Advertising Report On Radio Listnership

  • December 2019
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By group A-31 • • • • •

Vaishali Reddy Vishnu Rohit Patel Shivaram Rashmith


DECLARATION We hereby declare that all the details mentioned in this project report are to the best of our knowledge and this report is entirely based on our primary and secondary data. We take the responsibility of all the information provided in this report.







ACKNOWLEDGMENT We wish to express our sincere appreciation to our advertising professor Prashant for the encouragement, patience and special care shown so that we could successfully complete the project .We profusely thank Mr.Zakhir of Radio mirchi for the valuable inputs he shared with us and for his assistance in the preparation of the project. We are also very grateful to all the young executives of Deloitte, satyam, karvy and DELL who took out time to fill our questionnaires. The feedback we received was very useful in the preparation of the project. We also wish to express our sincere appreciation to IIPM which gave us a wonderful opportunity to do such a wonderful project. We are also very grateful to our parents and all our family members without which this publication would not have been possible.

Vaishali reddy.G Vishnu kumar vijaywargi Shivaram Prasad.T Rohit patel Rudani Rashmith kumar gampa






























INTRODUCTION Radio is the most exciting, involving and powerful promotional medium. Radio’s ability to tease, to create dynamic promotional concepts, to build anticipation and generate excitement, to magnetize the audience … the exhilaration radio delivers for both audience and advertisers is unparalleled. Radio has made a comeback in the lifestyles of Indians. Radio has the reputation of being the oldest and the cheapest medium of entertainment in India. The radio industry has been completely reshaped by the various private players that entered the sector after the government allowed foreign investment into the segment and opened the licenses to the private players .The Indian government has already given 338 licenses for FM radio channels in 91 big and small towns and cities. The current size of the radio market is India is Rs 300 crores and is expected to achieve the highest growth rate of 32 per cent in coming years. The quality of the sound and the music has improved significantly with the emergence and use of satellite radio. The audience profile has also shifted to the high-income group. Local advertising, lower amount of money spent by the companies to advertise on radio is an added attractiveness for the players. All India Radio (AIR) - the national service provider owned and operated by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting under the Government of India - is the largest player in the industry. Despite pre-dating commercial television by about 50 Years, radio in India lags behind other media by many a mile in terms of share of the advertising monies – while worldwide radio garners 5-12% of the advertising monies, in India radio manages less than 2%. This is despite. All India Radio having a huge network of 141 medium wave (MW), 54 short wave (SW) and 130 FM transmitters – one of the largest in the world!


Radio is a pervasive medium. The low advertisement costs and extensive reach of radio help advertisers quickly reach and appeal to their target customers. For advertisers targeting small/niche audiences, radio worked out to be much more beneficial. Radio advertising is aptly suited for local promotions, and once audiences can be targeted, it has tremendous potential to eat into local mediums. Reportedly, there are more than 150 million radio sets in India – three times more than the number of TV sets in the country. On the basis of this data, private radio broadcasters claimed that radio had vast potential just waiting to be exploited. They aimed at duplicating the success of satellite television in the radio sector, with the help of latest digital technologies and innovative programming. According to estimates, radio’s share in the total advertising budgets of corporates grew to 5% by 2007 as against less than 1% in 2001. RADIO ADVERTISNG STATISTICS (2001-2007)


Radio advertising as Radio Advertising percentage of total (in Rs billion) Indian advertising market






















Source (radio mirchi) Thus, radio ad spend grew by an estimated CAGR of 45% between 2002-2007 as compared to an estimated 15% growth for total ad spend. .Industry observers remarked that the greatest challenge before private FM channels was persuading the urban consumer to regard radio as a source of entertainment. To get the attention of the urban consumer, private players started developing programs tailored to meet the tastes of local listeners, with the help of advanced digital technologies and superior programming. As part of these efforts,


private channels conducted intensive research to ascertain the demographic profiles of radio listeners in order to provide more targeted programming. Identification of demographic profiles was also expected to help private players to attract more advertising revenues, as it would enable them to offer advertisers access their target audiences. Radio is a far more intrusive medium compared to television. There is great future for radio. Even worldwide, radio is becoming a very important medium. In the US, some $ 19 billion are spent on radio advertising (India’s entire advertising market is worth $ 2.2 billion). Radio has survived and flourished as an advertising medium because it offers advertisers certain advantages for communicating messages to their potential customers. The pervasiveness of this medium has not gone unnoticed by advertisers.

