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PREFACE First at all, give thanks for God’s love and grace for us. Thanks to God for helping us and helping us chance to finish this assighment timely. And I would like to say thank you to Ir. Nurhayati Aritonang, S.T., M.T.aslecturer that always teaches us and give much knowledge about how to practice English well. This assighment is the one of English task that composed of Adjective Clause and Adjective Phrase, I realized this assighment is not perfect. But I hope it can be useful for us. Critics and suggestion is needed here to make this assighment be better. Last but not least, we hope that the assighment about Adjective Clause and Adjective Phrase can increase all reader’s knowledge.

Surabaya, October 29th, 2017 Best Regrads


Adjective Clauses And Adjective Phrases (Group 10) |2

TABLE OF CONTENS PREFACE .....................................................................................................


TABLE OF CONTENS ...............................................................................


TABLE OF ATTACHMENTS ...................................................................


CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................


1.1. Problem Background ..............................................................................


1.2. Problem Solutions ...................................................................................


1.3. Writing Purposes .....................................................................................


CHAPTER 2 DISCUSSION ........................................................................


2.1. Adjective Clause .....................................................................................


A. Definition of Adjective Clause ........................................................


B. Grammar Structure of Adjective Clause ..........................................


2.2. Adjective Phrase .....................................................................................


A. Definition of Adjective Phrase ........................................................


B. Reducing Adjective Clause to Adjective Phrases ............................


2.3. Exercises .................................................................................................


2.4. Answers ..................................................................................................


CHAPTER 3 CLOSING ..............................................................................


3.1. Conclusion ..............................................................................................


3.2. Suggestion ...............................................................................................


BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................


POWER POINT ...........................................................................................


ATTACHMENTS ........................................................................................


Adjective Clauses And Adjective Phrases (Group 10) |3

TABLE OF ATTACHMENTS Essentials of English Grammar: a practical guide .......................................


Interactions 2 Grammar ...............................................................................


Fundamentals of Enlish Grammar ...............................................................


English Grammar in Use: A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate learners of English ..................................................................


Analyzing The Grammar of English ...........................................................

86 ...................

99 ................................................

108 ................................................................................................................


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CHAPTER 1 PRELIMINARY 1.1. Problem Background English is the language used by almost every person in the world. At the present time, learning English is very important. English language is not only used to talk to the west, but has become a requirement to enter the world of work. All of peoples, must learn English. There is so much discussion in English. But that will be discussed in this paper is about the adjective clause and adjective phrase. Adjective clause and adjective phrase are very important discussion because there is very often used both in conversation especially in the writing of English. In this paper, We will attempt to explain a little about the adjective clause and adjective phrase. 1.2. Problem Solutions 1. What is the definition of adjective clause and adjective phrase? 2. What is the structures of adjective clause and adjective phrase? 1.3. Writing Purposes 1. To fullfill grammar task. 2. To increase the basic knowledge about adjective clause and adjective pharse.

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CHAPTER 2 DISCUSSION 2.1. Adjective Clause A. Definition of Adjective Clause An adjective clause is a dependent clause (dependent word + subject and verb) that describes a noun. You can imagine that an adjective clause is taking two sentences about the same noun and making them into one sentence. Adjective clause is a group of words which contains a Subject and Predicate of its owm, and does the work of an adjective. Adjective clause can be reduced to adjective phrases under certain grammatical conditions. In the examples below, you will see a noun modified by an adjective clause and then an example of the same noun modified by the shorter adjective phrase. The red dots indicate that the main clause is incomplete as you are focusing only on clause-to-phrase reductin in these examples. For such reductions to occur, the relative pronoun must be a Subject pronoun in all cases. B. Grammar Structure of Adjective Clause 1. Clauses with That, Which, or Who: Replacement of Subject That, which and who are used in adjective clauses to replace subjects. In many cases, that may be used of which or who. Structures


Complex Sentences with Who or That

To form adjective clauses from simple sentences, who may replace subjects and that refers to people.

Complex Sentences with Which or That


Rizal is architect. He taught me how to draw. Rizal is architect who (that) taught me how to draw. There was a building project. It To form adjective clauses form took about three monts. simple sentences, which may There was a building project replace subjects, that refer to which (that) took about three things or ideas. monts.

2. Adjective Clause Pronouns Used as The Object of a Verb Explanations


The adjective clause pronouns are placed at the beginning of the clause. Who is usually used instead of whom, especially in speaking. Whom is generally used only in very formal English. An object pronoun is often omitted

The architect was Mr.Jones I saw him The architectwho(m) I saw was Mr. Jones The architectthat I saw was Mr. Jones The architect I saw was Mr. Jones The building was very luxury.

