Admission Of Bds

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 9

Government of Pakistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs Islamabad


Admission of Foreign Students in MBBS and BDS Courses in Bangladesh.

Enclosed please find a copy of letter No.Edu-12/6/2007 dated 8 November









No.MOFA.1O.Edu .02 (2009-20 I 0)1719 dated 29 October 2009 along with criteria for admission and application forms regarding admission to the Government owned Medical and Dental Colleges of Bangladesh for the academic year 2009-20 I0 under Self Finance Scheme, received from our Mission in Dhaka, on the above subject for appropriate action.

Ene!. As above ,


(Mubeen Mehr) Assistant Director (NBBS) Ph: 9205623


Ministry of Education (Mr. Anwar Farooq Sadozai, Research Officer)" Islamabad. Ministry of Foreign Affairs u.o. No.B.7/5/2008 dated 16 November 2009


Copy for information to: I. 2.


Ministry of Health, Mr. Rahim Dad Shah, Section Officer, Islamabad. Economic Affairs Division (Mr. Muhammad Tahir, Section Officer), Islamabad Higher Education Commission, (Mr. Mahmood Sultan, Secretary (BB) Academics, H-9, Islamabad Pahic Dhaka with reference to its letter dated 8 November 2009. •

e& (Mubeen Mehr)



~ 'lTIifettom


[' I';O ['U;'S lifo:Pl TI3 Ll C OF BA NGLi\D ES ! ' DI Ii\ K i\


, By Fax! By Specia l Messenger

No. MOFA.IO .Edu,02 (2009-2010)

Ii t":>

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of th e Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh presents its comp liments to th e Dip lomatic Missions in Dhaka and ha s the h onour to inform that Banglades h Gove rnment ha s an no unc ed the Admi ss ion Ci r cula r in th e G ov ernment M edical and De n tal colleges fo r the A cademi c Year 2009 -20 10. The Ministry has the honour to state that, 54 (fifty four) sea ts in the MBBS Programme and 03 (three) seats in the BDS Programme are reserved for the candida tes from SA ARC cou n tries, while, 30 (thirty) seats in the MBBS Programme and 02 (two) sea ts in theBDS Programme are reserved for the candidates from Non-SAARC co untries, It may kind ly be noted tha t seats in these high ly prestigious National Institutions w ill be allocated on the basis of a combine d merit list (from amongst interested and qualified cand idates) only. Criteria and Procedure of applica tion for Foreign Students in the said courses are fa xed herewith (page 2) . A p rescribed Applica tion Form is also faxed he rew ith (p age 3-5), The Ministry has fu rther the h onour to request the es teemed Missions in Dhaka to note that: (a) Forma tsy proccss for application w ould rem ain the sam e as that of the last year (20082009). (b ) MOFA will accept applications only throu gh Banglad es h Mi ssions abroad. (c) The last da te of receiving applications a t the Ministry from Bangladesh Missions abroad is 10 D ecember 2009: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of the Peop le's Republic of Bangladesh avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Diplomatic Miss ions in Dhaka the assurances of its highest considera tion,


Tota l number of pages: 5 (Five including this)

All Diplomatic Missions in Dhaka

C r it e r ia for A d m iss io n of Foreign Students in the MBB S and BD S courses in the G overnment-owned Medical Co lle g es in Bangladesh for 2 00 9-20 I 0 a cad emic y ea r und er S e lf-Fi n a n c e Sc h e m e . A)

E q u iva le n ce o f Fo r e ign Degre e : • • • • •

Must have passed qualify ing exam inations (HSC/' A ' level o r equi val ent Exam ) SSC/ ' 0 ' level o r eq uiva lent Exam passed not befo re 2006 HSC/ •A ' level o r equivalent Exam passed not alter 2009 Minimum GPA of SSC+ HSC total: 8.00(Eight ) Min im um G PA either in SSC or in li Se: 3.50 >


For the students who passed '0' Level (SSC/ ' O ' level o r eg!!iva lent exam )Onl y top 5 subj ects are co nsidered (Score basi s)-Ca lcu lat ion o f G PA in '0' level=(Sum total of the G rade Points in top Five subjccts-S ). For the Students wh o passed' A' leve l (IISC/ .A ' level o r eq uiva lent exam)Only 3(th ree) subj ects namely Physics. Chem istry and Bi ology are Cons idered. Min imum qualificat ion Grade " I)" in Biol ogy is o bligato ry. -Calcul ation of G PA in ' A ' level- Sum tota l o f th e grad e poi nts in 3 subjccts- S)


Application form : Duly fi lled in application forms in triplicate along w ith foll owing documents and 6 pieces o f passport size photos arc to reach the Mini stry o f Forei gn Affai rs, Dhaka latest by 10 Decemher 2009. Mark-sheet/A cademi c T ranscript o fSS C/ ' 0 ' level o r eq uiva lent exam passed not before 2006. Mark-sheet/Academic Transcript o f ll SC/ ' A ' le vel o r eq uiva lent exam passed not after 2009

i) ii)

A ll the certificates mu st be attested by the co mpete nt au tho rity, that is the Foreig n Ministry of the respective country an d also authenticated by the respecti ve Bangladesh Miss ions ab road . T he s uccessful ap plica nts w ill requi re to produce a ll acade m ic cert ifi cates and mark-sheets in o rigina l du ring the ir adm issio n.

