Active Sync Via Bluetooth

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 12
Connecting the Orange SPV C500 to ActiveSync via Bluetooth using Windows XP (SP2) and the native Microsoft Bluetooth Driver

Created by: Garth Rautenbach Filename: C500 ActiveSync via Bluetooth.pdf Date: November 2004 Version: 1.0

Table of Contents * Introduction * 'Gotchas' * Trying to initiate synchronisation from the PC * Bluetooth connection type not available in ActiveSync profile on the phone * Before we begin... * Preparing the PC * Preparing the C500 * Setting up the PC * Setting up the C500 * Tidying up... * Conclusion

Introduction Getting the SPV C500 (and other) phone to connect to Microsoft ActiveSync via Bluetooth can be a nightmare (as you've no doubt found!). This doesn't have to be the case - this document was created to help you achieve this (simple?) task. This guide makes use of the C500, but it may very well work on other models such as the Motorola MPX220, or similar handset. I have not tested this procedure with any other handset but the C500, so your results may vary.

'Gotchas' Trying to initiate synchronisation from the PC It won't work. I spent a huge amount of time trying to get my C500 handset to connect to ActiveSync from the PC without any luck. I kept receiving 'Handset is not recognised' by ActiveSync. The main point to take note of is that the ActiveSync connection MUST be initiated from the handset and not the PC. It will NOT work if you try and initiate a connection from the desktop. I believe this is 'by design' and would love to see and example of this working on the Microsoft Smartphone platform. I am currently developing an application for the Smartphone 2003 platform (BTAutoSync SP) which will automatically initiate an ActiveSync connection (via Bluetooth) at a user-configured time on the phone - In other words, Bluetooth 'proximity' detection. I'll release the application on Modaco ( soon, so keep an eye out for it there. Bluetooth connection type not available in ActiveSync profile on the phone You will need to configure the ActiveSync profile on the phone to use Bluetooth as a connection type (even if you've previously paired with your desktop machine). I found that most of the time it was set to 'USB' or '19200', and not Bluetooth. Checking this setting is covered later in this document (Settings up the C500). If you don't setup the phone pairing via ActiveSync on the phone, Bluetooth will more than likely NOT be available as a connection type and you will NOT be able to synchronise if this setting is incorrect. Please follow the guide 'step-by-step' and do not take any shortcuts (As I did!). Be patient, and I'm sure you'll get it to work! Finally, print this out and go make some coffee before you start!

Created by: Garth Rautenbach Filename: C500 ActiveSync via Bluetooth.pdf Date: November 2004 Version: 1.0

Requirements * * * * *

Windows XP (Professional or Home Edition) with Service Pack 2 Bluetooth Adapter (Using the standard Microsoft Bluetooth Driver) Microsoft ActiveSync 3.7.1 Orange SPV C500 Handset (Or similar handset) Microsoft Outlook 2000/XP/2003

Before We Begin... Disable all firewall software (Symantec, Windows XP, Etc.). Refer to your software documentation on how to do this. If you are directly connected to the Internet (i.e. Using an analogue or broadband modem and not a NAT router), disconnect from the Internet BEFORE doing this. I have not personally experienced any issues with the Windows XP firewall, but others have. I’ve merely noted this for completeness. Oh yes, don’t forget the coffee…

Preparing the PC 1. Open the Windows XP Bluetooth Manager by double-clicking on the icon in the system tray.

1. Remove any existing pairings with the C500 by clicking on the 'Devices' tab; select the Bluetooth device and click remove. This *should* remove the partner from your phone as well (If it's within Bluetooth range).

Above: Bluetooth Devices Removed.

Created by: Garth Rautenbach Filename: C500 ActiveSync via Bluetooth.pdf Date: November 2004 Version: 1.0

3. Remove any existing Bluetooth COM Ports by clicking on the 'COM Ports' tab; select a COM Port and click 'Remove'. Repeat until all Ports have been removed.

Above: All COM Ports removed. 4. Confirm the PC is 'Discoverable' by clicking on the 'Options' tab; ensure that 'Device Discovery' is selected.

Above: Discovery turned on.

Created by: Garth Rautenbach Filename: C500 ActiveSync via Bluetooth.pdf Date: November 2004 Version: 1.0

5. Temporarily disable ActiveSync by double-clicking on the ActiveSync icon in the system tray; click on 'File > Connection Settings'. Un-tick all checkboxes (except for the bottom option) and click ‘OK.

< ActiveSync Icon - Disabled. 6. Restart the computer (!Important).

