394 390 387 383 380 376 373 370

813 804 795 787 779 771 762 755 747 739 732 724 717 710 702 695 689 682 675 668 662 655 649 643 637 631 625 619 613 607 602 596 591 585 580 575 570 564 559 554

1083 1072 1060 1049 1038 1027 1016 1006 996 985 975 965 956 946 936 927 918 909 900 891 882 874 865 857 849 841 833 825 817 810 802 795 787 780 773 766 759 752 746 739

1626 1608 1591 1574 1557 1541 1525 1509 1494 1478 1463 1448 1434 1419 1405 1391 1377 1363 1350 1337 1324 1311 1298 1286 1274 1262 1250 1238 1226 1215 1204 1192 1181 1171 1160 1149 1139 1129 1119 1109

2709 2680 2651 2623 2596 2568 2541 2515 2489 2463 2438 2413 2389 2365 2341 2318 2295 2272 2250 2228 2206 2185 2164 2143 2123 2102 2083 2063 2044 2025 2006 1987 1969 1951 1933 1916 1898 1881 1864 1848

2987 2956 2926 2896 2867 2838 2810 2782 2754 2727 2700 2674 2648 2622 2597 2572 2547 2523 2499 2476 2452 2430 2407 2385 2363 2341 2320 2299 2278 2258 2237 2218


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Page: 143

0,225 0,226 0,227

183 182 180

366 363 360

549 545 540

732 726 720

1099 1089 1080

1831 1815 1799

2198 2178 2159





Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 0,228 0,229 0,230 0,231 0,232 0,233 0,234 0,235 0,236 0,237 0,238 0,239 0,240 0,241 0,242 0,243 0,244 0,245 0,246 0,247 0,248 0,249 0,250 0,251 0,252 0,253 0,254 0,255 0,256 0,257 0,258 0,259 0,260 0,261 0,262 0,263 0,264 0,265 0,266




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

0.1891 ∗ F HV = d2 Vickers Hardness HV5








178 177 175 174 172 171 169 168 166 165 164 162 161 160 158 157 156 154 153 152 151 150 148 147 146 145 144 143 141 140 139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131

357 354 351 348 345 342 339 336 333 330 327 325 322 319 317 314 311 309 306 304 302 299 297 294 292 290 287 285 283 281 279 276 274 272 270 268 266 264 262

535 530 526 521 517 512 508 504 499 495 491 487 483 479 475 471 467 463 460 456 452 449 445 442 438 435 431 428 424 421 418 415 411 408 405 402 399 396 393

713 707 701 695 689 683 677 671 666 660 655 649 644 638 633 628 623 618 613 608 603 598 593 589 584 579 575 570 566 561 557 553 549 544 540 536 532 528 524

1070 1061 1052 1043 1034 1025 1016 1007 999 990 982 974 966 958 950 942 934 927 919 912 905 897 890 883 876 869 862 856 849 842 836 829 823 817 810 804 798 792 786

1784 1768 1753 1738 1723 1708 1693 1679 1665 1651 1637 1623 1610 1596 1583 1570 1557 1545 1532 1520 1507 1495 1483 1472 1460 1448 1437 1426 1415 1404 1393 1382 1372 1361 1351 1340 1330 1320 1310

2140 2122 2103 2085 2067 2050 2032 2015 1998 1981 1964 1948 1932 1916 1900 1884 1869 1854 1839 1824 1809 1795 1780 1766 1752 1738 1725 1711 1698 1685 1672 1659 1646 1633 1621 1609 1596 1584 1573

2830 2808 2786 2765 2743 2722 2702 2681 2661 2641 2621

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Page: 144

0,267 0,268 0,269 0,270

130 129 128 127

260 258 256 254

390 387 384 382

520 516 512 509

780 775 769 763

1301 1291 1281 1272

1561 1549 1538 1526

2601 2582 2563 2544




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 0,271 0,272 0,273 0,274 0,275 0,276 0,277 0,278 0,279 0,280 0,281 0,282 0,283 0,284 0,285 0,286 0,287 0,288 0,289 0,290 0,291 0,292 0,293 0,294 0,295 0,296 0,297 0,298 0,299 0,300 0,301 0,302 0,303 0,304 0,305 0,306 0,307 0,308 0,309




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

0.1891 ∗ F HV = d2 Vickers Hardness HV5








126 125 124 123 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 117 116 115 114 113 113 112 111 110 109 109 108 107 107 106 105 104 104 103 102 102 101 100 100 99,0 98,4 97,7 97,1

253 251 249 247 245 243 242 240 238 237 235 233 232 230 228 227 225 224 222 221 219 218 216 215 213 212 210 209 207 206 205 203 202 201 199 198 197 195 194

379 376 373 371 368 365 363 360 357 355 352 350 347 345 342 340 338 335 333 331 328 326 324 322 320 317 315 313 311 309 307 305 303 301 299 297 295 293 291

505 501 498 494 490 487 483 480 476 473 470 466 463 460 457 453 450 447 444 441 438 435 432 429 426 423 420 418 415 412 409 407 404 401 399 396 393 391 388

758 752 746 741 736 730 725 720 715 710 705 700 695 690 685 680 675 671 666 662 657 652 648 644 639 635 631 626 622 618 614 610 606 602 598 594 590 586 583

1262 1253 1244 1235 1226 1217 1208 1200 1191 1183 1174 1166 1158 1150 1141 1133 1126 1118 1110 1102 1095 1087 1080 1073 1065 1058 1051 1044 1037 1030 1023 1017 1010 1003 997 990 984 977 971

1515 1504 1493 1482 1471 1461 1450 1440 1429 1419 1409 1399 1389 1380 1370 1360 1351 1341 1332 1323 1314 1305 1296 1287 1279 1270 1261 1253 1245 1236 1228 1220 1212 1204 1196 1188 1181 1173 1165

2525 2507 2488 2470 2452 2434 2417 2400 2382 2365 2349 2332 2316 2299 2283 2267 2251 2236 2220 2205 2190 2175 2160 2146 2131 2117 2102 2088 2074 2061 2047 2033 2020 2007 1994 1981 1968 1955 1942

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Page: 145

0,310 0,311 0,312 0,313

96,5 95,9 95,2 94,6

193 192 191 189

289 288 286 284

386 383 381 379

579 575 572 568

965 959 952 946

1158 1150 1143 1136

1930 1917 1905 1893




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 0,314 0,315 0,316 0,317 0,318 0,319 0,320 0,321 0,322 0,323 0,324 0,325 0,326 0,327 0,328 0,329 0,330 0,331 0,332 0,333 0,334 0,335 0,336 0,337 0,338 0,339 0,340 0,341 0,342 0,343 0,344 0,345 0,346 0,347 0,348 0,349 0,350 0,351




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

0.1891 ∗ F HV = d2 Vickers Hardness HV5








94,0 93,4 92,8 92,3 91,7 91,1 90,5 90,0 89,4 88,9 88,3 87,8 87,2 86,7 86,2 85,7 85,1 84,6 84,1 83,6 83,1 82,6 82,1 81,6 81,2 80,7 80,2 79,7 79,3 78,8 78,3 77,9 77,4 77,0 76,6 76,1 75,7 75,3

188 187 186 185 183 182 181 180 179 178 177 176 174 173 172 171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160 159 159 158 157 156 155 154 153 152 151 151

282 280 279 277 275 273 272 270 268 267 265 263 262 260 259 257 255 254 252 251 249 248 246 245 243 242 241 239 238 236 235 234 232 231 230 228 227 226

376 374 371 369 367 364 362 360 358 355 353 351 349 347 345 343 341 338 336 334 332 330 328 327 325 323 321 319 317 315 313 312 310 308 306 304 303 301

564 561 557 554 550 547 543 540 537 533 530 527 523 520 517 514 511 508 505 502 499 496 493 490 487 484 481 478 476 473 470 467 465 462 459 457 454 452

940 934 928 923 917 911 905 900 894 889 883 878 872 867 862 857 851 846 841 836 831 826 821 816 812 807 802 797 793 788 783 779 774 770 766 761 757 753

1129 1121 1114 1107 1100 1093 1087 1080 1073 1066 1060 1053 1047 1041 1034 1028 1022 1016 1009 1003 997 991 986 980 974 968 963 957 951 946 940 935 929 924 919 914 908 903

1881 1869 1857 1845 1834 1822 1811 1800 1789 1778 1767 1756 1745 1734 1724 1713 1703 1693 1682 1672 1662 1652 1643 1633 1623 1614 1604 1595 1586 1576 1567 1558 1549 1540 1531 1523 1514 1505

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Page: 146

0,352 0,353 0,354 0,355 0,356

74,8 74,4 74,0 73,6 73,2

150 149 148 147 146

225 223 222 221 219

299 298 296 294 293

449 446 444 441 439

748 744 740 736 732

898 893 888 883 878

1497 1488 1480 1472 1463




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 0,357 0,358 0,359 0,360 0,361 0,362 0,363 0,364 0,365 0,366 0,367 0,368 0,369 0,370 0,371 0,372 0,373 0,374 0,375 0,376 0,377 0,378 0,379 0,380 0,381 0,382 0,383 0,384 0,385 0,386 0,387 0,388 0,389 0,390 0,391 0,392 0,393 0,394




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

0.1891 ∗ F HV = d2 Vickers Hardness HV5








72,7 72,3 71,9 71,5 71,1 70,8 70,4 70,0 69,6 69,2 68,8 68,5 68,1 67,7 67,4 67,0 66,6 66,3 65,9 65,6 65,2 64,9 64,5 64,2 63,9 63,5 63,2 62,9 62,6 62,2 61,9 61,6 61,3 61,0 60,6 60,3 60,0 59,7

146 145 144 143 142 142 141 140 139 138 138 137 136 135 135 134 133 133 132 131 130 130 129 128 128 127 126 126 125 124 124 123 123 122 121 121 120 119

218 217 216 215 213 212 211 210 209 208 207 205 204 203 202 201 200 199 198 197 196 195 194 193 192 191 190 189 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 181 180 179

291 289 288 286 285 283 281 280 278 277 275 274 272 271 269 268 267 265 264 262 261 260 258 257 255 254 253 251 250 249 248 246 245 244 243 241 240 239

437 434 432 429 427 425 422 420 418 415 413 411 409 406 404 402 400 398 396 394 391 389 387 385 383 381 379 377 375 373 371 370 368 366 364 362 360 358

727 723 719 715 711 708 704 700 696 692 688 685 681 677 674 670 666 663 659 656 652 649 645 642 639 635 632 629 626 622 619 616 613 610 606 603 600 597

873 868 863 859 854 849 844 840 835 831 826 822 817 813 808 804 800 795 791 787 783 779 775 771 767 762 759 755 751 747 743 739 735 732 728 724 720 717

1455 1447 1439 1431 1423 1415 1407 1400 1392 1384 1377 1369 1362 1355 1347 1340 1333 1326 1319 1312 1305 1298 1291 1284 1278 1271 1264 1258 1251 1245 1238 1232 1226 1219 1213 1207 1201 1195

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Page: 147

0,395 0,396 0,397 0,398 0,399

59,4 59,1 58,8 58,5 58,2

119 118 118 117 116

178 177 176 176 175

238 236 235 234 233

357 355 353 351 349

594 591 588 585 582

713 710 706 702 699

1189 1183 1177 1171 1165




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 0,400 0,401 0,402 0,403 0,404 0,405 0,406 0,407 0,408 0,409 0,410 0,411 0,412 0,413 0,414 0,415 0,416 0,417 0,418 0,419 0,420 0,421 0,422 0,423 0,424 0,425 0,426 0,427 0,428 0,429 0,430 0,431 0,432 0,433 0,434 0,435 0,436




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

0.1891 ∗ F HV = d2 Vickers Hardness HV5








57,9 57,7 57,4 57,1 56,8 56,5 56,2 56,0 55,7 55,4 55,2 54,9 54,6 54,4 54,1 53,8 53,6 53,3 53,1 52,8 52,6 52,3 52,1 51,8 51,6 51,3 51,1 50,9 50,6 50,4 50,1 49,9 49,7 49,5 49,2 49,0 48,8

116 115 115 114 114 113 113 112 111 111 110 110 109 109 108 108 107 107 106 106 105 105 104 104 103 103 102 102 101 101 100 100 99,4 98,9 98,5 98,0 97,6

174 173 172 171 170 170 169 168 167 166 165 165 164 163 162 162 161 160 159 158 158 157 156 155 155 154 153 153 152 151 150 150 149 148 148 147 146

232 231 229 228 227 226 225 224 223 222 221 220 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 208 207 206 205 204 203 202 201 201 200 199 198 197 196 195

348 346 344 343 341 339 338 336 334 333 331 329 328 326 325 323 321 320 318 317 315 314 312 311 309 308 307 305 304 302 301 299 298 297 295 294 293

579 577 574 571 568 565 562 560 557 554 552 549 546 544 541 538 536 533 531 528 526 523 521 518 516 513 511 509 506 504 501 499 497 495 492 490 488

695 692 689 685 682 678 675 672 668 665 662 659 655 652 649 646 643 640 637 634 631 628 625 622 619 616 613 610 607 605 602 599 596 593 591 588 585

1159 1153 1148 1142 1136 1131 1125 1120 1114 1109 1103 1098 1093 1087 1082 1077 1072 1066 1061 1056 1051 1046 1041 1036 1032 1027 1022 1017 1012 1008 1003 998 994 989 985 980 976

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Page: 148

0,437 0,438 0,439 0,440 0,441 0,442

48,6 48,3 48,1 47,9 47,7 47,5

97,1 96,7 96,2 95,8 95,4 94,9

146 145 144 144 143 142

194 193 192 192 191 190

291 290 289 287 286 285

486 483 481 479 477 475

583 580 577 575 572 570

971 967 962 958 954 949




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 0,443 0,444 0,445 0,446 0,447 0,448 0,449 0,450 0,451 0,452 0,453 0,454 0,455 0,456 0,457 0,458 0,459 0,460 0,461 0,462 0,463 0,464 0,465 0,466 0,467 0,468 0,469 0,470 0,471 0,472 0,473 0,474 0,475 0,476 0,477 0,478 0,479




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

0.1891 ∗ F HV = d2 Vickers Hardness HV5








47,2 47,0 46,8 46,6 46,4 46,2 46,0 45,8 45,6 45,4 45,2 45,0 44,8 44,6 44,4 44,2 44,0 43,8 43,6 43,4 43,3 43,1 42,9 42,7 42,5 42,3 42,2 42,0 41,8 41,6 41,4 41,3 41,1 40,9 40,7 40,6 40,4

94,5 94,1 93,6 93,2 92,8 92,4 92,0 91,6 91,2 90,8 90,4 90,0 89,6 89,2 88,8 88,4 88,0 87,6 87,3 86,9 86,5 86,1 85,8 85,4 85,0 84,7 84,3 84,0 83,6 83,2 82,9 82,5 82,2 81,8 81,5 81,2 80,8

142 141 140 140 139 139 138 137 137 136 136 135 134 134 133 133 132 131 131 130 130 129 129 128 128 127 126 126 125 125 124 124 123 123 122 122 121

189 188 187 186 186 185 184 183 182 182 181 180 179 178 178 177 176 175 174 174 173 172 171 171 170 169 169 168 167 166 166 165 164 164 163 162 162

283 282 281 280 278 277 276 275 274 272 271 270 269 268 266 265 264 263 262 261 260 258 257 256 255 254 253 252 251 250 249 248 247 246 245 243 242

472 470 468 466 464 462 460 458 456 454 452 450 448 446 444 442 440 438 436 434 433 431 429 427 425 423 422 420 418 416 414 413 411 409 407 406 404

567 564 562 559 557 554 552 549 547 545 542 540 537 535 533 530 528 526 524 521 519 517 515 512 510 508 506 504 502 499 497 495 493 491 489 487 485

945 941 936 932 928 924 920 916 912 908 904 900 896 892 888 884 880 876 873 869 865 861 858 854 850 847 843 840 836 832 829 825 822 818 815 812 808

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Page: 149

0,480 0,481 0,482 0,483 0,484 0,485

40,2 40,1 39,9 39,7 39,6 39,4

80,5 80,2 79,8 79,5 79,2 78,8

121 120 120 119 119 118

161 160 160 159 158 158

241 240 239 238 237 237

402 401 399 397 396 394

483 481 479 477 475 473

805 802 798 795 792 788




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 0,486 0,487 0,488 0,489 0,490 0,491 0,492 0,493 0,494 0,495 0,496 0,497 0,498 0,499 0,500 0,501 0,502 0,503 0,504 0,505 0,506 0,507 0,508 0,509 0,510 0,511 0,512 0,513 0,514 0,515 0,516 0,517 0,518 0,519 0,520 0,521