C) Fees: Students from SAARC countries w ill req uire to pay tuitio n an d othe r fees at the rate charged to a Bangladesh i student. T he students' from other countries w ill require to pay S3000(Three Thousand only/yea r) pe r academ ic yea r in ad dition to the tuition fees at the rate cha rged to Bang ladesh students .

Bank Draft: Eech app licant must have to attach with his/her application a nonD) refundable Demand Draft of US S50(fifty) payable to the Director. Medical Educat ion & II MP D, DG HS, Mohakhali, Dhaka, Ban gladesh ." E) Applicati ons transm itted th roug h Bangladesh Missions abroad would o nly be cons idered for admissio n procedure. Applicati ons (Through M iss ions) mu st reach the Min istry of Foreign Affairs no later than 10 Decem her 2009.





Farida YilSm e e n Assis tant Secretary . M in istry of Foreign AffairS

Dhaka .



G over rirne nt of t he Peo p.cs Ri::-PlJ~) !ic of Minist ry o f Educ atio n

"" .

3 .1:1~J I~:c!c sh



Passpn,. sue Ph olograph 01

\' t:"le ;"pphcant

Ap Dl ica tic n form for Forc iqn Stud ents sedd nG

Adm i ~ s i on in Ed uc atio nal In stit uti ons in 6?ng lade sh: •

To be fi!led qythe Ministry \, of Educa tion I IHe21th and Familv Welr"re } Application number:




, •


Academic Year:


2 Se~c i2!C ShecL.. tOGe ther with eporopna te i!en num ber may be

Country of Oriqm:


SUbject for proposed study:


Date of receipt of Application:

As far as pOSSIU!C inc enlnes . except !he Slgna!lHc . should be rvcec ,.

aliach"d If spa;c provided IS found :0 be InsufilclenL 3

App!Jcatlons are to be submilled in Irrp!icale to ihe Mlnis:ty of Education (those applying for medicine should do II 10 the Ministry of Health), Govt. of People's Republic of Bangladesh through • • • the Bangladesh diplomatiC reoreseruauva in the country C,( the candidate's domicile or the diplomatic represeotatve of the candidate's ccun rry in Bangladesh , !f Iha proposed adrms sion IS in pursuance of an ag,ecment between lhe Govt. of Bangladesh 2, rhe Govt. of applicant's coun try of dorr"Clle, !n e application has 10 be rOvled l h'~u gr. ihe Miil isi:y ci Foreign •

• •

• ,

.!;'ffGirs oi ih c[ I.OUr: t:y of dCinicile .


Application incompl ete for want of:



bJ c)




Not eligible because: a) b)

c) H, ,



All certifica:e s and marksheets eSst2ntia:ly be 21iesied by lhe Fcreign !V~ jn i5!ry of ine respecti'·.:e cou:ltries of the candidates withoul which no applicalion wil: be

Only for IvlBSS 2nd 80S courses the applicant m ~SI enclose a non -refundable demand draft of us S 50 or Taka 3,0001-


• •

Recommendation of the Bangladesh Ministry of Foreign Affairs (in rescecr of countries with Which Bangladesh has bilaleral cu/luraJagreements):

Educational institutions 10 which

.application may be referred: a) b) c)


3 / c:.

r uI'I !"lCIm e 0:l :.'!-I. e r

- .,-,..I ·... a:e (Ir, ·... ·c'·.'\ It...·o..' :''''· '.....c;. ' v .· '" .. ...... . l,..

Mr.JMiss/Mrs. .

. . ..



,. .....

2. Dale. Place & Cou ~i r'J 0' blflh ..

3. ~.

a) Place & Co,;nlr'! cf dom IcIle .



b) Nalioh al:;y c)


Nurr.ber & date of passport or ~ r:y C~ r. ,:: i ir ;;v Ci Document; !f any. held by the c p~!J C~ ;:: i . . . . .. ..

2) Name Gf iegal gu ardl.~r.




