Ac#vi#es of Daily Living (ADLs)
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ADLs refer to the general self-‐care tasks that an individual performs each day, such as toile#ng and dressing. ADLs are essen#al for independent living and are o@en used as a tool by health professionals to assess the current and future abili#es of a pa#ent. ADLs become more difficult with age, and while they may be impaired at other points of the lifespan by an injury, they are most frequently studied among older adults.
In a tradi#onal assessment of ADLs, the pa#ents level of self-‐independence is evaluated by observing them in a clinical seGng. Another common method is the magnitude es#ma#on technique, which creates a measure that is comparable to the means for func#onal dependencies to help determine where the pa#ent falls in regards to others their age. Social rhythm metric, robo#c gloves, and other complex instruments have also been used to examine ADLs.
The figure above visually shows the most common types of ADLs that individuals in assisted living communi#es required help with.
1. Caffrey, C. (2012). Residents living in residen-al care facili-es: United States, 2010. U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Preven#on, Na#onal Center for Health Sta#s#cs. 2. Dogan, M., Kocak, M., Kilinc, O., & Ayvat, F. (2019). Func#onal range of mo#on in the upper extremity and trunk joints: Nine func#onal everyday tasks with iner#al sensors. Gait & Posture,70, 141-‐147. 3. Finch, M., Kane, R., & Phillip, I. (1995). Developing a New Metric for ADLs. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 43(8), 877-‐884. 4. Kim, H., Yoo, E., Jung, M., Kim, J., Park, J., & Kang, D. (2018). The effects of mental prac#ce combined with modified constraint-‐induced therapy on cor#cospinal excitability, movement quality, func#on, and ac#vi#es of daily living in persons with stroke. Disability & Rehabilita-on,40(20), 2449-‐2457. 5. Poncet, F., Swaine, B., Du#l, E., Chevignard, M., & Pradat-‐Diehl, P. (2017). How do assessments of ac#vi#es of daily living address execu#ve func#ons: A scoping review. Neuropsychological Rehabilita-on, 27(5), 618-‐666.
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Current Research
For adults in the U.S, the most common tasks that pa#ents require help with are bathing, dressing, toile#ng, transferring, and ea#ng. Nearly 4 in 10 adults living in a residen#al care community in the U.S require help with at least 3 or more ADLs each day. The most common condi#ons in the U.S that require assistance with ADLs are hypertension, demen#as, heart disease, depression, arthri#s, and osteoporosis, respec#vely.
Relevance to the Field
ADLs are one of the most important tools u#lized in health care because they help determine a pa#ents living status and whether or not they are suited to be living independently. Exercises related to ADLs can greatly improve a pa#ents mobility and range of mo#on. Older adults who par#cipate in ADLs exercises of sufficient intensity and repe##on have shown to have a reduc#on in the risk of func#onal limita#ons by almost 50%, which helps promote independency and overall quality of life.