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

0.1891 ∗ F HV = d2 Vickers Hardness HV5








39,3 39,1 38,9 38,8 38,6 38,5 38,3 38,1 38,0 37,8 37,7 37,5 37,4 37,2 37,1 36,9 36,8 36,6 36,5 36,4 36,2 36,1 35,9 35,8 35,6 35,5 35,4 35,2 35,1 35,0 34,8 34,7 34,6 34,4 34,3 34,2

78,5 78,2 77,9 77,6 77,2 76,9 76,6 76,3 76,0 75,7 75,4 75,1 74,8 74,5 74,2 73,9 73,6 73,3 73,0 72,7 72,4 72,1 71,9 71,6 71,3 71,0 70,7 70,5 70,2 69,9 69,7 69,4 69,1 68,8 68,6 68,3

118 117 117 116 116 115 115 114 114 114 113 113 112 112 111 111 110 110 110 109 109 108 108 107 107 107 106 106 105 105 104 104 104 103 103 102

157 156 156 155 154 154 153 153 152 151 151 150 150 149 148 148 147 147 146 145 145 144 144 143 143 142 141 141 140 140 139 139 138 138 137 137

236 235 234 233 232 231 230 229 228 227 226 225 224 223 223 222 221 220 219 218 217 216 216 215 214 213 212 211 211 210 209 208 207 207 206 205

393 391 389 388 386 385 383 381 380 378 377 375 374 372 371 369 368 366 365 364 362 361 359 358 356 355 354 352 351 350 348 347 346 344 343 342

471 469 467 465 463 462 460 458 456 454 452 450 449 447 445 443 442 440 438 436 435 433 431 429 428 426 424 423 421 420 418 416 415 413 411 410

785 782 779 776 772 769 766 763 760 757 754 751 748 745 742 739 736 733 730 727 724 721 719 716 713 710 707 705 702 699 697 694 691 688 686 683

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2. Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

Page: 150

0,522 0,523 0,524 0,525 0,526 0,527 0,528

34,0 33,9 33,8 33,6 33,5 33,4 33,3

68,1 67,8 67,5 67,3 67,0 66,8 66,5

102 102 101 101 101 100 100

136 136 135 135 134 134 133

204 203 203 202 201 200 200

340 339 338 336 335 334 333

408 407 405 404 402 401 399

681 678 675 673 670 668 665




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 0,529 0,530 0,531 0,532 0,533 0,534 0,535 0,536 0,537 0,538 0,539 0,540 0,541 0,542 0,543 0,544 0,545 0,546 0,547 0,548 0,549 0,550 0,551 0,552 0,553 0,554 0,555 0,556 0,557 0,558 0,559 0,560 0,561 0,562 0,563 0,564




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

0.1891 ∗ F HV = d2 Vickers Hardness HV5








33,1 33,0 32,9 32,8 32,6 32,5 32,4 32,3 32,2 32,0 31,9 31,8 31,7 31,6 31,4 31,3 31,2 31,1 31,0 30,9 30,8 30,6 30,5 30,4 30,3 30,2 30,1 30,0 29,9 29,8 29,7 29,6 29,5 29,4 29,3 29,1

66,3 66,0 65,8 65,5 65,3 65,0 64,8 64,6 64,3 64,1 63,8 63,6 63,4 63,1 62,9 62,7 62,4 62,2 62,0 61,8 61,5 61,3 61,1 60,9 60,6 60,4 60,2 60,0 59,8 59,6 59,3 59,1 58,9 58,7 58,5 58,3

99,4 99,0 98,7 98,3 97,9 97,5 97,2 96,8 96,5 96,1 95,7 95,4 95,0 94,7 94,3 94,0 93,7 93,3 93,0 92,6 92,3 92,0 91,6 91,3 91,0 90,6 90,3 90,0 89,7 89,3 89,0 88,7 88,4 88,1 87,8 87,4

133 132 132 131 131 130 130 129 129 128 128 127 127 126 126 125 125 124 124 123 123 123 122 122 121 121 120 120 120 119 119 118 118 117 117 117

199 198 197 197 196 195 194 194 193 192 191 191 190 189 189 188 187 187 186 185 185 184 183 183 182 181 181 180 179 179 178 177 177 176 176 175

331 330 329 328 326 325 324 323 322 320 319 318 317 316 314 313 312 311 310 309 308 306 305 304 303 302 301 300 299 298 297 296 295 294 293 291

398 396 395 393 392 390 389 387 386 384 383 382 380 379 377 376 375 373 372 371 369 368 366 365 364 363 361 360 359 357 356 355 354 352 351 350

663 660 658 655 653 650 648 646 643 641 638 636 634 631 629 627 624 622 620 618 615 613 611 609 606 604 602 600 598 596 593 591 589 587 585 583

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Page: 151

0,565 0,566 0,567 0,568 0,569 0,570 0,571

29,0 28,9 28,8 28,7 28,6 28,5 28,4

58,1 57,9 57,7 57,5 57,3 57,1 56,9

87,1 86,8 86,5 86,2 85,9 85,6 85,3

116 116 115 115 115 114 114

174 174 173 172 172 171 171

290 289 288 287 286 285 284

349 347 346 345 344 342 341

581 579 577 575 573 571 569




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 0,572 0,573 0,574 0,575 0,576 0,577 0,578 0,579 0,580 0,581 0,582 0,583 0,584 0,585 0,586 0,587 0,588 0,589 0,590 0,591 0,592 0,593 0,594 0,595 0,596 0,597 0,598 0,599 0,600 0,601 0,602 0,603 0,604 0,605 0,606




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

0.1891 ∗ F HV = d2 Vickers Hardness HV5








28,3 28,2 28,1 28,0 27,9 27,8 27,8 27,7 27,6 27,5 27,4 27,3 27,2 27,1 27,0 26,9 26,8 26,7 26,6 26,5 26,5 26,4 26,3 26,2 26,1 26,0 25,9 25,8 25,8 25,7 25,6 25,5 25,4 25,3 25,2

56,7 56,5 56,3 56,1 55,9 55,7 55,5 55,3 55,1 54,9 54,7 54,6 54,4 54,2 54,0 53,8 53,6 53,5 53,3 53,1 52,9 52,7 52,6 52,4 52,2 52,0 51,9 51,7 51,5 51,3 51,2 51,0 50,8 50,7 50,5

85,0 84,7 84,4 84,1 83,8 83,6 83,3 83,0 82,7 82,4 82,1 81,8 81,6 81,3 81,0 80,7 80,5 80,2 79,9 79,6 79,4 79,1 78,8 78,6 78,3 78,0 77,8 77,5 77,3 77,0 76,8 76,5 76,2 76,0 75,7

113 113 113 112 112 111 111 111 110 110 109 109 109 108 108 108 107 107 107 106 106 105 105 105 104 104 104 103 103 103 102 102 102 101 101

170 169 169 168 168 167 167 166 165 165 164 164 163 163 162 161 161 160 160 159 159 158 158 157 157 156 156 155 155 154 154 153 152 152 151

283 282 281 280 279 278 278 277 276 275 274 273 272 271 270 269 268 267 266 265 265 264 263 262 261 260 259 258 258 257 256 255 254 253 252

340 339 338 337 335 334 333 332 331 330 328 327 326 325 324 323 322 321 320 319 317 316 315 314 313 312 311 310 309 308 307 306 305 304 303

567 565 563 561 559 557 555 553 551 549 547 546 544 542 540 538 536 535 533 531 529 527 526 524 522 520 519 517 515 513 512 510 508 507 505

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0,607 0,608 0,609 0,610 0,611 0,612 0,613 0,614

25,2 25,1 25,0 24,9 24,8 24,8 24,7 24,6

50,3 50,2 50,0 49,8 49,7 49,5 49,4 49,2

75,5 75,2 75,0 74,8 74,5 74,3 74,0 73,8

101 100 100 100 99,3 99,0 98,7 98,4

151 150 150 150 149 149 148 148

252 251 250 249 248 248 247 246

302 301 300 299 298 297 296 295

503 502 500 498 497 495 494 492




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 0,615 0,616 0,617 0,618 0,619 0,620 0,621 0,622 0,623 0,624 0,625 0,626 0,627 0,628 0,629 0,630 0,631 0,632 0,633 0,634 0,635 0,636 0,637 0,638 0,639 0,640 0,641 0,642 0,643 0,644 0,645 0,646 0,647 0,648 0,649




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

0.1891 ∗ F HV = d2 Vickers Hardness HV5








24,5 24,4 24,4 24,3 24,2 24,1 24,0 24,0 23,9 23,8 23,7 23,7 23,6 23,5 23,4 23,4 23,3 23,2 23,1 23,1 23,0 22,9 22,8 22,8 22,7 22,6 22,6 22,5 22,4 22,4 22,3 22,2 22,1 22,1 22,0

49,0 48,9 48,7 48,6 48,4 48,2 48,1 47,9 47,8 47,6 47,5 47,3 47,2 47,0 46,9 46,7 46,6 46,4 46,3 46,1 46,0 45,8 45,7 45,6 45,4 45,3 45,1 45,0 44,9 44,7 44,6 44,4 44,3 44,2 44,0

73,5 73,3 73,1 72,8 72,6 72,4 72,1 71,9 71,7 71,4 71,2 71,0 70,8 70,5 70,3 70,1 69,9 69,6 69,4 69,2 69,0 68,8 68,6 68,3 68,1 67,9 67,7 67,5 67,3 67,1 66,9 66,7 66,5 66,2 66,0

98,0 97,7 97,4 97,1 96,8 96,5 96,2 95,8 95,5 95,2 94,9 94,6 94,3 94,0 93,7 93,4 93,1 92,8 92,5 92,3 92,0 91,7 91,4 91,1 90,8 90,5 90,3 90,0 89,7 89,4 89,1 88,9 88,6 88,3 88,0

147 147 146 146 145 145 144 144 143 143 142 142 142 141 141 140 140 139 139 138 138 138 137 137 136 136 135 135 135 134 134 133 133 132 132

245 244 244 243 242 241 240 240 239 238 237 237 236 235 234 234 233 232 231 231 230 229 228 228 227 226 226 225 224 224 223 222 221 221 220

294 293 292 291 290 289 289 288 287 286 285 284 283 282 281 280 279 279 278 277 276 275 274 273 272 272 271 270 269 268 267 267 266 265 264

490 489 487 486 484 482 481 479 478 476 475 473 472 470 469 467 466 464 463 461 460 458 457 456 454 453 451 450 449 447 446 444 443 442 440

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0,650 0,651 0,652 0,653 0,654 0,655 0,656 0,657

21,9 21,9 21,8 21,7 21,7 21,6 21,5 21,5

43,9 43,8 43,6 43,5 43,4 43,2 43,1 43,0

65,8 65,6 65,4 65,2 65,0 64,8 64,6 64,4

87,8 87,5 87,2 87,0 86,7 86,4 86,2 85,9

132 131 131 130 130 130 129 129

219 219 218 217 217 216 215 215

263 263 262 261 260 259 259 258

439 438 436 435 434 432 431 430




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 0,658 0,659 0,660 0,661 0,662 0,663 0,664 0,665 0,666 0,667 0,668 0,669 0,670 0,671 0,672 0,673 0,674 0,675 0,676 0,677 0,678 0,679 0,680 0,681 0,682 0,683 0,684 0,685 0,686 0,687 0,688 0,689 0,690 0,691




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

HV =

0.1891 ∗ F d2

Vickers Hardness HV5








21,4 21,3 21,3 21,2 21,2 21,1 21,0 21,0 20,9 20,8 20,8 20,7 20,7 20,6 20,5 20,5 20,4 20,3 20,3 20,2 20,2 20,1 20,1 20,0 19,9 19,9 19,8 19,8 19,7 19,6 19,6 19,5 19,5 19,4

42,8 42,7 42,6 42,4 42,3 42,2 42,1 41,9 41,8 41,7 41,6 41,4 41,3 41,2 41,1 40,9 40,8 40,7 40,6 40,5 40,3 40,2 40,1 40,0 39,9 39,8 39,6 39,5 39,4 39,3 39,2 39,1 39,0 38,8

64,2 64,1 63,9 63,7 63,5 63,3 63,1 62,9 62,7 62,5 62,3 62,2 62,0 61,8 61,6 61,4 61,2 61,1 60,9 60,7 60,5 60,3 60,2 60,0 59,8 59,6 59,5 59,3 59,1 58,9 58,8 58,6 58,4 58,3

85,6 85,4 85,1 84,9 84,6 84,4 84,1 83,9 83,6 83,4 83,1 82,9 82,6 82,4 82,1 81,9 81,6 81,4 81,1 80,9 80,7 80,4 80,2 80,0 79,7 79,5 79,3 79,0 78,8 78,6 78,3 78,1 77,9 77,7

128 128 128 127 127 127 126 126 125 125 125 124 124 124 123 123 122 122 122 121 121 121 120 120 120 119 119 119 118 118 118 117 117 117

214 213 213 212 212 211 210 210 209 208 208 207 207 206 205 205 204 203 203 202 202 201 201 200 199 199 198 198 197 196 196 195 195 194

257 256 255 255 254 253 252 252 251 250 249 249 248 247 246 246 245 244 243 243 242 241 241 240 239 239 238 237 236 236 235 234 234 233

428 427 426 424 423 422 421 419 418 417 416 414 413 412 411 409 408 407 406 405 403 402 401 400 399 398 396 395 394 393 392 391 390 388

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0,692 0,693 0,694 0,695 0,696 0,697 0,698 0,699 0,700

19,4 19,3 19,3 19,2 19,1 19,1 19,0 19,0 18,9

38,7 38,6 38,5 38,4 38,3 38,2 38,1 38,0 37,8

58,1 57,9 57,8 57,6 57,4 57,3 57,1 56,9 56,8

77,4 77,2 77,0 76,8 76,6 76,3 76,1 75,9 75,7

116 116 116 115 115 115 114 114 114

194 193 193 192 191 191 190 190 189

232 232 231 230 230 229 228 228 227

387 386 385 384 383 382 381 380 378




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 0,701 0,702 0,703 0,704 0,705 0,706 0,707 0,708 0,709 0,710 0,711 0,712 0,713 0,714 0,715 0,716 0,717 0,718 0,719 0,720 0,721 0,722 0,723 0,724 0,725 0,726 0,727 0,728 0,729 0,730 0,731 0,732 0,733 0,734




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

HV =

0.1891 ∗ F d2

Vickers Hardness HV5








18,9 18,8 18,8 18,7 18,7 18,6 18,5 18,5 18,4 18,4 18,3 18,3 18,2 18,2 18,1 18,1 18,0 18,0 17,9 17,9 17,8 17,8 17,7 17,7 17,6 17,6 17,5 17,5 17,4 17,4 17,4 17,3 17,3 17,2

37,7 37,6 37,5 37,4 37,3 37,2 37,1 37,0 36,9 36,8 36,7 36,6 36,5 36,4 36,3 36,2 36,1 36,0 35,9 35,8 35,7 35,6 35,5 35,4 35,3 35,2 35,1 35,0 34,9 34,8 34,7 34,6 34,5 34,4

56,6 56,4 56,3 56,1 56,0 55,8 55,7 55,5 55,3 55,2 55,0 54,9 54,7 54,6 54,4 54,3 54,1 54,0 53,8 53,7 53,5 53,4 53,2 53,1 52,9 52,8 52,6 52,5 52,3 52,2 52,1 51,9 51,8 51,6

75,5 75,2 75,0 74,8 74,6 74,4 74,2 74,0 73,8 73,6 73,4 73,1 72,9 72,7 72,5 72,3 72,1 71,9 71,7 71,5 71,3 71,1 70,9 70,7 70,5 70,4 70,2 70,0 69,8 69,6 69,4 69,2 69,0 68,8

113 113 113 112 112 112 111 111 111 110 110 110 109 109 109 109 108 108 108 107 107 107 106 106 106 106 105 105 105 104 104 104 104 103

189 188 188 187 187 186 185 185 184 184 183 183 182 182 181 181 180 180 179 179 178 178 177 177 176 176 175 175 174 174 174 173 173 172

226 226 225 225 224 223 223 222 221 221 220 219 219 218 218 217 216 216 215 215 214 213 213 212 212 211 211 210 209 209 208 208 207 207

377 376 375 374 373 372 371 370 369 368 367 366 365 364 363 362 361 360 359 358 357 356 355 354 353 352 351 350 349 348 347 346 345 344

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0,735 0,736 0,737 0,738 0,739 0,740 0,741 0,742 0,743