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Our study contains both primary as well as secondary data . SOURCES OF PRIMARY DATA We conducted a Longitudinal study. We designed structured Questionnaires to gather information from listeners of radio from Age groups of 25 to 35 .We conducted several depth and focus group interviews for several managers from radio city, radio mirchi, RED FM, BIG FM and All India Radio (AIR) .We collected primary data by distributing questionnaires to the youth between the age group of 25 to 35. The survey covers a sample size of 70 respondents between the age group of 25 – 35.



Newsletter from Madison Media

An Advertisers Guide To Better Radio Advertising by Andrew Ingram and Mark Barber





Advertising and Promotion by George.E.Belch & Michael A. Belch


The study was undertaken to ascertain the Radio listenership habits among the youth between the age group of 25 – 35.

SAMPLING SIZE Our sampling size was 70 respondents consisting of 35 Male and 35 Female between the age group of 25-35 .Our sampling size mostly consisted of young working adults working in Deloitte, Satyam, Karvy and Dell.

QUESTIONNAIRES The Questionnaires we distributed to the sampling size to gather information about the Radio listenership habits among the youth were structured Questionnaires. The Questionnaires we distributed


contained Dichotomous questions, Multiple choice questions and completely unstructured questions.

INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC), according to The American Marketing Association, is “a planning process designed to assure that all brand contacts received by a customer or prospect for a product, service, or organization are relevant to that person and consistent over time. Integrated marketing communication can be defined as a holistic approach to promote buying and selling in the digital economy. This concept includes many online and offline marketing channels. Online marketing channels include any emarketing campaigns or programs, from search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click, affiliate, email, banner to latest web related channels for webinar, blog, RSS, podcast, and Internet TV. Offline marketing channels are traditional print (newspaper, magazine), mail order, public relations, industry analyst relations billboard, radio, and television. Reasons for the Growing Importance of IMC The move toward integrated marketing communications is one of the most significant marketing developments that occurred during the 1990’s and the shift toward this approach is continuing as we begin the new century. The IMC approach to marketing communications planning and strategy is being adopted by both large and small companies and has become popular among firms marketing consumer products and services as well as business-to-business marketers. A fundamental reason is that they understand the value of strategically integrating the various communications functions rather than having them operate autonomously. By coordinating their marketing communications efforts companies can avoid duplication, take advantage of synergy among promotional tools, and develop more efficient and effective marketing communications programs. Advocates of IMC argue that it is one of the easiest ways for a company to maximize the return on it’s investment in marketing and promotion. The move to integrated marketing communications also reflects an adaptation by marketers to 9

a changing environment particularly with respect to consumers technology and media. Major changes have occurred among consumers with respect to demographics, life styles , media use , and buying and shopping patterns. In addition to facing the decline in audience size for many media marketers are facing the problem of consumers being less responsive to traditional advertising. They recognize that many consumers are turned off by advertising and tired of being bombarded with sales messages. The integrated marketing communications movements is also being driven by changes in the ways companies market their products and services . Major characteristics of this marketing revolution include . A shifting of marketing dollars from media advertising to other forms of promotion , particularly consumer –and trade –oriented sales promotions . many marketers feel that traditional media advertising has become too expensive and is not cost –effective. Also ,escalating price competition in many markets has resulted in marketers pouring more of their promotional budgets into price promotions rather than media advertising. A movement away from relying on advertising – focused approaches ,which emphasize mass media such as network television and national magazine ,to solve communication problems. Many companies are turning to lower -cost, more targeted communication tools such as event marketing and sponsorships, direct mail , sales promotion , and the internet as they develop their marketing communications strategies. A shift in market place power from manufacturers to retailers. Due to consolidation in the retail industry, small local retailers are being replaced by regional , national , and international chains. These large retailers are using their clout to demand larger promotional fees and allowance from manufacturers, a practice that often siphons money away from advertising. More over ,new technologies such as checkout scanners give retailers information on the effectiveness of manufacturers promotional programs. This is leading many marketers to shift their focus to promotional tools that can produce short-term results. such as sale promotion. The rapid growth and development of database marketing. Many companies are building database containing customer names; geographic, demographic , and psychographic profiles; purchase patterns; media preferences; credit ratings; and other characteristics. Marketers are using this information to target consumers through a variety of direct- marketing methods such as 10