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from an adjective clause. (A We built it last month. sunject pronoun, however, may not Thebuildingwhich we built last month was very luxury. be omitted) The buildingthatwe built last monthwas veryluxury. The buildingwe built last monthwas very luxury.

3. Adjective Clause pronouns Used as the Object of a Preposition Explanations


In very formal English, the preposition comes at the beginning of the adjective clause. Usually, however, in everyday usage, the Preposition comes after the subject and verb of the adjective clause, as in the other examples.

She is the consultant. I told you about her.

She is the consultantthat I told you about her. She is the consultantwhich I told you about her.

4. Clauses with Whose: Replacement of Possesive Whose may also be used to form adjective clauses. Explanations


Whose does not act as the subject of a clause. Instead, whose replaces a possessive noun or adjective that modifies the subjects of the subject of theclause.

The architect draws well. I read his structure. The architect whose structure I read draws well.

5. Clauses with That and Which: Replacement of Objects That and which may rplace objects of verbs to form adjective clauses. Structures Two Simple Sentences Complex Sentences with That or Which Complex Sentences With No Relative Pronoun


Examples This is a great project. Done by contractors

Which refers to things or ideas. That may refer to things, ideas, This is a great project that or people, although who(m) is (which) done by contractors. generally preferred for people. Both which and that can also This is a great project done by be omitted in restrictive contractors. clauses.

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6. Clauses with Who(m): Replacement of Objects Who(m) may replace objects of verbs to form adjective clauses. Who(m) refers to people. Structures


Examples The are several consultans. You can choose them.

Two Simple Sentences

Complex Sentences with Who(m)

Who(m) is correct and preferred in formal English. However, who is very frequently used, especially in There are several consultans coversation. whom (that) you can choose. That is also used in conversational English, though it is not the preferred form.

Complex Sentences With No Relative Pronoun

Who, whom, and that can also There are several consultans you be ommited from restictive can choose. clauses.

7. Adjective Clauses with When and Where When and where can introduce adjective clauses if they come after nouns. Structures Complex Sentences with When Complex Sentences with Where



I’ll never forget the day. I built When, usually modifies a noun the bridge that has the meaning of time or I’ll never forget the day when I a time periode. built the bridge. Where, usually modifies a The project we had built. It was noun that meaning of a near the airport. physical place or an abstrack The project where we had built idea or field. was near the airport

8. Restrictive Versus Nonrestrictive Clauses Restrictive Adjective Clauses:  Restrictive clauses identify the nouns that they follow. They answer the question which one? About these nouns.  Restrictive clauses do not have commas.  The relative pronouns thatcan be used in place ofwho, whom, or which.

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Nonrestrictive Adjective Clauses: nonrestrictive adjective clauses do not identify a noun. Instead, they give interesting extra information about noun.  These clauses often follow proper nouns (Colonel Brostrom, Monterey, the Lourve Museum) or names of unique place or things (cement, concrete, gravel).  Nonrestrictive clauses have commas.  The relative pronouns that cannot be used in nonrestrictive clauses. Restrictive Clauses

Nonrestricive Clauses

The man who has an office next the Mr. Firman, who has an office next door is an architect. the door, is an architect. He is at the Stamford Bridge, where he He is at the bridge where he works. works. 9. Using Expressions of Quantity in Adjective Clauses Explanations


In my project there are 20 builders, most of An adjetive clause may contain whom are from Borneo. an expression of quantity with of: The consultans gave several problem some of, many of, most of, none solved, only a few of which were valid. of, two of, half of, both of, etc. Mr. Firman as the contractor discusssed Jim, one of whose problems was bad habits. 2.2. Adjective Phrase A. Definition of Adjective Phrase Adjective phrase is a group of words consisting of adjectives (as head) and modifier, determiner, and / or qualifier / intensifier. Just like simple adjective, adjective phrase functions to explain noun. Position may be before / after noun (as attributive to form noun phrase) or after linking verb (as predicative). B. Reducing Adjective Clause to Adjective Phrases Explanations


Adj Clause: A clause is a group of related An adjective phrase is a reduction words that contains a subject and a verb. of an adjective clause. It modifies a noun. It does not contain a subject Adj Phrase: A phrase is a group of related and verb. words that does not contain a subject and a verb. Only adjective clauses that have a Adj Clause : The builder whom is sitting subject pronoun who, which, or next to me is John. Adjective Clauses And Adjective Phrases (Group 10) |9

that are reduced to modifying adjective phrases. There are two ways in which an adjective clause is changed to an adjective phrase. 1. If the adjective clause contains the be form of a verb, omit the subject pronoun and the be form 2. If there is no be form of a verb in the adjective clause, it is sometimes possible to omit the subject pronoun and change the verb to it’s-ing form If the adjective clause requires commas, the adjective phrase also requires commas. An adjective phrase in which a noun follows another noun, is called an appositive.