17,2 17,1 17,1 17,0 17,0 16,9 16,9 16,8 16,8

34,3 34,2 34,1 34,0 34,0 33,9 33,8 33,7 33,6

51,5 51,4 51,2 51,1 50,9 50,8 50,7 50,5 50,4

68,6 68,5 68,3 68,1 67,9 67,7 67,5 67,4 67,2

103 103 102 102 102 102 101 101 101

172 171 171 170 170 169 169 168 168

206 205 205 204 204 203 203 202 202

343 342 341 340 340 339 338 337 336




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 0,744 0,745 0,746 0,747 0,748 0,749 0,750 0,751 0,752 0,753 0,754 0,755 0,756 0,757 0,758 0,759 0,760 0,761 0,762 0,763 0,764 0,765 0,766 0,767 0,768 0,769 0,770 0,771 0,772 0,773 0,774 0,775 0,776




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

HV =

0.1891 ∗ F d2

Vickers Hardness HV5








16,7 16,7 16,7 16,6 16,6 16,5 16,5 16,4 16,4 16,4 16,3 16,3 16,2 16,2 16,1 16,1 16,1 16,0 16,0 15,9 15,9 15,8 15,8 15,8 15,7 15,7 15,6 15,6 15,6 15,5 15,5 15,4 15,4

33,5 33,4 33,3 33,2 33,1 33,1 33,0 32,9 32,8 32,7 32,6 32,5 32,4 32,4 32,3 32,2 32,1 32,0 31,9 31,9 31,8 31,7 31,6 31,5 31,4 31,4 31,3 31,2 31,1 31,0 31,0 30,9 30,8

50,3 50,1 50,0 49,8 49,7 49,6 49,5 49,3 49,2 49,1 48,9 48,8 48,7 48,5 48,4 48,3 48,2 48,0 47,9 47,8 47,7 47,5 47,4 47,3 47,2 47,0 46,9 46,8 46,7 46,6 46,4 46,3 46,2

67,0 66,8 66,6 66,5 66,3 66,1 65,9 65,7 65,6 65,4 65,2 65,1 64,9 64,7 64,5 64,4 64,2 64,0 63,9 63,7 63,5 63,4 63,2 63,0 62,9 62,7 62,5 62,4 62,2 62,1 61,9 61,7 61,6

101 100 100 100 99,4 99,2 98,9 98,6 98,4 98,1 97,9 97,6 97,3 97,1 96,8 96,6 96,3 96,1 95,8 95,6 95,3 95,1 94,8 94,6 94,3 94,1 93,8 93,6 93,3 93,1 92,9 92,6 92,4

167 167 167 166 166 165 165 164 164 164 163 163 162 162 161 161 161 160 160 159 159 158 158 158 157 157 156 156 156 155 155 154 154

201 200 200 199 199 198 198 197 197 196 196 195 195 194 194 193 193 192 192 191 191 190 190 189 189 188 188 187 187 186 186 185 185

335 334 333 332 331 331 330 329 328 327 326 325 324 324 323 322 321 320 319 319 318 317 316 315 314 314 313 312 311 310 310 309 308

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0,777 0,778 0,779 0,780 0,781 0,782 0,783 0,784 0,785 0,786

15,4 15,3 15,3 15,2 15,2 15,2 15,1 15,1 15,0 15,0

30,7 30,6 30,6 30,5 30,4 30,3 30,2 30,2 30,1 30,0

46,1 46,0 45,8 45,7 45,6 45,5 45,4 45,3 45,1 45,0

61,4 61,3 61,1 61,0 60,8 60,6 60,5 60,3 60,2 60,0

92,1 91,9 91,7 91,4 91,2 91,0 90,7 90,5 90,3 90,1

154 153 153 152 152 152 151 151 150 150

184 184 183 183 182 182 181 181 181 180

307 306 306 305 304 303 302 302 301 300




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 0,787 0,788 0,789 0,790 0,791 0,792 0,793 0,794 0,795 0,796 0,797 0,798 0,799 0,800 0,801 0,802 0,803 0,804 0,805 0,806 0,807 0,808 0,809 0,810 0,811 0,812 0,813 0,814 0,815 0,816 0,817 0,818 0,819




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

HV =

0.1891 ∗ F d2

Vickers Hardness HV5








15,0 14,9 14,9 14,9 14,8 14,8 14,7 14,7 14,7 14,6 14,6 14,6 14,5 14,5 14,5 14,4 14,4 14,3 14,3 14,3 14,2 14,2 14,2 14,1 14,1 14,1 14,0 14,0 14,0 13,9 13,9 13,9 13,8

29,9 29,9 29,8 29,7 29,6 29,6 29,5 29,4 29,3 29,3 29,2 29,1 29,0 29,0 28,9 28,8 28,8 28,7 28,6 28,5 28,5 28,4 28,3 28,3 28,2 28,1 28,1 28,0 27,9 27,9 27,8 27,7 27,6

44,9 44,8 44,7 44,6 44,5 44,3 44,2 44,1 44,0 43,9 43,8 43,7 43,6 43,5 43,4 43,2 43,1 43,0 42,9 42,8 42,7 42,6 42,5 42,4 42,3 42,2 42,1 42,0 41,9 41,8 41,7 41,6 41,5

59,9 59,7 59,6 59,4 59,3 59,1 59,0 58,8 58,7 58,5 58,4 58,2 58,1 57,9 57,8 57,7 57,5 57,4 57,2 57,1 56,9 56,8 56,7 56,5 56,4 56,2 56,1 56,0 55,8 55,7 55,6 55,4 55,3

89,8 89,6 89,4 89,1 88,9 88,7 88,5 88,2 88,0 87,8 87,6 87,4 87,1 86,9 86,7 86,5 86,3 86,1 85,9 85,6 85,4 85,2 85,0 84,8 84,6 84,4 84,2 84,0 83,8 83,6 83,3 83,1 82,9

150 149 149 149 148 148 147 147 147 146 146 146 145 145 145 144 144 143 143 143 142 142 142 141 141 141 140 140 140 139 139 139 138

180 179 179 178 178 177 177 176 176 176 175 175 174 174 173 173 173 172 172 171 171 170 170 170 169 169 168 168 168 167 167 166 166

299 299 298 297 296 296 295 294 293 293 292 291 290 290 289 288 288 287 286 285 285 284 283 283 282 281 281 280 279 279 278 277 276

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0,820 0,821 0,822 0,823 0,824 0,825 0,826 0,827 0,828 0,829

13,8 13,8 13,7 13,7 13,7 13,6 13,6 13,6 13,5 13,5

27,6 27,5 27,4 27,4 27,3 27,2 27,2 27,1 27,0 27,0

41,4 41,3 41,2 41,1 41,0 40,9 40,8 40,7 40,6 40,5

55,1 55,0 54,9 54,7 54,6 54,5 54,4 54,2 54,1 54,0

82,7 82,5 82,3 82,1 81,9 81,7 81,5 81,3 81,1 81,0

138 138 137 137 137 136 136 136 135 135

165 165 165 164 164 163 163 163 162 162

276 275 274 274 273 272 272 271 270 270




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 0,830 0,831 0,832 0,833 0,834 0,835 0,836 0,837 0,838 0,839 0,840 0,841 0,842 0,843 0,844 0,845 0,846 0,847 0,848 0,849 0,850 0,851 0,852 0,853 0,854 0,855 0,856 0,857 0,858 0,859 0,860 0,861




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

HV =

0.1891 ∗ F d2

Vickers Hardness HV5








13,5 13,4 13,4 13,4 13,3 13,3 13,3 13,2 13,2 13,2 13,1 13,1 13,1 13,0 13,0 13,0 13,0 12,9 12,9 12,9 12,8 12,8 12,8 12,7 12,7 12,7 12,7 12,6 12,6 12,6 12,5 12,5

26,9 26,9 26,8 26,7 26,7 26,6 26,5 26,5 26,4 26,3 26,3 26,2 26,2 26,1 26,0 26,0 25,9 25,9 25,8 25,7 25,7 25,6 25,5 25,5 25,4 25,4 25,3 25,3 25,2 25,1 25,1 25,0

40,4 40,3 40,2 40,1 40,0 39,9 39,8 39,7 39,6 39,5 39,4 39,3 39,2 39,1 39,0 39,0 38,9 38,8 38,7 38,6 38,5 38,4 38,3 38,2 38,1 38,1 38,0 37,9 37,8 37,7 37,6 37,5

53,8 53,7 53,6 53,4 53,3 53,2 53,1 52,9 52,8 52,7 52,6 52,4 52,3 52,2 52,1 51,9 51,8 51,7 51,6 51,4 51,3 51,2 51,1 51,0 50,8 50,7 50,6 50,5 50,4 50,3 50,1 50,0

80,8 80,6 80,4 80,2 80,0 79,8 79,6 79,4 79,2 79,0 78,8 78,7 78,5 78,3 78,1 77,9 77,7 77,5 77,4 77,2 77,0 76,8 76,6 76,5 76,3 76,1 75,9 75,7 75,6 75,4 75,2 75,0

135 134 134 134 133 133 133 132 132 132 131 131 131 130 130 130 130 129 129 129 128 128 128 127 127 127 127 126 126 126 125 125

162 161 161 160 160 160 159 159 158 158 158 157 157 157 156 156 155 155 155 154 154 154 153 153 153 152 152 151 151 151 150 150

269 269 268 267 267 266 265 265 264 263 263 262 262 261 260 260 259 259 258 257 257 256 255 255 254 254 253 253 252 251 251 250

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Page: 158

0,862 0,863 0,864 0,865 0,866 0,867 0,868 0,869 0,870 0,871 0,872

12,5 12,4 12,4 12,4 12,4 12,3 12,3 12,3 12,2 12,2 12,2

25,0 24,9 24,8 24,8 24,7 24,7 24,6 24,6 24,5 24,4 24,4

37,4 37,3 37,3 37,2 37,1 37,0 36,9 36,8 36,8 36,7 36,6

49,9 49,8 49,7 49,6 49,4 49,3 49,2 49,1 49,0 48,9 48,8

74,9 74,7 74,5 74,4 74,2 74,0 73,8 73,7 73,5 73,3 73,2

125 124 124 124 124 123 123 123 122 122 122

150 149 149 149 148 148 148 147 147 147 146

250 249 248 248 247 247 246 246 245 244 244




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 0,873 0,874 0,875 0,876 0,877 0,878 0,879 0,880 0,881 0,882 0,883 0,884 0,885 0,886 0,887 0,888 0,889 0,890 0,891 0,892 0,893 0,894 0,895 0,896 0,897 0,898 0,899 0,900 0,901 0,902 0,903 0,904




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

HV =

0.1891 ∗ F d2

Vickers Hardness HV5








12,2 12,1 12,1 12,1 12,1 12,0 12,0 12,0 11,9 11,9 11,9 11,9 11,8 11,8 11,8 11,8 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,6 11,6 11,6 11,5 11,5 11,5 11,5 11,4 11,4 11,4 11,4 11,3

24,3 24,3 24,2 24,2 24,1 24,1 24,0 23,9 23,9 23,8 23,8 23,7 23,7 23,6 23,6 23,5 23,5 23,4 23,4 23,3 23,3 23,2 23,2 23,1 23,0 23,0 22,9 22,9 22,8 22,8 22,7 22,7

36,5 36,4 36,3 36,2 36,2 36,1 36,0 35,9 35,8 35,8 35,7 35,6 35,5 35,4 35,4 35,3 35,2 35,1 35,0 35,0 34,9 34,8 34,7 34,6 34,6 34,5 34,4 34,3 34,3 34,2 34,1 34,0

48,7 48,5 48,4 48,3 48,2 48,1 48,0 47,9 47,8 47,7 47,6 47,5 47,3 47,2 47,1 47,0 46,9 46,8 46,7 46,6 46,5 46,4 46,3 46,2 46,1 46,0 45,9 45,8 45,7 45,6 45,5 45,4

73,0 72,8 72,7 72,5 72,3 72,2 72,0 71,8 71,7 71,5 71,4 71,2 71,0 70,9 70,7 70,6 70,4 70,2 70,1 69,9 69,8 69,6 69,5 69,3 69,1 69,0 68,8 68,7 68,5 68,4 68,2 68,1

122 121 121 121 121 120 120 120 119 119 119 119 118 118 118 118 117 117 117 117 116 116 116 115 115 115 115 114 114 114 114 113

146 146 145 145 145 144 144 144 143 143 143 142 142 142 141 141 141 140 140 140 140 139 139 139 138 138 138 137 137 137 136 136

243 243 242 242 241 241 240 239 239 238 238 237 237 236 236 235 235 234 234 233 233 232 232 231 230 230 229 229 228 228 227 227

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0,905 0,906 0,907 0,908 0,909 0,910 0,911 0,912 0,913 0,914 0,915

11,3 11,3 11,3 11,2 11,2 11,2 11,2 11,1 11,1 11,1 11,1

22,6 22,6 22,5 22,5 22,4 22,4 22,3 22,3 22,2 22,2 22,2

34,0 33,9 33,8 33,7 33,7 33,6 33,5 33,4 33,4 33,3 33,2

45,3 45,2 45,1 45,0 44,9 44,8 44,7 44,6 44,5 44,4 44,3

67,9 67,8 67,6 67,5 67,3 67,2 67,0 66,9 66,7 66,6 66,4

113 113 113 112 112 112 112 111 111 111 111

136 136 135 135 135 134 134 134 133 133 133

226 226 225 225 224 224 223 223 222 222 222




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 0,916 0,917 0,918 0,919 0,920 0,921 0,922 0,923 0,924 0,925 0,926 0,927 0,928 0,929 0,930 0,931 0,932 0,933 0,934 0,935 0,936 0,937 0,938 0,939 0,940 0,941 0,942 0,943 0,944 0,945 0,946




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

HV =

0.1891 ∗ F d2

Vickers Hardness HV5








11,1 11,0 11,0 11,0 11,0 10,9 10,9 10,9 10,9 10,8 10,8 10,8 10,8 10,7 10,7 10,7 10,7 10,7 10,6 10,6 10,6 10,6 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4

22,1 22,1 22,0 22,0 21,9 21,9 21,8 21,8 21,7 21,7 21,6 21,6 21,5 21,5 21,4 21,4 21,3 21,3 21,3 21,2 21,2 21,1 21,1 21,0 21,0 20,9 20,9 20,9 20,8 20,8 20,7

33,2 33,1 33,0 32,9 32,9 32,8 32,7 32,7 32,6 32,5 32,4 32,4 32,3 32,2 32,2 32,1 32,0 32,0 31,9 31,8 31,8 31,7 31,6 31,5 31,5 31,4 31,3 31,3 31,2 31,1 31,1

44,2 44,1 44,0 43,9 43,8 43,7 43,6 43,5 43,4 43,3 43,2 43,2 43,1 43,0 42,9 42,8 42,7 42,6 42,5 42,4 42,3 42,2 42,1 42,1 42,0 41,9 41,8 41,7 41,6 41,5 41,4

66,3 66,2 66,0 65,9 65,7 65,6 65,4 65,3 65,2 65,0 64,9 64,7 64,6 64,5 64,3 64,2 64,0 63,9 63,8 63,6 63,5 63,4 63,2 63,1 63,0 62,8 62,7 62,6 62,4 62,3 62,2

111 110 110 110 110 109 109 109 109 108 108 108 108 107 107 107 107 107 106 106 106 106 105 105 105 105 104 104 104 104 104

133 132 132 132 131 131 131 131 130 130 130 129 129 129 129 128 128 128 128 127 127 127 126 126 126 126 125 125 125 125 124

221 221 220 220 219 219 218 218 217 217 216 216 215 215 214 214 213 213 213 212 212 211 211 210 210 209 209 209 208 208 207

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0,947 0,948 0,949 0,950 0,951 0,952 0,953 0,954 0,955 0,956 0,957 0,958

10,3 10,3 10,3 10,3 10,3 10,2 10,2 10,2 10,2 10,1 10,1 10,1

20,7 20,6 20,6 20,5 20,5 20,5 20,4 20,4 20,3 20,3 20,2 20,2

31,0 31,0 30,9 30,8 30,8 30,7 30,6 30,6 30,5 30,4 30,4 30,3

41,3 41,3 41,2 41,1 41,0 40,9 40,8 40,7 40,7 40,6 40,5 40,4

62,0 61,9 61,8 61,6 61,5 61,4 61,3 61,1 61,0 60,9 60,7 60,6

103 103 103 103 103 102 102 102 102 101 101 101

124 124 124 123 123 123 123 122 122 122 121 121

207 206 206 205 205 205 204 204 203 203 202 202




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 0,959 0,960 0,961 0,962 0,963 0,964 0,965 0,966 0,967 0,968 0,969 0,970 0,971 0,972 0,973 0,974 0,975 0,976 0,977 0,978 0,979 0,980 0,981 0,982 0,983 0,984 0,985 0,986 0,987 0,988 0,989




