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  • Pages: 17


Objectives A. Content Standards 

The learners should demonstrate an understanding on different techniques to separate mixtures. B. Performance Standards 

The learners should be able to appreciate and differentiate the ways in separating mixtures.

C. Learning Competency  II.

Content 


The learners should be able to identify ways/methods in separating mixtures.

Ways / Methods in Separating Mixtures.

Learning Resources Topic: Ways. / Methods in Separating Mixtures (Filtration, Magnetism, Sieving, Hand Picking and Decantation) Skills: Identifying, Describing, Observing, and Enumerating Reference: 

K to 12 Curriculum Guide in Science VI

Code – S6MT-Id-f-2

NFE, Preparation and Separation of Mixtures 2001. pp.25-35 l

Additional Materials from Learning Resources (LR) Portal

Materials: laptop and projector, activity card, real object, puzzle, Flag pole, filter paper, funnel, beaker, Erlyn Meyer Flask, stirring rod, sieve, and magnet. Values Integration: Cooperation, Keen Observation and Appreciation



Teacher’s Activity

Pupil’s Activity

Preliminary Activities 


Before we start with our discussion for today, will you please rise and start the day with a prayer. ________, lead the prayer.

 (_______ will lead the prayer)  (the pupils will rise and pray) Thank you, God, for all the things you’ve made our world to be, for every single living plant, insect, birds and tree. Thank you, God, for all the people you have placed around us, for every single parent, friend and teacher that we trust. Thank you, Lord, for all the gifts you send to us each day, for every single meal, snack, for cuddles toys and play. Thank you, Lord, for caring us, we know you always see, especially when you hear our prayers, and we give thanks to you. Amen.


Good Morning Class! Good Morning Sir!

Checking of Attendance

Class, let’s check the attendance. Leader of each group, will you please report the attendance of your group. Who’s absent in table 1? Sir, nobody is absent in table 1.

How about in table 2? I’m glad to say that nobody is absent in table 2 Sir!

And the last group? Sir, I’m also happy to report that we are all present in our group.

That’s Good! I’m glad that everybody is eager to learn in our today’s lesson.

Checking of Assignment

Last meeting, I gave you an assignment. Right? Yes, Sir!

Everybody please pass your assignment quietly and I’ll be the one to check them later.

 (The pupil will quickly past their assignment)

A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson Class before we proceed with our lesson, let’s first have our review. Now, what was our lesson yesterday? Yes________.

Very Good! ________. Who can give me the meaning of Mixture? Yes, ________.

Sir, our lesson yesterday is about, Mixture and It’s two types, the Homogeneous and Heterogeneous.

Sir, Mixture is a type of matter that mock-up of two or more substances that can be separated by Physical means. Very Well Said! _______ How about the two types of mixtures? What are the two types of mixtures? Yes, ______. Sir, the two types of mixtures are the Homogeneous and Heterogeneous. Good! _______ Now, who can give the Greek Term of Heterogeneous?

That’s right!

It comes from the Greek term Heteros means. others and Heros means kind.

How about the Greek Term of Homogeneous? ________.

Very Good! _________. It’s wonderful that you fully understood our topic yesterday.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson (ENGAGE)  Motivation Okay class, I have here three (3) envelopes which contain a broken puzzle. I will distribute these three (3) envelopes by table. What you are going to do is to arrange the puzzle as fast as you can, once you already done raise your puzzle quickly and state what is it all about.

Sir, it comes from the Greek and Latin Term Homo means same Gene means kind.

Do you understand class?

Is the direction clear? Yes, Sir!

Are you ready class? Yes, Sir!

Yes, Sir!

Class, the following puzzle that you have successfully arranged earlier has something to do with our discussion for today, that is The Different Ways or Method in Separating Mixture.

 (the pupils will do the activity.)

C. Presenting examples/Instances of the new lesson Class, I have here different kinds of mixture. What you are going to do is to identify each substance that makes up the mixture? Is that clear class?

Now, who can identify the first one? What are the substances that are present in this mixture? Yes, _______.

Yes, Sir!

