Actividades Que Se Proponen En El Programa

  • June 2020
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1. “Valparaíso, World Site Heritage”.

Oft: la intension de abordar esta tematica implica el cuesntionamineto de las necesidades y valoracion del entorno de los estudiantes 2. 3. “The circle of hatdred continues unless we react”3. “The circle of hatred continues unless you react”

5. how can i say..... in English, teacher? Can we Make a circle to start the class? 6. human rights violence discrimination oppression control ignorance alienation segregation marginalization manipulation imposition freedom democracy policy liberation feminism chauvinism organization class struggle education from the student's point of view critique as a center of life multiculturalism common sense? Collaboration( to get all purpose that students have planned at the beginning fo the year) conformism society culture anger is a gift

7. violence is a great social problem that we must take part of the solution democracy is an element we are developing day by day for a better life organization could help us to pass all difficult classes we ought to decrease our level of violence if we domain our anger against problems, we could solve any problem it presents us critical point of view give us a wide vision of our problems.


afraid reason out Reading can aid in vocabulary development, and “[…] Nagy, Herman, and Anderson (1985) argue that picking up word meanings by reading is 10 times faster than intensive vocabulary instruction” (Krashen, 1993, p. 15). Reading can also aid other skills, as “several studies confirm that those who read more in their second language also write better in that language (Salyer 1987; Janopoulos 1986; Kaplan and Palhinda 1981)” (Krashen, 1993, p. 7). Therefore, reading can and should play an important role in the second or foreign language classroom. Graphic novels and comics deal with spoken language differently than books do. Usually, comic book writers attempt to capture spoken language as it really occurs, complete with gaps, hesitations, and slang. In fact, “[...] comic strips [can be used] as a means to help students deal with ‘the ambiguity, vagueness and downright sloppiness of spoken English’” by introducing “language learners to ‘ellipsis, blends, nonwords, vague lexis, confirmation checks, contrastive stress, new topic signals, nonverbal language, mitigators, [and] routine/ritual phrases’” (Cary, 2004, p. 33). 9. brochure 10. greeting card 11. bolleting board − − − − −

school news classroom news birthdays/parties days of test trips

12. power point(africa) - 5 Key Reasons Why Children Are Starving in Africa It is important to note that developing countries do need donations and sponsorships from developed economies in order to fight starvation. In this article, I will present some few facts about these starving children in Africa. Many African children that are starving live in the streets. They are orphaned, homeless, hopeless, and desperate. These children are very young with no mother, no father, no home, and no food to eat. Below I provide a quick list showing the 5 reasons why children are starving in Africa. 1. Political unrest and civil wars One of the main reasons there is starvation in Africa is political unrest that is prevalent in many African countries. Political unrest causes starvation in children and cause them to go for days without food. War has also caused poverty for children in many African countries. 2. Diversification of funds to increase military budget War causes economic and social instability and generally increases a country's military budget. This obviously leaves far less for the social welfare of African children. 3. Economic conditions The economic conditions of a country also contribute to children starving. Most of the African countries are struggling to meet the needs of the citizens. If the economic condition is very poor such that a majority of the population lives below the poverty line then effect is also felt severely by the children. 4. Drought African families get food through farming and in recent years due to global warming droughts are prevalent and entire families struggle to put food on the table for their children. 5. Many families are child headed families because of HIV/AIDS The HIV pandemic has caused many children to loss parents meaning a plunge into poverty, end of education, and starvation escalates. 13. hacer un fotomontaje, en el cual deben explicar con una serie de fotografias, las actividades que hacen desde que se levantan, ocupando conceptos en ingles, hasta cuando llegan al colegio en su vida diaria. Esta actividad es realizada gracias a sus telefonos personales cuando necesiten sacar fotos. 14.

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