QUESTION Activities and techniques for teaching various aspects of listening comprehension. Demonstrate the implimentation of the activity.
LISTENING COMPREHENSION Specific questions : •What are listeners “doing” when they listen? •What factors affect good listening? •What are the characteristic of “reallife” listening? •What are the many things listeners listen for? •What are some principles for designing listening techniques? •How can listening techniques be interactive?
TYPES OF LISTENING a)INFORMAL LISTENING To identify and remember facts, ideas, relationship. Focus attention and concentration. e.g:blind man’s bluff by group or individual. a)APPRECIATIVE LISTENING Ability to enjoy and savor what is heard. Children evaluate what they hear in terms of their prior knowledge. 3 mediums: i. Music ii. Rhythmic language iii. Visual imagery
TECHNIQUE OF LISTENING COMPREHENSION a)SIMPLE LISTENING Without interpreting any particular meaning of the sound. a)DISCRIMINATIVE LISTENING Hear and identify likenesses and differences in sounds. a)INTERPRETIVE LISTENING Interpreting character’s feeling, drawing conclusion, making inferens. a)LISTEN FOR INFORMATION Repeating words or facts heard when listening.
e) LISTEN TO ORGANIZE IDEAS Ability to hear and repeat happenings. To summarize several points. f) LISTEN FOR MAIN IDEAS Understand important points. e) LISTEN FOR VARIED POINTS OF VIEW Sensivity to the agree and disagree. Tones of voice. e) CRITICAL LISTENING Analyze the purpose of the one speaking. e) CREATIVE LISTENING Variety of visualized, setting, moods and situation while listening.
TEACHING STRATEGIES FOR LISTENING 1.Seat the child close to the sound source. 2.Help the child develop residual hearing. Identify interesting environmental sounds 3.Make sure child can see teacher’s face. Face the child, preferably at eye level. 1.Speak clearly at a good volume. 2.Use the child’s name to get his/her attention. 3.Work collaboratively with parents. 4.Include visual and tactile cues. 5.Reduce ambient noise.
ACTIVITIES 1.Game – “Pass the message”;whispered 2.Identifying everyday sounds. 3.Identifying or trying to guess at less familiar sounds. 4.Learning ‘sounds’ words; noisy,loud etc. 5.Rhythm activities. Inventing sounds; cylinder fill with water. Discrimating between musical instruments.
6. Listening to the sounds of silence. 7. Finding out what can be heard from the playground.(school bell etc) 8. Music activities. Singing Musical imaginations
References a)According to Language Arts: Exploring connection second Edition. •Karen D’Angelo Bromley (State Uni. Of NY at Binghamton) a)Total Literacy (Reading , writing & learning) 3rd Edition •Mary B.S