(The teacher will ask the pupil to come in front, to identify the substances that are present in the mixture) Sir, the first substances being mixed are salt and sand. Good! How about the second one? Yes, _______. (the pupil will come in front, to identify the substances that

are present in the mixture)

(The teacher will ask the pupil to come in front, to identify the substances that are present in the mixture)

The second substance being mixed Sir, are nail and wood.

That’s Right! And the third one? Yes, _______.

(the pupil will come in front, to identify the substances that are present in the mixture)

(The teacher will ask the pupil to come in front, to identify the substances that are present in the mixture) Sir, the third substance that being mixed are gravel and sand. Correct! The fourth one? ________.

(the pupil will come in front, to identify the substances that are present in the mixture) (The teacher will ask the pupil to come in front, to identify the substances that are present in the mixture) The fourth substance that being mixed Sir, are oil and water and stone. That’s Good! How about the last one? Yes, _______.

(the pupil will come in front, to identify the substances that are present in the mixture) (The teacher will ask the pupil to come in front, to identify the substances that are present in the mixture)

Sir, the last substance that are being mixed are marbles,

That’s Right! Do you think class that it is possible for us to separate these mixtures?

stone, and rice grain.

That’s Correct! We can separate these mixtures by using (the pupil will come in front, to identify the substances that different techniques and that is what we are going to perform are present in the mixture) today.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skill #1 (Collaborative Approach)

Yes, Sir!

I will group you into three and you are going to do an activity with your group. What you are going to do is to identify each substance that are being mixed and you’re going to identify the different ways or method you used in separating those mixtures. Is it clear class?

Is the direction clear?

Class, before we proceed, what are the standards to be observed during group activity? Yes? ____

Yes, Sir!

Good! What else? Yes, Sir!

That’s Right! Another one,

Sir, share your ideas and follow the steps in performing activities.


 (The teacher will add some Safety Tips for the Group

Cooperate with the group Sir!


 (Each Group will be given a task card then you’re going to identify the component of mixture and write the techniques / ways in separating mixture. Each group will be given 10 minutes to finish their task and they will present their output in front.)

Sir, work quietly and perform the activity with caution!

Group 1. Separating component of mixtures using Decantation Method Group 2. Separating component of mixtures using Filtration Method Group 3. Separating component of mixtures using Magnetism Method

 Concept Formation  Each group will present their output in front.  The teacher explains or further elaborate the different ways or method in separating mixtures.

 The things you’ve been performed earlier in our group activity are the Different Ways or Method in Separating Mixture. Filtration, Decantation and Magnetism Method, in addition to that, we also have Sieving and Hand Picking Method. E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2 (ELABORATE)  Discussion The individual substances in a mixture can be separated using. different methods depending on the type of mixture. There are different ways or method in separating mixtures. Do you

 (Each Group will perform the activity given by their teacher and after 10 minutes they will present their output in front.)

know how can you separate these kinds of mixtures?

Now, what are the different ways or method in separating mixtures. Yes, _________,

Correct! another one? ______.

That’s Good! What else, Yes, _________

That’s Right! another one? ______.

Yes, Sir!

Sir, one of the different ways in separating mixtures is Filtration.

Good! What else, Yes, _________ Sir, Magnetism

That’s Correct! What is the meaning of Filtration Method?

Sieving, Sir!

Sir, Decantation Well Done! Will you give an example of separating mixtures using Filtration method? Yes, ________

Sir, Hand Picking

 (asking the pupils to perform the techniques using Filtration Method)

That’s right! Now What is Magnetism Method?

Filtration is a common mechanical or physical operation which is used for the separation of solid from liquid by interposing a medium through which only the fluid can pass.

sand and salt Sir!

Very Good! Will you give an example of separating mixtures using Magnetism method?

 (the pupils will go in front to perform the techniques using Filtration Method)

 (asking the pupils to perform the techniques using Magnetism Method) Sir, Magnetism Method is a process in which magnetically susceptible material is extracted from a mixture using magnet force. Correct! How about the meaning of Sieving method?

Sir, nail and wood. Good! Will you give an example of separating mixtures using Sieving method?

 (asking the pupils to perform the techniques using Sieving Method)

 (the pupils will go in front to perform the techniques using Magnetism Method)

Sir, Sieving Method is used to separate a dry mixture which contains substances with different sizes by passing it through a sieve

Right! Now class, what is the Decantation Gravel and sand Sir!