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

HV =

0.1891 ∗ F d2

Vickers Hardness HV5








10,1 10,1 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 9,94 9,92 9,89 9,87 9,85 9,83 9,81 9,79 9,77 9,75 9,73 9,71 9,69 9,67 9,65 9,63 9,61 9,60 9,58 9,56 9,54 9,52 9,50 9,48

20,2 20,1 20,1 20,0 20,0 20,0 19,9 19,9 19,8 19,8 19,8 19,7 19,7 19,6 19,6 19,5 19,5 19,5 19,4 19,4 19,3 19,3 19,3 19,2 19,2 19,2 19,1 19,1 19,0 19,0 19,0

30,2 30,2 30,1 30,1 30,0 29,9 29,9 29,8 29,7 29,7 29,6 29,6 29,5 29,4 29,4 29,3 29,3 29,2 29,1 29,1 29,0 29,0 28,9 28,8 28,8 28,7 28,7 28,6 28,6 28,5 28,4

40,3 40,2 40,2 40,1 40,0 39,9 39,8 39,7 39,7 39,6 39,5 39,4 39,3 39,2 39,2 39,1 39,0 38,9 38,8 38,8 38,7 38,6 38,5 38,5 38,4 38,3 38,2 38,1 38,1 38,0 37,9

60,5 60,4 60,2 60,1 60,0 59,9 59,7 59,6 59,5 59,4 59,2 59,1 59,0 58,9 58,8 58,6 58,5 58,4 58,3 58,2 58,0 57,9 57,8 57,7 57,6 57,5 57,3 57,2 57,1 57,0 56,9

101 101 100 100 100 100 100 99,4 99,2 98,9 98,7 98,5 98,3 98,1 97,9 97,7 97,5 97,3 97,1 96,9 96,7 96,5 96,3 96,1 96,0 95,8 95,6 95,4 95,2 95,0 94,8

121 121 120 120 120 120 119 119 119 119 118 118 118 118 118 117 117 117 117 116 116 116 116 115 115 115 115 114 114 114 114

202 201 201 200 200 200 199 199 198 198 198 197 197 196 196 195 195 195 194 194 193 193 193 192 192 192 191 191 190 190 190

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0,990 0,991 0,992 0,993 0,994 0,995 0,996 0,997 0,998 0,999 1,000 1,001

9,46 9,44 9,42 9,40 9,38 9,36 9,35 9,33 9,31 9,29 9,27 9,25

18,9 18,9 18,8 18,8 18,8 18,7 18,7 18,7 18,6 18,6 18,5 18,5

28,4 28,3 28,3 28,2 28,2 28,1 28,0 28,0 27,9 27,9 27,8 27,8

37,8 37,8 37,7 37,6 37,5 37,5 37,4 37,3 37,2 37,2 37,1 37,0

56,8 56,6 56,5 56,4 56,3 56,2 56,1 56,0 55,9 55,7 55,6 55,5

94,6 94,4 94,2 94,0 93,8 93,6 93,5 93,3 93,1 92,9 92,7 92,5

114 113 113 113 113 112 112 112 112 111 111 111

189 189 188 188 188 187 187 187 186 186 185 185




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 1,002 1,003 1,004 1,005 1,006 1,007 1,008 1,009 1,010 1,011 1,012 1,013 1,014 1,015 1,016 1,017 1,018 1,019 1,020 1,021 1,022 1,023 1,024 1,025 1,026 1,027 1,028 1,029 1,030 1,031




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

HV =

0.1891 ∗ F d2

Vickers Hardness HV5








9,23 9,22 9,20 9,18 9,16 9,14 9,12 9,11 9,09 9,07 9,05 9,04 9,02 9,00 8,98 8,96 8,95 8,93 8,91 8,89 8,88 8,86 8,84 8,82 8,81 8,79 8,77 8,76 8,74 8,72

18,5 18,4 18,4 18,4 18,3 18,3 18,3 18,2 18,2 18,1 18,1 18,1 18,0 18,0 18,0 17,9 17,9 17,9 17,8 17,8 17,8 17,7 17,7 17,7 17,6 17,6 17,5 17,5 17,5 17,4

27,7 27,7 27,6 27,5 27,5 27,4 27,4 27,3 27,3 27,2 27,2 27,1 27,1 27,0 26,9 26,9 26,8 26,8 26,7 26,7 26,6 26,6 26,5 26,5 26,4 26,4 26,3 26,3 26,2 26,2

36,9 36,9 36,8 36,7 36,6 36,6 36,5 36,4 36,4 36,3 36,2 36,1 36,1 36,0 35,9 35,9 35,8 35,7 35,6 35,6 35,5 35,4 35,4 35,3 35,2 35,2 35,1 35,0 35,0 34,9

55,4 55,3 55,2 55,1 55,0 54,9 54,8 54,6 54,5 54,4 54,3 54,2 54,1 54,0 53,9 53,8 53,7 53,6 53,5 53,4 53,3 53,2 53,1 53,0 52,8 52,7 52,6 52,5 52,4 52,3

92,3 92,2 92,0 91,8 91,6 91,4 91,2 91,1 90,9 90,7 90,5 90,4 90,2 90,0 89,8 89,6 89,5 89,3 89,1 88,9 88,8 88,6 88,4 88,2 88,1 87,9 87,7 87,6 87,4 87,2

111 111 110 110 110 110 110 109 109 109 109 108 108 108 108 108 107 107 107 107 107 106 106 106 106 105 105 105 105 105

185 184 184 184 183 183 183 182 182 181 181 181 180 180 180 179 179 179 178 178 178 177 177 177 176 176 175 175 175 174

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1,032 1,033 1,034 1,035 1,036 1,037 1,038 1,039 1,040 1,041 1,042 1,043 1,044

8,71 8,69 8,67 8,66 8,64 8,62 8,61 8,59 8,57 8,56 8,54 8,52 8,51

17,4 17,4 17,3 17,3 17,3 17,2 17,2 17,2 17,1 17,1 17,1 17,0 17,0

26,1 26,1 26,0 26,0 25,9 25,9 25,8 25,8 25,7 25,7 25,6 25,6 25,5

34,8 34,8 34,7 34,6 34,6 34,5 34,4 34,4 34,3 34,2 34,2 34,1 34,0

52,2 52,1 52,0 51,9 51,8 51,7 51,6 51,5 51,4 51,3 51,2 51,1 51,0

87,1 86,9 86,7 86,6 86,4 86,2 86,1 85,9 85,7 85,6 85,4 85,2 85,1

104 104 104 104 104 103 103 103 103 103 102 102 102

174 174 173 173 173 172 172 172 171 171 171 170 170




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 1,045 1,046 1,047 1,048 1,049 1,050 1,051 1,052 1,053 1,054 1,055 1,056 1,057 1,058 1,059 1,060 1,061 1,062 1,063 1,064 1,065 1,066 1,067 1,068 1,069 1,070 1,071 1,072 1,073 1,074




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

HV =

0.1891 ∗ F d2

Vickers Hardness HV5








8,49 8,47 8,46 8,44 8,43 8,41 8,39 8,38 8,36 8,35 8,33 8,31 8,30 8,28 8,27 8,25 8,24 8,22 8,21 8,19 8,17 8,16 8,14 8,13 8,11 8,10 8,08 8,07 8,05 8,04

17,0 16,9 16,9 16,9 16,9 16,8 16,8 16,8 16,7 16,7 16,7 16,6 16,6 16,6 16,5 16,5 16,5 16,4 16,4 16,4 16,4 16,3 16,3 16,3 16,2 16,2 16,2 16,1 16,1 16,1

25,5 25,4 25,4 25,3 25,3 25,2 25,2 25,1 25,1 25,0 25,0 24,9 24,9 24,9 24,8 24,8 24,7 24,7 24,6 24,6 24,5 24,5 24,4 24,4 24,3 24,3 24,3 24,2 24,2 24,1

34,0 33,9 33,8 33,8 33,7 33,6 33,6 33,5 33,4 33,4 33,3 33,3 33,2 33,1 33,1 33,0 32,9 32,9 32,8 32,8 32,7 32,6 32,6 32,5 32,4 32,4 32,3 32,3 32,2 32,1

50,9 50,8 50,8 50,7 50,6 50,5 50,4 50,3 50,2 50,1 50,0 49,9 49,8 49,7 49,6 49,5 49,4 49,3 49,2 49,1 49,0 49,0 48,9 48,8 48,7 48,6 48,5 48,4 48,3 48,2

84,9 84,7 84,6 84,4 84,3 84,1 83,9 83,8 83,6 83,5 83,3 83,1 83,0 82,8 82,7 82,5 82,4 82,2 82,1 81,9 81,7 81,6 81,4 81,3 81,1 81,0 80,8 80,7 80,5 80,4

102 102 102 101 101 101 101 101 100 100 100 100 100 99,4 99,2 99,0 98,8 98,7 98,5 98,3 98,1 97,9 97,7 97,5 97,4 97,2 97,0 96,8 96,6 96,5

170 169 169 169 169 168 168 168 167 167 167 166 166 166 165 165 165 164 164 164 164 163 163 163 162 162 162 161 161 161

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1,075 1,076 1,077 1,078 1,079 1,080 1,081 1,082 1,083 1,084 1,085 1,086 1,087

8,02 8,01 7,99 7,98 7,96 7,95 7,93 7,92 7,90 7,89 7,88 7,86 7,85

16,0 16,0 16,0 16,0 15,9 15,9 15,9 15,8 15,8 15,8 15,8 15,7 15,7

24,1 24,0 24,0 23,9 23,9 23,8 23,8 23,8 23,7 23,7 23,6 23,6 23,5

32,1 32,0 32,0 31,9 31,9 31,8 31,7 31,7 31,6 31,6 31,5 31,4 31,4

48,1 48,1 48,0 47,9 47,8 47,7 47,6 47,5 47,4 47,3 47,3 47,2 47,1

80,2 80,1 79,9 79,8 79,6 79,5 79,3 79,2 79,0 78,9 78,8 78,6 78,5

96,3 96,1 95,9 95,7 95,6 95,4 95,2 95,0 94,9 94,7 94,5 94,3 94,2

160 160 160 160 159 159 159 158 158 158 158 157 157




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 1,088 1,089 1,090 1,091 1,092 1,093 1,094 1,095 1,096 1,097 1,098 1,099 1,100 1,101 1,102 1,103 1,104 1,105 1,106 1,107 1,108 1,109 1,110 1,111 1,112 1,113 1,114 1,115 1,116




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

HV =

0.1891 ∗ F d2

Vickers Hardness HV5








7,83 7,82 7,80 7,79 7,78 7,76 7,75 7,73 7,72 7,70 7,69 7,68 7,66 7,65 7,63 7,62 7,61 7,59 7,58 7,57 7,55 7,54 7,53 7,51 7,50 7,48 7,47 7,46 7,44

15,7 15,6 15,6 15,6 15,6 15,5 15,5 15,5 15,4 15,4 15,4 15,4 15,3 15,3 15,3 15,2 15,2 15,2 15,2 15,1 15,1 15,1 15,1 15,0 15,0 15,0 14,9 14,9 14,9

23,5 23,5 23,4 23,4 23,3 23,3 23,2 23,2 23,2 23,1 23,1 23,0 23,0 22,9 22,9 22,9 22,8 22,8 22,7 22,7 22,7 22,6 22,6 22,5 22,5 22,5 22,4 22,4 22,3

31,3 31,3 31,2 31,2 31,1 31,0 31,0 30,9 30,9 30,8 30,8 30,7 30,6 30,6 30,5 30,5 30,4 30,4 30,3 30,3 30,2 30,2 30,1 30,0 30,0 29,9 29,9 29,8 29,8

47,0 46,9 46,8 46,7 46,7 46,6 46,5 46,4 46,3 46,2 46,1 46,1 46,0 45,9 45,8 45,7 45,6 45,6 45,5 45,4 45,3 45,2 45,2 45,1 45,0 44,9 44,8 44,7 44,7

78,3 78,2 78,0 77,9 77,8 77,6 77,5 77,3 77,2 77,0 76,9 76,8 76,6 76,5 76,3 76,2 76,1 75,9 75,8 75,7 75,5 75,4 75,3 75,1 75,0 74,8 74,7 74,6 74,4

94,0 93,8 93,7 93,5 93,3 93,1 93,0 92,8 92,6 92,5 92,3 92,1 92,0 91,8 91,6 91,5 91,3 91,1 91,0 90,8 90,6 90,5 90,3 90,1 90,0 89,8 89,7 89,5 89,3

157 156 156 156 156 155 155 155 154 154 154 154 153 153 153 152 152 152 152 151 151 151 151 150 150 150 149 149 149

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1,117 1,118 1,119 1,120 1,121 1,122 1,123 1,124 1,125 1,126 1,127 1,128 1,129 1,130

7,43 7,42 7,40 7,39 7,38 7,36 7,35 7,34 7,33 7,31 7,30 7,29 7,27 7,26

14,9 14,8 14,8 14,8 14,8 14,7 14,7 14,7 14,7 14,6 14,6 14,6 14,5 14,5

22,3 22,3 22,2 22,2 22,1 22,1 22,1 22,0 22,0 21,9 21,9 21,9 21,8 21,8

29,7 29,7 29,6 29,6 29,5 29,5 29,4 29,4 29,3 29,2 29,2 29,1 29,1 29,0

44,6 44,5 44,4 44,4 44,3 44,2 44,1 44,0 44,0 43,9 43,8 43,7 43,6 43,6

74,3 74,2 74,0 73,9 73,8 73,6 73,5 73,4 73,3 73,1 73,0 72,9 72,7 72,6

89,2 89,0 88,9 88,7 88,5 88,4 88,2 88,1 87,9 87,8 87,6 87,4 87,3 87,1

149 148 148 148 148 147 147 147 147 146 146 146 145 145




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 1,131 1,132 1,133 1,134 1,135 1,136 1,137 1,138 1,139 1,140 1,141 1,142 1,143 1,144 1,145 1,146 1,147 1,148 1,149 1,150 1,151 1,152 1,153 1,154 1,155 1,156 1,157 1,158 1,159




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

HV =

0.1891 ∗ F d2

Vickers Hardness HV5








7,25 7,24 7,22 7,21 7,20 7,18 7,17 7,16 7,15 7,13 7,12 7,11 7,10 7,08 7,07 7,06 7,05 7,04 7,02 7,01 7,00 6,99 6,97 6,96 6,95 6,94 6,93 6,91 6,90

14,5 14,5 14,4 14,4 14,4 14,4 14,3 14,3 14,3 14,3 14,2 14,2 14,2 14,2 14,1 14,1 14,1 14,1 14,0 14,0 14,0 14,0 13,9 13,9 13,9 13,9 13,9 13,8 13,8

21,7 21,7 21,7 21,6 21,6 21,6 21,5 21,5 21,4 21,4 21,4 21,3 21,3 21,3 21,2 21,2 21,1 21,1 21,1 21,0 21,0 21,0 20,9 20,9 20,9 20,8 20,8 20,7 20,7

29,0 28,9 28,9 28,8 28,8 28,7 28,7 28,6 28,6 28,5 28,5 28,4 28,4 28,3 28,3 28,2 28,2 28,1 28,1 28,0 28,0 27,9 27,9 27,8 27,8 27,7 27,7 27,7 27,6

43,5 43,4 43,3 43,3 43,2 43,1 43,0 43,0 42,9 42,8 42,7 42,7 42,6 42,5 42,4 42,4 42,3 42,2 42,1 42,1 42,0 41,9 41,8 41,8 41,7 41,6 41,6 41,5 41,4

72,5 72,4 72,2 72,1 72,0 71,8 71,7 71,6 71,5 71,3 71,2 71,1 71,0 70,8 70,7 70,6 70,5 70,4 70,2 70,1 70,0 69,9 69,7 69,6 69,5 69,4 69,3 69,1 69,0

87,0 86,8 86,7 86,5 86,4 86,2 86,1 85,9 85,8 85,6 85,5 85,3 85,2 85,0 84,9 84,7 84,6 84,4 84,3 84,1 84,0 83,8 83,7 83,6 83,4 83,3 83,1 83,0 82,8

145 145 144 144 144 144 143 143 143 143 142 142 142 142 141 141 141 141 140 140 140 140 139 139 139 139 139 138 138

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1,160 1,161 1,162 1,163 1,164 1,165 1,166 1,167 1,168 1,169 1,170 1,171 1,172 1,173

