Activity 22_ppt Phylum Arthropod A

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 354
  • Pages: 27
Activity 22: Phylum Arthropoda

CHARACTERISTICS Largest phylum in the animal kingdom (+) jointed appendages (+) tagmatization – INSECTS: head, thorax, and abdomen – ARACHNIDS: cephalothorax and abdomen

(+) chitinous exoskeleton (+) tracheal system (for gas exchange) (+) open circulatory system with hemolymph

Subphylum Trilobita Extinct (+) biramous appendages

Subphylum Trilobita

Subphylum Chelicerata CHELICERAE – modified first pair of appendages – grasp prey PEDIPALPS - Second pair of appendages (replace mandibles) (-) mandible; (-) antennae Body subdivided into prosoma and opisthosoma

Limulus (horseshoe crab) – Subphylum Chelicerata; Class Merostomata

Limulus polyphemus

Nymphon gracile (sea spider) – Subphylum Chelicerata; Class Pycnogonida •4 pairs of legs •1 pair of pedipalps •No antennae •Marine dwellers

Male sea spider carrying eggs

SPIDER – Subphylum Chelicerata;Class Arachnida Latrodectus spp. (black widow spider) Prosoma/


Brachypelma smithi Gasteracantha cancriformis

(Spinybacked orbweaver)


SCORPION – Subphylum Chelicerata; Class Arachnida

Heterometrus spinifer (forest scorpion)

TICK – Subphylum Chelicerata; Class Arachnida

Amblyomma americanum (lone star tick)

Melophagus ovinus

Sheep tick


Deer tick mouth

MITE – Subphylum Chelicerata; Class Arachnida SEM Dermatophagoides sp. Dust mite

SEM Demodex sp. Eyelash mite

Subphylum Crustacea Entire body covered with carapace Have mandibles (jaws) instead of chelicerae (+) 2 pairs of antennae Biramous appendages Respiration through gills

Penaeus (shrimp) – Subphylum Crustacea; Class Malacostraca Penaeus esculentus

Portunus (crab) – Subphylum Crustacea; Class Malacostraca Portunus sebae


Portunus rubromarginatus

LOBSTER – Subphylum Crustacea; Class Malacostraca Homarus gammarus

Homarus americanus

Daphnia (seawater flea) – Subphylum Crustacea; Class Branchiopoda

Artemia (fairy shrimp) – Subphylum Crustacea; Class Branchiopoda

No abdominal appendages

Cypris (ostracod) – Subphylum Crustacea; Class Maxillopoda

Cyclops (copepod) – Subphylum Crustacea; Class Maxillopoda



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Subphylum Uniramia uniramous appendages 1 pair of mandibles 2 pair of antennae

MILLIPEDE – Subphylum Uniramia; Class Diplopoda

Scolopendra (centipede) – Subphylum Uniramia; Class Chilopoda

telson trunk


Subphylum Uniramia; Class Pauropoda 12 trunk segments 9 pairs of legs

Melicoides (grasshopper) – Subphylum Uniramia; Class Insecta prothorax mesothorax telothorax

Pediculus humanis capitis (head louse) – Subphylum Uniramia; Class Insecta

Ctenocephalides felis (cat flea) – Subphylum Uniramia; Class Insecta abdomen

thorax and legs


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