Adj Phrase : The builder sitting next to me is John. Adj Clause : The architect who is talking to James is from Germany. Adj Phrase : the architect talking to James is from Germany Adj Clause : Ann is the consultant that is responsible for the error project. Adj Phrase : Ann is the consultant responsible for the error project. Adj Clause : Anyone who wants to come with our project is welcome. Adj Phrase : Anyone wanting to come with our project is welcome. Adj Clause : Paris, which is the capital of France, is a city of many modern buildings. Adj Phrase : Paris, the capital of France, is a city of many modern buildings.

2.3. Exercises 1. Mandy is the builder _____ I met on Friday a. Whom b. Which c. Who d. Whose 2. I have the cousin _____ works as a drafter a. Which b. Who c. Whose d. Whom 3. This is the building _____ had an accident a. Whom b. Which c. Where d. When 4. The architect _____ structure I read draws well. a. Whose b. Which

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c. When d. Who 5. This is a great project. Done by contractors This is a great project _____ done by contractors. a. When b. Who c. Which d. Whom 6. The project we had built. It was near the airport. The project _____ we had built was near the airport a. Whom b. Where c. Who d. Whose 7. The gravels were expensive I bought The gravels _____ I bought were expensive a. Who b. Whom c. Which d. Whose 8. The woman (who/whom) I was talking about suddenly walked into the room. I hope she didn’t hear me 9. Rizal is architect (who/that) taught me how to draw. 10. The building (where/when) I studies was luxury 11. I know the man (whose/whom) wallet was stolen called the office. 12. The architect (who/which) draws building structures is very handsome 13. I know a girl (whose/which) brother is an architect 14. ADJ CLAUSE: English has an alphabet that consists of 26 letters. ADJ PHRASE: English has an alphabet _____ of 26 letters. Adjective Clauses And Adjective Phrases (Group 10) |11

a. b. c. d.

Consists Consisting Consisted Consist

15. ADJ CLAUSE: The ideas which are presented in that book are good. ADJ PHRASE: The ideas _____ in that book are good. a. Preseting b. Present c. Presented d. Presents 2.4. Answers 1. A. Whom Whom replace objects of verbs to form adjective clause Tenses : simple past 2. C. Whose Whose to modifies people Tenses : simple present 3. B. Whose Whose to modifies people Tenses : simple present 4. A. Whose Whose to midifies people Tenses : simple present 5. C. Which Pronouns used as the subject Tenses : passive simple present 6. B. Where Where use to modifies place Tenses : Past perfect 7. C. Which Pronouns used as the subject Tenses : simple past 8. Who Adjective Clauses And Adjective Phrases (Group 10) |12

Pronouns used as the subject Tenses : past continuous 9. Who Pronouns used as the subject Tenses : simple past 10. Where Where used to modifies place Tenses : simple past 11. Whose Whose used to modifies people Tenses : simple past 12. Who Pronouns used as the subject Tenses : simple present 13. Whose Whose used to modify people Tenses : simple present 14. B. Consisting Change the subject pronoun and the verb to –ing form Tenses : simple present 15. C. Presented adjective clause contains the be form of a verb, omit the subject pronoun and the be form tenses : passive simple present

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CHAPTER 3 CLOSING 3.1. Conclusion Based on our explanation above, author can take a conclusion for this paper about Adjective Clause and Adjective Phrase. Conclusion, are: FUNCTION










MEANING Yang.... Yang ... Nya

3.2. Suggestion To understand adjective clause and adjective phrase well, we need a little more exercise. To memorize all of adjective clause and pharse is not so hard, as long as we know the time signal we can use it. Of course, for us adjective clause and phrase are important to take a test. But, don’t get obsessed to them. If you want to speak English better, be like those native speaker, speak naturally.

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BIBLIOGRAPHY Mas’ud, Fuad. 1996. Essentials of English Grammar: a partical guide. Yogyakarta: BPFE. Werner, Patricia K. dkk. 2007. Interactions 2 Grammar. London: Mcgraw-Hill Education. Azar, betty Schrampfer. 2003. Fundamental of English Grammar. New Jersey: Longman Pearson Education. Murphy, Raymond. 2012. English Grammar in Use: A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate learners of English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Teschner, Richard V. dkk. 2000. Analyzing The Grammar of English. Washington: Georgetown University.

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BOOK I (Essentials of English Grammar: a practical guide)

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BOOK II (Interactions 2 Grammar)

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BOOK III (Fundamentals of Enlish Grammar)

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BOOK IV (English Grammar in Use: A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate learners of English)

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BOOK V (Analyzing The Grammar of English)

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