Adverb Clauses of Reason Because I was hungry, I ate three hamburgers. I came home early because I was tired. Comma for clarity She couldn’t understand how someone could kill him because she was very naive. I guessed that he had left, because all of his things were gone I know he committed suicide because the police told me I came home because I was tired Since I came to the US, I have gained a lot of weight. I’ve been here since 2002 he got a job at the UN Since he could speak 7 languages. Since Monday is a holiday, we don’t have to go to school. Nsjnmnsdncmcnkjvnmndncvjnnxcncnjxncvnsdjnvjcsjvcnvkjndsjkavnkjdsnjkvnjkdsnfkjn dsjakfjkdsakjfjkjdsjfkjnjdskjfhjkdshnkjfhjdkashjkfhdskjfhljkadsnkfjhsdkjhfnkjdshjkfhjkd shljkfhjkldsf. Because jhdjkfhjdhfjkdjf, jhdsjhdhjhfhkldfs. Nkjdshfjkdhsjkfhjkdsahfjkhdskjhfjhsdjkfhkjdslhfj. Kjdsajkhfdkjhjdkfhkjdshfjkdshfkjhdkjfhjkdshjkfhjkdshfkjhdjkhjkfhjfdkjfdkj while I was looking sdjhjdhsjkfhdfdfjhkf. Mkndsfndsnkfjndksjnjkfkjdsjkhfjkhsdjkhfjkdhslkjhfkjdshkjfhjdkshjkfhkjds dskjkhdskjjhfkjdshkf since jksdhfkjdshfkjdsf. Jnjdskjfkjdkjdfkjdkfjhjdkfhdfjkdsfakjdsfjkldsfkjdfjkh as he w0as bringing it home, Dependent clause Independent clause Since my mom came home, I’ve been very happy. I’ve been very happy since my mom came home.
Now that Because now Because I have a job, I can pay my bills. Now that I have a job, I can pay my bills. Now that I have a lot of money, I can buy a new car. Because Since As Now that p. 360-61 punctuation of adverb clauses Ex. 3 362 Cause and Effect