6,89 6,88 6,87 6,85 6,84 6,83 6,82 6,81 6,80 6,78 6,77 6,76 6,75 6,74

13,8 13,8 13,7 13,7 13,7 13,7 13,6 13,6 13,6 13,6 13,5 13,5 13,5 13,5

20,7 20,6 20,6 20,6 20,5 20,5 20,5 20,4 20,4 20,4 20,3 20,3 20,3 20,2

27,6 27,5 27,5 27,4 27,4 27,3 27,3 27,2 27,2 27,1 27,1 27,0 27,0 27,0

41,3 41,3 41,2 41,1 41,1 41,0 40,9 40,9 40,8 40,7 40,6 40,6 40,5 40,4

68,9 68,8 68,7 68,5 68,4 68,3 68,2 68,1 68,0 67,8 67,7 67,6 67,5 67,4

82,7 82,5 82,4 82,3 82,1 82,0 81,8 81,7 81,6 81,4 81,3 81,1 81,0 80,9

138 138 137 137 137 137 136 136 136 136 135 135 135 135




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 1,174 1,175 1,176 1,177 1,178 1,179 1,180 1,181 1,182 1,183 1,184 1,185 1,186 1,187 1,188 1,189 1,190 1,191 1,192 1,193 1,194 1,195 1,196 1,197 1,198 1,199 1,200 1,201




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

HV =

0.1891 ∗ F d2

Vickers Hardness HV5








6,73 6,72 6,70 6,69 6,68 6,67 6,66 6,65 6,64 6,62 6,61 6,60 6,59 6,58 6,57 6,56 6,55 6,54 6,53 6,51 6,50 6,49 6,48 6,47 6,46 6,45 6,44 6,43

13,5 13,4 13,4 13,4 13,4 13,3 13,3 13,3 13,3 13,3 13,2 13,2 13,2 13,2 13,1 13,1 13,1 13,1 13,1 13,0 13,0 13,0 13,0 12,9 12,9 12,9 12,9 12,9

20,2 20,1 20,1 20,1 20,0 20,0 20,0 19,9 19,9 19,9 19,8 19,8 19,8 19,7 19,7 19,7 19,6 19,6 19,6 19,5 19,5 19,5 19,4 19,4 19,4 19,3 19,3 19,3

26,9 26,9 26,8 26,8 26,7 26,7 26,6 26,6 26,5 26,5 26,5 26,4 26,4 26,3 26,3 26,2 26,2 26,1 26,1 26,1 26,0 26,0 25,9 25,9 25,8 25,8 25,8 25,7

40,4 40,3 40,2 40,2 40,1 40,0 40,0 39,9 39,8 39,8 39,7 39,6 39,6 39,5 39,4 39,4 39,3 39,2 39,2 39,1 39,0 39,0 38,9 38,8 38,8 38,7 38,6 38,6

67,3 67,2 67,0 66,9 66,8 66,7 66,6 66,5 66,4 66,2 66,1 66,0 65,9 65,8 65,7 65,6 65,5 65,4 65,3 65,1 65,0 64,9 64,8 64,7 64,6 64,5 64,4 64,3

80,7 80,6 80,5 80,3 80,2 80,0 79,9 79,8 79,6 79,5 79,4 79,2 79,1 79,0 78,8 78,7 78,6 78,4 78,3 78,2 78,0 77,9 77,8 77,7 77,5 77,4 77,3 77,1

135 134 134 134 134 133 133 133 133 133 132 132 132 132 131 131 131 131 131 130 130 130 130 129 129 129 129 129

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1,202 1,203 1,204 1,205 1,206 1,207 1,208 1,209 1,210 1,211 1,212 1,213 1,214 1,215 1,216

6,42 6,41 6,40 6,39 6,37 6,36 6,35 6,34 6,33 6,32 6,31 6,30 6,29 6,28 6,27

12,8 12,8 12,8 12,8 12,8 12,7 12,7 12,7 12,7 12,6 12,6 12,6 12,6 12,6 12,5

19,3 19,2 19,2 19,2 19,1 19,1 19,1 19,0 19,0 19,0 18,9 18,9 18,9 18,8 18,8

25,7 25,6 25,6 25,5 25,5 25,5 25,4 25,4 25,3 25,3 25,2 25,2 25,2 25,1 25,1

38,5 38,4 38,4 38,3 38,3 38,2 38,1 38,1 38,0 37,9 37,9 37,8 37,7 37,7 37,6

64,2 64,1 64,0 63,9 63,7 63,6 63,5 63,4 63,3 63,2 63,1 63,0 62,9 62,8 62,7

77,0 76,9 76,8 76,6 76,5 76,4 76,2 76,1 76,0 75,9 75,7 75,6 75,5 75,4 75,2

128 128 128 128 128 127 127 127 127 126 126 126 126 126 125




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 1,217 1,218 1,219 1,220 1,221 1,222 1,223 1,224 1,225 1,226 1,227 1,228 1,229 1,230 1,231 1,232 1,233 1,234 1,235 1,236 1,237 1,238 1,239 1,240 1,241 1,242 1,243 1,244




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

HV =

0.1891 ∗ F d2

Vickers Hardness HV5








6,26 6,25 6,24 6,23 6,22 6,21 6,20 6,19 6,18 6,17 6,16 6,15 6,14 6,13 6,12 6,11 6,10 6,09 6,08 6,07 6,06 6,05 6,04 6,03 6,02 6,01 6,00 5,99

12,5 12,5 12,5 12,5 12,4 12,4 12,4 12,4 12,4 12,3 12,3 12,3 12,3 12,3 12,2 12,2 12,2 12,2 12,2 12,1 12,1 12,1 12,1 12,1 12,0 12,0 12,0 12,0

18,8 18,8 18,7 18,7 18,7 18,6 18,6 18,6 18,5 18,5 18,5 18,4 18,4 18,4 18,4 18,3 18,3 18,3 18,2 18,2 18,2 18,1 18,1 18,1 18,1 18,0 18,0 18,0

25,0 25,0 25,0 24,9 24,9 24,8 24,8 24,8 24,7 24,7 24,6 24,6 24,6 24,5 24,5 24,4 24,4 24,4 24,3 24,3 24,2 24,2 24,2 24,1 24,1 24,0 24,0 24,0

37,6 37,5 37,4 37,4 37,3 37,3 37,2 37,1 37,1 37,0 37,0 36,9 36,8 36,8 36,7 36,7 36,6 36,5 36,5 36,4 36,4 36,3 36,2 36,2 36,1 36,1 36,0 35,9

62,6 62,5 62,4 62,3 62,2 62,1 62,0 61,9 61,8 61,7 61,6 61,5 61,4 61,3 61,2 61,1 61,0 60,9 60,8 60,7 60,6 60,5 60,4 60,3 60,2 60,1 60,0 59,9

75,1 75,0 74,9 74,8 74,6 74,5 74,4 74,3 74,1 74,0 73,9 73,8 73,7 73,5 73,4 73,3 73,2 73,1 73,0 72,8 72,7 72,6 72,5 72,4 72,2 72,1 72,0 71,9

125 125 125 125 124 124 124 124 124 123 123 123 123 123 122 122 122 122 122 121 121 121 121 121 120 120 120 120

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1,245 1,246 1,247 1,248 1,249 1,250 1,251 1,252 1,253 1,254 1,255 1,256 1,257 1,258 1,259

5,98 5,97 5,96 5,95 5,94 5,93 5,92 5,91 5,91 5,90 5,89 5,88 5,87 5,86 5,85

12,0 11,9 11,9 11,9 11,9 11,9 11,8 11,8 11,8 11,8 11,8 11,8 11,7 11,7 11,7

17,9 17,9 17,9 17,9 17,8 17,8 17,8 17,7 17,7 17,7 17,7 17,6 17,6 17,6 17,5

23,9 23,9 23,8 23,8 23,8 23,7 23,7 23,7 23,6 23,6 23,5 23,5 23,5 23,4 23,4

35,9 35,8 35,8 35,7 35,7 35,6 35,5 35,5 35,4 35,4 35,3 35,3 35,2 35,2 35,1

59,8 59,7 59,6 59,5 59,4 59,3 59,2 59,1 59,1 59,0 58,9 58,8 58,7 58,6 58,5

71,8 71,7 71,6 71,4 71,3 71,2 71,1 71,0 70,9 70,8 70,6 70,5 70,4 70,3 70,2

120 119 119 119 119 119 118 118 118 118 118 118 117 117 117




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 1,260 1,261 1,262 1,263 1,264 1,265 1,266 1,267 1,268 1,269 1,270 1,271 1,272 1,273 1,274 1,275 1,276 1,277 1,278 1,279 1,280 1,281 1,282 1,283 1,284 1,285 1,286




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

0.1891 ∗ F HV = d2 Vickers Hardness HV5








5,84 5,83 5,82 5,81 5,80 5,79 5,78 5,78 5,77 5,76 5,75 5,74 5,73 5,72 5,71 5,70 5,69 5,69 5,68 5,67 5,66 5,65 5,64 5,63 5,62 5,61 5,61

11,7 11,7 11,6 11,6 11,6 11,6 11,6 11,6 11,5 11,5 11,5 11,5 11,5 11,4 11,4 11,4 11,4 11,4 11,4 11,3 11,3 11,3 11,3 11,3 11,2 11,2 11,2

17,5 17,5 17,5 17,4 17,4 17,4 17,4 17,3 17,3 17,3 17,2 17,2 17,2 17,2 17,1 17,1 17,1 17,1 17,0 17,0 17,0 17,0 16,9 16,9 16,9 16,8 16,8

23,4 23,3 23,3 23,2 23,2 23,2 23,1 23,1 23,1 23,0 23,0 23,0 22,9 22,9 22,8 22,8 22,8 22,7 22,7 22,7 22,6 22,6 22,6 22,5 22,5 22,5 22,4

35,0 35,0 34,9 34,9 34,8 34,8 34,7 34,7 34,6 34,5 34,5 34,4 34,4 34,3 34,3 34,2 34,2 34,1 34,1 34,0 34,0 33,9 33,8 33,8 33,7 33,7 33,6

58,4 58,3 58,2 58,1 58,0 57,9 57,8 57,8 57,7 57,6 57,5 57,4 57,3 57,2 57,1 57,0 56,9 56,9 56,8 56,7 56,6 56,5 56,4 56,3 56,2 56,1 56,1

70,1 70,0 69,9 69,8 69,6 69,5 69,4 69,3 69,2 69,1 69,0 68,9 68,8 68,7 68,6 68,4 68,3 68,2 68,1 68,0 67,9 67,8 67,7 67,6 67,5 67,4 67,3

117 117 116 116 116 116 116 116 115 115 115 115 115 114 114 114 114 114 114 113 113 113 113 113 112 112 112

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1,287 1,288 1,289 1,290 1,291 1,292 1,293 1,294 1,295 1,296 1,297 1,298 1,299 1,300 1,301 1,302

5,60 5,59 5,58 5,57 5,56 5,55 5,55 5,54 5,53 5,52 5,51 5,50 5,49 5,49 5,48 5,47

11,2 11,2 11,2 11,1 11,1 11,1 11,1 11,1 11,1 11,0 11,0 11,0 11,0 11,0 11,0 10,9

16,8 16,8 16,7 16,7 16,7 16,7 16,6 16,6 16,6 16,6 16,5 16,5 16,5 16,5 16,4 16,4

22,4 22,4 22,3 22,3 22,2 22,2 22,2 22,1 22,1 22,1 22,0 22,0 22,0 21,9 21,9 21,9

33,6 33,5 33,5 33,4 33,4 33,3 33,3 33,2 33,2 33,1 33,1 33,0 33,0 32,9 32,9 32,8

56,0 55,9 55,8 55,7 55,6 55,5 55,5 55,4 55,3 55,2 55,1 55,0 54,9 54,9 54,8 54,7

67,2 67,1 67,0 66,9 66,8 66,7 66,6 66,5 66,3 66,2 66,1 66,0 65,9 65,8 65,7 65,6

112 112 112 111 111 111 111 111 111 110 110 110 110 110 110 109




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 1,303 1,304 1,305 1,306 1,307 1,308 1,309 1,310 1,311 1,312 1,313 1,314 1,315 1,316 1,317 1,318 1,319 1,320 1,321 1,322 1,323 1,324 1,325 1,326 1,327 1,328 1,329




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

0.1891 ∗ F HV = d2 Vickers Hardness HV5








5,46 5,45 5,44 5,44 5,43 5,42 5,41 5,40 5,39 5,39 5,38 5,37 5,36 5,35 5,35 5,34 5,33 5,32 5,31 5,31 5,30 5,29 5,28 5,27 5,27 5,26 5,25

10,9 10,9 10,9 10,9 10,9 10,8 10,8 10,8 10,8 10,8 10,8 10,7 10,7 10,7 10,7 10,7 10,7 10,6 10,6 10,6 10,6 10,6 10,6 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5

16,4 16,4 16,3 16,3 16,3 16,3 16,2 16,2 16,2 16,2 16,1 16,1 16,1 16,1 16,0 16,0 16,0 16,0 15,9 15,9 15,9 15,9 15,8 15,8 15,8 15,8 15,7

21,8 21,8 21,8 21,7 21,7 21,7 21,6 21,6 21,6 21,5 21,5 21,5 21,4 21,4 21,4 21,3 21,3 21,3 21,3 21,2 21,2 21,2 21,1 21,1 21,1 21,0 21,0

32,8 32,7 32,7 32,6 32,6 32,5 32,5 32,4 32,4 32,3 32,3 32,2 32,2 32,1 32,1 32,0 32,0 31,9 31,9 31,8 31,8 31,7 31,7 31,6 31,6 31,5 31,5

54,6 54,5 54,4 54,4 54,3 54,2 54,1 54,0 53,9 53,9 53,8 53,7 53,6 53,5 53,5 53,4 53,3 53,2 53,1 53,1 53,0 52,9 52,8 52,7 52,7 52,6 52,5

65,5 65,4 65,3 65,2 65,1 65,0 64,9 64,8 64,7 64,6 64,5 64,4 64,3 64,2 64,1 64,1 64,0 63,9 63,8 63,7 63,6 63,5 63,4 63,3 63,2 63,1 63,0

109 109 109 109 109 108 108 108 108 108 108 107 107 107 107 107 107 106 106 106 106 106 106 105 105 105 105

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1,330 1,331 1,332 1,333 1,334 1,335 1,336 1,337 1,338 1,339 1,340 1,341 1,342 1,343 1,344 1,345

5,24 5,23 5,23 5,22 5,21 5,20 5,19 5,19 5,18 5,17 5,16 5,16 5,15 5,14 5,13 5,13

10,5 10,5 10,5 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,3 10,3 10,3 10,3 10,3 10,3 10,3

15,7 15,7 15,7 15,7 15,6 15,6 15,6 15,6 15,5 15,5 15,5 15,5 15,4 15,4 15,4 15,4

21,0 20,9 20,9 20,9 20,8 20,8 20,8 20,7 20,7 20,7 20,7 20,6 20,6 20,6 20,5 20,5

31,5 31,4 31,4 31,3 31,3 31,2 31,2 31,1 31,1 31,0 31,0 30,9 30,9 30,8 30,8 30,8

52,4 52,3 52,3 52,2 52,1 52,0 51,9 51,9 51,8 51,7 51,6 51,6 51,5 51,4 51,3 51,3

62,9 62,8 62,7 62,6 62,5 62,4 62,3 62,2 62,2 62,1 62,0 61,9 61,8 61,7 61,6 61,5

105 105 105 104 104 104 104 104 104 103 103 103 103 103 103 103




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 1,346 1,347 1,348 1,349 1,350 1,351 1,352 1,353 1,354 1,355 1,356 1,357 1,358 1,359 1,360 1,361 1,362 1,363 1,364 1,365 1,366 1,367 1,368 1,369 1,370 1,371




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

0.1891 ∗ F HV = d2 Vickers Hardness HV5








5,12 5,11 5,10 5,09 5,09 5,08 5,07 5,06 5,06 5,05 5,04 5,03 5,03 5,02 5,01 5,01 5,00 4,99 4,98 4,98 4,97 4,96 4,95 4,95 -

10,2 10,2 10,2 10,2 10,2 10,2 10,1 10,1 10,1 10,1 10,1 10,1 10,1 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 9,9 9,9 9,9 9,9 9,9 9,9

15,4 15,3 15,3 15,3 15,3 15,2 15,2 15,2 15,2 15,2 15,1 15,1 15,1 15,1 15,0 15,0 15,0 15,0 15,0 14,9 14,9 14,9 14,9 14,8 14,8 14,8

20,5 20,4 20,4 20,4 20,3 20,3 20,3 20,3 20,2 20,2 20,2 20,1 20,1 20,1 20,0 20,0 20,0 20,0 19,9 19,9 19,9 19,8 19,8 19,8 19,8 19,7