Very Good!

Will you give an example of separating mixtures using Decantation method?

 (the pupils will go in front to perform the techniques using Sieving Method)

 (asking the pupils to perform the techniques using Decantation Method) Decantation is a technique used in separating a less-dense substance from denser one.

How about the meaning of Hand Picking Methods?

Sir, example is oil water and stone

That’s Correct! How about an example of using Hand Picking method?

 (asking the pupils to perform the

 (the pupils will go in front to perform the techniques using Decantation Method)

techniques using Hand Picking Method)

Hand Picking Method is a technique used in separating the solid component of mixture should be big enough to be seen and picked up by hand.

Is there any question regarding our topic for today? Sir, separating marbles, stone, and rice grain. Is that clear Class?

 (the pupils will go in front to perform the techniques using Hand Picking Method)

F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment) Identify and write the methods used in separating the following mixture.

None, Sir!

_________1. palay and mongo seeds _________2. iron filing and flour Yes, Sir!

_________3. noodles on water _________4. gasoline and water _________5. salt and sand

Hand Picking G. Making generalization and abstraction about the lesson


Sieving What are the different ways in separating mixtures? Yes, ___________

Decantation Filtration

 (the pupils will answer the prepared test by the teacher) That’s Good! What is the meaning of Filtration Method? Yes, ___________

 (The pupils will exchange paper)

Well Done! Will you give an example of separating mixtures using Filtration method? Sir, the different ways in separating mixtures. are Yes, ___________ Filtration, Magnetism, Sieving, Hand Picking, and Decantation.

That’s right! Now, who can differentiate Magnetism from Sieving Method? Yes, ___________ Filtration is commonly the mechanical or physical operation which is used for the separation of solid from liquid by interposing a medium through which only the fluid can pass.

Very Good! sand and water Sir! Will you give an example of separating mixtures using Magnetism method? Yes, ___________

Correct! How about an example of using Sieving method? Yes, ___________

Magnetism method is a process in which magnetically susceptible material is extracted from a mixture using magnet force while Sieving method is used to separate a dry mixture which contains substances with different sizes by passing it through a sieve.

Right! Now class, what is the difference between Decantation and Hand Picking Methods? Yes, ___________

Sir, iron filling and flour.

Very Good! Will you give an example of separating mixtures using Decantation method? Yes, ___________

Noodles on water, Sir!

That’s Correct! How about an example of using Hand Picking method? Yes, ___________

That’s right!

Decantation is a technique used in separating a less-dense substance from denser one while Hand Picking Method is a technique used in separating the solid component of mixture should be big enough to be seen and picked up by hand.

Is there any question regarding our topic for today, class?

Is it clear class?

H. Finding Practical application of concepts and skills

Sir, gasoline and water

in daily living Do you think separation of mixture or the methods in separating mixture is important in our daily life?

Sir, separating vegetables in a salad bowl

That’s Right! who can explain Why is it important? Yes, ___________ None, Sir!

Yes, Sir! That’s correct! Knowing the different ways in separating component of mixtures will enable us to produce safe and clean drinking water, we should apply our knowledge in separating component of mixture in our everyday life. I. Evaluating Learning Identify and write the process used in separating the following mixture by choosing the right method inside the box.

Decantation Filtration Magnetism Sieving Hand Picking

_____1. Mixed nails with stones.

_____2. Mixed cold water and flour in a jar. _____3. Mixed different kinds of fruit seeds in a basin. _____4. Mix sand and water in a basin.

Yes, Sir!

It is important in our daily life because in separating mixture, we get the particular substance that we want for, through this we can have a clean filtered water, we can cook rice and we can separate ingredients that are needed in cooking.

_____5. Mix needle from plastic paper clips in a container.

 (the teacher will post the key answer on the board) J. Additional activities for application or remediation Find or sight another example of Methods or Ways in separating mixture and give two examples for each.


Decantation Hand Picking Filtration Magnetism

 (the pupils will answer the prepared test by the teacher)

K. Remarks L. Reflection A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80% C. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these works? F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? G. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: MIKE RUSSEL D. CORTEZ Student Teacher

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