telemarketing , direct mail, and direct- response advertising , rather than relying on mass media. Advocates of the approach argue that database marketing is critical to the development and practice of effective IMC. Demands for greater accountability from advertising agencies and changes in the way agencies are compensated. Many companies are moving towards incentive- based systems whereby compensation of their ad agencies is based , at least in part , on objective measures such as sales , market share , and profitability. Demands for accountability are motivating many agencies to consider a variety of communication tools and less expensive alternatives to mass- media advertising. The rapid growth of the internet, which is changing the very nature of how companies do business and the ways they communicate and interact with consumers. The internet revolution is well under way, and the internet audience is growing rapidly. The internet is an interactive medium that is becoming an integral part of communication strategy, and even business strategy, for many companies. This marketing revolution is affecting everyone involved in the marketing and promotional process. Companies are recognizing that they must change the ways they market and promote their products and services. They can no longer be tied to a specific communication too such as media advertising rather they should use whatever contact methods offer the best way of delivering the message to their target audiences. Ad agencies continue to reposition themselves as offering more than just advertising clients integrated communications needs. Most agencies recognize that their future success depends on their ability to understand all areas of promotion and help their clients develop and implement integrated marketing communications programs. The tools for IMC Promotion has been defined as the coordination of all seller-initiated efforts to set up channels of information and persuasion in order to sell goods and services or promote an idea . while implicit communication occurs through the various elements of the marketing mix, most of an organization’s communication with the marketplace take place as part of a carefully planned and controlled promotional program. The basic tools used to accomplish an organization’s communication objectives are often referred to as the promotional mix. 11

Traditionally the promotional mix has included four elements: advertising, sales promotion, publicity/public relations, and personal selling. However, in this text we view direct marketing as well as interactive media as major promotional –mix elements that modernday marketers use to communicate with their target markets. Each eletool that plays that plays a distinctive role in an IMC program. Each may take on a variety of forms. And each has certain advantages. Advertising is defined as any paid form of non personal communication about an organization, product, service, or idea by an identified sponsor. The paid aspect of this definition reflects the fact that the space or time for an advertising message generally must be bought. An occasional exception to this is the public service announcements whose advertising space or time is donated by the media. The non personal component means that advertising involves mass media(e.g . radio, magazines, newspapers ) That can transmit a message to large groups of individuals, often at the same time. The nonpersonal nature of advertising means that there is generally no opportunity for immediate feedback from the message recipient .therefore, before the message is sent , the advertiser must consider how the audience will interpret and respond to it. Advertising is the best –known and most widely discussed form of promotion, probably because of its pervasiveness. It is also a very important promotional tool, particularly For companies whose products and services are targeted at mass consumer markets. There are several reasons why advertising is such an important part of many marketer’s promotional mixes. First it can be a very cost-effective method for communicating with large audiences. Advertising can be used to create brand images and symbolic appeals for a company or brand , a very important capability for companies selling products and services that are difficult to differentiate on functional attributes. Another advantage of advertising is its ability to strike a responsive chord with consumers when differentiation across other elements of the marketing mix is difficult to achieve. The nature and purpose of advertising differ from one industry to another and/or 12

across situations. The targets of an organization’s advertising efforts often vary. As do advertising’s role and function in the marketing program. One advertiser may seek to generate immediate response or action from the customer; another may want to develop awareness or a positive image for its products or service over a longer period.