Nat io02li:y of legel guardIan '

c) Accres s of legal guardian Name & accress of person 10 be nolli'cd 1,1 u se of ~mr" G C' f' ;.'1


a) In Bangladesh

. . . . .. .

• • • •••••• • • •• • ••• •• •••••• • • • • • ••••••••• • • • •• •• • •

· b)



In the country of dom icile :

· .... . . .. ..... .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. •...• . • .




. ..


tn s lli:;1I0 r: l ~l 3 i3 n9 1 ~ C t sh


(0) If yes, give year end decision, ii e~y. COIT'm;:nl.:alcc iO YOl;

....... ....... .... ...... .. ........... .... .......


Nama of the course :0 which aorms sion ISSC(;g(i

....... .... ... ... ... . .... .. ... . . . . . . . .. . . .. ...

. .. .

(Note: A candidate who desres :0 be ::O:1S;dC f(; d fc; separate application for each course)

r7' O,~ 2 :" ;; ,"1 O:'"IC C Oi: ~ $ ~ s~:::;;:jd

1) .... .... .. ......... ........ .... .... .... . . .... . . . . . . .



3) •




. • ........ .. .....•.... .... ......... . ... . .... .


subrn .t

Nai':-: e cf institulions (in order of orelcrcn cc ) iO \·l~ jr.h ~drr:ls~)~on I~ ccsrco.




• .. . ..... .•.. . ........ . . . . •..

(a) Have you applied for acrnis If, any CCUC;:; :iC:l;:! . .. .....•................. , .... . . . .



- • . .-




.. .

. - ..










-'h Matriculation/Second

. c~-.;rI ' cere .... r Il s, eQuivale!"\ t

~ .

~cnOO I


l . v

10• Education: Beginning W I. d Markshee's to be enclosed) : • examination (Copy of Certificates an Examination

SI. No.

Name of Degreef Certificate Obtained

Subj ects Taken

Year of Passing

, ,












• •


11 .

SI. No.



Approximate date of result


Date on which examina lion vjill take place



I •




., • • 12. Proficiency Of Language: •


. Readinq Excellent Good • •


I Fair





I i I


i2 1r





I •

Soeakino Excellent Good


13. Proposed mode of financing study: (Please put !l mark, as applicable) • alOwn funds b) Scholarship awarded by candidate's own 'Government c) Scholarship 10 be awarded by Bangladesh Government : 0) Any other (Please specify) •




. . ...

I, hereby, declare that particulars given above are true-.JO the best of my knowledge and beiief, that I have made salisfactory arrangeme!'!ts for regular supply of funds for my expenditure in Bangladesh and that I shail return to my country of domicile afler compleUon or discontinua tion of stVdies in Bangladesh. ·1 further declare that I shall ab ide fully by the rules and regUlations of the decision of the Authority of th~ insllluiron to which I may be acrrutted. 'institution and any . ,

............ ..... .... . S igna t~ ,e of P2ren: I Legal Guardia!'!

. -,

- '~


.. . - .....






. ....." 0...., ' ,',tile:-,t.: ,...Ht..: -'

R' -r'


' I ,.- () 'l ;-:. ~ •. 1 ~(·i-(I-·S 1 .,, : . t . . ·1 .

' ~('l' '''

' :" , .



Pa SSpJi:

Mi nistrv of Ed uc ;:!1 0n ••

P:-,otogr2 ~r, oi



\ the ':"pphcant




To be fi!led by the Ministry \ - ml'I v of Educatior., / tH eell h 2nd r2


, ', 0 I'""


,, n ~.-'\ r Irc. :• 1ori\. s: •• .

c .\







B, ?


Country of

2;J p rop! I ~ : e

Orig l ~ :


Subj ect (or propos ed study:


Date of receipt of A~p l lc a iJon : Ii :0


, ,



S t::~G "'r..!C Sh::::C;';' !;)Si: lher with


,!c:: ourno er m3j be spa :..:.: provided IS round

be IflS:J ii tC ic n! . Ap ;Ji l~a ; , o n s

arc 10 be submitted in lnp!lcale to the Mlnis:;y cf Education (l hos e d ~ pl yj o1 g (or med icine should do It 10 the Mini stry of Hearth), GovL of People's Repuonc of Sa ngladesh through ,he Bacg1adesh ciptornatic represenialive in Ine cou ntry of ,Co2 candid ate's 'dom icile or the ciolomat «; repres eotative of the canc ica te's country in Bangladesh, If the proposec adrmss ion IS In purs uance of an ag,ecment be!\Neen the Gov; of 8ang!acesh 6 lhe Govt. d appucent's countrv 0; don" cil e. tne app lic aticn has ro 0': ro ureo lr... ~ug r. the Ministry cf Fore ;grl .!,ilcirs or :!"2 11,ou::!:-y of dc.mcue .

