Adls Final Research Poster

  • August 2019
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Ac#vi#es  of  Daily     Living  (ADLs)      

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ADLs  refer  to  the  general  self-­‐care  tasks   that  an  individual  performs  each  day,   such  as  toile#ng  and  dressing.   ADLs  are  essen#al  for  independent   living  and  are  o@en  used  as  a  tool  by   health  professionals  to  assess  the   current  and  future  abili#es  of  a  pa#ent.     ADLs  become  more  difficult  with  age,   and  while  they  may  be  impaired  at   other  points  of  the  lifespan  by  an  injury,   they  are  most  frequently  studied   among  older  adults.      


In  a  tradi#onal  assessment  of  ADLs,  the   pa#ents  level  of  self-­‐independence  is   evaluated  by  observing  them  in  a   clinical  seGng.     Another  common  method  is  the   magnitude  es#ma#on  technique,  which   creates  a  measure  that  is  comparable   to  the  means  for  func#onal   dependencies  to  help  determine  where   the  pa#ent  falls  in  regards  to  others   their  age.     Social  rhythm  metric,  robo#c  gloves,   and  other  complex  instruments  have   also  been  used  to  examine  ADLs.  




The  figure  above  visually  shows  the  most  common  types  of   ADLs  that  individuals  in  assisted  living  communi#es  required   help  with.    


1.  Caffrey,  C.  (2012).  Residents  living  in  residen-al  care  facili-es:  United   States,  2010.  U.S.  Dept.  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  Centers  for  Disease   Control  and  Preven#on,  Na#onal  Center  for  Health  Sta#s#cs.   2.  Dogan,  M.,  Kocak,  M.,  Kilinc,  O.,  &  Ayvat,  F.  (2019).  Func#onal  range  of   mo#on  in  the  upper  extremity  and  trunk  joints:  Nine  func#onal  everyday   tasks  with  iner#al  sensors.  Gait  &  Posture,70,  141-­‐147.   3.  Finch,  M.,  Kane,  R.,  &  Phillip,  I.  (1995).  Developing  a  New  Metric  for   ADLs.  Journal  of  the  American  Geriatrics  Society,  43(8),  877-­‐884.   4.  Kim,  H.,  Yoo,  E.,  Jung,  M.,  Kim,  J.,  Park,  J.,  &  Kang,  D.  (2018).  The  effects  of   mental  prac#ce  combined  with  modified  constraint-­‐induced  therapy  on   cor#cospinal  excitability,  movement  quality,  func#on,  and  ac#vi#es  of  daily   living  in  persons    with  stroke.  Disability  &  Rehabilita-on,40(20),   2449-­‐2457.   5.  Poncet,  F.,  Swaine,  B.,  Du#l,  E.,  Chevignard,  M.,  &  Pradat-­‐Diehl,  P.  (2017).   How  do  assessments  of  ac#vi#es  of  daily  living  address  execu#ve  func#ons:   A  scoping  review.  Neuropsychological  Rehabilita-on,  27(5),  618-­‐666.  


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Current  Research  

For  adults  in  the  U.S,  the  most  common   tasks  that  pa#ents  require  help  with   are  bathing,  dressing,  toile#ng,   transferring,  and  ea#ng.     Nearly  4  in  10  adults  living  in  a   residen#al  care  community  in  the  U.S   require  help  with  at  least  3  or  more   ADLs  each  day.     The  most  common  condi#ons    in  the   U.S  that  require  assistance  with  ADLs   are  hypertension,  demen#as,  heart   disease,  depression,  arthri#s,  and   osteoporosis,  respec#vely.    

Relevance  to  the  Field  

ADLs  are  one  of  the  most  important   tools  u#lized  in  health  care  because   they  help  determine  a  pa#ents  living   status  and  whether  or  not  they  are   suited  to  be  living  independently.     Exercises  related  to  ADLs  can  greatly   improve  a  pa#ents  mobility  and  range   of  mo#on.   Older  adults  who  par#cipate  in  ADLs   exercises  of  sufficient  intensity  and   repe##on  have  shown  to  have  a   reduc#on  in  the  risk  of  func#onal   limita#ons  by  almost  50%,  which  helps   promote  independency  and  overall   quality  of  life.    

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