Direct Marketing One of the fastest –growing setters of the U.S economy is direct marketing, in which organizations communicate directly with target customers to generate a response and / or a transaction. Traditionally, direct marketing has not been considered an element of the promotional mix. However, because it has become such an integral part of the IMC program of many organizations and often involves separate objectives, budgets, and strategies, we view direct marketing as a component of the promotional mix. Direct marketing is such more than direct mail and mail order catalogs. It involves a variety of activities, including database management, direct selling, telemarketing, and direct response ads through direct mail, the internet, and various broadcast and print media. One of the major tools of direct marketing is direct response advertising, where by a product is promoted through an ad that encourages the consumer to purchase directly from the manufacturer. Direct-response advertising and other forms of direct marketing have become very popular over the past two decades, owing primarily to changing life styles, particularly the increase in two- income house holds. More recently, the rapid growth of the internet is fueling the growth of direct marketing.

Interactive/Internet Marketing As the millennium begins, we are experiencing perhaps the most dynamic and revolutionary changes of any era in the history of marketing, as well as advertising and promotion. These changes are being driven by advances in technology and developments that have 13

led to dramatic growth of communication through interactive media, particularly the internet. Interactive media allow for a back-and forth flow of information where by users can participate in and modify the form and content of the information they receive in real time. Unlike traditional forms of marketing communications such as advertising , which are one-way in nature, the new media allow users to perform a variety of functions such as receive and alter information and image, make inquiries, respond to questions, and, of course, make purchases. While the Internet is changing the ways companies design and implement their entire business and marketing strategies, it is also affecting their marketing communications programs. Perhaps the most prevalent perspective on the Internet is that it is an advertising medium, as many marketers advertise their products and services on the websites of other companies and/or organizations. Actually, the Internet is a medium that can be used to execute all the elements of the promotional mix. In addition to advertising on the Web , marketers offer sales promotion incentives such as coupons, contests, and sweepstakes online, and they use the Internet to conduct direct marketing, personal selling, and public relations activities more effectively and efficiently. While the Internet is a promotional medium, it can also be viewed as a marketing communications tool in its own right. Because of its interactive nature, it is a very effective way of communicating with customers. Many companies recognize the advantages of communicating via the Internet and are developing Web strategies and hiring interactive agencies specifically to develop their websites and make them part of their integrated marketing communications program. However, companies that are using the Internet effectively are integrating their Web strategies with other aspects of their IMC programs. Sales Promotion The next variable in the promotional mix is sales promotion, which is generally defined as those marketing activities that provide extra value or the ultimate consumer and can stimulate immediate sales. Sales promotion is generally broken into two major categories: consumer-oriented and trade-oriented activities. Publicity/Public Relations


Publicity refers to non-personal communications regarding an organization, product, service, or idea not directly paid for or run under identified sponsorship. It usually comes in the form of a news story, editorial, or announcement about an organization and/or its products and services. Like advertising, publicity involves nonpersonal communication to a mass audience, but unlike advertising, publicity involves non-personal communication to a mass audience, for by the company. The company or organization attempts to get the media to cover or run a favorable story on a product, service, cause, or event to affect awareness, knowledge, opinions, and\or behavior. Techniques used to gain publicity include news release, Press conferences, feature articles, photographs, films, and videotapes. An advantage of publicity over other forms of promotion is its credibility. Consumers generally tend to be less skeptical toward favorable information about a product or service when it comes from a source they perceive as unbiased. Another advantage of publicity is its low cost, since the company is not paying time or space in a mass medium such as TV, radio ,or newspapers. Public Relations it is important to recognize the distinction between publicity and public relations. When an organization systematically plans and distributes information in an attempt to control and manage its image and the nature of the publicity it receives, it is really engaging in a function known as public relations. Public relations is defined as “the management function which evaluates public attitudes, identifies the policies and procedures of an individual or organization with the public interest, and executes a program of action to earn public understand and acceptance. Public relations generally has a broader objective than publicity, as its purpose is to establish and maintain a positive image of the company among its various, publics. Public relations uses publicity and variety of other tools-including special publications , participation in community activities, fund-raising, sponsorship of special events, and various public affairs activities-to enhance an organization’s image. Personal Selling The final element of an organization’s promotional mix is personal selling, person-to-person communication in which a seller attempts to assist and/or persuade prospective buyers to purchase the company’s product or service or to act on an idea. Unlike advertising, personal selling involves direct contact between buyer and seller, either face-to-face or through some form of telecommunications such as 15

telephone sales. This interaction gives the marketer communication flexibility; the seller can see or hear the potential buyer’s reactions and modify the message accordingly. The personal, individualized communication in personal selling allows the seller to tailor the message to the customer’s specific needs or situation. Personal selling also involves more immediate and precise feedback because the impact of the sales presentation van generally be assessed from the customer’s reactions