30,7 30,7 30,6 30,6 30,5 30,5 30,4 30,4 30,3 30,3 30,3 30,2 30,2 30,1 30,1 30,0 30,0 29,9 29,9 29,9 29,8 29,8 29,7 29,7 29,6 29,6

51,2 51,1 51,0 50,9 50,9 50,8 50,7 50,6 50,6 50,5 50,4 50,3 50,3 50,2 50,1 50,1 50,0 49,9 49,8 49,8 49,7 49,6 49,5 49,5 49,4 49,3

61,4 61,3 61,2 61,1 61,1 61,0 60,9 60,8 60,7 60,6 60,5 60,4 60,3 60,2 60,2 60,1 60,0 59,9 59,8 59,7 59,6 59,5 59,5 59,4 59,3 59,2

102 102 102 102 102 102 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 99,4 99,2 99,1 99,0 98,8 98,7

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1,372 1,373 1,374 1,375 1,376 1,377 1,378 1,379 1,380 1,381 1,382 1,383 1,384 1,385 1,386 1,387 1,388


9,9 9,8 9,8 9,8 9,8 9,8 9,8 9,8 9,7 9,7 9,7 9,7 9,7 9,7 9,7 9,6 9,6

14,8 14,8 14,7 14,7 14,7 14,7 14,6 14,6 14,6 14,6 14,6 14,5 14,5 14,5 14,5 14,5 14,4

19,7 19,7 19,6 19,6 19,6 19,6 19,5 19,5 19,5 19,4 19,4 19,4 19,4 19,3 19,3 19,3 19,2

29,6 29,5 29,5 29,4 29,4 29,3 29,3 29,3 29,2 29,2 29,1 29,1 29,0 29,0 29,0 28,9 28,9

49,3 49,2 49,1 49,0 49,0 48,9 48,8 48,8 48,7 48,6 48,5 48,5 48,4 48,3 48,3 48,2 48,1

59,1 59,0 58,9 58,9 58,8 58,7 58,6 58,5 58,4 58,3 58,3 58,2 58,1 58,0 57,9 57,8 57,8

98,5 98,4 98,2 98,1 97,9 97,8 97,7 97,5 97,4 97,2 97,1 97,0 96,8 96,7 96,5 96,4 96,3




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 1,389 1,390 1,391 1,392 1,393 1,394 1,395 1,396 1,397 1,398 1,399 1,400 1,401 1,402 1,403 1,404 1,405 1,406 1,407 1,408 1,409 1,410 1,411 1,412 1,413 1,414




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

0.1891 ∗ F HV = d2 Vickers Hardness HV5









9,6 9,6 9,6 9,6 9,6 9,5 9,5 9,5 9,5 9,5 9,5 9,5 9,4 9,4 9,4 9,4 9,4 9,4 9,4 9,4 9,3 9,3 9,3 9,3 9,3 9,3

14,4 14,4 14,4 14,4 14,3 14,3 14,3 14,3 14,3 14,2 14,2 14,2 14,2 14,2 14,1 14,1 14,1 14,1 14,1 14,0 14,0 14,0 14,0 14,0 13,9 13,9

19,2 19,2 19,2 19,1 19,1 19,1 19,1 19,0 19,0 19,0 18,9 18,9 18,9 18,9 18,8 18,8 18,8 18,8 18,7 18,7 18,7 18,7 18,6 18,6 18,6 18,5

28,8 28,8 28,8 28,7 28,7 28,6 28,6 28,5 28,5 28,5 28,4 28,4 28,3 28,3 28,3 28,2 28,2 28,1 28,1 28,1 28,0 28,0 27,9 27,9 27,9 27,8

48,1 48,0 47,9 47,8 47,8 47,7 47,6 47,6 47,5 47,4 47,4 47,3 47,2 47,2 47,1 47,0 47,0 46,9 46,8 46,8 46,7 46,6 46,6 46,5 46,4 46,4

57,7 57,6 57,5 57,4 57,3 57,3 57,2 57,1 57,0 56,9 56,8 56,8 56,7 56,6 56,5 56,4 56,4 56,3 56,2 56,1 56,0 56,0 55,9 55,8 55,7 55,7

96,1 96,0 95,8 95,7 95,6 95,4 95,3 95,2 95,0 94,9 94,8 94,6 94,5 94,3 94,2 94,1 93,9 93,8 93,7 93,5 93,4 93,3 93,1 93,0 92,9 92,8

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1,415 1,416 1,417 1,418 1,419 1,420 1,421 1,422 1,423 1,424 1,425 1,426 1,427 1,428 1,429 1,430 1,431


9,3 9,2 9,2 9,2 9,2 9,2 9,2 9,2 9,2 9,1 9,1 9,1 9,1 9,1 9,1 9,1 9,1

13,9 13,9 13,9 13,8 13,8 13,8 13,8 13,8 13,7 13,7 13,7 13,7 13,7 13,6 13,6 13,6 13,6

18,5 18,5 18,5 18,4 18,4 18,4 18,4 18,3 18,3 18,3 18,3 18,2 18,2 18,2 18,2 18,1 18,1

27,8 27,7 27,7 27,7 27,6 27,6 27,6 27,5 27,5 27,4 27,4 27,4 27,3 27,3 27,2 27,2 27,2

46,3 46,2 46,2 46,1 46,0 46,0 45,9 45,9 45,8 45,7 45,7 45,6 45,5 45,5 45,4 45,3 45,3

55,6 55,5 55,4 55,3 55,3 55,2 55,1 55,0 54,9 54,9 54,8 54,7 54,6 54,6 54,5 54,4 54,3

92,6 92,5 92,4 92,2 92,1 92,0 91,8 91,7 91,6 91,5 91,3 91,2 91,1 90,9 90,8 90,7 90,6




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 1,432 1,433 1,434 1,435 1,436 1,437 1,438 1,439 1,440 1,441 1,442 1,443 1,444 1,445 1,446 1,447 1,448 1,449 1,450 1,451 1,452 1,453 1,454 1,455 1,456




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

0.1891 ∗ F HV = d2 Vickers Hardness HV5









9,0 9,0 9,0 9,0 9,0 9,0 9,0 9,0 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,8 8,8 8,8 8,8 8,8 8,8 8,8 8,8 8,7

13,6 13,5 13,5 13,5 13,5 13,5 13,5 13,4 13,4 13,4 13,4 13,4 13,3 13,3 13,3 13,3 13,3 13,2 13,2 13,2 13,2 13,2 13,2 13,1 13,1

18,1 18,1 18,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 17,9 17,9 17,9 17,9 17,8 17,8 17,8 17,8 17,7 17,7 17,7 17,7 17,6 17,6 17,6 17,6 17,5 17,5 17,5

27,1 27,1 27,1 27,0 27,0 26,9 26,9 26,9 26,8 26,8 26,8 26,7 26,7 26,6 26,6 26,6 26,5 26,5 26,5 26,4 26,4 26,4 26,3 26,3 26,2

45,2 45,2 45,1 45,0 45,0 44,9 44,8 44,8 44,7 44,7 44,6 44,5 44,5 44,4 44,3 44,3 44,2 44,2 44,1 44,0 44,0 43,9 43,9 43,8 43,7

54,3 54,2 54,1 54,0 54,0 53,9 53,8 53,7 53,7 53,6 53,5 53,4 53,4 53,3 53,2 53,1 53,1 53,0 52,9 52,8 52,8 52,7 52,6 52,6 52,5

90,4 90,3 90,2 90,1 89,9 89,8 89,7 89,6 89,4 89,3 89,2 89,1 88,9 88,8 88,7 88,6 88,4 88,3 88,2 88,1 88,0 87,8 87,7 87,6 87,5

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Page: 172

1,457 1,458 1,459 1,460 1,461 1,462 1,463 1,464 1,465 1,466 1,467 1,468 1,469 1,470 1,471 1,472 1,473 1,474


8,7 8,7 8,7 8,7 8,7 8,7 8,7 8,7 8,6 8,6 8,6 8,6 8,6 8,6 8,6 8,6 8,5 8,5

13,1 13,1 13,1 13,0 13,0 13,0 13,0 13,0 13,0 12,9 12,9 12,9 12,9 12,9 12,9 12,8 12,8 12,8

17,5 17,4 17,4 17,4 17,4 17,3 17,3 17,3 17,3 17,3 17,2 17,2 17,2 17,2 17,1 17,1 17,1 17,1

26,2 26,2 26,1 26,1 26,1 26,0 26,0 26,0 25,9 25,9 25,9 25,8 25,8 25,7 25,7 25,7 25,6 25,6

43,7 43,6 43,6 43,5 43,4 43,4 43,3 43,3 43,2 43,1 43,1 43,0 43,0 42,9 42,8 42,8 42,7 42,7

52,4 52,3 52,3 52,2 52,1 52,1 52,0 51,9 51,8 51,8 51,7 51,6 51,6 51,5 51,4 51,4 51,3 51,2

87,4 87,2 87,1 87,0 86,9 86,8 86,6 86,5 86,4 86,3 86,2 86,1 85,9 85,8 85,7 85,6 85,5 85,4




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 1,475 1,476 1,477 1,478 1,479 1,480 1,481 1,482 1,483 1,484 1,485 1,486 1,487 1,488 1,489 1,490 1,491 1,492 1,493 1,494 1,495 1,496 1,497 1,498 1,499




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

0.1891 ∗ F HV = d2 Vickers Hardness HV5









8,5 8,5 8,5 8,5 8,5 8,5 8,5 8,4 8,4 8,4 8,4 8,4 8,4 8,4 8,4 8,4 8,3 8,3 8,3 8,3 8,3 8,3 8,3 8,3 8,3

12,8 12,8 12,8 12,7 12,7 12,7 12,7 12,7 12,6 12,6 12,6 12,6 12,6 12,6 12,5 12,5 12,5 12,5 12,5 12,5 12,4 12,4 12,4 12,4 12,4

17,0 17,0 17,0 17,0 17,0 16,9 16,9 16,9 16,9 16,8 16,8 16,8 16,8 16,7 16,7 16,7 16,7 16,7 16,6 16,6 16,6 16,6 16,5 16,5 16,5

25,6 25,5 25,5 25,5 25,4 25,4 25,4 25,3 25,3 25,3 25,2 25,2 25,2 25,1 25,1 25,1 25,0 25,0 25,0 24,9 24,9 24,9 24,8 24,8 24,8

42,6 42,6 42,5 42,4 42,4 42,3 42,3 42,2 42,2 42,1 42,0 42,0 41,9 41,9 41,8 41,8 41,7 41,7 41,6 41,5 41,5 41,4 41,4 41,3 41,3

51,1 51,1 51,0 50,9 50,9 50,8 50,7 50,7 50,6 50,5 50,5 50,4 50,3 50,3 50,2 50,1 50,1 50,0 49,9 49,8 49,8 49,7 49,7 49,6 49,5

85,2 85,1 85,0 84,9 84,8 84,7 84,6 84,4 84,3 84,2 84,1 84,0 83,9 83,8 83,6 83,5 83,4 83,3 83,2 83,1 83,0 82,9 82,8 82,6 82,5

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

Page: 173

1,500 1,501 1,502 1,503 1,504 1,505 1,506 1,507 1,508 1,509 1,510 1,511 1,512 1,513 1,514 1,515 1,516 1,517


8,2 8,2 8,2 8,2 8,2 8,2 8,2 8,2 8,2 8,1 8,1 8,1 8,1 8,1 8,1 8,1 8,1 8,1

12,4 12,3 12,3 12,3 12,3 12,3 12,3 12,2 12,2 12,2 12,2 12,2 12,2 12,2 12,1 12,1 12,1 12,1

16,5 16,5 16,4 16,4 16,4 16,4 16,4 16,3 16,3 16,3 16,3 16,2 16,2 16,2 16,2 16,2 16,1 16,1

24,7 24,7 24,7 24,6 24,6 24,6 24,5 24,5 24,5 24,4 24,4 24,4 24,3 24,3 24,3 24,2 24,2 24,2

41,2 41,2 41,1 41,0 41,0 40,9 40,9 40,8 40,8 40,7 40,7 40,6 40,6 40,5 40,4 40,4 40,3 40,3

49,5 49,4 49,3 49,3 49,2 49,1 49,1 49,0 48,9 48,9 48,8 48,7 48,7 48,6 48,5 48,5 48,4 48,3

82,4 82,3 82,2 82,1 82,0 81,9 81,8 81,7 81,6 81,4 81,3 81,2 81,1 81,0 80,9 80,8 80,7 80,6




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 1,518 1,519 1,520 1,521 1,522 1,523 1,524 1,525 1,526 1,527 1,528 1,529 1,530 1,531 1,532 1,533 1,534 1,535 1,536 1,537 1,538 1,539 1,540 1,541




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

0.1891 ∗ F HV = d2 Vickers Hardness HV5









8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 7,9 7,9 7,9 7,9 7,9 7,9 7,9 7,9 7,9 7,9 7,8 7,8 7,8 7,8

12,1 12,1 12,0 12,0 12,0 12,0 12,0 12,0 11,9 11,9 11,9 11,9 11,9 11,9 11,9 11,8 11,8 11,8 11,8 11,8 11,8 11,7 11,7 11,7

16,1 16,1 16,1 16,0 16,0 16,0 16,0 15,9 15,9 15,9 15,9 15,9 15,8 15,8 15,8 15,8 15,8 15,7 15,7 15,7 15,7 15,7 15,6 15,6

24,1 24,1 24,1 24,0 24,0 24,0 24,0 23,9 23,9 23,9 23,8 23,8 23,8 23,7 23,7 23,7 23,6 23,6 23,6 23,5 23,5 23,5 23,5 23,4

40,2 40,2 40,1 40,1 40,0 40,0 39,9 39,9 39,8 39,8 39,7 39,7 39,6 39,6 39,5 39,5 39,4 39,3 39,3 39,2 39,2 39,1 39,1 39,0

48,3 48,2 48,2 48,1 48,0 48,0 47,9 47,8 47,8 47,7 47,7 47,6 47,5 47,5 47,4 47,3 47,3 47,2 47,2 47,1 47,0 47,0 46,9 46,9

80,5 80,4 80,3 80,2 80,1 80,0 79,8 79,7 79,6 79,5 79,4 79,3 79,2 79,1 79,0 78,9 78,8 78,7 78,6 78,5 78,4 78,3 78,2 78,1

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1,542 1,543 1,544 1,545 1,546 1,547 1,548 1,549 1,550 1,551 1,552 1,553 1,554 1,555 1,556 1,557 1,558 1,559 1,560


7,8 7,8 7,8 7,8 7,8 7,7 7,7 7,7 7,7 7,7 7,7 7,7 7,7 7,7 7,7 7,6 7,6 7,6 7,6

11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,6 11,6 11,6 11,6 11,6 11,6 11,5 11,5 11,5 11,5 11,5 11,5 11,5 11,4 11,4

15,6 15,6 15,6 15,5 15,5 15,5 15,5 15,5 15,4 15,4 15,4 15,4 15,4 15,3 15,3 15,3 15,3 15,3 15,2

23,4 23,4 23,3 23,3 23,3 23,2 23,2 23,2 23,2 23,1 23,1 23,1 23,0 23,0 23,0 22,9 22,9 22,9 22,9

39,0 38,9 38,9 38,8 38,8 38,7 38,7 38,6 38,6 38,5 38,5 38,4 38,4 38,3 38,3 38,2 38,2 38,1 38,1

46,8 46,7 46,7 46,6 46,6 46,5 46,4 46,4 46,3 46,3 46,2 46,1 46,1 46,0 46,0 45,9 45,8 45,8 45,7

78,0 77,9 77,8 77,7 77,6 77,5 77,4 77,3 77,2 77,1 77,0 76,9 76,8 76,7 76,6 76,5 76,4 76,3 76,2




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 1,561 1,562 1,563 1,564 1,565 1,566 1,567 1,568 1,569 1,570 1,571 1,572 1,573 1,574 1,575 1,576 1,577 1,578 1,579 1,580 1,581 1,582 1,583 1,584




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

0.1891 ∗ F HV = d2 Vickers Hardness HV5









7,6 7,6 7,6 7,6 7,6 7,6 7,6 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,4 7,4 7,4 7,4 7,4 7,4 7,4

11,4 11,4 11,4 11,4 11,4 11,3 11,3 11,3 11,3 11,3 11,3 11,3 11,2 11,2 11,2 11,2 11,2 11,2 11,2 11,1 11,1 11,1 11,1 11,1

15,2 15,2 15,2 15,2 15,1 15,1 15,1 15,1 15,1 15,0 15,0 15,0 15,0 15,0 14,9 14,9 14,9 14,9 14,9 14,9 14,8 14,8 14,8 14,8

22,8 22,8 22,8 22,7 22,7 22,7 22,7 22,6 22,6 22,6 22,5 22,5 22,5 22,5 22,4 22,4 22,4 22,3 22,3 22,3 22,3 22,2 22,2 22,2