Applica tion incornptete for wanI of:


4 , All ceniucete s 3f~ G mar~shCt:ls csse nuafv,

be anes.eo b'l l:;e Fcrelgn !v~ in!5 Iry of tne resoecnve cou-i of the cancicates Vli:hout vt!1 ich no 2;Jplica!ion will be en: erl alneo

a) b) c)



b) c)

H. ,



applica o! must enclose a non -refundable d em a ~d drafl of US S SOor Taka 3.000/-

Not eligible because: a)

. ,

Recommendation of the Banglcdesh Ministry oi Foreign Affairs (in respect

O~l y for Iv18 SS aM BDS courses the



of countries wj ~h wh ich Bangladesh

has bilateral cullural agreements): I.


Educational institution s to which application may be re ferred:

a) b) c)

" I'I ('\2 1me 0 :I r-u

'"' e ·-..... 2 •- • ....v ." · ,...l .... ;:.- i c. ~ : ..

Mr .IMiss/Mr$ . ..... _.....-

( lr,

.... .... e' "... It


. . _.


:J 10


'· . ' _.:


2, Dale. Place" COU OI0/ 0' bir th ' ,


, . , •



Number & date c: passport o r ~r:Y C!h.::i Document; !f any. held by the (;P? !l G~P.;

;: , '; \1\-::

2) Na me cf iegal guarc Jzn b)

Na:lonzll:y of legel guard1z n

c) Address of legal gua;dl an Name & adcress 01 person tc be nOlli'cd



c;,se oi ~01 C""(,r'c,'1

a) In 8an g l ad~ sh ..... ......... .. .... ... ........ .. ... ... ....... ... . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . b)

In '" e country ot dcrnicit e

. .... . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. • .. . .. .. •. . ..

. . . ....


_ • . .•.. • . . . .. . • ..•• ..



.. . ..... . . ... .. . . ... . . . . . -. . .. . .. ...

. .. .. .. . ..

(b ) If yes , give year and decis ion, Ii 2:lY. co!rTd;nl':~ 1 2C iO VOL; .. .. . .... . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . '


Name of the course


. . . . ... ... . . •. . :



SCt:g "',



(Note: A candica:e who des .res to be : o:1 s ;d c: ~ ~: d ;c: ~O:L :~ t: ;: a.-Ie i:Oi.;~:;~ s:--<;;!id SLibir.:1 separa te 2;Jplica l:an far each course)

1) ....... ........... ...... ....... .. .... .. .... .. ........ 2)




3) .. ......... .. .... .. .. .. .. ...... .... ... -.

.. . . ...

•. . . .. . ..• . •... ~

• •

. ... . . . - .


. ....

.. ... .. .


. . .. . , •

. . . . . ..


. - , O O ,I C'or IIiicate or us ' equivalent " ilh Matriculation/Second ~cn I , . v 10. Education : Beginn in g WI, T I and Ma rks hee's 10 be enclosed ) , , exam inalion (Copy of C erti rca es


Year 01 Pas Sing


SI. No,




, ,


Exa~ina tion,








• •


, •

d id te

a n~. ~~IC: ~~Ie ~~~f; t~~






be r.veeo

now and Seplembe r

candidate for adm iss ion to the

(Ce:~d~~:t~:sss~~~i~g :d'~issionq in me dicine and







Name of Degree! Certificate Oblained •

Subjects Tak en


aoplied for

engineering snoutc have pass ed TOEF L

with minimum score of 450 ). ,

SI. No. ,

Approximate dale of resull


Date on wh ich examina lion viill take place

Exam ination



, •

• ,





12. Proficiency of Language: •


'. . Reading Excellent Good

Wri tinq Excellent Good


Spea king Excellenl Good








• •

'13. Proposed mode of financing study: (Please put nl mark. as applicable ) ., ' a) Own funds . b) Scholarship awarded by cand ida te's own 'Governmen t c) Scholarship to be awarded by Bangladesh Government : d) Any other (Please specify)



. . ..

. I, hereby, declare tha t particulars given above are true-Jo the best of my knowledge and belief. that I have made satisfactory arrangements for regular supply of runos for my expenditure in Bangladesh and that 1shail return to my country of domicile ailer comple tion or discontinuation of stvdies in Bangladesh. -/ further declare that I shall abide fUlly by the rules and regulations of the 'institution and. any, decision of the AU lhority of Ihe. institulion {O wh ich I rnav,. be acrn ined. ,


, ,


. ..... ... ... ......... .... .... ..... .., .. ...... ... Signal~re of P2ren: I Legal Cuaroian ,

• -

'- '-~

.. . .. ... .

' "





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