ADVANTAGES OF RADIO Radio has many advantages over other media –

Cost and Efficiency - One of the main strengths of radio as an advertising medium is its low cost .Radio commercials are very inexpensive to produce. They require only a script of the commercial to be read by the radio announcer or a copy of a prerecorded message that can be broadcast by the station. The cost for radio time is also low .The low relative costs of radio make it one most efficient of all advertising media ,and the low absolute cost means the budget needed for an effective radio campaign is often lower than that for other media. The low cost of radio means advertisers can build more reach and frequency into their media schedule within a certain budget. They can use different stations to broaden the reach of their messages and multiple spots to ensure adequate frequency.

Selectivity – Another major advantage of radio is the high degree of audience selectivity available through the various program formats and geographic coverage of the numerous stations. Radio lets companies focus their advertising on specialized audiences such as certain demographic and lifestyle groups. Most areas have radio stations with formats such as adult contemporary, easy listening , classical music, country news/talk shows to name a few. Radio can reach consumers other media can’t .Radio has become a popular way to reach specific nonEnglish speaking ethnic markets .As mass marketing gives way to market to market segmentation and regional marketing, radio will continue to grow in importance. Flexibility – Radio is probably the most flexible of all the advertising media because it has a very short closing period, which means advertisers can


change their message almost up to the time it goes on the air. Radio commercials can usually be produced and scheduled on very short notice .Radio advertisers can easily adjust their messages to local market conditions and marketing situations. •

Mental imageryA Potential advantage of radio that is often overlooked is that it encourages listeners to use their imagination when processing a commercial message. While the creative options of radio are limited, many advertisers take advantage of the absence of a visual element to let consumers create their own picture of what is happening in a radio message. Radio may also reinforce television messages through ‘image transfer ‘.

Integrated Marketing Opportunities – Radio provides marketers with a variety of integrated marketing opportunities. Radio stations become an integral part of many communities, and the deejays and program hosts may become popular figures. Advertisers often use radio stations and personalities to enhance their involvement with a local market and to gain influence with local retailers .Radio also works very effectively in conjunction with place-based /point of purchase promotions. Retailers often use on-site radio broadcasts combined with special sales or promotions to attract consumers to their stores and get them to make a purchase. Live radio broadcasts are also used in conjunction with event marketing.

LIMITATIONS OF RADIO Several factors limit the effectiveness of radio as an advertising medium, among them creative limitations, fragmentation, chaotic buying procedures, limited research data, limited listener attention and clutter. The media planner must consider them in determining the role the medium will play in the advertising program. •

Creative Limitations - A major drawback of radio as an advertising medium is the absence of a visual image. The radio advertiser cannot show the product, demonstrate it, or use any type of visual appeal or information. Because of these creative limitations many companies tend to ignore radio , and agencies often assign junior people to the development of radio commercials.


Fragmentation – Another problem with radio is the high level of audience fragmentation due to the large number of stations. The percentage of the market tuned to any particular station is usually very small. Advertisers that want a broad reach in their radio advertising media schedule have to buy time on a number of stations to cover even a local market.

Chaotic Buying Procedures – It should be readily apparent how chaotic the media planning and purchasing process can become for the advertiser that wants to use radio on a nationwide spot basis. This problem has diminished somewhat in recent years as the number of radio networks and of syndicated programs offering a package of several hundred stations increases.