38,0 38,0 38,0 37,9 37,9 37,8 37,8 37,7 37,7 37,6 37,6 37,5 37,5 37,4 37,4 37,3 37,3 37,2 37,2 37,1 37,1 37,0 37,0 37,0

45,7 45,6 45,5 45,5 45,4 45,4 45,3 45,3 45,2 45,1 45,1 45,0 45,0 44,9 44,9 44,8 44,7 44,7 44,6 44,6 44,5 44,5 44,4 44,3

76,1 76,0 75,9 75,8 75,7 75,6 75,5 75,4 75,3 75,2 75,1 75,0 74,9 74,9 74,8 74,7 74,6 74,5 74,4 74,3 74,2 74,1 74,0 73,9

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

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1,585 1,586 1,587 1,588 1,589 1,590 1,591 1,592 1,593 1,594 1,595 1,596 1,597 1,598 1,599 1,600 1,601 1,602 1,603


7,4 7,4 7,4 7,4 7,3 7,3 7,3 7,3 7,3 7,3 7,3 7,3 7,3 7,3 7,3 7,2 7,2 7,2 7,2

11,1 11,1 11,0 11,0 11,0 11,0 11,0 11,0 11,0 10,9 10,9 10,9 10,9 10,9 10,9 10,9 10,9 10,8 10,8

14,8 14,7 14,7 14,7 14,7 14,7 14,6 14,6 14,6 14,6 14,6 14,6 14,5 14,5 14,5 14,5 14,5 14,4 14,4

22,1 22,1 22,1 22,1 22,0 22,0 22,0 22,0 21,9 21,9 21,9 21,8 21,8 21,8 21,8 21,7 21,7 21,7 21,7

36,9 36,9 36,8 36,8 36,7 36,7 36,6 36,6 36,5 36,5 36,4 36,4 36,4 36,3 36,3 36,2 36,2 36,1 36,1

44,3 44,2 44,2 44,1 44,1 44,0 44,0 43,9 43,8 43,8 43,7 43,7 43,6 43,6 43,5 43,5 43,4 43,4 43,3

73,8 73,7 73,6 73,5 73,4 73,4 73,3 73,2 73,1 73,0 72,9 72,8 72,7 72,6 72,5 72,4 72,4 72,3 72,2




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 1,604 1,605 1,606 1,607 1,608 1,609 1,610 1,611 1,612 1,613 1,614 1,615 1,616 1,617 1,618 1,619 1,620 1,621 1,622 1,623 1,624 1,625 1,626




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

HV =

0.1891 ∗ F d2

Vickers Hardness HV5









7,2 7,2 7,2 7,2 7,2 7,2 7,2 7,1 7,1 7,1 7,1 7,1 7,1 7,1 7,1 7,1 7,1 7,1 7,0 7,0 7,0 7,0 7,0

10,8 10,8 10,8 10,8 10,8 10,7 10,7 10,7 10,7 10,7 10,7 10,7 10,7 10,6 10,6 10,6 10,6 10,6 10,6 10,6 10,5 10,5 10,5

14,4 14,4 14,4 14,4 14,3 14,3 14,3 14,3 14,3 14,3 14,2 14,2 14,2 14,2 14,2 14,1 14,1 14,1 14,1 14,1 14,1 14,0 14,0

21,6 21,6 21,6 21,5 21,5 21,5 21,5 21,4 21,4 21,4 21,4 21,3 21,3 21,3 21,3 21,2 21,2 21,2 21,1 21,1 21,1 21,1 21,0

36,0 36,0 35,9 35,9 35,9 35,8 35,8 35,7 35,7 35,6 35,6 35,5 35,5 35,5 35,4 35,4 35,3 35,3 35,2 35,2 35,2 35,1 35,1

43,2 43,2 43,1 43,1 43,0 43,0 42,9 42,9 42,8 42,8 42,7 42,7 42,6 42,6 42,5 42,4 42,4 42,3 42,3 42,2 42,2 42,1 42,1

72,1 72,0 71,9 71,8 71,7 71,6 71,5 71,5 71,4 71,3 71,2 71,1 71,0 70,9 70,8 70,8 70,7 70,6 70,5 70,4 70,3 70,2 70,1

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2. Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

Page: 176

1,627 1,628 1,629 1,630 1,631 1,632 1,633 1,634 1,635 1,636 1,637 1,638 1,639 1,640 1,641 1,642 1,643 1,644 1,645 1,646


7,0 7,0 7,0 7,0 7,0 7,0 7,0 6,9 6,9 6,9 6,9 6,9 6,9 6,9 6,9 6,9 6,9 6,9 6,9 6,8

10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,3 10,3 10,3 10,3 10,3 10,3 10,3

14,0 14,0 14,0 14,0 13,9 13,9 13,9 13,9 13,9 13,9 13,8 13,8 13,8 13,8 13,8 13,8 13,7 13,7 13,7 13,7

21,0 21,0 21,0 20,9 20,9 20,9 20,9 20,8 20,8 20,8 20,8 20,7 20,7 20,7 20,7 20,6 20,6 20,6 20,6 20,5

35,0 35,0 34,9 34,9 34,9 34,8 34,8 34,7 34,7 34,6 34,6 34,6 34,5 34,5 34,4 34,4 34,3 34,3 34,3 34,2

42,0 42,0 41,9 41,9 41,8 41,8 41,7 41,7 41,6 41,6 41,5 41,5 41,4 41,4 41,3 41,3 41,2 41,2 41,1 41,1

70,1 70,0 69,9 69,8 69,7 69,6 69,5 69,5 69,4 69,3 69,2 69,1 69,0 69,0 68,9 68,8 68,7 68,6 68,5 68,4




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 1,647 1,648 1,649 1,650 1,651 1,652 1,653 1,654 1,655 1,656 1,657 1,658 1,659 1,660 1,661 1,662 1,663 1,664 1,665 1,666 1,667 1,668 1,669




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

HV =

0.1891 ∗ F d2

Vickers Hardness HV5









6,8 6,8 6,8 6,8 6,8 6,8 6,8 6,8 6,8 6,8 6,8 6,7 6,7 6,7 6,7 6,7 6,7 6,7 6,7 6,7 6,7 6,7 6,7

10,3 10,2 10,2 10,2 10,2 10,2 10,2 10,2 10,2 10,1 10,1 10,1 10,1 10,1 10,1 10,1 10,1 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0

13,7 13,7 13,6 13,6 13,6 13,6 13,6 13,6 13,5 13,5 13,5 13,5 13,5 13,5 13,4 13,4 13,4 13,4 13,4 13,4 13,3 13,3 13,3

20,5 20,5 20,5 20,4 20,4 20,4 20,4 20,3 20,3 20,3 20,3 20,2 20,2 20,2 20,2 20,1 20,1 20,1 20,1 20,0 20,0 20,0 20,0

34,2 34,1 34,1 34,1 34,0 34,0 33,9 33,9 33,8 33,8 33,8 33,7 33,7 33,6 33,6 33,6 33,5 33,5 33,4 33,4 33,4 33,3 33,3

41,0 41,0 40,9 40,9 40,8 40,8 40,7 40,7 40,6 40,6 40,5 40,5 40,4 40,4 40,3 40,3 40,2 40,2 40,1 40,1 40,0 40,0 39,9

68,4 68,3 68,2 68,1 68,0 68,0 67,9 67,8 67,7 67,6 67,5 67,5 67,4 67,3 67,2 67,1 67,1 67,0 66,9 66,8 66,7 66,7 66,6

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

Page: 177

1,670 1,671 1,672 1,673 1,674 1,675 1,676 1,677 1,678 1,679 1,680 1,681 1,682 1,683 1,684 1,685 1,686 1,687 1,688 1,689


6,6 6,6 6,6 6,6 6,6 6,6 6,6 6,6 6,6 6,6 6,6 6,6 6,6 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5

10,0 10,0 10,0 9,9 9,9 9,9 9,9 9,9 9,9 9,9 9,9 9,8 9,8 9,8 9,8 9,8 9,8 9,8 9,8 9,8

13,3 13,3 13,3 13,2 13,2 13,2 13,2 13,2 13,2 13,2 13,1 13,1 13,1 13,1 13,1 13,1 13,0 13,0 13,0 13,0

19,9 19,9 19,9 19,9 19,9 19,8 19,8 19,8 19,8 19,7 19,7 19,7 19,7 19,6 19,6 19,6 19,6 19,5 19,5 19,5

33,2 33,2 33,2 33,1 33,1 33,0 33,0 33,0 32,9 32,9 32,8 32,8 32,8 32,7 32,7 32,7 32,6 32,6 32,5 32,5

39,9 39,8 39,8 39,8 39,7 39,7 39,6 39,6 39,5 39,5 39,4 39,4 39,3 39,3 39,2 39,2 39,1 39,1 39,0 39,0

66,5 66,4 66,3 66,3 66,2 66,1 66,0 65,9 65,9 65,8 65,7 65,6 65,6 65,5 65,4 65,3 65,2 65,2 65,1 65,0




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 1,690 1,691 1,692 1,693 1,694 1,695 1,696 1,697 1,698 1,699 1,700 1,701 1,702 1,703 1,704 1,705 1,706 1,707 1,708 1,709 1,710 1,711




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

HV =

0.1891 ∗ F d2

Vickers Hardness HV5









6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,4 6,4 6,4 6,4 6,4 6,4 6,4 6,4 6,4 6,4 6,4 6,4 6,4 6,3 6,3 6,3

9,7 9,7 9,7 9,7 9,7 9,7 9,7 9,7 9,6 9,6 9,6 9,6 9,6 9,6 9,6 9,6 9,6 9,5 9,5 9,5 9,5 9,5

13,0 13,0 13,0 12,9 12,9 12,9 12,9 12,9 12,9 12,8 12,8 12,8 12,8 12,8 12,8 12,8 12,7 12,7 12,7 12,7 12,7 12,7

19,5 19,5 19,4 19,4 19,4 19,4 19,3 19,3 19,3 19,3 19,3 19,2 19,2 19,2 19,2 19,1 19,1 19,1 19,1 19,0 19,0 19,0

32,5 32,4 32,4 32,3 32,3 32,3 32,2 32,2 32,2 32,1 32,1 32,0 32,0 32,0 31,9 31,9 31,9 31,8 31,8 31,7 31,7 31,7

39,0 38,9 38,9 38,8 38,8 38,7 38,7 38,6 38,6 38,5 38,5 38,5 38,4 38,4 38,3 38,3 38,2 38,2 38,1 38,1 38,1 38,0

64,9 64,9 64,8 64,7 64,6 64,5 64,5 64,4 64,3 64,2 64,2 64,1 64,0 63,9 63,9 63,8 63,7 63,6 63,6 63,5 63,4 63,3

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2. Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

Page: 178

1,712 1,713 1,714 1,715 1,716 1,717 1,718 1,719 1,720 1,721 1,722 1,723 1,724 1,725 1,726 1,727 1,728 1,729 1,730 1,731 1,732


6,3 6,3 6,3 6,3 6,3 6,3 6,3 6,3 6,3 6,3 6,3 6,2 6,2 6,2 6,2 6,2 6,2 6,2 6,2 6,2 6,2

9,5 9,5 9,5 9,5 9,4 9,4 9,4 9,4 9,4 9,4 9,4 9,4 9,4 9,3 9,3 9,3 9,3 9,3 9,3 9,3 9,3

12,7 12,6 12,6 12,6 12,6 12,6 12,6 12,5 12,5 12,5 12,5 12,5 12,5 12,5 12,4 12,4 12,4 12,4 12,4 12,4 12,4

19,0 19,0 18,9 18,9 18,9 18,9 18,8 18,8 18,8 18,8 18,8 18,7 18,7 18,7 18,7 18,7 18,6 18,6 18,6 18,6 18,5

31,6 31,6 31,6 31,5 31,5 31,4 31,4 31,4 31,3 31,3 31,3 31,2 31,2 31,2 31,1 31,1 31,1 31,0 31,0 30,9 30,9

38,0 37,9 37,9 37,8 37,8 37,7 37,7 37,7 37,6 37,6 37,5 37,5 37,4 37,4 37,3 37,3 37,3 37,2 37,2 37,1 37,1

63,3 63,2 63,1 63,1 63,0 62,9 62,8 62,8 62,7 62,6 62,5 62,5 62,4 62,3 62,3 62,2 62,1 62,0 62,0 61,9 61,8




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 1,733 1,734 1,735 1,736 1,737 1,738 1,739 1,740 1,741 1,742 1,743 1,744 1,745 1,746 1,747 1,748 1,749 1,750 1,751 1,752 1,753 1,754




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

HV =

0.1891 ∗ F d2

Vickers Hardness HV5









6,2 6,2 6,2 6,2 6,1 6,1 6,1 6,1 6,1 6,1 6,1 6,1 6,1 6,1 6,1 6,1 6,1 6,1 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0

9,3 9,3 9,2 9,2 9,2 9,2 9,2 9,2 9,2 9,2 9,2 9,1 9,1 9,1 9,1 9,1 9,1 9,1 9,1 9,1 9,1 9,0

12,3 12,3 12,3 12,3 12,3 12,3 12,3 12,2 12,2 12,2 12,2 12,2 12,2 12,2 12,2 12,1 12,1 12,1 12,1 12,1 12,1 12,1

18,5 18,5 18,5 18,5 18,4 18,4 18,4 18,4 18,4 18,3 18,3 18,3 18,3 18,2 18,2 18,2 18,2 18,2 18,1 18,1 18,1 18,1

30,9 30,8 30,8 30,8 30,7 30,7 30,7 30,6 30,6 30,6 30,5 30,5 30,4 30,4 30,4 30,3 30,3 30,3 30,2 30,2 30,2 30,1

37,0 37,0 37,0 36,9 36,9 36,8 36,8 36,8 36,7 36,7 36,6 36,6 36,5 36,5 36,5 36,4 36,4 36,3 36,3 36,2 36,2 36,2

61,7 61,7 61,6 61,5 61,5 61,4 61,3 61,3 61,2 61,1 61,0 61,0 60,9 60,8 60,8 60,7 60,6 60,6 60,5 60,4 60,3 60,3

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

Page: 179

1,755 1,756 1,757 1,758 1,759 1,760 1,761 1,762 1,763 1,764 1,765 1,766 1,767 1,768 1,769 1,770 1,771 1,772 1,773 1,774 1,775


6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 5,9 5,9 5,9 5,9 5,9 5,9 5,9 5,9 5,9 5,9

9,0 9,0 9,0 9,0 9,0 9,0 9,0 9,0 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,9 8,8 8,8 8,8

12,0 12,0 12,0 12,0 12,0 12,0 12,0 11,9 11,9 11,9 11,9 11,9 11,9 11,9 11,8 11,8 11,8 11,8 11,8 11,8 11,8

18,1 18,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 17,9 17,9 17,9 17,9 17,9 17,8 17,8 17,8 17,8 17,8 17,7 17,7 17,7 17,7 17,7

30,1 30,1 30,0 30,0 30,0 29,9 29,9 29,9 29,8 29,8 29,8 29,7 29,7 29,7 29,6 29,6 29,6 29,5 29,5 29,5 29,4

36,1 36,1 36,0 36,0 36,0 35,9 35,9 35,8 35,8 35,8 35,7 35,7 35,6 35,6 35,6 35,5 35,5 35,4 35,4 35,4 35,3

60,2 60,1 60,1 60,0 59,9 59,9 59,8 59,7 59,7 59,6 59,5 59,5 59,4 59,3 59,3 59,2 59,1 59,1 59,0 58,9 58,9




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 1,776 1,777 1,778 1,779 1,780 1,781 1,782 1,783 1,784 1,785 1,786 1,787 1,788 1,789 1,790 1,791 1,792 1,793 1,794 1,795 1,796




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

HV =

0.1891 ∗ F d2

Vickers Hardness HV5









5,9 5,9 5,9 5,9 5,9 5,8 5,8 5,8 5,8 5,8 5,8 5,8 5,8 5,8 5,8 5,8 5,8 5,8 5,8 5,8 5,7

8,8 8,8 8,8 8,8 8,8 8,8 8,8 8,7 8,7 8,7 8,7 8,7 8,7 8,7 8,7 8,7 8,7 8,7 8,6 8,6 8,6

11,8 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,7 11,6 11,6 11,6 11,6 11,6 11,6 11,6 11,5 11,5 11,5 11,5 11,5

17,6 17,6 17,6 17,6 17,6 17,5 17,5 17,5 17,5 17,5 17,4 17,4 17,4 17,4 17,4 17,3 17,3 17,3 17,3 17,3 17,2