Preparing the C500 Delete any existing pairings on the phone 1. Select 'Settings > Bluetooth' 2. Select 'Menu > Devices' 3. Delete existing pairing by selecting ‘Menu > Delete’

Above: Deleting existing Bluetooth Pairings

Created by: Garth Rautenbach Filename: C500 ActiveSync via Bluetooth.pdf Date: November 2004 Version: 1.0

Confirm COM Port Settings are disabled 1. Select 'Configuration' 2. Select 'BT SerialPortSetup' - disable both COM Ports (6 & 7)

Above: Disabling the Bluetooth Serial COM Ports Disable Bluetooth on the Phone 1. Select 'Settings > Bluetooth' 2. Ensure Bluetooth is 'Off'

Above: Bluetooth disabled 4. Re-start the phone (!Important).

Created by: Garth Rautenbach Filename: C500 ActiveSync via Bluetooth.pdf Date: November 2004 Version: 1.0

Setting up the PC Add a new Bluetooth COM Port to the PC 1. Double-click on the Bluetooth Manger icon in the task tray. 2. Click on the 'COM Port' tab. 3. Click on the 'Add' button.

Above: Adding a Bluetooth COM Port to the PC 4. Select 'Incoming' as the COM Port type and click 'OK'.

Once the Port has been added, make a note of the COM Port number - you will need this when setting up ActiveSync on the PC later on.

Created by: Garth Rautenbach Filename: C500 ActiveSync via Bluetooth.pdf Date: November 2004 Version: 1.0

Above: New COM Port Number is 'COM7' 4. Restart the machine (!Important). Configure ActiveSync to use the newly created Bluetooth COM Port 1. Double click on the ActiveSync icon in the system tray. 2. Click 'File -> Connection Settings' and select the COM Port number we have added in the previous step. (If the COM Port number we previously configured is not available, repeat the previous step - have you restarted the machine?)

Created by: Garth Rautenbach Filename: C500 ActiveSync via Bluetooth.pdf Date: November 2004 Version: 1.0

Setting up the C500 Enable Bluetooth on the Phone 1. Select 'Settings > Bluetooth' 2. Ensure Bluetooth is 'On'

Enable Bluetooth COM Ports on the phone 1. Select 'Configurations > BT Serial Port Setup'. 2. Ensure both COM Port are enabled.

- Once you confirm these settings, you will be prompted to 'Bond with anther Bluetooth device' - Cancel from here (Press the 'back' key if required) and return to the homescreen. Pair with the phone 1. Start ActiveSync and select 'Menu --> 'Setup ActiveSync Bluetooth' to start pairing with the phone. Follow the instructions on the phone.

Created by: Garth Rautenbach Filename: C500 ActiveSync via Bluetooth.pdf Date: November 2004 Version: 1.0

Above: Clicking on ‘New’ will initiate device discovery Once your Bluetooth partner has been discovered, select it and enter a ‘Passkey’ when prompted.

Created by: Garth Rautenbach Filename: C500 ActiveSync via Bluetooth.pdf Date: November 2004 Version: 1.0

After entering the passkey, a message will be displayed on the PC asking you to confirm the Passkey entered on the phone.

Above: Successfully paired with the PC Confirming Bluetooth is an available connection type 1. 2. 3. 4.

Start ActiveSync and select ‘Menu > Options’. Select ‘2 PC Settings’. Select ‘Menu > Advanced’. Select ‘Bluetooth as a connection type.

If Bluetooth is not an available option, there is more than likely a problem with the serial port setup configured on the PC in the previous step (Setting up the PC).

Created by: Garth Rautenbach Filename: C500 ActiveSync via Bluetooth.pdf Date: November 2004 Version: 1.0

Above: Confirming Bluetooth is an available connection type Initiate a Connection and Test 1. Return to the Homescreen and start ActiveSync. 2. Select 'Menu > Connect via Bluetooth'. Finally, pray that it works.... ;)

Tidying Up... - Enable your firewall, connect to the Internet and test again. - Configure ActiveSync exceptions in your firewall software if required. - Go make some more coffee.

Conclusion Whilst this document is convoluted and overkill, I believe that if you follow the procedure step-by-step, you WILL get ActiveSync working over Bluetooth. Some steps may not be necessary, I know…be patient, you’ll get it working. If you would like to contact me, please send an E-Mail to [email protected] Hope this guide helps! I’m tired… [Garth] Created by: Garth Rautenbach Filename: C500 ActiveSync via Bluetooth.pdf Date: November 2004 Version: 1.0

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