Limited Research Data – Audience research data on radio are often limited, particularly compared with TV, magazines, or newspapers .Most radio stations are small operations and lack the revenue to support detailed studies of their audiences. And most users of radio are local companies that cannot support research on radio listnership in their markets. Thus, media planners do not have as much audience information available to guide them in their purchase of radio time as they do with other media.

Limited Listener Attention –Another problem that plagues radio is that it is difficult to retain listener attention to commercials. Radio programming, particularly music, is often the background to some other activity and may not receive the listeners’ full attention. Thus they may miss all or some of the commercials.

Clutter – Clutter is just a problem with radio as with other advertising media .Advertisers must create commercials that break through the clutter or use heavy repetition to make sure their messages reach consumers.



Hyderabad is hot with a wide variety of FM Radio channels. : 1. Radio Mirchi - 98.3 FM Slogan: Idi Chala Hot Guru Pros: Popular anchors with attractive voices is its asset. Times of India support. Cons: Little variety in songs (very few old melodies and Hindi songs).

From the day it was launched, Radio mirchi, Hyderabad was a run away hit with the Hyderabadis, particularly the Telugu speaking. There are no. of programmes matching with the mood of the day. The selection of topics is contemporary, youthful with local flavour and liberal dose of humour and infotainment. Though it is predominantly music/song based radio, it also entertains the listeners with jokes, witty conversations etc. the credit goes to its anchors, the script writers and the producers of the programmes. The anchors are knowledgeable and speak good normal Telugu. Their conversation is spontaneous, natural and decent The topics are mostly local and hence interesting. Some of the popular programmes are bumper to bumper, which keeps us informed about the traffic conditions at various parts of the city-very useful for car drivers (any one can send messages to the radio regarding the traffic conditions, and they are read out), Bunty and Chanti- a hillarious exchange of words between two charecters-bunty and chanti. Among the anchors, Hemant and Bhargavi, Bharati and Anita are the best. Another happy feature of this channel is that there are practically no irritating advertisements.


2. Big FM: 92.7 FM Slogan: Vinu Vinipinchu; Life Andinchu Pros: Good Song Collection and Big ad spend by Reliance. Popular Jhansi anchoring. Cons: Its other anchors are not as popular as Radio mirchi

BIG FM is owned by Adlabs which is owned by Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group (ADAG). BIG 92.7 FM is poised to create history with its pan India presence, spanning across 45 cities, 1000 towns and 50,000 villages to reach 200 million Indians across the length and breadth of the country. The company plans to take FM radio as a medium of entertainment not only to the key metros, but also to virgin markets that have never before experienced this medium of entertainment BIG 92.7 FM has the capacity to touch every fifth Indian across the country - every third urban Indian and one in every eight Indian in the rural areas. In short, BIG 92.7 FM will have the largest coverage from any private radio channel in the country. BIG 92.7 FM, Hyderabad has become the first radio station in Hyderabad to Podcast on-air shows on its website. Through this new offering, Hyderabadis from anywhere in the world can catch up with their favorite radio jockeys, listen to their favorite songs, and listen to some great content ranging from interviews with Tollywood Stars, jokes, get interesting updates on the latest city happenings and much more, all at one click of the mouse. In keeping with its endeavor to impact people's lives positively, BIG 92.7 FM has a wide range of entertainment options and the same is not restricted to merely on air offerings but are being taken on-ground as well as on-line. Among the wholesome entertainment mix that is available on the website includes audio content from various shows including jokes, celebrity interviews, pranks and a whole lot of fun programs as Podcast which can be accessed by anyone from anywhere in the world, through the internet.. By providing Podcast service BIG 92.7 FM has created a common platform for its listeners from across the world to come together and enjoy entertainment unlimited! 20


Radio City - 91.1 FM

Verdict: Not as popular as in Bangalore. Pros: Popular among Hindi Audience. Cons: Anchors and money.