29,4 29,4 29,3 29,3 29,3 29,2 29,2 29,2 29,1 29,1 29,1 29,0 29,0 29,0 28,9 28,9 28,9 28,8 28,8 28,8 28,7

35,3 35,2 35,2 35,2 35,1 35,1 35,0 35,0 35,0 34,9 34,9 34,8 34,8 34,8 34,7 34,7 34,6 34,6 34,6 34,5 34,5

58,8 58,7 58,7 58,6 58,5 58,5 58,4 58,3 58,3 58,2 58,1 58,1 58,0 57,9 57,9 57,8 57,7 57,7 57,6 57,6 57,5

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2. Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

Page: 180

1,797 1,798 1,799 1,800 1,801 1,802 1,803 1,804 1,805 1,806 1,807 1,808 1,809 1,810 1,811 1,812 1,813 1,814 1,815 1,816 1,817 1,818


5,7 5,7 5,7 5,7 5,7 5,7 5,7 5,7 5,7 5,7 5,7 5,7 5,7 5,7 5,7 5,6 5,6 5,6 5,6 5,6 5,6 5,6

8,6 8,6 8,6 8,6 8,6 8,6 8,6 8,5 8,5 8,5 8,5 8,5 8,5 8,5 8,5 8,5 8,5 8,5 8,4 8,4 8,4 8,4

11,5 11,5 11,5 11,4 11,4 11,4 11,4 11,4 11,4 11,4 11,4 11,3 11,3 11,3 11,3 11,3 11,3 11,3 11,3 11,2 11,2 11,2

17,2 17,2 17,2 17,2 17,2 17,1 17,1 17,1 17,1 17,1 17,0 17,0 17,0 17,0 17,0 16,9 16,9 16,9 16,9 16,9 16,9 16,8

28,7 28,7 28,6 28,6 28,6 28,6 28,5 28,5 28,5 28,4 28,4 28,4 28,3 28,3 28,3 28,2 28,2 28,2 28,1 28,1 28,1 28,1

34,5 34,4 34,4 34,3 34,3 34,3 34,2 34,2 34,2 34,1 34,1 34,0 34,0 34,0 33,9 33,9 33,9 33,8 33,8 33,7 33,7 33,7

57,4 57,4 57,3 57,2 57,2 57,1 57,0 57,0 56,9 56,9 56,8 56,7 56,7 56,6 56,5 56,5 56,4 56,4 56,3 56,2 56,2 56,1




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 1,819 1,820 1,821 1,822 1,823 1,824 1,825 1,826 1,827 1,828 1,829 1,830 1,831 1,832 1,833 1,834 1,835 1,836 1,837 1,838 1,839




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

HV =

0.1891 ∗ F d2

Vickers Hardness HV5









5,6 5,6 5,6 5,6 5,6 5,6 5,6 5,6 5,6 5,5 5,5 5,5 5,5 5,5 5,5 5,5 5,5 5,5 5,5 5,5 5,5

8,4 8,4 8,4 8,4 8,4 8,4 8,4 8,3 8,3 8,3 8,3 8,3 8,3 8,3 8,3 8,3 8,3 8,3 8,2 8,2 8,2

11,2 11,2 11,2 11,2 11,2 11,1 11,1 11,1 11,1 11,1 11,1 11,1 11,1 11,0 11,0 11,0 11,0 11,0 11,0 11,0 11,0

16,8 16,8 16,8 16,8 16,7 16,7 16,7 16,7 16,7 16,6 16,6 16,6 16,6 16,6 16,6 16,5 16,5 16,5 16,5 16,5 16,5

28,0 28,0 28,0 27,9 27,9 27,9 27,8 27,8 27,8 27,7 27,7 27,7 27,7 27,6 27,6 27,6 27,5 27,5 27,5 27,4 27,4

33,6 33,6 33,6 33,5 33,5 33,4 33,4 33,4 33,3 33,3 33,3 33,2 33,2 33,2 33,1 33,1 33,0 33,0 33,0 32,9 32,9

56,0 56,0 55,9 55,9 55,8 55,7 55,7 55,6 55,6 55,5 55,4 55,4 55,3 55,3 55,2 55,1 55,1 55,0 55,0 54,9 54,8

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

Page: 181

1,840 1,841 1,842 1,843 1,844 1,845 1,846 1,847 1,848 1,849 1,850 1,851 1,852 1,853 1,854 1,855 1,856 1,857 1,858 1,859 1,860 1,861


5,5 5,5 5,5 5,5 5,5 5,4 5,4 5,4 5,4 5,4 5,4 5,4 5,4 5,4 5,4 5,4 5,4 5,4 5,4 5,4 5,4 5,4

8,2 8,2 8,2 8,2 8,2 8,2 8,2 8,2 8,1 8,1 8,1 8,1 8,1 8,1 8,1 8,1 8,1 8,1 8,1 8,0 8,0 8,0

11,0 10,9 10,9 10,9 10,9 10,9 10,9 10,9 10,9 10,8 10,8 10,8 10,8 10,8 10,8 10,8 10,8 10,8 10,7 10,7 10,7 10,7

16,4 16,4 16,4 16,4 16,4 16,3 16,3 16,3 16,3 16,3 16,3 16,2 16,2 16,2 16,2 16,2 16,2 16,1 16,1 16,1 16,1 16,1

27,4 27,4 27,3 27,3 27,3 27,2 27,2 27,2 27,1 27,1 27,1 27,1 27,0 27,0 27,0 26,9 26,9 26,9 26,9 26,8 26,8 26,8

32,9 32,8 32,8 32,8 32,7 32,7 32,7 32,6 32,6 32,5 32,5 32,5 32,4 32,4 32,4 32,3 32,3 32,3 32,2 32,2 32,2 32,1

54,8 54,7 54,7 54,6 54,5 54,5 54,4 54,4 54,3 54,2 54,2 54,1 54,1 54,0 54,0 53,9 53,8 53,8 53,7 53,7 53,6 53,5




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 1,862 1,863 1,864 1,865 1,866 1,867 1,868 1,869 1,870 1,871 1,872 1,873 1,874 1,875 1,876 1,877 1,878 1,879 1,880 1,881




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

HV =

0.1891 ∗ F d2

Vickers Hardness HV5









5,3 5,3 5,3 5,3 5,3 5,3 5,3 5,3 5,3 5,3 5,3 5,3 5,3 5,3 5,3 5,3 5,3 5,3 5,2 5,2

8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 7,9 7,9 7,9 7,9 7,9 7,9 7,9 7,9 7,9 7,9 7,9

10,7 10,7 10,7 10,7 10,6 10,6 10,6 10,6 10,6 10,6 10,6 10,6 10,6 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5

16,0 16,0 16,0 16,0 16,0 16,0 15,9 15,9 15,9 15,9 15,9 15,9 15,8 15,8 15,8 15,8 15,8 15,8 15,7 15,7

26,7 26,7 26,7 26,7 26,6 26,6 26,6 26,5 26,5 26,5 26,5 26,4 26,4 26,4 26,3 26,3 26,3 26,3 26,2 26,2

32,1 32,1 32,0 32,0 32,0 31,9 31,9 31,9 31,8 31,8 31,8 31,7 31,7 31,6 31,6 31,6 31,5 31,5 31,5 31,4

53,5 53,4 53,4 53,3 53,3 53,2 53,1 53,1 53,0 53,0 52,9 52,9 52,8 52,8 52,7 52,6 52,6 52,5 52,5 52,4

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2. Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

Page: 182

1,882 1,883 1,884 1,885 1,886 1,887 1,888 1,889 1,890 1,891 1,892 1,893 1,894 1,895 1,896 1,897 1,898 1,899 1,900 1,901 1,902 1,903 1,904


5,2 5,2 5,2 5,2 5,2 5,2 5,2 5,2 5,2 5,2 5,2 5,2 5,2 5,2 5,2 5,2 5,1 5,1 5,1 5,1 5,1 5,1 5,1

7,9 7,8 7,8 7,8 7,8 7,8 7,8 7,8 7,8 7,8 7,8 7,8 7,8 7,7 7,7 7,7 7,7 7,7 7,7 7,7 7,7 7,7 7,7

10,5 10,5 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,3 10,3 10,3 10,3 10,3 10,3 10,3 10,3 10,3 10,3 10,2 10,2

15,7 15,7 15,7 15,7 15,6 15,6 15,6 15,6 15,6 15,6 15,5 15,5 15,5 15,5 15,5 15,5 15,4 15,4 15,4 15,4 15,4 15,4 15,3

26,2 26,1 26,1 26,1 26,1 26,0 26,0 26,0 26,0 25,9 25,9 25,9 25,8 25,8 25,8 25,8 25,7 25,7 25,7 25,7 25,6 25,6 25,6

31,4 31,4 31,3 31,3 31,3 31,2 31,2 31,2 31,1 31,1 31,1 31,1 31,0 31,0 31,0 30,9 30,9 30,9 30,8 30,8 30,8 30,7 30,7

52,4 52,3 52,2 52,2 52,1 52,1 52,0 52,0 51,9 51,9 51,8 51,8 51,7 51,6 51,6 51,5 51,5 51,4 51,4 51,3 51,3 51,2 51,2




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 1,905 1,906 1,907 1,908 1,909 1,910 1,911 1,912 1,913 1,914 1,915 1,916 1,917 1,918 1,919 1,920 1,921 1,922 1,923 1,924




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

HV =

0.1891 ∗ F d2

Vickers Hardness HV5









5,1 5,1 5,1 5,1 5,1 5,1 5,1 5,1 5,1 5,1 5,1 5,1 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0

7,7 7,7 7,6 7,6 7,6 7,6 7,6 7,6 7,6 7,6 7,6 7,6 7,6 7,6 7,6 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5

10,2 10,2 10,2 10,2 10,2 10,2 10,2 10,1 10,1 10,1 10,1 10,1 10,1 10,1 10,1 10,1 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0

15,3 15,3 15,3 15,3 15,3 15,2 15,2 15,2 15,2 15,2 15,2 15,2 15,1 15,1 15,1 15,1 15,1 15,1 15,0 15,0

25,5 25,5 25,5 25,5 25,4 25,4 25,4 25,4 25,3 25,3 25,3 25,3 25,2 25,2 25,2 25,2 25,1 25,1 25,1 25,0

30,7 30,6 30,6 30,6 30,5 30,5 30,5 30,4 30,4 30,4 30,3 30,3 30,3 30,2 30,2 30,2 30,2 30,1 30,1 30,1

51,1 51,0 51,0 50,9 50,9 50,8 50,8 50,7 50,7 50,6 50,6 50,5 50,5 50,4 50,4 50,3 50,3 50,2 50,1 50,1

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

Page: 183

1,925 1,926 1,927 1,928 1,929 1,930 1,931 1,932 1,933 1,934 1,935 1,936 1,937 1,938 1,939 1,940 1,941 1,942 1,943 1,944 1,945 1,946 1,947


5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 -

7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,4 7,4 7,4 7,4 7,4 7,4 7,4 7,4 7,4 7,4 7,4 7,4 7,4 7,3 7,3

10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 9,9 9,9 9,9 9,9 9,9 9,9 9,9 9,9 9,9 9,9 9,8 9,8 9,8 9,8 9,8 9,8 9,8

15,0 15,0 15,0 15,0 15,0 14,9 14,9 14,9 14,9 14,9 14,9 14,8 14,8 14,8 14,8 14,8 14,8 14,8 14,7 14,7 14,7 14,7 14,7

25,0 25,0 25,0 24,9 24,9 24,9 24,9 24,8 24,8 24,8 24,8 24,7 24,7 24,7 24,7 24,6 24,6 24,6 24,6 24,5 24,5 24,5 24,5

30,0 30,0 30,0 29,9 29,9 29,9 29,8 29,8 29,8 29,7 29,7 29,7 29,7 29,6 29,6 29,6 29,5 29,5 29,5 29,4 29,4 29,4 29,4

50,0 50,0 49,9 49,9 49,8 49,8 49,7 49,7 49,6 49,6 49,5 49,5 49,4 49,4 49,3 49,3 49,2 49,2 49,1 49,1 49,0 49,0 48,9




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 1,948 1,949 1,950 1,951 1,952 1,953 1,954 1,955 1,956 1,957 1,958 1,959 1,960 1,961 1,962 1,963 1,964 1,965 1,966




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

HV =

0.1891 ∗ F d2

Vickers Hardness HV5










7,3 7,3 7,3 7,3 7,3 7,3 7,3 7,3 7,3 7,3 7,3 7,2 7,2 7,2 7,2 7,2 7,2 7,2 7,2

9,8 9,8 9,8 9,7 9,7 9,7 9,7 9,7 9,7 9,7 9,7 9,7 9,7 9,6 9,6 9,6 9,6 9,6 9,6

14,7 14,6 14,6 14,6 14,6 14,6 14,6 14,6 14,5 14,5 14,5 14,5 14,5 14,5 14,5 14,4 14,4 14,4 14,4

24,4 24,4 24,4 24,4 24,3 24,3 24,3 24,3 24,2 24,2 24,2 24,2 24,1 24,1 24,1 24,1 24,0 24,0 24,0

29,3 29,3 29,3 29,2 29,2 29,2 29,1 29,1 29,1 29,1 29,0 29,0 29,0 28,9 28,9 28,9 28,8 28,8 28,8

48,9 48,8 48,8 48,7 48,7 48,6 48,6 48,5 48,5 48,4 48,4 48,3 48,3 48,2 48,2 48,1 48,1 48,0 48,0

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2. Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

Page: 184

1,967 1,968 1,969 1,970 1,971 1,972 1,973 1,974 1,975 1,976 1,977 1,978 1,979 1,980 1,981 1,982 1,983 1,984 1,985 1,986 1,987 1,988 1,989 1,990



7,2 7,2 7,2 7,2 7,2 7,2 7,1 7,1 7,1 7,1 7,1 7,1 7,1 7,1 7,1 7,1 7,1 7,1 7,1 7,1 7,0 7,0 7,0 7,0

9,6 9,6 9,6 9,6 9,5 9,5 9,5 9,5 9,5 9,5 9,5 9,5 9,5 9,5 9,4 9,4 9,4 9,4 9,4 9,4 9,4 9,4 9,4 9,4

14,4 14,4 14,3 14,3 14,3 14,3 14,3 14,3 14,3 14,2 14,2 14,2 14,2 14,2 14,2 14,2 14,1 14,1 14,1 14,1 14,1 14,1 14,1 14,0

24,0 23,9 23,9 23,9 23,9 23,8 23,8 23,8 23,8 23,7 23,7 23,7 23,7 23,6 23,6 23,6 23,6 23,6 23,5 23,5 23,5 23,5 23,4 23,4

28,8 28,7 28,7 28,7 28,6 28,6 28,6 28,6 28,5 28,5 28,5 28,4 28,4 28,4 28,4 28,3 28,3 28,3 28,2 28,2 28,2 28,2 28,1 28,1

47,9 47,9 47,8 47,8 47,7 47,7 47,6 47,6 47,5 47,5 47,4 47,4 47,4 47,3 47,3 47,2 47,2 47,1 47,1 47,0 47,0 46,9 46,9 46,8




Shedule for the reading of Vickers hardness

Arithmetic mean of the diagonal of the prints d (mm) 1,991 1,992 1,993 1,994 1,995 1,996 1,997 1,998 1,999




Test load F (N) 196.1 294.2

HV =

0.1891 ∗ F d2

Vickers Hardness HV5










7,0 7,0 7,0 7,0 7,0 7,0 7,0 7,0 7,0

9,4 9,3 9,3 9,3 9,3 9,3 9,3 9,3 9,3

14,0 14,0 14,0 14,0 14,0 14,0 14,0 13,9 13,9

23,4 23,4 23,3 23,3 23,3 23,3 23,2 23,2 23,2

28,1 28,0 28,0 28,0 28,0 27,9 27,9 27,9 27,8

46,8 46,7 46,7 46,6 46,6 46,5 46,5 46,5 46,4

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Drawings 602.1 – 602.2 – 602.3 –602.4 – 602.5

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Drawings 602.6 – 602.7

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Drawings 602.8 – 602.9

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Page: 188

Drawings 602.11 – 602.12 – 603.13 – 604.14

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Page: 189

Wiring diagram “206 EX”

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Page: 190

Wiring diagram “206 MX”

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Page: 191

Affri Hardness Testers gamma Gamma Shore

206 RSD

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2. Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

Page: 192

270 VRS A

User’s guide of the machine “206 EX-MX” ver. 2.2 . Do not remove, delete or modify any part of this document.

Page: 193

3332 MRS A

LD 3000 AF

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Page: 194

MRS 3000

RSD Magnetic

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Page: 195

WIKI 200

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Page: 196


VT 100

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Page: 197

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