Radio City is currently running in 18 different cities/towns in India. It was launched in Hyderabad in March 2006. Radio City programming is an outcome of an extensive and in-depth research undertaken by the industry experts. This has resulted in a host of customized Hindi and Telugu programmes reflecting the 'true Sound of Hyderabad'. Radio City 106.4 FM caters to the tastes of discerning music lovers cutting across students, housewives, working men which will ultimately give advertisers a great value for their money spent. The programming mix of Radio City includes shades of romance, comedy, josh, fantasy, novelty, unpredictability & masti - something to please everyone, in every mood, adds the release. A rich history, vibrant culture and monuments, a heritage in arts, crafts and dance is not all Hyderabad is known for and passionate about. Hyderabad also prefers exclusive music. This makes Radio City roll out a special mix of premium and supreme shows and a track list that features only the latest hit. Hindi music to keep the who's who in Hyderabad tuned in and satisfied


Rainbow FM - 101.9

Verdict: Very popular FM station before Private players entrance. Pros: Popular among Family audience. Cons: Not aggressive




Hyderabad FM: 102.8

Verdict: Oldest FM radio station. Pros: Popular among Old Hindi songs lovers. Cons: Government control.

6. Sun FM - 93.5 FM Slogan: Vinandi Vinandi; Ullasamga Uthsamga Verdict : Became popular within a short period.

Pros: Very good song collection, SUN TV experience and Chiranjeevi and Pavan Kalyan ads. Cons: Late entrance into Hyderabad market.

Sun TV has arrived on the FM scene as well.. The FM station they are offering is called, the ‘S FM’. They go by the tagline:” Vinnandi Vinnandi, Ullasanga Utsahanga ” Launched on the 6th of November, you can tune into them at 93.5 MHz. Simultaneously launching in Hyderabad, Jaipur and Bangalore. You can tune into the same frequency in all the three cities. The launch announced that S FM is launched through the subsidaries of Sun TV Ltd. like Kal Radio Ltd and South Asia FM Ltd.According to some news, Sun TV aquired 45 of the 68 FM stations that were up for bid. When 22

they do launch, S FM brand will be one of the biggest FM Radio Networks across India.



Only in the Car/Bus or Auto Only at Home

11% 3% 9% 3%



Only at the work Place At the workplace And In the car At the work place And at Home The Car and at Home




Only in the Car/Bus or Auto


Only at Home


Only at the work place


At the workplace and in the car


At the work place and at Home


The Car and at Home




In the Morning


In the Afternoon


In the evening


In the Night




% of people not switching radio Channels during radio advertisements – 29%

% of people switching radio Channels during radio advertisements – 71%



Importance Of Radio Channels

30 25 20 15 10

s en t em

Ad ve

rti s

Ra di o

s w ne

Sh ow s


Co n

te s

s RJ '

us ic

5 0 M


40 35

Radio Programs


Radio Programs Music RJ's Contests Shows News Radio Advertisements

Percentage 37 18 5 2 10 12 16



Boredom with Current Station

40 34.28


To Listen to Different Type of Music


30 25




15 10 5 0



7.14 4.28

To Listen to Particular Program on another Station To Avoid Advertisements To Avoid Particular DJ/ Presenter / Programme To get news and traffic Updates on another Station Any Other Reason


Boredom with Current Station

To Listen to Different type of Music

To Listen to Particular Program on another Station

To Avoid Advertisements

To Avoid Particular DJ/ presenter / Program

To get news and traffic updates on another station







Any Other Reason



52% listen to radio in the weekdays




17% listen to radio on Saturdays 31% listen to radio on Sundays



In the Night (6 to 10 pm)


y = 5.6x + 3.5 Percentages

25 20 15


In the Morning (6 to 12 am)

Linear (Series1) In the Evening (4 to 6 pm)


In the Afternoon (12 to 4 pm)

5 0 0








Graph Representing the Listener ship of Various Radio Channels in Hyderabad Series4 Series3 Series2 Series1




a 92 di o .7 Ci B ty ig FM 98 .3 93 R .5 ad S i o FM M ir c 1 10 0 hi 2. 1.9 8 Vi Ra vi i n d bo B ha w ra th i


80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Radio Channels


Mornin g

Afternoo n



91.1 Radio City





92.7 Big FM





93.5 SFM





98.3 Radio Mirchi





101.9 Rainbow





102.8 Vivid Bharathi







Analysis on Different Radios in a Week 45 40 35 Percentage

30 Week Days Saturdays Sundays

25 20 15 10 5


Bh a

ra t


ow inb



1. 9 10

2. 8




Ra d


M irc

SF M .5

FM Bi g

.7 92





Ra d


Ci ty


Radio Stations


91.1 Radio City 92.7 Big FM 93.5 SFM 98.3 Radio Mirchi 101.9 Rainbow 102.8 Vivid Bharathi

Week Days






















RESEARCH FINDINGS Out of the total 70 respondents 51% of them listened to radio only in the car /bus/auto ,23% of them listened to radio only at home , 3% listened to radio at workplace ,9% listened to radio at home and in the car, 3% listened to radio at the workplace and at home, 11% listened to radio in the car and at home. Out of the total 70 respondents 21.43% listened to radio in the morning ,14.28% listened to radio in the afternoon , 17.14 % listened to radio in the evening and 47.14 % listened to radio in the night . Out of the total 70 respondents 29 % did not switch radio channels during advertisements whereas 71 % switched radio channels during advertisements. Out of the total 70 respondents 7.14% switch radio channels because of boredom with the current station ,24.28% switch radio channels to listen to different type of music,8.57% switch radio channels to listen to a particular programme on another station,34.28% switch radio channels to avoid advertising ,4.28 % switch radio channels to avoid a particular DJ/presenter,14.28 % switch radio channels to get news and traffic updates on another station and 7.14 % change radio channels for any other reason. Out of the total 70 respondents 52% of them listen to radio only in the weekdays, 17% of them listen to radio only on Saturdays and 31% of them listen to radio only on Sundays.


Out of the total 70 respondents the RJs were recalled by only 32% of the sample, 68% could not recall the RJs.

Out of the total 70 respondents 71% felt more live shows should be added whereas 29 % felt more live shows should not be added .

About 45% of the sample liked to English musicRock, Pop, Jazz, Hip hop, Soft music and Heavy metal with a little of Hindi film songs and Indi-pop. The other 55% of the sample liked to listen to Hindi musicIndi-pop, film songs [new and old] and Ghazals with a little of English music. The rest 2% were not so particular and listened to both English and Hindi music.

Out of the total 70 respondents 69% felt music was the most important factor for a radio channel, 24 % felt the RJs were the most important factor for a radio channel, 5 %felt the contests were important for a radio channel and 2% felt news was important for a radio channel.



Newsletter from Madison Media

An Advertisers Guide To Better Radio Advertising by Andrew Ingram and Mark Barber





Advertising and Promotion by George.E.Belch & Michael A. Belch

Marketing management by Philip kotler and Kevin Lane Keller



Please take a couple minutes to complete this brief questionnaire. Thanks for your insights! NAME - : AGE -: PROFESSION - : GENDER - :

1. Do you actually listen to radio?

2. If yes, which is your favourite radio channel in Hyderabad you generally listen to? (can be more than one )

3. Specify the reasons what makes the above radio channel your favourite ?


4. When do you generally listen to the radio? •

Only in the car /bus /auto

Only at home

Only at the work place .

At the workplace and in the car / bus /auto

At work place and at home

In the car and in the workplace

In the car and at home

At home , in the car and at the work place

5 . When do you listen to the radio the most? •





When do you listen to the radio? (Can be more than one)

In the morning

In the afternoon

In the evening

In the night

7. What kind of music do you generally like listening on radio? 45

8 .Which is your favourite radio programme on the current radio channels? (Can be more than one)

9. Who is your favourite RJ?

10. Do you think more live request shows should be added?

11. Do you actually listen to the advertisements on radio? Do you change the radio channels during advertisements?

12. Rate from 1 to 4. (1=most important) (4 =least important) According to you what how important are the following to a radio channel: category music RJ ‘S contests






Shows news Radio advertisements

13. Do you switch radio channels often or are you dedicated to one radio channel? 14. If you switch radio channels why do you generally switch radio channels? • • • • • •

Boredom with current station To listen to different type of music To listen to a particular programme on another station To avoid advertising To avoid a particular DJ/presenter/programme To get news and traffic updates on another station




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